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{"text":"\\section{Introduction} \\label{sec1}\nIt is known that every connected orientable 3-manifold $M$ has a fibered link $L$. \nThis is equivalent to that $M$ admits a surface $F$ bounding a link $L$ such that $M \\setminus (N(L) \\cup N(F))$ is homeomorphic to $F \\times [0,1]$, where $N(\\cdot)$ stands for a (sufficiently small) open tubular neighborhood. \nHowever, finding fibered links in a given 3-manifold is difficult in general. \nSince existence of a fiber surface of fixed type in a manifold concerns with the structure of the manifold, there are many works about these. \nAbout fibered links with planar fiber surface in lens spaces, \nlens space of type $(p,q)$ has such a fibered link whose number of components is as the same number as one plus the length of a continued fraction expansion of $\\frac{p}{q}$. \nHowever it is unknown that there exists a universal upper bound for the number of boundary components of planar fibered surface for every lens space. \\\\\nThere is an analogue of fibered links, $\\it{homologically \\ fibered \\ links}$ \\cite{homfib}; \nA link $L$ in a 3-manifold $M$ is called a $\\it{homologically \\ fibered \\ link}$ \nif there exists a Seifert surface $F$ of $L$ such that $M \\setminus (N(L) \\cup N(F))$ is homeomorphic as sutured manifold to a homology cobordism over the surface. \nThis is equivalent to that $M$ is obtained by pasting the upper boundary and the lower boundary of a homology cobordism over the surface. \nWe may get refinements of notions concerning with surface cross intervals for homology cobordisms. (See \\cite{hc} for example.) \nRecently, Nozaki \\cite{nozaki} showed that every lens space contains a genus one homologically fibered knot by solving some algebraic equations. \nIn this paper, like \\cite{nozaki}, we give the relation between the existence of homologically fibered link of a given number of components whose Seifert surface is a planar surface in a given lens space and some algebraic equation as follows. \nWe denote by $L(p,q)$ a lens space of type $(p,q)$, and $\\Sigma_{g,n}$ a surface of genus $g$ with $n$ boundary components.\\\\\n\n \\begin{prop} \\label{prop}\n $L(p,q)$ has a realization as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,n+1}$ ($n\\geq 1$)\nif and only if there exist integers $a_{h}$, $l_{i,j}$ and $t_k$($h,i,j,k=1,2,\\dots,n$, $i\\lneq j$) satisfying following equation: \\\\\n\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\left|\n\\begin{array}{ccccc}\n p & -qa_{1} & -qa_{2} & \\cdots & -qa_{n}\\\\\n a_{1} & t_{1} & l_{1,2} & \\cdots & l_{1,n} \\\\\n a_{2} & l_{1,2} & t_{2} & \\cdots & l_{2,n}\\\\\n\\vdots & \\vdots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\\n a_{n} & l_{1,n} & l_{2,n} & \\cdots & t_{n}\\\\\n\\end{array}\n\\right| = \\pm 1 \n\\end{eqnarray}\n\n\\end{prop}\n\nNote that since any manifold which has a realization as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,1}$ is a homology 3-sphere, no lens spaces have such a realization. \nNote also that if we have a solution of $(1)$ for some $n$, by setting $a_{n+1}=l_{i,n+1}=0$ for all $i$ and $t_{n+1}=1$ we get that for $n+1$. \nHence a lens space which has a realization as a closure of homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,n+1}$ has that of $\\Sigma_{0,n+2}$, too. \nBecause of this reason, it seems meaningful to find the minimal $n$ of $(1)$ for a given lens space. \nHowever, this question is completely answered as follows:\n\n\\vspace{1.0cm}\n \\begin{thm} \\label{thm1}\n $L(p,q)$ has a realization as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,2}$ \nif and only if $q$ or $-q$ is a quadratic residue modulo $p$.\n \\end{thm}\n\n\n \\begin{thm} \\label{thm2}\n Every lens space has a realization as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,3}$.\n \\end{thm}\n\nThe remainder of this paper is organized as follows. \nIn Section \\ref{sec2}, we give preliminary terminologies. \nIn Section \\ref{sec3}, we prove Proposition \\ref{prop}. \nSection \\ref{sec4} is devoted to the proofs for theorems.\nFinally, we give some applications for the invariant hc($\\cdot$) defined in \\cite{hc} in Section \\ref{sec5}.\n\n\n\\subsection*{Acknowledgements}\nThe author would like to give his thanks to Prof. Takuya Sakasai for giving many meaningful\nadvices, and Prof. Yuta Nozaki for telling algebraic operations to the author. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\\section{Preliminary} \\label{sec2}\n \\subsection{Homology cobordisms (Section $2.4$ of \\cite{homcob})}\nA $\\it {homology \\ cobordism \\ over \\ \\Sigma_{g,n}}$ ($n\\geq 1$) is a triad ($X,\\partial_{+}X,\\partial_{-}X$), \nwhere $X$ is an oriented compact 3-manifold and $\\partial_{+}X \\cup \\partial_{-}X$ is a partition of $\\partial X$, and $\\partial_{\\pm} X$ are homeomorphic to $\\Sigma_{g,n}$ satisfying:\\\\\n\n\\begin{itemize}\n \\item $\\partial_{+}X \\cup \\partial_{-}X = \\partial X$.\n \\item $\\partial_{+}X \\cap \\partial_{-}X = \\partial(\\partial_{+}X)$.\n \\item The induced maps $(i_{\\pm})_{*}: H_{*}(\\partial_{\\pm} X) \\rightarrow H_{*}(X)$ are isomorphisms, where $i_{\\pm}: \\partial_{\\pm}X \\rightarrow X$ is the inclusions.\\\\\n\\end{itemize}\n\nNote that the third condition is equivalent to the condition that $X$ is connected and $i_{\\pm}$ induce isomorphisms on $H_{1}(\\cdot)$. \nMoreover by using the Poincar$\\rm{\\acute{e}}$ duality, we see that inducing isomorphism of one of $(i_{+})_{*}$ and $(i_{-})_{*}$ is sufficient. \\\\\nBy pasting $\\partial_{+}X$ and $\\partial_{-}X$ using any boundary-fixing homeomorphism, we get a closed 3-manifold $M$ and a surface $F$ in $M$, which is the image of $\\partial_{+}X$. In this situation, we say $M$ is representable as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{g,n}$. \nThe link $\\partial F$ (usually together with $F$) is called a $homologically\\ fibered\\ link$ in $M$ and we call $F$ a $homologially\\ fibered\\ surface$. \\\\\nBy the above observations, for a link with a Seifert surface $F$ in a closed 3-manifold $M$ \nbeing a homologically fibered link with homologically fibered surface, it is enough to check that push-ups (or push-downs) of simple closed curves on $F$ which form a basis of $H_{1}(F)$ also form a basis of $H_{1}(M\\setminus Int(F\\times[0,1]))$. \n\n\n \\subsection{Mixing diagrams}\n$L(p,q)$ is obtained by the $\\left( -\\frac{p}{q}\\right)$--Dehn surgery along the unknot $U$ in $S^3$. \nIn $L(p,q)$, we see the knot $U'$, which is the image of $U$ under the surgery. \nFor any graph (1--dimensional subcomplex of a trianglation of $L(p,q)$) $G'$, \nwe can isotope $G'$ so that this is disjoint from $U'$. \nTherefore we get a graph $G$ in $S^3$, which becomes $G'$ after the surgery. \nWe call $U \\cup G$ in $S^3$ a $\\it {mixing \\ diagram}$ of $G'$ in $L(p,q)$.\n\n\n\\section{Proof of Proposition \\ref{prop}} \\label{sec3}\nWe fix a lens space $L(p,q)$. \nSuppose there exists a homologically fibered link in $L(p,q)$ with a Seifert surface $F$ which is homomorphic to $\\Sigma_{0,n+1}$. \nWe take a spine of $F$, $S'=K'_{1} \\cup v'_{1} \\cup K'_{2} \\cup \\cdots \\cup v'_{n-1} \\cup K'_{n}$ as in Figure \\ref{fig:one}. When $n=1$, there are no $v'$-arcs. \nNote that $\\{K'_{1}, K'_{2},\\ldots ,K'_{n}\\}$ forms a basis of $H_{1}(F)$. \nAccurately, $F$ is knotted $\\Sigma_{0,n+1}$ in $L(p,q)$, thus we fix an embedding. \nCutting $L(p,q)$ along $F$ is equivalent to remove $N(S)$: a small neighborhood of $S$, except for the information about a partition of the boundary. \nBy choosing a longitude of $K'_i$ and a twist number of the band corresponding to $v'_{j}$, we can assign the information about a partition of the boundary. \n\n\\begin{figure}[htbp]\n \\begin{center}\n \\includegraphics[width=100mm]{planar.eps}\n \\end{center}\n \\caption{$S'$, a spine of $F$}\n \\label{fig:one}\n\\end{figure}\n\nWe take a mixing diagram $U\\cup S$ of $S'$. \nWe denote by $K_{i}$ the loop of $S$ corresponding to $K'_{i}$, and by $v_{i}$ the arc corresponding to $v'_{i}$. \nWe take meridian curves of $N(S)$, $m_{i}$ which is dual to $K_{i}$, and $x_{i}$ which is dual to $v_{i}$ as in Figure \\ref{fig:two}. \nNote that $x_i$ bounds a surface homeomorphic to $\\Sigma_{i,1}$ in $S^3\\setminus (N(U)\\cup N(S))$, which lies on the boundary. \nWe also take the meridian curve $m$ of $U$. \n\n\\begin{figure}[htbp]\n \\begin{center}\n \\includegraphics[width=100mm]{meridional.eps}\n \\end{center}\n \\caption{meridian curves}\n \\label{fig:two}\n\\end{figure}\n\nSince $x_{i}$ is null-homologous in $S^3 \\setminus (N(U) \\cup N(S))$, by using Mayer--Vietoris exact sequence, we can see $H_{1}(S^3 \\setminus (N(U) \\cup N(S)))$ is isomorphic to $H_{1}(S^3 \\setminus (N(U)\\cup N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K_i )))$, which is isomorphic to $\\mathbb{Z}^{n+1}$ and generated by $\\{m,m_1,\\ldots ,m_n\\}$. \nAfter $\\left( -\\frac{p}{q} \\right)$--surgery along $U$, we see $H_{1}(L(p,q)\\setminus N(S'))$ is isomorphic to $H_{1}(L(p,q) \\setminus N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K'_i))$. \\\\\n\nWe will compute $H_{1}(L(p,q) \\setminus N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K'_i))$ from $H_{1}(S^3 \\setminus (N(U)\\cup N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K_i )))$. \nWe denote by $a_{i}$ the linking number of $U$ and $K_{i}$. \nThen, the canonical longitude of $U$ is represented by $\\Sigma^{n}_{i=1} a_{i}m_{i}$ in $H_{1}(S^3 \\setminus (N(U)\\cup N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K_i )))$. \nTherefore, $H_{1}(L(p,q) \\setminus N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K'_i))$ is isomorphic to $\\langle m,m_1,\\cdots ,m_n \\rangle \/(pm-q\\Sigma^{n}_{i=1} a_{i}m_{i})$, which is isomorphic to $\\mathbb{Z}^{n}\\bigoplus \\mathbb{Z}\/\\gcd(p,qa_1,\\cdots ,qa_n)\\mathbb{Z}$, where $\\gcd$ represents the greatest common divisor. \nWe fix this presentation of $H_{1}(L(p,q) \\setminus N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K'_i))$.\\\\\n\nSince $L(p,q\\setminus (F\\times[0,1]))$ is a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,n+1}$, $H_{1}(L(p,q)\\setminus (F\\times [0,1])) \\cong H_{1}(L(p,q)\\setminus N(S')) \\cong H_{1}(L(p,q) \\setminus N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K'_i))$ must be isomorphic to $\\mathbb{Z}^n$. \nHence, $\\gcd(p,qa_1,\\cdots ,qa_n)=1$.\\\\\n\nMoreover, being a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,n+1}$, there must be a longitude $\\bar{K'_{i}}$ for each $K'_{i}$ such that $\\{\\bar{K'_{1}},\\cdots ,\\bar{K'_n}\\}$ forms a basis of $H_{1}(L(p,q)\\setminus N(S'))$. \nIn $S^3$, the longitude $\\bar{K'_{i}}$ corresponds to a longitude $\\bar{K_i}$ for $K_i$. \nBy setting $l_{i,j}$ for $i\\neq j$ be the linking number of $K_i$ and $K_{j}$ ($l_{i,j}=l_{j,i}$), \nthis $\\bar{K_i}$ is represented by using some integer $t_{i}$ as $t_{i}m_{i}+a_{i}m+\\Sigma_{j\\neq i}l_{i,j}m_{j}$ in $H_{1}(S^3\\setminus (N(U)\\cup N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K_i ))) \\cong \\mathbb{Z}^{n+1}$. \nFor \n\\begin{eqnarray*}\n\\{pm-q\\Sigma^{n}_{i=1}a_{i}m_i, t_{1}m_{1}+a_{1}m+\\Sigma_{j\\neq 1}l_{1,j}m_{j}, t_{2}m_{2}+a_{2}m+\\Sigma_{j\\neq 2}l_{2,j}m_{j},\\cdots ,t_{n}m_{n}+a_{n}m+\\Sigma_{j\\neq n}l_{n,j}m_{j}\\}\n\\end{eqnarray*}\n forming a basis of $H_{1}(L(p,q) \\setminus N(\\cup^{n}_{i=1}K'_i)) \\cong \\mathbb{Z}^{n}\\bigoplus \\mathbb{Z}\/\\gcd(p,qa_1,\\cdots ,qa_n)\\mathbb{Z}$, the following equation must be satisfied:\\\\\n\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\left|\n\\begin{array}{ccccc}\n p & -qa_{1} & -qa_{2} & \\cdots & -qa_{n}\\\\\n a_{1} & t_{1} & l_{1,2} & \\cdots & l_{1,n} \\\\\n a_{2} & l_{2,1} & t_{2} & \\cdots & l_{2,n}\\\\\n\\vdots & \\vdots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\\n a_{n} & l_{n,1} & l_{n,2} & \\cdots & t_{n}\\\\\n\\end{array}\n\\right| = \\pm 1 \\nonumber \n\\end{eqnarray}\n\nBy using the relations $l_{i,j}=l_{j,i}$ for $i\\neq j$, we obtain equation (1). \\\\\n\nConversely, if we have integers $a_{h}$, $l_{i,j}$ and $t_k$($h,i,j,k=1,2,\\dots,n$, $i\\lneq j$) satisfying the equation (1), \nwe can construct framed knots $K_{1}, K_{2},\\cdots ,K_{n}$ in $S^3$ which are disjoint from $U$ satisfying the following:\\\\\n\\begin{itemize}\n \\item the linking number of $U$ and $K_i$ is $a_{i}$.\n \\item the linking number of $K_i$ and $K_j$ for $i\\lneq j$ is $l_{i,j}$.\n \\item the framing of $K_i$ is the $t_i$-times twisting of the canonical longitude of $K_i$ along the meridian disk.\n\\end{itemize}\nReversing the above computation, we can construct a homologically fibered link with Seifert surface which is homeomorphic to $\\Sigma_{0,n+1}$. \\\\\n\n\n\n\\section{Proof of theorems } \\label{sec4}\n\\subsection{Proof of Theorem \\ref{thm1}}\n \nBy Proposition \\ref{prop}, that $L(p,q)$ is realizable as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,2}$ is equivalent to that there exist integers $a$ and $t$ satisfying \n$\n\\left|\n\\begin{array}{cc}\n p & -qa \\\\\n a & t\\\\\n\\end{array}\n\\right| = \\pm 1\n$. \nThis equation is equivalent to $tp+qa^{2}=\\pm 1$. Note that this implies $p$ and $a^2$ are coprime and therefore $p$ and $a$ are coprime. \nThis $a$ satisfies $qa^{2} \\equiv \\pm 1$ mod $p$. \nSince $p$ and $a$ are coprime, this is equivalent to $q \\equiv \\pm {(a^{-1})}^2$ mod $p$. \nTherefore the condition for $L(p,q)$ being realizable as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,2}$ is equivalent to that $q$ or $-q$ is quadratic residue modulo $p$.\n\n\n\\subsection{Proof of Theorem \\ref{thm2}}\nWe fix a lens space $L(p,q)$ with $p,q > 0$ (every lens space has such a representation). \nWe fix a positive integers $s$ and $r$ such that $ps-qr=1$. \\\\\\\\\n\nBy Proposition \\ref{prop}, that $L(p,q)$ is realizable as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{0,2}$ is equivalent to that there exist integers $a_1,a_2,l_{1,2},t_1$, and $t_2$ satisfying \n$\n\\left|\n\\begin{array}{ccc}\n p & -qa_1 & -qa_2 \\\\\n a_1 & t_1 & l_{1,2}\\\\\n a_2 & l_{1,2}& t_2 \\\\\n\\end{array}\n\\right| = \\pm 1\n$. \nThis equation is equivalent to $p(t_{1}t_{2}-l^{2}_{1,2})-q(2l_{1,2}a_{1}a_{2}-t_{2}a^{2}_{1}-t_{1}a^{2}_{2})=\\pm1$, and also equivalent to \n \\begin{eqnarray}\n \\begin{cases}\n t_{2}a^2_{1}-2l_{1,2}a_{1}a_{2}+t_{1}a^{2}_{2}=-\\epsilon (r+kp) &\\\\\n \\left|\n \\begin{array}{cc}\n t_2 & -l_{1,2} \\\\\n -l_{1,2} & t_{1} \\\\\n \\end{array}\n \\right| = \\epsilon (s+kq) & \n \n \\end{cases}\n \\end{eqnarray}\\\\\n\nWe use the following lemma (see Section 5.3 of \\cite{quadra} for example). \nHere the determinant of $ax^{2}+2bxy+cy^{2}$ is $ac-b^2$.\n\\begin{lem} \\label{lem1}\nFor $n,D\\in \\mathbb{Z}$, there is a binary quadratic form $f(x,y)\\in \\mathbb{Z}[x,y]$ with determinant $D$ such that $f(x,y)=n$ has a primitive solution if and only if the congruence equation $-z^{2} \\equiv D$ mod $n$ has a solution. \n\\end{lem}\n\n\\begin{proof}\n(if part)\nWe set $z_{0}, C_{0}\\in \\mathbb{Z}$ to be $D=-z^{2}_{0}+C_{0}n$. \nThen $f_{0}(x,y)=nx^{2}+2z_{0}xy+C_{0}y^2$, whose determinant is $D$ satisfies $f_{0}(1,0)=n$.