Vinay Setty
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Sentence_id Text class_label
26 "You know, I saw a movie - ""Crocodile Dundee.""" No
80 We're consuming 50 percent of the world's cocaine. Yes
129 That answer was about as clear as Boston harbor. No
131 Let me help the governor. No
172 We've run up more debt in the last eight years than under all the presidents from George Washington to Jimmy Carter combined. Yes
202 "I was in Houston on Tuesday meeting with a group of good citizens, working citizens." No
219 "The last time the Vice President used that phrase, I suspect he remembers it, don't you?" No
228 I think we have to demonstrate some flexibility and I think the FDA is attempting to do so now in trying to make it possible for new and experimental drugs to be available to people who are at risk at AIDS and I would hope that we could bring that kind of a policy to bear beginning in January. Yes
384 This isn't a question of a little charity for the homeless. No
411 Go out and take a look at St. Louis at some of that effort. No
432 I don't think it's a good thing. No
543 "The federal government spends seven percent of the total on education, and the rest of the state governments and local governments and the thousand points of lightened I'm talking about private schools and private church schools and things of this nature--are putting up 93 percent." Yes
591 But I'll tell you what I was thinking of. No
611 I'm simply not going to do that. No
726 He's got to get this thing more clear. No
750 "Yes, we should make every effort to try to help those hostages come home, but it can never be because we make concessions." No
816 And I think it's important to understand what happened here. No
826 You cannot make concessions to terrorists. No
893 I had hoped this had been a little friendlier evening. No
942 I don't want to go back to malaise and misery index. No
1036 We can also have a- an end to the extremes. No
1037 "We now have one extreme for instance, of some welfare recipients, who by taking advantage of the welfare laws, the housing laws, the uh - Medicaid uh - laws, and the uh - food stamp laws, make over $10 thousand a year and uh - they don't have to pay any taxes on it." Yes
1116 I don't believe it will happen. No
1128 "But no president of the United States, in my opinion, should signal in advance to a prospective enemy, what his uhh - decision might be or what option he might exercise." No
1150 And I know that everybody uh - makes mistakes. No
1204 "Well, first, uh - let me set the record straight." No
1233 I would do the opposite in every respect. No
1242 "A mayor of a city like New York, for instance, needs to know uh - eighteen months or two years ahead of time what responsibility the city will have in administration and in financing - in things like housing, uh - pollution control, uh - crime control, education, welfare and health." No
1255 The last point is that the major - uh thrust has gotta be to put people back to work. No
1260 "And over a longer period of time, let the federal government begin to absorb part of it that's now paid by the state governments." No
1263 Let me uh - speak out very strongly. No
1311 I would not work hard to support any of those. No
1342 "Uh - Mr. Maynard, uh - the record of gun control, whether it's one city or another or in some states, does not show that the registration of a gun, handgun, or the registration of the gun owner, has in any way whatsoever decreased the crime rate or the use of that gun in the committing of a crime." Yes
1406 "Well, I think the answer uh - as to the kind of person that I would select uh - is obvious." No
1448 "Now, uh - I'd like to point out as well that the United States' economic recovery from the recession of a year ago is well ahead of the economic recovery of any major free industrial nation in the world today." Yes
1459 "In the last month, we've had a net loss of one hundred and sixty-three thousand jobs." Yes
1466 The economic growth is less than half today what it was at the beginning of this year. Yes
1502 That's an overwhelming support from my own people who know me best. No
1517 "We have reduced the number of people in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines from three million, one hundred - three million, five hundred thousand to two mil- lion one hundred thousand." Yes
1537 "That uh - situation called for me to first put the United States on a steady course and to keep our keel well balanced, because we had to face the difficult problems that had all of a sudden hit America." No
1546 We have cut inflation by better than half. Yes
1554 I love America just as all of you love America. No
1571 "I was a school board member, and a library board member." No
1576 I was Governor of Georgia for four years. No
1582 We don't have good health care. No
1596 Now I don't know all the answers. No
1600 We might have to do it slowly. No
1604 "I believe in the greatness of our country, and I believe the American people are ready for a change in Washington." No
1669 I've got a different view. No
1674 And I'm looking forward to having that debate. No
1686 "I was in Dayton, Ohio, and a woman grabbed my arm and she said, ""I've been out of work since May." No
1698 "Crack down on China, if and when they cheat." No
1746 "Health care costs have gone up by $2,500 a family." Yes
1943 What things would I cut from spending? No
2055 The oil industry gets $4 billion a year in corporate welfare. Yes
2136 My grandmother died three days before I was elected president. No
2148 "And using that money, we were actually able to lower prescription drug costs for seniors by an average of $600, and we were also able to make a -- make a significant dent in providing them the kind of preventive care that will ultimately save money through the -- throughout the system." Yes
2156 "But for younger people, we need to talk about what changes are going to be occurring." No
2363 "You know, I was in New Hampshire." No
2453 "And over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years." Yes
2591 The proof of that is 1 out of 6 people in poverty. Yes
2688 And Republicans and Democrats both love America. No
2842 "I believe that the United States ha- had many successes in recent years, in recent months, as far as the Communist movement is concerned." No
2855 We wanted to have majority rule with the full protection of the rights of the minority. No
2879 And we have weakened our position in NATO because the other countries in Europe supported the democ- democratic forces in Portugal long before we did; we stuck to the Portugal dictatorships much longer than other democracies did in this world. Yes
2888 I am a graduate of the U.S. No
2902 "Every time Mr. Ford speaks from a position of secrecy in negotiations, in secret - in secret treaties that've been uh - pursued and achieved, in supporting dictatorships, in ignoring human rights, we are weak and the rest of the world knows it." No
2971 The Soviet Union is still jamming Radio Free Europe - Radio - uh- uh - Radio Free Europe is being jammed. Yes
2976 One press conference he had without sound. No
3013 "As a matter of fact, Iran is gonna get eighty F-14s before we even meet our own Air Force orders for F-l4s." Yes
3024 We have made available to the Israelis over 45 percent of the total economic and military aid since the establishment of Israel twenty-seven years ago. Yes
3029 Iran has Iraq as one of its neighbors. No
3073 "I would uh - also like to point out that we, in this country, have let our economy go down the drain." No
3090 "Now, I can't say when this can come." No
3110 "In Puerto Rico this year, I met with six of the leading industrial nations' heads of state to meet the problem of inflation so we would be able to solve it before it got out of hand." No
3111 I have met with the heads of government bilaterally as well as multilaterally. No
3130 "In the meantime, there has developed the problem of the Soviet Backfire - their high-performance aircraft which they say is not a long-range aircraft and which some of our people say is a intercontinental aircraft." Yes
3139 "I believe that the cruise missiles which we are now developing in research and development across the spectrum from air, from the sea, or from the land, uh - can be uh - included within a SALT II agreement." No
3262 Now I would be willing to go ahead with negotiations. No
3321 It may later be Catholics; it may be - later be Baptists who are threatened by some foreign country. No
3322 But we ought to stand staunch. No
3339 But not until they have given us the full accounting of our MIAs. No
3369 "I remember the world with NATO, and the world of Point Four, and the world of the Marshall Plan, and the world of the Peace Corps." No
3384 Not a single young American today is fighting or dying on any foreign battlefield. Yes
3385 America is at peace and with freedom. No
3423 "Well, thank you very much, Jim, and thanks to the commission and the University of Mississippi, Ole Miss, for hosting us tonight." No
3429 How's it going to affect my job? No
3436 "Number three, we've got to make sure that none of that money is going to pad CEO bank accounts or to promote golden parachutes." No
3440 And I think that the fundamentals of the economy have to be measured by whether or not the middle class is getting a fair shake. No
3441 "That's why I'm running for president, and that's what I hope we're going to be talking about tonight." No
3519 Are you afraid I couldn't hear him? No
3539 "And I still believe, under the right leadership, our best days are ahead of us." No
3545 It's gone -- we have now presided over the largest increase in the size of government since the Great Society. Yes
3555 "I've got a pen, and I'm going to veto every single spending bill that comes across my desk." No
3579 Maybe to Senator Obama it's not a lot of money. No
3583 Do you know that it's gone completely out of control to the point where it corrupts people? No
3595 The worst thing we could do in this economic climate is to raise people's taxes. No
3647 "I know we have to, but this is a classic example of walking the walk and talking the talk." No
3694 We've got to make sure that our children are keeping pace in math and in science. No
3695 And one of the things I think we have to do is make sure that college is affordable for every young person in America. No
3698 So there are some -- some things that we've got to do structurally to make sure that we can compete in this global economy. No
3752 "Look, we are sending $700 billion a year overseas to countries that don't like us very much." Yes
3896 "Senator McCain cut -- Senator McCain opposed funding for troops in legislation that had a timetable, because he didn't believe in a timetable." Yes
3975 But we have to get the cooperation of the people in those areas. No
4202 But we have to have a president who is clear that you don't deal with Russia based on staring into his eyes and seeing his soul. No
4250 The second point I want to make is -- is the issue of energy. No
4275 "So I want to say that, with the Nunn-Lugar thing..." No
4336 "The other thing that we have to focus on, though, is Al Qaida." No
4387 That sense is something that I want to restore. No
4390 "And I -- and I honestly don't believe that Senator Obama has the knowledge or experience and has made the wrong judgments in a number of areas, including his initial reaction to Russian invasion -- aggression in Georgia, to his -- you know, we've seen this stubbornness before in this administration to cling to a belief that somehow the surge has not succeeded and failing to acknowledge that he was wrong about the surge is -- shows to me that we -- that -- that we need more flexibility in a president of the United States than that." No
4393 And I know that they know that I'll take care of them. No
4398 And that's going to be my job. No
4401 I don't think I need any on-the-job training. No
5487 "Well, let -- let me say, Bob, thank you." No
5491 "Americans are hurting right now, and they're angry." No
5493 "They're innocent victims of greed and excess on Wall Street and as well as Washington, D.C. And they're angry, and they have every reason to be angry." No
5496 "But we also have to have a short-term fix, in my view, and long- term fixes." No
5498 The catalyst for this housing crisis was the Fannie and Freddie Mae that caused subprime lending situation that now caused the housing market in America to collapse. Yes
5502 "Now, I know the criticism of this." No
5503 "Well, what about the citizen that stayed in their homes?" No
5506 And so we've got to reverse this. No
5512 I think everybody understands at this point that we are experiencing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Yes
5527 And we've got to get the financial package working much quicker than it has been working. No
