diff --git "a/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzfnbq" "b/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzfnbq" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzfnbq" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{"text":"\\section{CHIRAL SYMMETRY}\n\\label{s1}\n\nThe outer components of nuclear forces are dominated by pion-exchanges\nand involve just a few basic subamplitudes, describing pion interactions\nwith either nucleons or other pions.\nThe simplest process $N \\!\\rar\\! \\pi N$, corresponding to the emission or \nabsorption of a single pion by a nucleon, is rather well understood and \ngives rise to the one-pion exchange $N\\!N$ potential ($OPEP$).\nThe scattering reaction $\\pi N \\!\\rar\\! \\pi N$ comes next and determines both \nthe very important two-pion exchange term in the $N\\!N$ force \nand the leading three-body interaction, as shown in Fig.\\ref{F1}.\n\n\\vspace{-4mm}\n\n\\begin{figure}[h]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.7\\columnwidth,angle=0]{Robilotta_Osaka-01.eps}\n\\vspace{-3mm}\n\\caption{Free $\\pi N$ amplitude (a)\nand two-pion exchange two-body (b) and three-body (c) potentials.} \n\\label{F1}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\n\\vspace{-5mm}\n\nThe theoretical understanding of the $\\pi N$ amplitude proved\nto be very challenging and a suitable description was only produced \nby means of chiral symmetry.\nThis framework provides a natural explanation for the observed \nsmallness of $\\pi N$ scattering lengths and plays a fundamental\nrole in Nuclear Physics.\nNowadays, the use of chiral symmetry in low-energy pion-interactions\nis justified by $QCD$.\n\nThe small masses of the quarks $u$ and $d$, treated as perturbations \nin a chiral symmetric lagrangian, give rise to a well defined chiral \nperturbation theory (ChPT).\nHadronic amplitudes are then expanded in terms of a typical \nscale $q$, set by either pion four-momenta or nucleon three-momenta, \nsuch that $q\\ll 1$ GeV.\nThis procedure is rigorous and many results have the status of {\\em theorems}.\nIn general, these theorems are written as power series \nin the scale $q$ and involve both {\\em leading order terms} and \n{\\em chiral corrections}.\nThe former can usually be derived from tree diagrams, whereas the\nlatter require the inclusion of pion loops and are the main object \nof ChPT. \nAt each order, predictions for a given process must be unique and the \ninclusion of corrections cannot change already existing leading terms.\n\nThe relationship between chiral expansions of the $\\pi N$ amplitude and of \ntwo-pion exchange $(TPE)$ nuclear forces is discussed in the sequence.\nFor the $\\pi N$ amplitude, tree diagrams yield ${\\cal{O}}(q, q^2)$ terms \nand corrections up to ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ have already been evaluated, by means of both \ncovariant\\cite{BL}(CF) and heavy baryon\\cite{FM}(HBF) formalisms. \nIn the case of the $N\\!N$ potential, the leading term is ${\\cal{O}}(q^0)$ and\ngiven by the $OPEP$.\nThe tree-level $\\pi N$ amplitude yields $TPE$ contributions at ${\\cal{O}}(q^2,q^3)$\nand corrections at ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ are available, based on both \nHBF\\cite{HB} and CF\\cite{HR,HRR}.\nTree-level $\\pi N$ results also determine the leading ${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$ three-body\nforce and partial corrections at ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ begin to be derived \n\\cite{IR07,E3NP}.\nAs this discussion suggests, ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ corrections to both\ntwo- and three-nucleon forces require just the ${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$\n$\\pi N$ amplitude.