\\\\\n(only if part)\nSuppose $f(x,y)=Ax^{2}+2Bxy+Cy^{2}$ has primitive solution $(x,y)=(x_0,y_0)$ for $f(x,y)=n$. \nFix integers $\\bar{x}, \\bar{y}$ such that $x_{0}\\bar{x}-y_{0}\\bar{y}=1$. \nThen $g(x,y)=f\\left( U\\left( \\begin{array}{c} x\\\\ y \\end{array} \\right) \\right) =f(x_0,y_0)x^{2}+2B'xy+C'y^2$, where $U=\\left( \\begin{array}{cc} x_0 & \\bar{y} \\\\ y_0 & \\bar{x} \\end{array} \\right)$, and $B', C'$ are some integers, has the same determinant $D$ as $f(x,y)$. \nThus $D=C'n-B'^{2}$. This implies $-B'^{2} \\equiv D$ mod $n$. \n\\end{proof}\n\nBy the above lemma, the existence of a solution of (2) is equivalent to the existence of integers $k$ and $z'$, non-zero integer $w$ and $\\epsilon {'}$, which is $+1$ or $-1$ satisfying the following equation:\n\\begin{eqnarray*}\n \\begin{cases}\n-z'^2 \\equiv \\epsilon' (s+kq) \\ \\ \\ \\rm{mod} \\ \\ -\\epsilon' \\frac{r+kp}{w^2} &\\\\\nw^{2}\\mid r+kp&\n \\end{cases}\n\\end{eqnarray*}\nNote that since $(s+kq)$ and $(r+kp)$ are coprime, $z'^2$ and therefore $z'$ are prime to $(r+kp)$. \nThis equation is equivalent to the following\n by setting $z=z'^{-1}$ and $\\epsilon = \\epsilon'$:\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n \\begin{cases}\np \\equiv \\epsilon z^2 \\ \\ \\ \\rm{mod} \\ \\ \\frac{r+kp}{w^2} &\\\\\nw^{2}\\mid r+kp& \n \\end{cases}\n\\end{eqnarray}\n\\\\\\\\\nSince $L(p,q) \\cong L(p,r)$, we can replace $r$ in (3) with $q$. \\\\\nWe will show that for all $(p,q)$, there exist integers satisfying (3) by using the following two facts, which and whose use are fully explained in Section $3$ of \\cite{nozaki}:\n\\\\\nPut $K_1 = \\mathbb{Q}(\\zeta_p)$ and $K_2 = \\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{-1})$, where $\\zeta_p = \\exp(\\frac{2\\pi}{p} \\sqrt{-1})$.\n\n\\begin{fact} \\label{fact1}\n(A special case of Chebotarev density theorem, for example Theorem $10$ of \\rm{ \\cite{density}} )\\\\\nIf there exists $\\sigma \\in Gal(K_{1}K_{2}\/\\mathbb{Q})$ satisfying:\\\\\n\\begin{itemize}\n \\item $\\sigma |_{K_1}$ is $[\\zeta_{p} \\longmapsto \\zeta^{m}_{p}]$, where $m$ is prime to $p$.\n \\item $\\sigma |_{K_2}$ is $[\\sqrt{-1} \\longmapsto -\\sqrt{-1}]$.\n\\end{itemize}\nthen there exist infinitely many integers $k$ satisfying:\\\\\n\\begin{itemize}\n \\item $m+kp$ is prime.\\\\\n \\item $m+kp \\equiv -1$ mod $4$\n\\end{itemize}\n\\end{fact}\n\n\\begin{fact} \\label{fact2}\n(See Corollary $4.5.4$ of {\\rm{ \\cite{cycle}} }for example)\\ \n$\\sqrt{-1} \\in \\mathbb{Q}(\\zeta_{p})$ if and only if $4\\mid p$.\n\\end{fact}\n\\vspace{0.5cm}\nFrom these we have the following:\n\\begin{lem} \\label{make_prime}\nThere exists an integer $k$ satisfying at least one of the following :\\\\\n\\begin{itemize}\n \\item $q+kp$ is prime and $q+kp \\equiv -1$ \\rm{mod} $4$.\\\\\n \\item $r+kp$ \\it{is prime and} $r+kp \\equiv -1$ \\rm{mod} $4$.\n\\end{itemize}\n\\end{lem}\n\n\\begin{proof}\n(i) the case when $4\\nmid p$\\\\\nIn this case, $K_{1}\\cap K_{2}=\\mathbb{Q}$ by Fact \\ref{fact2}. \nThus in $Gal(K_{1}K_{2}\/\\mathbb{Q})$, $[\\zeta_{p} \\longmapsto \\zeta^{q}_{p}]$ and $[\\sqrt{-1} \\longmapsto -\\sqrt{-1}]$ are coexistable. \nBy Fact \\ref{fact1}, we have an integer $k$ such that $q+kp$ is prime and $q+kp \\equiv -1$ mod $4$.\\\\\n(ii) the case when $4 \\mid p$.\\\\\nWe write $p=4p'$. In this case, $K_{1}K_{2}=K_{1}$ by Fact \\ref{fact2}. \nNote that $\\zeta^{p'}_p = \\sqrt{-1}$. \nIf $\\zeta_p$ is mapped to $\\zeta^{m}_p$ ($m$ is $q$ or $r$), then $\\sqrt{-1}$ is mapped to $\\zeta^{mp'}_p$, this is $\\sqrt{-1}$ when $mp' \\equiv p'$ mod $p$ and $-\\sqrt{-1}$ when $mp' \\equiv -p'$ mod $p$. \nNote that $mp' \\equiv \\pm p'$ mod $p$ is equivalent to $m \\equiv \\pm 1$ mod $4$. \nSince $ps-qr=1$, one of $q$ and $r$ is congruent to $-1$ modulo $4$. \nTherefore, one of $[\\zeta_{p} \\longmapsto \\zeta^{q}_{p}]$ and $[\\zeta_{p} \\longmapsto \\zeta^{r}_{p}]$ maps $[\\sqrt{-1} \\longmapsto -\\sqrt{-1}]$. \nBy Fact \\ref{fact1}, there exists an integer $k$ s.t. \n$q+kp$ is prime and $q+kp \\equiv -1$ mod $4$, or $r+kp$ is prime and $r+kp \\equiv -1$ mod $4$.\n \n\\end{proof}\n\n\nFor $L(p,q)$, there exists an integer $q'$, which is $q+kp$ or $r+kp$ s.t. $L(p,q) \\cong L(p,q')$, $q'$ is prime, and $q' \\equiv -1$ mod $4$ by Lemma \\ref{make_prime}. \nBy using the Legendre symbol and Euler's criterion,\\\\\n$\\left( \\frac{-p}{q'} \\right) \\equiv \\left( \\frac{-1}{q'} \\right) \\left( \\frac{p}{q'} \\right) \\equiv (-1)^{\\frac{q'-1}{2}} \\left( \\frac{p}{q'} \\right) \\equiv -\\left( \\frac{p}{q'} \\right) $ mod $q'$\\\\\nThis implies there exists $\\epsilon \\in \\{\\pm1\\}$ such that $\\left( \\frac{\\epsilon p}{q'} \\right) =1$, i.e. \n$\\epsilon p$ is quadratic residue modulo $q'$. \nTherefore, the condition (3) is satisfied.\n\n\n\\section{Applications for hc($\\cdot$)} \\label{sec5}\n\\begin{defini} \\rm{(Remark 6.10 in \\cite{hc})}\\ \nFor a connected orientable closed 3-manifold $M$, the integer hc($M$) is defined as the minimal number $g$ such that $M$ is representable as a closure of a homology cobordism over $\\Sigma_{g,1}$.\n\\end{defini}\n\nIn \\cite{nozaki}, it was proved that for any 3-manifold $M$ whose first homology group is non-trivial and generated by one element, hc($M$)$=1$. \nHowever in general for a 3-manifold $M$ whose first homology group has a non-trivial torsion, the computation of hc($M$) becomes difficult.\\\\\nSince it is known that under plumbing operations, pairs of a 3-manifold and a homologically fibered link with Seifert surface in it are closed, we get some results about hc($\\cdot$) as follows.\n\n\\begin{cor}\n(1)\\ $\\rm{hc}\\left( \\it{L(p_1,q_1) \\# L(p_2,q_2)}\\right) \\leq 1$ if $q_1$ is a quadratic residue modulo $p_1$ and $q_2$ is a quadratic residue modulo $p_2$.\\\\\n(2)\\ $\\rm{hc}\\left( \\it{L(p,q) \\# L(p_1,q_1) \\# L(p_2,q_2)}\\right) \\leq 2$ if $q_1$ is a quadratic residue modulo $p_1$ and $q_2$ is a quadratic residue modulo $p_2$.\n\\end{cor}\n\n","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaArXiv"}}
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{"text":"\\section{Introduction}\n\nMore than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered so far via detection techniques such as the transit and radial velocity methods. A large number of them falls into the category of hot Jupiters and are normally found around around A, F and G type stars \\citep{Zellem2017}. In recent times, a new class of ultra-hot Jupiters has also been identified. Due to their close proximity to their host star, these ultra-hot Jupiters show distinct characteristics compared with hot Jupiters, such as a higher rate of transit and eclipse. Ultra-hot Jupiters with an orbital separation of less than 0.05 AU face the highest level of irradiation from their host stars. With large atmospheric scale heights they display dayside temperatures $\\geq$\\,2200 K. Their short orbital periods and high-temperature result in a high planet-to-star contrast ratio, particularly in the mid-infrared. This makes them ideal candidates to probe their atmospheres \\citep{Burrows2004}. \n\nThe atmospheres of hot Jupiters are predominantly composed of molecular hydrogen and atomic helium. Other significant molecules possibly found in their atmospheres are CO$_2$, C$_2$H$_2$, and HCN \\citep{Madhusudhan2012}. Recent study by \\cite{Lothringer2018} showed that various atomic and molecular species such as O, C, N, Fe, Mg, H$_2$O, CO, CH$_4$, N$_2$, NH$_3$ including SiO and metal hydrides are also present at high temperature in the atmospheres of hot Jupiters.\n\nWavelength dependence of the transit radii observations provides a measure of a planet's atmospheric composition \\citep{Fortney2003}. For example, atomic sodium is detected from the transit radii observations of hot-Jupiter HD209458b \\citep{Charbonneau2002} whereas H$_2$O has been detected in the atmosphere of both HD189733b \\citep{Tinetti2007} and HD209458b \\citep{Barman2007}. Observations of ultra-hot Jupiters have also revealed information about the thermal structure of their atmospheres \\citep{Madhusudhan2014}.\n\nDepending on the presence of inverted or non-inverted thermal structure profile of their atmospheres, ultra-hot Jupiters can display emission or absorption features in their spectra. They may also show a blackbody spectrum in presence of an isothermal profile \\citep{Fortney2008, Line2016}. The nature of the absorbers responsible for the thermal inversion in their atmospheres is not yet known, though the presence of vanadium oxide (VO) and titanium oxide (TiO) has been proposed to be cause for this \\citep{Burrows2008, Fortney2008}. The observed absorption broadband features in their optical transmission spectrum between 0.62 and 0.8 $\\mu$m can possibly be explained by these absorbers \\citep{Desert2008}. Processes such as vertical mixing that prevent the temperature inversion from occurring in their atmosphere are described by \\cite{Spiegel2009} and \\cite{Parmentier2013, Parmentier2016}, whereas the role of stellar activity for the thermal inversion in the atmosphere of hot-Jupiters is studied by \\cite{Knutson2010}. \n\nEvidences for thermal inversion and diverse characteristics of the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters are also imprinted in their near-infrared (NIR) observations. For example, TiO has been detected as an emission feature in WASP-33b \\citep{Haynes2015, Nugroho2017} and as an absorption feature in WASP-19b \\citep{Sedaghati2017}. Emission features due to H$_2$O and VO have also been detected in WASP-121b \\citep{Evans2017}. The presence of thermal inversion without H$_2$O, TiO, and VO has been noticed in the low resolution secondary eclipse spectra of WASP-18b \\citep{Sheppard2017, Arcangeli2018}. Their study provides evidence for CO emission at 4.5 $\\mu$m, implying an inverted thermal structure. On the other hand, no clear evidence for emission or absorption features of H$_2$O is found in HAT-P-7b \\citep{Mansfield2018}, WASP-12b \\citep{Swain2013}, and WASP-103b \\citep{Kreidberg2018}. These planets show instead a thermal blackbody spectra. A handful of extremely hot-Jupiters also do not show any hint for thermal inversion such as HD209458b, KELT-1b, and Kepler-13Ab \\citep{Diamond-Lowe2014, Beatty2017a, Beatty2017b}.\n\nRetrieval techniques are commonly used to constrain the chemical composition, thermal structure, and to explain the featureless spectra of ultra-hot Jupiters \\citep{Madhusudhan2009, Line2013,Stevenson2014}. Such methods allowed to detect the presence of CO with high C\/O ratio in WASP-18b \\citep{Sheppard2017} and to derive a sub-solar metallicity associated with an oxygen-rich composition in WASP-33b \\citep{Haynes2015}. The forward modelling approach by \\cite{Arcangeli2018}, \\cite{Lothringer2018}, and \\cite{Parmentier2018} explains the lack of strong H$_2$O spectral features in the ultra-hot Jupiters due to molecular dissociation. Considering H-- opacity and the thermal dissociation of H$_2$O, \\cite{Arcangeli2018}, \\cite{Kreidberg2018}, \\cite{Kitzmann2018}, and \\cite{Mansfield2018} explained the featureless spectra in some ultra-hot Jupiters for example HAT-P-7b, KELT-9b, WASP-12b, WASP-121b, and WASP-18b. Although the retrieval techniques are useful to quantify the atmospheric abundances of ultra-hot Jupiters, the results demonstrate a large diversity in their chemical composition and thermal structures, which could lead to biased conclusions. \n\nIn this paper, we investigate the atmospheric properties of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-19b. WASP-19b is among the objects that exhibit weaker spectral features compared to their cooler counterparts. WASP-19b has a shorter orbital period and, thus, receives extreme irradiation from its host star. Its atmosphere is then of particular interest to study. We argue that proper chemistry and opacity play a key role in understanding its extreme hot atmosphere without invoking unusual abundances.\n\n\\section{Model Construction}\n\nTo model the atmosphere of WASP-19b, we have used the BT-Settl model atmosphere described in \\cite{Allard2012} and \\cite{Rajpurohit2012a}. BT-Settl is a state-of-the-art model atmosphere code which has been extremely successful to reproduce the properties of stellar to sub-stellar objects including cool brown dwarfs \\citep{Rajpurohit2012a, Rajpurohit2013}. The current version of the BT-Settl model uses H$_2$O along with other molecular line lists such as FeH, CrH, TiO, VO, CaH, NH$_3$, Mg, CO$_2$ and CO. Collision induced absorption (CIA) from H$_2$ collisions with H$_2$, He, CH$_4$, N$_2$, and Ar along with CO$_2$-CO$_2$, Ar-CH$_4$, and CH$_4$-CH$_4$ are also included (for more detail see \\cite{Allard2012}). The BT-Settl model accounts for many continuous opacity sources, including bound-free opacity from H, H--, He, C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, and Fe, free-free opacity from H, Mg, and Si, and scattering from e-- , H, He, and H$_2$. The model includes the opacities of more than 100 molecular species, including many molecules, isotopes, atomic species and their ionised states. Detailed profiles for the alkali lines as described in \\cite{Unsold1968}, \\cite{Valenti1996}, and \\cite{Allard2007} and approximation is utilised for the atomic damping constants with a correction factor to the widths of 2.5 for the non-hydrogenic atoms. Several important atomic transitions, such as the alkali, Ca I, and Ca II resonance lines along with more accurate broadening data for neutral hydrogen collisions by \\cite{Barklem2000} have been included. \n\nThe BT-Settl model also accounts for disequilibrium chemistry for C\/O and N \\citep{Graven1954, Visscher2010, Allard2012}. The reference solar elemental abundances are derived from \\cite{Caffau2011}. These models are computed with the version 15.5 of {\\tt PHOENIX}, a multi-purpose atmosphere code \\citep{Allard2001}. {\\tt PHOENIX} solves the radiative transfer in 1D spherical symmetry with irradiation such that flux is conserved at each layer. The basic assumption in {\\tt PHOENIX} while solving radiative transfer is hydrostatic equilibrium with convection using the mixing length theory, and a sampling treatment of the opacities \\citep[see][]{Allard2013}.\n\nThe atmosphere model for WASP-19b irradiated by the host star of spectral type G5 with an orbital separation of 0.0163 AU has been computed by considering boundary conditions as described in \\cite{Barman2001}. A pre-computed converged non-irradiated model structure at 400 K is chosen from \\cite{Allard2012} as the initial model structure to start with. The temperature is decreased down to 100 K to achieve the model structure. A temperature change of less than 1 K at every depth point in the thermal structure is considered as the criterion for the converged model. Effective temperature ($T_\\mathrm{eff}$) of 5500 K, surface gravity ($\\mathrm{log}\\,g$) of 4.5, and [M\/H]) = 0 have been taken as input parameters for the host star.\n \n \\begin{figure}[!htbp]\n \\centering\n \\includegraphics[width=0.50\\textwidth]{fig_1.pdf}\n \\vspace{-0.3cm}\n \\caption{Comparison of observed thermal spectra of WASP-19b with the modelled spectra calculated using {\\tt PHOENIX} (solid line) at different metallicity with an average dayside heat redistribution ($f$ = 0.5). The corresponding temperature-pressure profile is shown in the inset image (the grey shaded region corresponds to the structure inversion). The observed thermal spectrum of WASP-19b presented in this paper is adopted from \\cite{Anderson2010, Anderson2013} (filled square and filled circles), \\cite{Gibson2010} (filled upward triangle), \\cite{Bean2013} (open circles), \\cite{Burton2012} (open diamond), and \\cite{Lendl2013} (filled downward triangles). The emission features at 4.5 $\\mu$m are due to CO in presence of thermal inversion.