5528 "Last point I want to make, though." No
5540 "Joe, I want to tell you, I'll not only help you buy that business that you worked your whole life for and be able -- and I'll keep your taxes low and I'll provide available and affordable health care for you and your employees." No
5541 And I will not have -- I will not stand for a tax increase on small business income. No
5542 Fifty percent of small business income taxes are paid by small businesses. Yes
5552 "Exxon Mobil, and other oil companies, for example, would get an additional $4 billion in tax breaks." Yes
5553 "What I've said is I want to provide a tax cut for 95 percent of working Americans, 95 percent." Yes
5559 "And what I want to do is to make sure that the plumber, the nurse, the firefighter, the teacher, the young entrepreneur who doesn't yet have money, I want to give them a tax break now." No
5562 "Not only do 98 percent of small businesses make less than $250,000, but I also want to give them additional tax breaks, because they are the drivers of the economy." Yes
5565 "In other words, we're going to take Joe's money, give it to Senator Obama, and let him spread the wealth around." No
5570 Who -- why would you want to increase anybody's taxes right now? No
5571 "Why would you want to do that, anyone, anyone in America, when we have such a tough time, when these small business people, like Joe the plumber, are going to create jobs, unless you take that money from him and spread the wealth around." No
5577 "Now, it is true that my friend and supporter, Warren Buffett, for example, could afford to pay a little more in taxes in order..." No
5582 "I would prefer that none of us had to pay taxes, including myself." No
5583 "But ultimately, we've got to pay for the core investments that make this economy strong and somebody's got to do it." No
5587 "Well, I don't mind paying a little more." No
5589 Our tax rate for business in America is 35 percent. Yes
5592 We need to cut the business tax rate in America. No
5594 "Now, of all times in America, we need to cut people's taxes." No
5595 "We need to encourage business, create jobs, not spread the wealth around." No
5608 "Well, first of all, I think it's important for the American public to understand that the $750 billion rescue package, if it's structured properly, and, as president, I will make sure it's structured properly, means that ultimately taxpayers get their money back, and that's important to understand." Yes
5609 But there is no doubt that we've been living beyond our means and we're going to have to make some adjustments. No
5614 So let me get to that. No
5622 "And I want to go through the federal budget line by line, page by page, programs that don't work, we should cut." No
5625 I mentioned health care earlier. No
5630 "And we're going to have to embrace a culture and an ethic of responsibility, all of us, corporations, the federal government, and individuals out there who may be living beyond their means." No
5635 "During the Depression era, we had a thing called the home ownership loan corporation." No
5641 But -- OK. All right. No
5643 "Energy -- well, first -- second of all, energy independence." No
5644 We have to have nuclear power. No
5648 "OK, what -- what would I cut?" No
5654 "Government spending has gone completely out of control; $10 trillion dollar debt we're giving to our kids, a half-a-trillion dollars we owe China." Yes
5655 I know how to save billions of dollars in defense spending. No
5665 Senator Obama has asked for nearly $1 billion in pork-barrel earmark projects... Yes
5676 And I want to make sure that we are focused on those programs that work. No
5683 "When President Bush came into office, we had a budget surplus and the national debt was a little over $5 trillion." Yes
5685 And we are now looking at a deficit of well over half a trillion dollars. Yes
5692 And let me tell you... No
5699 "He voted twice for a budget resolution that increases the taxes on individuals making $42,000 a year." Yes
5711 He voted for the last two budgets that had that $24 billion more in spending than the budget that the Bush administration proposed. Yes
5713 "So the fact is, let's look at our records, Senator Obama." No
5736 We need to move in a new direction. No
5738 "Let me just say, Bob." No
5764 So I think the tone of this campaign could have been very different. No
5773 "So I want to tell you, we will run a truthful campaign." No
5774 This is a tough campaign. No
5778 "And when you looked into the camera in a debate with Senator Clinton and said, ""I will sit down and negotiate with John McCain about public financing before I make a decision,"" you didn't tell the American people the truth because you didn't." Yes
5779 And that's -- that's -- that's an unfortunate part. No
5780 Now we have the highest spending by Senator Obama's campaign than any time since Watergate. Yes
5783 "Well, look, you know, I think that we expect presidential campaigns to be tough." No
5784 "I think that, if you look at the record and the impressions of the American people -- Bob, your network just did a poll, showing that two-thirds of the American people think that Senator McCain is running a negative campaign versus one-third of mine." Yes
5788 "And, now, I think the American people are less interested in our hurt feelings during the course of the campaign than addressing the issues that matter to them so deeply." No
5815 You've got to read what he said... No
5823 "The important point here is, though, the American people have become so cynical about our politics, because all they see is a tit- for-tat and back-and-forth." No
5827 We do and I hope... No
5830 "But when people suggest that I pal around with terrorists, then we're not talking about issues." No
5849 "I mean, we can have a debate back and forth about the merits of each other's campaigns." No
5860 "Mr. Ayers, I don't care about an old washed-up terrorist." No
5863 "The same front outfit organization that your campaign gave $832,000 for ""lighting and site selection.""" Yes
5864 "So all of these things need to be examined, of course." No
5871 Bill Ayers is a professor of education in Chicago. No
5886 Let me tell you who I associate with. No
5894 And the facts are facts and records are records. No
5907 "Well, Joe Biden, I think, is one of the finest public servants that has served in this country." No
5936 "Her husband's a pretty tough guy, by the way, too." No
5941 "I agree with that, John." No
5942 "I do want to just point out that autism, for example, or other special needs will require some additional funding, if we're going to get serious in terms of research." No
5947 I think that Joe Biden is qualified in many respects. No
5948 "But I do point out that he's been wrong on many foreign policy and national security issues, which is supposed to be his strength." No
5949 He voted against the first Gulf War. Yes
5974 "Senator Obama will tell you, in the -- as the extreme environmentalists do, it has to be safe." No
5975 "Look, we've sailed Navy ships around the world for 60 years with nuclear power plants on them." Yes
5990 "But understand, we only have three to four percent of the world's oil reserves and we use 25 percent of the world's oil, which means that we can't drill our way out of the problem." Yes
5993 We invented the auto industry and the fact that we have fallen so far behind is something that we have to work on. No
5996 "But I also believe that for far too long, certainly during the course of the Bush administration with the support of Senator McCain, the attitude has been that any trade agreement is a good trade agreement." No
6000 "And when it comes to South Korea, we've got a trade agreement up right now, they are sending hundreds of thousands of South Korean cars into the United States." Yes
6002 "We can only get 4,000 to 5,000 into South Korea." Yes
6004 We've got to have a president who is going to be advocating on behalf of American businesses and American workers and I make no apology for that. No
6006 "Well, you know, I admire so much Senator Obama's eloquence." No
6016 "Now, on the subject of free trade agreements." No
6019 But let me give you another example of a free trade agreement that Senator Obama opposes. No
6022 "So Senator Obama, who has never traveled south of our border, opposes the Colombia Free Trade Agreement." Yes
6049 "Look, as I travel around the country, this is the issue that will break your heart over and over again." No
6050 "Just yesterday, I was in Toledo shaking some hands in a line." No
6057 The only thing we're going to try to do is lower costs so that those cost savings are passed onto you. No
6064 We've got to put more money into preventive care. No
6072 And I am convinced we need to do a lot of things. No
6073 We need to put health care records online. No
6079 The rise of obesity amongst young Americans is one of the most alarming statistics that there is. Yes
6080 We should have physical fitness programs and nutrition programs in schools. No
6087 "Now, Senator Obama, I'd like -- still like to know what that fine is going to be, and I don't think that Joe right now wants to pay a fine when he is seeing such difficult times in America's economy." No
6107 So here's what we do. No
6120 "For the first time in history, you will be taxing people's health care benefits." Yes
6121 "By the way, the average policy costs about $12,000." Yes
6131 "The average cost of a health care insurance plan in America today is $5,800." Yes
6132 "I'm going to give them $5,000 to take with them wherever they want to go, and this will give them affordability." No
6133 This will give them availability. No
6135 This really gets down to the fundamental difference in our philosophies. No
6138 "I want, Joe, you to do the job." No
6139 I want to leave money in your pocket. No
6141 That's what I'm all about. No
6152 And don't take my word for it. No
6154 "All I want to do, if you've already got health care, is lower your costs." No
6164 That's not appropriate to do. No
6168 I think that decisions should rest in the hands of the states. No
6177 "Not because I agreed with their ideology, but because I thought they were qualified and that elections have consequences when presidents are nominated." No
6178 This is a very important issue we're talking about. No
6179 Senator Obama voted against Justice Breyer and Justice Roberts on the grounds that they didn't meet his ideological standards. Yes
6183 And so that's what I will do. No
6187 I would consider anyone in their qualifications. No
6192 "And it is true that this is going to be, I think, one of the most consequential decisions of the next president." No
6194 Now I would not provide a litmus test. No
6196 I think that abortion is a very difficult issue and it is a moral issue and one that I think good people on both sides can disagree on. No
6213 We have to change the culture of America. No
6214 Those of us who are proudly pro-life understand that. No
6215 And it's got to be courage and compassion that we show to a young woman who's facing this terribly difficult decision. No
6216 "Senator Obama, as a member of the Illinois State Senate, voted in the Judiciary Committee against a law that would provide immediate medical attention to a child born of a failed abortion." Yes
6219 "Then there was another bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the state of Illinois not that long ago, where he voted against a ban on partial-birth abortion, one of the late-term abortion, a really -- one of the bad procedures, a terrible." Yes
6227 "Yes, let me respond to this." No
6243 We should try to reduce these circumstances. No
6247 "Just again, the example of the eloquence of Senator Obama." No
6273 "If we do those things, then I believe that we can create a better school system." No
6276 Parents are going to have to show more responsibility. No
6287 "Now, throwing money at the problem is not the answer." No
6289 So I believe that we need to reward these good teachers. No
6291 "Look, we must improve education in this country." No
6292 "As far as college education is concerned, we need to make those student loans available." No
6307 I think it's important to foster competition inside the public schools. No
6328 And we need to fix a lot of the problems. No
6331 I think the Head Start program is a great program. No
6338 We need to have transparency. No
6344 And we'll care for these young children. No
6351 I'll just make a quick comment about vouchers in D.C. No
6392 And that's why the biggest risk we could take right now is to adopt the same failed policies and the same failed politics that we've seen over the last eight years and somehow expect a different result. No
6399 In businesses that can create the new energy economy of the future. No
6402 And these are the policies I want to bring to the White House. No