\n\nThe full empirical content of the $\\pi N$ amplitude cannot be predicted\nby chiral symmetry alone. \nExperimental information at low energies is usually encoded into the \nsubthreshold coefficients introduced by H\\\"ohler and collaborators\\cite{H83}\nwhich can, if needed, be translated into the low-energy contants (LECs)\nof chiral lagrangians. \nTherefore, in order to construct a ${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$ $\\pi N$ amplitude,\none uses chiral symmetry supplemented by \nsubthreshold information, as indicated in Fig. \\ref{F2}.\nThe first two diagrams correspond to the nucleon pole, \nwhereas the other ones represent a smooth background.\nThe third graph reproduces the Weinberg-Tomozawa contact interaction,\nthe fourth one summarizes LEC contributions and the last two describe \nmedium range pion-cloud effects.\n\n\\vspace{-5mm}\n\n\\begin{figure}[h]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.8\\columnwidth,angle=0]{Robilotta_Osaka-02.eps}\n\\vspace{-4mm}\n\\caption{Representation of the $\\pi N$ amplitude at ${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$.} \n\\label{F2}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\n\n\n\\section{TWO-BODY POTENTIAL}\n\\label{s2}\n\nWith the purpose of discussing the problem of predicted \n$\\times$ observed chiral hierarchies, in this section we review \nbriefly results obtained by our goup\\cite{HR,HRR} for the \n$TPE$-$N\\!N$ potential at ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$.\nThis component is determined by the three families of diagrams\nshown in Fig. \\ref{F3}. \nFamily $I$ begins at ${\\cal{O}}(q^2)$ and implements the minimal realization of \nchiral symmetry\\cite{RR94},\nwhereas family $I\\!I$ depends on $\\pi\\p$ correlations and is ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$.\nThey involve only the constants $g_A$ and $ f_\\pi$\nand all dependence on the LECs is concentrated in family $I\\!I\\!I$,\nwhich begins at ${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$.\n\n\\vspace{-2mm}\n\\begin{figure}[h]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.7\\columnwidth,angle=0]{Robilotta_Osaka-03.eps}\n\\caption{Dynamical structure of the two-pion exchange potential.} \n\\label{F3}\n\\end{center} \n\\end{figure}\n\n\\vspace{-5mm}\n\nAs far as chiral orders of magnitude are concerned, on finds that \nthe various components of the force begin as follows\\cite{HRR}:\n${\\cal{O}}(q^2)\\rightarrow V_{SS}^+, V_T^+, V_C^-$ and \n${\\cal{O}}(q^3)\\rightarrow V_C^+, V_{LS}^+, V_{LS}^-, V_{SS}^-, V_T^-$,\nwhere the superscripts $(+)$ and $(-)$ refer to terms proportional \nto either the identity or $\\mbox{\\boldmath $\\tau$}^{(1)}\\!\\cdot\\! \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\tau$}^{(2)}$ in isospin space.\nAn interesting feature of these results is that the role played by \nfamily $I\\!I$ is completely irrelevant.\nOn the other hand, family $I$ dominates almost completely the components\n$V_{LS}^+$, $V_T^+$, $V_{SS}^+$ and $V_C^-$, \nwhereas family $I\\!I\\!I$ does the same for $V_C^+$, $V_T^-$and $V_{SS}^-$.\n\n\\vspace{-4mm}\n\\begin{figure}[h]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.49\\columnwidth,angle=0]{Robilotta_Osaka-04a.eps}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.49\\columnwidth,angle=0]{Robilotta_Osaka-04b.eps}\n\\vspace{-3mm}\n\\caption{$OPEP$ and $TPEP$ contributions to \nspin-spin (left) and tensor (right) NUisovector components.} \n\\label{F4}\n\\end{center} \n\\end{figure}\n\n\\vspace{-5mm}\n\nThe relationship between the $OPEP[={\\cal{O}}(q^0)]$ and $TPEP[={\\cal{O}}(q^3)]$ \ncontributions to the $V_{SS}^-$ and $V_T^-$ profile functions is \nshown in Fig. \\ref{F4}, where it is possible to see that the chiral\nhierarchy is respected.\n\n\nIn Fig. \\ref{F5}, the two central components $V_C^-[={\\cal{O}}(q^2)]$ and \n$V_C^+[={\\cal{O}}(q^3)]$ are displayed side by side and two features \nare to be noted.\nThe first one concerns the favorable comparison with the empirical\nArgonne\\cite{Arg} potentials in both cases.