}\n\\label{fig1}\n\\end{figure}\n\nTo explore and investigate the atmospheric properties of WASP-19b, models with uniform heat redistribution with $f$ = 0.5 across the entire dayside have been calculated with slanted rays for metallicity at --2.0, 0.0, and +2.0 dex. Here the factor $f$ measures the uniform heat redistribution where $f$ = 0.5 indicates heat redistribution across the entire dayside while $f$ = 1 indicates full heat redistribution. The model is calculated on an optical depth grid of 250 layers in log-space for $\\tau$ = $10^{-9}$ to $10^{3}$ at the peak of the spectral energy distribution which corresponds to pressures of $10^{-12}$ to $\\sim$10 bars. In the computation of the atmospheric model, some non-local thermal equilibrium (NLTE) processes have also been included for a small set of elements and level numbers (H I, He I, Li I, C I, Ni I, O I, Ne I, Na I, Na II, Mg I, Mg II, Si I, S I, K I, K II, Ca I, Ca II, Rb I), which affect the entire atmosphere. {\\tt PHOENIX} has been used to calculate both the planetary and stellar spectra from 10 to $10^{6}$ \\AA. The planetary, star and orbital parameters used for the computation irradiated model of WASP-19b are summarised in Table~\\ref{tab}. \n\n\\begin{table}[!htbp]\n \\center\n \\caption{\\label{tab} Planetary, stellar and orbital parameters used in the model are from \\cite{Butler2006}, \\cite{Southworth2007}, \\cite{Hebb2010} and \\cite{Hellier2011}.} \n \\begin{tabular}{cc}\n \\hline\n \\hline\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n Parameter & Value \\\\\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n \\hline\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n $a$ & 0.0163 AU \\\\[1mm]\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n R\\textsubscript{[p]} \t\t\t& 1.386 ({R\\textsubscript{Jupiter}}) \\\\[1mm]\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n $\\mathrm{log}\\,g$\\textsubscript{[p]} \t\t& 3.17 [cm\/sec$^2$]\\\\[1mm]\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n $T_\\mathrm{int}$\\textsubscript{[p]} \t\t& 100 [K]\\\\[1mm]\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n $T_\\mathrm{eff}$\\textsubscript{[$\\star$]} \t& 5500 [K]\\\\[1mm]\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n $\\mathrm{log}\\,g$\\textsubscript{[$\\star$]}\t\t& 4.5 [cm\/sec$^2$]\\\\[1mm]\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n R\\textsubscript{[$\\star$]} \t\t& 0.990 ({R\\textsubscript{$\\sun$}}) \\\\[1mm]\n \\noalign{\\smallskip}\n [M\/H]\\textsubscript{[$\\star$]} \t& 0.0 \\\\[1mm]\n \\hline\n \\end{tabular}\n\\end{table}\n\n\\section{Results and Discussion}\n\nA thermal spectrum of WASP-19b, from \\cite{Anderson2010}, \\cite{Gibson2010}, \\cite{Burton2012}, \\cite{Anderson2013}, \\cite{Bean2013}, and \\cite{Lendl2013}, is shown in Fig~\\ref{fig1}. The planet-to-star flux ratio at 4.5 $\\mu$m is higher than the one at 3.6 $\\mu$m {\\tt Spitzer}\/IRAC channel. Moreover, at higher wavelengths, namely at 5.8 and 8.0 $\\mu$m, the planet-to-star flux ratio is even higher than 4.5 $\\mu$m. This clearly indicates the presence of excess emission in some photometric bands over others. \n\nThe atmosphere of WASP-19b has been modelled with the parameters given in Table~\\ref{tab} using {\\tt PHOENIX}. It shows the presence of thermal inversion (see inset diagram, Fig.~\\ref{fig1}) and the equilibrium temperature is found to be $\\sim$ 2700 K. The comparison between observational data and our theoretical modelling (Fig~\\ref{fig1}) indicates that the excess planet-to-star flux ratio at 4.5 $\\mu$m is due to the presence of CO, which in turn is caused by thermal inversion that exists in the atmosphere. The corresponding pressure range, as probed by the secondary eclipse, is $10^{-2}$ to $10^{-3}$ bar. Previous studies on WASP-19b did not show any evidence of thermal inversion in its atmosphere \\citep{Anderson2013, Bean2013}. However, these studies were mainly based on retrieval techniques where abundances and thermal structure were fitted to the data.\n\n\n \\begin{figure*}[!htbp]\n \\centering\n \\includegraphics[height=6cm,width=17cm]{fig_2a_1.pdf}\n \\includegraphics[height=6cm,width=17cm]{fig_2b_1.pdf}\n \\includegraphics[height=6cm,width=17cm]{fig_2c_1.pdf}\n \\vspace{-0.2cm}\n \\caption{Concentration of important absorbing molecules and neutral atoms as a function of optical depth and temperature at [M\/H] = +2.0 (top), [M\/H] = 0.0 (middle), and [M\/H] = -2.0 (bottom). These species deplete at the given pressure range for the irradiated hot Jupiter WASP-19b (see main text). The grey shaded region (left panels) corresponds to the structure inversion and shows the window of the observable atmosphere from which most of the spectrum emerges (in the CO, H$_2$O, TiO molecular bands pseudo continuum). We notice that in the upper atmosphere ($\\tau$ $<$ $10^{-2}$), H$_2$O, TiO and VO dissociate whereas neutral atomic oxygen remains constant. We find that CO remain constant throughout the atmosphere of WASP-19b. The temperature inversion (right panels) causes the wiggles along the structure causing CO bands to emerge in emission.}.\n \\label{fig2}\n\\end{figure*}\n\nWe investigate the effect of metallicity on the atmosphere of WASP-19b by changing all the heavy-elemental abundances by a factor of two. As shown by the inset image of Fig.\\,\\ref{fig1}, the thermal inversion becomes stronger as the metallicity increases. This is mainly due to the temperature dependence of the thermal dissociation of various molecules, which changes the photospheric abundances ratio of TiO and H$_2$O at different metallicities \\citep{Parmentier2018}. At higher metallicities, the increase in the abundances of various absorbers such as TiO warms the upper atmosphere. This causes the thermal inversion to be even stronger as compared to solar metallicity which leads to strong emission features of CO and shallower features of H$_2$O in their thermal spectra. We find that models with sub-solar metallicities show signature of a very weak or no thermal inversion (see Fig.\\,\\ref{fig1}). This is a result of the decrease of TiO and VO abundances. In most of the hot Jupiters or massive planets, the metallicity is believed to approach the metallicity of the host star \\citep{Torres2012, Arcangeli2018}. We also investigate this by comparing the observed thermal spectra of the dayside atmosphere of WASP-19b with the models at [M\/H] = -2.0, 0.0 and +2.0. Our results show that thermal spectra of WASP-19b can be explained with a model at solar metallicity with thermal inversion without invoking unusual abundances.\n\nIn case of ultra-hot Jupiters, the molecular species required to explain the featureless observations are physically plausible. At extremely high temperature, the various molecules responsible for the radiative cooling in their atmosphere do not exist. In Fig.\\,\\ref{fig2}, we show the mixing ratio of the most important atomic and molecular species in the atmosphere of WASP-19b at different metallicity as a function of optical depth and temperature. We see that H$_2$ dissociates in the upper atmosphere due to impinging radiation from about $\\tau$ = $10^{-2}$, but not enough to prevent the molecular hydrogen atmosphere. Due to the impinging radiation, free electrons are available and constant over most of the upper photosphere. Neutral atomic oxygen is fully locked to the very stable CO molecule in the deep atmosphere ($P$ $>$ $10^{-2}$ bar), but becomes as abundant as CO in the upper atmosphere. This is the result of partial dissociation of CO, and other oxygen--bearing molecules. While CO is quasi-constant throughout the atmosphere. We find that H$_2$ and CO are the most abundant molecules, while CO, TiO and VO are the most important molecular opacity sources in the atmosphere of WASP-19b. \n\nAs shown Fig.\\,\\ref{fig2} (left panels), we find that the variation of atomic and molecular abundances, together with the strong impinging radiation, contribute to the thermal inversion in the atmosphere of WASP-19b. At 0.0163 AU, the thermal structure of WASP-19b is too hot for the formation of the BT-Settl clouds, whereas the presence of CO\/CO$_2$ reveals the disequilibrium chemistry. We find the formation of a limited amount of CO$_2$ in disequilibrium chemistry, but not abundant enough to participate significantly in the CO and H$_2$O balance. We also show that TiO and alkali doublets, seen in early to mid-type brown dwarfs, are the main opacities in the optical to near-IR spectrum of WASP-19b. It is evident from Fig.\\,\\ref{fig2} (right panels) that the temperature inversion causes the wiggles in the concentrations along the structure causing CO bands to appear in emission. \n\nFigure\\,\\ref{fig3} shows the synthetic spectra of WASP-19b in the optical at different metallicities. We see that despite extremely low abundances, similar to brown dwarfs and irradiated hot-Jupiter atmospheres \\citep{Allard2001, Barman2001, Barman2002}, the TiO cross-sections are strong enough to preserve TiO as the main optical to near-IR opacity, along with alkali atomic fundamental transitions. These are the most important opacity sources, together with CO in the infrared, that survive the immense heat impinging of the planet atmosphere. The thermal inversion potentially hides pseudo-continuum opacities such as H$_2$O, and the high temperatures do not allow triatomic to remain stable. Also at given resolution and at such high temperature conditions, H$_2$O has a much flatter opacity profile making it more difficult to recognise, especially at those spectral resolutions.\n\n\n \\begin{figure}[!htbp]\n \\centering\n \\includegraphics[width=0.50\\textwidth]{fig_3.pdf}\n \\vspace{-0.7cm}\n \\caption{Synthetic spectra of WASP-19b in the optical range calculated using {\\tt PHOENIX} at different metallicities with an average dayside heat redistribution (f = 0.5). Labels of the most prominent atomic and molecular features remaining important opacity sources, even at low concentrations, are indicated.\n}\n\\label{fig3}\n\\end{figure}\n\n\n\\section{Conclusions}\n\nWe have used the state-of-the-art 1D NLTE opacity sampling model atmosphere code {\\tt PHOENIX} to study the atmosphere of WASP-19b. This model has been successfully used to study the atmosphere of cool stars, brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets. The temperature-pressure profile of WASP-19b computed using {\\tt PHOENIX} shows the presence of thermal inversion. Our model computed at solar metallicity successfully reproduces the observed photometry of WASP-19b without the need for non-solar composition. The secondary eclipse of WASP-19b shows evidence for CO emission features at 4.5 $\\mu$m, but however no sign of H$_2$O. We find that these features are the results of thermal dissociation and thermal inversion due to the strong impinging radiation. Also, the H$_2$O pseudo-continuum is much smoother at the concerned temperatures and densities, making it more difficult to identify at those extremely coarse spectral resolutions. Our results further strengthen the fact that the family of ultra-hot Jupiters commonly exhibit thermal inversions. \n\nAt longer wavelengths (above 1.4 \\,$\\mu$m) and at extremely hot temperatures (2200--2800 K), a significant amount of H$_2$O gets thermally dissociated at a pressure below $10^{-2}$ bar. At a temperature above 2200 K, TiO and VO do remain important opacity sources, even at low concentrations. At longer wavelengths, CO is the only molecule with its strong triple bond to be abundant below $10^{-2}$ bar. This molecule does not dissociate and its emission features appear at 4.5 $\\mu$m. We suggest that the actual reason for the drop in H$_2$O in ultra-hot Jupiters is the partial thermal dissociation of this molecule and the resulting thermal inversion which shapes the thermal spectra of ultra-hot Jupiters. This makes H$_2$O a poor diagnosis of the C\/O ratio. Also at such high dayside temperature ($>$ 2200 K), and at that resolution, the opacity profile of H$_2$O is spectrally much flatter and difficult to recognise.\n\n\\begin{acknowledgements}\nWe thank the anonymous referee for providing comments and suggestions which helped improve the clarity and conciseness of the paper. AR are especially grateful to Mudit Kumar Srivastava from Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) for providing feedback on the manuscript. The computations were performed on the HPC resources at the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL). The research leading to these results has received funding from the French \"Programme National de Physique Stellaire\" and the Programme National de Planetologie of CNRS (INSU). The computations were performed at the {\\sl P\\^ole Scientifique de Mod\\'elisation Num\\'erique} (PSMN) at the {\\sl \\'Ecole Normale Sup\\'erieure} (ENS) in Lyon, and at the {\\sl Gesellschaft f{\\\"u}r Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung G{\\\"o}ttingen} in collaboration with the Institut f{\\\"u}r Astrophysik G{\\\"o}ttingen. O.M. acknowledges support from CNES. \n\\end{acknowledgements}\n\n \n\\bibliographystyle{aa}\n","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaArXiv"}}
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{"text":"\\section{Introduction}\n\nNonlocal diffusion equations come up in a number of contexts. These range from\nbiology \\cite{Hutson2003,Bates2007,Maly2001,Weichsel2010}, to materials science\n\\cite{Chen2011}, and graph theory. Much of the analysis to this point has been\ndone on bounded domains \\cite{Coville2010}. The results presented here\nrepresent a first step in analyzing nonlocal diffusion equations on unbounded\ndomains. The theory of positive operators on Banach lattices is employed to\ngive useful conditions to show existence of a principal eigenvalue in the\nabsence of compact domains. Many more results are likely to come from applying\nknown results about positive operators to nonlocal diffusion equations. In\nparticular, in Section \\ref{maximum}, we use the existence of a particular type\nof maximum principal implies exponential convergence to zero.\n\nThe existence of a principal eigenvalue has been used to study many nonlocal\ndiffusion equations, both linear and nonlinear \\cite{Bates2007,\n Garcia-Melian2009}. Energy methods and Fourier analysis have been used to\nprovide polynomial bounds on the decay of nonlocal diffusion equations\n\\cite{Chasseigne2006, Ignat2009}, with exponential decay shown in some special\ncases \\cite{Ignat2009}. However, estimates of the principal eigenvalue would be\nable to definitely show exponential decay. While much work has been done on the\nexistence of principal eigenvalues on bounded domains, few general results\nexist for unbounded domains \\cite{Ignat2012, Coville2010}. It is important to\nnote that, even on bounded domains, existence of a principal eigenvalue is\nstill not guaranteed. See, for example, the counter example in section\n\\ref{sec:exist}. The work here uses the theory of positive operators to find a\nsufficient condition for the existence of a principal eigenvalue without any\nassumptions on the boundary conditions. The method also gives a technique for\nestimating the value of the eigenvalue. Further work is needed to characterize\nthe multiplicity of the eigenvalue or the existence of a spectral gap.