6403 But it's not going to be easy. No
6406 I'm absolutely convinced we can do it. No
6449 "Well, first of all, Bob, thank you for moderating tonight." No
6483 Freedom is on the march. No
6542 We're going to make it affordable and accessible. No
6584 I'm going to stand up and fight for the American worker. No
6596 "When they tried to reduce taxes, he voted against that 127 times." Yes
6658 "I've had shop stewards stand up and say, ""Will you promise me you're going to stop all this outsourcing?" No
6665 I don't want American workers subsidizing the loss of their own job. No
6667 And we're going to have a manufacturing jobs credit and a job hiring credit so we actually help people be able to hire here. No
6701 "I believe the role of government is to stand side by side with our citizens to help them realize their dreams, not tell citizens how to live their lives." No
6720 "When they voted -- when they proposed reducing taxes, you voted against it 126 times." Yes
6721 He voted to violate the budget cap 277 times. Yes
6729 "You know, Bob, I don't know." No
6759 "But I also believe that because we are the United States of America, we're a country with a great, unbelievable Constitution, with rights that we afford people, that you can't discriminate in the workplace." No
6776 "It's between a woman, God and her doctor." No
6784 I was an altar boy. No
6862 Result: $139 billion windfall profit to the drug companies coming out of your pockets. Yes
6881 "I've actually passed 56 individual bills that I've personally written and, in addition to that, and not always under my name, there is amendments on certain bills." Yes
6882 "But more importantly, with respect to the question of no record, I helped write -- I did write, I was one of the original authors of the early childhood health care and the expansion of health care that we did in the middle of the 1990s." Yes
6883 And I'm very proud of that. No
6903 But I got a better plan. No
6910 "If it's good enough for us, it's good enough for every American." No
6917 "Now, what happens is when you begin to get people covered like that -- for instance in diabetes, if you diagnose diabetes early, you could save $50 billion in the health care system of America by avoiding surgery and dialysis." Yes
6946 Americans ought to have it too. No
6963 "There is a problem for our youngsters, a real problem." No
6986 The fact is that the president is driving the largest deficits in American history. Yes
6992 And that's what we're going to do. No
6993 We're going to protect Social Security. No
7021 "And this is the first president in 72 years to preside over an economy in America that has lost jobs, 1.6 million jobs." Yes
7023 I have a plan to put America back to work. No
7033 Twenty percent of the upper-income people pay about 80 percent of the taxes in America today because of how we structured the tax cuts. Yes
7049 But the way to make sure our economy grows is not to raise taxes on small-business owners. No
7064 "We've got 1,000 more Border Patrol agents on the southern border." Yes
7074 "And so in order to take pressure off the borders, in order to make the borders more secure, I believe there ought to be a temporary worker card that allows a willing worker and a willing employer to mate up, so long as there's not an American willing to do that job, to join up in order to be able to fulfill the employers' needs." No
7082 I don't think we ought to reward illegal behavior. No
7102 "The fact is, we haven't done what we need to do to toughen up our borders, and I will." No
7131 "Well, I'm glad you raised that question." No
7141 "One percent of America got $89 billion last year in a tax cut, but people working hard, playing by the rules, trying to take care of their kids, family values, that we're supposed to value so much in America -- I'm tired of politicians who talk about family values and don't value families." Yes
7142 What we need to do is raise the minimum wage. No
7143 We also need to hold on to equal pay. No
7145 That's not right in America. No
7162 You cannot solve a problem unless you diagnose the problem. No
7180 Is that a new question or a 30-second question? No
7215 Five hundred thousand kids lost after-school programs because of your budget. Yes
7236 There's much we can do with them with respect to homeland security. No
7269 "But I think it makes sense, I think most Americans in their guts know, that we ought to pass a sort of truth standard." No
7272 "In 1990, there was a vast coalition put together to run Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait." Yes
7291 "I've been a hunter since I was a kid, 12, 13 years old." No
7319 Now I'm the senior Democrat on it. No
7336 "Now, let me just share something." No
7340 "If a president doesn't reach out and bring people in and be inclusive, then how are we going to get over those barriers?" No
7346 "I agree, we shouldn't have quotas." No
7349 "Do you realize today in America, we spend $73 billion to help 10 million low- and middle-income families better afford college?" Yes
7351 "I believe the best way to help our small businesses is not only through small-business loans, which we have increased since I've been the president of the United States, but to unbundle government contracts so people have a chance to be able to bid and receive a contract to help get their business going." Yes
7389 "Well, I respect everything that the president has said and certainly respect his faith." No
7394 And people all find their ways to express it. No
7396 "And frankly, I think we have a lot more loving of our neighbor to do in this country and on this planet." No
7454 I love the strong women around me. No
7455 I can't tell you how much I love my wife and our daughters. No
7471 "And not only did she interest me, I guess you would say it was love at first sight." No
7510 "I think the greatest possibilities of our country, our dreams and our hopes, are out there just waiting for us to grab onto them." No
7512 I ask you for your trust. No
7517 And God bless the United States of America. No
7524 "It's the side to see the day that is coming, not to see the day that is gone. """ No
7525 "I love the optimism in that painting, because that's how I feel about America." No
7539 I want to thank you for listening tonight. No
7540 I'm asking for your vote. No
7583 Now Senator Kennedy has made some very strong criticisms of my part - or alleged part - in what has happened in Cuba. No
7586 "There were eleven dictators in South America and in Central America when we came in, in 1953." Yes
7596 There isn't any question but that we will defend Guantanamo if it's attacked. No
7600 In the first place I've never suggested that Cuba was lost except for the present. Yes
7637 "But when the president of the United States is doing something that's right, something that is for the purpose of defending the security of this country against surprise attack, he can never express regrets or apologize to anybody, including Mr. Khrushchev." No
7650 I think we have to make progress first in the field of employment. No
7653 "Second, in the field of schools, we believe that there should be provisions whereby the federal government would give assistance to those districts who do want to integrate their schools." No
7657 Here we have a situation which causes all of us concern - causes us concern because of the denial of the rights of people to the equality which we think belongs to everybody. No
7702 We are a goldfish bowl before the world. No
7722 Let me s- look also at what I did. No
7743 There were seventy votes for our position and none for theirs. Yes
7747 Now looking to what we ought to do in the future. No
7789 "We tried to provide an appropriation of a billion and a half for five years, on a long-term loan basis, which this Administration opposed." Yes
7836 Well Mr. Nixon has stated the record inaccurately in regard to the depressed area bill. Yes
7839 I was the floor manager. No
7847 "Third, I believe we should step up the use of our surplus foods in these areas until we're able to get the people back to work." No
7871 "I think in many ways this election is more important than any since 1932, or certainly almost any in this century." No
7923 "On the question of the summit, I agree with the position of Mr. Nixon." No
7939 "Now, many of the programs that I'm talking about - economic growth, care for the aged, development of our natural resources - build the strength of the United States." No
7944 We're using our steel capacity fifty-five per cent today. Yes
7981 "But the thing that is right about the United States, it should be emphasized, is that less people go to bed hungry in the United States than in any major country in the world." Yes
7994 You can't tell me that a surplus food distribution of five cents po- per person - and that n- nearly six million Americans receiving that - is adequate. Yes
8010 We have never said flatly that we will defend Quemoy and Matsu if it's attacked. Yes
8016 "I believe that when you get into a w- if you're going to get into war for the defense of Formosa, it ought to be on a clearly defined line." No
8123 "This is a great country, but I think it could be a greater country; and this is a powerful country, but I think it could be a more powerful country." No
8124 I'm not satisfied to have fifty percent of our steel-mill capacity unused. Yes
8136 I'm not satisfied until every American enjoys his full constitutional rights. No
8164 That is the obligation upon our generation. No
8188 Is the United States standing still? No
8222 What kind of programs are we for? No
8229 I think that the means that I advocate will reach that goal better than the means that he advocates. No
8239 Because it isn't a question of how much the federal government spends; it isn't a question of which government does the most. No
8255 "Well, the Vice President and I came to the Congress together 1946; we both served in the Labor Committee." No
8310 In my judgment the only policy that will work will be for effective supply and demand to be in balance. No
8319 I of course disagree with Senator Kennedy insofar as his suggestions as to what should be done uh - with re- on the farm program. No
8353 Uh - I can only say that my experience is there for the people to consider; Senator Kennedy's is there for the people to consider. No
8411 "As far as aid for school construction is concerned, I favor that, as Senator Kennedy did, in January of this year, when he said he favored that rather than aid to s- teacher salaries." Yes
8422 Why did Senator Kennedy take that position then? No
8437 My objection here is not the cost in dollars. No
8460 And I might say that two-thirds of the Republicans in the House voted against a dollar twenty-five cent minimum wage and a majority of the Democrats sustained it - nearly two-thirds of them voted for the dollar twenty-five. Yes
8468 Every Republican on the Rules Committee voted against sending that bill to be considered by the members of the House of Representatives. Yes
8533 That's why we have to continue to be alert. No
8546 Now that isn't the test of whether America moves. No
8551 "Now, the reason the Eisenhower Administration has moved, the reason that we've had the funds, for example, locally to build the schools, and the hospitals, and the highways, to make the progress that we have, is because this Administration has encouraged individual enterprise; and it has resulted in the greatest expansion of the private sector of the economy that has ever been witnessed in an eight-year period." Yes
8562 "I think that's the big assignment, the big task, the big function of the federal government." No
8596 And I stand for programs that will mean growth and progress. No
8597 But it is also essential that he not allow a dollar spent that could be better spent by the people themselves. No
8605 The Kerr bill provided assistance to all those who were not on Social Security. Yes
8612 The means are at issue. No
8668 "What I would propose, and I proposed it way back in March when I was a candidate in my own state of Illinois, I proposed $11.3 billion, specifically, in cuts in the Federal budget." Yes
8710 Why not leave it with them? No
8718 "Well, I believe that conservation, at course, is worthy in and of itself." No
8778 "When you have a report, as we did recently, that six out of 10 CONUS Divisions in this country - Continental United States Army Divisions - simply could not pass a readiness test: that two out of three divisions that were to be allocated to the so-called Rapid Deployment Force could not meet a readiness test." Yes
8824 "That is just a downpayment, in my opinion." No
8835 But I am not in favor of the plan that is so costly. No
8876 "We have also provided in our program for a $4 billion Community Trust Fund, and we've told you where the money is coming from." Yes