\nThe second one is that $|V_C^+| \\sim 10 \\, |V_C^-|$ in regions of physical\ninterest, defying strongly the predicted chiral hierarchy.\nThis problem will be further discussed in the sequence.\n\n\\vspace{-3mm}\n\n\\begin{figure}[h]\n\\begin{center}\n\\hspace*{-4mm}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.50\\columnwidth,angle=0]{Robilotta_Osaka-05a.eps}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.50\\columnwidth,angle=0]{Robilotta_Osaka-05b.eps}\n\\vspace{-2mm}\n\\caption{Isospin odd (left) and even (right) central components of the \ntwo-pion exchange potential.} \n\\label{F5}\n\\end{center} \n\\end{figure}\n\n\\vspace{-4mm}\n\nViolations of the chiral hierarchy are also present in the \n{\\em drift potential}\\cite{Rdrift}, which corresponds to kinematical\ncorrections due to the fact that the two-body center of mass is allowed to \ndrift inside a larger system. \nIn terms of Jacobi coordinates, it is represented by the operator\n\\begin{eqnarray}\nV(r)^\\pm = \\left. V(r)^\\pm \\right] _{cm} + V_D^\\pm \\, \\Omega_{D}\n\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\; \\leftrightarrow \\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\n\\Omega_D = \\frac{1}{4\\sqrt{3}}\\, (\\mbox{\\boldmath $\\sigma$}^{(1)}\\!-\\! \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\sigma$}^{(2)}) \\!\\cdot\\! \\mbox{\\boldmath $r$} \\!\\times \\! \\;,\n(-i \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\nabla$}^{^{\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!^\\leftrightarrow}}_\\rho)\\;.\n\\nonumber\n\\end{eqnarray}\n\n\nThe profile function $V_D^+$ together with $V_{LS}^+$, are \ndisplayed in Fig. \\ref{F6}.\nDrift corrections begin at ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ and, in principle, should be smaller \nthan the spin-orbit terms, which begin at ${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$.\nHowever, in this channel, the hierarchy is again not respected.\n\n\\vspace{20mm}\n\\begin{figure}[h]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.7\\columnwidth,angle=0]{Robilotta_Osaka-06.EPS}\n\\vspace{-35mm}\n\\caption{Isospin even drift (full and dotted lines)\nand spin-orbit (dashed line) potentials.} \n\\label{F6}\n\\end{center} \n\\end{figure}\n\n\n\n\n\\section{THREE-BODY POTENTIAL}\n\\label{s3}\n\nThe leading term in the three-nucleon potential, known as $TPE$-$3NP$,\nhas long range and corresponds to the process shown in fig.1c,\nin which a pion is emitted by one of the nucleons, scattered by a second one, \nand absorbed by the last nucleon.\nIs this case, the intermediate $\\pi N$ amplitude, which is ${\\cal{O}}(q)$ for \nfree pions, becomes ${\\cal{O}}(q^2)$ and the three-body force begins at \n${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$.\nThe first modern version of this component of the force was produced by \nFujita and Miyazawa\\cite{F-M}, its chiral structure has bee much debated\nsince the seventies\\cite{3NP} and, nowadays, a sort o consensus has been \nreached about its form\\cite{Rtokyo}. \nThe leading $TPE$-$3NP$ has a generic structure given by\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n&& V_L(123) = -\\,\\frac{\\mu}{(4\\pi)^2} \n\\left\\{ \\delta_{ab} \\left[ a \\, \\mu - b \\, \\mu^3 \\, \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\nabla$}_{12} \\!\\cdot\\! \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\nabla$}_{23} \\right] \n+ d\\, \\mu^3 \\; i\\,\\epsilon_{bac} \\tau_c^{(2)}\\;\ni \\, \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\sigma$}^{(2)} \\!\\cdot\\! \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\nabla$}_{12} \\times \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\nabla$}_{23}\\right\\} \n\\nonumber\\\\\n&& \\;\\;\\;\\;\\; \\times \n\\left[ (g_A \\, \\mu\/2 \\,f_\\pi)\\;\\tau_a^{(1)} \\;\\mbox{\\boldmath $\\sigma$}^{(1)} \\!