diff --git "a/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzjnxb" "b/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzjnxb" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzjnxb" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{"text":"\\section{Introduction}\nThe main problem we will consider here is to give a lower bound for the dimension of the union of a collection of lines in terms of the dimension of the collection of lines, without imposing a structural hypothesis on the collection (in contrast to the Kakeya problem where one assumes that the lines are direction-separated, or perhaps satisfy the weaker ``Wolff axiom''). \n\nSpecifically, we are motivated by the following conjecture of D. Oberlin ($\\mathop{\\mathrm{hdim}}$ denotes Hausdorff dimension).\n\\begin{conjecture}\nSuppose $d \\geq 1$ is an integer, that $0 \\leq \\beta \\leq 1,$ and that ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of lines in $\\rea^n$ with $\\mathop{\\mathrm{hdim}}({\\bf L}) \\geq 2(d-1) + \\beta.$ Then\n\\begin{equation} \\label{dimrange}\n\\mathop{\\mathrm{hdim}}(\\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}L) \\geq d + \\beta.\n\\end{equation}\n\\end{conjecture}\nThe bound \\eqref{dimrange}, if true, would be sharp, as one can see by taking ${\\bf L}$ to be the set of lines contained in the $d$-planes belonging to a $\\beta$-dimensional family of $d$-planes. (Furthermore, there is nothing to be gained by taking $1 < \\beta \\leq 2$ since the dimension of the set of lines contained in a $d+1$-plane is $2(d-1) + 2$.)\n\nStandard Fourier-analytic methods show that \\eqref{dimrange} holds for $d=1$, but the conjecture is open for $d > 1.$ As a model problem, one may consider an analogous question where $\\rea^n$ is replaced by a vector space over a finite-field. Our main result is that the corresponding conjecture holds for all $d$ ($|\\cdot|$ denotes cardinality).\n\n\\begin{theorem} \\label{firstlinethm}\nSuppose $d \\geq 1$ is an integer, $F$ is a finite field, $0 \\leq \\beta \\leq 1,$ and that ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of lines in $F^n$ with $|{\\bf L}| \\geq |F|^{2(d-1) + \\beta}.$ Then\n\\begin{equation} \\label{dimrangeff} \n|\\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}L| \\gtrsim |F|^{d + \\beta}\n\\end{equation}\nwhere the implicit constant may depend on $d$, but is independent\\footnote{The constant is also independent of $\\beta$ and $n$, but this is only of secondary interest.} of $F$.\n\\end{theorem}\n\nReusing the examples above, one sees that \\eqref{dimrangeff} is sharp, up to the loss in the implicit constant, and that there is nothing to be gained by taking $1 < \\beta \\leq 2.$\n\nThe main tool we use in the proof of \\eqref{dimrangeff} is an iterated version of Wolff's hairbrush argument \\cite{wolff95ibk}. For comparison, we state the finite-field version of his result\\footnote{Wolff's main interest in this method was likely its use towards a partial resolution of the Kakeya conjecture (up to a negligible constant, any direction separated collection of lines satisfies the Wolff axiom). To that end, it has been superceded by Dvir's theorem \\cite{dvir09osk} (see also \\cite{ellenberg09ksm}), whose proof makes stronger use of the direction-separation hypotheses and does not seem to be applicable to the present question.} (see \\cite{wolff99rwc},\\cite{mockenhaupt04rkp}), starting with the following definition. A set of lines ${\\bf L}$ in $F^n$ satisfies the \\emph{Wolff axiom} if for every two-plane $R \\subset F^n$ \n\\[\n|\\{L \\in {\\bf L} : L \\subset R\\}| < |F|.\n\\]\n\n\\begin{theorem}[Wolff]\nSuppose that $\\alpha \\geq 1$, $F$ is a finite field, and ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of lines in $F^n$ with $|{\\bf L}| \\geq |F|^{\\alpha}.$ If ${\\bf L}$ satisfies the Wolff axiom then\n\\begin{equation} \\label{wolffexponent}\n|\\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}L| \\gtrsim |F|^{\\frac{\\alpha + 3}{2}}\n\\end{equation}\nwhere the implicit constant is independent of $F$.\n\\end{theorem}\n\nAn immediate consequence of Theorem \\ref{firstlinethm} is that, for odd integers $\\alpha$, Wolff's theorem holds even for collections of lines that do not satisfy the Wolff axiom. \n\nThe proof of Theorem \\ref{firstlinethm} also shows that the Wolff axiom can be relaxed for general values of $\\alpha.$ We say that a set of lines ${\\bf L}$ in $F^n$ satisfies the \\emph{$d$-plane Wolff axiom} if for every $d$-plane $R \\subset F^n$ \n\\begin{equation} \\label{dpwa}\n|\\{L \\in {\\bf L} : L \\subset R\\}| < |F|^{2d-3}.\n\\end{equation}\nIf $R$ is a $d$-plane then there are approximately $|F|^{3(d-2)}$ 2-planes $S$ contained in $R$ and for each line $L \\subset R$ there are approximately $|F|^{d-2}$ 2-planes $S$ with $L \\subset S \\subset R.$ Thus, the $d$-plane Wolff axiom asserts that for every $d$-plane $R$ the standard Wolff axiom holds ``on average'' for two-planes $S \\subset R.$ In particular, the d-plane Wolff axiom is weaker than the standard Wolff axiom when $d > 2$ (assuming one is willing to adjust the axioms by a constant factor, which would make no impact on the validity of the stated theorems). \n\n\\begin{theorem} \\label{wolffrelaxed}\nSuppose that $d > 2$ is an integer, $2(d-1) - 1 < \\alpha < 2(d-1) + 1$, $F$ is a finite field, and ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of lines in $F^n$ with $|{\\bf L}| \\geq |F|^{\\alpha}.$ If ${\\bf L}$ satisfies the $d$-plane Wolff axiom \\eqref{dpwa} then\n\\begin{equation} \\label{wolffexponent2}\n|\\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}L| \\gtrsim |F|^{\\frac{\\alpha + 3}{2}}\n\\end{equation}\nwhere the implicit constant is independent of $F$.\n\\end{theorem}\n\nBounds of the form \\eqref{wolffexponent} do not seem to be sharp; at least, they can be slightly strengthened in the case when $F = \\BBZ_p$, $\\alpha = 2$, and $n=3$, see \\cite{bourgain04spe}. \n\nSince \\eqref{wolffexponent2} improves on \\eqref{dimrangeff} when $\\beta < 1$, one can use the $d$-plane Wolff axiom to extract structural information about quasi-extremizers (cf. \\cite{christ06qer}) of \\eqref{dimrangeff}.\n\n\\begin{theorem} \\label{qethm}\nSuppose $d \\geq 1$ is an integer, and that $0 \\leq \\beta < 1$. Then, for every $C$ there exist $M$ and $c > 0$ such that if $F$ is a finite field with $|F| \\geq M$ and ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of lines in $F^n$ with $|L| \\geq |F|^{2(d-1) + \\beta}$ satisfying\n\\begin{equation} \\label{qebound}\n|{\\bf P}| \\leq C |F|^{d + \\beta}\n\\end{equation}\nwhere ${\\bf P} := \\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}L,$\nthen there are $d$-planes $R_1, \\ldots, R_N$ with $N \\geq c |F|^\\beta$ such that \n\\[\n|{\\bf P} \\cap \\bigcup_{j} R_j| \\geq c |{\\bf P}|\n\\]\nand for each $j$\n\\begin{equation} \\label{denseindplane}\n|{\\bf P} \\cap R_j| \\geq c |R_j|.\n\\end{equation}\n\\end{theorem}\n\nOne can also prove a version of the statement above for $-1 < \\beta < 0,$ but we omit the details. \n\nBy adding two additional layers of recursion, the method of Theorem \\ref{firstlinethm} can be adapted to treat unions of $k$-planes. \n\n\\begin{theorem} \\label{upthm1}\nSuppose $d \\geq k > 0$ are integers, that $0 \\leq \\beta \\leq 1$ and that ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of $k$-planes in $F^n$ with \n\\begin{equation} \\label{upthm1hyp}\n|{\\bf L}| \\geq |F|^{(k+1)(d-k)+\\beta}.\n\\end{equation}\nThen \n\\begin{equation} \\label{unionplanesbound}\n|\\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}L| \\gtrsim |F|^{d + \\beta}.\n\\end{equation}\n\\end{theorem}\n\nOur proof requires simultaneous treatment of the following more general result.\n\n\\begin{theorem} \\label{upthm2}\nSuppose $d \\geq k > k' \\geq 0$ are integers, that $0 \\leq \\beta \\leq k' + 1$ and that ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of $k$-planes in $F^n$ with \n\\[\n|{\\bf L}| \\geq |F|^{(k+1)(d-k)+\\beta}.\n\\]\nLetting ${\\bf P}_L = \\{k'\\text{-planes\\ }P : P \\subset L\\}$ we have\n\\begin{equation} \n|\\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}{\\bf P}_L| \\gtrsim |F|^{(k' + 1)(d - k') + \\beta}.\n\\end{equation}\n\\end{theorem}\n\nTheorems \\ref{upthm1} and \\ref{upthm2} are sharp in the same sense as Theorem \\ref{firstlinethm}. For a $k$-plane analog of Wolff's theorem see \\cite{bueti06ibk}. It may be possible to modify the proof of \\eqref{unionplanesbound} to obtain a $k$-plane analog of Theorem \\ref{wolffrelaxed}, but we do not pursue the details here.\n\nThe outline of this article is as follows: Section \\ref{prsection} contains some technical machinery, Section \\ref{linesection} contains the proofs of Theorems \\ref{firstlinethm}, \\ref{wolffrelaxed}, and \\ref{qethm}, and Section \\ref{planesection} contains the proofs of Theorems \\ref{upthm1} and \\ref{upthm2}.\n\n\n\\section{Preliminaries} \\label{prsection}\n\nWe start by roughly describing the approach of \\cite{wolff95ibk}. If a union of lines is small, then there must exist a ``hairbrush'' of many lines intersecting one common line. The ambient space can then be foliated into two-dimensional planes containing the common line, and a classical bound can be applied to estimate the union of lines contained in each two-plane. \n\nIn the present situation, we instead consider a hairbrush of many lines or $k$-planes intersecting a common $m$-dimensional plane. The following lemma is used to determine the appropriate choice of $m$.\n\n\\begin{lemma} \\label{pslemma}\nLet ${\\bf L}$ be a collection of $k$-planes in $F^n$ and suppose $d$ is a nonnegative integer with $k \\leq d \\leq n$. There is an $m$ with $k \\leq m \\leq d$, a collection of $m$-planes $R_1, \\ldots, R_N$, and collections of $k$-planes ${\\bf L}_{R_1}, \\ldots, {\\bf L}_{R_N}$ such that\n\\begin{enumerate}[(a)]\n\\item the ${\\bf L}_{R_j}$ are pairwise disjoint subsets of ${\\bf L}$ with $L \\subset R_j$ for $L \\in {\\bf L}_{R_j}$;\n\\item if $m > k$ then $|{\\bf L}_{R_j}| \\geq |F|^{(k+1)(m - 1 - k) + k}$;\n\\item if $m=k$ then $|{\\bf L}_{R_j}| = 1$;\n\\item \\label{epcondition} letting ${\\bf L}^m = \\bigcup_{j}{\\bf L}_{R_j}$, we have $|{\\bf L}^m| \\geq 2^{-(d-m+1)}|{\\bf L}|$;\n\\item \\label{genwolffcondition} if $m < m' \\leq d$ then for every $m'$-plane $S$, $|\\{L \\in {\\bf L}^m : L \\subset S\\}| < |F|^{(k+1)(m' - 1 - k) + k} .$\n\\end{enumerate}\n\\end{lemma}\n\n\\begin{proof}\nSet ${\\bf L}^{*,d+1} := {\\bf L}.$ For $k \\leq m \\leq d$, suppose that ${\\bf L}^{*,m+1} \\subset {\\bf L}$ has been chosen so that $|{\\bf L}^{*,m+1}| \\geq 2^{-(d-m)} |{\\bf L}|$. Starting at $j = 1$, suppose $m$-planes $R^m_{j'}$ and collections of $k$-planes ${\\bf L}_{R^m_{j'}}$ have been selected for all integers $0 < j' < j$.\n\nIf there is an $m$-plane $R$ so that \n\\[\n|\\{L \\in {\\bf L}^{*,m+1} \\setminus \\bigcup_{j' < j} {\\bf L}_{R^m_{j'}} : L \\subset R\\}| \\geq |F|^{(k+1)(m-1-k) + k}\n\\]\nthen let $R^m_j$ be such an $m$-plane, let\n\\[\n{\\bf L}_{R^m_j} = \\{L \\in {\\bf L}^{*,m+1} \\setminus \\bigcup_{j' < j} {\\bf L}_{R^m_{j'}} : L \\subset R^m_j\\}\n\\]\nand continue the process with $j+1.$ If there is no such plane then terminate the process and set \n\\[\n{\\bf L}^{*,m} = {\\bf L}^{*,m+1} \\setminus \\bigcup_{j' < j} {\\bf L}_{R^m_{j'}}.\n\\]\nIf $|{\\bf L}^{*,m}| < |{\\bf L}^{*,m+1}|\/2$ then property (\\ref{epcondition}) is satisfied and we terminate the process. Otherwise, continue with $m-1.$\n\nIf the process reaches the stage $m=k,$ then let $R^{k}_1, \\ldots, R^k_N$ be some enumeration of ${\\bf L}^{*,k+1}$ and ${\\bf L}_{R^{k}_j} = \\{R^k_j\\}$ and we are finished.\n\\end{proof}\n\nNext, we describe in detail the foliation of the ambient space.\n\n\\begin{lemma} \\label{folprop}\nSuppose that $S$ is an $m$-plane in $F^n$, that $0 \\leq q \\leq k-1,$ and that $m + k-q \\leq n.$ Then we can find $(m+k-q)$-planes $T_1, \\ldots, T_N$ with $S \\subset T_i$ for all $i$ such that for all $(k-1)$-planes $P$ and $k$-planes $L$ satisfying\n\\begin{enumerate}[(a)]\n\\item $P \\subset L$\n\\item $L \\cap S$ is a $q$-plane\n\\item $P \\cap S$ is a $(q-1)$-plane if $q > 0$ and $P \\cap S = \\emptyset$ if $q = 0$\n\\end{enumerate}\nwe have $L \\subset T_i$ for some $i$ and $P \\not\\subset T_{i'}$ for $i' \\neq i.$\n\\end{lemma}\n\n\\begin{proof}\nTo find the $T_i$, write $S=x + \\spa(e_1, \\ldots, e_m)$ and \n\\[\nF^n = \\spa(e_1, \\ldots, e_m, f_1, \\ldots f_{n-m}).\n\\]\nThen write $T_i = S + V_i$ where, as $i$ varies, $V_i$ ranges over all $(k-q)$-dimensional subspaces of $\\spa(f_1, \\ldots, f_{n-m}).$\n\nFix some $P,L$ satisfying the hypotheses. One can check that there is an $i$ such that $L \\subset T_i.$ For any $i' \\neq i$ we have that $T_i \\cap T_{i'}$ contains $S$ and is, at most, an $(m + k-q - 1)$-plane. \n\nFirst consider the case $q > 0.$ Choose $y \\in P \\cap S$ and write \n\\begin{align*}\nP \\cap S &= y + \\spa(g_1, \\ldots, g_{q-1}),\\\\\nP &= y + \\spa(g_1, \\ldots, g_{q-1}, h_1, \\ldots, h_{k-q}),\\\\\n\\intertext{and}\nS &= y + \\spa(g_1, \\ldots, g_{q-1}, h'_{1}, \\ldots, h'_{m + 1 -q}).\n\\end{align*}\nClearly, \n\\[\nW := \\{g_1, \\ldots, g_{q-1}, h_1, \\ldots, h_{k-q}, h'_{1}, \\ldots, h'_{m + 1 -q } \\}\n\\]\nis linearly independent and, since $S \\subset T_i \\cap T_{i'}$, $P \\subset T_i \\cap T_{i'}$ would imply $y + \\spa(W) \\subset T_i \\cap T_{i'}$ contradicting the dimension estimate on the latter set. \n\nFor the case $q=0$ write \n\\begin{align*}\nP &= z + \\spa(h_1, \\ldots, h_{k-1})\\\\\n\\intertext{and}\nS &= y + \\spa(h'_1, \\ldots, h'_m).\n\\end{align*}\nAgain using the dimension estimate on $T_i \\cap T_{i'}$, we see that if $P \\subset T_{i} \\cap T_{i'}$ then, since $P \\cap S = \\emptyset,$ we have $v \\in \\spa(h_1', \\ldots, h'_m)$ for some $0 \\neq v \\in \\spa(h_1, \\ldots, h_{k-1}).$ But, since $L \\cap S \\neq \\emptyset$, this implies $\\dim(L \\cap S) > 0$, contradicting the assumption that $\\dim(L \\cap S) = 0.$\n\\end{proof}\n\nTo estimate the union of lines or $k$-planes contained in each leaf of the foliation, we will appeal to recursion. However, at the root we still use the classical method:\n \n\\begin{lemma} \\label{classmethod}\nSuppose that ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of $m$-planes, ${\\bf P}$ is a collection of $(k-1)$-planes such that for every $L \\in {\\bf L}$\n\\[\n|\\{P \\in {\\bf P} : P \\subset L\\}| \\geq M,\n\\]\nand \n\\begin{equation} \\label{mustpruneeq}\n|{\\bf L}| |F|^{k(m-k)} \\leq M.\n\\end{equation}\nThen\n\\[\n|{\\bf P}| \\gtrsim |{\\bf L}| M.\n\\]\n\\end{lemma}\n\n\\begin{proof}\nFor each $L \\in {\\bf L}$, let ${\\bf P}_L$ be a subset of $\\{P \\in {\\bf P} : P \\subset L\\}$ with $M \\leq {\\bf P}_L \\leq 2M.$ Set\n\\[\n{U} = \\{(P,L,L') : (L,L') \\in {\\bf L}^2, P \\in {\\bf P}_L \\cap {\\bf P}_{L'} \\}.\n\\]\nAn application of Cauchy-Schwarz gives \n\\[\n|{U}| \\geq \\frac{M^2|{\\bf L}|^2}{|{\\bf P}|}.\n\\]\nAny two distinct $m$-planes intersect in, at most, an $(m-1)$-plane. Since, by \\eqref{plcount} below, an $(m-1)$-plane contains $\\lesssim |F|^{k(m-k)}$ $(k-1)$-planes, we have \n\\begin{align*}\n|{U}| &\\leq C |{\\bf L}|^2 |F|^{k(m-k)} + |\\{(P,L) : L \\in {\\bf L}, P \\in {\\bf P}_L\\}| \\\\\n&\\leq C|{\\bf L}|^2|F|^{k(m-k)} + |{\\bf L}| 2 M \\\\\n&\\lesssim |{\\bf L}|M.\n\\end{align*}\n\\end{proof}\n\nWe finish the section with three standard estimates for collections of planes. \n\n\\begin{lemma} \\label{grascount}\nFor integers $0 \\leq k \\leq d$ we have\n\\begin{equation} \\label{sscount}\n|G(d,k)| \\approx |F|^{k(d-k)}\n\\end{equation}\nand\n\\begin{equation} \\label{plcount}\n|G'(d,k)| \\approx |F|^{(k+1)(d-k)}\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $G(d,k)$ is the set of $k$-dimensional subspaces of $F^d$ and $G'(d,k)$ is the set of $k$-planes in $F^d.$ \n\\end{lemma}\n\n\\begin{proof}\nA generic choice of $k$ vectors in $F^d$ is linearly independent, and there are approximately $|F|^{kd}$ such choices. By the same logic, each $k$-plane has approximately $F^{k^2}$ choices of basis, and hence we have \\eqref{sscount}. \n\nGiven a $k$-dimensional subspace $P$ with basis $e_1, \\ldots, e_k$, choose \\\\ $f_1, \\ldots, f_{d-k}$ so that $F^d = \\spa(e_1, \\ldots, e_k, f_1, \\ldots, f_{d-k})$. Then there is a one-to-one correspondence between linear combinations of $f_1, \\ldots, f_{d-k}$ and distinct translates of $P$, giving \\eqref{plcount}.\n\\end{proof}\n\n\n\\begin{lemma} \\label{sccprop}\nSuppose that $S$ is an $l$-plane in $F^m.$ Then for $l < l' \\leq m$\n\\begin{equation} \\label{scontainedcount}\n|\\{P \\subset F^m : P \\text{\\ is a\\ } l'\\text{-plane\\ and\\ } S \\subset P\\}| \\lesssim |F|^{(l' - l)(m - l')}.\n\\end{equation}\n\\end{lemma}\n\n\\begin{proof}\nWrite $S = x + \\spa(e_1, \\ldots, e_l)$ and \n\\[\nF^m = \\spa(e_1, \\ldots, e_l, f_1, \\ldots, f_{m-l}).\n\\] \nThen there is a one-to-one correspondence between $l'$-planes $P \\supset S$ and $(l'-l)$-dimensional subspaces of $\\spa(f_1, \\ldots, f_{m-l})$, so \\eqref{scontainedcount} follows from \\eqref{sscount}.\n\\end{proof}\n\n\\begin{lemma} \\label{eiprop}\nSuppose $S$ is an $l$-plane in $F^k.$ Then\n\\[\n|\\{P \\subset F^k : P \\text{\\ is a\\ } (k-1)\\text{-plane\\ and\\ } P \\cap S = \\emptyset\\}| \\lesssim |F|^{k-l}.\n\\]\n\\end{lemma}\n\n\\begin{proof}\nWrite $S = x + \\spa(e_1, \\ldots, e_l)$, and fix $P = y + \\spa(f_1, \\ldots, f_{k-1}).$ If $P \\cap S = \\emptyset$, we must have $e_j \\in \\spa(f_1, \\ldots, f_{k-1})$ for $j = 1, \\ldots, l.$ Thus, $P$ is a translate of a $(k-1)$-plane containing $S$. Since, by Lemma \\ref{sccprop}, there are $\\lesssim |F|^{k-l-1}$ $(k-1)$-planes containing $S$, we have at most $|F|^{k-l}$ possible planes $P$. \n\\end{proof}\n\n\n\\section{Unions of lines} \\label{linesection}\nTheorems \\ref{firstlinethm} and \\ref{wolffrelaxed} follow immediately from:\n\\begin{proposition} \\label{linetheorem}\nSuppose $d \\geq 1$ is an integer, that $0 < \\gamma,\\lambda \\leq 1$, that $\\max(1 - d,-1) \\leq \\beta \\leq 1,$ that ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of lines in $F^n$ with \n\\[\n|{\\bf L}| \\geq \\gamma |F|^{2(d-1)+\\beta},\n\\]\nand that ${\\bf P}$ is a collection of points in $F^n$ satisfying \n\\[\n|\\{P \\in {\\bf P} : P \\in L\\}| \\geq \\lambda |F|\n\\]\nfor every $L \\in {\\bf L}.$ Then\n\\begin{equation} \\label{nondpwaresult}\n|{\\bf P}| \\gtrsim |F|^{d +\\max(0,\\beta)}.\n\\end{equation}\nwhere the implicit constant may depend on $d,\\gamma,\\lambda.$ Furthermore, if $d \\geq 2$ and ${\\bf L}$ satisfies the $d$-plane Wolff axiom \\eqref{dpwa} then we have\n\\begin{equation} \\label{dpwaresult}\n|{\\bf P}| \\gtrsim |F|^{d + \\frac{\\beta + 1}{2}}.\n\\end{equation}\n\\end{proposition}\n\n\\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \\ref{qethm} assuming Proposition \\ref{linetheorem}]\nSuppose that ${\\bf L}$ satisfies \\eqref{qebound} and that $|F| \\geq M$ where $M$ is large and to be determined later.\n\n For $d$-planes $R$ let ${\\bf L}_R = \\{L \\in {\\bf L} : L \\subset R\\}$. Choose $d$-planes $R_1, \\ldots, R_N$ so that for each $j$, $|{\\bf L}_{R_j}| \\geq |F|^{2d-3}$ and such that for $R \\not\\in \\{R_j\\}_{j=1}^N$ we have $|{\\bf L}_{R}| < |F|^{2d-3}. $\n\nSetting ${\\bf L}' = \\bigcup_{j}{\\bf L}_{R_j}$, ${\\bf L}'' = {\\bf L} \\setminus {\\bf L}'$ and ${\\bf P}'' = \\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}''}L$, we must have $|{\\bf L}''| < \\frac{1}{2}|{\\bf L}'|$ or \nelse we would have\n\\[\n|{\\bf P}| \\geq |{\\bf P}''| \\geq c' |F|^{d + \\frac{\\beta + 1}{2}} > C |F|^{d+\\beta}\n\\]\nwhere $c'$ is the implicit constant from \\eqref{dpwaresult} and $M$ is chosen large enough to overwhelm $\\frac{C}{c'}$ (In the second inequality above we have used the fact that ${\\bf L}''$ satisfies \\eqref{dpwa} to obtain \\eqref{dpwaresult} from Proposition \\ref{linetheorem}.) \n\nThus, $|{\\bf L}'| \\geq \\frac{1}{2}|{\\bf L}|$ and, by \\eqref{plcount} with $k=1$, $N \\geq c |F|^{\\beta}.$ Letting ${\\bf P}' = \\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}'}L$ we have\n\\[\n|{\\bf P}'| \\geq c'' |F|^{d + \\beta} \\geq c C|F|^{d + \\beta} \\geq c |{\\bf P}|\n\\]\nwhere $c''$ is the implicit constant from \\eqref{nondpwaresult}, $c$ is chosen small enough to underwhelm $\\frac{c''}{C},$ and the last inequality follows from \\eqref{qebound}.\n\nA final application of $\\eqref{nondpwaresult}$ with $d' = d-1$ and $\\beta' = 1$ then gives \\eqref{denseindplane} since $|{\\bf L}_{R_j}| \\geq |F|^{2(d-1-1)+1}.$\n\\end{proof}\n\n\\begin{proof}[Proof of Proposition \\ref{linetheorem}]\nWe use induction on $d$. When $d=1$ the result follows from an application of Lemma \\ref{classmethod} (with $m=1$, $k=1$, and ${\\bf L}$ replaced by a subset of itself with cardinality $\\approx \\min(\\gamma,\\lambda) |F|^\\beta$ ), so we will prove it for $d > 1$, working under the assumption that it has already been proven for $1 \\leq d' < d.$\n\nAfter possibly deleting lines, we may assume\n\\begin{equation} \\label{refinedkk1}\n|{\\bf L}| < 2\\gamma |F|^{2(d-1)+\\beta}.\n\\end{equation}\nApplying Lemma \\ref{pslemma} to ${\\bf L}$ we obtain $m$-planes $R_1, \\ldots, R_N.$ Note that if $L$ satisfies the $d$-plane Wolff axiom \\eqref{dpwa} then we must have $m < d.$ \n\n\\ \n\n\\noindent{\\bf Case 1, $(m=d)$:}\\\\ \nLet ${\\bf P}_{R_j} = \\{P \\in {\\bf P} : P \\in R_j\\}.