import pandas as pd |
import networkx as nx |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from pyvis.network import Network |
from pyalex import Works, Authors, Sources, Institutions, Concepts, Publishers, Funders |
import pyalex |
pyalex.config.email = "[email protected]" |
class OpenAlex(): |
def __init__(self): |
pass |
def search(self,keywords,n_results = 100,after = None,before = None): |
if isinstance(keywords,str): |
works = Works().search(keywords) |
if after is not None: |
assert isinstance(after,int), "after must be an integer" |
assert after > 1900, "after must be greater than 1900" |
works = works.filter(publication_year=f">{after}") |
for page in works.paginate(per_page=n_results): |
break |
df_works = pd.DataFrame(page) |
df_works["abstract"] = df_works["abstract_inverted_index"].apply(lambda x: self.get_abstract_from_inverted_index(x)) |
df_works["is_oa"] = df_works["open_access"].map(lambda x : x.get("is_oa",False)) |
df_works["pdf_url"] = df_works["primary_location"].map(lambda x : x.get("pdf_url",None)) |
df_works["content"] = df_works["title"] + "\n" + df_works["abstract"] |
else: |
df_works = [] |
for keyword in keywords: |
df_keyword = self.search(keyword,n_results = n_results,after = after,before = before) |
df_works.append(df_keyword) |
df_works = pd.concat(df_works,ignore_index=True,axis = 0) |
return df_works |
def rerank(self,query,df,reranker): |
scores = reranker.rank( |
query, |
df["content"].tolist(), |
top_k = len(df), |
) |
scores.sort(key = lambda x : x["corpus_id"]) |
scores = [x["score"] for x in scores] |
df["rerank_score"] = scores |
return df |
def make_network(self,df): |
G = nx.DiGraph() |
for i,row in df.iterrows(): |
paper = row.to_dict() |
G.add_node(paper['id'], **paper) |
for reference in paper['referenced_works']: |
if reference not in G: |
pass |
else: |
G.add_edge(paper['id'], reference, relationship="CITING") |
return G |
def show_network(self,G,height = "750px",notebook = True,color_by = "pagerank"): |
net = Network(height=height, width="100%", bgcolor="#ffffff", font_color="black",notebook = notebook,directed = True,neighborhood_highlight = True) |
net.force_atlas_2based() |
pagerank = nx.pagerank(G) |
if color_by == "pagerank": |
color_scores = pagerank |
elif color_by == "rerank_score": |
color_scores = {node: G.nodes[node].get("rerank_score", 0) for node in G.nodes} |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Unknown color_by value: {color_by}") |
min_score = min(color_scores.values()) |
max_score = max(color_scores.values()) |
norm_color_scores = {node: (color_scores[node] - min_score) / (max_score - min_score) for node in color_scores} |
for node in G.nodes: |
info = G.nodes[node] |
title = info["title"] |
label = title[:30] + " ..." |
title = [title,f"Year: {info['publication_year']}",f"ID: {info['id']}"] |
title = "\n".join(title) |
color_value = norm_color_scores[node] |
color = plt.cm.RdBu_r(color_value) |
def clamp(x): |
return int(max(0, min(x*255, 255))) |
color = tuple([clamp(x) for x in color[:3]]) |
color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % color |
net.add_node(node, title=title,size = pagerank[node]*1000,label = label,color = color) |
for edge in G.edges: |
net.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1],arrowStrikethrough=True,color = "gray") |
if notebook: |
return net.show("network.html") |
else: |
return net |
def get_abstract_from_inverted_index(self,index): |
if index is None: |
return "" |
else: |
max_index = max([max(positions) for positions in index.values()]) |
reconstructed = [''] * (max_index + 1) |
for token, positions in index.items(): |
for position in positions: |
reconstructed[position] = token |
return ' '.join(reconstructed) |