\n\nThe general equation of interest is:\n\\begin{equation}\\label{dyna}\n \\dot{u}(x,t)=\\int\\limits_{\\Omega}J(x,y)u(y,t)\\,\\mathrm{d} y-a(x)u(x,t)\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $\\Omega$ is some connected, possibly unbounded subset of the real line\n$\\mathbb{R}$ and $u\\in\\mathnormal{L}^p(\\Omega)$ for $1\\leq p<\\infty$. This equation is often\ninterpreted as modeling some form population dispersal. Individuals propogate\nfrom point $y$ to point $x$ at a rate $J(x, y)$ and individuals die off at a\nrate $a(x)$ depending on their location. Note that the proofs here\nimmediately generalizes to $\\mathbb{R}^n$. $a$ is assumed to be continuous and\nbounded in the sense that there exists $c$, $c^\\prime$ such that:\n\\begin{equation}\n 0<c<a(x)<c^\\prime\n\\end{equation}\nThe two additional hypotheses on $J$ are that $J(x,y)\\geq0$ and $\\op{J}$ is\nbounded with non-zero spectrum, where $\\op{J}$:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\op{J}u = \\int_\\Omega J(x,y)u(y)\\,\\mathrm{d} y\n\\end{equation}\nThe result in Theorem \\ref{condition} gives a quite general condition for the\nexistence of a principal eigenvalue for $\\op{L}$. There is no particular reason\nthat $\\op{J}$ has to be of integral type, but the discussion here will be\nlimited to that case. If $\\op{J}$ is a more general positive operator, an\nappropriate compact topological space will have to be found to ensure the\nconclusion from Lemma \\ref{K-R-eigen}. Several applications of the theorem are\ngiven in section \\ref{applications}.\n\nDefine the two related linear operators:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\op{L}u=\\op{J}u-a u\n \\qquad\n \\op{A}_\\lambda u=\\frac{\\op{J}u}{\\lambda+a}\n\\end{equation}\n$\\op{L}$ is simply the operator that defines the dynamics of \\eqref{dyna}, and\n$\\op{A}_\\lambda$ is a related family of operators. It is obvious that\n$\\op{A}_\\lambda$ is positive whenever $\\lambda>-\\inf a(x)$. The two operators\nare related in the sense that $\\op{L}$ has $\\lambda>-\\inf a$ as an eigenvalue\nif and only if $\\op{A}_\\lambda$ has an eigenvalue equal to one.\n\nThe theorem can be stated as such:\n\\begin{thm}\\label{condition}\n If:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\lim_{\\lambda\\to(-\\inf a)^+}\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)>1\n \\end{equation}\n where $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)$ is the spectral radius and one of the conditions\n in Lemma \\ref{K-R-eigen} holds, then $\\op{L}$ has a principal eigenvalue,\n $\\lambda_0\\in\\mathbb{R}$, with positive eigenfunction such that for any element\n $\\lambda\\in\\sigma(\\op{L})$, we have the inequality $\\Re\\lambda\\leq\\lambda_0$.\n\\end{thm}\nThe condition in Theorem \\ref{condition} holds for any boundary conditions and\nis not dependent upon the domain being bounded.\n\nA quick lemma that gives a few conditions necessary for the existence of an\neigenvalue:\n\\begin{lem}\\label{K-R-eigen}\n $\\op{A}_\\lambda$ has a positive eigenvalue equal to its spectral radius with\n a positive eigenfunction in $\\mathnormal{L}^1$ whenever $\\lambda>-\\inf a$ if any\n of the following conditions hold:\n \\begin{enumerate}\n \\item Range of $\\op{J}^n\\subset \\mathnormal{L}^p$ for $1<p<\\infty$ for some $n\\in\\mathbb{N}$.\n \\label{p>1}\n \\item $J(x,y)=K(x-y)$ is of convolution type with $K$ absolutely bounded.\n \\label{convolution}\n \\item $\\exists c(x)\\in\\mathnormal{L}^1$ such that $J(x,y)\\leq c(x)$ \n \\label{boundedness}\n \\end{enumerate}\n\\end{lem}\n\n\\begin{proof}\n $\\op{A}_\\lambda$ is obviously a positive operator on the appropriate lattice\n in the sense that it preserves the positive cone. Because of the boundedness\n of $a+\\lambda$, we know that $\\op{A}_\\lambda$ has range in the same function\n space(s) as $\\op{J}$. For that reason, the rest of the proof will only be\n concerned with $\\op{J}$. Also, recall that we are assuming $\\op{J}$ has \n non-zero spectrum for the entirety of this article. \n\n For condition \\ref{p>1}, we know that all of the $\\mathnormal{L}^p$ spaces where\n $1<p<\\infty$ are weakly compact, so we can invoke the generalized\n Krein-Rutman theorem on locally convex topological spaces immediately since\n $\\op{A}_\\lambda$ has range in a compact topological space. \\cite{Top-Vect}\n\n Condition \\ref{convolution} allows us to consider the case where $\\op{J}$ is\n from $\\mathnormal{L}^1$ to $\\mathnormal{L}^1$. Recall that the unit ball of $ca(\\Sigma)$, the space\n of countably additive measures with respect to a $\\sigma$-algebra $\\Sigma$,\n is compact with respect to the weak topology, and we can again use\n Krein-Rutman to get the existence of an eigenvalue. Then, for any\n eigenfunction $u$, we can write:\n \\begin{equation}\\label{eigen-multiply}\n \\op{J}u=(\\lambda+\\kappa)u\n \\end{equation}\n It is easy to show that $u$ must be absolutely continuous with respect to the\n Lebesgue measure because of the convolution with a bounded\n function. Therefore, $u$ must be isometric to an $\\mathnormal{L}^1$ function by the\n Radon-Nikodym theorem.\n\n Finally, condition \\ref{boundedness} allows us to make the same argument as\n for condition \\ref{convolution}. It is straightforward to show that\n $\\op{J}:ca(\\Sigma)\\to\\mathnormal{L}^1$ and that any eigenfunction must be an $\\mathnormal{L}^1$\n function.\n\\end{proof}\n\nThe three conditions presented in Lemma \\ref{K-R-eigen} are surely not\nexhaustive, as will be seen in Section \\ref{applications}. More generally, if\n$\\op{J}$ is a bounded operator from $ca(\\Sigma)\\to\\mathnormal{L}^1$, the conclusions also\nhold.\n\nWe need one more lemma about $\\op{A}_\\lambda$. \n\\begin{lem}\n $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)$ is a continuous, monotonically decreasing function of\n $\\lambda$ which converges to 0.\n\\end{lem}\n\\begin{proof}\n First, we want to show that $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)\\to0$ as\n $\\lambda\\to\\infty$. To show that, simply observe that we have the $\\mathnormal{L}^1$\n operator norm inequality:\n \\begin{equation}\\label{op-ineq}\n \\|\\op{A}_\\lambda\\|_{op}\\leq\\left\\|\\frac{1}{\\lambda+a}\\right\\|_\\infty\n \\|J\\star\\|_{op}=\\frac{1}{\\lambda+\\inf a}\n \\end{equation}\n The right hand side of that equation implies the norm of $\\op{A}_\\lambda$\n goes to zero asymptotically, which bounds the spectral radius above. Finally,\n we want to show that the spectral radius of $\\op{A}_\\lambda$ is a\n monotonically decreasing, continuous function of $\\lambda$. From previous\n results, we know that $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)$ is upper-semicontinuous\n \\cite{Newburgh1951}, and that $\\op{A}_\\lambda\\leq\\op{A}_\\mu$ implies that\n $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)\\leq\\spr(\\op{A}_\\mu)$ \\cite{Marek1970}. Since\n $\\op{A}_\\lambda<\\op{A}_\\mu$ whenever $\\lambda>\\mu$, we have that\n $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)$ is a monotonically decreasing, upper-continuous\n function. \n\n It remains to show that the spectral radius function is lower-continuous.\n Define the function $c(\\lambda,\\lambda^\\prime)$ for $\\lambda$,\n $\\lambda^\\prime>-\\inf a$:\n \\begin{equation}\n c(\\lambda,\\lambda^\\prime)\n =\\sup_{x\\in\\Omega}\\frac{\\lambda+a(x)}{\\lambda^\\prime+a(x)}\n \\end{equation}\n Observe that $c$ is a continuous function and $c(\\lambda,\\lambda)=1$ for all\n $\\lambda>-\\inf a(x)$. Assume $\\lambda>\\lambda^\\prime$. Then,\n $c(\\lambda,\\lambda^\\prime)>1$. We also have the two inequalities:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\op{A}_\\lambda\\leq\\op{A}_{\\lambda^\\prime}\n \\qquad\n c(\\lambda,\\lambda^\\prime)\\op{A}_\\lambda\\geq\\op{A}_{\\lambda^\\prime}\n \\end{equation}\n We can now directly calculate:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\lim_{\\lambda\\,\\downarrow\\,\\lambda^\\prime}\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)\n \\geq\\lim_{\\lambda\\,\\downarrow\\,\\lambda^\\prime}c(\\lambda,\\lambda^\\prime)\n \\spr\\op{A}_{\\lambda^\\prime}=\\spr(\\op{A}_{\\lambda^\\prime}).\n \\end{equation}\n which completes the proof of lower-continuity.\n\\end{proof}\nNote that the result of the above lemma holds even withtout any of the\nnecessary conditions for Lemma \\ref{K-R-eigen}. That fact becomes important for\nthe result in Section \\ref{maximum}. We can now move on to the rest of the\nproof.\n\n\\section{Proof of the Theorem}\n\nFirst, we will show that the operator $\\op{L}$ is positive resolvent. Choose\n$\\lambda\\in\\mathbb{R}$ so large that $\\mu\\geq\\lambda$ implies $\\mu\\in\\rho(\\op{L})$ the\nresolvent of $\\op{L}$ and that $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\mu)<1$. Assume $f\\geq0$,\n$f\\in\\mathnormal{L}^1$, is in the range of $\\mu-\\op{L}$:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\mu v-\\op{L}v=f\n\\end{equation}\nfor some $v\\in\\mathnormal{L}^1$. Expanding the above equation gives:\n\\begin{align}\\nonumber\n \\mu v-\\op{J}v+a v &= f & \\iff \\\\\\nonumber\n v-\\frac{\\op{J}v}{\\mu+a} &= \\frac{f}{\\mu+a} & \\iff \\\\\\nonumber\n v-\\op{A}_\\lambda v &= \\frac{f}{\\mu+a} & \\iff \\\\\n v &= \\sum_{j=0}^\\infty\\op{A}_\\lambda^j\\frac{f}{\\mu+a}\\geq0\n\\end{align}\nSince we have assumed that $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\mu)<1$, the above series converges \nand $(\\mu-\\op{L})^{-1}\\geq0$. By \\cite{Nussbaum1984}, we know that there exists\n$\\lambda_0$ such that:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\spr\\Big((\\mu-\\op{L})^{-1}\\Big)=\\frac{1}{\\mu-\\lambda_0}\n\\end{equation}\nfor all $\\mu>\\lambda_0$. We also have the characterization:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\lambda_0=\\inf\\{\\lambda\\in\\mathbb{R}|(\\lambda-\\op{L})^{-1}\\geq0\\}\n\\end{equation}\nAssume $\\lambda_0>-\\inf a$. By \\cite{Top-Vect}, we know that:\n\\begin{equation}\n (\\op{I}-\\op{A}_\\lambda)^{-1}\\geq0 \\iff \\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)<1\n\\end{equation}\nThe above condition implies that $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)<1$ for all\n$\\lambda>\\lambda_0$ and $\\spr(\\op{A}_{\\lambda_0})\\geq1$. The continuity of\n$\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)$ implies that $\\spr(\\op{A}_{\\lambda_0})=1$. From our\napplication of the Krein-Rutman theorem, we know there exists $u\\geq0$ such\nthat:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\op{A}_{\\lambda_0}u=u\n\\end{equation}\nFrom our definition of $\\op{A}_\\lambda$, the above implies:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\op{L}u=\\lambda_0u\n\\end{equation}\n$\\lambda_0$ is therefore our principal eigenvalue and $u$ its associated\npositive eigenfunction.\n\nAll that remains to be shown is that $\\lambda_0>-\\inf a$. Recall the hypothesis\non the spectral radius limit:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\lim_{\\lambda\\to(-\\inf a)^+}\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)>1\n\\end{equation}\nThat inequality implies there exists a largest $\\lambda_0>-\\inf a$ such that\n$\\spr(\\op{A}_{\\lambda_0})=1$, and we are finished.\n\nNote that in the proof of the theorem, the structure of the integral equation\nonly comes up in Lemma \\ref{K-R-eigen}. Define the more general operator\n$\\op{B}$ as:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\op{B}f = \\op{K}f - af\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $\\op{K}$ is some positive operator. The only conditions we need for\nTheorem \\ref{condition} to hold are that $\\op{K}$ has non-zero spectrum and the\nrange of $\\op{K}^n$ is inside a compact topological space for some finite\n$n\\in\\mathbb{N}$.\\footnote{See Theorem 6.6 in Appendix V. and the following example in\n \\cite{Top-Vect} for details.} In particular, if $\\op{K}^n\\rightarrow\nU\\subset\\mathnormal{L}^p$ for $1<p<\\infty$, Theorem \\ref{condition} holds.\n\n\\section{Applying the Theorem}\\label{applications}\n\nThe result in Theorem \\ref{condition} can be directly applied to prove the\nexistence of a principal eigenvalue for a variety of problems. First, we will\nshow that the existence of a maximum principal implies exponential convergence\neven without the existence of a principal eigenvalue. Then, we will give a\ncouple of abstract propositions with and without symmetry conditions on $J$.\n\n\\subsection{Maximum Principle}\\label{maximum}\n\nWe define our maximum principle similar to \\cite{Coville2010} as the condition:\n\\begin{equation}\\label{max-prin-def}\n \\op{L}u\\leq0\\implies u\\geq0\n\\end{equation} \nRecall that we can rewrite the above equation to read:\n\\begin{equation}\n \\op{L}u=f\\leq0 \\qquad\\iff\\qquad (\\op{I}-\\op{A}_0)u=g\\geq0\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $-a(x)g(x)=f(x)$. Our maximum principle is now equivalent to the\nassertion that $(\\op{I}-\\op{A}_0)^{-1}$ is a positive operator. Using a result\nfrom Appendix 2 of \\cite{Top-Vect}, we know that $(\\op{I}-\\op{A}_0)^{-1}$ is\npositive if and only if $\\spr(\\op{A}_0)<1$. Recalling the proof of Theorem\n\\ref{condition}, we know that $\\spr(\\op{A})<1$ if and only if $\\spr(\\op{L})<0$.\nOur maximum principle therefore implies exponential convergence to zero for\nthe nonlocal diffusion equation defined by $\\op{L}$.\n\n\\subsection{Existence Propositions}\\label{sec:exist}\n\nFor all of the results in this section, we will assume at least one of the\nconditions in Lemma \\ref{K-R-eigen} holds.\n\n\\begin{prop}\\label{achieves-inf}\n Assume $a(x)$ is locally Lipschitz and reaches its infimum at $x^\\star$ and\n $J(x,y)=J(y,x)$. Also, assume the range of $\\op{J}$ is in $\\mathnormal{L}^2$ and there\n exists an open neighborhood $U\\subset\\mathbb{R}^2$ of $(x^\\star, x^\\star)$ such that\n $J(x,y)>c$ for all $(x,y)\\in U$. Then, $\\op{L}$ has a principal eigenvalue.\n\\end{prop}\n\n\\begin{proof}\n Without loss of generality, assume $x^\\star=0$. From \\cite{Drnovsek2000}, we\n can get a lower bound on the spectral radius by observing that:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\op{A}_\\lambda u\\geq c u \n \\quad \n \\implies \n \\quad\n \\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)\\geq c\n \\end{equation}\n We can then explicitly borrow the test function from \\cite{Hutson2003}. Fix\n $\\delta$, $\\varepsilon$ such that $J(x,y)\\geq\\varepsilon$ for all $|x|$, $|y|\\leq\\delta$.\n For every $\\gamma>0$ write $u_\\gamma$:\n \\begin{equation}\n u_\\gamma(x)=\n \\begin{cases}\n \\frac{1}{\\gamma+a(x)-a(0)} & \\text{if } |x|<\\delta \\\\\n 0 & \\text{else}\n \\end{cases}\n \\end{equation}\n We have the inequalities:\n \\begin{align}\\nonumber\n \\op{J}u_\\gamma(x)&=\\int\\limits_{-\\delta}^\\delta \n \\frac{J(x,y)}{\\gamma+a(y)-a(0)}\\,\\mathrm{d} y \\\\\n &\\geq \\varepsilon\\int\\limits_{-\\delta}^\\delta \\frac{1}{\\gamma+C|y|}\n \\geq \\frac{\\varepsilon}{C}\\ln\\left[\\frac{C\\delta+\\gamma}{\\gamma}\\right]\n \\end{align}\n Choose $\\gamma>0$ such that the last term above is greater than \n one and $-a(0)<\\lambda<\\gamma-a(0)$. Using the above inequality gives:\n \\begin{align}\\nonumber\n \\op{A}_\\lambda u_\\gamma(x)&=\\frac{\\op{J}}{\\lambda+a(x)} \\\\\\nonumber\n &\\geq\\frac{1}{\\gamma+a(x)-a(0)}\n \\frac{\\varepsilon}{C}\\ln\\left[\\frac{C\\delta+\\gamma}{\\gamma}\\right] \\\\\n &\\geq u_\\gamma(x)\n \\end{align}\n We have now shown that $\\spr(\\op{A}_\\lambda)\\geq1$ and can invoke Theorem \n \\ref{condition}.\n\\end{proof}\n\n\\begin{prop}\\label{converge-inf}\n Assume that $a(x)$ converges to its infimum at either $\\pm\\infty$, and there\n exists $c$, $c^\\prime$ such that $J(x,y)>\\varepsilon$ for $|y-x|<\\delta$ for all\n $x\\in\\Omega$. Then, $\\op{L}$ has a principal eigenvalue.