$ Applying the case $d' = d-1$ of the proposition to the ${\\bf L}_{R_j}$, we deduce that $|{\\bf P}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim |F|^{d}$ for each $j$. Since, by \\eqref{plcount}, $|{\\bf L}_{R_j}| \\lesssim |F|^{2(d-1)}$, we have $N \\gtrsim |F|^{\\max(0,\\beta)}.$ Then using Lemma \\ref{classmethod} (possibly applying it to a subset of $\\{R_j\\}_{j=1}^N$ in order to satisfy \\eqref{mustpruneeq}) to estimate $|\\bigcup_{j}{\\bf P}_{R_j}|$ shows that \n\\[\n|{\\bf P}| \\gtrsim |F|^{d + \\max(0,\\beta)}\n\\]\nas desired.\n \n\\ \n\n\\noindent{\\bf Case 2, $(m < d)$:}\\\\\nWe construct sets of lines and points using a standard ``popularity'' argument. Fix some large $C$ to be determined later and let \n\\[\n{\\bf P}^{\\sharp} = \\{P \\in {\\bf P} : |\\{L \\in {\\bf L} : P \\in L\\}| \\geq C |F|^{d-1 - \\frac{1-\\beta}{2}}\\}\n\\]\nand\n\\[\n{\\bf L}^{\\sharp} = \\{L \\in {\\bf L} : |\\{P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp} : P \\in L\\}| \\geq \\frac{1}{4} \\lambda |F|\\}.\n\\]\nLetting ${\\bf L}^m$ be as in Lemma \\ref{pslemma}, we then have either \n\\begin{align} \\label{firstpossibilityk1}\n|{\\bf P}| &\\geq \\frac{1}{2}\\lambda |F| |{\\bf L}^m|\/(C|F|^{(d-1) - \\frac{1-\\beta}{2}})\n\\end{align}\n(in which case we are finished since the right hand side above is $\\gtrsim |F|^{d + \\frac{\\beta+1}{2}}$) or\n\\begin{equation} \\label{secondpossibilityk1}\n|{\\bf L}^{\\sharp}| \\geq \\frac{1}{8} |{\\bf L}^m|\n\\end{equation}\n\nIndeed, suppose that \\eqref{firstpossibilityk1} does not hold. Set\n\\[\nI = \\{(P,L) : P \\in {\\bf P}_L, L \\in {\\bf L}^{m}\\}\n\\]\nwhere, for each $L$, ${\\bf P}_L$ is a subset of ${\\bf P} \\cap L$ with $\\lambda |F| \\leq |{\\bf P}_L| < 2 \\lambda |F|.$ \nThen letting \n\\[\nI' = \\{(P,L) : P \\in {\\bf P}_L \\setminus {\\bf P}^{\\sharp} , L \\in {\\bf L}^{m}\\}\n\\]\nwe have\n\\[\n|I'| < C |F|^{d-1 - \\frac{1-\\beta}{2}} |{\\bf P}| < \\frac{1}{2} |I|\n\\]\nand so\n\\[\n|\\{(P,L) : P \\in {\\bf P}_L \\cap {\\bf P}^{\\sharp}, L \\in {\\bf L}^{m}\\}| \\geq \\frac{1}{2} \\lambda |F| |{\\bf L}^{m}|\n\\]\ngiving \n\\[\n|\\{(P,L) : P \\in {\\bf P}_L \\cap {\\bf P}^{\\sharp}, L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp}\\}| \\geq \\frac{1}{4} \\lambda |F||{\\bf L}^{m}|\n\\]\nthus leading (by the upper bound on $|{\\bf P}_L|$) to \\eqref{secondpossibilityk1} as claimed.\n\nLet ${\\bf L}^{\\sharp}_{R_j} = {\\bf L}_{R_j} \\cap {\\bf L}^{\\sharp}$, ${\\bf P}^{\\sharp}_{R_j} = R_j \\cap {\\bf P}^{\\sharp}$, \n\\[\n{\\bf L}'_{R_j} = \\{L \\in {\\bf L}^m : |L \\cap R_j| = 1\\},\n\\]\nand\n\\[\n{\\bf P}'_{R_j} = {\\bf P} \\setminus R_j.\n\\]\nFix $j$ so that $|{\\bf L}^{\\sharp}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim |{\\bf L}_{R_j}|,$ and recall $|{\\bf L}_{R_j}| \\geq |F|^{2m-3}$ by Lemma \\ref{pslemma}.\nApplying the previously known case $d' = m-1$ of the proposition (or using the trivial estimate if $m=1$) we have\n\\begin{equation} \\label{lequalszeroPk1}\n|{\\bf P}^{\\sharp}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim |F|^{m}.\n\\end{equation}\n\nFor each point $P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp}_{R_j}$ there are $\\geq C |F|^{d-1 - \\frac{1-\\beta}{2}}$ lines from ${\\bf L}^{m}$ intersecting $P$. Since, by Lemma \\ref{sccprop}, $\\lesssim |F|^{m-1}$ of these lines are contained in $R_j$, we have\n\\[\n|\\{L \\in {\\bf L}'_{R_j} : P \\in L\\}| \\geq \\frac{1}{2} |F|^{d - 1 - \\frac{1-\\beta}{2}}\n\\]\nprovided that $C$ is chosen sufficiently large. \nThus, \n\\begin{align*}\n|{\\bf L}'_{R_j}| &\\gtrsim |{\\bf P}^{\\sharp}_{R_j}| |F|^{d - 1 - \\frac{1 - \\beta}{2}} \\\\\n&\\gtrsim |F|^{m + d-1 - \\frac{1-\\beta}{2}}.\n\\end{align*}\nNote\\footnote{We may assume throughout that $|F|$ is sufficiently large relative to certain parameters (for instance $\\lambda$) since the implicit constants may be chosen so that the conclusion holds trivially for small $|F|$.} that for each $L \\in {\\bf L}'_{R_j}$, $|L \\cap {\\bf P}'_{R_j}| \\geq \\lambda |F| - 1 \\gtrsim |F|.$\n\n\nApplying Lemma \\ref{folprop}, we write $F^n$ as the union of $(m + 1)$-planes $T_i$ containing $R_j$. Let\n\\begin{align*}\n{\\bf L}_i &= \\{L \\in {\\bf L}'_{R_j} : L \\subset T_i\\} \\\\ \n{\\bf P}_i &= \\{P \\in {\\bf P}'_{R_j} : P \\in T_i\\}.\n\\end{align*}\nThen \n\\begin{align*}\n|{\\bf P}| &\\geq \\sum_i |{\\bf P}_i| \\\\ \n&\\gtrsim \\sum_i |{\\bf L}_i|\/|F|^{m-2} \\\\ \n&\\geq |{\\bf L}'_{R_j}|\/|F|^{m - 2}\\\\ \n&\\gtrsim |F|^{d +\\frac{\\beta+1}{2}}\n\\end{align*}\nwhere, for the second inequality, we used the fact (which follows from Lemma \\ref{pslemma}) that $|{\\bf L}_i| < |F|^{2(m -1) + 1} $ to see that $|{\\bf L}_i| = |F|^{2(d' - 1) + \\beta'}$ for some $d' \\leq m$ and so we can estimate $|{\\bf P}_i|$ using the previously known case $d'$ of \\eqref{nondpwaresult}.\n\\end{proof}\n\n\\section{Unions of Planes} \\label{planesection}\nTheorem \\ref{upthm2} is obtained by induction from the hyperplane case:\n\\begin{proposition} \\label{maintheoremcd1}\nSuppose $d,k > 0$ are integers, that $0 < \\gamma,\\lambda \\leq 1$, that $d \\geq k$, that $0 \\leq \\beta \\leq k$, that ${\\bf L}$ is a collection of $k$-planes in $F^n$ with \n\\[\n|{\\bf L}| \\geq \\gamma |F|^{(k+1)(d-k)+\\beta},\n\\]\nand that ${\\bf P}$ is a collection of $(k-1)$-planes in $F^n$ satisfying \n\\[\n|\\{P \\in {\\bf P} : P \\subset L\\}| \\geq \\lambda |F|^{k}\n\\]\n for every $L \\in {\\bf L}.$ Then\n\\[\n|{\\bf P}| \\gtrsim |F|^{k(d - k + 1)+\\beta}\n\\]\nwhere the implicit constant may depend on $d,\\gamma,\\lambda, k.$\n\\end{proposition}\n\n\\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \\ref{upthm2} assuming Proposition \\ref{maintheoremcd1}]\nTheorem \\ref{upthm2} follows directly from Proposition \\ref{maintheoremcd1} when $k-k' = 1$. Fix $k_0 \\geq 1$ and assume that the theorem holds for all $k-k' = k_0,$ and fix some $k,k'$ with $k-k' = k_0 + 1.$ \n\nFor $L \\in {\\bf L}$ satisfying \\eqref{upthm1hyp} let \n\\[\n{\\bf P}'_L = \\{(k'+1)\\text{-planes\\ }P' : P' \\subset L\\}\n\\] \nand for any $(k'+1)$-plane $P'$ let \n\\[\n{\\bf P}''_{P'} = \\{k'\\text{-planes\\ }P : P \\subset P'\\}.\n\\]\nApplying the previously known case of the theorem, we have\n\\[\n|\\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}{\\bf P}'_L| \\gtrsim |F|^{(k' + 2)(d - (k' + 1)) + \\beta}\n\\]\nand thus a second application of Proposition \\ref{maintheoremcd1} gives\n\\[\n|\\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}}{\\bf P}_L| = |\\bigcup_{L} \\bigcup_{P' \\in {\\bf P}'_L} {\\bf P}''_{P'}| \\gtrsim |F|^{(k' + 1)(d - k') + \\beta}.\n\\]\n\\end{proof}\n\n\\begin{proof}[Proof of Proposition \\ref{maintheoremcd1}]\nWe use induction on $d$. When $d=k$ the result follows from an application of Lemma \\ref{classmethod} (with $m=k$). So we will prove it for $d > k$, working under the assumption that it has already been proven for $k \\leq d' < d.$\n\nAfter possibly deleting planes, we may assume\n\\begin{equation} \\label{refinedk}\n|{\\bf L}| < 2\\gamma |F|^{(k+1)(d-k)+\\beta}.\n\\end{equation}\nApplying Lemma \\ref{pslemma} to ${\\bf L}$ we obtain $m$-planes $R_1, \\ldots, R_N.$\n\n\\ \n\n\\noindent{\\bf Case 1, $(m=d)$:}\\\\ \nLet ${\\bf P}_{R_j} = \\{P \\in {\\bf P} : P \\subset R_j\\}.$ Applying the case $d' = d-1$ of the theorem to the ${\\bf L}_{R_j}$, we deduce that $|{\\bf P}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim |F|^{k(d-k+1)}$ for each $j$. Since, by \\eqref{plcount}, $|{\\bf L}_{R_j}| \\lesssim |F|^{(k+1)(d-k)}$, we have $N \\gtrsim |F|^{\\beta}.$ Using Lemma \\ref{classmethod} to estimate $|\\bigcup_{j}{\\bf P}_{R_j}|,$ we conclude\n\\[\n|{\\bf P}| \\gtrsim |F|^{k(d-k+1)+\\beta}\n\\]\nas desired.\n \n\\ \n\n\\noindent{\\bf Case 2, $(m < d)$:}\\\\\nWe construct sets of $k$-planes and $(k-1)$-planes using a standard ``iterated-popularity'' argument. Fix some large $C$ to be determined later. Let ${\\bf L}^{\\sharp,0} = {\\bf L}^m$, ${\\bf P}^{\\sharp,0} = {\\bf P}$ and for $1 \\leq q \\leq k$ let\n\\[\n{\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q} = \\{P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q-1} : |L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp, q-1} : P \\subset L| \\geq C|F|^{d-k}\\}\n\\]\nand\n\\[\n{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q} = \\{L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q-1} : |P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q} : P \\subset L| \\geq 2^{-2q} \\lambda |F|^k\\}.\n\\]\nThen either \n\\begin{align} \\label{firstpossibility}\n|{\\bf P}| &\\geq 2^{-5k}\\lambda |F|^k |{\\bf L}^m|\/(C|F|^{d-k})\n\\end{align}\n(in which case we are finished since the right hand side above is $\\gtrsim |F|^{k(d-k+1) + \\beta}$) or for each $q \\leq k$\n\\begin{equation} \\label{secondpossibility}\n|{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q}| \\geq 2^{-3q} |{\\bf L}^m|.\n\\end{equation}\n\nIndeed, suppose that \\eqref{firstpossibility} does not hold and that \\eqref{secondpossibility} holds for $0 \\leq q \\leq q_0 < k$. Set \n\\[\nI = \\{(P,L) : P \\in {\\bf P}_L, L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0}\\}\n\\]\nwhere, for each $L$, ${\\bf P}_L$ is a subset of ${\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q_0}$ with $P \\subset L$ for every $P \\in {\\bf P}_L$ and $2^{-2q_0} \\lambda |F|^k \\leq |{\\bf P}_L| < 2^{-(2q_0-1)} \\lambda |F|^k.$ Note\n\\[\n|I| \\geq 2^{-2q_0} \\lambda |F|^k |{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0}| \\geq 2^{-5q_0} \\lambda |F|^k |{\\bf L}^m|.\n\\]\nThen letting \n\\[\nI' = \\{(P,L) : P \\in {\\bf P}_L \\setminus {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q_0 + 1} , L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0}\\}\n\\]\nwe have\n\\[\n|I'| < C|F|^{d-k} |{\\bf P}| \\leq 2^{-5(k - q_0)} |I| \\leq \\frac{1}{2} |I|\n\\]\nand so\n\\[\n|\\{(P,L) : P \\in {\\bf P}_L \\cap {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q_0 + 1}, L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0}\\}| \\geq \\frac{1}{2} 2^{-2q_0} \\lambda |F|^k |{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0}|.\n\\]\nThis gives\n\\[\n|\\{(P,L) : P \\in {\\bf P}_L \\cap {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q_0 + 1}, L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0+1}\\}| \\geq \\frac{1}{4} 2^{-2q_0} \\lambda |F|^k |{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0}|\n\\]\nthus leading (by the upper bound on $|{\\bf P}_L|$) to \n\\[\n|{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0 + 1}| \\geq \\frac{1}{8} |{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q_0}|\n\\]\nas claimed.\n\nFor each $1 < q \\leq k$ let \n\\begin{align*}\n{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q}_{R_j} &= \\{L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q} : L \\cap R_j \\text{\\ is a }q\\text{-plane}\\} \\\\\n{\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q}_{R_j} &= \\{P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q} : P \\cap R_j \\text{\\ is a }(q-1)\\text{-plane}\\}.\n\\end{align*}\nDefine ${\\bf L}^{\\sharp,0}_{R_j}$ as above and let ${\\bf P}^{\\sharp,0}_{R_j} = \\{P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,0} : P \\cap R_j = \\emptyset\\}.$\n\nLetting ${\\bf L}_{R_j}$ be as in Lemma 2.1, fix $j$ so that $|{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,k}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim |{\\bf L}_{R_j}|.$\nApplying the previously known case $d' = m-1$ of the theorem (or using the trivial estimate if $m=k$) we have\n\\begin{equation} \\label{lequalszeroP}\n|{\\bf P}^{\\sharp,k}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim |F|^{k(m-k+1)}.\n\\end{equation}\n\nSuppose for some $1 \\leq q \\leq k$ that \n\\begin{equation} \\label{equationA}\n|{\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim |F|^{\\omega}.\n\\end{equation}\nOur immediate goal is to see that under certain conditions, \\eqref{equationA} implies \\eqref{equationB} and \\eqref{equationstar} below. For each $P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q}_{R_j}$ there are $\\geq C |F|^{d-k}$ $k$-planes from ${\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q-1}$ containing $P$. Since, by Lemma \\ref{sccprop}, $\\lesssim |F|^{m-q}$ of these $k$-planes intersect $R_j$ in $q$-planes (and there is no possibility that for a $k$-plane $L \\supset P$ we have $\\dim(L \\cap R_j) > q$, since $\\dim(L) = \\dim(P) + 1$), we have\n\\[\n|\\{L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q-1}_{R_j} : P \\subset L\\}| \\geq \\frac{1}{2} C |F|^{d - k}\n\\]\nprovided that $C$ is chosen sufficiently large and \n\\begin{equation} \\label{firstiterationrequirement}\nm + k-q \\leq d . \n\\end{equation}\nThus, using the fact (which follows from Lemma \\ref{sccprop}) that for each $(q-1)$-plane $S \\subset L$ there are at most $|F|^{k-q}$ $(k-1)$-planes $P$ with $S \\subset P \\subset L$, we have\n\\begin{equation} \\label{equationB}\n|{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q-1}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim C |F|^{\\omega + (d-k) - (k-q)}\n\\end{equation}\nassuming \\eqref{firstiterationrequirement}. \n\nIt follows from the definition of ${\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q-1}$ that for each $L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q-1}_{R_j}$\n\\[\n|\\{P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q-1}: P \\subset L\\}| \\gtrsim |F|^k.\n\\]\nThus, using Lemma \\ref{sccprop} to obtain\n\\[\n|\\{P \\subset L : (L \\cap R_j) \\subset P\\}| \\lesssim |F|^{k-q} \\ll |F|^k\n\\]\nand (for $q > 1$) Lemma \\ref{eiprop} to obtain\n\\begin{equation} \\label{eipropapp}\n|\\{P \\subset L : (L \\cap R_j) \\cap P = \\emptyset\\}| \\lesssim |F|^{k-q+1} \\ll |F|^k\n\\end{equation}\nit follows that\n\\begin{equation} \\label{rieqn}\n|\\{P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q-1}_{R_j}: P \\subset L\\}| \\gtrsim |F|^k.\n\\end{equation}\nEstimate \\eqref{rieqn} also holds when $q=1$, since the special definition of ${\\bf P}^{\\sharp,0}_{R_j}$ means that we do not need to use \\eqref{eipropapp}.\n\nApplying Lemma \\ref{folprop}\ngives $(m + k -q + 1)$-planes $T_i$ containing $R_j$. Let\n\\begin{align*}\n{\\bf L}_i &= \\{L \\in {\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q-1}_{R_j} : L \\subset T_i\\} \\\\ \n{\\bf P}_i &= \\bigcup_{L \\in {\\bf L}_i}\\{P \\in {\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q-1}_{R_j}: P \\subset L\\}.\n\\end{align*}\nThen assuming \n\\begin{equation} \\label{seconditerationrequirement}\nm + k -q + 1\\leq d\n\\end{equation}\nwe have\n\\begin{align}\n\\nonumber |{\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q-1}_{R_j}| &\\geq \\sum_i |{\\bf P}_i| \\\\ \n\\nonumber&\\gtrsim \\sum_i |{\\bf L}_i|\/|F|^{m-q-k} \\\\ \n\\nonumber&\\geq |{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q-1}_{R_j}|\/|F|^{m-q - k}\\\\ \n\\label{equationstar}&\\gtrsim C |F|^{\\omega + d - (m+k-q) + q}\n\\end{align}\nwhere, for the second inequality, we used the fact (which follows from Lemma \\ref{pslemma}) that $|{\\bf L}_i| < |F|^{(k+1)(m -q) + k} $ to see that for some $d' \\leq m+k-q$ we can estimate $|{\\bf P}_i|$ using the previously known case $d'$ of the theorem.\n\nStarting with \\eqref{lequalszeroP} and iterating the fact that \\eqref{equationA} implies \\eqref{equationB} and \\eqref{equationstar}, we obtain for $0 \\leq q \\leq k$\n\\[\n|{\\bf P}^{\\sharp,q}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim C^{k-q} |F|^{k + q(m-k) + (k-q)d - (k-q)(k-q-1)}\n\\]\nif $m + k-q \\leq d$ and\n\\[\n|{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,q}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim C^{k-q} |F|^{k + (q+1)(m-k) + (k-q-1)d - (k-q-1)(k-q-2) + (d - k) - (k-q-1)} \n\\]\nif $m + k-q - 1 \\leq d.$\n\nSo if $m+k \\leq d$ we have\n\\[\n|{\\bf P}| \\geq |{\\bf P}^{\\sharp,0}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim |F|^{k(d - k + 1) + k}\n\\]\nas desired, and otherwise we have\n\\begin{equation} \\label{toomanykplanes}\n|{\\bf L}| \\geq |{\\bf L}^{\\sharp,k-(d + 1 - m)}_{R_j}| \\gtrsim C^{d+1-m} |F|^{(k+1)(d-k) + k}.\n\\end{equation}\nChoosing $C$ sufficiently large depending on the relevant implicit constants (none of which depended on $C$), we see that \\eqref{toomanykplanes} contradicts the assumption \\eqref{refinedk} and so we must have \\eqref{firstpossibility}.\n\\end{proof}\n\n\n\n\n\n\\bibliographystyle{amsplain}\n","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaArXiv"}} +{"text":"\\section{Introduction}\n\\noindent\nExplosive nuclear burning in astrophysical environments produces\nunstable nuclei which again can be targets for subsequent reactions.\nMost of these nuclei are not accessible in terrestrial laboratories or not fully\nexplored by experiments, yet.\n\nApproximately half of all stable nuclei observed in nature in the heavy\nelement region $A>60$ were produced in the so-called r-process (i.e.,\nrapid neutron capture process), which is believed to occur\nin type II supernova explosions (see e.g., \\cite{cowan,ohurev}).\nAn environment with a high neutron density is the prerequisite for such an\nr-process, in which heavier elements are built up from seed elements by\nconsecutive neutron captures and $\\beta$-decays. Because of the abundant\nneutrons, a multitude of neutron captures ($\\simeq 15-35$)\nmay occur until the $\\beta$-decay\nhalf-life becomes shorter than the half-life against neutron capture. Thus,\nthe r-process path along which reactions take place, is pushed off the\nregion of stability towards neutron-rich unstable nuclei. The location of\nthe path has consequences for the resulting nuclear abundances, calculated in\nastrophysical models~\\cite{friedel,chen96}.\n\nFor most of the required neutron capture cross sections the statistical\nmodel (compound nucleus (CN) mechanism, Hauser-Feshbach approach)\ncan be applied. This\nmodel employs a statistical average over resonances, for which one has to\nknow level densities but not necessarily exact excitation energies and level\nspin assignments. However, the criterion for the applicability of that model\nis a sufficiently high level density. Especially for some light nuclei it\nhas been known for years that the statistical model cannot be applied and that\nthe direct capture (DC) mechanism dominates the cross sections. Nevertheless,\nit has only been realized recently that also for intermediate and heavy \nnuclei the\ndirect mechanism can become important near shell closures and for neutron-rich\nisotopes when the level density becomes too low for the CN\nmechanism. When approaching the drip-line, neutron separation energies\ndecrease and the nuclei become less deformed, both leading to a smaller\nlevel density at the relevant projectile energy. This relevant energy is\ndetermined by the peak\n$E=kT$ of the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution of the neutron gas.\nIf a segment of the r-process path at a given element lies close enough\nto the drip-line, the statistical model will not be applicable anymore and\nthe DC reactions will dominate~\\cite{mat83,gor97}.\n\nThe relation between DC and CN mechanisms has already been studied\nfor neutron capture by light\nand intermediate target nuclei~\\cite{ohurev,bal,gru,mei,meis,bee,kra}.\nInvestigations of the dependence of the level density on charge and mass number\nand a discussion of the applicability of the statistical model have been\ngiven elsewhere~\\cite{tfkl1}. In this paper we want to investigate\ndirect neutron capture on neutron-rich Sn and Pb isotopes with the emphasis\non discussing the difficulties, the level of reliability as well as\nthe predictive power of\ntheoretical calculations.\n\nThe main problem for the DC predictions is that neutron separation\nenergies and level properties (excitation energies, spins, parities)\nhave to be\nknown accurately, contrary to a statistical calculation in which it is\nsufficient to know the level density. As\nin the foreseeable future one can not expect\nany experimental\ninformation for the majority of nuclei close to the drip-line,\none has to turn to theory for providing the input for the DC\ncalculations. At the moment, there are several microscopic and\nmacroscopic-microscopic descriptions competing in the quest for predicting\nnuclear properties far off stability. For the first time, in this work we\nwant to investigate the difference in the level structure between several\nmodels and its impact on predicted neutron capture cross sections. The\ncompared models are a Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) model with the Skyrme SkP\nforce~\\cite{doba1,doba}, a relativistic mean field theory (RMFT) with the \nparameter set NLSH~\\cite{sharma1,sharma2}, and the macroscopic-microscopic\nfinite-range droplet model FRDM (1992) which was also used in\ncalculations of nuclear ground-state masses and \ndeformations~\\cite{moeller,moell2} and in calculations of quantities of\nastrophysical interest~\\cite{moellkra}.\n\nIn Section~\\ref{secDC} we very briefly introduce the method of the DC\ncalculation and Section~\\ref{secMic} gives an overview of the utilized\nmicroscopic models. For $^{208}$Pb, the DC results can directly be compared to\nexperimental values. This is described in Section~\\ref{secExp}.\nIn the following Sections~\\ref{secPb} and ~\\ref{secSn} we present our results\nfor the heavy Pb and Sn isotopes. Possible astrophysical signatures and\nremaining uncertainties are discussed in Section~\\ref{SecDis}.