diff --git "a/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzitkr" "b/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzitkr" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data_all_eng_slimpj/shuffled/split2/finalzzitkr" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{"text":"\\section{introduction}\n\nThe quantum information theory in the relativistic framework has\nreceived considerable attention due to its theoretical importance\nand practical application \\cite{Peres,Boschi,Pan}. Especially, more\nand more efforts have been expended on the study of quantum\nentanglement in a relativistic setting because people consider the\nentanglement to be a major resource for quantum information tasks\nsuch as quantum teleportation, quantum computation and so on\n\\cite{Bouwmeester}. With the intention of studying the entanglement\nbetween accelerated observers, the fidelity of teleportation between\ntwo parties in relative uniform acceleration was discussed by Alsing\n\\emph{et al.} \\cite{Alsing-Milburn,Alsing-McMahon-Milburn}. Xian-Hui\nGe \\emph{et al.} extended the gravitational field of the\nteleportation to the four and higher dimensional spacetimes, and\neven explicitly discussed what effects the shape of the cavity in\nwhich particles are confined has on the teleportation in a black\nhole spacetime \\cite{Ge-Shen,Ge-Kim}. In order to further\ninvestigate the observer-dependent character of the entanglement,\nFuentes-Schuller \\emph{et al.} analyzed the entanglement between two\nmodes of a non-interacting massless scalar field when one of the\nobservers describing the state is uniformly accelerated\n\\cite{Schuller-Mann}. And then Alsing \\emph{et al.} calculated the\nentanglement between two modes of a free Dirac field described by\nrelatively accelerated parties in a flat spacetime\n\\cite{Alsing-Mann}. Their results \\cite{Schuller-Mann,Alsing-Mann}\nalso showed that the different type of field will have a\nqualitatively different effect on the degradation of entanglement\nproduced by the Unruh effect \\cite{Davies,unruh}. More recently, Ahn\n\\emph{et al.} extended the investigation to the entanglement of a\ntwo-mode squeezed state in Riemannian spacetime \\cite{Ahn-Kim}, Yi\nLing \\emph{et al.} discussed the entanglement of electromagnetic\nfield in noninertial reference frames \\cite{Ling}, and Adesso\n\\emph{et al.} investigated the distribution of entanglement between\nmodes of a free scalar field from the perspective of observers in\nuniform acceleration \\cite{Adesso}.\n\nAs a further step along this line, we will provide an analysis of\nthe entanglement for the scalar field in the spacetime of a most\ngeneral, static and asymptotically flat black hole with spherical\nsymmetry. It seems to be an interesting study to consider the\ninfluences of the Hawking effect\n\\cite{Hawking-1,Hawking-2,Hawking-3} on the quantum entangled states\nand show how the Hawking temperature will change the properties of\nthe entanglement and teleportation. Choosing a generically entangled\nstate as the initially entangled state for two observers in the flat\nregion of this black hole, we will also try to see what effects the\nuncertain entangled state will have on the degradation of\nentanglement in our scheme due to the presence of an arbitrary state\nparameter. Our scheme proposes that the two observers, Alice and\nBob, share an initially entangled state at the same initial point in\nflat Minkowski spacetime before the black hole is formed. After the\ncoincidence of Alice and Bob, Alice stays stationary at the\nasymptotically flat region, while Bob falls in toward the mass and\nthen hovers outside of it. Once Bob is safely hovering outside of\nthe object at some constant acceleration, let it collapse to form a\nblack hole. By Birkhoff's theorem \\cite{Birkhoff} this won't change\nthe metric outside of the black hole and therefore won't change\nBob's acceleration. Thus, Bob's detector registers only thermally\nexcited particles due to the Hawking effect \\cite{unruh-1,unruh-2}.\nIn order to investigate the teleportation between two modes of a\nscalar field as detected by the two observers, we assume that Alice\nand Bob each hold an optical cavity which is small and perfect for\nthe teleportation in the black hole spacetime. Just as suggested by\nRefs. \\cite{Alsing-Milburn,Alsing-McMahon-Milburn}, we further\nsuppose that each cavity supports two orthogonal modes, with the\nsame frequency, which are each excited to a single photon Fock state\nat the coincidence point for Alice and Bob. Different from the\nstandard teleportation protocol, our scheme assumes that Bob hovers\noutside of the object before it collapses, and turns on his detector\nafter the formation of the black hole. Then, Bob can check to see\nwhether any thermal photons have been excited in his local cavity\nusing the non-absorbing detector.