\n\\end{prop}\n\\begin{proof}\n Without loss of generality, assume $a(x)\\to\\inf a$ as $x\\to\\infty$. We can\n construct almost the same inequality as in the proof of Proposition \n \\ref{achieves-inf}. Choose $\\lambda$, $z$ such that:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\frac{\\varepsilon}{\\lambda+a(x)}>1 \n \\quad\n \\text{for }|x-z|<\\delta\n \\end{equation}\n Choosing $u=\\mathbf{1}_{(z-\\delta, z+\\delta)}$ combined with the inequality in\n \\cite{Drnovsek2000} completes the proof. \n\\end{proof}\n\nNote that the conditions on J for Proposition \\ref{converge-inf} are easily\nsatisfied if $J(x,y) = f(x-y)$ and $f>c>0$ on some neighborhood of zero.\nThe proof of that proposition could also be easily generalized \nWithout enumerating all possible cases, it is obvious that other conditions on\n$J$ can be used for other similar cases, e.g. $a(x) =\n\\frac{1}{1+|x|}+\\cos(\\theta)$ and that weaker conditions on $J$ can be found\nfor the cases listed above.\n\n\\begin{prop}\n Assume $a(x)$ is locally Lipschitz and reaches its infimum at $x^\\star$ and\n $J(x,y)=J(y,x)$. Also, assume the range of $\\op{J}$ is in $\\mathnormal{L}^2$ and there\n exists $\\delta$, $\\varepsilon>0$ and a bounded set $U$ such that:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\int_U J(x,y)\\,\\mathrm{d} x > \\varepsilon\n \\quad\n \\text{for } |y-x^\\star|<\\delta \\text{ a.e.}\n \\end{equation}\nThen, $\\op{L}$ has a principal eigenvalue.\n\\end{prop}\n\\begin{proof}\n Again, we will assume $x^\\star=0$ for the sake of notation. Define the\n family of inner-products $\\langle\\cdot,\\cdot\\rangle_{\\lambda+a}$ by:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\langle f, g\\rangle_{\\lambda+a} = \n \\int_\\Omega f(x)\\bar{g}(x)\\Big(\\lambda+a(x)\\Big)\\,\\mathrm{d} x\n \\end{equation}\n It is easy to observe that $\\op{A}_\\lambda$ is self-adjoint with respect to\n the inner-product $\\langle\\cdot, \\cdot\\rangle_{\\lambda+a}$ and that\n $\\langle\\cdot,\\cdot\\rangle_{\\lambda+a}$ is topologically equivalent to the\n usual $\\mathnormal{L}^2$ inner-product for all $\\lambda>-\\inf a$.\n\n Need to show there exists $v$ and $\\lambda$ such that:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\frac{\\langle\\op{A}_\\lambda v,v\\rangle_{\\lambda+a}}\n {\\langle v,v\\rangle_{\\lambda+a}}>1\n \\end{equation}\n Use:\n \\begin{equation}\n v_\\lambda = \\frac{\\mathbf{1}_{(-\\delta,\\delta)}}{\\lambda+a(x)}+\\mathbf{1}_U\n \\end{equation}\n where $U$ and $\\delta$ are as in the statement of the proposition. Choose\n some $\\lambda^\\star>-\\inf a$ and observe that:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\langle v_\\lambda,v_\\lambda\\rangle_{\\lambda+a}\n \\leq \\langle v_{\\lambda^\\star}, v_{\\lambda^\\star}\\rangle_{\\lambda^\\star+a}=C\n \\end{equation}\n for all $\\lambda\\leq\\lambda^\\star$. \n\n Define $\\gamma=\\lambda-\\inf a$. We can now construct the sequence of\n inequalities:\n \\begin{align}\\nonumber\n \\langle \\op{A}_\\lambda v_\\lambda, v_\\lambda\\rangle_{\\lambda+a} &=\n \\left\\langle\\frac{\\op{J} v_\\lambda}\n {\\lambda+a},v_\\lambda\\right\\rangle_{\\lambda+a} \n \\\\\\nonumber\n &=\\Big\\langle\\op{J}v_\\lambda,v_\\lambda\\Big\\rangle \\\\\\nonumber\n &\\geq\\int_\\Omega\\frac{\\op{J}\\mathbf{1}_U(x)}{\\lambda+a(x)}\\,\\mathrm{d} x \\\\\n &\\geq\\int\\limits_{-\\delta}^\\delta\\frac{\\varepsilon}{\\gamma+c|x|}\\,\\mathrm{d} x\n \\geq \\frac{\\varepsilon}{c}\\ln\\left[\\frac{c\\delta+\\gamma}{\\gamma}\\right]\n \\end{align}\n Choosing $\\lambda$ sufficiently small gives $\\langle\\op{A}_\\lambda\n v_\\lambda,v_\\lambda\\rangle_{\\lambda+a}>C$, which gives the desired result.\n\\end{proof}\n\nFinally, a counter-example to show that the Lipschitz hypothesis is necessary\nwhen $a(x)$ reaches its global minimum and is bounded away from that minimum\nelsewhere. For simplicity, we will take $\\Omega=S^1$. Take the family of\nsystems where $J=\\frac{1}{2\\pi}$ and $a(x)=c|x|^\\alpha+c^\\prime$ where\n$c,\\,c^\\prime>0$ and $0<\\alpha<1$. Obviously, $a$ is $\\alpha$-H\\\"{o}lder\ncontinuous. Assume we have an eigenpair $\\mu$, $v(x)$. Dividing through\nwherever $a+\\mu\\neq0$, we have:\n\\begin{equation}\n v =\\frac{\\int v(\\omega)\\,\\mathrm{d}\\omega}{c|\\theta|^\\alpha+c^\\prime+\\mu}\n\\end{equation}\nThat means $\\int v(\\omega)\\,\\mathrm{d}\\omega=1$ and\n$v=\\frac{1}{c|\\theta|^\\alpha+c^\\prime+\\mu}$. However, if we set:\n\\begin{equation}\n c=2\\int\\limits_{S^1}|\\theta|^{-\\alpha}\\,\\mathrm{d}\\theta\n\\end{equation}\nthe above equations are not solvable for any pair $c,\\,\\mu$ since $\\int\nv(\\omega)\\,\\mathrm{d}\\omega\\leq\\frac{1}{2}$ for all $\\mu\\geq-c^\\prime$. If\n$\\mu<c^\\prime$, the integral of the potential eigenfunction is no longer\ndefined. That implies that there is not any eigenvalues for $\\op{A}$.\n\n\\bibliographystyle{plain}\n","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaArXiv"}}
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{"text":"\\section{Introduction}\n\nThe outcome of naked singularities as result of\n gravitational collapse is still matter of debate. They have far reaching consequences; their \nspace-time can be causally ill-behaved and\nthey may be sources of cosmic events with anomalous high energy. \nIf they existed it would be legitimate to invoke the validity of a \ntheorem due to Clarke and de Felice (1984) which states \nthat a generic strong-curvature naked singularity would give rise to a \nCosmic Time Machine (CTM). \nA Cosmic Time Machine is a space-time which is \nasymptotically flat and admits closed non-spacelike curves which extend to future infinity. \nHere I shall first recall the properties of a naked singularity and in particular those of a spinning\none then will illustrate what a Cosmic Time Machine is. \nAim of this paper is to better motivate an earler \nconjecture (de Felice, 2004) according to which a CTM may be source of\nfast varying and highly energetic events like Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB). \n\n\\section{Naked Singularities} \n\nA naked singularity is the outcome of a continued gravitational collapse\nwhen no event horizon forms hiding the singularity to the asymptotic region. \n\nA distinctive feature of a generic singularity \nis that of being infinitely red-shifted \nwith respect to any of the non singular space-time points except possibly a \nset of measure zero. \nSince no physical influence reaches infinity from the singularity, then it is justified to assume\nthe existence of a regular flat (past and future) infinity after the formation of the singularity.\n\nA further and indeed most important feature of a naked singularity is that of \napproaching a black-hole state. There are various indications as shown for example \nin (de Felice, 1975; 1978) that a naked singularity, specifically a spinning one, tends to \nbecome a black hole as \nresult of its interaction with the surrounding medium. This implies that \nobservable processes which take place nearby a naked singularity fade away, \nbecause of a growing red-shift,\nin a finite interval of the observer's proper time. \nThis property is crucial to sustain the conjecture about the nature of strong \nimpulsive cosmic events as I will illustrate next.\nIf a naked singularity decays into a black hole, then the latter \nwill likely be of a Kerr type. Moreover when a naked singularity is close to become a \nKerr black hole then it becomes of a Kerr type itself.\n\nThe properties of a Kerr naked singularity have been extensively investigated in the late seventies\n(Calvani and de Felice, 1978; de Felice and Calvani, 1979) hence I will recall them briefly.\nIn Boyer and Lindquist coordinates, Kerr metric reads:\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\label{metric}\nds^2&=&-\\left(1-\\frac{2Mr}\\Sigma\\right)dt^2-\\frac{4Mar\\sin^2\\theta}\\Sigma dt d\\phi+\n\\frac A\\Sigma\\sin^2\\theta d\\phi^2\\nonumber\\\\\n&+&\\frac\\Sigma\\Delta dr^2+\\Sigma d\\theta^2\n\\end{eqnarray}\nwhere $M$ is the mass of the metric source, $a$ its specific angular momentum\\footnote{\n I use geometrized units, i.e. $c=1=G$, $c$ and $G$ being respectively the velocity of light \nin the vacuum \nand the gravitational contant.} and the functions $\\Delta$ , $\\Sigma$ and $A$ are given by:\n{\\setlength\\arraycolsep{2pt}\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\Delta&=&r^2-2Mr+a^2\\label{Delta} \\\\\n\\Sigma&=&r^2+a^2\\cos^2\\theta\\label{Sigma} \\\\\nA&=&(r^2+a^2)^2-a^2\\Delta\\sin^2\\theta.\\label{A}\n\\end{eqnarray}} \nThe null geodesics are given by the tangent vector components:\n\n{\\setlength\\arraycolsep{2pt}\n\\begin{eqnarray}\n\\label{geodeqt}\n\\dot t&=&(\\Delta\\Sigma)^{-1}(A\\gamma-2Mar\\ell) \\\\\n\\dot\\theta&=&\\pm \\Sigma^{-1}\\left[L+a^2\\gamma^2\\cos^2\\theta-\\frac{\\ell^2}{\\sin^2\\theta}\\right]^{1\/2} \\\\\n\\dot\\phi&=&(\\Delta\\Sigma)^{-1}\\left[2Ma\\gamma r+\\frac{\\ell}{\\sin^2\\theta}(\\Sigma-2Mr)\\right]\\\\\n\\dot r&=&\\pm\\Sigma^{-1}\\left[ (2M\\gamma r-a\\ell)^2+\\Delta(r^2+2Mr-L)\\right]^{1\/2}\\label{geodeqr}\n\\end{eqnarray}}\nwhere dot means derivative with respect to a real parameter \nalong the orbit and \n$L$, $\\ell$ and $\\gamma$ are constants of the motion; the parameter $L$ arises from the separability of the \nHamilton-Jacobi equation \nin the metric (\\ref{metric}) and is related in a non trivial way to the (square of) total angular momentum \nof the photon (de Felice and Preti, 1999), the parameter $\\ell$ \nis the photon's azimuthal angular momentum and $\\gamma$ is the photon's total energy. In what follows we shall \nintroduce the new parameters $\\lambda\\equiv \\ell\/\\gamma$ and $\\Lambda\\equiv L\/\\gamma^2$.\n\nEquation (\\ref{geodeqt}) shows that null geodesics exist which partially run in a time-reversal \nregime, namely with $\\dot t<0$. Condition $\\dot t\\leq 0$ will be consistent with\nthe light-like character of the orbit only if \n$A<0$, namely in the $r<0-$sheet of metric (\\ref{metric})\n\\footnote{The same argument holds true for time-like curves.}. \nFrom (\\ref{A}) and (\\ref{geodeqt}) we can state that a light signal will move in the time reversal regime if \n\n$i$) - it is of the vortical type (de Felice and Calvani, 1972);\n\n$ii$) - its latitudinal angle $\\theta$ satisfies the condition:\n\\begin{equation}\\label{cv}\n\\sin^2\\theta>\\frac{(r^2+a^2)^2}{a^2\\Delta}-\\frac{2Mr\\lambda}{a\\Delta}\\equiv \\sin^2\\theta_{c.v.}\n\\end{equation}\nwhere the subscript $(c.v.)$ stands for {\\it chronology violation}. \nClearly function \n$\\sin^2\\theta_{c.v.}(r;\\lambda)$\nidentifies a region in the $(\\sin^2\\theta-r)-$plane whose very existence and {\\it size} depend \non the orbit itself. In particular it is \neasy to see that the smaller is $\\lambda$ in the range $0<\\lambda<a$ the larger is the extent \nof the $(c.v.)-$region.\nEvidently, being $\\lambda=\\ell\/\\gamma$, all high energy photons with finite azimuthal angular momentum \nwill have a small $\\lambda$ and therefore have higher probability to go through the time reversal regime.\nCondition (\\ref{cv}) is not sufficient to set up a CTM; the photon needs to encounter a turning point \nfrom where it can travel back to the $r>0$ universe after a sufficient recovering \nof the lost (coordinate) time.\n\nA vortical orbit is confined between two values of the latitudinal angle $\\theta$; \nin the case of photon \norbits these angles are given by\n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{theta} \n\\sin^2\\theta_\\pm=\\frac{\\Lambda+a^2\\pm[\\Lambda+a^2)^2-4\\lambda^2a^2]^{1\/2}}{2a^2}\n\\end{equation}\nhence condition (\\ref{cv}) will be satisfied only if at least one of the hyperboloids \n$\\theta=\\theta_\\pm$ \n as in (\\ref{theta}) crosses the corresponding $(c.v.)-$region. \nThis circumstance takes place if \n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{Ltheta}\n\\Lambda=-a^2-\\frac{\\lambda^2a\\Delta}{\\Psi}-\\frac{a\\Psi}{\\Delta}\\equiv\\Lambda_\\theta\n\\end{equation}\nwhere\n\\begin{equation}\n\\Psi\\equiv 2M\\lambda r-\\frac{(r^2+a^2)^2}{a}.\n\\end{equation}\nTurning points are met where $\\dot r=0$ and this is assured when \n\\begin{equation}\n\\label{Lr}\n\\Lambda=\\frac{(2Mr-a\\lambda)^2}{\\Delta}+r^2+2Mr\\equiv\\Lambda_r.\n \\end{equation}\nA comparison of (\\ref{Ltheta}) with (\\ref{Lr}) shows that (see figure 1)\n\\begin{equation}\n\\Lambda_\\theta\\leq \\Lambda_r,\\qquad (r\\leq 0)\n\\end{equation}\nwhere the equality sign holds identically when $\\lambda=0$ and only at $r=0$ when $\\lambda^2=\\Lambda$. \n\n\\begin{figure}\n\\typeout{*** EPS figure 1}\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{de1.eps}\n\\end{center}\n\\caption{Plot of the functions $\\Lambda_r$ (solid line) and $\\Lambda_\\theta$ (dotted line)\nfor a general value of $\\lambda$ with $0<\\lambda<a$.} \n\\label{grbfig1}\n\\end{figure}\n\nIn the general case of $\\lambda\\not=0$ a CTM is \nactually set up if condition (\\ref{cv}) is satisfied together with\n$\\Lambda\\geq\\Lambda_{r_{min}}$\n where $\\Lambda_{r_{min}}$ is a minimum of $\\Lambda_r$ given by:\n\\begin{equation}\n\\Lambda_{r_{min}} = \\frac{1}{(M-r_{min})^2}[a^2(r_{min}+M)^2+2r^2_{min}(r_{min}^2-3M^2)];\n\\end{equation}\nhere $r_{min}$ is the only negative solution of:\n\\begin{equation}\n\\lambda=\\frac{1}{a(M-r)}[a^2(M+r)+r^3-3Mr^2].\n\\end{equation}\nIn particular, as pointed out by de Felice and Calvani (1979), the existence of a minimum \nof the function $\\Lambda_r$ \nassures that photons with parameters \n\\begin{equation}\n0<\\lambda<a\\qquad \\lambda^2>\\Lambda\\approx \\Lambda_{r_{min}}\n\\end{equation}\nwill move on time reversed, spatially open and almost stationary loops at an average distance $r_{min}$ \nfrom the singularity \n(in the $r<0$ sheet; see figure 1) before moving back to positive infinity again. \nThese are the prerequisites of a Cosmic Time Machine. \n\n\\section{The time trap}\n\nFor a light signal to move on a time reversed trajectory, the light cone must be {\\it deformed}\nin such a way that its future pointing generators propagate light signals into the \nlocal coordinate past, namely with the coordinate time decreasing. The light cone structure can \nbe seen explicitely in the Kerr naked singularity solution. From (\\ref{geodeqt}) \n and (\\ref{geodeqr}) it follows that the light cone generators in the ($ct-r$)-plane satisfy the \nequation:\n \\begin{equation}\n \\label{generator}\n \\frac{dt}{dr}=\\pm\\frac{a^2(\\sin^2\\theta_{c.v.}-\\sin^2\\theta)}{\\left[(2Mr-a\\lambda)^2+\n\\Delta(r^2+2Mr-\\Lambda)\\right]^{1\/2}}\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $\\sin^2\\theta_{c.v.}$ is given by (\\ref{cv}). As $\\theta\\to\\theta_{c.v.}$ from below, \nnamely with $\\theta<\\theta_{c.v.}$,\n $dt\/dr$ decreases untill it vanishes for {\\it both} outgoing and ingoing generators.\nAt this moment the light cone is {\\it fully} open with respect to the coordinate time axis; \nas $\\theta$ increases further so that\n $\\theta>\\theta_{c.v.}$, the light cone shrinks again but with the local future reversed with respect \nto the coordinate time (see figure 2). \nAs it will be discussed in a separate paper (de Felice and Preti, 2006) the opening of the light cone \nis a manifestation of the repulsive character \nof the space-time; indeed this is the property of Kerr space-time nearby the ring singularity.\n\n\n\n\\begin{figure}\n\\typeout{*** EPS figure 2}\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{de2.eps}\n\\end{center}\n\\caption{ The light cone structure approaching the ring singularity in the $r<0$-sheet of the metric}\n\\label{grbfig2}\n\\end{figure}\n\nThe light trajectories which have the necessary prerequisites to become time-reversed \nact as time-traps since they force light signals to travel back in the coordinate time \n(see figure 2).