\nThe paper is concluded by the summary section~\\ref{summary}.\n\n\n\n\\section{Direct Capture and Folding Procedure}\n\\label{secDC}\n\\noindent\nThe theoretical cross section $\\sigma^{\\mathrm{th}}$ is derived from the\nDC cross section $\\sigma^{\\mathrm{DC}}$ given by~\\cite{kra,kim}\n\\begin{equation}\n\\sigma^{\\mathrm{th}}=\\sum_{i}C_i^2S_i\\sigma^{\\mathrm{DC}}_i \\quad .\n\\end{equation}\nThe sum extends over all possible final states (ground state and\nexcited states) in the residual nucleus. The isospin Clebsch-Gordan\ncoefficients and spectroscopic factors are denoted by $C_i$ and $S_i$,\nrespectively. The DC cross sections $\\sigma^{\\mathrm{DC}}_i$ are\nessentially determined by the overlap of the scattering wave function in\nthe entrance channel, the bound-state wave function in the exit channel,\nand the multipole transition operator. For the computation of the DC\ncross section we used the direct capture code TEDCA~\\cite{TEDCA}, which\nincludes E1, M1 and E2 transitions.\n\nFor determining the nucleon-nucleus potential the folding procedure was\nemployed, a method already successfully applied in the description of\nmany systems. In this approach the nuclear target\ndensity $\\rho_{\\mathrm{T}}$ is folded\nwith an energy and density dependent nucleon-nucleon interaction\n$v_{\\mathrm{eff}}$~\\cite{kob}:\n\\begin{equation}\nV(R)=\\lambda V_{\\mathrm{F}}(R)=\\lambda \\int \\rho_{\\mathrm{T}}\n(\\bbox{r})v_{\\mathrm{eff}}(E,\\rho_{\\mathrm{T}},\n\\vert\\bbox{R} - \\bbox{r} \\vert )d\\bbox{r} \\quad ,\n\\end{equation}\nwith $\\bbox{R}$ being the separation of the centers of mass of the two\ncolliding nuclei. The normalization factor $\\lambda$ accounts for\neffects of antisymmetrization and is close to unity. The nuclear density\n$\\rho_{\\mathrm{T}}$ can be derived from experimental charge\ndistributions or from theory. The potential\nobtained in this way ensures the correct behavior of the wave functions\nin the nuclear exterior. At the low energies considered in astrophysical\nevents the imaginary parts of the optical potentials are small.\n\nIn connection with the results presented below it is useful to recapitulate\nthe sensitivity of the DC calculations to various elements of the\ndescription. In ascending importance,\nin the present context the DC is sensitive to the optical potential and\ndensity distribution, respectively, the reaction $Q$-value, and the spin and\nparity of a level.\n\nFor the accuracy attempted here, there is almost no\ndifference in the results obtained by employing the optical potentials\nderived from the density distributions of the different models while leaving\nall other properties unchanged.\n\nA stronger dependence is seen when examining changes in the $Q$-value. An \nincrease\nin the $Q$-value will give a non-linear increase in the resulting cross section.\nAs the $Q$-value is computed as the difference in the binding energies of\ntarget and residual nucleus (i.e., the neutron separation energy) minus the\nexcitation energy of the level into which the neutron is captured\n\\begin{equation}\nQ_i=(B_{\\mathrm{T}}-B_{\\mathrm{R}})-E_i=S_{\\mathrm{n}}-E_i\\quad,\n\\end{equation}\nthe cross section will be sensitive to the masses (separation energies) derived\nin the different microscopic models as well as the level structure (excitation\nenergies) given in these models.\n\nThe by far strongest sensitivity is that to spins and parities of the\ninvolved initial and final states. In\norder to comply with the electromagnetic selection rules, a state has to\nhave the proper parity to contribute to the cross section significantly.\nThe dominant contribution to the DC cross section will stem from an E1\ntransition. In this case, parity has to change.\nConsequently, the capture of an incoming neutron $p$-wave will be important \nfor the Pb isotopes, whereas\n$s$-wave capture is dominating in the Sn cases.\nFurthermore, significant contributions only arise from low spin states\nlike 1\/2 and 3\/2 states, whereas the capture to levels with higher spins is \nstrongly suppressed.\nIn this respect, it will prove to be important that the different\nmicroscopic models make different predictions on which states are\nneutron-bound and which are not, since DC can only populate bound states.\n\n\\section{The Microscopic Input}\n\\label{secMic}\n\\noindent\nThe energy levels, masses, and nuclear density distributions\nneeded as input for the DC calculation were\ntaken from three different approaches. The first one was the\nRMFT which has turned out to be a successful tool\nfor the description of many nuclear properties~\\cite{gam}. The RMFT\ndescribes the nucleus as a system of Dirac nucleons interacting via\nvarious meson fields. There are six parameters which are usually\nobtained by fits to finite nuclear properties. For our calculations we\nhave used the parameter set NLSH~\\cite{sharma1,sharma2}.\n\nThe second method was FRDM (1992), which is a macroscopic-microscopic\nmodel based on the finite-range droplet macroscopic model and a\nfolded-Yukawa single-particle potential~\\cite{moeller}.\nFor pairing, the\nLipkin-Nogami pairing model~\\cite{yuk} is employed. This model proved to\nbe very successful in reproducing ground state spins along magic\nnumbers~\\cite{moell1} and\nhas been used in QRPA calculations of $\\beta$-decay half\nlives~\\cite{moell1,moellkra} and\nfor nuclear mass determinations~\\cite{moell2}.\n\nFinally, we also utilized the self-consistent mean field HFB\nmodel~\\cite{doba1,doba} in which the nuclear states are calculated by a one-step\nvariational procedure minimizing the total energy with respect\nto the occupation factors and the single-particle wave functions simultaneously.\n\nTo be able to compare the predictions from all of the models the nuclei were\nconsidered to be spherically symmetric. The limitations of such a\nrestriction\nare discussed in Section \\ref{SecDis}.\n\n\\newcommand{$^{208}$Pb(n,$\\gamma$)$^{209}$Pb}{$^{208}$Pb(n,$\\gamma$)$^{209}$Pb}\n\\section{Comparison with Experiments for the {\\protect$^{208}$Pb(n,$\\gamma$)$^{209}$Pb} reaction}\n\\label{secExp}\n\n\\noindent\nRecently, it became possible to extract the non-resonant part of the\nexperimental capture cross section for the\n$^{208}$Pb(n,$\\gamma$)$^{209}$Pb reaction~\\cite{corvi}. In that work, high\nresolution neutron capture measurements were carried out in order to\ndetermine twelve resonances in the range 1--400 keV. From these values the\nresonant Maxwellian-averaged cross section $<\\sigma>^{\\mathrm{R}}_{30\n\\mathrm{keV}}$=0.221(27)\\,mb was calculated.\nMeasurements of the total cross section using neutron\nactivation~\\cite{macklin,ratzel} are also available at 30 keV,\nyielding the value\n$<\\sigma>^{\\mathrm{t}}_{30\\mathrm{keV}}$=0.36(3)\\,mb. By a simple\nsubtraction of the\nresonant part from the total cross section the value of\n$<\\sigma>^{\\mathrm{NR}}_{30\\mathrm{keV}}$=0.14(4)\\,mb can be deduced\nfor the\nnon-resonant capture cross section.\n\nUsing the experimentally known density distributions~\\cite{devries},\nmasses~\\cite{audi} and energy levels~\\cite{nucldatasheets}, we\ncalculated the non-resonant contribution in the DC model. The strength\nparameter $\\lambda$ of the folding potential in the neutron channel was\nfitted to experimental scattering data at low energies~\\cite{scdata}.\nThe value of $\\lambda$ for the bound state is fixed by the requirement\nof correct reproduction of the binding energies.\nThe spectroscopic factors for the relevant low lying states of $^{209}$Pb\nare close to unity as can be inferred from\ndifferent $^{208}$Pb(d,p)$^{209}$Pb reaction data~\\cite{nucldatasheets}.\nFor the Maxwellian-averaged non--resonant DC cross section we obtained\n$<\\sigma>^{\\mathrm{DC}}_{30\\mathrm{keV}}=0.135$ mb, which is in excellent\nagreement with experiment. The by far highest contributions to the DC\ncross section come from the E1 $p$-wave capture to the low spin states\n$J^{\\pi}=1\/2^+, 3\/2^+, 5\/2^+$. Capture to the other states is negligible.\n\nIn order to test the different microscopic approaches we also calculated\nnon-resonant DC on $^{208}$Pb by consistently\ntaking the input (energy levels, masses\nand nuclear\ndensities) from the models described above.\nAgain, the strength parameter $\\lambda$ of the folding potential in the\nentrance channel was adjusted to the elastic scattering data for each\nof the models. The calculations for the neutron capture cross\nsections yield 0.0289 mb, 0.0508 mb, and 0.0135 mb\nfor RMFT, FRDM, and HFB, respectively.\nHence, each of the models gives a smaller value for\nthe Maxwellian-averaged 30 keV capture cross section than the\ncalculation using experimental input data. The differences are due to the\nneutron separation energies and level schemes of the relevant states in\n$^{209}$Pb (see\nFig.~\\ref{209}) in the microscopic models, leading to different $Q$-values\nfor capture to the\nexcited states ($J^{\\pi}=1\/2^+,3\/2^+,5\/2^+$).\nIt should be noted that in Fig.~\\ref{209} only those theoretical levels\nare shown which contribute to the cross section, i.e. only particle states.\nCapture into hole states is strongly suppressed by the fact that a re-ordering\nprocess would be required in the final nucleus (see e.g.~\\cite{tomenam} for\na similar case). This would be reflected in\nextremely small spectroscopic\nfactors. Therefore, the DC to such states is negligible.\n\n\\section{Results for Neutron-rich Pb Isotopes}\n\\label{secPb}\n\\noindent\nWe also investigated the model dependence of neutron capture on the\nneutron-rich even-even isotopes $^{210-238}$Pb. For these isotopes\nexperimental data are only available near the region of stability. For\nmore neutron-rich nuclei one has to rely solely on input parameters from\nmicroscopic models. In this and the following section we compare cross\nsections calculated with the nuclear properties predicted by different\nnuclear-structure models. Therefore, we consider nuclear cross sections\ninstead of Maxwellian-averaged ones as in the previous section.\n\nHaving obtained the relevant spins and calculated the $Q$-values from\nthe masses as\ndiscussed above, we still had to determine the scattering potentials\nwith their respective strength parameters\n(see Eq.~2). As a first\nstep, the folding potentials were calculated, using the density\ndistributions taken from the three different nuclear-structure models\n(HFB, RMFT, FRDM).\nIn the potentials for each of the isotopes a factor $\\lambda$ was chosen\ngiving the\nsame volume integral as for the fitted $^{208}$Pb+n potential, which was\nobtained as described in the previous section. This is justified because\nit is known that the\nvolume integrals only change very slowly when adding neutrons to a\nnucleus~\\cite{satchler}.\nFor the bound\nstate potentials $\\lambda$ is fixed by the requirement of correct\nreproduction of the binding energies. The spectroscopic factors were\nassumed to be unity for all transitions considered.\n\nThe results of our calculations are summarized in Fig.~\\ref{vgl}. For\ncomparison, the levels from all of the models\nfor $^{219}$Pb, $^{229}$Pb, and $^{239}$Pb are shown in\nFigs.~\\ref{level1}--\\ref{level3}.\nThe most\nstriking feature in Fig.~\\ref{vgl} is the sudden drop over several\norders of magnitude in\nthe cross sections calculated with the RMFT levels in the mass range\n$A=212-220$. This is due to the\nlack of low spin levels which are cut off by the decreasing neutron\nseparation energy. Only after the\n1i$_{11\/2}$ orbital\n(which forms the state at lowest energy in the RMFT) has been filled\ncompletely at\n$^{222}$Pb the\ncross section is increasing because low spin states become\navailable again. A similar gap is seen for $A=230-232$, and it is\nexpected that those gaps will repeatedly appear when approaching the\ndrip-line.\nSince in some cases there are unbound low spin states\nclose to the threshold a small shift in the level\nenergies could already close such a gap. However, note that the level spacing\nin the\nRMFT has the tendency to increase towards neutron rich\nnuclei~\\cite{sharma3},\ncontrary to the FRDM and the HFB prediction.\n\nThe values resulting from the FRDM exhibit a smoother and\nalmost constant\nbehavior in the considered mass range.\nOnly a slight dip is visible for $^{220}$Pb(n,$\\gamma$) since\nthe previously accessible 1\/2$^+$ and 3\/2$^+$ states have become\nunbound in $^{221}$Pb. The 2g$_{9\/2}$ orbital is at lower energy than the\n11\/2$^+$ level in this model.\nBeyond $^{223}$Pb it has been filled and\nat least one of the low spin states can be populated again. The known\nground state spins for the lighter isotopes are also reproduced\ncorrectly. For higher mass numbers the cross sections are similar to the\nones obtained in the HFB model.\n\nFor mass numbers below $A=232$, the HFB capture cross sections\nare always larger than those obtained in the other models.\nAlthough the neutron separation energies are also decreasing, the $Q$-values\nfor the capture to the low spin states \nbecome even larger, because the states are moving towards lower\nexcitation energies.\nIn general, the HFB cross sections of the investigated capture reactions\nexhibit a very smooth behavior with increasing neutron number.\n\n\\section{Results for Sn Isotopes}\n\\label{secSn}\n\\noindent\nProceeding in the same manner as for the Pb isotopes (Sec.\\ \\ref{secPb}),\nwe extended our investigation to the Sn nuclei.\nHere, the situation is different in\ntwo ways: Firstly, the drip-line lies at relatively much lower\nneutron numbers and the r-process path is not so\nfar off stability, and secondly, there are more experimental data available\nalso for the unstable nuclei close to or in the r-process path, which makes\na test of theoretical models possible.\n\nAgain, we took the nuclear properties and density distributions from the\nabove described models. The strengths of the scattering potentials were\nadjusted to reproduce the same value of the volume integral of 425 MeVfm$^3$\nas determined from the experimental elastic scattering data on the stable\nSn isotopes~\\cite{bal}.\nWe calculated the capture cross sections from\nthe stable isotope $^{124}$Sn out to the r-process path which\nis predicted at a neutron separation energy of about 2 MeV~\\cite{friedel}. \nAs the\nmodels make different predictions about masses and separation energies,\nthe r-process path is located at different mass numbers: $A\\simeq 135$ for\nRMFT and FRDM and $A \\simeq 145$ in the case of HFB.\nContrary to the Pb isotopes for which the $p$-wave capture is the main \ncontribution\nallowed by the electromagnetic selection rules, the Sn cross sections\nare dominated by the $s$-wave captures, due to the negative parities of the \nfinal states.\n\nThe level schemes of the $^{125}$Sn, $^{133}$Sn, and $^{141}$Sn\nnuclei are shown in\nFigs.~\\ref{sn1}--\\ref{sn3}, and the resulting cross sections\nfor all considered nuclei and models\nare combined in Fig.~\\ref{snfig}.\nSimilarly as in the Pb case,\nthe dependence of the cross sections on the mass number can be understood\nby considering the excitation energies of the low-spin states relative to the\nneutron separation energy predicted in various models\n(Figs.~\\ref{spinhfb}--\\ref{spinfrdm}). The 3\/2$^-$ state is bound in the\nFRDM already at low mass number, whereas it becomes bound only at $A=131$\nand $A=133$ in HFB and RMFT, respectively. Therefore, the FRDM cross sections\nare larger than the ones from HFB and RMFT for $A<133$. The drop in the\nFRDM cross sections beyond the $N=82$ shell is due to the fact that the\n1\/2$^-$ and 3\/2$^-$ states slowly become unbound (see Fig.~\\ref{spinfrdm}).\nIn the HFB model the two low-spin states move down in energy faster than\nthe neutron separation energy, thus providing an increasing $Q$-value and\nslightly increasing cross sections (Fig.~\\ref{spinhfb}).\nA similar trend can be found in the\nlevels from RMFT, although with a less pronounced increase of the $Q$-value\n(Fig.~\\ref{spinrmf}).\n\nThere are no data available concerning the pure DC contribution\nto the cross sections for the neutron-rich Sn isotopes. However, there is\nexperimental information regarding masses and level schemes. This can be\ncompared to theory (see Fig.~\\ref{sn2}).\nFor the experimentally\nknown isotope $^{133}$Sn we calculated DC by taking the experimentally known\nmasses and levels~\\cite{hoff} as input for the DC-calculation,\nthus arriving at a pseudo-experimental value for\nthe cross section which can be compared to the purely theoretical predictions.\nThe resulting value is marked by a cross in Fig.~\\ref{snfig}.\nNeutron capture on $^{132}$Sn is particularly\ninteresting because $^{133}$Sn is predicted to be already very close to\nthe r-process path by the two models RMFT and FRDM.\nAs it turns out, however, the resulting cross sections show the closest\nagreement among the investigated nuclei for this case.\nAll of the considered models predict the same ground state spin, a bound\n3\/2$^-$ state and a (barely) unbound 1\/2$^-$ state (cf.,\nFigs.~\\ref{spinhfb}--\\ref{spinfrdm}, and Fig.~\\ref{sn2};\nnote that the mass ranges in the plots are different). However, the resulting\n$Q$-value is largest in the RMFT, yielding the highest cross section. The cross\nsections from the HFB and FRDM levels are smaller by about a factor of 2\nbecause of the less strongly bound 3\/2$^-$ state. The additional 5\/2$^-$\nstate found in HFB gives only a small contribution to the total cross section\nand cannot compensate for the comparatively low $Q$-value of the capture to\nthe 3\/2$^-$ level. Nevertheless, compared to the large discrepancies\nregarding other nuclei, there is good agreement in the resulting cross\nsections. Therefore, this\nnucleus may be a bad choice to select between the different models, but it\nis reassuring in the astrophysics context that the cross sections agree so\nwell.\n\n\\section{Discussion}\n\\label{SecDis}\n\\noindent\nIn systematic r-process studies~\\cite{friedel} it was found that\nthe r-process path is touching nuclei with neutron separation energies\naround 2.5--1.7\\,MeV in the Sn region and\n$S_{\\mathrm{n}}\\simeq 1.5-0.9$\\,MeV in the\nPb region~\\cite{friedel}.\nIn our calculations for Pb (including $^{239}$Pb+n) we cover the\nastrophysically relevant mass region, with the possible exception of the\nHFB model. The neutron separation energies in the HFB model decrease\nmuch slower with increasing mass number than in the other models\n(cf., Fig.\\ \\ref{level3}), thus\nnot only leading to a drip-line at higher mass but also pushing the\nr-process path further out. However, the most extreme path location\nmight still be further out by not more than two or three isotopes from\n$^{240}$Pb, and therefore it is possible to extrapolate the trend seen in the\nHFB calculation at lower mass numbers.\nIt should be kept in mind, however,\nthat the location of the r-process path is determined by the ratio\nbetween neutron capture half-life and $\\beta$-decay half-life.\n\nIn the following we briefly discuss the possible astrophysical\nconsequences of the effects\nfound in the cross section behavior given by the different models.\nComplete r-process network calculations, which take into account all\npossible reaction links and do not postulate an a-priori $\\beta$-flow\nequilibrium, require a large number of astrophysical and nuclear-physics\ninput parameters (for a detailed discussion, see e.g.~\\cite{cowan}). In such\na non-equilibrium scenario, the location of the r-process path as well as\nthe time-scale of the r-matter flow is mainly determined by the neutron\ndensity as astrophysical quantity, and by the nuclear-physics parameters:\nthe neutron separation energy $S_{\\mathrm{n}}$ and the capture cross sections\n$\\sigma_{\\mathrm{n}}$. With this, details of the r-process are depending\non the specific nuclear models used. In the following discussion\nwe will consider as a first estimate\nonly the r-process paths found in detailed studies making use of FRDM\nmasses~\\cite{friedel} and vary the capture cross sections according to our\nfindings for the different microscopic inputs.\n\nIn the mass region beyond the $A\\simeq195$ r-abundance peak, neutron\ndensities of $n_{\\mathrm{n}}\\simeq10^{25}-10^{27}$\\,cm$^{-3}$ are required\nto produce sizeable amounts of $Z\\simeq80-84$, $A\\simeq230-250$ r-process\nisotopes very far from $\\beta$-stability. After successive $\\beta^-$- and\n$\\alpha$-decays they will form the long-lived r-chronometers $^{232}$Th and\n$^{235,238}$U, and the major part of the r-abundances of $^{206-208}$Pb and\n$^{209}$Bi (see, e.g.~\\cite{pfeiff97}). When regarding the\n$\\sigma_{\\mathrm{n}}$ cross sections for Pb from FRDM and HFB\n(see Fig.~\\ref{vgl}), very similar results are expected for the $^{230-238}$Pb\nprogenitor isotopes. Thus, also similar initial r-abundances for\n$^{232}$Th and $^{235,238}$U will result. However, when using the RMFT\ncross sections, a considerable hindrance of the nuclear flow around\n$A\\simeq130$ may occur which consequently would change the Th\/U abundance\nratios. These neutron capture cross sections which are 5 or more orders of\nmagnitude smaller than the ones given by FRDM and HFB levels would\nincrease the life-time of a nucleus against neutron-capture by the same\norder of magnitude and thus even prevent the flow to heavier elements\nwithin the time-scales given by the astrophysical environment.