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T:	hi nice cute
C:	you two
T:	so why don't you tell a little bit about yourself
C:	so when it was Kelsey Harris I am a student here I'm a senior double majoring tiger balm on campus I play a sport I do collectivities home very busy around campus from with your lineup I was born and raised here so I like beyond my family a lot
T:	just sounds like you're really busy all the time yeah
C:	yeah you can say that you got home a lot
T:	um actually no not really I only live a couple hours away but my parents come here not frequently but enough that i get to see them so you say they play basketball
C:	yes
T:	yes
C:	yes so walgreens whopping two-year like what you decide
T:	well I've been struggling with some anxiety issues lately and I can't seem to figure out why I just I've been having some like anxiety attacks and panic attacks just wasn't like the last couple months and I thought him just go away on their own and like they think has come on at night sometimes or at first I thought they were centered around like papers and normal collops things but then like I had one were fall break whenever I didn't have anything to do looking to be here
C:	have you so you see that it has nothing to do with schoolwork because you said you have a really cool place and you don't think I hadn't anything to do it back
T:	I don't think into this and I mean it's a big school of constant thing so it's my senior year or two and I had to pop up until now so I I don't know I can't really figure out what could be causing it
C:	how are things at home with your family
T:	I'm dinner going well my little sister actually she's a freshman in college this year so my parents are at home with the emptiness and trying to figure out what i'm going to do with their free time and call me a lot i went off a lot but I mean everything's fine I see my grandparents pretty often my sister is going well
C:	that's good so so you and your family are going well
T:	we're we ever pretty close
C:	how I was like the social life like how are things at school you know with your friends and ball how are things going
T:	socially everything is going well too just trying to keep everything balanced it's a but I mean I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job of it
C:	you get very clean school and stuff
T:	yeah and i will say that senior year brings you know the senioritis around sometime so it's hard to get some motivation in there but um I mean schools would well like I I'm happy with my grades are socially I'd say that I mean my friends are still there like I love my friends I'm i feel like i do the same things that is nothing different going on
C:	okay
T:	socially I
C:	just just get anxiety attacks just randomly
T:	yeah
C:	do you notice any pattern maybe when things id attack occurs
T:	so I had probably five or six within the past month a couple of them happen at night only who actually most only the only one happy birthday but I wasn't like around anybody see any patterns with that at a loss
C:	but he had any strange or reoccurring dreams
T:	um actually I have they're just been like weird dreams that it's like I don't know it kind of plays on the future a lot but then like whenever i wake up i can't remember like specific details from it like you have you had a dream where you it feels so really you wake up and you Cameron really what just happened
C:	yeah that's usually how you know it works a lot of people put a note pad next to their their bed and the second they wake up they write down what they dreamt about so they don't forget and like it's just something that people do but maybe that's something that you can try oh my good yeah so you say your sister her brother
T:	sister
C:	just left home why she going to school
T:	she is in school at Spelman in Atlanta so she is having fun hopefully studying oh no she's not playing sports she just ran their students
C:	she's a regular student
T:	yeah
C:	you know how many thousand things on your plate like you did
T:	yeah I was I don't know cuz every time I talk to her she's like like they have a lot of going on down there Nixon is it Lana like it's my Burlington North Carolina so I talked to her I'm like when you ever study I don't really you know every time I talk to your do it comes you too jealous but we should
C:	yeah okay so when you have anxiety like wouldn't have these attacks like what are you feeling
T:	I feel like scared I feel almost like a pressure like I can't breathe you type of thing but more like a scared feeling
C:	do you feel helpless
T:	yeah
C:	yeah what do you thought
T:	well the first time it happened like I never had before so I didn't know what's going on and I was like in my room just about a little bit not doing anything in particular so the first time it really scared me and then you know it took me a few seconds just like started reading my guardian graduate and then a house wine so I think the more they happened I hope they will just call myself down and just keep going few minutes later and not think about it but I don't want them to keep all right well
C:	that's good that you're about to keep my calm yourself down and that's good have you talked to any of your friends about it
T:	no
C:	it's the first time you're talking about it
T:	yeah I've seen any doctor like I don't have a weird thing with like taking medicine everything I want to be supplied with always like home
C:	just type in it
T:	yeah I feel dependent on medicine
C:	yeah I feel the same way uh okay so how would you toss the team looking this year how's the basketball team looking
T:	really good um I want to seniors on the team so everybody's looking up to me so it's a little bit of pressure but i like i like it it's different you know our team's different
C:	yeah
T:	it's it's hard to compare this team to like other years and I mean it's kind of like unknown going into it just like you have a heavy patient because there's young you know two layers yeah we were going you taking my captain girl you'd say that oh just stepping into whatever goal the coaches want me in want me to 70 keep me like I'm trying to be a leader like vocally and it's different for me because I'm not used to being so vocal about it
C:	so you feel a pressure a little bit this year
T:	I can just always pressure there but I guess it's like a little more pressure just because he had a lot of the
C:	yeah
T:	one of the few seniors
C:	ok so
T:	the pressure is good though no yeah
C:	yeah actually I agree um and then so with school are you feeling any pressure there
T:	um I guess not I think about it I mean I am a little bit um so like my GPA is it's pretty good I have a like 33 I'm pretty close till you at 36 Soleil I'm trying to keep it up like a 35 the rest of the year and we depart of zoo but doesn't aiming for yeah so yeah yeah but it's all like a pressure go myself like nobody's really like telling me I have to do it just for or else but it's just something that kind of doing
C:	so are you are you a leader in your sorority any kind like you have actually there
T:	well I'm the treasure in my sorority but we we had a lab new members come in last year some kind of like showing them the ropes kind of likes taking steps back you know like them starting to read some things so it's not really that much pressure in that
C:	but it sounds like you a lot to do
T:	yeah
C:	Billy today
T:	yeah I think I'd rather do that then have so much free time
C:	yeah
T:	I'll have to do is probably sleep it like egg sleep or watch TV you know or Netflix
C:	oh okay so I want to hear more about you know your family like tell me a little bit more the relationship you have like with your sister and be with your grandparents look if you have
T:	so my parents are from Greensboro my grandparents on both sides actually still live in greensboro so they're 20 mins away if that they all come to my games pretty much every home game if season tickets but I don't create my advice he said tickets but my family so uh I mean we're like I really close I don't know like I don't go see them like very often maybe like once a month but I try to go see them at least once a month or once every other month version like that but I see them so much because they come to my games I was like
C:	yeah
T:	yeah
C:	yeah yeah
T:	yeah well yeah this is why don't I go home that often either obsess my parents quite a bit to my sister like I thought it like she's a freshman in college so she's having fun um I'm seven actually just had laser their homecoming this past week so I know she's been busy so yeah oh my mom's birthday last week president again yeah we're pretty close
C:	yeah and I guess
T:	no I think about it I love it gradually
C:	yeah we have to face the real world pretty soon I think it's just been like all facing the reality of the fact that you're gonna be graduated
T:	yeah I mean I kind of have a plan of what i want to do blood change changing you know it's just like funny hearing some people you know like have their first job offer sounds like
C:	is that stressing y'all
T:	not yet but I feel like it might I probably will in the spring right now I'm still like I still feel like really invested in elon so I still feel like I'm here yet so probably in the spring out I have to like start
C:	configuring out
T:	yeah
C:	well I hope everything goes
T:	thank you