\nEventually the light signals are bounced back at a tunrning point ($\\dot r=0$) and that happens, as stated,\n if $\\Lambda\\geq \\Lambda_{r_{min}}$; the coordinate time that a light signal recovers before \ngoing back to positive infinity depends on how close $\\Lambda$ is to $\\Lambda_{r_{min}}$. If \n$\\Lambda\\approx \\Lambda_{r_{min}}$ \n the light signal may loop on a spatially quasi-circular orbit \n($r\\sim r_{min}$) untill the coordinate time reaches reaches the value when the singularity first formed. \nAt this moment the singularity is of the most general type; we expect, in fact, \nthat a naked singularity becomes of a Kerr type only when it is about to \ndecay to a Kerr black hole. Although it is difficult to model the light cone \nstructure nearby a singularity at its onset, the occurrence of time inversion in its vicinity \nis assured by a general theorem as we said and will better illustrate next.\n\n\\section{A cosmic burst}\nThe connection between a naked singularity and a Cosmic Time Machine \nhas been established in general by Clarke and de Felice (1984) with \na theorem (theorem II of that paper). The main result of that theorem states: \n{\\it if there is a naked \nsingularity which satisfies Newman's strong curvature condition (Newman, 1983) and \nexists arbitrarily far into the future of a set of initial regular data,\nthen violation of strong causality occurs arbitrarily close to future null infinity.\nThus a Cosmic Time Machine is naturally implied}.\nThis {\\it pathology}\ncannot be cured by any quantum correction to the classical theory of relativity \nbefore the singularity forms, because the very source of this peculiar behaviour is not the \nsingularity itself but rather the space-time nearby it. Here, in fact, \nlight cones permit non space-like trajectories to\nrun backwards with respect to the coordinate time causing the\nlocal causal future to overlap with what would have been the causal past \nin a flat space-time.\nThis effect, which is induced by gravity, occurs (whenever it does) in a finite \ndomain surrounding the singularity; this region will be termed {\\it kernel} \nof a Cosmic Time Machine.\nA space-time which is also a CTM must satisfy basic physical requirements. \nFirst the matter source which eventually evolves to a singularity must \nsatisfy the energy conditions so to avoid \nquite arbitrary geometries as possible space-times. Then\nthe space-time solution must admit a regular flat (past and future) infinity \nfor the definition of a CTM to make sense.\nWe shall now illustrate what are the observational implications of a CTM did it \narise somewhere in the Cosmos. \n\nLet a coordinate time $t$ be chosen so to coincide \nwith the proper-time of an observer at a positive infinity. \nConsider two events in a CTM-kernel being one to \nthe (causal) future of the other (two subsequent flashes from the same light gun, \nsay); then, being in a CTM-kernel, there exist \nlight rays from these events which propagate backwards with respect\nto the local time coordinate untill they leave the kernel and escape to \npositive null infinity. If we allow for the existence of photon orbits which {\\it spatially} \nloop around the singularity before leaving the CTM-kernel, it may well happen that these light \nrays leave the kernel at about the same value of the $t$ coordinate and therefore reach infinity \nat about the same value of $t$ as well. But at flat infinity, the $t$ coordinate \nis also the proper-time of a stationary observer hence the latter would see the two events almost \nsimultaneously on her (his) clock. If we extrapolate this example to all the \nevents which are to the future\nof any given one in a CTM-kernel, we infer that in a Cosmic Time Machine\nthe entire causal future development of a given domain within its kernel \nmay be seen by a distant observer at the same time. \nEvidently this property makes a CTM potentially a source of an arbitrary strong burst. \n\nImpulsive cosmic events combine two main puzzling features, \nnamely an extremely short time of emission (order of a second) and a very high energy fluence.\nThe main challenge therefore is to find a unique mechanism which allows at once for both properties.\nThe most impressive examples of the above type of events are the Gamma Ray Bursts \n(Kluzniak and Ruderman, 1998; van Putten, 2001; Piran, 2004 and references therein). \nThe total energy emitted can be as \nhigh as $10^{54}\\, ergs$, mostly concentrated in a pulse as short as a second. \nThis amount of energy appears much more stunning if we think to it as being the \nenergy emitted in a second-long pulse by $10^{10}$ galaxies each made of $10^{11}$ \nSun-like stars, each emitting at a rate of $\\sim 10^{33}\\, ergs\/sec.$, concentrated \nin a region probably smaller than a galactic core!\n\nThere are several models which provide reasonable explanations for these high \nenergy events; most of them however suffer of some kind of incompleteness due to \nthe rich and complicated morphology of those sources. \nNevertheless, whatever process is considered, the common starting point is \ngravitational collapse; this may trigger \na supernova explosion or just provide a black hole which will be the main engine for the \nburst production.\n\nHere I envisage a completely new scenario based on the hypothesis that what we \nbelieve to be a black hole is on the contrary a generic strong curvature naked singularity sitting \ninside a CTM-kernel.\nSince Cosmic Time Machines involve astronomical objects, they allow one to make\npredictions which could in principle be confronted {\\it here-and-now} \nwith observations. \nWhile in the kernel, in fact, the coordinate time decreases and, as we said, it may \n reach the value when the singularity formed. \nAt this time the conditions for a time trap did not yet develop and therefore all the photons\nwould only propagate to the coordinate future again (coordinate time $t$ increasing) leaving the \nregion nearby the singularity just formed\nand leading to a burst of radiation as seen at far distance.\nAs illustrated beforehand, the light cone goes from a complete inversion with respect to the \ncoordinate time inside the kernel\nwhen the local future corresponds to a decreasing $t$, to a marginal time inversion at the\nkernel boundary where the future pointing light cone generators have an almost stationary $t$. \nBecause of this the internal past and future are mixed \nup and can be seen at infinity over the whole time interval during which the singularity is visible. \n\nWe can plausibly think of a situation where an accretion disk sits around a (spinning)\nnaked singularity. Let a substantial part of the emitted radiation enter the kernel and \nbe funneled, at least part of it, into spatially quasi-circular orbits along which light \ncones allow for local time reversed time-like or null trajectories. \nFurthermore let accretion cause an energy output of about\n $10^{40} ergs\/sec$ corresponding to a moderate quasar-like object \nshining for \nsome $10^{9}$ years ($\\sim 10^{16}$ seconds) untill the naked singularity decays \nclose to a black hole state becoming invisible to distant observers \n\\footnote{ Indeed this phenomenon may repeat itself and so will do \nthe effects which are here discussed.}. \nIf a thiny fraction of the emitted radiation, $\\zeta = 1\\%$\n say, propagates to the local future along the time-reversed orbits that we have shown to exist, \nit will likely reach the {\\it bottom} of the kernel and leave it at the same value of the \n$t$ coordinate as result of the local light cone opening.\nThen an observer at infinity would see the integrated energy of $10^{54} \nergs$ almost at the same time. \n\nOne can argue that the amount of radiation which was driven by the time-trap to the bottom \nof the kernel would give rise, before flowing out, to an energy condensate\ncapable to alter the background geometry. Even if it is only a small fraction ($\\zeta$ as said) of \nthe total radiation \nemitted by the cosmic source in its life-time, \nthe curvature produced by this energy concentration may be such to turn the naked singularity \ninto a black hole hiding the phenomenon on the start. This may certainly be a possibility, however \nan amount of radiation of $10^{54}ergs$ as in the previous example corresponds to a gravitational source of \n$\\sim 10^{33} g$, namely about one solar mass. This may be negligible if we think to a main source\nsingularity of $10^{8}-10^{9} M_\\odot$. Moreover since we conceive a situation where most of the time-trapped\nradiation is confined on spatially quasi-circular orbits\nin the innermost part of the kernel, then the contribution to the geometric curvature would come \nfrom a rotating energy current; this would strenghten rather than weaken \nthe naked singularity condition. \n\nEvidently the longer a naked singularity lasts as such the more luminous will be the burst because \nlonger is the future development which will be \"compressed\" by the time inversion and therefore\nmore are the photons which will contribute to the prompt emission. This {\\it mechanism} \nmay lead to undesirable bursts of infinite intensity! Naked singularities however appear to prevent \nthis circumstance.\nIt is well established that\n a naked singularity decays to a black hole. In this case, the instability of a \nKerr black hole inner horizon \nleads to the insurgence of a \"larger\" singularity which will cancel any kernel structure around the \ncentral spinning singularity.\nEven if the transitin to a black hole takes place only asymptotically, we know (Calvani and de Felice, 1978) \nthat \na Kerr naked singularity has a \"memory of the last horizon\"; this manifests itself with a rather peculiar\nconcentration of stable spherical \nnull orbits around the spatial surface $r=M$ which is the spatial location of the {\\it extreme} \nKerr black hole horizon. This concentration increases as one approaches the black hole state untill \nit creates a sort of radiation layer which will effectively prevent the reach of the CTM-kernel \n stopping any time machine activity. \n\n\nThe opening of the light cone generators inside a CTM-kernel ranges from a complete reversal \nwith respect to the local time axis to a marginally complete opening nearby the kernel boundary. \nIt is reasonable to expect that part of the radiation emitted by the source will leave \nthe kernel before it reaches its bottom and therefore at a value of the coordinate time larger \nthan that when the bulk of radiation is emitted from the bottom of the kernel. \nThe radiation which leaks out from the kernel boundary will then reach the distant observer \nat a later time with respect to the main burst. This may account for the afterglows observed \nin some of the impulsive sources. \nThe latters, like \nGamma Ray Bursts for example, have a reach phenomenology and their emission properties show correlations\n(Ghisellini, 2004; Ghirlanda et al., 2004a, 2004b, 2005; Piran, 2004 and references therein). \nAlthough the proposed scenario does not allow for definite predictions yet, we can expect obvious \ncorrelations.\n \n As an example consider a \nKerr naked singularity of total mass $M$ and rotation \nparameter $a=M(1+\\beta)$ where $\\beta\\ll 1$; because of accretion, this singularity \nwill have a life time, before decaying \nto a black hole, given approximately by (de Felice, 1975):\n\\begin{equation}\n T\\approx 1.5\\times 10^4\\frac{M_\\odot}{M}\\frac 1{\\rho(1+\\beta)}\\,years\n \\end{equation}\nHere $\\rho$ is the density of matter which accretes on the singularity. \nThe life time then critically depends on the factor $(M\\rho)^{-1}$.\nFor sake of illustration, a $10^9M_\\odot$ naked singularity will last for $10^8$ years, \nas in the previous example, if it is surrounded by accreting material of density\n$\\rho\\approx 10^{-13}\\, g\\,cm^{-3}$, a value which appears compatible with \nwhat one could have in active galactic nuclei. \nIn this scenario then we expect that the total \nluminosity of the impulsive emission goes as $L\\sim \\zeta(M\\rho)^{-1}$.\nMoreover, the longer a naked singularity is visible to distant observers the longer one expects the \nafterglows to last. Hence a correlation such as more luminous burst being followed by longer afterglows \nis expected.\n\nEvidently the survival of the above conjecture about the nature of impulsive sources depends\non the possibility to be falsified by more definite observational constraints; this however is a \nchallenge for the future. \n\n\\section{Conclusions}\nIf naked singularities exist in the Cosmos as predicted by general relativity\nthen they may give rise to a Cosmic Time Machine. In this case, in fact, the \nsingularity could likely be surrounded by a space time region where the local causal future is \ntime-inverted with respect to infinity. Naked singularities however \nwill likely evolve close to a black-hole state in a finite interval of coordinate time \nhence if all that happens, then we could directly observe \n astrophysical phenomena which are observationally constrained by the \npeculiarities of a \ntime machine. This may be the case of the most energetic Gamma Ray Bursts whose \nimpulsive emission may just be the time integration over a finite interval of the \nlocal proper-time \nof emission processes taking place in some CTM-kernel.The latter then will be sources of \nthe most powerful bursts in the Universe. \n\n\n","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaArXiv"}}
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{"text":"\\subsection*{Acknowledgement}\nThe financial support of the ARC, including funds to support the visit\nof G.~Olshanski whose lectures benefitted the present work, are\nacknowledged. Also, the remarks of T.H.~Baker on the original manuscript\nare appreciated. \n\n\n\n","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaArXiv"}}