\n\nIn the case of the Sn isotopes, the situation is quite different from the\nPb region. The range of astrophysically realistic $n_{\\mathrm{n}}$-conditions\nfor producing the $A\\simeq130$ r-abundances is lower, with\n$n_{\\mathrm{n}}\\simeq10^{22}-5\\times10^{24}$\\,cm$^{-3}$. Hence, the r-process\npath is much closer to $\\beta$-stability, involving the progenitor isotopes\n$^{134,136,138}$Sn only a few neutrons beyond the doubly magic nucleus\n$^{132}_{50}$Sn$_{82}$. For these isotopes the Hauser-Feshbach (HF)\ncross sections used so far~\\cite{cowan} are of the order of 10$^{-4}$ to\n$5\\times10^{-5}$\\,barn. According to a recent investigation~\\cite{tfkl1},\nthe statistical model cannot be applied in that region and will overestimate\nthe capture cross sections. However, even if we use the experimental levels to\ncalculate a Breit-Wigner resonant cross section for\n$^{132}$Sn(n,$\\gamma$)$^{133}$Sn, we find it to be a factor of about 6 lower\nthan the HF cross sections.\nOur present calculations would add another DC\ncontribution of about the same magnitude as given by\nHF (see Fig.~\\ref{snfig}), which has so\nfar not been taken into account. As a consequence of the larger total cross\nsection, the r-matter flow to heavier elements would be facilitated, thus\navoiding the formation of a pronounced $A\\simeq134-138$ ``satellite peak'' in\nthe r-abundance curve sometimes observed in steady-flow calculations\n(see, e.g.\\ Fig.\\ 2 in \\cite{chen96}, or Fig.\\ 5 in \\cite{friedel}).\nSuch a signature is only indicated in the heavy-mass wing of the\n$A\\simeq130$ $N_{r,\\odot}$-peak. It is interesting to note in this context\nthat the HFB model, which exhibits the weakest $N=82$ shell closure and\nwith this also the weakest ``bottle-neck'' for the r-matter transit in this\nregion (for a detailed discussion, see e.g.~\\cite{klk97}), yields the\nhighest DC cross sections for the $A\\geq134$ Sn isotopes.\n\nSince we assumed spherical nuclei in order to be able to compare the\ndifferent microscopic models, deformation effects were not taken into\naccount which lead to level splitting and thus can increase the number\nof accessible levels. When considering deformation our results could be\nmodified in two ways: Firstly, the number of bound low-spin levels could\nbe increased, leading to larger DC cross sections; secondly,\ndue to a possibly larger number of levels at and above the neutron\nseparation energy, the compound reaction mechanism could be further\nenhanced and clearly dominate the resulting cross sections. However,\nas can be seen from level density~\\cite{ohurev,tfkl1} and\ndeformation (e.g., \\cite{moell2}) studies, deformation of Pb isotopes\nsets in at a mass number of about\n$A\\simeq 220$ and decreases already for masses beyond $A\\simeq 230$.\nCloser to the drip-line, the nuclei show low level densities again,\nnot only due to low neutron separation energies but also because of\nsphericity. Lead isotopes in the r-process path (especially for components\nwith low $S_{\\mathrm{n}}$) will therefore already\nhave reduced deformation and the DC -- being sensitive to the\nlevel structure -- will give an important contribution to the total\ncapture cross sections. Concerning Sn, a theoretical study of the ratio of\nDC over CN contributions for Sn isotopes~\\cite{bal} shows that CN dominates\nup to a mass number $A \\simeq 130$. Moreover, deformation is predicted to set\nin only at $A\\simeq140$ for Sn~\\cite{moellkra}.\nThis is supported by level density\nconsiderations~\\cite{tfkl1}, showing that the level density is too low\nin this region to apply the statistical model. Therefore, depending on the\nmodel, the r-process path lies at the border of or already well inside the region\nwhere the DC is non-negligible and dominating.\n\nAnother source of uncertainty is the assumption of pure single-particle\nstates, i.e., setting the spectroscopic factors to unity. This has been\nshown to be a good approximation for Pb isotopes close to stability and\nit is expected to hold for neutron-rich Pb isotopes. However, a range of\n0.01--1.0 for the spectroscopic factors could be realistic. This will play\nonly a minor role in the present comparison of different microscopic\nmodels, as the differences in the models may be only slightly enhanced\nwhen considering different theoretical spectroscopic factors. Nevertheless,\nit will be important in quantitative calculations of abundances, invoking\ncomplicated reaction networks.\n\n\\section{Summary}\n\\label{summary}\n\\noindent\nWe have shown that theoretical capture cross sections can depend\nsensitively on the microscopic models utilized to determine the\nnecessary input parameters.\nBecause of low level densities, the\ncompound nucleus model will not be applicable in those cases.\nDrops over several orders of magnitude in the cross sections -- as found\nwith the RMFT for Pb -- would change the position of the r-process path\nand possibly influence\nthe formation of heavy chronometer elements,\nwhereas the enhanced capture rates on Sn\ncould have direct effects in the final r-process abundance distribution.\nDeformation effects and the compound nucleus reaction mechanism\nmay still be of importance for the Pb isotopes and further investigations\nare needed. Nevertheless, the DC will be of major importance in\nthe Sn region. This region is also interesting for future experimental\ninvestigations of $S_{\\mathrm{n}}$, neutron single-particle levels and\n(d,p)-reactions studying spectroscopic factors.\nThere is also a need for improved microscopic nuclear-structure models\nwhich can also be compared in an astrophysical context following the\nsuccessful tradition of the interplay between nuclear physics and\nastrophysics.\n\n\n\n\\acknowledgements\n\\noindent\nThis work was supported in part by the Austrian Science Foundation\n(project S7307--AST) and by the Polish Committee for\nScientific Research.\nTR acknowledges support by an APART fellowship from\nthe Austrian Academy of Sciences.\n\n\n","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaArXiv"}} +{"text":"\\section{Introduction}\n\\label{sec:introduction}\n\n\\noindent The strategies to search for a dark matter (DM) component in the Universe are nowadays extremely varied, targeting \nmany possible gravitational and non-gravitational properties such as the DM mass or standard model (SM) \ncouplings~\\cite{Bertone:2004pz}. In astrophysical, cosmological, and laboratory settings, this broadband approach has yet to \nconclusively reveal any non-gravitational signatures. However, via both indirect and direct searches, the very wide DM \nmodel space has been significantly restricted. The focus of this article concerns the reach of the generic \nclass of experiments aiming to directly detect DM through a possible DM-nucleon coupling~\\cite{Goodman:1984dc}, \nknown as direct detection facilities. Currently, world-leading examples of this setup include \ne.g.~LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ)~\\cite{LZ:2022ufs}, PandaX-4T~\\cite{PandaX-4T:2021bab}, and Xenon-1T~\\cite{XENON:2018voc},\nwhich set the strongest limits in the DM mass \n$m_\\chi$ vs.~spin-independent nuclear coupling $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}}$ parameter space.\n\nThe sensitivity of a given direct detection experiment is controlled by a number of factors. Firstly, the event rate $\\Gamma_N$\nscales with the number of DM particles that have a sufficiently large kinetic energy. Specifically, the DM energy \nmust be large enough \nto induce a nuclear recoil that can trigger a signal above the detector threshold. Secondly, the rate \nalso scales linearly with the DM-nucleon cross section $\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\chi N} \/ \\mathrm{d} T_N$, \nat least in the above examples, where $T_N$ is the nuclear recoil energy. Thirdly, as in any count-based experiment, \nthis signal rate should be compared to some \nbackground event rate to derive a statistically significant detection threshold. Notably, in direct detection facilities, the background \nrates are typically extremely low as necessitated by the small expected signal rates, although there are some important \nexceptions, such as a dedicated CRESST surface run~\\cite{CRESST:2017ues}. \n\nThe standard target for these experiments is the DM in the Galactic halo, which has characteristic velocities of the order\n$v_\\chi \\sim 10^{-3}c$ and in any case cannot exceed the Galactic escape velocity \n$v_\\mathrm{esc} \\sim 540 \\, \\mathrm{km\/s}$~\\cite{Evans:2000gr,Evans:2005tn}. For a given DM mass \n$m_\\chi$, there is hence unavoidably a maximum DM kinetic energy available to excite nuclear recoil signals of the order \n$T_N \\sim m_\\chi^2 v_\\mathrm{esc}^2 \/ m_N$. For some DM mass $m_\\chi^\\mathrm{min}$\nthis must fall below the detectable threshold, and the experimental sensitivity drops to zero. For experiments such as \nXenon, PandaX and LZ, it is well-known that this cut-off\nlies around the GeV-scale, corresponding to a detectable threshold in the keV range. As such, even though these detectors \nhave impressive reach in interaction cross-section -- currently down to the level of \n$\\sigma_\\mathrm{SI} \\sim 10^{-47}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2$~\\cite{XENON:2018voc,PandaX-4T:2021bab,LZ:2022ufs}, and even \napproaching the neutrino floor with ongoing searches~\\cite{Strigari:2009bq,OHare:2021utq} -- there is ample motivation \n(and hence, in fact, both experimental and theoretical activity)\nfor methods to probe the sub-GeV mass range~\\cite{Knapen:2017xzo,Essig:2022dfa}. \nThis describes the first ``window\" in which DM can hide -- it could just be that DM has \na small mass out of the reach of direct detection experiments. \nThere is yet another window at {\\it large} values of the cross-section \n$\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}}$, however, which will be a key focus of this article. This arises due to the fact that if DM interacts \\textit{too} \nstrongly, then it can actually be the case that DM particles are unable to reach the detectors due to the attenuation of the flux \nin the atmosphere or the rock overburden~\\cite{Starkman:1990nj,Zaharijas:2004jv, Mack:2007xj}. \nThis typically becomes the main prohibitive factor for cross \nsections at the level of $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}} \\gtrsim 10^{-28}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2$~\\cite{Emken:2018run}.\n\nThere have been a number of promising experimental proposals to probe these two open windows. Attempts \nto extend the sensitivity to DM-nucleus interactions into the sub-GeV realm include \nsearches for Migdal electrons~\\cite{Ibe:2017yqa,XENON:2019zpr} or bremsstrahlung photons~\\cite{Kouvaris:2016afs}, \naccompanied by an intense low-threshold direct detection program in the development of novel detector \nconcepts (for a recent review, see Ref.~\\cite{Essig:2022dfa}).\nCross sections sufficiently large for DM to scatter inside the Earth before reaching underground detectors,\non the other hand,\ncan be probed by surface runs of conventional direct detection experiments (like the one performed by the CRESST \ncollaboration~\\cite{CRESST:2017ues}), or by targeting the expected diurnal modulation in the\nsignal in this case~\\cite{Collar:1992qc,Collar:1993ss}. As far as this work is \nconcerned, however, we will be interested in the role played by the irreducible astrophysical flux of\nhighly boosted DM that originates from cosmic ray collisions with DM particles in the Galactic halo (CRDM). \nThis was pointed out only relatively recently~\\cite{Bringmann:2018cvk,Cappiello:2018hsu}, and subverts the issue\nof a loss in sensitivity by noting that a sub-dominant component of DM with velocities well above those in the Galactic halo can \nproduce a detectable signal even if it is very light, i.e.~for DM masses (well) below $1 \\, \\mathrm{GeV}$. \nThe sub-dominant nature of the flux \nnaturally introduces a trade-off with the interaction rates that can be probed, quantitatively resulting in limits\nat the level of $\\sigma_\\mathrm{SI} \\sim 10^{-31}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2$~\\cite{Bringmann:2018cvk}.\nInterestingly, CRDM does not only probe previously open parameter space at small DM masses but also results\nin bounds extending into the relevant regime of the second open window described above. \nAfter this initial work pointed out the advantages of \nconsidering such a boosting mechanism, a large number of further analyses have addressed various aspects of the \nproduction~\\cite{Alvey:2019zaa,DeRocco:2019jti,Dent:2019krz,Wang:2019jtk,Zhang:2020nis,Plestid:2020kdm,Su:2020zny,Cho:2020mnc,Guo:2020oum,Xia:2020apm,Dent:2020syp,Dent:2020qev,Emken:2021lgc,Das:2021lcr,Bell:2021xff,An:2021qdl,Feng:2021hyz,Wang:2021jic,Granelli:2022ysi,Xia:2022tid,Bardhan:2022ywd}, \nattenuation~\\cite{Bondarenko:2019vrb,McKeen:2022poo}, and \ndetection~\\cite{Ema:2018bih, Cappiello:2019qsw,Berger:2019ttc,Kim:2020ipj,Guo:2020drq,DeRoeck:2020ntj,Ge:2020yuf,Cao:2020bwd,Jho:2020sku,Lei:2020mii,Harnik:2020ugb,Ema:2020ulo,Bramante:2021dyx,Emken:2021vmf,PandaX-II:2021kai} \nof astrophysically boosted DM. \nFor a recent comprehensive \\mbox{(re-)analysis} of all of these aspects see, e.g.~Xia~{\\it et al.}~\\cite{Xia:2021vbz},\nwho stressed in particular that form-factor suppressed attenuation in the overburden seemingly allows us to exclude\ncross sections much larger than $\\sigma_\\mathrm{SI} \\sim 10^{-28}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2$.\n\nThis article builds on this literature in three important ways: firstly, we point out that when DM acquires such large energies, \ninelastic scattering in the rock overburden above detectors such as Xenon-1T will at some point become the dominant\nattenuation mechanism. \nAs such, to avoid being over-optimistic in terms of how much parameter space is excluded, we show how \nto include this physical effect in a self-consistent manner and\nderive the resulting bounds. Secondly, we broaden the applicability of these limits to models that are more realistic for DM \nwith sub-GeV masses, moving beyond simplified contact interactions to\ninteractions mediated by vector or scalar mediators, or DM that has some internal structure. Finally, we argue that with \nthese improvements, and when taking into account fully complementary constraints from cosmology,\nthere is generically no remaining open parameter space left unconstrained for nuclear cross sections exceeding \n$10^{-30}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2$, \nfor DM masses in the entire MeV to GeV range. We demonstrate that possible loopholes to this statement -- still allowing \nan open window at larger cross sections -- require a combination\nof {\\it (i)} questioning the principal ability of CRESST to probe DM masses down to the published limit of \n$m_\\chi=140$\\,MeV~\\cite{CRESST:2017ues} and \n{\\it (ii)} choosing a rather narrow range of mediator masses $m_\\phi\\sim 30$\\,MeV (or finite DM extent $r_\\chi\\sim10$\\,fm).\nFor our numerical analysis throughout the article, we use the package {\\sf DarkSUSY}~\\cite{Bringmann:2018lay}. The improved CRDM \ntreatment reported in this work, including also updated cosmic ray fluxes and a more sophisticated use of form factors in the \nattenuation part, will be included in the next public release of the code.\n\n\\noindent The rest of the article is organized as follows: we start in section~\\ref{sec:crdm} by briefly reviewing the production \nof CRDM and the attenuation of the subsequent flux on its way to the detector, establishing our notation and\nsetting up the basic formalism that our analysis relies on. In the next two sections, we discuss in more detail how to model nuclear \nform factors (section~\\ref{sec:form_factors}) and the impact of inelastic scattering (section~\\ref{sec:inel}) on the attenuation \nof the flux. In section~\\ref{sec:m2}, we consider a number of \ngeneric options for the $Q^2$- and $s$-dependence of the scattering amplitude that are more realistic than assuming a constant \ncross-section. We complement this in section~\\ref{sec:hexaquark} with the analysis of a specific example, namely a\nbaryonic DM candidate that has been argued to evade traditional direct detection bounds despite its relatively\nstrong interactions with nuclei. We conclude and summarise our results in section~\\ref{sec:conclusions}.\n\n\n\n\n\\section{Cosmic-ray upscattering of dark matter}\n\\label{sec:crdm}\n\nWe describe here, in turn, how initially non-relativistic DM particles in the Galactic halo are up-scattered by cosmic rays (CRs),\nhow the flux of these relativistic CRDM particles is attenuated before reaching detectors at Earth, and\nhow to compute the resulting elastic scattering rate in direct detection experiments.\n\n\\medskip\n\\noindent\\textbf{Production:} The basic mechanism that we consider is the elastic scattering of CR nuclei $N$, \nwith a flux of ${{d\\Phi_N}}\/{dT_N}$, \non non-relativistic DM particles $\\chi$ in the Galactic halo. For a DM mass $m_\\chi$ and \ndensity profile $\\rho_\\chi(\\mathbf{r})$, this induces a relativistic CRDM flux incident on Earth \nof~\\cite{Bringmann:2018cvk,Bondarenko:2019vrb} \n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\frac{d\\Phi_{\\chi}}{dT_\\chi}&=&\\int\\frac{d\\Omega}{4\\pi} \\int_{\\rm l.o.s.} \\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!d\\ell \\, \\frac{\\rho_\\chi}{m_\\chi} \n\\sum_N\n\\int_{T_N^\\mathrm{min}}^\\infty d T_N\\, \\frac{d \\sigma_{\\chi N} }{dT_\\chi} \\frac{{d\\Phi_N}}{dT_N}\\\\\n&\\equiv& \nD_\\mathrm{eff} \\frac{\\rho_\\chi^\\mathrm{local}}{m_\\chi} \n\\sum_N\n\\int_{T_N^\\mathrm{min}}^\\infty d T_N\\, \\frac{d \\sigma_{\\chi N} }{dT_\\chi} \\frac{{d\\Phi^\\mathrm{LIS}_N}}{dT_N}\n\\label{eq:chiCR}\n\\,.\n\\end{eqnarray}\nHere $\\mathbf{r}$ denotes the Galactic position, and \n${d \\sigma_{\\chi N} }\/{dT_\\chi}$ is the differential elastic scattering cross section\nfor accelerating a DM particle to a kinetic recoil energy $T_\\chi$. \nFor DM particles initially at rest, this requires a minimal CR energy $T_N^\\mathrm{min}$ of\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:Tmin}\nT_N^\\mathrm{min}=\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{ll}\n\\left( \\frac{T_\\chi}{2} - m_N\\right) \\left[\n1-\\sqrt{1+\\frac{2 T_\\chi}{m_\\chi}\\frac{\\left(m_N + m_\\chi\\right)^2}{\\left(2m_N - {T_\\chi}\\right)^{2}}}\n\\right] & \\quad\\mathrm{for~}T_\\chi<2m_N\\\\\n\\sqrt{\\frac{m_N}{m_\\chi}} \\left(m_N + m_\\chi\\right) & \\quad\\mathrm{for~}T_\\chi=2m_N\\\\\n\\left( \\frac{T_\\chi}{2} - m_N\\right) \\left[\n1+\\sqrt{1+\\frac{2 T_\\chi}{m_\\chi}\\frac{\\left(m_N + m_\\chi\\right)^2}{\\left(2m_N - {T_\\chi}\\right)^{2}}}\n\\right] & \\quad\\mathrm{for~}T_\\chi>2m_N\n\\end{array}\n\\right. \\,.\n\\end{equation}\nFurthermore, in the second line of Eq.~(\\ref{eq:chiCR}), we have introduced an effective distance $D_{\\rm eff}$ that allows us to \nexpress the CRDM flux in the solar system in terms of the relatively well measured {\\it local} interstellar CR flux, \n${{d\\Phi_N}^{\\rm LIS}}\/{dT_N}$, and the {\\it local} DM density, for which we adopt \n$\\rho^\\mathrm{local}_\\chi=0.3\\,\\mathrm{GeV}\/\\mathrm{cm}^3$~\\cite{Read:2014qva} (noting that our final limits are \nindependent of this choice). The advantage of this parametersation is that uncertainties deriving from the integration \nover the volume relevant for CRDM production, $\\int d\\Omega \\int \\!d\\ell$, are captured in a single \nphenomenological parameter $D_\\mathrm{eff}$. Indeed, despite the complicated underlying physics, this parameter is \nsurprisingly well constrained,\nwith uncertainties dominated by the vertical extent of the confinement zone of Galactic CRs. \nIn what follows, we will use a fiducial value of $D_{\\rm eff}=10$\\,kpc.\\footnote{%\nWhen assuming an Einasto profile~\\cite{Einasto:2009zd} for the DM density, and a cylindric CR diffusion model \ntuned with {\\sf GalProp}~\\cite{Strong:1998pw} to describe the observed flux of light CR nuclei, \na more detailed analysis reveals that $D_{\\rm eff}$ varies between $\\sim9$\\,kpc and \n$\\sim11$\\,kpc for DM recoil energies above 1\\,MeV~\\cite{Xia:2021vbz} . \n}\nWe note that our final limits only depend logarithmically on this quantity, for large interaction rates,\nor scale as $D_{\\rm eff}^{-1\/2}$ when attenuation in the soil or atmosphere is inefficient, respectively.\n\nWhen computing the CRDM flux in Eq.~(\\ref{eq:chiCR}), we take into account the four most abundant\nCR species, $N=\\{p,{\\rm He},{\\rm C}, {\\rm O}\\}$, for which high-quality determinations of the local \ninterstellar fluxes exist~\\cite{Boschini:2018baj}. The fluxes of heavier nuclei are subject to significant \nuncertainties for the energies of interest to us, see e.g.~the discussion in Ref.~\\cite{Boschini:2020jty}, not least due to \napparent discrepancies between AMS-02 data~\\cite{AMS:2018tbl,AMS:2018cen,AMS:2020cai} and \nearlier measurements. We also note that the CRDM flux contribution from these heavier elements is \nstrongly form-factor suppressed at large $T_\\chi$, see section \\ref{sec:form_factors}, and hence \nanyway not relevant for constraining DM with masses $m_\\chi\\gtrsim0.1$\\,GeV.\n\n\\medskip\n\\noindent\\textbf{Attenuation:} On its way to the detector, the CRDM flux given by Eq.