\n\nThe organization of this paper is as follows. In Sec. 2 we discuss\nthe vacuum structure of the background spacetime and the Hawking\neffect for the scalar particles as experienced by the observer\noutside the black hole. In Sec. 3 we analyze the effects of the\nHawking temperature on the entanglement between the modes for the\ndifferent state parameter. In Sec. 4 we describe the process of the\nteleportation between Alice and Bob, and calculate the fidelity of\nteleportation. We summarize and discuss our conclusions in the last\nsection.\n\n\\section{Vacuum structure and Hawking Radiation of scalar field}\n\nIt is well known that the spherically symmetric line element of a\nstatic and asymptotically flat black hole such as Schwarzschild\nblack hole, Reissner-Nordstr\\\"{o}m black hole \\cite{Chandrasekhar},\nGarfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger dilaton black hole \\cite{Horowitz},\nCasadio-Fabbri-Mazzacurati (CFM) brane black hole \\cite{Casadio} and\nso on can be written in the form\n\\begin{eqnarray}\\label{metric}\nds^2=f(r)dt^{2}-\\frac{1}{h(r)}dr^{2}-R^{2}(r)(d\\theta^{2}+\\sin\\theta^{2}d\\varphi^{2}),\n\\end{eqnarray}\nwhere the functions $f(r)$ and $h(r)$ vanish at the event horizon\n$r=r_{+}$ of the black hole. Throughout this paper we use\n$G=c=\\hbar=\\kappa_{B}=1$. It is obvious that the surface gravity of\nthe event horizon is determined by\n$\\kappa=\\sqrt{f'(r_{+})h'(r_{+})}\/2$. Defining the tortoise\ncoordinates $r_{*}$ as $dr_{*}=dr\/\\sqrt{f(r)h(r)}$, we can rewrite\nthe metric (\\ref{metric}) as\n\\begin{eqnarray}\\label{new metric}\nds^2=f(r)(dt^{2}-dr_{*}^{2})-R^{2}(r)(d\\theta^{2}+\\sin\\theta^{2}d\\varphi^{2}).\n\\end{eqnarray}\n\nThe massless scalar field $\\psi$ satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\label{K-G Equation}\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{-g}}\\frac{{\\partial}}{\\partial\nx^{\\mu}} \\left(\\sqrt{-g}g^{\\mu\\nu}\\frac{\\partial\\psi}{\\partial\nx^{\\nu}}\\right)=0.\n\\end{eqnarray}\nAfter expressing the normal mode solution as \\cite{unruh,D-R}\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\psi_{\\omega lm}=\\frac{1}{R(r)}\\chi_{\\omega\nl}(r)Y_{lm}(\\theta,\\varphi)e^{-i\\omega t},\n\\end{eqnarray}\nwe can easily get the radial equation\n\\begin{eqnarray}\\label{radial equation}\n\\frac{d^{2}\\chi_{\\omega\nl}}{dr_{*}^{2}}+[\\omega^{2}-V(r)]\\chi_{\\omega l}=0,\n\\end{eqnarray}\nwith\n\\begin{eqnarray}\nV(r)=\\frac{\\sqrt{f(r)h(r)}}{R(r)}\\frac{d}{dr}\\left[\\sqrt{f(r)h(r)}\\frac{d\nR(r)}{dr}\\right]+\\frac{l(l+1)f(r)}{R^{2}(r)},\n\\end{eqnarray}\nwhere $Y_{lm}(\\theta,\\varphi)$ is a scalar spherical harmonic on the\nunit twosphere. Solving Eq. (\\ref{radial equation}) near the event\nhorizon, we obtain the incoming wave function which is analytic\neverywhere in the spacetime manifold \\cite{D-R}\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\psi_{in,\\omega lm}=e^{-i\\omega v}Y_{lm}(\\theta,\\varphi),\n\\end{eqnarray}\nand the outgoing wave functions for the inside and outside region of\nthe event horizon\n\\begin{eqnarray}\\label{inside mode}\n\\psi_{out,\\omega lm}(rr_{+})=e^{-i\\omega u}Y_{lm}(\\theta,\\varphi),\n\\end{eqnarray}\nwhere $v=t+r_{*}$ and $u=t-r_{*}$. Eqs. (\\ref{inside mode}) and\n(\\ref{outside mode}) are analytic inside and outside the event\nhorizon respectively, so they form a complete orthogonal family. In\nsecond-quantizing the field $\\Phi_{out}$ in the exterior of the\nblack hole we can expand it as follows \\cite{unruh}\n\\begin{eqnarray}\\label{First expand}\n&&\\Phi_{out}=\\sum_{lm}\\int d\\omega[b_{in,\\omega lm}\\psi_{out,\\omega\nlm}(rr_{+})+b^{\\dag}_{out,\\omega\nlm}\\psi^{*}_{out,\\omega lm}(r>r_{+})],\n\\end{eqnarray}\nwhere $b_{in,\\omega lm}$ and $b^{\\dag}_{in,\\omega lm}$ are the\nannihilation and creation operators acting on the vacuum of the\ninterior region of the black hole, and $b_{out,\\omega lm}$ and\n$b^{\\dag}_{out,\\omega lm}$ are the annihilation and creation\noperators acting on the vacuum of the exterior region respectively.\nThus, the Fock vacuum state can be defined as\n\\begin{eqnarray}\\label{dilaton vacuum}\nb_{in,\\omega lm}|0\\rangle_{in}=b_{out,\\omega lm}|0\\rangle_{out}=0.\n\\end{eqnarray}\n\nIntroducing the generalized light-like Kruskal coordinates\n\\cite{D-R,Sannan,Zhao,Birrell}\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n&&U=-\\frac{1}{\\kappa}e^{-\\kappa u},\\quad V=\\frac{1}{\\kappa}e^{\\kappa\nv},\\quad {\\rm if\\quad r>r_{+}};\\nonumber\\\\\n&&U=\\frac{1}{\\kappa}e^{-\\kappa u},\\quad V=\\frac{1}{\\kappa}e^{\\kappa\nv}, \\quad {\\rm if\\quad rr_{+})+e^{-\\frac{\\pi\\omega}{2\\kappa}}\\psi^{*}_{out,\\omega\nlm}(rr_{+})+e^{\\frac{\\pi\\omega}{2\\kappa}}\\psi_{out,\\omega\nlm}(r