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{"text":"Renovating your kitchen in Beecroft?\nKitchenKraft provides a free quote for a complete kitchen renovation or a new kitchen in Beecroft.\nOur company has the experience and capability to design, manufacture and install your new kitchen in Beecroft.\nWe have 5 decades of experience in the kitchen industry and a kitchen showroom for your viewing of our workmanship, kitchens designs, new kitchens and kitchen renovations in Beecroft Sydney.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"A brand new high quality lithium ion replacement iPhone 6 Plus battery. The battery capacity is rated as 2915mAh and will help extend battery life if your phone is having trouble holding a charge. It is recommended to have the part replaced by an experienced technician.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Just wanted to let you all know that The Anarchy Live Podcast Episode 13 is now up! So please feel free to check it out!\nOn this Episode we discuss how our holidays went and also what plans we have for 2014.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"On September 13, hundreds of golfers joined the Panda Cares Foundation at the Omni La Costa and the Park Hyatt Aviara in Carlsbad, California, to raise money for Children's Hospital Los Angeles and other charitable causes chosen by Panda Restaurant Group. The Panda Cares Charity Golf Invitational is celebrating it's 20th anniversary as well as $13 million raised.\nAs a surprise to attendees this year, special guest Christian Guardino was on hand to greet participants at the hospitality desk, network with Panda Restaurant Group employees and meet CEO Peggy Cherng. Christian was a semi-finalist on Season 12 of America's Got Talent and was also treated at his local children's hospital. He gave thanks for the charitable efforts of the company by sharing his story and performing two songs during the event's dinner.\nChristian was on the brink of blindness, but thanks to an experimental gene therapy at his children's hospital he can see. He was born with an inherited eye disease with no treatment or cure that caused him to see only bright light and blurry shapes. He would eventually lose all sight.\nWhen Christian was 13 he entered a clinical therapy gene trial at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Since his participation in the trial, he has seen a 75- to 80-percent improvement in his vision. The gene trial was successful for Christian and many others.\nAfter Christian and his mom, Beth, testified before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, they approved the gene therapy for use in patients in December 2017. It is the first gene therapy approved for the eye and for an inherited condition.\nChristian has a passion for soul music and aspires to be a recording artist.\nChildren's Miracle Network Hospitals funds support the child life department, which helps kids like Christian cope with the emotional stress of diagnosis and treatment.\nChristian has represented the 10 million children treated in Children's Miracle Network Hospitals each year as a national goodwill ambassador during 2018 and helped share the need for donations to children's hospitals across the United States.\nThe Panda Cares Foundation was established to share Panda Restaurant Group's success with non-profit organizations serving in their communities. The main focus and passion of Panda Cares continues to be the health and education of underserved children.\nThe event raised over $2.5 million that will be divided between the charitable causes Panda Cares has chosen.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Since 1953 your Sandpoint Lions Club has been serving the residents of Bonner County. We are the organizer and sponsor of the Sandpoint 4th of July Celebration, Toys for Tots, sight and hearing checks for every elementary student in the Pend Oreille School District and an Easter Egg Hunt in Lake View Park.\nThe Lions also provide eyeglasses (eye exams) for the less fortunate and issue Scholarships for numerous students each year. We also sponsor Adopt-a-Highway on S.R. Hwy 95 south of the Long Bridge.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Eric Bachelart will likely field only one Champ Car in 2007 but he's thrilled to still be on the grid following some dramatics last week.\nAfter setting two deadlines, Bachelart was faced with the sad reality he had no sponsorship and no way to keep Conquest Racing in Champ Car for '07. Last Friday, he gathered his crew and told them the bad news.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Bolt on chassis mounted front splitter for the Honda S2000. Designed with height adjustment to fit various front bumpers and front lips. The curved design is suited to match the roundness of the factory body lines while still retaining some aggressiveness towards the outer edges.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Shanachie Pub is a wonderful, friendly pub located in downtown Willits, in the heart of Mendocino County. On tap is a wide variety of local and organic beer and wine, as well as a calendar of great live music. One of Mendocino County's Nine Hop Stops, Shanachie is a great place to hang out with friends and enjoy the local music scene.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"The President's Cancer Panel (PCP) recently released its yearly report to the President outlining the status of cancer in America.\nThis year's report focuses primarily on environmental factors that contribute to cancer risk. According to the report, pharmaceutical drugs are a serious environmental pollutant, particularly in the way they continue to contaminate waterways across the country (and the world).\nMany reports have recently appeared about pharmaceutical contamination of water supplies, rivers, lakes and other waterways, but spokespersons from the drug and chemical industries have denied that this pollution poses any risk whatsoever to the environment.\nBut this report, issued directly from PCP, provides a stunning indictment of the dangers associated with pharmaceutical pollution.\nIt's important to note that PCP is required by law to assess the National Cancer Program and offer a truthful evaluation of the various things it finds to be responsible for causing cancer.\nThe panel is a division of the National Cancer Institute itself, so its findings hold fairly considerable weight in the scientific world (or they should, if the reaction wasn't so politicized).\nThe report itself is quite extensive, evaluating everything from the environmental and health impacts of drug and pesticide pollution to cell phone radiation and nuclear testing residue.\nBut the section on pharmaceutical drugs is especially interesting when considering the fact that numerous reports have shown that drugs and drug residue that ends up in water supplies typically isn't filtered out by municipal treatment plants.\nMany chemicals are highly regulated because they are known to negatively affect human and environmental health.\nThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is tasked with regulating exposure to these chemicals, but pharmaceuticals are not included in its regulatory scheme. Despite years of prodding by environmental scientists, the EPA has given very little attention to the dangers posed by widespread pharmaceutical contamination.\nAccording to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) study conducted back in 2002, antidepressants, blood pressure and diabetes medications, anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy drugs, chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, heart medications and even codeine are all showing up in the water supplies of American cities.\nThis study was the first national-scale evaluation of pharmaceutical drug contamination in streams, and roughly 80 percent of the streams tested were found to be contaminated as well.\nIn 2008, an AP investigation found that at least 46 million Americans are drinking water contaminated with trace amounts of pharmaceuticals.\nIn spite of all this, water quality reports don't disclose the levels of pharmaceuticals found in tap water.\nSince the EPA and FDA have failed to establish any proper guidelines for drug contamination in water, most people have no idea that their water contains a dangerous cocktail of prescription medications.\nNone of this is surprising if you consider that unused and expired drugs cannot be legally returned to the pharmacies where they were purchased.\nMany people just flush them down the toilet because the drug labels actually encourage patients to dispose of them this way (and they probably don't know what else to do with them).\nThe drug contamination levels found in India's rivers were 150 times the detected levels found in the U.S. These findings prove that drug companies couldn't care less how much drug residue they dump in water as long as they can get away with it.\nThey don't even believe that pharmaceutical contamination is a threat to the environment.\n\"Based on what we now know, I would say we find there's little or no risk from pharmaceuticals in the environment to human health,\" explained microbiologist Thomas White, a consultant for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, in a Dallas Morning News article about the AP investigation.\nThis is similar to BP's CEO saying, after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, that the amount of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico was \"tiny\" compared to how big the ocean is.\nEven though current water contamination levels are measured in parts per million or parts per billion, there is no way to know just how much exposure people are actually experiencing.\nPeople drink contaminated water, shower in contaminated water and cook with contaminated water, so it's illogical to suggest that there's no harm being caused by widespread exposure, even at \"low\" doses, especially when the exposure is a combination of dozens of different drugs that have never been tested in combination.\nPeople are not the only beings that are affected by pharmaceutical contamination, either.\nThe world's aquatic ecosystems (and the plants and animals that belong to them) are all being negatively impacted.\nMany fish are experiencing reproductive problems as a result of exposure, as is explained in a report.\nBeyond having their sperm damaged, some fish are actually changing sexes. Males are becoming females and females are becoming males as a result of drug exposure in the water. Other water creatures are experiencing things like organ failure and the inability to grow.\n\"How long until these effects start to hit humans?\"\nAnd it's not just near American cities where fish are turning up with all kinds of drugs in their bodies.\nAs of 2008, more than 100 different pharmaceutical compounds have been detected around the world, affecting fish and wildlife everywhere. These are chemicals that simply do not belong in our environment.\nAnd yet they are there, dumped into our waters by the pharmaceutical industry and its hospitals, pharmacies and consumers.\nIf drug residue is building up in animals and wildlife, then of course it's building up in humans as well, posing the risk of significant harm.\nReproductive failure, thyroid dysfunction, cancer, osteoporosis - all of these diseases and more may be caused, at least in part, by prolonged exposure to low levels of all sorts of drugs in the water supply.\nBecause the truth about drug contamination in water is no longer a secret, many states have begun enacting legislation to regulate drug disposal.\nLast August, Illinois passed the Safe Pharmaceuticals Disposal Act, which restricts hospitals from flushing drugs down the drain. California has a similar law in place, and New York is working on one as well, according to a recent report.\nThe same report indicates that there have been five bills introduced to regulate drugs at the federal level. While this addresses the hospital waste problem, there's still the human and drug company waste problems.\nNo matter how you look at it, pharmaceutical drugs are going to continue making their way into the water supplies because they will pass through the bodies of consumers first!\nSince it's already been revealed that drug companies are failing to properly treat their wastewater before dumping it into rivers (even though they claim to be treating it), U.S. regulatory agencies need to step up and correct the problem.\nRegular monitoring of wastewater contaminant levels is the only way to halt the chemical contamination of waterways. And if U.S. companies are polluting water supplies in other countries (such as India), they should be held accountable for their actions.\nThere's no excuse for U.S. companies to pollute anywhere in the world just because they're operating outside domestic borders.\nState and local legislators would do well to put forth their own legislation to upgrade wastewater treatment facilities so they can properly filter out pharmaceuticals (and dispose of them safely).\nSince there's no way to stop human elimination of pharmaceuticals (apart from slowly educating the masses to stop swallowing dangerous pharmaceuticals), municipalities need to do their part to prevent these dangerous toxins from getting into water supplies in the first place.\nAnd it's not just pharmaceuticals, either.\nChemical byproducts and waste from many different industries are polluting our environment at unprecedented rates. Mercury (from dental fillings), fluoride (dripped into the public water supply on purpose, if you can believe that!), and all sorts of other chemicals and heavy metals are showing up in food, water and the global environment.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Ryan Musgrave is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Rollins College. As a graduate of Mary Washington College (Honors) and Purdue University (M.A., Ph.D.), she has served at Rollins as Honors Degree Program Director, Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, and Director of the Women's Studies Program.\nFor over 15 years, she has taught domestic and international immersion courses, graduate courses in the Liberal Studies M.A. program, and interdisciplinary courses the Holt Evening Program. She has earned numerous grants (National Humanities Center, National Endowment for the Humanities, Associated Colleges of the South, Florida Humanities Council) for interdisciplinary work on sociopolitical philosophy, philosophy of education, normative and applied ethics, and aesthetics. Her expertise\/publications on American pragmatists John Dewey and Jane Addams centers on the evolution of 'American pragmatic liberal education'\u2014 an experimental, innovative approach marked by critical questioning, diversity of viewpoints, integration of STEM and Humanities, and hands-on learning. Her recent work charts how crucial this model ( and American higher education generally) are to the functioning of participatory democracies, both in the U.S. and other geopolitical contexts.\nShe is currently at work on 2 sabbatical projects: the first examines this education-for-democratic-participation model in the U.S. 20th century context of Black Mountain College, and charts the evolution of American democracy and educational methods from then into our present-day 21st century context (with our related, but different, pressing sociopolitical and ethical needs). Her second current sabbatical project examines international uptake, importing, and adjusting of this liberal educational model, specifically as it has been utilized and adjusted for sociopolitical aims in countries as diverse as Japan, Morocco, and Africa.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"This is an educational institution running in the line of Gurukula system coupled with the modern facilities. Inmates of the Ashrama get the opportunity of receiving man-making education under the loving care of monastic members.Boys passing with a good marks in Madhyamik (10th standard) or in Higher Secondary (10 +2) and seeking admission in various schools and colleges around the vicinity of Kolkata are eligible for admission here. The eligibility criterion for getting admissionis generally displayed in our Notice Board after the result being published.We don't run any schools or colleges of our own. Students take their admissions in the institutions suggested by us.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Nissan Leaf EV drivers already know that they might never have to buy gasoline again. However, regular maintenance for electric vehicles continues to be mandatory because systems and parts can wear out over time. When you need routine maintenance or repair services, the question is: who will you trust? Given the complexity and high-technology needs of your Nissan Leaf EV, the only realistic solution is to have your premier electric vehicle maintained and repaired at a service center with expert professionals that know your vehicle inside and out. Average mechanics do not have the experience nor the training with electric vehicles that you will find with the certified technicians at Downey Nissan of Los Angeles.