~(\\ref{eq:chiCR}) is attenuated due to \nscattering of the CRDM particles with nuclei in the atmosphere and soil (overburden) above the experimental\nlocation. This effect can be well modelled by the energy loss equation\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:eloss}\n\\frac{dT_\\chi^z}{dz}=-\\sum_N n_N\\int_0^{\\omega_\\chi^\\mathrm{max}}\\!\\!\\!d\\omega_\\chi\\,\\frac{d \\sigma_{\\chi N}}{d\\omega_\\chi} \\omega_\\chi\\,,\n\\end{equation}\nwhich can be used to relate the average kinetic energy at depth $z$, $T_\\chi^z$, to an initial energy \n$T_\\chi$ at the top of the atmosphere.\nHere, the sum runs over the nuclei $N$ in the overburden,\ni.e.~no longer over the CR species, and $\\omega_\\chi$ is the {\\it energy loss} of a DM particle\nin a single collision. \nFor elastic scattering, $\\omega_\\chi$ is equal to the nuclear recoil energy $T_N$.\nIn that case, the maximal energy loss of a DM particle with initial kinetic energy $T_\\chi^z$\nis given by\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:tmax}\n\\omega_\\chi^\\mathrm{max}=T_N^\\mathrm{max}=\\frac{2m_N}{s}\\left[\\left(T_\\chi^z\\right)^2+2m_\\chi T_\\chi^z\\right],\n\\end{equation} \nwhere \n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:sdef}\ns=(m_N+m_\\chi)^2+2m_N T_\\chi^z\n\\end{equation}\nis the (squared) CMS energy of the process. For inelastic scattering on the other hand, which we will discuss in more detail \nin section \\ref{sec:inel}, the energy loss can in principle be as high as $\\omega_\\chi^\\mathrm{max}=T_\\chi^z$.\nFor the purpose of this work we will mostly be interested in the Xenon-1T\ndetector, located at a depth of $z=1.4\\, \\text{km}$ in the Gran Sasso laboratory. In this case the \nlimestone overburden has a density of 2.71 g\/cm$^3$~\\cite{Miramonti:2005xq},\nmostly consisting of an admixture of CaCO$_3$ and MgCO$_3$, and attenuation in the\natmosphere can be neglected; in terms of weight percentages\nthe dominant elements are O (47.91\\%), Ca (30.29\\%), C (11.88\\%), Mg (5.58\\%), Si (1.27\\%),\nAl (1.03\\%) and K (1.03\\%)~\\cite{Wulandari:2003cr}. We note that Eq.~(\\ref{eq:eloss}) only provides an approximate \ndescription of the stopping \neffect of the overburden, which is nonetheless sufficiently accurate for our purposes. For a detailed comparison of this \napproach with Monte Carlo simulations of individual particle trajectories, see \nRefs.~\\cite{Emken:2017qmp,Emken:2018run,Mahdawi:2018euy,Emken:2019hgy,Xia:2021vbz}\n\n\\medskip\n\\noindent\\textbf{Detection:} The elastic scattering rate of relativistic CRDM particles arriving at underground detectors \nlike the Xenon-1T experiment is given by\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:gammarate}\n {\\frac{d\\Gamma_N}{d T_{N}}=\n \\int_{T_\\chi^{\\rm min}}^\\infty \\!\\!dT_\\chi\\ \n \\frac{d \\sigma_{\\chi N}}{dT_N} \\frac{d\\Phi_\\chi}{dT_\\chi}} \\,.\n\\end{equation}\nNote that the above integral is over the energy of the DM particles \\emph{before} entering the atmosphere. \nOn the other hand, the elastic scattering cross section ${d \\sigma_{\\chi N}}\/{dT_N} $ must still be evaluated at the actual \nDM energy, $T_\\chi^z$, at the detector location, which requires numerically solving Eq.~(\\ref{eq:eloss}) \nfor $T_\\chi^z(T_\\chi)$. The lower bound on the integral then represents the minimal {\\it initial} CRDM energy \nthat is needed to induce a nuclear recoil of energy $T_N$ {\\it at depth $z$}, i.e.\n$T_\\chi^{\\rm min}=T_\\chi(T_\\chi^{z, \\mathrm{min}})$. This can be obtained by inverting the solution of Eq.~(\\ref{eq:eloss}),\nwhere $T_\\chi^{z, \\mathrm{min}}$ is given by the right-hand side of Eq.~(\\ref{eq:Tmin}) under the replacement\n$(T_\\chi,m_\\chi,m_N)\\to(T_N,m_N,m_\\chi)$.\nIn general, the elastic nuclear scattering cross section \n${d \\sigma_{\\chi N}}\/{dT_N} $ \nis a function of both $s$ and the (spatial) momentum transfer, \n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:q2}\nQ^2=2m_N T_N\\,.\n\\end{equation}\nIf the dependence on $s$ can be neglected or the (dominant) dependence on $Q^2$ factorizes -- as in the case of\nstandard form factors -- then the rate in the detector given in Eq.~(\\ref{eq:gammarate}) will have an {\\it identical}\n$Q^2$-dependence as compared to the corresponding rate expected from the standard population of \nnon-relativistic halo DM. As pointed out in Ref.~\\cite{Bringmann:2018cvk}, this salient feature makes it possible to \ndirectly re-interpret published limits on the \nlatter (conventionally expressed as limits on the scattering cross section with protons) into limits on the \nformer. Otherwise, for an accurate determination of the expected count rate in \na given analysis window, one would in principle have to also model the detector response in the \nevaluation of Eq.~(\\ref{eq:gammarate}) and then infer limits based on the full detector likelihood \n(e.g.~with a tool like {\\sf DDCalc}~\\cite{GAMBITDarkMatterWorkgroup:2017fax,GAMBIT:2018eea}).\n\n\\section{Nuclear form factors}\n\\label{sec:form_factors}\n\nThe target nuclei used in direct detection experiments \nare typically larger than the de Broglie wavelength of DM with standard Galactic velocities, \nat least for heavy nuclei, implying that the incoming DM particles only `see' part of the nucleus. \nSince the elastic scattering process is fundamentally induced by a coupling between DM and the \nconstituents of these nuclei, this means that it should be suppressed by a \nnuclear form factor, $G^2(Q^2)$, compared to the naive expectation that the nuclear cross section \nis merely a coherent sum of the cross sections of all the constituents (for recent pedagogic \naccounts of conventional direct DM searches, see e.g.~Refs.~\\cite{DelNobile:2021icc, Cooley:2021rws}).\\footnote{%\nWe focus here on spin-independent elastic scattering. For {\\it spin-dependent} scattering, \nthe sum would not be coherent and hence generally result in much smaller cross sections.\nThis prevents standard DM from being stopped in the overburden before reaching the experimental\nlocation -- unless the scattering cross section {\\it per nucleon} is so large that it becomes incompatible with other\nastrophysical constraints.\nA detailed treatment of attenuation in the Earth's crust is, hence, less relevant in this case. \n}\nFor CRDM, this effect is amplified, given the smaller de Broglie wavelengths\nassociated to the faster moving upscattered DM particles. \n\nThese nuclear form factors are essentially Fourier transforms of the number density of nucleons inside\nthe nucleus, usually approximated by the experimentally easier accessible charge density. A common\nparameterization is the one suggested by Helm~\\cite{Helm:1956zz}, which is based on modelling \nthe nucleus as a hard sphere with a Gaussian smearing (in configuration space). For heavy nuclei we follow instead a slightly\nmore accurate approach and implement model-independent form factors~\\cite{Duda:2006uk}, based\non elastic electron scattering data. Concretely, we implement their Fourier-Bessel (FB) expansion approach,\nwith parameters taken from Ref.~\\cite{DeVries:1987atn}. For nuclei where the FB parameters\nare not available, notably Mg and K, we use model-independent Sum of Gaussians (SOG) form factors instead. \n\nFor $Q^2\\gg (0.1\\,\\mathrm{GeV})^2$ one starts\nto resolve the inner structure of the nucleons themselves, which we discuss in more detail in section \\ref{sec:inel}. \nLet us however briefly mention \nthat in the case of He, this effect is already largely captured by the above description in that we take the \nSOG form factors from Ref.~\\cite{DeVries:1987atn} (thus improving on the simple dipole prescription used, e.g.,\nin Ref.~\\cite{Bringmann:2018cvk}). For the proton, we adopt the usual dipole {\\it nucleon} form factor,\nnoting that the {\\it nuclear} form factor would formally equal unity,\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:Gp}\nG_p^2(Q^2)=\\left(1+ Q^2\/\\Lambda_p^2 \\right)^{-4}\\,,\n\\end{equation}\nwith $\\Lambda_p=0.843$\\,GeV. This provides a very good fit to experimental data up to momentum\ntransfers of at least $Q^2\\sim1$\\,GeV$^2$, with an agreement of better than 10\\% for \n$Q^2\\leq10$\\,GeV$^2$~\\cite{Perdrisat:2006hj,Punjabi:2015bba}. \nWe note that our final results are highly insensitive to such large momenta.\n\n\nIn the rest of the section, we will briefly describe the impact of nuclear form factors on \nthe CRDM flux and the attenuation of this flux on its way to the detector.\nIn both cases the effect is sizeable, motivating the need for a precise modelling of $G^2(Q^2)$.\n\n\n\\subsection{Impact on production}\n\\label{sec:FF_prod}\n\n\\begin{figure}[t]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.99\\textwidth]{figures_draft\/figure_one_wl}\n\\caption{{\\it Left panel.} Expected CRDM fluxes for DM masses $m_\\chi=0.001, 0.01, 0.1,1,10$\\,GeV, \nfrom top to bottom, assuming a constant spin-independent scattering cross section of \n$\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^{p,n}=10^{-30}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2$ (solid lines). The effect of inelastic scattering is neglected.\nDashed lines show the CRDM fluxes that would result when not taking into account \nthe effect of form factors. \n{\\it Right panel.} Black lines indicate the individual contributions to the CRDM flux from scattering on CR $p$, He, C and O,\nfor the example of $m_\\chi=100$\\,MeV. Other lines (highlighted only for the $m_\\chi=100$\\,MeV case) show the\ntotal flux, as in the left panel.\n}\n\\label{fig:flux_ff}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\n\nThe solid lines in Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux_ff} show the expected CRDM flux before attenuation, cf.~Eq.~(\\ref{eq:chiCR}),\nfor a range of DM masses. For the purpose of this figure, we have assumed a constant elastic \nscattering cross section $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^p=\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^n$ on nucleons, i.e.~a nuclear cross section\ngiven by\n\\begin{equation}\n\\frac{d \\sigma_{\\chi N}}{dT_\\chi} = \\mathcal{C}^2\n\\times \\frac{\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^p}{T_\\chi^{\\rm max}} \\times G^2(2T_\\chi m_\\chi)\\,.\n\\label{eq:siconst}\n\\end{equation}\nHere, \n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:c_coh}\n\\mathcal{C}^2= A^2\\frac{\\mu_{\\chi N}^2}{\\mu_{\\chi p}^2}\n\\end{equation}\ndescribes the usual coherent enhancement, in this case proportional to the square of the atomic number $A$ \nof nucleus $N$. In the rest of the expression, $\\mu_{\\chi N}$ ($\\mu_{\\chi p}$) is the reduced mass of the \nDM\/nucleus (DM\/nucleon) system and\nthe maximal DM energy $T_\\chi^{\\rm max}$ that can result from a CR nucleus with energy $T_N$ \nis given by the right-hand side of Eq.~(\\ref{eq:tmax}) after replacing $T_\\chi^z \\to T_N$ and $m_\\chi\\leftrightarrow m_N$.\n\nIn the left panel of the figure, we show that neglecting nuclear form factors (dashed lines) would lead to a \nsignificant overestimate of the CRDM flux at high energies. For $m_\\chi\\gtrsim0.1$\\,GeV, the form factor\nsuppression even becomes the dominant effect to determine the overall normalization of the flux,\nwhile for lower DM masses, the peak of the distribution is entirely determined by the fact that the \nCR flux itself peaks at GeV energies. This suppression in the flux leads to a rapid deterioration \nof CRDM limits.\nModelling form factors correctly is thus particularly important for the highest DM masses that can be\nprobed by cosmic-ray upscattering, i.e.~for $m_\\chi \\sim 1 - 10 \\, \\mathrm{GeV}$.\n\nIn the right panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux_ff}, the contributions from the individual CR nuclei to the \nCRDM flux are shown. At low energies the dominant contribution is always from Helium, closely followed by the one from protons. \nThe high-energy part of the CRDM flux, on the other hand, \nis almost exclusively due to CR protons because the contribution from heavier CR nuclei is \nheavily form-factor suppressed. In addition, for $m_\\chi\\gtrsim1$\\,GeV, the \npeak amplitude of the CRDM flux -- which typically has the most constraining\npower in direct detection experiments -- is almost exclusively determined by CR $p$ and He nuclei\n (see also Fig.~\\ref{fig:attenuation_ff} below to better gauge the relevant range of energies {\\it after} attenuation\n in the overburden).\nFor lower DM masses, on the other hand, including further high-$Z$ CR species than those taken into account \nhere could in principle increase the relevant part of the CRDM flux by up to $\\sim50$\\,\\%~\\cite{Xia:2021vbz}. \nIn what follows, we conservatively neglect these contributions, in view of both the larger uncertainties in the underlying\nCR fluxes and the fact that we are mainly interested in DM masses around the GeV scale.\n\n\n\\subsection{Impact on attenuation}\n\\label{sec:FF_att}\n\n\\begin{figure}[t]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.8\\textwidth]{figures_draft\/figure_two_wl.pdf}\n\\caption{%\nMinimal kinetic energy $T_\\chi$ that a DM particle must have at the surface of the Earth ($z=0$) in order \nto trigger a signal in the Xenon-1T experiment, as a function\nof a (constant) spin-independent scattering cross section $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^{p,n}$.\n Different colors correspond to different DM masses, \n as in Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux_ff}.\n Dash-dotted lines show the kinetic energies that would be necessary when computing the attenuation in the \nzero momentum transfer limit. Dashed lines illustrate the effect of adding\nthe expected form factor suppression, cf.~section \\ref{sec:form_factors}, while solid \nlines show the result of our full treatment, including also inelastic scattering events \n(discussed in section \\ref{sec:inel}).\n}\n\\label{fig:attenuation_ff}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\n\nWe now turn our attention to assessing the effect that the form factor suppression has on the attenuation of DM\nparticles on their way to the detector in a direct detection experiment. For concreteness we will again focus\non the case of Xenon-1T, where Xe nuclei recoiling with an energy of at least\n$T_{\\rm Xe}=4.9$\\,keV trigger a detectable signal~\\cite{XENON:2018voc}. In \nFig.~\\ref{fig:attenuation_ff}, we show the minimal initial DM energy that is required to kinematically allow\nfor this, after penetrating through the Gran Sasso rock. In practice this is done by numerically solving Eq.~(\\ref{eq:eloss}) with\n{\\sf DarkSUSY}. Dash-dotted lines indicate the result when conservatively\nassuming that the stopping power in the overburden is as efficient as in the zero-momentum transfer\nlimit (as in Ref.~\\cite{Bringmann:2018cvk}), while dashed lines show the effect of adding the additional\nform factor suppression for high $Q^2$ (as in Refs.~\\cite{Bell:2021xff,Xia:2021vbz}). \nSolid lines, finally, demonstrate the effect of also adding the attenuation power of inelastic scattering events,\nas described in detail below in Section \\ref{sec:inel}.\n\nFor small cross sections, attenuation is inefficient and, as expected, the three approaches give the \nsame answer. In this limit, the difference in the required DM energy is entirely due to the well-known\nkinematic effect, cf.~Eq.~(\\ref{eq:Tmin}), that lighter particles require a higher energy to induce a \ngiven recoil of much heavier particles\n(up to a minimum energy of $T_\\chi\\geq\\sqrt{m_{\\rm Xe}T_{\\rm Xe}\/2} =17.3$\\,MeV in the limiting case where $m_\\chi\\to0$).\nCorrespondingly, this also means that the CRDM fluxes cannot actually be probed by Xenon-1T \nfor the entire range of $T_\\chi$ shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux_ff};\nunless $m_\\chi\\lesssim10$\\,MeV, however, the lowest detectable energy is always smaller\n than the energy at which the CRDM flux peaks.\n \nFor large cross sections, on the other hand, Fig.~\\ref{fig:attenuation_ff} shows a \npronounced difference between the three \napproaches: while in the case of a constant cross section (dash-dotted lines) the energy loss equation\nresults in an exponential attenuation, adding form factors (dashed lines) implies that the required initial \nDM energy only rises as the square root of the scattering cross section in the $Q^2=0$ limit.\nIn fact, we note that this is exactly the behaviour one would expect from Eq.~(\\ref{eq:eloss}) for a \ncross section that falls off very rapidly at large momentum transfers. \nComparing again to Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux_ff},\nthis correspondingly enlarged range of kinetic energies that becomes kinematically accessible to Xenon-1T will \ninevitably lead to significantly larger rates in the detector -- which, indeed, is exactly the conclusion reached in\nRefs.~\\cite{Bell:2021xff,Xia:2021vbz}. However, such a strong \nsuppression of the physical stopping power of the Gran Sasso rock for a relativistic particle is highly \nunphysical. As we discuss in the next section, this is simply because the DM particles will start to scatter off the constituent \nnucleons themselves, albeit not \ncoherently across the whole nucleus. Adding this effect (solid lines), \nresults again in exponential attenuation in the overburden -- though only at significantly larger cross sections \nthan what would be expected when adopting a constant cross section for simplicity. \n\n\n\\section{Inelastic Scattering}\n\\label{sec:inel}\n\nOur discussion so far has largely neglected the impact of inelastic scattering events of relativistic DM particles incident on nuclei \nat rest, or {\\it vice versa}. Physically, the inclusion of inelastic scattering processes is non-negotiable and should be considered in \na full treatment. This is because, whilst the form factor suppression described above is the relevant feature in the transition from \ncoherently scattering off the whole nucleus to only parts of it, once the DM or nucleus transfers a sufficiently large amount \nof energy $\\omega$, the scattering will probe individual nucleon-, or even quark-level processes. The result is an additional \ncontribution to the total scattering cross-section that can easily dominate \nin the large energy transfer regime. \nAs far as CRDM limits are concerned, the most important effect \nthat the inclusion of inelastic scattering modifies is the attenuation of the flux through the Earth or atmosphere.\nNot including it, therefore, will lead to an overly optimistic estimate as to the amount of parameter space that is ruled out via this \nmechanism.\\footnote{In order to keep our results conservative, we neglect the effect of inelastic scattering on CRDM {\\it \nproduction} in our analysis. We leave the study of this additional contribution of the flux to future work, noting that we \nexpect it to mostly improve limits for larger DM masses (where the form factor suppression nominally leads \nto a significant reduction of the CRDM flux, see Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux_ff}).}\nLet us note that inelastic scattering of {\\it non-relativistic} DM, resulting in the excitation of low-lying states in the target nuclei, \nwas previously both studied \ntheoretically~\\cite{Baudis:2013bba, McCabe:2015eia, Kouvaris:2016afs, Hoferichter:2018acd}\nand searched for experimentally~\\cite{XMASS-I:2014lnb,XENON:2017kwv,Lehnert:2019tuw,XENON:2020fgj}. \nHere we concentrate on different types of inelastic processes that are only accessible to nuclei scattering off \nhigh-energy DM particles.\n\nThe rest of this section is organised as follows: firstly we give a qualitative description of the most important \ninelastic scattering processes, such as the excitation of hadronic resonances or quasi-elastic scattering \noff individual nucleons. Secondly, we explain how we obtain a quantitative estimate of these complicated nuclear interactions \nby making a direct analogy to the case of neutrino-nucleus scattering. In this regard, we make use of the public code \n\\texttt{GiBUU}~\\cite{Buss:2011mx,gibuuweb}.\nFinally, we will explain how to build this into the formalism described in section~\\ref{sec:crdm} in terms of the DM energy loss, see \nEq.~\\eqref{eq:eloss}.\n\n\\subsection{Scattering processes and associated energy scales}\nThere are a number of relevant contributions to scattering cross-sections on nuclei that are associated to certain \ncharacteristic energies or nuclear length scales. In the highly non-relativistic limit, as described above,\ncoherently enhanced elastic scattering dominates. At somewhat higher energies, more specifically momentum transfers\ncorresponding to (inverse) length scales smaller than the size of the nucleus,\nthe elastic scattering becomes form factor suppressed -- a description which physically assumes a smooth distribution of \nscattering centres throughout the nucleus. The main characteristic of elastic scattering in both of these regimes is that \nthe energy loss of the incident DM particle is uniquely related to the momentum transfer by $\\omega=Q^2\/(2m_N)$.\n\nThis relation no longer holds for inelastic scattering processes, which are expected to become relevant at even higher energies. \nFor our purposes, these inelastic processes can be broadly split up into three scattering regimes, depending\non the energy that is transferred (see also Fig.