T: understand your boobs a little down lately | |
C: yeah I'm not feeling so hot | |
T: can't tell me how long you've been feeling down | |
C: yeah you know it's been a while extended like probably six months | |
T: six Ross okay tell me how many times you've felt this way in your life we've got periods of feeling down like how many of those | |
C: you know it's really the maybe second | |
T: the second time | |
C: yeah okay | |
T: how long did the first time | |
C: last year | |
T: so I'm gonna ask you some different questions about what's going on or it could be going on do you feel like your mood is depressed most of the day nearly every day | |
C: yeah | |
T: you do here are feelings of hopelessness emptiness I'd like that a little bit okay two other people see you as being sad yeah do you feel like your interest in pleasurable activities has decreased mustard a nearly every day you still have some how about significant weight loss or weight gain | |
C: yeah I don't fit in my clothes I've got about 15 pounds | |
T: is that unusual for you have you had any difficulty sleeping too much too little | |
C: the lime soup a lot | |
T: you feel like you're restless how about feeling of being slowed down any symptoms of feeling tired or losing energy coming fatigued | |
C: yeah | |
T: you feel that way how about inappropriate guilts or feelings of worthlessness | |
C: sometimes | |
T: sometimes | |
C: yeah | |
T: nearly every day or | |
C: yeah | |
T: have you noticed it's been more difficult for you to concentrate or being more indecisive that's right now have you had recurrent thoughts of dying or committing suicide any suicide attempts | |
C: I'm just really sad low energy not great | |
T: no how long has this been going on | |
C: for about six months | |
T: about six months | |
C: yeah | |
T: so I'm gonna ask you a few questions which ones resonate with you which of these items resonate with you that you're experiencing and which ones maybe don't apply okay do you feel like that your moods been depressed most of the day nearly every day like feelings of sadness hopelessness things like that | |
C: not every day I mean a lot | |
T: how about have you noticed a significant change in your interest in pleasurable activities most of the day nearly every day has your weight change significantly either losing weight or gaining weight | |
C: yeah | |
T: yeah | |
C: I barely have any clothes I can wear it about 15 pounds | |
T: is that what kind of weight gain unusual for you how about having trouble sleeping too much or too little | |
C: if they're like I'm up in the middle of the night or I'm sleeping you know like 10:30 yeah I'm sleeping a lot | |
T: I mean hours do you notice yourself either being more agitated or more slowed down in terms of your movements | |
C: slowed down so that's actually my husband said something about it | |
T: how about symptoms of fatigue or losing energy | |
C: I just feel like I I feel like a waste of space like I'm not living up to my potential like I've let my parents down I've let my husband Alan look guilt | |
T: you're having thoughts of ending your life | |
C: it's good to see you I was like last night I was thinking about when I was going to come in and I was thinking about like things that I wanted to talk to you about and I've really been concerned about a lot of things but you know what I mean it's you don't know what I mean cuz I would even set it yet am i saying but I'm really you know I'm getting a lot done I'm getting a ton done around the house I'm not sleeping very much you know I've been up you know all through the night but I had this where did I put that list where I could it but I have whole list of things I wanted to talk to you about tonight but you know my husband wanted me convinced I'm here and what is it that he wanted to talk to me about | |
T: well I wanted to talk to you about something we talked about earlier session which was a time it sound like a few months ago | |
C: yeah yeah I totally was it's so different from now I mean it's amazing now I love this feeling | |
T: you don't feel anything at all now | |
C: right now no I'm not I'm not I mean life is beautiful are you kidding me oh well I guess you could say that in the end I you know get it but I'm totally getting off topic what were you saying | |
T: well my sister questions about that that period of time in your town | |
C: is that significant I mean do you really mean | |
T: I'd like to find out what's going on there | |
C: okay | |
T: yeah that's okay | |
C: no that's fine that's fine | |
T: I know these things can be hard to talk about | |
C: it's okay so what was it that you wanted to | |
T: well remember we talked before you said it was a time it sounded like a started about a year ago | |
C: oh yeah | |
T: we were kind of down like now you're you see my good little off | |
C: oh oh you mean like my summer yeah right it was less no it wasn't it was last year about this time but then it lasted to the summer it lasted but women you know it was at six months and that was miserable I do not want to feel like that again and I mean I felt like that before I've been a couple times I think but you know like can I just tell you I am so productive right now that right back then I was not I definitely was not I thought it was such a different type of feeling I was like lying around on the sofa all day I was you know oh my god it was sleeping all of it I hate everyone meets right now it's fantastic I mean I categorized all of my photographs from when I was a baby through graduate school and I've got them and all these look good anyway what was I saying - I was talking about | |
T: is normal enjoy playing with your kids | |
C: oh yeah yeah | |
T: you just not through that time | |
C: that was horrible no | |
T: and you mentioned that you weren't sleeping too well do you have any weight changes during that time | |
C: definitely you know closer to 150 back Bettany about right now 15 and that's great but ya know I gained a lot of weight I do not want to go back to that again yeah I'm like 115 right now I went to Bloomingdale's last night do not tell my husband but they were having the most amazing sale I think I spent too much I mean I probably | |
T: spent a lot | |
C: but it was on sale and the stuff is gorgeous I mean if he saw it he really could not complain because I was meant to have it again seriously these sweaters are beautiful | |
T: so this symmetry which how you're feeling now sounds really opposite way you felt six months ago | |
C: oh yeah yeah yeah completely but I mean this is good so during that time so I'm going back down back to that time for a second did you have feelings of worthlessness | |
C: yeah but I mean I could probably guilt ya | |
T: can tell me about how the symptoms the presence of the symptoms like the frequency duration for example during that time period was that most of the day nearly every day that you felt this way did you have any trouble concentrating or making decisions | |
C: yeah | |
T: having a thoughts of suicide this is back this information is very helpful thanks Ian | |