8886 "And the problem is, with Governments - Federal, State and Local - taking $.44 out of every dollar earned, that the Federal Government has pre-empted too many of the tax sources, and that the cities." Yes
8928 "And one is going to give you $122 more if you happen to be in that range of about a $20,000-a-year income." Yes
8961 This is 1980 and not 1966. No
8974 "Now also, with regard to the figures about California." No
9000 "Now, whether it is rightful, on a single issue, for anyone to advocate that someone should not be elected or not, I won't take a position on that." No
9009 "Now, Governor Reagan is running on a platform that calls for a Constitutional amendment banning abortion." Yes
9017 "On the Amendment that you mentioned, I abandoned it 15 years ago." Yes
9027 "With regard to the freedom of the individual for choice with regard to abortion, there's one individual who's not being considered at all." No
9063 "I believe the people of this country can, and together, we can begin the world over again." No
9083 "A great historian, Henry Steele Commager, said that in their lust for victory, neither traditional party is looking beyond November." No
9128 "Thank you, Mr. President, also for being part of this -- this debate." No
9130 "I was in Pennsylvania with someone who had just graduated -- this was in Philadelphia -- and she said, ""I've got my degree." No
9136 We have to make sure that we make it easier for kids to afford college. No
9145 I know what it takes to get this economy going. No
9150 I'm going to change that. No
9164 "Jeremy, first of all, your future is bright." No
9170 "And what I want to do, is build on the five million jobs that we've created over the last 30 months in the private sector alone." Yes
9190 Well what you're seeing in this country is 23 million people struggling to find a job. Yes
9243 We have increased oil production to the highest levels in 16 years. Yes
9244 Natural gas production is the highest it's been in decades. Yes
9247 We've also got to look to the future. No
9255 "We've got potentially 600,000 jobs and 100 years worth of energy right beneath our feet with natural gas." Yes
9272 So where'd the increase come from? No
9283 I was in coal country. No
9292 I'll get America and North America energy independent. No
9294 We're going to bring that pipeline in from Canada. No
9332 How much did you cut them by? No
9333 I'm happy to answer the question. No
9348 Production on government land of oil is down 14 percent. Yes
9350 And production on gas -- No
9355 "And coal, coal production is not up; coal jobs are not up." Yes
9367 I don't think the American people believe that. No
9395 And we need to win that future. No
9396 And I intend to win it as President of the United States. No
9457 Why am I lowering taxes on the middle-class? No
9461 "And I will not, under any circumstances increase taxes on the middle-class." No
9464 "A recent study has shown the people in the middle-class will see $4,000.00 per year in higher taxes as a result of the spending and borrowing of this administration." Yes
9475 "Actually it was a town hall, and I said I would cut taxes for middle- class families, and that's what I've done, by $3,600.00." Yes
9487 It will be good for our economy and it will be good for job creation. No
9494 I think that grows the economy. No
9495 I think what grows the economy is when we make sure small businesses are getting a tax credit for hiring veterans who fought for our country. No
9503 "The top 5 percent will continue to pay 60 percent, as they do today." Yes
9516 We don't have to live like this. No
9535 "Along with what he also wants to do in terms of eliminating the estate tax, along what he wants to do in terms of corporates, changes in the tax code, it costs about $5 trillion." Yes
9591 "Well, Katherine, that's a great question." No
9592 "And, you know, I was raised by a single mom who had to put herself through school while looking after two kids." No
9623 "I was proud of the fact that after I staffed my Cabinet and my senior staff, that the University of New York in Albany did a survey of all 50 states, and concluded that mine had more women in senior leadership positions than any other state in America." Yes
9627 "She said, I can't be here until 7 or 8 o'clock at night." No
9630 Let's have a flexible schedule so you can have hours that work for you. No
9632 "In the -- in the last women have lost 580,000 jobs." Yes
9635 "I mentioned 31/2 million women, more now in poverty than four years ago." Yes
9640 An economy that has 23 million people looking for work is not a strong economy. Yes
9656 "Governor Romney not only opposed it, he suggested that in fact employers should be able to make the decision as to whether or not a woman gets contraception through her insurance coverage." Yes
9668 And I've got two daughters and I want to make sure that they have the same opportunities that anybody's sons have. No
9677 And I appreciate that question. No
9683 The time -- the time... No
9693 Let me come back and -- and answer your question. No
9694 President Bush and I are -- are different people and these are different times and that's why my five point plan is so different than what he would have done. No
9704 "He was right, but then he put in place deficits twice that size for every one of his four years." Yes
9716 I know how to make that happen. No
9722 "We were losing 800,000 jobs a month when I started." Yes
9724 "Now, we've seen 30 consecutive -- 31 consecutive months of job growth; 5.2 million new jobs created." Yes
9731 We've brought twice as many cases against unfair trading practices than the previous administration and we've won every single one that's been decided. Yes
9733 "Well, in fact we saved 1,000 jobs." Yes
9735 But the last point I want to make is this. No
9796 He said that by now we'd have unemployment at 5.4 percent. Yes
9817 The entire record is such that the unemployment has not been reduced in this country. Yes
9818 "The unemployment, the number of people who are still looking for work, is still 23 million Americans." Yes
9829 "Yeah, in the Reagan recession where unemployment hit 10.8 percent, between that period -- the end of that recession and the equivalent of time to today, Ronald Reagan's recovery created twice as many jobs as this president's recovery." Yes
9835 "And that record shows he just hasn't been able to cut the deficit, to put in place reforms for Medicare and Social Security to preserve them, to get us the rising incomes we need." Yes
9836 "Median income is down $4,300 a family and 23 million Americans out of work." Yes
9860 Thank you for your question. No
9862 "But first of all, this is a nation of immigrants." No
9867 I want it to be streamlined. No
9868 I want it to be clearer. No
9872 We should make sure our legal system works. No
9874 There are 4 million people who are waiting in line to get here legally. Yes
9876 So I will not grant amnesty to those who have come here illegally. No
9888 I mean we're just a few miles away from Ellis Island. No
9897 "Number two, we do have to deal with our border so we put more border patrol on the -- any time in history and the flow of undocumented works across the border is actually lower than it's been in 40 years." Yes
9929 He was asked this on Univision the other day. No
9950 "Mr. President, I'm still speaking." No
9952 "Mr. President, let me finish." No
9984 I do want to make sure that -- I do want to make sure that we just understand something. No
9992 And we want to encourage that. No
10040 "Thank you Kerry for your question, it's an important one." No
10043 And today there's a memorial service for one of those that was lost in this tragedy. No
10060 "Syria -- Syria's not just a tragedy of 30,000 civilians being killed by a military, but also a strategic -- strategically significant player for America." Yes
10088 "Can you say that a little louder, Candy?" No
10098 The ambassador of the United Nations went on the Sunday television shows and spoke about how -- No
10102 I'm happy to have a longer conversation -- No
10196 But -- but it'll -- it'll -- it'll be... No
10261 OK. We need to create jobs here. No
10262 And both Governor Romney and I agree actually that we should lower our corporate tax rate. Yes
10275 "The way we're going to create jobs here is not just to change our tax code, but also to double our exports." No
10276 "And we are on pace to double our exports, one of the commitments I made when I was president." Yes
10292 We can compete with anyone in the world as long as the playing field is level. No
10298 "We will have to have people play on a fair basis, that's number one." No
10333 "Thank you, and that's an opportunity for me, and I appreciate it." No
10337 I want 100 percent of the American people to have a bright and prosperous future. No
10338 I care about our kids. No
10359 I will get us on track to a balanced budget. No
10372 I believe that the free enterprise system is the greatest engine of prosperity the world's ever known. No
10386 And I want to fight for them. No
10437 "Well, Alan (ph), thank you very much for the question." No
10448 "And, in fact, we just found out that AIG, a company that got a bailout, just a week after they got help went on a $400,000 junket." Yes
10451 The middle-class need a rescue package. No
10455 "And then long-term we've got to fix our health care system, we've got to fix our energy system that is putting such an enormous burden on families." No
10461 "And, Alan (ph), thank you for your question." No
10462 You go to the heart of America's worries tonight. No
10464 It's our job to fix the problem. No
10465 "Now, I have a plan to fix this problem and it has got to do with energy independence." No
10467 We have to keep Americans' taxes low. No
10469 Let's not raise taxes on anybody today. No
10472 We've got to have a package of reforms and it has got to lead to reform prosperity and peace in the world. No
10479 And we've got to give some trust and confidence back to America. No
10494 "But I think the first criteria, Tom, would have to be somebody who immediately Americans identify with, immediately say, we can trust that individual." No
10498 She knows how to create jobs. No
10508 Prosperity is not just going to trickle down. No
10513 "And that's why, for example, on tax policy, what I want to do is provide a middle class tax cut to 95 percent of working Americans, those who are working two jobs, people who are not spending enough time with their kids, because they are struggling to make ends meet." No
10514 Senator McCain is right that we've got to stabilize housing prices. No
10555 "Now, with respect to Fannie Mae, what Senator McCain didn't mention is the fact that this bill that he talked about wasn't his own bill." Yes
10574 I think it depends on what we do. No
10579 Americans' workers are the best in the world. No
10586 And we've got to give them a chance. No
10587 They've got -- we've got to give them a chance to do their best again. No
10597 Maybe you don't go out to dinner as much. No
10605 "When George Bush came into office, our debt -- national debt was around $5 trillion." Yes
10608 "And so while it's true that nobody's completely innocent here, we have had over the last eight years the biggest increases in deficit spending and national debt in our history." Yes
10610 So here's what I would do. No
10615 We are mortgaging our children's future. No
10629 Senator Obama has never taken on his leaders of his party on a single issue. Yes
10630 And we need to reform. No
10634 I don't expect you to watch every vote. No
10659 I think it's very important that we reform our entitlement programs. No
10682 So we've got to deal with that right away. No
10685 And we can do it. No
10687 So that would be priority number one. No
10692 We do need to look at our records. No
10699 That's what I'm going to do as president of the United States. No
10707 "Well, Fiora (ph), I'm going to ask the American people to understand that there are some programs that we may have to eliminate." No
10713 I believe that we have to eliminate the earmarks. No
10719 "And, by the way, I want to go back a second." No
10720 "Look, we can attack health care and energy at the same time." No
10723 "We can, with the participation of all Americans, work together and solve these problems together." No
10730 That wasn't the kind of call to service that I think the American people were looking for. No
10737 We're going to have to develop clean coal technology and safe ways to store nuclear energy. No
10738 "But each and every one of us can start thinking about how can we save energy in our homes, in our buildings." No
10753 "Now, when Senator McCain is proposing tax cuts that would give the average Fortune 500 CEO an additional $700,000 in tax cuts, that's not sharing a burden." Yes
10762 "Well, you know, nailing down Senator Obama's various tax proposals is like nailing Jell-O to the wall." No