~\\ref{fig:mchi_1GeV} below, as well as a review~\\cite{Formaggio:2012cpf} \nfor the discussion of the analogous situation in the case of neutrino-nucleus scattering):\n \n\\begin{itemize}\n \\item \\textbf{Quasi-Elastic Scattering} \\textbf{(}$\\mathbf{\\omega \\gtrsim 10^{-2}}$\\,\\textbf{GeV):} At suitably large \n\tenergy transfers, the form factor suppression cannot be totally physical. This is because \n\tthe incident DM particles will probe directly the constituent nucleons, which are \n\tinherently not smoothly distributed. \\emph{Quasi-elastic scattering} (QE) dominates for \n\t$10^{-2}\\,\\mathrm{GeV} \\lesssim \\omega \\lesssim 1 \\, \\mathrm{GeV}$, and describes this situation, \n\ti.e.~where the dominant scattering is directly off {\\it individual} protons (and neutrons) inside the nucleus, \n\t$\\chi\\, p (n) \\rightarrow \\chi\\, p (n)$.\n\n\t\\item \\textbf{Excitation of Hadronic Resonances} \\textbf{(}$\\mathbf{\\omega \\gtrsim 0.2}$\\,\\textbf{GeV):} At higher energies \n\tstill, DM-nucleon scattering can excite nuclear resonances such as \n\t$\\chi \\, p \\rightarrow \\chi \\, (\\Delta \\rightarrow p \\pi^0)$ etc., leading to a wide variety of hadronic final states. Often, the contribution due to the lowest lying \n\t$\\Delta$ resonances (DR) is distinguished from contributions from higher resonances (HR) since the former can \n\tbe well resolved and starts playing role at considerably smaller transferred energies. \n\tIn a complicated nucleus such as ${^{16}}\\mathrm{O}$, both the QE and resonance contributions to the scattering cross-section must be resolved numerically, \n\ttaking into account effects such as the nuclear potential and spin statistics. \n\n\t\\item \\textbf{Deep Inelastic Scattering} \\textbf{(}$\\mathbf{\\omega \\gtrsim 1}$ \\textbf{GeV):} Most DM couplings to \n\tnuclei and nucleons result from more fundamental couplings to quarks or gluons. \n\tAs such, once the energy transfer is large enough to probe the inner structure of the nucleons \n\t($\\omega \\gtrsim 1 \\, \\mathrm{GeV}$), then \\emph{deep inelastic scattering} (DIS) of DM with partons inside the nucleons\n\tcan occur. Again, this should be \n\tresolved numerically to give an accurate estimate of the impact at the level of the scattering cross-section.\n\\end{itemize}\n\n\n\\subsection{Computation of the inelastic cross-section for neutrinos}\n\\label{sec_gibuu}\n\nDue to the complicated nuclear structure of the relevant atomic targets in the Earth, \nor in the composition of cosmic rays, \nit is typically not possible to analytically compute all the contributions to DM-nucleus scattering \ndescribed above. Instead, to estimate their impact on our \nconclusions and limits, we will make a direct connection with the physics of neutrino-nucleus scattering for which numerical codes \n-- such as \\texttt{GiBUU}~\\cite{Buss:2011mx} -- are capable of generating the relevant differential cross-sections.\n\nIn more detail, we draw the analogy between neutral current neutrino-nucleon scattering via processes such as \n$\\nu \\, p \\rightarrow \\nu \\, p$ and DM-nucleon scattering. Numerically modelling the neutral current quasi-elastic scattering, \nresonances and deep inelastic scattering as a function of the energy transferred to the nucleus, $\\omega$, allows us to \nunderstand the relative importance of these processes as a function of the incoming neutrino energy\n(or DM kinetic energy $T_\\chi$). Of course, since \nthese codes are tuned for neutrino physics, simply outputting the differential cross-sections such as \n$\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\nu N} \/ \\mathrm{d}\\omega$ is not sufficient. To map the results onto DM, see \nsection \\ref{sec:map_dm} below for further details, we should re-scale the results so \nas to respect both the relative interaction strengths and model dependences such as e.g. the mediator mass. In general, we \nexpect this approach to provide a good estimate of the DM-nucleus cross section (at least) for contact interactions and \nscattering processes dominated by mediators in the $t$-channel.\n\n\nAt the level of implementation, we choose the settings in the \\texttt{GiBUU} code described in Tab.~\\ref{tab:gibuu}. \nSince we are interested in quantifying the effect of inelastic scattering on the attenuation of the CRDM flux as it passes \nthrough the Earth, \nwe mostly focus on the total inelastic scattering cross section, i.e.~the sum over all the processes described in the \nprevious section. We numerically calculate this for the most abundant nuclei in the Gran Sasso rock, \n$N = \\{\\mathrm{O}, \\mathrm{Ca}, \\mathrm{C}, \\mathrm{Mg}, \\mathrm{Si}, \\mathrm{Al}, \\mathrm{K}\\}$.\nFundamentally, inelastic cross-sections are expressed in terms of double-differential cross-sections \nlike $\\mathrm{d}^2 \\sigma_{\\nu N} \/ \\mathrm{d}Q^2 \\mathrm{d}\\omega$, since for inelastic scattering $Q^2$ and $\\omega$ are \nindependent variables. \nFor integrating the energy loss equation, Eq.~\\eqref{eq:eloss}, however, it suffices to compute\n\\begin{equation}\n\\frac{\\mathrm{d} \\sigma_{\\nu N}}{ \\mathrm{d}\\omega} \\equiv \\int_{Q^2} \\frac{\\mathrm{d}^2 \\sigma_{\\nu N}}{ \\mathrm{d}Q^2 \\,\\mathrm{d}\\omega} \\,\\mathrm{d}Q^2\\,.\n\\end{equation}\nOn the other hand, the full information about the $Q^2$-dependence of \n$\\mathrm{d}^2 \\sigma_{\\nu N} \/ \\mathrm{d}Q^2 \\mathrm{d}\\omega$ provided by \\texttt{GiBUU} still remains a highly\nuseful input to our analysis. This is because the double-differential cross \nsections of the individual inelastic processes turn out to sharply peak at values of $Q^2$ that have simple relations to $\\omega$.\nFor example, the peak position for the QE contribution corresponds to the `elastic' relation~\\eqref{eq:q2} for nucleons. \nAs described below, this information will be used \nfor setting realistic reference values of $Q^2$ to capture the model-dependence of the DM cross sections.\n\n\n\\begin{table}[]\\label{tab:gibuu}\n\t\\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{\n\t\\begin{tabular}{@{}llllll@{}}\n\t\\toprule\n\t\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\hspace{-0.2cm}\\textbf{\\&neutrino\\_induced}} & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\textbf{\\&input}} & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\textbf{\\&nl\\_dSigmadElepton}} \\\\\n\t\\texttt{process\\_ID} & 3 & \\texttt{eventtype} & 5 & \\texttt{enu} & $T_\\chi$ \\\\\n\t\\texttt{flavor\\_ID} & 2 & \\texttt{numEnsembles} & 100 & \\texttt{elepton} & $0.005 T_\\chi$ \\\\\n\t\\texttt{nuXsectionMode} & 2 & \\texttt{numTimeSteps} & 0 & \\texttt{delta\\_elepton} & $\\Delta E_\\ell$ \\\\\n\t\\texttt{nuExp} & 0 & \\texttt{num\\_Energies} & 50 & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\textbf{\\&target}} \\\\\n\t\\texttt{includeQE} & T\/F & \\texttt{num\\_runs\\_sameEnergy} & 1 & \\texttt{Target\\_A} & $A$ \\\\\n\t\\texttt{includeDELTA} & T\/F & \\texttt{delta\\_T} & 0.2 & \\texttt{Target\\_Z} & $Z$ \\\\\n\t\\texttt{includeRES} & T\/F & \\texttt{localEnsemble} & T & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\textbf{\\&initDensity}} \\\\\n\t\\texttt{path\\_To\\_Input} & \\texttt{\/path\/to\/buuinput} & \\texttt{include1pi} & F & \\texttt{densitySwitch} & 2 \\\\\n\t\\texttt{includeDIS} & T\/F & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\textbf{\\&neutrinoAnalysis}} & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\textbf{\\&initPauli}} \\\\\n\t\\texttt{2p2hQE} & F & \\texttt{XSection\\_analysis} & T & \\texttt{pauliSwitch} & 2 \\\\\n\t\\texttt{include2p2hDelta} & F & \\texttt{detailed\\_diff\\_output} & F & \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\\\\n \\texttt{include2pi} & F & & & \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\\\ \\bottomrule\n\t\\end{tabular}\n\t}\n\t\\caption{Settings choices for running \\texttt{GiBUU} to study neutral current neutrino scattering. \n\tWe also enforced a logarithmic binning in the outgoing lepton energy, by changing the variable assignment \n\tof \\texttt{dElepton} from $E_\\ell \\rightarrow E_\\ell + \\Delta E_\\ell$ to $E_\\ell \\rightarrow (1 + \\Delta E_\\ell) E_\\ell$.\n\t}\n\t\\end{table}\n\n\n\\subsection{Mapping to the dark matter case}\n\\label{sec:map_dm}\n\nHaving described the technical details of how we obtain the neutrino-nucleus inelastic cross-sections using \\texttt{GiBUU}, we \nnow turn our attention to the mapping of these quantities onto DM models. \nThis is a necessary step for two broad reasons: \\emph{(a)} the interaction strength governing the DM-nucleus interactions is \ntypically very different from the neutrino-nucleus SM value, and \\emph{(b)} the way the interaction proceeds via e.g.~a contact \ninteraction or mediator exchange can lead to substantially different kinematics and non-trivial $Q^2$- or $s$-dependences.\n\nThe total scattering cross-section $\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\chi N}\/\\mathrm{d}\\omega$ consists of the coherent elastic scattering contribution that we compute analytically for each of the models considered in this work, and the inelastic scattering cross section that we want to estimate based on the \\texttt{GiBUU} output:\n\\begin{align}\\nonumber\n\\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\chi N} }{ \\mathrm{d}\\omega} &= \\left.\\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\chi N} }{ \\mathrm{d}\\omega}\\right|_{\\mathrm{el}}+\\left.\\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\chi N} }{ \\mathrm{d}\\omega}\\right|_{\\mathrm{inel}}\\\\ \\label{eq:rescaling}\n&\\equiv \n\t\\left.\\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\chi N} }{ \\mathrm{d}\\omega}\\right|_{\\mathrm{el}, Q^2=2\\omega m_N} + \\sum_{i} \\left.\\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}} }{ \\mathrm{d}\\omega}\\right|_{\\mathrm{el}, Q^2=Q_{i,\\mathrm{ref}}^2} \n\\times I_{\\chi,i}(T_\\chi,\\omega)\\,.\n\\end{align}\nHere $\\left.\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}} \/ \\mathrm{d}\\omega\\right|_{\\mathrm{el}}$ is the differential\nDM-nucleon elastic cross section, excluding nucleon form factors such as the one given in \nEq.~(\\ref{eq:Gp}). \nThe sum runs over the various individual processes, $i\\in$(QE, DR, HR, DIS),\nwhich all have characteristic reference values of $Q^2=Q^2_{i, \\mathrm{ref}}(\\omega)$ where\nthe respective inelastic cross section peaks. In the second step above, we thus choose to rescale the inelastic scattering \nevents to the elastic scattering off a point-like nucleon. \nThis rescaling is motivated by the fact that for inelastic contributions like QE, the underlying process is much better \ndescribed by scattering on individual nucleons than on the entire nucleus.\nThe factor\n\\begin{equation}\nI_{\\chi,i}(T_\\chi,\\omega) \\equiv \\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\sigma^i_{\\chi N} \/\\mathrm{d}\\omega \\big|_{\\mathrm{inel}}}\n\t{\\mathrm{d}{\\sigma}_{\\mathrm{SI}} \/\\mathrm{d}\\omega \\big|_{\\mathrm{el},Q^2=Q^2_{i, \\mathrm{ref}}}}\n\\end{equation}\nthus quantifies the ratio of the inelastic scattering process on a nucleus to the elastic scattering on an individual\nnucleon.\n\nWe now make the simplifying assumption that this ratio is to a certain degree model-independent,\nbased on the expectation that DM should probe the inner structure of nucleons in a similar way as neutrinos do\nwhen only neutral current interactions are involved. Physically, indeed, this closely resembles the situation both for \ncontact interactions and $t$-channel mediators.\nThe model dependence thus dominantly comes from the structure of the term \n$\\left.\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}} \/ \\mathrm{d}\\omega\\right|_{\\mathrm{el}}$, and we approximate\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:I2}\nI_{\\chi,i}(T_\\chi,\\omega) \\approx I_{\\nu,i}(E_\\nu,\\omega)\\equiv\\frac{\\left.\\mathrm{d}\\sigma^i_{\\nu N} \/\\mathrm{d}\\omega \\right|_{\\mathrm{inel}}}\n\t{\\mathrm{d}{\\sigma}^i_{\\nu,\\mathrm{SI}} \/\\mathrm{d}\\omega \\big|_{\\mathrm{el}}}\\,.\n\\end{equation}\nHere, the inelastic neutrino-nucleus cross section \n$\\left.\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\nu N}^i\/\\mathrm{d}\\omega\\right|_{\\mathrm{inel}}(E_\\nu,\\omega)$ \ncan be obtained using the \\texttt{GiBUU} code, as described in section \\ref{sec_gibuu}, and we evaluate it \nat the incoming DM kinetic energy, $E_\\nu = T_\\chi$.\n On the other hand, a possible estimate for the denominator -- the elastic neutral current neutrino-nucleon cross \nsection without the form factor -- is the average of the proton and neutron cross sections in the $\\omega \\rightarrow 0$ \nlimit~\\cite{Formaggio:2012cpf}:\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:nuel_simp}\n\\left.\\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\sigma^i_{\\nu,\\mathrm{SI}}}{\\mathrm{d}\\omega} \\right|_{\\mathrm{el}} \n= \\frac{1}{2} \\sum_{j=n,p} \\frac{m_j G_F^2}{4\\pi}\\left[(g_A\\tau_3^j - \\Delta_S)^2 + (\\tau_3^j-2(1+\\tau_3^j)\\sin^2\\theta_W)^2\\right].\n\\end{equation}\nHere $\\tau_3^p=1$ and $\\tau_3^n=-1$, $\\theta_W$ is the weak mixing angle and $G_F$ is the Fermi constant.\nThe axial vector and strange quark contributions are encoded in the parameters \n$\\Delta_S\\approx -0.15$ (see, e.g., Ref.~\\cite{Alberico:1997vh} for a discussion) and \n$g_A= 1.267$~\\cite{ParticleDataGroup:2008zun}, respectively. Numerically the square bracket evaluates\nto a factor of $\\sim\\!2.24\\,(2.01)$ for neutrons (protons). \nLet us stress, however, that this formula is valid only for energies \nrelevant for inelastic scattering, $0.1\\,\\mathrm{GeV}\\lesssim E_\\nu\\lesssim10$\\,GeV. \nAt much smaller energies, only the valence quarks contribute to the scattering, and we would instead have\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:nuel_simpNR}\n\\left.\\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\sigma^i_{\\nu,\\mathrm{SI}}}{\\mathrm{d}\\omega} \\right|_{\\mathrm{el}} \n= \\frac{m_n G_F^2}{4\\pi}\n\\end{equation}\nfor neutrons, while the scattering on protons is strongly suppressed by a factor of \n$Q_W^2=(1-4\\sin^2\\theta_W)^2\\approx0.012$.\n\n \nIt is worth noting that in principle, we could improve the assumption made in Eq.~(\\ref{eq:I2})\nfor the quasi-elastic process, because there is a \nwell-controlled understanding of the analytic QE cross-section via the Llewellyn-Smith formalism (see section~V \nof~Ref.~\\cite{Formaggio:2012cpf}). For clarity, we choose to take a consistent prescription across all inelastic processes, \nand we have checked that including the full QE cross-section would only introduce an \nadditional $\\mathcal{O}(1)$ factor in the DM QE cross-section.\nFor the numerical implementation in {\\sf DarkSUSY}, we pre-tabulate $I_{\\nu,i}$ from $T_\\chi=0.01$\\,GeV up to energies of $T_\\chi=10$\\,GeV,\nwith $200$ ($101$) equally log-spaced bins in $T_\\chi$ ($\\omega$)\nand a normalization as given by Eq.~(\\ref{eq:nuel_simp}), and then interpolate between \nthese values.\\footnote\nFor significantly higher energies, \\texttt{GiBUU} is no longer numerically stable. Furthermore, \nthe underlying equations that describe the interaction processes begin to fall outside their ranges of validity\nas the $Z$ boson mass starts to get resolved.\nAt higher energies, where anyway only the DIS contribution is non-negligible, a reasonable estimate \ncan still be obtained by a simple extrapolation \n$I_{\\nu,i}(T_\\chi,\\omega)\\to I_{\\nu,i}(T_\\chi^{\\rm ref},\\omega^{\\rm ref})$, \nwith $\\omega^{\\rm ref} =\\omega\\,(T_\\chi^{\\rm ref}\/T_\\chi)^{0.25}$, beyond some reference energy\n$T_\\chi^{\\rm ref}\\approx10$\\,GeV\\@. By running \\texttt{GiBUU} up to $E_\\nu\\sim30$\\,GeV, we checked that\nthis prescription traces the peak location (in $\\omega$) of the DIS contribution very well, \nindependently of the exact choice of $T_\\chi^{\\rm ref}$. We also confirmed that \nthe peak value of $I$ becomes roughly constant for such large energies. \nOn the other hand, higher-order inelastic processes are expected to become increasingly important \nat very large energies, not covered in \\texttt{GiBUU}.\nWe therefore only add the above extrapolation as an {\\it option} in {\\sf DarkSUSY}, and instead completely cut the incoming CRDM\nflux at $10$\\,GeV in the default implementation. As a result, our bounds on the interaction strength\nmay be overly conservative for small DM masses $m_\\chi\\lesssim0.1$\\,GeV.\n}\n\nWe also must choose the reference values for the transferred momentum $Q^2_{i, \\mathrm{ref}}$, which allows us to account \nfor e.g.~mediators that may be much lighter than the electroweak scale. \nImportantly, each process (quasi-elastic, \n$\\Delta$-resonance,...) is expected to have a different characteristic $Q^2$-$\\omega$ dependence that takes into account the \nrelevant binding energies and kinematic scaling. For example, in the case of elastic scattering, the \nrelation $Q^2 = 2 m_N \\omega$ holds, whilst for quasi-elastic processes, the relevant scattering component is a nucleon such \nthat the cross-section is peaked around $Q^2 \\sim 2 \\,{\\overline{ m}}\\,\\omega$, where ${\\overline m} \\equiv (m_n + m_p)\/2$. \nThe resonance of a particle with mass $m_\\mathrm{res}$ can be accounted for by noting that part of the transferred\nkinetic energy is used to excite the resonance, such that the cross-section peaks around \n$Q^2 \\sim 2\\, {\\overline m}\\, (\\omega - (m_\\mathrm{res} - \\overline{m}))$. \nWe have confirmed these expectations numerically by comparing directly to the \ndoubly-differential cross-section extracted from \\texttt{GiBUU}.\nFrom this numerical comparison we further extract that $Q^2 \\sim 0.6\\,\\overline{m}\\,(\\omega \\!-\\! \\omega_{\\rm DIS})$,\nwith $\\omega_{\\rm DIS}=1.0$\\,GeV, constitutes a very\ngood fit to the peak location of the DIS cross-section.\nIn summary, we take the following reference values across the four inelastic processes:\n\\begin{align}\n\tQ^2_{\\mathrm{QE}, \\mathrm{ref}} = 2\\, {\\overline m} \\omega \\, \\, , \\,\\,\\,\\, &Q^2_{\\Delta, \\mathrm{ref}} = 2\\, {\\overline m}\\, (\\omega - \\Delta m_\\Delta) \\nonumber \\\\\n\tQ^2_{\\mathrm{res}, \\mathrm{ref}} = 2\\, {\\overline m}\\, (\\omega - \\Delta m_{\\mathrm{res}}) \\, \\, , \\,\\,\\,\\, &Q^2_{\\mathrm{DIS}, \\mathrm{ref}} = 0.6\\, {\\overline m}\\, (\\omega - \\omega_{\\rm DIS})\\,.\n\\end{align}\nHere, $\\Delta m_\\Delta = 0.29 \\, \\mathrm{GeV}$ is the mass difference between the $\\Delta$ baryon and an average nucleon, \nand $\\Delta m_\\mathrm{res} = 0.40 \\, \\mathrm{GeV}$ is an estimate for the corresponding average mass difference of the higher \nresonances (we checked that our final limits are insensitive to the exact value taken here).\n\n\n\\begin{figure}[t]\n\t\\begin{center}\n\t\\includegraphics[width=0.9\\textwidth]{figures_draft\/figure_three_wl}\n\t\\caption{Comparison between the elastic (green, lower energies) and inelastic (blue, higher energies) contributions to the \n\tDM-nucleus differential cross section $\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{\\chi N}\/\\mathrm{d}\\omega$, where $\\omega$ is the \n\tDM energy loss. This figure shows these contributions \tfor a constant isospin-conserving DM-nucleus cross section, with \n\t$m_\\chi = 1\\, \\mathrm{GeV}$ and $N = {^{16}}\\mathrm{O}$. The small colorbar on \n\tthe inset of the plots, along with the stated numerical ratio, indicates the balance between elastic and inelastic\n\tscattering in terms of the contribution to the integrated cross section \n\t$\\sigma_{\\chi N}^\\mathrm{tot}$.\n\t}\n\t\\label{fig:mchi_1GeV}\n\t\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\n\nTo illustrate this procedure concretely, we consider the simple case of a contact interaction where, cf.~Eq.~(\\ref{eq:siconst}), \n$\\left.\\mathrm{d}\\sigma_{{\\rm SI}}\/\\mathrm{d}\\omega\\right|_{\\mathrm{el.}} = \\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}} \/ \\omega^\\mathrm{max}$ and \n$\\omega^\\mathrm{max} = 2\\, {\\overline m} (T_\\chi^2 + 2 \\chi T_\\chi) \/ (({\\overline m} + m_\\chi)^2 + 2 {\\overline m} T_\\chi)$. The results for the \nrescaled inelastic cross-section (blue) are shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:mchi_1GeV} for a DM mass $m_\\chi = 1\\,\\mathrm{GeV}$ incident \non a $^{16}\\mathrm{O}$ nucleus. In this figure, we also compare to the coherent elastic contribution (green) and highlight the \nbalance between the relative contributions to the total (integrated) cross-section $\\sigma^\\mathrm{tot}_{\\chi N}$. In particular, we \nsee that above kinetic energies $T_\\chi \\gtrsim 0.2\\,\\mathrm{GeV}$, the inelastic contribution dominates, clearly \nmotivating the necessity of its inclusion. This is consistent with the picture previously encountered in Fig.~\\ref{fig:attenuation_ff}, \nwhere we could see the impact of inelastic scattering on the energy loss. More concretely, \nthe result lies in some intermediate regime between the $G(Q^2) = 1$ and $G(Q^2) \\neq 1$ cases, the former\/latter leading \nto conservative\/overly optimistic limits respectively. \nIn the next section we will derive the relevant CRDM limits in the \n$\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}}-m_\\chi$ plane for a number of models to make this point quantitatively.