name: "CodeCollab_Flow" verbose: True description: "ToDO: add description" reset_generator_every_round: False reset_critic_every_round: True max_rounds: 2 # ToDO: To increase to 4 early_exit_key: "end_of_interaction" subflows_config: - _target_: flows.flow_verse.instantiate_flow # repository_id: "/Users/josifosk/Documents/PhD/CC_flows" repository_id: "martinjosifoski/CC_flows" class_name: CF_Code overrides: name: "CodeGenerator" human_message_prompt_template: _target_: langchain.PromptTemplate template: |2- # Feedback on the last proposed solution {{query}} Consider the original problem statement, the last proposed solution and the provided feedback. Does the solution need to be updated? If so, provide the corrected version of the code in the following format: ```python {{code_placeholder}} ``` otherwise, reply: "Final answer." input_variables: - query partial_variables: code_placeholder: "{{python_code}}" template_format: jinja2 response_annotators: end_of_interaction_annotator: _target_: flows.message_annotators.EndOfInteraction end_of_interaction_message: "Final answer" key: "end_of_interaction" verbose: True output_keys: - "code" - "end_of_interaction" - _target_: flows.flow_verse.instantiate_flow repository_id: "martinjosifoski/CC_flows" # repository_id: "/Users/josifosk/Documents/PhD/CC_flows" class_name: CF_CodeCritic overrides: name: CodeCritic