name: PR GPU tests on: push: branches: - main - release/* pull_request_target: branches: - main - release/** workflow_dispatch: # Cancel old runs when a new commit is pushed to the same branch if not on main or dev concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' }} jobs: pytest-gpu: uses: ./.github/workflows/pytest-gpu.yaml strategy: matrix: include: - name: 'gpu-latest' container: mosaicml/pytorch:latest # mosaicml/pytorch:1.13.1_cu117-python3.10-ubuntu20.04 markers: 'gpu' pytest_command: 'coverage run -m pytest' - name: 'gpu-2.0.1' container: mosaicml/pytorch:2.0.1_cu117-python3.10-ubuntu20.04 markers: 'gpu' pytest_command: 'coverage run -m pytest' name: ${{ }} if: github.repository_owner == 'mosaicml' with: container: ${{ matrix.container }} mcloud-timeout: 1200 name: ${{ }} pytest-command: ${{ matrix.pytest_command }} pytest-markers: ${{ matrix.markers }} python-version: 3.9 secrets: mcloud-api-key: ${{ secrets.MCLOUD_API_KEY }}