\n\n\nLet us conclude this section by briefly returning to the implicit assumption of isospin-conserving DM interactions that\nwe made above, with \n$\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}}=\\sigma^p_{\\mathrm{SI}}=\\sigma^n_{\\mathrm{SI}}$.\nInterestingly, neutral-current induced\ninelastic scatterings between neutrinos and nucleons hardly distinguish between protons and \nneutrons~\\cite{Formaggio:2012cpf}, such that the factor $I_{\\chi,i}\\approx I_{\\nu,i}$ indeed becomes, by construction,\nlargely independent of the nucleon nature. Naively, one would thus conclude that\nisospin-violating DM couplings can easily be incorporated in our treatment of inelastic scattering by replacing\n$\\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}} \\to (1 \/ A) \\times (Z \\sigma^p_{\\mathrm{SI}} + (A - Z) \\sigma^n_{\\mathrm{SI}})$ in Eq.~(\\ref{eq:rescaling}).\nWhen doing so, however, it is important to keep in mind that the nucleon cross sections should be evaluated at \nenergies that are relevant for inelastic scattering, not in the highly non-relativistic limit.\nAt these high energies, isospin symmetry is typically largely restored because the nucleon couplings are no longer \nexclusively determined by the valence quarks, and instead receive corrections from a large number of sea quarks \n(and, in principle, gluons).\nAs pointed out above, the example of neutrino scattering illustrates this effect very clearly: even though isospin is almost\nmaximally violated at low energies, the effective neutrino couplings to neutrons and protons agree within\n$\\sim5$\\,\\% at energies around 0.1\\,GeV, cf.~Eqs.~(\\ref{eq:nuel_simp}) and (\\ref{eq:nuel_simpNR}). In practice, however,\na possible complication often arises in that the nucleon couplings $g_n$ and $g_p$ are only provided in the highly\nnon-relativistic limit. \nIn that case, an educated guess for $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}$ in the second term of Eq.~(\\ref{eq:rescaling})\nis to anyway take the leading order (Born) expression -- but to adopt (effective)\nvalues for {\\it both} nucleon couplings that correspond to\nthe maximum of $\\left|g_p\\right|$ and $\\left|g_n\\right|$ in the non-relativistic limit. \nThis induces a model-dependent uncertainty \nin the normalization of the inelastic contribution that can in principle only be avoided by fully implementing the concrete\ninteraction model in a code like \\texttt{GiBUU}. On the other hand, the neutrino example illustrates that this error should\ngenerally not be expected to be larger than a factor of $\\sim$\\,2, implying that for most applications such a \nmore sophisticated treatment is not warranted.\n\n\n\\section{Contact interactions and beyond}\n\\label{sec:m2}\n\nIn sections \\ref{sec:form_factors} and \\ref{sec:inel} we have discussed in detail the \n$Q^2$-dependence that arises due to both form factor suppression and inelastic\nscattering, as well as the impact this has on the production and attenuation of the CRDM flux.\nThis does not yet take into account, however, the possible angular and energy dependence of the\nelastic scattering cross section itself. In fact, for \\mbox{(sub-)GeV} DM, a significant dependence of this type is \nactually expected in view of null searches for new light particles at colliders. For example, it has been \ndemonstrated in a recent global analysis~\\cite{GAMBIT:2021rlp} that it is impossible to satisfy all relevant \nconstraints simultaneously (even well above GeV DM masses) \nand at the same time maintain the validity of an effective field theory description at LHC energies.\n\n\nOf course, this necessarily introduces a model-dependent element to the discussion, and in this section, the\naim will be to analyse the most generic situations that can appear when considering models beyond simple contact \ninteractions. Concretely, in section~\\ref{sec:scalar} we will study the case of a light scalar mediator, a light vector\nmediator in section~\\ref{sec:vector}, and the scenario where DM particles have a finite extent\nin section~\\ref{sec:puffy}. In all these cases, we will re-interpret the published Xenon-1T limits and assess \nwhether there is a remaining unconstrained window of large scattering cross sections for GeV-scale DM. \nJust before this, however, in section~\\ref{sec:const} we will briefly revisit the (physically less motivated) case of \na constant cross-section, which can be viewed as the highly non-relativistic limit of a contact interaction. \nThis will allow us to illustrate how the resulting CRDM constraints compare with \nestablished bounds from both surface and astrophysical experiments, as well as provide a more direct comparison with the \nexisting literature.\n\n\n\n\\subsection{Constant cross section}\n\\label{sec:const}\n\n\\begin{figure}[t]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.99\\textwidth]{figures_draft\/figure_four_wl}\n\\caption{%\n{\\it Left panel.} Limits on a constant spin-independent DM-nucleon scattering\ncross section as a function of the DM mass, \nbased on a re-interpretation of Xenon-1T limits on non-relativistic DM~\\cite{XENON:2018voc}\nfor the CRDM component studied in this work (solid lines).\nDash-dotted lines show the excluded region that results when assuming a constant cross\nsection in the attenuation part (as in Ref.~\\cite{Bringmann:2018cvk}).\nDashed lines show the effects of adding form factors in the attenuation part, but no \ninelastic scattering, resulting in limits similar to those derived in Ref.~\\cite{Xia:2021vbz}.\nFor the latter case, for comparison, we also show the effect of artificially cutting the incoming CRDM flux \nat the indicated energies.\\\\ \n{\\it Right panel.} Updated CRDM limits (coinciding with the solid lines from the left panel) in comparison \nto limits from the Lyman-$\\alpha$ forest~\\cite{Rogers:2021byl}, the Milky Way satellite \npopulation~\\cite{Maamari:2020aqz}, gas clouds in the Galactic Centre \nregion~\\cite{Bhoonah:2018gjb}, the XQC experiment~\\cite{McCammon:2002gb,Mahdawi:2018euy}, and \na recently analysed storage dewar experiment~\\cite{Neufeld:2019xes,Xu:2021lmg}.\nWe also show upper limits on the cross section as published by the CRESST \ncollaboration~\\cite{CRESST:2017ues} (solid green lines), based on a surface run of their \nexperiment, along with the maximal cross section where \nattenuation does not prevent DM from leaving a signal in the detector~\\cite{Emken:2018run}.\nAlternative limits are indicated by green dashed~\\cite{Mahdawi:2018euy} \nand dash-dotted lines~\\cite{Xu:2020qjk}, based on the assumption of a thermalization efficiency \nof $\\epsilon_{\\rm th}=2$\\,\\% and $\\epsilon_{\\rm th}=1$\\,\\%, respectively, which is \nsignificantly worse than the one adopted in the CRESST analysis.\n}\n\\label{fig:constraints_constant}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\nFor the discussion of a constant cross section, we will again consider the case of spin-independent scattering with isospin \nconserving nucleon couplings, as described by Eq.~(\\ref{eq:siconst}). In the left panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant}, we \nshow our improved constraints from a re-interpretation of the Xenon-1T limits in this case.\nBroadly, these updated and refined CRDM limits cover the mass range up to \n$m_\\chi \\lesssim 10 \\,\\mathrm{GeV}$ for cross-sections \n$10^{-31}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2 \\lesssim \\sigma_{\\mathrm{SI}} \\lesssim 2 \\times 10^{-28}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2$.\n\nFor comparison, we also indicate (with dash-dotted lines) the limits that result when neglecting both form-factor\ndependence of the cross section and inelastic scatterings in the attenuation part. As expected, this leads to a shape of the \nexcluded region very similar to that originally derived in Ref.~\\cite{Bringmann:2018cvk}, where the same simplifying\nassumptions were made. As a result of our improved treatment of CR fluxes and form factors, \nhowever, the limits indicated with dash-dotted lines are overall slightly more stringent than what is reported in that analysis.\nWe find that for very light DM, with $m_\\chi\\lesssim10$\\,MeV, this simplistic treatment actually leads to rather\nrealistic limits, the reason being that for highly relativistic particles the typical momentum transfer is always so large\nthat efficient inelastic scattering becomes relevant. For heavier DM masses, on the other hand, this treatment clearly \noverestimates the stopping power because it neglects the form factor suppression relevant for semi-relativistic DM\nscattering on nuclei.\n\nDashed lines furthermore show the effect of adding the form factor suppression during the attenuation in the soil, as done in \nRef.~\\cite{Xia:2021vbz}, but still not including inelastic scattering. Clearly, this vastly underestimates the actual\nattenuation taking place and therefore appears to exclude very large cross sections.\\footnote{%\nCompared to Ref.~\\cite{Xia:2021vbz}, we also find that the excluded region extends to somewhat larger DM masses,\nmostly as a result of our updated treatment of elastic form factors.\nOn the other hand, we recall that our attenuation prescription is based on the analytical energy loss treatment outlined in \nsection~\\ref{sec:crdm}, rather than a full Monte Carlo simulation. This likely overestimates the maximally excluded DM mass,\nbut only by less than a factor of 2~\\cite{Xia:2021vbz}.\n} \nIn order to gain a better intuitive understanding for the shape and strength of our final limits, finally, we also indicate the \neffect of neglecting inelastic scattering and instead artificially cutting the CRDM flux (prior to entering the soil) above \nsome given energy. The resulting upper limit on the cross section that can be probed in this fiducial setup strongly suggests that \ninelastic scattering events very efficiently stop the incident CRDM flux in the overburden as soon as they become\nrelevant compared to elastic scattering events. From Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant}, and well in accordance with the\nexpectations from section \\ref{sec:inel}, this happens at CRDM energies $T_\\chi\\gtrsim0.2$\\,GeV.\n\nIn the right panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant} we show our improved constraints \nfrom a re-interpretation of the Xenon-1T limits in comparison with complementary limits from direct\nprobes of the DM-nucleon scattering cross section.\nAt small DM masses the dominant\nconstraint results from analysing the distribution of large-scale structures as traced by the Lyman-$\\alpha$ \nforest. This is based on the fact that protons scattering too strongly off DM \nwould accelerate the latter and thereby suppress the matter power spectrum at sub-Mpc scales. \nSuch limits have recently been significantly tightened~\\cite{Rogers:2021byl}, utilizing\nstate-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of the intergalactic medium at redshifts \n$2\\lesssim z\\lesssim6$. Similar bounds from the CMB (not shown here) are generally weaker by up to three \norders of magnitude~\\cite{Rogers:2021byl, Planck:2015bpv, Xu:2018efh}, while\nthe Milky Way satellite population~\\cite{Maamari:2020aqz} -- as inferred from the Dark Energy Survey and \nPanSTARRS-1~\\cite{DES:2019vzn} -- places bounds that are roughly one order of magnitude weaker.\nBeyond cosmological bounds, cold gas clouds near the Galactic Center provide an interesting complementary testbed, \nin particular at high DM masses, where halo DM particles scattering too efficiently on the much {\\it colder} baryon population \nwould heat up the latter~\\cite{Bhoonah:2018wmw}. Here we show updated \nconstraints~\\cite{Bhoonah:2018gjb} based on \nthe cloud G357.8-4.7-55, noting that these constraints might be improved by more than one order\nof magnitude if G1.4-1.8+87 is indeed as cold as $T\\leq22$\\,K (as reported in \nRefs.~\\cite{McClure-Griffiths:2013awa,DiTeodoro:2018ybg} but disputed in Ref.~\\cite{Farrar:2019qrv}).\nWe also display the limits~\\cite{Mahdawi:2018euy} that result from the ten minutes' flight of the X-ray Calorimetry \nRocket (XQC)~\\cite{McCammon:2002gb}, based on the observation that ambient DM particles scattering\noff the silicon nuclei in the quantum calorimeter would deposit (part of) their energy in the \nprocess~\\cite{Wandelt:2000ad,Zaharijas:2004jv,Erickcek:2007jv}. \nIn deriving these XQC limits, one must take into account that the recoil energy of a silicon nucleus \npotentially thermalizes much less efficiently in the calorimeter than the $e^\\pm$ pairs produced from \nan incoming X-ray photon, such that a nuclear recoil energy $T_N$ will leave a signal equivalent \nto a photon with a reduced `thermal' recoil energy $T_T=\\epsilon_{\\rm th} T_N$. Concretely, the limits shown in the \nplot are based on the very conservative assumption of a thermalization efficiency factor of $\\epsilon_{\\rm th} = 0.02$.\\footnote{%\nWhen the scattering is mediated by a Yukawa-like interaction, a perturbative description of the scattering\nprocess may no longer be adequate. In that case the constraints shown here, in particular for XQC, receive \ncorrections due to non-perturbative effects leading to resonances or anti-resonances in the scattering cross \nsection~\\cite{Xu:2020qjk}. Here, we will not consider this possibility further, noting that a variation of the relatively \nuncertain value of $\\epsilon_{\\rm th}$ anyway has a larger impact on the XQC limits~\\cite{Mahdawi:2018euy}.\n}\n\nFurthermore, in order to directly probe sub-GeV DM with very large cross sections, the CRESST collaboration has performed\na dedicated surface run of their experiment~\\cite{CRESST:2017ues}, deliberately avoiding the shielding \nof the Gran Sasso rock used in the standard run~\\cite{CRESST:2015txj}. The result of this search is the exclusion region \nindicated by the solid green line in Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant}. Here, upper bounds on the cross section correspond to \nthe published limits, obtained under the assumption that any attenuation in the overburden can be neglected. \nModelling the effect of attenuation with detailed numerical simulations also results in \nthe exclusion region limited from above~\\cite{Emken:2018run}, coming from the fact that one must have a sufficiently large flux of \nDM particles at the detector location.\nIn a series of papers, Farrar~\\textit{et al.}~have claimed \nthat the CRESST thermalization efficiency adopted in the official analysis is too optimistic~\\cite{Mahdawi:2018euy,Wadekar:2019mpc,Xu:2020qjk,Xu:2021lmg}, challenging the general ability of the experiment to probe sub-GeV DM.\nWe indicate the resulting alternatives to the published CRESST limits in the same figure, albeit noting that the underlying assumption \nof an efficiency as low as $\\epsilon_{\\rm th}\\sim1$\\,\\% is not supported by data or simulations.\nFor example, no indication for such a dramatic loss of efficiency at low energies is observed for neutrons from an AmBe \nneutron calibration source~\\cite{florian}.\n\nTo summarise, Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant} illustrates the fact that the existence of the CRDM component provides an \nimportant probe of strongly interacting light DM. In particular, below $m_\\chi\\lesssim100$\\,MeV, it restricts parameter space that \nis otherwise either unconstrained or only testable with \ncosmological probes (which -- at least to some degree -- are \nsubject to modelling caveats regarding the Lyman-$\\alpha$ forest and the non-linear evolution of density perturbations \nat small scales; see, e.g., Refs.~\\cite{Hui:2016ltb,Irsic:2017ixq}). The CRDM component also leads to\nhighly relevant complementary constraints up to DM masses of a few GeV, especially when noting that \nthese constraints are independent of the thermalization efficiency discussion above.\n\n\n\n\\subsection{Scalar mediators}\n\\label{sec:scalar}\n\nAs our first example beyond a constant scattering cross section we consider the case where \na new light scalar particle $\\phi$ mediates the interaction between DM and nucleons. \nWe thus consider the interaction Lagrangian \n\\begin{equation}\n\\mathcal{L}_{\\rm int}= - g_\\chi \\phi\\overline\\chi\\chi - g_p \\phi \\overline p p- g_n \\phi \\overline n n\\,,\n\\end{equation}\nand assume, for simplicity, isospin conservation ($g_p = g_n $).\nAt the level of the effective nuclear interaction Lagrangian, the dominant interaction terms with scalar ($N_0$) and fermionic ($N_{1\/2}$) \n{\\it nuclei} are thus given by\\footnote{%\nWhile the dominant cosmic-ray nuclei are either scalar or spin $1\/2$ particles, some heavier nuclei in the overburden\nhave higher spins. For simplicity we treat those nuclei as scalars when determining their contribution to the energy loss,\nas described by Eq.~(\\ref{eq:eloss}), noting that this induces a neglible error in the estimated elastic scattering cross section,\nof the order of $Q^2\/m_N^2\\ll1$. Moreover, nuclei with higher spins make up only about 2\\% of the total mass in the overburden.\n}\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:leff_scalar}\n\\mathcal{L}_{\\rm int}= -g_N\\left( 2m_N N_0N_0+\\overline N_{1\/2}N_{1\/2}\\right)\\,.\n\\end{equation}\nHere, the dimensionful coupling to scalar nuclei has been normalized such that both terms in the above expression result\nin the same scattering cross section in the highly non-relativistic limit. In addition, the coupling to individual nucleons is coherently \nenhanced across the nucleus, resulting in an effective coupling to both scalar and fermionic nuclei given by\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:gN_coh}\ng_N^2 =A^2 \\, g_p^2 \\times G_N^2(Q^2)\\,,\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $G_N$ is the same form-factor as in the case of a `constant' cross section.\nFor the resulting elastic scattering cross section for DM incident on nuclei at rest we find\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{diffsig_full_scalar}\n\\frac{d\\sigma_{\\chi N}}{d T_N}=\\frac{\\mathcal{C}^2\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR}}{T_N^\\mathrm{max}}\n\\frac{m_\\phi^4}{(Q^2+m_\\phi^2)^2}\n\\frac{m_N^2\\left(Q^2+4m_\\chi^2 \\right)}{4 s\\,{\\mu_{\\chi N}^2}}\n\\times\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{ll}\n1& ~~\\mathrm{for~scalar~}N\\\\\n1+\\frac{Q^2}{4m_N^2} & ~~\\mathrm{for~fermionic~}N\n\\end{array}\n\\right\\}\n\\times G_N^2(Q^2)\\,,\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $\\mu_{\\chi p}$ is the reduced mass of the DM\/nucleon system and \n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:sig0_scalar}\n\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR} = \\frac{g_\\chi^2 g_p^2 \\mu_{\\chi p}^2}{\\pi m_\\phi^4}\n\\end{equation}\nis the spin-independent scattering cross section {\\it per nucleon} in the ultra non-relativistic limit.\nFor reference, the kinematic quantities $T_N^\\mathrm{max}$, $s$ and $Q^2$ are given by \nEqs.~(\\ref{eq:tmax}), (\\ref{eq:sdef}) and (\\ref{eq:q2}), respectively. For the production part of the process, \nwhere CR nuclei collide with DM at rest, one\nsimply has to exchange $T_N\\leftrightarrow T_\\chi$ and $m_\\chi\\leftrightarrow m_N$ in \nthese expressions for kinematic variables -- but not in the rest of Eq.~(\\ref{diffsig_full_scalar}) \n-- in order to obtain ${d\\sigma_{\\chi N}}\/{d T_\\chi}$.\n\n\n\n\\begin{figure}[t]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.99\\textwidth]{figures_draft\/figure_five_wl}\n\\caption{{\\it Left panel.} Solid lines show the CRDM flux before attenuation for a constant interaction\ncross section, as in Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux_ff}, for DM masses $m_\\chi=10$\\,MeV and $m_\\chi=1$\\,GeV. \nFor comparison we also indicate the corresponding CRDM flux for a {\\it scalar} mediator, cf.~Eq.~(\\ref{diffsig_full_scalar}), \nwith mass $m_\\phi=100$\\,MeV (dash-dotted), $m_\\phi=10$\\,MeV \n(dashed) and $m_\\phi=1$\\,MeV (dotted), for a cross section (in the non-relativistic limit) of \n$\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^{\\rm NR}=10^{-30}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2$. \n{\\it Right panel.} \nMinimal kinetic energy $T_\\chi$ that a DM particle must have, prior to attenuation, in order \nto trigger a signal in the Xenon-1T experiment. Line styles and colors match those of the left\npanel. In particular, solid lines show the case of a constant spin-independent scattering cross \nsection and are identical to those displayed in Fig.~\\ref{fig:attenuation_ff}.\n}\n\\label{fig:results_scalar}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\nIn the left panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:results_scalar} we show the resulting CRDM fluxes for this\nmodel. For small kinetic energies these fluxes are, as expected, identical to those shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux_ff} \nfor the case of a constant cross section. This is the regime where $Q^2=2m_\\chi T_\\chi$ is smaller\nthan the masses of both the mediator and CR nuclei, such that Eq.~(\\ref{diffsig_full_scalar}) reduces to \nEq.~(\\ref{eq:siconst}). For $Q^2\\gtrsim m_\\phi^2$, on the other hand, the presence of a light mediator \nclearly suppresses the fluxes. Note that the matrix element also contains a factor of $(Q^2+4m_\\chi^2)$, \nwhich additionally leads\nto a flux {\\it enhancement} for fully relativistic DM particles, $T_\\chi\\gtrsim 2 m_\\chi$. \nIn the figure, this latter effect is clearly visible for the case of $m_\\chi=10$\\,MeV and a heavy mediator.