"""MPT Blocks used for the MPT Model.""" import logging from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union import torch import torch.nn as nn from .fc import FC_CLASS_REGISTRY try: import transformer_engine.pytorch as te except: te = None log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _FFN_ACT_FN_DEFAULT = {'name': 'gelu', 'approximate': 'none'} def resolve_ffn_act_fn(config: Optional[dict]=None) -> Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """Resolve the activation function for the feed-forward network. Args: config (Optional[dict]): The configuration dictionary for the activation function. The dict config must specify the 'name' of a torch.nn.functional activation function. All of other key values pairs are bound to the function as a partial. Returns: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: The activation function. """ if config is None: config = _FFN_ACT_FN_DEFAULT config = deepcopy(config) name = config.pop('name') if not hasattr(torch.nn.functional, name): raise ValueError(f'Unrecognised activation function name ({name}).') act = getattr(torch.nn.functional, name) return partial(act, **config) _DEFAULT_ACT_FN = resolve_ffn_act_fn(_FFN_ACT_FN_DEFAULT) def resolve_ffn_hidden_size(d_model: int, expansion_ratio: Union[int, float], ffn_hidden_size: Optional[int]=None) -> int: """Resolve the hidden size of the feed-forward network. Args: d_model (int): The dimension of the input and output of the feed-forward network. expansion_ratio (Union[int, float]): The expansion ratio of the feed-forward network. ffn_hidden_size (Optional[int]): The hidden size of the feed-forward network. Returns: int: The hidden size of the feed-forward network. """ if ffn_hidden_size is not None: log.info(f'`expansion_ratio` (={expansion_ratio}) ignored when `ffn_hidden_size` (={ffn_hidden_size}) is specified.') else: ffn_hidden_size = int(d_model * expansion_ratio) if ffn_hidden_size != d_model * expansion_ratio: raise ValueError(f'`d_model * expansion_ratio` must be an integer (d_model={d_model!r}; expansion_ratio={expansion_ratio!r}; d_model * expansion_ratio={d_model * expansion_ratio!r}).') return ffn_hidden_size class MPTMLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_model: int, expansion_ratio: Union[int, float], fc_type: str='torch', ffn_hidden_size: Optional[int]=None, act_fn: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]=_DEFAULT_ACT_FN, device: Optional[str]=None, bias: bool=True): super().__init__() ffn_hidden_size = resolve_ffn_hidden_size(d_model, expansion_ratio, ffn_hidden_size) self.fc_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {'bias': bias} self.fc_kwargs['device'] = device self.up_proj = FC_CLASS_REGISTRY[fc_type](d_model, ffn_hidden_size, **self.fc_kwargs) self.act = act_fn self.down_proj = FC_CLASS_REGISTRY[fc_type](ffn_hidden_size, d_model, **self.fc_kwargs) self.down_proj._is_residual = True def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self.down_proj(self.act(self.up_proj(x))) class MPTGLU(MPTMLP): def __init__(self, d_model: int, expansion_ratio: Union[int, float], fc_type: str='torch', ffn_hidden_size: Optional[int]=None, act_fn: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]=_DEFAULT_ACT_FN, device: Optional[str]=None, bias: bool=True): super().__init__(d_model=d_model, expansion_ratio=expansion_ratio, fc_type=fc_type, ffn_hidden_size=ffn_hidden_size, act_fn=act_fn, device=device, bias=bias) self.gate_proj = FC_CLASS_REGISTRY[fc_type](d_model, self.up_proj.out_features, **self.fc_kwargs) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self.down_proj(self.act(self.gate_proj(x)) * self.up_proj(x)) FFN_CLASS_REGISTRY = {'mptmlp': MPTMLP, 'mptglu': MPTGLU} if te is not None: te.LayerNormMLP._has_norm = True FFN_CLASS_REGISTRY['te_ln_mlp'] = te.LayerNormMLP def build_ffn(d_model: int, expansion_ratio: Union[int, float], fc_type: str='torch', ffn_hidden_size: Optional[int]=None, ffn_act_fn: Optional[dict]=None, device: Optional[str]=None, bias: bool=True, **kwargs: Any) -> nn.Module: ffn_type = kwargs.pop('ffn_type') if ffn_type in ['mptmlp', 'mptglu']: if len(kwargs) > 0: raise ValueError(f'MPTMLP (or MPTGLU) got an unexpected keyword argument: {kwargs}') return FFN_CLASS_REGISTRY[ffn_type](d_model=d_model, expansion_ratio=expansion_ratio, fc_type=fc_type, act_fn=resolve_ffn_act_fn(ffn_act_fn), ffn_hidden_size=ffn_hidden_size, device=device, bias=bias) elif ffn_type == 'te_ln_mlp': assert te is not None ffn_hidden_size = resolve_ffn_hidden_size(d_model, expansion_ratio, ffn_hidden_size) if ffn_act_fn is not None: raise ValueError(f'Transformer Engine block does not support custom activation functions.') return te.LayerNormMLP(hidden_size=d_model, ffn_hidden_size=ffn_hidden_size, bias=bias, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f'ffn_type={ffn_type!r} not recognized.')