10771 "I've got some news, Senator Obama, the news is bad." No
10794 "So let's be clear about my tax plan and Senator McCain's, because we're not going to be able to deal with entitlements unless we understand the revenues coming in." No
10799 "Only a few percent of small businesses make more than $250,000 a year." Yes
10803 "Now, in contrast, Senator McCain wants to give a $300 billion tax cut, $200 billion of it to the largest corporations and a hundred thousand of it -- a hundred billion of it going to people like CEOs on Wall Street." Yes
10815 I want to get to Medicare in a second. No
10822 Senator Obama has never taken on his party leaders on a single major issue. Yes
10834 "When he ran for the United States Senate from Illinois, he said he would have a middle-income tax cut." Yes
10842 And our best days are ahead of us. No
10859 "Now, how -- what's -- what's the best way of fixing it?" No
10863 "Nuclear power is safe, and it's clean, and it creates hundreds of thousands of jobs." Yes
10874 "And we can do it, but we're going to have to make an investment." No
10882 "And during that time, he voted 23 times against alternative fuels, 23 times." Yes
10889 We've got to make sure that we're giving them the energy that they need or helping them to create the energy that they need. No
10892 I'm just trying to keep up with John. No
10899 I think pure research and development investment on the part of the United States government is certainly appropriate. No
10901 "By the way, my friends, I know you grow a little weary with this back-and-forth." No
10927 "If you've got health insurance, most of you have seen your premiums double over the last eight years." Yes
10952 "Well, thank you for the question." No
10955 And we need to do all of the things that are necessary to make it more efficient. No
10959 Let's do a lot of things to impose efficiencies. No
10967 "I want to give every American a $5,000 refundable tax credit." No
10970 Don't we go across state lines when we purchase other things in America? No
10974 But the point is that we have got to give people choice in America and not mandate things on them and give them the ability. No
10978 We've got to give them the wherewithal to do it. No
10998 So let me -- let me just talk about this fundamental difference. No
11001 All I'm going to do is help you to lower the premiums on it. No
11025 "Well, I thank you for that question, because there's no doubt that history shows us that nations that are strong militarily over time have to have a strong economy, as well." No
11026 And that is one of the challenges that America faces. No
11040 "Well, you know, Senator McCain, in the last debate and today, again, suggested that I don't understand." No
11049 "We've spent, so far, close to $700 billion and if we continue on the path that we're on, as Senator McCain is suggesting, it's going to go well over $1 trillion." Yes
11061 "Well, we may not always have national security issues at stake, but we have moral issues at stake." No
11062 "If we could have intervened effectively in the Holocaust, who among us would say that we had a moral obligation not to go in?" No
11065 "And so I do believe that we have to consider it as part of our interests, our national interests, in intervening where possible." No
11070 Right now there's a peacekeeping force that has been set up and we have African Union troops in Darfur to stop a genocide that has killed hundreds of thousands of people. Yes
11072 And that's what I intend to do when I'm president. No
11074 "Well, let me just follow up, my friends." No
11080 "And we must do whatever we can to prevent genocide, whatever we can to prevent these terrible calamities that we have said never again." No
11081 But it also has to be tempered with our ability to beneficially affect the situation. No
11094 And I understand that we have to say never again to a Holocaust and never again to Rwanda. No
11112 "And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act and we will take them out." No
11130 And that is to get the support of the people. No
11132 "And by working and coordinating our efforts together, not threatening to attack them, but working with them, and where necessary use force, but talk softly, but carry a big stick." No
11145 It'd be fine with me. No
11191 "We are going to have to make the Iraqi government start taking more responsibility, withdraw our troops in a responsible way over time, because we're going to have to put some additional troops in Afghanistan." No
11195 And we want a democracy in Afghanistan. No
11199 And I've had conversations with him. No
11203 We have to have a streamlined NATO command structure. No
11204 We have to do a lot of things. No
11210 We will succeed and we will bring our troops home with honor and victory and not in defeat. No
11228 "But the Russians must understand that these kinds of actions and activities are not acceptable and hopefully we will use the leverage, economic, diplomatic and others united with our allies, with our allies and friends in Europe who are equally disturbed as we are about their recent behaviors." No
11234 And for the most part I agree with Senator McCain on many of the steps that have to be taken. No
11235 But we can't just provide moral support. No
11240 "The other thing we have to do, though, is we've got to see around the corners." No
11266 And Georgia and Ukraine are both major gateways of energy into Europe. Yes
11277 "Well, thank you, Terry (ph)." No
11278 And thank you for your service to the country. No
11293 And I think we can do that. No
11295 "But, at the end of the day, my friend, I have to tell you again, and you know what it's like to serve, and you know what it's like to sacrifice, but we can never allow a second Holocaust to take place." No
11299 It would be a game-changer in the region. No
11302 And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. No
11313 "Iran went from zero centrifuges to develop nuclear weapons to 4,000." Yes
11327 But here's what I do know. No
11333 And the question in this election is: are we going to pass on that same American dream to the next generation? No
11340 That's what's at stake in this election. No
11351 "There are challenges around the world that are new and different and there will be different -- we will be talking about countries sometime in the future that we hardly know where they are on the map, some Americans." No
11354 I grew up in a family where my father was gone most of the time because he was at sea and doing our country's business. No
11357 I know what it's like to have to fight to keep one's hope going through difficult times. No
11665 I thought that was a good model. No
11676 I don't think we agree on that. No
11975 And I think that's a private matter. No
12145 "And therefore Congress passes the bill after our session in 1997 ended, we passed an enabling legislation in 1999." No
12157 I believe there are 1.4 million children in Texas who do not have health insurance. Yes
12163 We've spent $4.7 billion a year in the State of Texas for uninsured people. Yes
12246 And Texas is number one in industrial pollution. Yes
12540 "That is why Senator wh- President Eisenhower was also correct in his policy in the Formosa Straits, where he declined, and refused to follow the recommendations - recommendations which Senator Kennedy voted for in 1955; again made in 1959; again repeated in his debates that you have heard - recommendations with regard to - again - slicing off a piece of free territory, and abandoning it, if - in effect, to the Communists." Yes
12557 "And so we need military strength, we need economic strength, we also need the right diplomatic policies." No
12568 "And you cannot fight a victory for Communism or a strategy of victory for Communism with the strategy, simply of holding the line." No
12574 I voted for the Formosa resolution in 1955. Yes
12591 In 1957 I was in Havana. No
12606 And yet last year we gave them less than five percent of all the technical assistance funds that we distributed around the world. Yes
12609 There isn't one country in the Middle East that now endorses the Eisenhower Doctrine. Yes
12613 But are we doing enough in these areas? No
12619 Are we doing enough in that area? No
12651 I think we are today. No
12690 "Now, what can we do?" No
12701 "He surely must be aware that most of the equipment and arms and resources for Castro came from the United States, flowed out of Florida and other parts of the United States to Castro in the mountains." Yes
12736 So that is my answer to this question. No
12750 "Second, as far as this report is concerned, I would have no objection to having it made public." No
12780 "What I said was that ten years ago, we were producing twice as many scientists and engineers as the Soviet Union and today they're producing twice as many as we are, and that this affects our security around the world." Yes
12791 "I think we should go back to Geneva, who's ever elected president, Mr. Nixon or myself, and try once again." No
12829 This means at the secretary of state level and at the ambassadorial level. No
12832 "I don't believe we should go to a summit conference unless we have such an agenda, unless we have some reasonable insur- assurance from Mr. Khrushchev that he intends seriously to negotiate on those points." No
12885 We can make it move. No
12922 "If he says that, this issue will not be discussed in the campaign." No
12990 Let's talk about civil rights. No
12994 Anybody that says America has been standing still for the last seven and a half years hasn't been traveling in America. No
13002 "It is essential that we extend freedom, extend it to all the world." No
13003 And this means more than what we've been doing. No
13122 The whole th- the United States now has a treaty - which I voted for in the United States Senate in 1955 - to defend Formosa and the Pescadores Island. Yes
13129 The treaty does not include these two islands. Yes
13144 "Then I believe that we should move full time on our missile production, particularly on Minuteman and on Polaris." No
13149 There have been many wars in the history of mankind. No
13153 "Now, we may not succeed." No
13187 What do we do then? No
13198 But certainly we're not going to have peace by giving in and indicating in advance that we are not going to defend what has become a symbol of freedom. No
13206 "I would take any action necessary to defend the treaty, Formosa, and the Pescadores Island." No
13295 "I don't suggest that, I don't support it." No
13303 "On our last television debate, I pointed out that it was my position that Americans must choose the best man that either party could produce." No
13322 "Uh - Also, so that we can get the uh - opportunity for the questioners to question me, it will be before the next television debate." No
13346 The difficulty now is the president's course is quite limited. No
13361 "My judgment is that the program the Vice President put forward, which is an extension of Mr. Benson's program, will cost a billion dollars more than the present program, which costs about six billion dollars a year, the most expensive in history." Yes
13388 "I don't believe we ought to pay our bills through inflation, through a phony interest rate." No
13396 "We've got to grow enough to maintain the forces that we have abroad and to wage the non-military battle for the war - uh - for the world in Asia, in Africa and Latin America." No
13403 We have to move into those areas with programs so that we make adequate use of the resources of those areas. No
13462 And so he would be doing exactly the wrong thing. No
13469 I oppose it because I want us to have more oil exploration and not less. No
13502 I believe that we must be able to compete in the market - steel and in all the basic commodities abroad - we must be able to compete against them because we always did because of our technological lead. No
13521 Every other ca- African country either abstained or voted against us. Yes
13790 I thought you'd forgotten I was here. No
14104 So I have to stand up for myself. No
14659 I don't think we're a declining nation. No
14752 "Then the question is, can we govern?" No
14890 "In 1974, we had the worst recession, the deepest and most penetrating recession since the Second World War." Yes
14892 "In addition, we've brought down inflation." Yes
14899 "And Business Week, which is not a Democratic publication, said that this Reagan-Kemp-Roth proposal - and I quote them, I think - was completely irresponsible and would result in inflationary pressures which would destroy this nation." Yes
14911 We've had a 25% reduction since the first year I was in office. Yes
14925 It had been cut in two by President Gerald Ford. Yes
14926 It is now running at 12.7%. Yes
