""" |
@author: bvani |
""" |
import numpy as np |
from sys import stdout |
def RegSpaceClustering(z, min_dist, max_centers=200, batch_size=100,randomseed=0,periodicity=0): |
'''Regular space clustering. |
Args: |
data: ndarray containing (n,d)-shaped float data |
max_centers: the maximum number of cluster centers to be determined, integer greater than 0 required |
min_dist: the minimal distances between cluster centers |
''' |
num_observations, d = z.shape |
p = np.hstack((0,np.random.RandomState(seed=randomseed).permutation(num_observations-1)+1)) |
data = z[p] |
center_list = data[0, :].copy().reshape(d,1) |
centerids=[p[0]+1] |
i = 1 |
while i < num_observations: |
x_active = data[i:i+batch_size, :] |
differences=np.expand_dims(center_list.T,0) - np.expand_dims(x_active,1) |
differences=np.max(np.stack((differences,periodicity-differences)),axis=0) |
distances = np.sqrt((np.square(differences)).sum(axis=-1)) |
indice = tuple(np.nonzero(np.all(distances > min_dist, axis=-1))[0]) |
if len(indice) > 0: |
center_list = np.hstack((center_list, x_active[indice[0]].reshape(d,1))) |
centerids.append(p[i+indice[0]]+1) |
i += indice[0] |
else: |
i += batch_size |
if len(centerids) >= max_centers: |
print("%i centers: Exceeded the maximum number of cluster centers!\n"%len(centerids)) |
print("Please increase dmin!\n") |
raise ValueError |
print("Found %i centers!"%len(centerids)) |
return center_list,centerids |
def make_biased_plumed(plumedfile,weights,colvar,height,biasfactor,width1,width2,gridmin1,gridmin2,gridmax1,gridmax2,temperature): |
f_unb=open(plumedfile) |
f=open('plumed_biased.dat','w') |
lines=f_unb.readlines() |
p=lines.pop(-2) |
w0=",".join([str(weights[0][i]) for i in range (len(weights[0]))]) |
w1=",".join([str(weights[1][i]) for i in range (len(weights[1]))]) |
lines.insert(-1,"\nsigma1: COMBINE ARG=%s COEFFICIENTS=%s PERIODIC=NO"%(colvar,w0)) |
lines.insert(-1,"\nsigma2: COMBINE ARG=%s COEFFICIENTS=%s PERIODIC=NO"%(colvar,w1)) |
lines.insert(-1,"\nMETAD ...\n \ |
LABEL=metad\n \ |
ARG=sigma1,sigma2\n \ |
PACE=500 HEIGHT=%f TEMP=%i\n \ |
SIGMA=%f,%f\n \ |
FILE=HILLS GRID_MIN=%f,%f GRID_MAX=%f,%f GRID_BIN=200,200\n \ |
... METAD\n"%(height,temperature,biasfactor,width1,width2,gridmin1,gridmin2,gridmax1,gridmax2)) |
f.writelines(lines) |
f.write("\n PRINT ARG=%s,sigma1,sigma2,metad.rbias STRIDE=500 FILE=COLVAR_biased.dat"%colvar) |
f.close() |
def triginvert(x,sinx,cosx): |
if cosx<0: |
if sinx>0: |
x=np.pi-x |
elif sinx<0: |
x=-np.pi-x |
return x |
def getTrp8(CVs): |
sinx=CVs[:,12] |
cosx=CVs[:,13] |
x=np.arcsin(sinx) |
chi1= chi2=[triginvert(a,b,c) for (a,b,c) in zip(x,sinx,cosx)] |
sinx=CVs[:,116] |
cosx=CVs[:,117] |
x=np.arcsin(sinx) |
chi2=[triginvert(a,b,c) for (a,b,c) in zip(x,sinx,cosx)] |
return np.asarray(chi1),np.asarray(chi2) |