\\cdot\\! \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\nabla$}_{12} \\right] \\;\n\\left[ (g_A \\, \\mu\/2 \\,f_\\pi)\\;\\tau_b^{(3)} \\;\\mbox{\\boldmath $\\sigma$}^{(3)} \\!\\cdot\\! \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\nabla$}_{23} \\right] \\;\nY(x_{12}) \\; Y(x_{23}) \\;,\n\\nonumber\n\\end{eqnarray}\n\n\\noindent\nwhere $\\mu$ is the pion mass and $a$, $b$ and $d$ are strength parameters,\ndetermined by either LECs or subhtreshold coefficients. \n\nThe evaluation of ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ corrections requires the inclusion of single\nloop effects and is associated with a large number of \ndiagrams, which are being calculated by Epelbaum and \ncollaborators\\cite{E3NP}.\nIn order to produce a feeling for the structure of these corrections,\nwe discuss a particular set of processes belonging to the \n$TPE$-$3NP$ class, considered recently\\cite{IR07}.\nFull results involve expressions which are too long and cumbersome\nto be displayed here.\nHowever, their main qualitative features can be summarized in the\nstructure \n$V(123)=V_L(123)+ [V_{\\delta L}(123) + \\delta V(123)]$, \nwhere $V_L$ is the leading term shown above and the factors within \nsquare brackets are ChPT corrections.\nThe function $V_{\\delta L}$ can be obtained directly from $V_L$, by replacing \n$(a,b,c) \\rightarrow (\\delta a,\\delta b, \\delta c)$, where \nthe $\\delta s$ indicate changes smaller than $10\\%$.\nThis part of the ChPT correction corresponds just to shifts in the \nparameters of the leading component.\nThe term $\\delta V(123)$, on the other hand, represents effects associated \nwith new mathematical functions involving both non-local operators \nand complicated propagators containg loop integrals,\nin place of the Yukawa functions.\nThe strengths of these new functions are determined by a new set of \nparameters $e_i$, which are also typically about $10\\%$ of the \nleading ones.\n\nIn summary, ChPT gives rise both to small changes in already existing \ncoefficients and to the appearance of many new mathematical structures.\nThe latter are the most interesting ones, since they may be instrumental\nin explaining effects such as the $A_y$ puzzle.\n\n\n\n\\section{THE CHIRAL PICTURE}\n\\label{s4}\n\nChiral symmetry has already been applied to about 20 components \nof nuclear forces, allowing a comprehensive picture to be assessed.\nAccording to ChPT, the various effects begin to appear at different\norders and the predicted hierarchy is displayed in the table below.\n\n\n\\begin{table}[h]\n\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular} {|c|ccc|}\n\\hline\nbeginning\t \t& TWO-BODY & TWO-BODY\t& THREE-BODY \t \\\\ \n\t\t\t\t& $OPEP$ & $TPEP$\t\t& $TPEP$\t\t \\\\ \\hline \n${\\cal{O}}(q^0)$\t\t& $V_T^-, V_{SS}^-$\t&& \t \t \\\\[1mm] \\hline\n${\\cal{O}}(q^2)$\t\t& $V_D^-$ & $V_C^-; V_T^+, V_{SS}^+$ &\t \\\\[1mm]\\hline\n${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$\t\t&& $V_{LS}^-, V_T^-, V_{SS}^-; V_C^+, V_{LS}^+$ \n& $d; a, b$ \t\\\\[1mm] \\hline\n${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$\t\t&& $V_D^-; V_Q^+, V_D^+$ & $ e_i $ \\\\[1mm] \\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{table}\n\n\nIn Ref.\\refcite{HRR}, the relative importance of $O(q^2)$, $O(q^3)$ \nand $O(q^4)$ terms in each component of the $TPEP$-$N\\!NP$ has been studied.\nIn general, convergence at distances of physical interest is \nsatisfactory, except for $V_C^+$, where the ratio between \n${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ and ${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$ contributions \nis larger than $0.5$ for distances smaller than $2.5$ fm.