14930 Mr. Carter had also promised that he would not use unemployment as a tool to fight against inflation. Yes
14933 We don't have inflation because the people are living too well. No
14937 I'll have to get this out very fast. No
14964 He more than doubled state spending while he was Governor - 122% increase - and had between a 20% and 30% increase in the number of employees Yes
15027 "I have brought into the top level, top levels of government, into the White House, into administrative offices of the Executive branch, into the judicial system, highly qualified black and Spanish citizens and women who in the past had been excluded." Yes
15084 "That's been a consistent policy, one I intend to carry out." No
15125 "I have no quarrel whatsoever with the things that have been done, because I believe it is high time that the civilized countries of the world made it plain that there is no room worldwide for terrorism; there will be no negotiation with terrorists of any kind." No
15149 "Now, I have not blocked the SALT II treaty, as Mr. Carter and Mr. Mondale suggest I have." Yes
15166 Every President who has served in the Oval Office since Harry Truman has been dedicated to the proposition of controlling nuclear weapons. Yes
15167 "To negotiate with the Soviet Union a balanced, controlled, observable, and then reducing levels of atomic weaponry, there is a disturbing pattern in the attitude of Governor Reagan." No
15222 We've now reduced the importing of foreign oil in the last year alone by one-third. Yes
15259 I just happen to believe that free enterprise can do a better job of producing the things that people need than government can. No
15380 Six predecessors of mine who served in the Oval Office called for this guarantee of women's rights. Yes
15409 I thought that was the subject we were supposed to be on. No
15416 I've been President now for almost four years. No
15418 "I've seen the strength of my nation, and I've seen the crises it approached in a tentative way." No
15422 I consider myself in the mainstream of my party. No
15426 "And we must extend the benefits of our own commitment to peace, to create a peaceful world." No
15445 Next Tuesday is Election Day. No
15460 I know that the economic program that I have proposed for this nation in the next few years can resolve many of the problems that trouble us today. No
15462 We cut the cost - the increased cost of government - in half over the eight years. Yes
15491 And I want to call a hemispheric summit just as soon after the 20th of January as possible to fight that war. No
15525 "You know, the American people are fair." No
15527 They want to judge it on the record itself. No
15559 "And I don't want to do that, and I won't do that." No
15561 And it's going to take discipline of the executive branch; it's going to take discipline of the congressional branch. No
15564 The American people are pretty smart: they know who writes out the checks. No
15565 And they know who appropriates the money. No
15570 "And those pessimists who say it can't be done, I'm sorry, I just have a fundamental disagreement with them" No
15578 "He says he wants to give the wealthiest one percent of the people in this country a five-year $40 billion tax break, and we're going to pay for it." Yes
15583 will go out and do the job that we expect of him and do it with the Congress of the United States. No
15597 "We can do all of those things, and at the same time build a future in which we are standing on a good strong fiscal foundation." No
15602 The Governor has to balance the budget in his state he is required to by law. No
15607 I'm not going to do that; I won't do that. No
15626 "As a matter of fact, I'm the first governor in the history of my state to fund that pension system, and I'm very proud of that." Yes
15632 "I think the presidency of the United States is a very serious office, and I think we have to address these issues in a very serious way." No
15633 So I hope and expect that I will be liked by the people of this country as president of the United States; I certainly hope I will be liked by them on the 8th of November. No
15638 "So that pledge isn't realistic, and I think the vice president knows it; I think the people of this country know it." No
15640 "And I am going to be a president who is serious, I hope and expect will be liked by the American people." No
15641 "But more than that, to do the kind of job that I'm elected to do, will do it with as much good humor as I can, but at the same time will do it in a way which will achieve the goals we want for ourselves and our people." No
15645 "I think it's whether you share the broad dreams of the American people, whether you have confidence in the people's ability to get things done or whether you think it all should be turned over, as many of the liberals do, to Washington, D.C. You see, I think it's a question of values, not likability or loveability, it's a question in foreign affairs in experience, knowing world leaders, knowing how to build on a superb record of this administration in arms control, because you'd know exactly how to begin." No
15646 You have to learn from experience that making unilateral cuts in defense system is not the way that you enhance peace. No
15648 "It is, though, trying to understand the heartbeat of the country." No
15682 It's our vision of America. No
15686 "I think this is a great country, because we've always wanted to do better, to make our country better, to make our lives better." No
15689 That's the kind of leadership I want to provide. No
15690 "But I don't think these labels mean a thing and I would hope that tonight in the course of the rest of this campaign, we can have good solid disagreements on issues." No
15718 "They continue to modernize and we can't simply we've got enough nuclear weapons, let's freeze." No
15726 "Now, my defense secretary is going to have a lot to do with those decisions, but it's going to be the President who's going to have to ultimately decide before that budget goes to the Congress what weapons systems are going to go and what are going to stay." No
15730 Those are decisions that the chief executive has to make. No
15731 "Yes, we're going to have a strong and credible and effective nuclear deterrent." No
15750 So military security and economic security go hand in hand. No
15751 And we will have a strong and effective and credible nuclear deterrent. No
15763 Can we start the clock over? No
15787 Some of my fellow governors who are real heroes to me. No
15789 We were proud of them. No
15796 "But more than that, they are role models." No
15801 These are people that give of themselves everyday and every week and every month. No
15810 "And there's nothing corny about having sports heroes, young people that are clean and honorable and out there setting the pace." No
15829 I had something very nice to say in there. No
15842 And so I would say that the concept of the Dukakis family has my great respect. No
15856 I salute those who participate in the political process. No
15874 We may have different approaches. No
15881 the tone we've just heard might just be the tone we have for the rest of the campaign. No
15905 "But that's the way I, George Bush, feel about it." No
15930 It's not going to happen overnight; it certainly will have to happen on a step-by-step basis as we make progress in arms negotiation and arms control and arms reduction. No
15933 "The defense budget today takes far less percentage of the gross national product than it did in President Kennedy's time, for example moved tremendously." Yes
15937 "See, I don't believe any other country can pick up the mantel." No
15938 I served at the UN. No
15939 I don't think we can turn over these kinds of decisions of the collective defense to the United Nations or anything else. No
15947 We don't give away our hand before we sit down at the head table. No
15987 The Congress is doing a better job of it. No
15989 But they don't work if you go raise taxes and then the Congress spends it continues to spend that. No
16006 And there are several there's a good political reason because it's just about this time of year that the Democrats start saying the Republicans are going to take away your Social Security. No
16014 I learned that the hard way and the Governor and I both supported slipping the COLAs for one year. Yes
16015 He supported it at the National Governors Conference and I supported it in breaking a tie in a major compromise package and we got assailed by the Democrats in the election over that. Yes
16017 We do not have to do it. No
16044 I won't support judges like that. No
16046 But I will go out there and find men and women to interpret. No
16047 "And I don't have a list, but I think the appointments that the President has made to the Bench have been outstanding, outstanding appointments." No
16075 "Now, two-thirds of the people in this country who receive Social Security checks live entirely on that check; they have no other income." Yes
16093 "But I do think there are flexible ways to solve some of the pressing problems, particularly that affect our children." No
16099 We're going to tell you how to do it all. No
16101 You ought to go out and see around this country what's happening in the volunteer section: Americans helping America. No
16116 I just have to correct the record. No
16128 "But as we look at the decisions that the next president of the United States is going to have to make, I just don't believe the place you go first is those programs, those so-called entitlements, which provide a basic floor of income and a modest amount of medical care for the elderly, the disabled, for people who can't make their way on their own, and in many cases, have given a great deal to this country." No
16131 It's a contract between generations. No
16154 "We ought to move forward swiftly on my ideas of ethanol which would use more corn, and therefore, create a bigger market for our agricultural products." Yes
16184 "So I'll just keep saying, I am one." No
16186 I'm not going to do that. No
16187 That boo was excessively loud. No
16193 I believe in our parks. No
16227 I will not agree to another debate. No
16233 "In terms of negative campaigning, you know, I don't want to sound like a kid in the schoolyard: he started it." No
16236 But I'll try harder to keep it on a high plane. No
16246 But it's not getting out because there are too few debates. No
16256 "(Laughter, applause) Isn't that the point?" No
16257 Most Americans believe in basic values. No
16258 We have differences about how to achieve them. No
16263 "But those are the issues on which we ought to be debating and if we can just put away the flag factories and the balloons and those kinds of thing and get on to a real discussion of these issues, I think we will have a good success." No
16269 But we also need well-equipped and well-trained and well-supported conventional forces. No
16274 "Let's get him working on Syria, their client state, and see if we can't get them to join Israel and other Arab nations, if at all possible, and Arab leaders, in finally bringing peace to that troubled region." No
16275 And I think that's one reason why we need fresh leadership in the White House that can make progress now in bringing peace to the Middle East. No
16276 "Let's go to work and end this fiasco in Central America, a failed policy which has actually increased Cuban and Soviet influence." No
16281 "And we've got to work with them if we are going to create an environment for human rights and democracy for the people of this hemisphere, and go to work on our single most important problem, and that is the avalanche of drugs that is poring into our country and virtually destroying those countries." No
16307 Maybe the Vice President has an answer. No
16308 But I'm somebody who believes very strongly in taking care of the fundamentals first before you start new stuff. No
16313 "Maybe in Idaho, to take care of the requirements, nuclear material requirements, for our Defense Department?" No
16315 "This sounds like real progress here, because we've had a big difference on the safe use of nuclear power for our energy base." No
16316 "I believe that we must use clean, safe nuclear power." No
16320 So I am one who believes that we can No
16332 I believe that public service is honorable. No
16340 I will see that these standards apply to the United States Congress. No
16388 Sometimes it does seem that a campaign generates more heat than light. No
16392 I want to invest in our children. No
16402 "America stands tall again, and as a result, we are credible." No
16408 And I ask for your support on November 8th. No
16410 "Working together, we can do wonderful things for the United States and the Free World." No
16467 "Those are the kind of specifics that I think we have to discuss on these uh - debates, and these are the kind of programs that I'll talk about on my time." No