\nIn general, the appearance of such model-dependent features demonstrates the need to use the full matrix \nelement for the relativistic cross section. This is in contrast to the non-relativistic case, where a model-independent rescaling \nof the cross section by a factor of $(1+Q^2\/m_\\phi^2)^{-2}$ is usually sufficient to model the effect of a light mediator\n(see, e.g., Refs.~\\cite{Chang:2009yt,Fornengo:2011sz,Kaplinghat:2013yxa}).\n\nIn the right panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:results_scalar}, we explore the minimal CRDM energy $T_\\chi$ that\nis needed to induce a detectable nuclear recoil. Compared to the situation of a constant scattering cross section (depicted by the \nsolid lines for easy comparison), the attenuation is as expected rather strongly suppressed when light scalar mediators are \npresent (with the exception of the\ncase with $m_\\chi=10$\\,MeV and $m_\\phi=100$\\,MeV, where the cross section is enhanced \ndue to the $(Q^2+4m_\\chi^2)$ factor in the squared matrix element). In order to understand the qualitative behaviour of \n$T_\\chi^{\\rm min} (z=0)$ better, we recall from the discussion of Fig.~\\ref{fig:attenuation_ff}\nthat there are two generic scaling regimes for solutions of the energy loss equation. Firstly, for cross-sections with no \n-- or only a mild -- dependence on the momentum transfer, $T_{\\chi}^{\\rm min}(z=0)$ grows exponentially \nwith increasing $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^{\\rm NR}$. Secondly, in the presence of an effective cutoff in the cross section (like when form \nfactors or light mediators are introduced), $T_{\\chi}^{\\rm min}(z=0) \\propto \\sqrt{\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^{\\rm NR}}$ for large energies\n$T_\\chi$. These different regimes are clearly visible in the figure. \nFor the green dot-dashed curve ($m_\\chi=1$\\,GeV, $m_\\phi=100$\\,MeV), for example,\none observes as expected an initial steep rise at the smallest DM energies -- until the form factor and mediator suppression \nof the cross section cause a scaling with $\\sqrt{\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^{\\rm NR}}$ for kinetic energies above a few MeV. \nAt roughly $T_\\chi\\gtrsim0.1$\\,GeV, inelastic scattering kicks in, leading again to an exponential suppression of the flux. \nFor even higher energies, finally, the scattering cross section falls off so rapidly that the required initial DM energy once\nagain only grows as $\\sqrt{\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^{\\rm NR}}$.\n\nTurning our attention to the resulting CRDM limits, it is worth stressing here that $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR}$, as introduced in Eq.~(\\ref{eq:sig0_scalar}),\nis a somewhat artificial object that only describes the cross section for physical processes\nrestricted to $Q^2\\lesssim m_\\phi^2$.\nIn a direct detection experiment like Xenon-1T this is necessarily violated for $m_\\phi\\lesssim \\sqrt{2m_N T_N^{\\rm thr}}\\sim35$\\,MeV, \ngiven that $T_N^{\\rm thr}=4.9$\\,keV is the minimal recoil \nenergy needed to generate a signal. A natural consequence of this is that making a straight-forward comparison \nto the $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}$ appearing in the `constant cross section' case discussed in \nsection \\ref{sec:const} is challenging. Instead, the best we can achieve in terms of a meaningful \ncomparison is to define a {\\it reference cross section}\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:Qref}\n \\tilde \\sigma_{\\rm Xe,SI}^p \\equiv \\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR}\\times \\frac{m_\\phi^4}{(Q_{\\rm Xe,ref}^2+m_\\phi^2)^2}\n\\frac{Q^2_{\\rm Xe,ref}+4m_\\chi^2}{4m_\\chi^2}\\,,\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $Q_{\\rm Xe,ref}\\sim35$\\,MeV. It follows from Eq.~(\\ref{diffsig_full_scalar}) and Eq.~(\\ref{eq:siconst}), \nand the fact that $s\\approx (m_\\chi+m_N)^2$ for the energies of interest here, that $ \\tilde \\sigma_{\\rm Xe,SI}^p$ \nshould be interpreted as the effective CRDM cross section per nucleon that is dominantly seen in the Xenon-1T \nanalysis window.\nIt is thus this quantity, not the $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR}$ from Eq.~(\\ref{eq:sig0_scalar}), that should\nbe compared to the published Xenon-1T limits on the DM-nucleon cross section.\n\nThis also allows us to address the question of how the limits on the DM-nucleon coupling coming from the CRDM component\ncompare to the complementary constraints introduced in section \\ref{sec:const} (cf.~the right\npanel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant}). In order to do so, one first needs to\nrealize that all of those limits are derived under the assumption of non-relativistic\nDM and a constant cross section. In reality, however, they probe very different physical environments and typical \nmomentum transfers. In order to allow for a direct comparison, therefore, they also need to be re-scaled to a common \nreference cross section.\nAssuming that the DM energies in Eq.~(\\ref{diffsig_full_scalar}) are non-relativistic, a reported limit on the DM-nucleon \ncross-section $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^p$ from an experiment probing typical momentum transfers of the order $Q^2_{\\rm ref}$ would \ncorrespond to a cross section of\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:rescale_scalar}\n \\tilde \\sigma_{\\rm Xe,SI}^p = \\sigma_{\\rm SI}^p\\times \n \\left(\\frac{Q^2_{\\rm ref}+m_\\phi^2}{Q^2_{\\rm Xe,ref}+m_\\phi^2}\\right)^2\n\\frac{Q^2_{\\rm Xe,ref}+4m_\\chi^2}{Q^2_{\\rm ref}+4m_\\chi^2}\n\\end{equation}\nin the Xenon-1T detector. As an example, consider the CRESST surface run~\\cite{CRESST:2017ues}, where a threshold energy of $\\sim20$\\,eV\nfor the sapphire \ndetector would imply $Q^2_{\\rm ref}\\sim (0.98\\,\\mathrm{MeV})^2\/\\epsilon_{\\rm th}$. Similarly, a thermal recoil energy of of $29$\\,eV\nin XQC corresponds to $Q^2_{\\rm ref}\\sim (8.7\\,\\mathrm{MeV})^2$ for the nuclear recoil on Si nuclei\n(assuming $\\epsilon_{\\rm th} = 0.02$ as for the unscaled limits).\nTurning to cosmological limits, a baryon velocity of $v_b^{\\rm rms}\\sim33$km\/s at the times relevant for the emission\nof Lyman-$\\alpha$ photons~\\cite{Silk:1967kq} implies typical momentum transfers from the Helium nuclei to DM of \n$Q_{\\rm ref}^2\\sim4 \\mu_{\\chi{\\rm He}}^2\\times10^{-8}$. This means that, for the range of DM and mediator masses considered \nhere, the cross section at these times becomes roughly constant and we can approximate $Q_{\\rm ref}^2\\approx0$ \nin Eq.~(\\ref{eq:rescale_scalar}). The same goes for the constraints stemming from the MW satellite abundance,\nwhich are sensitive to even lower redshifts and thus smaller momentum transfers~\\cite{Nadler:2019zrb,Maamari:2020aqz}.\n\nIn Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_scalar} we show a subset of these correspondingly rescaled constraints\\footnote{%\nUpper bounds on the excluded cross section, due to attenuation effects, cannot simply be rescaled as\nin Eq.~(\\ref{eq:rescale_scalar}). \nFor the sake of Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_scalar}, we instead adopt a rather simplistic \napproach~\\cite{Davis:2017noy,Kouvaris:2014lpa,Emken:2017erx,Emken:2018run} to estimate these \nlimits by requiring that the most energetic halo DM particles, with an assumed velocity $v_{\\rm max}$,\ncan trigger nuclear recoils above the CRESST threshold of 19.7\\,eV\/$\\epsilon_{\\rm th}$ after attenuation in the \nEarth's atmosphere. For the average density and distribution of elements in the atmosphere, we follow Ref.~\\cite{USatm}.\nBy treating $v_{\\rm max}$ and the effective height of the atmosphere, $h_a$, \nas free parameters, we can then rather accurately fit the results of more detailed \ncalculations~\\cite{Emken:2018run,Mahdawi:2018euy} for the case of a constant cross section\n-- with numerical values in reasonable agreement with the physical expectation in such a heuristic approach. \nFinally, we adopt those values of $v_{\\rm max}$ and $h_a$ to derive the corresponding limits for the case of a scalar mediator,\nas displayed in Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_scalar}.\n}\n -- for mediator masses \n$m_\\phi=1$\\,MeV, 10\\,MeV, 100\\,MeV and 1\\,GeV -- along with the full CRDM constraints derived here.\nWe also indicate, for comparison, with dotted black lines where non-perturbative couplings would be needed in this model to \nrealize the stated cross section. This line is only visible for the case of $m_\\phi=1$\\,GeV,\nwhich demonstrates that it is generically challenging to realize large cross sections without invoking light mediators.\nThe presence of an abundant species with a mass below a few MeV, furthermore, would affect how light elements are\nproduced during big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). For a 1\\,MeV particle with one degree of freedom, like $\\phi$, \nthis can be formulated as a constraint of $\\tau>0.43$\\,s~\\cite{Depta:2020zbh} on the lifetime of such a particle.\nPhysically, this constraint derives from freeze-in production of $\\phi$ via the inverse decay process. \nSince $\\phi\\to\\gamma\\gamma$ (apart from $\\phi\\to\\bar \\nu\\nu$) is the only kinematically possible SM decay channel, \nthe translation of this bound to a constraint on the SM coupling $g_p$ is somewhat model-dependent.\nFor concreteness we consider the Higgs portal model, where $\\tau>1$\\,s at $m_\\phi=1$\\,MeV corresponds to \na squared mixing angle\n$\\sin^2\\theta=(8.62\\times10^2g_p)^2>3.8\\times10^{-4}$~\\cite{Krnjaic:2015mbs}. The area above the dashed\nline in the top left panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_scalar} requires either a {\\it larger} value of $g_p$ than what is given by this\nbound, or a non-perturbative coupling $g_\\chi^2>4\\pi$. This confirms the generic expectation that for very light particles \nBBN constraints are more stringent than those stemming from the CRDM \ncomponent~\\cite{Krnjaic:2019dzc,Bondarenko:2019vrb}.\n\n\\begin{figure}[t]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.9\\textwidth]{figures_draft\/figure_six_wl.pdf}\n\\caption{%\nLimits on the DM-nucleon scattering cross section evaluated at a reference momentum transfer of \n$Q_{\\rm Xe,ref}=35$\\,MeV, as a function of the DM mass $m_\\chi$. From top left to bottom right,\nthe panels show the case of a {\\it scalar mediator} with mass $m_\\phi=1$\\,MeV, 10\\,MeV, 100\\,MeV and 1\\,GeV.\nSolid purple lines show the updated CRDM limits studied in this work. We further\nshow limits from the Lyman-$\\alpha$ forest~\\cite{Rogers:2021byl}, the XQC \nexperiment~\\cite{McCammon:2002gb,Mahdawi:2018euy}, the CRESST surface \nrun~\\cite{CRESST:2017ues, Emken:2018run} and an alternative analysis of the CRESST \nlimits~\\cite{Mahdawi:2018euy}. All these limits are rescaled to match the situation of a light mediator,\nas explained in the text. The parameter region above the dotted black line in the bottom right panel\nrequires non-perturbative couplings, while the area above the dotted line in the top left panel is excluded\nby BBN.\n}\n\\label{fig:limits_scalar}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\n\nOur results demonstrate that in the presence of light mediators the largest DM mass that can be constrained \ndue to CR upscattering is reduced from about 10\\,GeV, cf.~Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant},\nto just above 1\\,GeV (for $m_\\phi\\sim1$\\,MeV). This is a direct consequence of the suppressed CRDM production\nrate discussed above. On the other hand, the reduction of the cross section also implies a smaller attenuation\neffect, thus closing parameter space at larger cross sections. More importantly, complementary constraints\nfrom cosmology and dedicated surface experiments become {\\it more stringent} in the presence of light mediators, \nonce they are translated to a common reference cross section. To put this in context, let us first recall that in the constant \ncross section case, Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant} tells us that cross sections \n$\\sigma_{\\rm SI}\\gtrsim 2\\cdot10^{-31}\\,{\\rm cm}^2$ are safely excluded across the entire DM mass range \n(or $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}\\gtrsim 6\\cdot10^{-31}\\,{\\rm cm}^2$ when assuming that the thermalization efficiency of \nCRESST is indeed as low as 2\\,\\%). From Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_scalar} we infer that these limits can be somewhat \nweakened for sub-GeV DM, when considering light meditators in the mass range \n$10\\,{\\rm MeV}\\lesssim m_\\phi\\lesssim 100\\,{\\rm MeV}$ (as we will see further down, the situation of a vector mediator\nis not appreciably different from that of the scalar mediator shown here). Concretely, the upper bound on the \ncross section now becomes $\\tilde \\sigma_{\\rm SI}\\lesssim 3\\cdot10^{-31}\\,{\\rm cm}^2$, independently of the DM\n{\\it and} mediator mass. For a 2\\,\\% thermalization efficiency of CRESST~\\cite{Mahdawi:2018euy} and a narrow \nrange of mediator masses, $10\\,{\\rm MeV}\\lesssim m_\\phi\\ll100\\,{\\rm MeV}$,\na small window opens up above the maximal cross section that can be probed with CRESST. \nThe reason is the gap between Lyman-$\\alpha$ bounds and the weakened CRESST limits from Ref.~\\cite{Mahdawi:2018euy}\nthat is visible in the figure, for $m_\\phi\\gtrsim10\\,{\\rm MeV}$, and which is closed by the CRDM limits only for mediator\nmasses of $m_\\phi\\gtrsim 30$\\,MeV. Nominally, for $m_\\chi\\sim2$\\,GeV and $m_\\phi\\sim 30$\\,MeV, \nthis would allow for cross sections as large as $\\tilde \\sigma_{\\rm SI}\\sim 4\\cdot10^{-29}\\,{\\rm cm}^2$.\nIn either case, the conclusion remains that CRDM leads to highly complementary limits, and that this \nrelativistic component of the DM flux is in fact crucial for excluding the possibility of very large DM-nucleon\ninteractions.\n\n\n\\subsection{Vector mediators}\n\\label{sec:vector}\n\nWe next consider the general case of a massive vector mediator $V$, with interactions given by\n\\begin{equation}\n\\mathcal{L}= V_\\mu \\left(g_\\chi \\overline{\\chi}\\gamma^\\mu \\chi + g_{p}\\overline{p}\\gamma^\\mu p + g_{n}\\overline{n}\\gamma^\\mu n\\right)\\,.\n\\end{equation}\nWe will again assume $g_n=g_p$ for simplicity, noting that smaller values of the ratio $g_n\/g_p$ can lead to\nsignificantly smaller cross sections (see, e.g., Refs.~\\cite{Frandsen:2011cg,Kaplinghat:2013yxa}); in our context this would\nmostly imply that the attenuation in the overburden becomes less relevant, leading to more stringent constraints.\nIn analogy to Eq.~(\\ref{eq:leff_scalar}), this implies the following dominant interaction terms with scalar and fermionic nuclei, respectively:\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:leff_vector}\n\\mathcal{L}_{\\rm int}= -g_N V_\\mu\\left( i N_0^*{\\mathop{\\partial^\\mu}^{\\leftrightarrow}} N_0+\\overline N_{1\/2}\\gamma^\\mu N_{1\/2}\\right),\n\\end{equation}\nwhere the effective mediator coupling to nuclei, $g_N$, is again given by the coherent enhancement stated in Eq.~(\\ref{eq:gN_coh}).\nFor the elastic scattering cross section on nuclei we find\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\label{diffsig_full_vector}\n\\frac{d\\sigma_{\\chi N}}{d T_N}&=&\\frac{\\mathcal{C}^2 \\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR}}{T_N^\\mathrm{max}}\n\\frac{m_A^4}{(Q^2+m_A^2)^2}\n\\times G_N^2(Q^2)\\\\\n&&\n\\times\\frac{1}{4s \\mu_{\\chi N}^2}\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{ll}\nm_\\chi^2Q^2-Q^2s+(s-m_N^2-m_\\chi^2)^2& ~~\\mathrm{for~scalar~}N\\\\\n\\frac12 Q^4 -Q^2s+(s-m_N^2-m_\\chi^2)^2& ~~\\mathrm{for~fermionic~}N\n\\end{array}\n\\right..\\nonumber\n\\end{eqnarray}\nHere, the cross section in the ultra-nonrelativistic limit,\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{eq:sig0_vector}\n\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR} = \\frac{g_\\chi^2 g_p^2 \\mu_{\\chi p}^2}{\\pi m_A^4}\\,,\n\\end{equation}\ni.e.~for $Q^2\\to0$ and $s\\to(m_N+m_\\chi)^2$, agrees exactly with the result obtained for the scalar case, as expected.\nFor large energies and momentum transfers, on the other hand, the behaviour\nis different.\n\n\\begin{figure}[t]\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.99\\textwidth]{figures_draft\/figure_seven_wl}\n\\caption{%\n{\\it Left panel.} \nMinimal kinetic energy $T_\\chi$ that a DM particle must have, prior to attenuation, in order \nto trigger a signal in the Xenon-1T experiment for DM nucleus interactions via a {\\it vector mediator},\nas a function of the spin-independent DM-nucleon scattering cross section in the highly non-relativistic limit, \n$\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR}$. Yellow (green) lines indicate a DM mass\n$m_\\chi=10$\\,MeV ($m_\\chi=1$\\,GeV), and different line styles correspond to mediator masses \n$m_A=1,10,100$\\,MeV as indicated.\nSolid lines show the case of a constant spin-independent scattering cross \nsection and are identical to those displayed in Fig.~\\ref{fig:attenuation_ff}.\n{\\it Right panel.} \nConstraints on $\\sigma_{\\rm SI}^\\mathrm{NR}$ as a function of the DM mass $m_\\chi$. Solid purple lines \nrefer to the case of a constant cross section, as in Fig.~\\ref{fig:constraints_constant}, while other line \nstyles show the case where the interaction is mediated by a light scalar (red) or vector (green) particle \nwith mass $m_{\\rm med}=10$\\,MeV and $1$\\,GeV, respectively.}\n\\label{fig:limits_vector}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\nThe resulting CRDM fluxes are nonetheless so similar to the scalar case shown in the left panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:results_scalar} \nthat we refrain from plotting them separately. Differences do exist, however, for the stopping power in the overburden.\nIn the left panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_vector} we therefore show the minimal initial kinetic energy needed by a CRDM\nparticle to induce detectable nuclear recoils in Xenon-1T. Compared to the scalar case, cf.~the right panel of \nFig.~\\ref{fig:results_scalar}, the attenuation is more efficient for highly relativistic DM particles due to the $s$-dependence \nof the terms in the second line of Eq.~(\\ref{diffsig_full_vector}). As before, the effect of these model-dependent terms\nfrom the scattering amplitude \nis most visible for highly relativistic particles, with small $m_\\chi$, and large mediator masses, where \nthe suppression due to the factor $(1+Q^2\/m_A^2)^{-2}$ is less significant.\n\nIn the right panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_vector} we compare the final exclusion regions for the \nsituations considered so far, i.e.~for a contact interaction, scalar mediators and vector mediators, respectively. \nFor the sake of comparison in one single figure, \nwe plot here the cross section in the ultra-nonrelativistic limit. For an interpretation of \nthese limits in comparison to complementary constraints on DM-nucleon interactions \nwe thus refer to the discussion of Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_scalar},\nnoting that the rescaling prescriptions for vector and scalar mediators are qualitatively the same.\nThe first thing to take away from Fig.~\\ref{fig:limits_vector} is that, as expected, the exclusion regions \nfor heavy mediators resemble those obtained for the constant cross section case. The figure\nfurther demonstrates that the only significant difference between scalar and vector mediators appears \nat smaller mediator masses, where the former are somewhat less efficiently stopped in the overburden. \nIt is worth noting, however, that this region of parameter space where the vector and scalar cases differ substantially\nis nonetheless excluded by Lyman-$\\alpha$ bounds. \nThe general discussion and conclusions from the scalar mediator case \nexplored in the previous subsection thus also applies to interactions mediated by vector particles.\n\n\n\n\n\\subsection{Finite-size dark matter}\n\\label{sec:puffy}\n\nAs a final generic example of a $Q^2$-suppressed cross section let us consider the situation \nwhere the DM particle itself has a finite size that is larger than its Compton wavelength. \nThe corresponding scattering cross section then takes the same form as in the point-like case,\nmultiplied by another factor $\\left|G_\\chi(Q^2)\\right|^2$ that reflects the spatial extent of \n$\\chi$~\\cite{Feldstein:2009tr,Laha:2013gva,Chu:2018faw} (for concrete models see also, e.g., \nRefs.~\\cite{Nussinov:1985xr,Chivukula:1989qb,Cline:2013zca,Krnjaic:2014xza,Wise:2014ola,Hardy:2015boa,Coskuner:2018are,Contino:2018crt}).\nSpecifically, just as for nuclear form factors, we have \n\\begin{equation}\nG_\\chi(Q^2)=\\int d^3 x\\,e^{i\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{x}}\\rho_\\chi(\\mathbf{x})\\,,\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $\\rho_\\chi(\\mathbf{x})$ is the distribution of the effective charge density that the interaction couples to.\nFor simplicity we will choose a dipole form factor of the form\\footnote{%\nThe exact choice of the form factor does not significantly affect our results, as long as $G_\\chi(Q^2)