\n\nAs far as the relative sizes of the various dynamical effects are\nconcerned, one finds strong violations of the predicted hierarchy\nwhen one compares $V_C^+$ with $V_C^-$ and $V_D^+$ with $V_{LS}^+$,\nas discussed above. \nIt is interesting to note that, in both cases,\nthe unexpected enhancements occur in the isoscalar sector. \nThe numerical explanation for this behavior is that some of the LECs \nused in the calculation are large and\ngenerated dynamically by delta intermediate states.\nHowever, it is also possible that perturbation theory may not apply \nto isoscalar interactions at intermediate distances.\nThis aspect of the problem is explored in the next section.\n\n\n\n\n\n\\section{SCALAR FORM FACTOR}\n\\label{s5}\n\n\n\nThe structure of $V_C^+$ was scrutinized in Ref.\\refcite{HRR}\nand found to be heavily dominated by a term of the form\n\\begin{eqnarray}\nV_C^+(r) \\sim -\\, (4\/f_\\pi^2)\\;\\left[ (c_3 - 2c_1) - c_3 \\; \\mbox{\\boldmath $\\nabla$}^2\/2 \\right] \\;\n\\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_N}(r)\\;,\n\\nonumber\n\\end{eqnarray}\nwhere the $c_i$ are LECs and $\\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_N}$ is the leading contribution \nfrom the pion cloud to the nucleon scalar form factor.\nThis close relationship between $\\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_N}$ and $V_C^+$ indicates \nthat the study of the former can shed light into the properties of the \nlatter.\n\nThe nucleon scalar form factor is defined as \n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\langle N(p') | \\!-\\! {\\cal{L}}_{sb}\\, | N(p) \\rangle = \\sigma_N(t) \\; \\bar u(p')\\; u(p) \\;,\n\\nonumber\n\\end{eqnarray}\n\n\\noindent\nwhere ${\\cal{L}}_{sb}$ is the symmetry breaking lagrangian. \nIt has already been expanded\\cite{BL} up to ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ and receives its leading \n${\\cal{O}}(q^2)$ contribution from a tree diagram associated with the LEC $c_1$.\nCorrections at ${\\cal{O}}(q^3)$ and ${\\cal{O}}(q^4)$ are produced by two triangle diagrams, \ninvolving nucleon and delta intermediate states.\nIn configuration space\\cite{sigma}, the scalar form factor is denoted\nby $\\tilde{\\sigma}$ and one writes \n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\tilde{\\sigma}_N(\\mbox{\\boldmath $r$}) = - 4\\, c_1\\, \\mu^2\\, \\delta^3(\\mbox{\\boldmath $r$}) + \n\\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_N}(r) + \\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_\\Delta}(r) \\;,\n\\nonumber\n\\end{eqnarray}\n\n\\noindent\nwhere $\\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_N}$ and $\\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_\\Delta}$ are the finite-range \ntriangle contributions. \n\n\\begin{figure}[t]\n\\begin{center}\n\\hspace*{-4mm}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.35\\columnwidth,angle=-90]{Robilotta_Osaka-07a.ps}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.35\\columnwidth,angle=-90]{Robilotta_Osaka-07b.ps}\n\\caption{Ratios $\\tilde{\\sigma}_N(r)\/(\\mu^2 f_\\pi^2)=(1-\\cos\\theta)$ (left)\nand $\\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_\\Delta}(r)\/\\tilde{\\sigma}_{N_N}(r)$ (right) as functions of \nthe distance $r$.}\n\\label{F7}\n\\vspace{-3mm}\n\\end{center} \n\\end{figure}\n\nThe symmetry breaking lagrangian can be expressed in terms of the chiral angle \n$\\theta$ as ${\\cal{L}}_{sb} = f_\\pi^2 \\, \\mu^2 \\,(\\cos\\theta-1)$.\nThe ratio $\\tilde{\\sigma}_N(r)\/(\\mu^2 f_\\pi^2)=(1-\\cos\\theta)$ describes the \ndensity of the $q\\bar{q}$ condensate around the nucleon and is \ndisplayed in Fig.~\\ref{F7}.\nOne notes that it vanishes at large distances and increases monotonically \nas one approaches the center.\nThis means that the function $\\tilde{\\sigma}_N(r)$ becomes meaningless beyond \na critical radius $R$, corresponding to $\\theta = \\pi\/2$,\nsince the physical interpretation of the quark condensate \nrequires the condition $q\\bar{q}>0$.\nIn Ref. \\refcite{sigma}, the condensate was assumed to no longer exist in \nthe region $r