16502 "When Mr. Ford first became president in - in August of 1974, the first thing he did in - in October was to ask for a $4.7 billion increase in taxes on our people in the midst of the heaviest recession, since uh - since the great depression of nineteen uh - of the 1940s." Yes
16509 And this is why a tax reform is so important. No
16528 "I believe that it's accurate to say that - that the - that the committees to whom you refer with the - the employment that you uh - state, and with the 5 to 5 and a half percent growth rate in our economy, that the uh - projections would be a uh - a $60 billion increase in the amount of money that we'd have to spend in l981 compared to now." Yes
16579 "But I think that now is the time to heal our country after the Vietnam War and I think that what the people are concerned about is not the - uh pardon or the amnesty of uh - those who evaded the draft, but - but whether or not our crime system is - is fair." No
16600 We need to put the responsibilities back on the cabinet members. No
16615 "The last year I was in office uh - our budget was - was actually less than it was a year before, uh which showed a great uh improvement." Yes
16626 We uh - have got to do that at the federal government level. No
16631 In the Georgia government we only had one agency responsible for drug treatment. Yes
16674 We'll keep the lid on some of these programs that we can hold down as we have a little extra money to spend for those quality-of-life programs which I think are needed and necessary. No
16692 The take-home pay of a worker in this country is actually less now than it was in 1968 - measured in real dollars. Yes
16699 "Well among my other experiences in the past, I've - I've been a nuclear engineer, and did graduate work in this field." No
16782 Congress has sustained forty-two vetoes. Yes
16828 "Another thing is a system called DISC which was originally designed, proposed by Mr. Nixon, to encourage exports." No
16847 "So where else would you raise the revenue to provide this tax relief - would you, in fact, do away with all business deductions, and what other kinds of preferences would you do away with?" No
16851 "I would never do anything that would increase the taxes for those who work for a living, or who are presently required to list all their income." No
16853 And this is uh - the point of my first statistics that I gave you - that - that the present tax benefits that have been carved out over a long period of years - fifty years - by sharp tax lawyers and by lobbyists have benefited just the rich. Yes
16857 Governor Carter's answer tonight does not coincide with the answer that he gave in an interview to the Associated Press a week or so ago. Yes
16882 But I think the feeling is misplaced. No
16896 That's where the problem is and I hope there'll be some corrective action taken so we can get some new leadership in the Congress of the United States. No
16909 "If we have a Democratic Congress next year, and a president who wants to spend an additional one hundred billion dollars a year, or maybe two hundred billion dollars a year, with more programs, we will have in my judgment, greater deficits with more spending, more dangers of inflation." No
16927 I might go back to one other thing. No
16988 But I think it's time to talk about the future. No
16991 "It's a time to draw ourselves together: to have a president and a Congress that can work together with mutual respect for a change, cooperating for a change, in the open for a change, so the people can understand their own government." No
16996 I believe in our country. No
17000 "In addition to that, we've suffered because we haven't had leadership in this administration." No
17012 "I owe everything to you, the people of this country." No
17034 We must make this next century the century of the individual. No
17110 "At the same time, if we can have a 4-percent recovery continue through that same period of time, that will mean -- without an increase in tax rates -- that will mean $400 billion more in government revenues." Yes
17111 "And so, I think that the lines can meet." No
17121 "As a matter of fact, over 4 years, they've missed the mark by nearly $600 billion." Yes
17134 "I think this is a test of leadership, and I think the American people know the difference." No
17138 "Absolutely, and I proposed over a hundred billion dollars in cuts in Federal spending over 4 years, but I am not going to cut it out of Social Security and Medicare and student assistance and things -- [applause] -- that people need." Yes
17159 Everybody remembers that; people know what happened. No
17219 "We are today subsidizing housing for more than 10 million people, and we're going to continue along that line." Yes
17264 We all know the possibility of terrorism. No
17274 I am a son of a Methodist minister. No
17283 "I think our faith tells us, instructs us, about the moral life that we should lead." No
17287 "When the Republican platform says that from here on out, we're going to have a religious test for judges before they're selected for the Federal court, and then Jerry Falwell announces that that means they get at least two Justices of the Supreme Court, I think that's an abuse of faith in our country." Yes
17331 "It seems to me that a moment's reflection tells you why the United States Senate turned that amendment down, because it will undermine the practice of honest faith in our country by politicizing it." No
17361 The American people want to keep opening doors. No
17389 "I said that we would create jobs for our people, and we did -- 6 million in the last 20 or 21 months." Yes
17392 "All of the things that I said we would do, from inflation being down, interest rates being down, unemployment falling, all of those things we have done." Yes
17420 It's now the largest peacetime government ever in terms of the take from the total economy. Yes
17434 "As a matter of fact, there has been less than one-quarter of 1 percent of foreclosures of the 270,000 loans from government that the farmers have." Yes
17476 This is one of the most emotional and difficult issues that could possibly be debated. No
17485 But there are some things that government can do and some things they cannot do. No
17506 You've got another life involved. No
17509 Does every woman in America have to present herself before some judge picked by Jerry Falwell to clear her personal judgment? No
17523 "But in this great society of ours, wouldn't it make a lot more sense, in this gentle and kind society, if we had a program that made it possible for when incidents come along in which someone feels they must do away with that unborn child, that instead we make it available for the adoption?" No
17550 "In my opinion, as we deal with this deficit, people from about $70,000 a year on down have to be dealt with very, very carefully, because they are the ones who didn't get any relief the first time around." Yes
17578 I'm not going to increase taxes. No
17610 You remember the last time you said that? No
17619 You can't wish it away. No
17646 "On the other hand, women heads of household -- single women heads of household have -- for the first time there's been a turndown in the rate of poverty for them." Yes
17649 We are spending now 37 percent more on food for the hungry in all the various types of programs than was spent in 1980. Yes
17655 Half -- one out of two of the full-time college students in the United States are receiving some form of Federal aid. Yes
17667 That had nothing to do with the other thing of talking about their needs or anything. No
17681 Certainly education and training is crucial. No
17686 I think the President genuinely believes that they're better off. No
17692 "We are now $120 billion of imports, 3 million jobs lost, and farmers are having their worst year." Yes
17695 I think the American people want to make certain that that dollar is wisely spent. No
17721 There's no way of glossing around that. No
17749 But now we need both that kind of discipline and the resources and the consistent leadership that allows this country to catch up in education and science and training. No
17766 Will you finally touch that defense budget? No
17773 "I'll tell you what I think has been the most outrageous thing in political dialog, both in this campaign and the one in '82." No
17810 "I did support the '76 measure that he told about, because we were in a deep recession and we needed some stimulation." Yes
17850 Is America better off than it was 4 years ago? No
17855 "But we now have an economy that, for the first time -- well, let's put it this way: In the first half of 1980, gross national product was down a minus 3.7 percent." Yes
17858 Today it is up a plus 4 percent. Yes
17883 I want to thank President Reagan for agreeing to debate. No
17898 Are we better off when we load our children with this fantastic debt? No
17971 "This president has left them in shatters across the globe, and we're now 90 percent of the casualties in Iraq and 90 percent of the costs." Yes
18007 People out there listening know what I believe. No
18074 It's the hardest decision a president makes. No
18117 He believes in the freedom of the Iraqi people. No
18120 They just need the help to be trained. No
18139 This president just -- I don't know if he sees what's really happened over there. No
18225 "But, again, I want to tell the American people, we're doing everything we can at home, but you better have a president who chases these terrorists down and bring them to justice before they hurt us again." No
18380 I understand how hard it is. No
18381 I get the casualty reports every day. No
18410 It's what leadership is based on. No
18412 "I have nothing but respect for the British, Tony Blair, and for what they've been willing to do." No
18509 "So you say, ""Was it worth it?""" No
18589 "He's a brave, brave man." No
18627 But a president must always be willing to use troops. No
18768 "The minute we have bilateral talks, the six-party talks will unwind." No
18859 And I have great respect and admiration for his wife. No
18860 I think she's a terrific person... No
18918 "Actually, we've increased funding for dealing with nuclear proliferation about 35 percent since I've been the president." Yes
18933 My opponent opposed the missile defenses. Yes
19006 The issue is what you do about it. No
19059 I appreciate your listening tonight. No
19061 And may God continue to bless our great land. No
19262 But Senator Dole's plans are not good for the country. No
19417 And I hope we can do better. No
19641 "And everybody knows, including the Wall Street Journal, hardly a friend of the Democratic party of this administration, that the '82 tax increase he sponsored in inflation-adjusted dollars was the biggest tax increase in American history." Yes
19924 "Here's the record: We cut deficit four years in a row for the first time before the Civil War -- I mean, before World War II, and maybe before the Civil War, too." Yes
20127 "Governor Engler of Michigan cut taxes 21 times, created a lot of new jobs." Yes
20456 I was in coal country in West Virginia yesterday. No
20717 "When I was in the United States Senate I worked with former President Bush, your father." No
20870 Two days ago we ate lunch at a restaurant. No
21237 I want to rebuild our military to keep the peace. No
21636 They ought to be engaged in making high speed rail. No
21704 Thirty years ago there were three police officers on the street for every crime; today there are three crimes for every police officer. Yes
21947 I was in the Lomax AME Church. No
21954 "Therefore, you don't know what's it like." No
22462 I'd go crazy sitting up there slow dancing that one. No
23088 "And we paid down the debt of our nation for two years in a row, and we created 23 million new jobs at the same time." Yes
23421 China and India are graduating more graduates in technology and science than we are. Yes
23567 "Plus, I want them all voting for me." No
23611 I was an altar boy. No
23743 "Thanks for your questions tonight, very, very much." No
23761 I believe America's best days are ahead of us. No
23821 "I was not put on the ballot by either of the 2 parties; I was not put on the ballot by any PAC money, by any foreign lobbyist money, by any special interest money." Yes
23824 "Over time we have developed a government that comes at the people, that comes from the top down, where the people are more or less treated as objects to be programmed during the campaign with commercials and media events and fear messages and personal attacks and things of that nature." No
23850 "I believe experience counts, but it's not everything." No
23855 And we have to change in this country. No
23864 "In the last four years, there have been twice as many bankruptcies as new jobs created." Yes
23865 We need a new approach. No
23866 The same old experience is not relevant. No
23895 "If there's more time for gridlock and talk and finger pointing, I'm the wrong man." No
23905 "And I'm sorry, but demonstrating -- it's not a question of patriotism." No
23906 It's a question of character and judgment. No
23971 "I want to give people permanent incentives on investment tax credit, like President Kennedy and the Congress inaugurated in the early '60s to get industry moving again; a research and development tax credit; a low-income housing tax credit; a long-term capital gains proposal for new business and business expansions." Yes
23972 We've got to have no more trickle down. No
23991 "Governor Clinton says $200,000 but he also says he wants to raise $150 billion." Yes
23993 "And then when you add in his other spending proposals, regrettably you end up socking it to the working man." No
24010 And that's about all I can say in a minute. No
24016 "If you look at the cost of not keeping the peace in Europe, it would be exorbitant." No
24017 We have reduced the number of troops that are deployed and going to be deployed. Yes
24031 "I've seen what it is like to see a war, to see the burdens of a war, and I don't want to see us make reckless cuts." No
24047 "So it I think is very important for us to let them assume more and more of the burden and for us to bring that money back here and rebuild our infrastructure, because we can only be a superpower if we are an economic superpower; and we can only be an economic superpower if we have a growing, expanding job base." No
24050 I agree with the general statement Mr. Bush made. No
24077 Why do we have to do it? No
24087 "(Laughter and applause) But--but--see, let me make it very clear." No
24089 "If they do, then they will have heard the harsh reality of what we have to do." No
24105 "You see, I have a fundamental difference." No
24117 But I do not want to go the tax-and-spend route. No
24138 "So her best help for short term is job retraining, if she was thrown out of work at a defense plant." No
24166 No other nation would have cut defense as much as we already have without that. No
24199 "Well, obviously, my orientation is let's go do it." No
24209 But first we must have an aggressive jobs program. No
24231 "Well, let me say that I think that we might ought to review the terms, the way it works." No
24246 I don't think the Fed ought to be put under the Executive Branch. No
24255 "In terms of vetoing tax bills, you're darn right." No
24256 I am going to protect the American taxpayer against the spend and tax Congress. No
24294 That's pennies on the dollar compared to renewing the cold war. No
24306 "So, in terms of priorities, we've got to be financially strong." No
24352 Mr Bush sent two people in secret to toast the Chinese leaders and basically tell them not to worry about it. Yes
24358 "And recently the Chinese have announced they are going to lower some barriers to our products, which they ought to do since they have a 15 billion dollar trade surplus with the United States under Mr. Bush." Yes
24364 "If we can stand up for our economics, we ought to be able to preserve the democratic interests of the people of China." No
24405 "I am not going to commit US forces until I know what the mission is, till the military tell me that it can be completed, and till I know how they can come out." No
24419 "But I must stop short of using American force until I know how those young men and women are going to get out of there as well as get in, know what the mission is, and define it." No
24426 We cannot send our people all over the world to solve every problem that comes up. No
24429 "But it is inappropriate for us, just because there's a problem somewhere around the world, to take the sons and daughters of working people--and make no mistake about it, our all- volunteer armed force is not made up of the sons and daughters of the beautiful people; it's the working folks who send their sons and daughters to war, with a few exceptions." Yes
24432 It's a different world now. No
24450 "I was born to a widowed mother who gave me family values, and grandparents." No
24464 "I believe that discipline and respect for the law -- all of these things should be taught to children, not in our schools, but families have to do that." No
24466 But it's gotten too much. No
24478 "And I think, my gosh, wouldn't it be wonderful if every child had that love and support." No
24495 "The use of cocaine, for example, by teenagers is dramatically down." Yes
24496 But we've got to keep fighting on this war against drugs. No
24512 "Anytime you think you want to legalize drugs, go to a neonatal unit -- if you can get in." No
24524 And these old boys are not going to quit easy. No
24529 I'm very proud of him. No
24537 "Thirty years ago, there were three policemen for every crime." Yes
24544 That crime bill is going to be one of my highest priorities next January if I become president. No
24553 We are all in this together. No
24554 We ought to love one another because united teams win and divided teams lose. No
24559 Our diversity is a strength. No
24562 "I think whoever is in the White House should just make it absolutely unconscionable and inexcusable, and if anybody's in the middle of a speech at, you know, one of these conventions, I would expect the candidate to go out and lift him off the stage if he starts preaching hate -- because we don't have time for it." No
24564 We have got to pull together. No
24577 "We are being murdered economically because we have too many drop-outs, we have too many low birthweight babies, we have too many drug addicts as kids, we have too much violence, we are too divided by race, by income, by region." No
24584 I do think it's fair to note -- he can rebut it -- but Arkansas is one of the few states that doesn't have any civil rights legislation. Yes
24610 "Call me, let me know.""" No
24639 Let me go back a minute to racial divisiveness. No
24648 Well over a million and a quarter Americans are HIV-positive. Yes
24683 "This is a town where the White House says, Congress did it; Congress says, the White House did it." No
24693 "I mean, look at the facts." No
24694 "Both parties in Washington, the president and the Congress, have cut Medicare." Yes
24711 "What we do need to do, though, is control the growth of these mandatory programs." No
24748 The Oregon plan is a good start if the federal government is going to continue to abandon its responsibilities. No
24752 "We can do better, and we must." No
24767 "We got the most expensive health care system in the world; it ranks behind 15 other nations when we come to life expectancy, and 22 other nations when we come to infant mortality." Yes
24790 I don't like to see the people in a deteriorating economy in a deteriorating country because our government has lost touch with the people. No
24794 It's time to do it because we have run up so much debt that time is no longer our friend. No
24798 "Think of your dreams as a child and ask yourself, isn't it time to stop talking about it?" No
24819 And I'd like to thank those of you who are watching. No
24821 "I'd like to thank the computer executives and the electronics executives in Silicon Valley, two-thirds of whom are Republicans who said they wanted to sign on to a change in America." Yes
24827 "He was president for 3 years before he proposed a health care plan that still hasn't been sent to Congress in total; three years before an economic plan, and he still didn't say tonight that that tax bill he vetoed raised taxes only on the rich and gave the rest of you a break -- but he vetoed it anyway." Yes
24852 "On the domestic side, what we must do is have change that empowers people -- not change for the sake of change, tax and spend." No
24853 We don't need to do that any more. No
24863 And I ask for your support for 4 more years to finish this job. No
24992 What did we get for it? No
25561 I would like to see their elimination. No
25957 Marijuana use is up 141percent. Yes
26039 American seniors have the highest life expectancy in the world. Yes
26076 We reduced the welfare rolls by 2 million already. Yes
26138 We need to get the economy going. No
26145 But we have to prove we can pay for them. No
26228 "We've opened 260,000 new jobs in the military to women since I've been president." Yes
26344 "Well, 88 percent of the people -- the President claims 11 million are already covered and only 5 percent -- keep in mind only 5 percent of the employers are affected by the Family Leave Act." Yes
26564 Those are my best ideas about it. No
26794 All the people who may still be watching or viewing. No
26829 We're going to have a good economic package. No
26982 But I'll respond to a couple of things that you mentioned. No
27094 "We should be playing the leadership role there, not on the ground with military." No
27100 And we are making sure that those we help are those who will be friends of ours in the long term and friends of our allies in the region over the long term. No
27106 Imagine if we had pulled out at that point. No
27107 "You know, Moammar Gadhafi had more American blood on his hands than any individual other than Osama bin Laden." Yes
27161 I felt that -- I wish we'd have had a better vision of the future. No
27174 "When the -- when the president of Iraq -- excuse me, of Iran, Ahmadinejad, says that our debt makes us not a great country, that's a frightening thing." No
27185 "And, finally, we have to stand by our principles." No
27385 "Our Navy is old -- excuse me, our Navy is smaller now than at any time since 1917." Yes
27391 Our Air Force is older and smaller than at any time since it was founded in 1947. Yes
27403 But I think Governor Romney maybe hasn't spent enough time looking at how our military works. No
27503 "And we're going to make sure that if they do not meet the demands of the international community, then we are going to take all options necessary to make sure they don't have a nuclear weapon." No
27519 "And the way to make sure they understand that is by having, from the very beginning, the tightest sanctions possible." No
27683 They're going to come rushing back in to Afghanistan when we go. No
27688 Well I believe we should use any and all means necessary to take out people who pose a threat to us and our friends around the world. No
27722 "We have to remain vigilant, as I just said." No
27814 I was born in Detroit. No
27815 My dad was head of a car company. No
27828 You can take a look at the op-ed... No
27958 "Yes, I want to reduce our deficit by cutting spending that we don't need but also by asking the wealthy to do a little bit more so that we can invest in things like research and technology that are the key to a 21st century economy." No
27961 "And we've been through tough times but we always bounce back because of our character, because we pull together and if I have the privilege of being your president for another four years, I promise you I will always listen to your voices." No
27967 I'm optimistic about the future. No
27986 I was in a state where my legislature was 87 percent Democrat. Yes
28143 "I propose a real prescription drug benefit under Medicare for all seniors, all seniors, and here's how it works." No
28261 "If you want to do a voucher program in Missouri, fine." No
28297 More than 90% of America's children go to public schools. Yes
28349 I will pay down the debt every single year until it is eliminated early in the next decade. No
28356 The Senate Budget Committee -- No
28369 I don't think that's the role of the president to pick you're right and you're not right. No
28394 This is a fair plan. No
28438 I've been a person who has to set a clear vision and convince people to follow. No
28598 "Now, many here who are not involved in farming don't -- won't follow this, so just forgive me." No
28664 "I know this, 100% will get it if I'm the president." No
28710 I don't want to embarrass our oldest daughter. No
28739 "We're America, and we believe in our future and we know we have the ability to shape our future." No
28743 I don't believe that's a fair measure. No
28777 He is the chairman of the health committee. No
28798 Quotas are bad for America. No
28815 How do you do it? No
28851 I think that speaks for itself. No
28900 "And if you think I was proud of it, I think you misread me, I do." No
28918 "But I'm not proud of any record, sir, I'm not." No
28956 I promise you I will keep mine. No
28958 He has promised a trillion dollars out of the Social Security Trust Fund for young working adults to invest and save on their own. Yes
28965 "(LAUGHTER) I -- there's an old high school debating trick, which is to answer something and then attack your opponent at the end." No
29011 "Well, can I answer that?" No
29060 I look forward to the final weeks of this campaign. No
29062 "For those of you for me, thanks for your help." No