\nWe only recommend using certified Nissan service and genuine Nissan parts. That means your Nissan LEAF EV's service is handled best by a certified technician with electric vehicle service training. Only genuine Nissan certified technicians, parts, and accessories are good enough for your Nissan LEAF EV. Genuine Nissan parts and service are the only way to guarantee a good fit and the results that you expect.\nDowney Nissan of Los Angeles is a Nissan LEAF EV certified dealer with a comprehensive service center ready to take care of all your maintenance and repair needs. We are committed to providing our Nissan LEAF EV drivers with convenient service at affordable pricing for all maintenance services and repairs. When you are ready to schedule service, call the Downey Nissan of Los Angeles service center to have one of our Nissan certified technicians provide all of your Nissan LEAF EV's maintenance and repair needs.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"That was a great big lie.I played the game many hours(4th in World Pc stats) but now i don't even have the game on my computer.Hope i was wrong about Eidos and that the next games that will be released will be treated with more care not abandond like Project Snowblind.\nThe Online Dosnt work ! It says the same games the whole day !","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"It was a stressful time for me in the last few months. Besides the regular freelance work, I and my WordPress team are trying to build a new business at http:\/\/ (From Idea To WordPress) and http:\/\/ (theme dedicated for \"listsings\" website like accommodations, tours, companies, rentals, \u2026). And there're a lot of work ahead.\nBut working with WordPress is always a great inspiration to me. There are moments to discover small things which are really interesting if you are passionate about it. Like the post title, I'll share 2 such things that I just discovered in the last few days (there are a lot more before, unfortunately I didn't note).\nAssume you have a WordPress blog (like Deluxe Blog Tips). To find some content in the blog, you usually have to go the the blog homepage and type the keyword into search box. This takes times because you have to access your blog first. If you're using Google Chrome (it's my favorite browser because it has very easy to use Dev Tools), it can help you reduce redundant time by not accessing your blog and instead search right in the address bar.\nGoogle Chrome auto transforms what we type into a search command and dispplay \"Search\". To continue search, just enter keyword, for example admin, the browser auto redirects to the correct search page on the blog https:\/\/\/?s=admin.\nThe good thing is Google Chrome doesn't use its custom search functionality, like when we search a keyword in a website with command keyword. Here Google Chrome uses the blog search (e.g. WordPress search), the results are much more precise and reliable.\nWe know that to access the admin area of a blog in MultiSite, we have to go to the address http:\/\/\/BLOG-SLUG\/wp-admin. To access the admin area of main blog in MultiSite, we have to go to http:\/\/\/wp-admin.\nWhat will happen if we enter wrong BLOG-SLUG? Can we still access or will WordPress show us an error?\nLogically, we think WordPress should show us an error like \"Nonexistent blog\". But actually not! There are no errors at all. WordPress still allows us to access that address and you know what, that's the admin are of main blog!\nThis is maybe a bug of WordPress. And if you meet this situation, I advice you to stay away, don't do any action like edit posts, adjust settings, install plugins, \u2026 Who knows what happens after that!\nI noticed this bug when one client accidentally sent me a link with wrong blog slug. At first, I thought that was a bug in my theme or plugin, but when tried with other MultiSite it happened the same. My luck!\nFinally, hope you have great moments with WordPress and don't economy your words to share them with everyone!\nGreat Article! This too had happened to me; a \"Non Existent Blog\".. But to my luck got away with it, now I know why it showed that. Thanks for the tips, learned a lot by reading this.\nI tried the code above the post, and found it useful. It helped me a lot. Thanks for your post.\nThis things is new for me . Thanx for sharing dude.\nNice article! . Thanks for the information. I would use it in chrome.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Jim Kelly is a former quarterback, successful entrepreneur and cancer survivor who played his entire NFL career for the Buffalo Bills. Kelly was the third quarterback taken in the 1983 NFL Draft which featured six quarterbacks taken in the first round where John Elway was first pick. Kelly led one of the great NFL scoring juggernauts in the Buffalo Bills employing the K-Gun offense (also known as the red gun offense. He also led the Bills to four consecutive Super Bowls from 1991 to 1994, although he was not able to secure a win. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2002 in his first year of eligibility. On June 3, 2013, Kelly announced that he has been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, a form of cancer, in his upper jaw.\nPFP Sports & Celebrity Talent Agency is a top booking agent for motivational sports speakers and celebrities. If you would like to book NFL stars like Jim Kelly for a speaking engagement, personal appearance or special event, you can request Jim Kelly agent and speaker information from PFP Sports & Celebrity Talent or call 800.966.1380.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"The \u201318 Bundesliga was the 55th season of the Bundesliga, Germany's premier football competition. It began on 18 August and concluded on 12 May The fixtures were announced on 29 June Bayern Munich were the defending champions and won their 27th Bundesliga title on 7 April. The \u201317 Bundesliga was the 54th season of the Bundesliga, Germany's premier football competition. It began on 26 August and ended on 20 May Bayern Munich were the defending champions. FC Bayern Munich. FC Bayern Munich. FC Bayern Munich. FC Bayern Munich. FC Bayern Munich. Retrieved 22 January The bottom two teams are automatically relegated, and the third-to-last team will enter a playoff against a team from the lower division to determine if it is relegated. German women's football champions. Meanwhile, goals that are scored in regular situations are adjusted upward to balance out the total number of goals across a league. Bayern Nord Nordost S\u00fcdwest West. Men Summer Winter \u2014 Retrieved 30 April It began on 18 August and concluded on 12 May Beitrags-Navigation 1 2 N\u00e4chste. SSG Bergisch Gladbach 9 times champions. A new trophy, the Meisterschalewas commissioned after the war but was not ready for the first post-war champions in From onwards, the lotto zentrale berlin of those competitions were also qualified for the German championship finals, which had been expanded to sixteen clubs. Archived from the original on 20 August List of East German football champions. The Bundesliga grand hotel casino broadcast on TV in over countries. Seasons run from August to May. The first post-war champions lovescout24 profil l\u00f6schen 1. The earliest attempt at organizing some form of national championship came in when city champions Viktoria 89 Berlin invited FC Hanau 93 olympia riesenslalom damen play a challenge match. There is no playoff, with the club having the best record at the end of the season claiming the German championship. From through bundesliga winners an East German football jagd app kostenlos was declared, until the eastern competition was reintegrated into the German national competition under the DFB.\nRetrieved 4 November Retrieved 4 January Archived from the original on 16 July Retrieved 17 July Retrieved 8 September Retrieved 12 May Retrieved 20 July Retrieved 30 May Retrieved 8 March Retrieved 14 July This system allows for the recognition of both German and East German titles , although only German titles are listed in the table below.\nThe replay ended 1\u20141 when the referee called off the game while in extra time due to Nuremberg having just seven players remaining in the game. Hamburg was awarded the championship but later declined.\nF Vienna was part of Germany when Rapid Wien won the championship in The Story of German Football. Retrieved 14 August Archived from the original on 27 February Retrieved 10 January Vom Kronprinzen bis zur Bundesliga.\nWerder Bremen , Bayern Munich 87, 1. North-Rhine Westphalia follows with 25 championships. The state is home to the third and fourth most successful clubs, Borussia Dortmund and Schalke In most cases the regional associations of the DFB align with state borders in Germany.\nSuspended \u2014 World War I. No champions title declined per DFB.\nRetrieved 17 September Bayern Munich's Robert Lewandowski was the league's top scorer for the third time, a record for a foreign player. Retrieved 13 November The top four teams at the end of the regular season make the NWSL playoffs. DFB Rules for classification: FC K\u00f6ln and Hamburger SV were relegated at the end of the season, with the latter therefore losing their status as the only ever-presents in Bundesliga history. Champion also won DFB-Pokal. Retrieved 6 May Champions league gewinner 2019 21 May Sofort\u00fcberweisung datenschutz 6 March F95 WLF Adjusted goals 0. Dortmund remained unbeaten for 12 games between December and 31 March, when they lost 0\u20146 away to Bayern. Summer Winter \u2014 After every match, our model calculates three additional metrics for each team.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Creates a progress window, with given number of steps and identifier.\nThe window contains a progress bar that increments each time WM_ProgressWindowReport is called.\nThe caption of the window. This appears above the progress bar and cannot be changed after the window is created.\nThe status message of the progress window. This appears below the window and can be changed after the window is created.\nThe number of times WM_ProgressWindowReport has to be called to make the progress bar be completely full.\nThe identifier that will be used to reference the progress window on update and close calls.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"People believe in organizations or people for different reasons. What makes you attracted to an organization is how they behave in business and serve the community. When you discover an organization with core values that match your own, you want to support it in some way to help them be the best they can be.\nBeing born and raised in Milwaukee, WI comes with many opinions to support community organizations. I strive to choose to see the good in the community that is a part of me. One thing I remember as a child is how fun it was to get new school supplies. I enjoy supporting Milwaukee's youth at the end of the summer and beginning of fall to make sure they are set-up for success. Disaster to Determination is a community resource center geared toward assisting individuals to be self-sufficient, independent, and maintain a positive outlook on life.\nTheir August 3rd school supply giveaway was one of their latest initiatives! Disaster to Determination and many other local non-profits do a great job of collecting donated school supplies and backpacks to help our kids be prepared and successful in school. When our kids have the right tools and support, it is amazing what they can accomplish to help their families, community, and themselves.\nIs there a local non-profit organization that you support and is under the radar? As a small business, we would love to recommend foundations from those in our community who can benefit from Premier sharing their story. To make this happen, we need your submissions!\nThere are great non-profit organizations out there that may need an extra boost in spreading the word to gain local support or reach more people to help. Complete the form below with your local non-profit's information. We will review it to make sure it fits our Core Values then share it on our website, social media, and monthly e-newsletter to hopefully help that cause grow and create an online database.\nWould you like to have Premier highlight a cause that is important to you or your organization?\nDoes the Non-Profit Have a Facebook page? If yes, list here.\nDoes the Non-Profit Have a Twitter page? If yes, list here.\nThis entry was posted in Nonprofit and tagged cause, core values, nonprofit, submit your cause, support nonprofit. Bookmark the permalink.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Amy I just have one question, in the past 3 years were there lies and acting or u really loved me and liked me? I know I'll never get an answer and I'll never go and ask her, cuz she'll hurt me again.. u just so pretty in your PAIN..\nI found my way out and I'll never need u again.. but I MISS U Amy, I miss u to DEATH..\nBut I tell myself I'm not missing u, I hope you are missing me and realizing how much I was good with u and how much u hurt me!!\nPeople have been stopping by Sam's blog to give him some advice, a lot of it worth reading. As violence decreases in Iraq, Iraqi bloggers will be able to return to those issues that all of us, men and women, have to deal with as we go about our lives, no matter where we live.\nToday, our president Jalal Talabani sent a letter to Qatar's Emir, Sheik Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, in which he expresses his appreciation to the efforts he made to solve the crisis in Lebanon and invites him to visit Iraq.\nI hope that Sheik Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani would accept Talabani's invitation to visit Iraq but with a magic key to get our country back on the track.\nDo you think that Iraq's magic key is no long with the Iraqis?\nOne of the most moving blog entries that I have read in the last few months comes from an Iraqi psychiatrist and blogger named Sami. He posts his thoughts regularly over at Skies. In \"Sumerian Friendship,\" Sami writes about his relationship with one of the janitors at the hospital where he works. You will notice right away the unusual candor with which Sami writes. It's a beautiful story.\nYesterday, in \"A day in an Iraqi psychiatrist life (part one),\" Sami wrote about something that happened to him back in 2006. A woman comes to the hospital suffering from having seen too much violence in Diyala. Sami tries to reassure her that she's safe in the hospital. But read what happens.\nToday Sandybelle writes about a recent visit to a neighbor's house in Mosul. In the living room were a few Iraqi men and women discussing politics and Iraq.\nThey were five men, from different sects and religions ( different men gathered in Mosul), and the all kept praising the government and the last operation whose name was changed to Um Alrabeeayn ( mother of two springs), the all were happy for our continous victory against the terrorism, the all realize that there is no way to live happily without unity. The all realize that Iraqis should be united by Belonging to the same land, no matter if there were differences among tongues and religions and sects, we are all Iraqis. And together we can be strong.\nOver at the NYTimes' Baghdad Bureau, Damien Cave, a reporter now working in Miami, reflects on living in the US after a year and a half of reporting from Iraq.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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When a space occupying lesion (something that doesnt belong in a space, i. splinter, bullet or tumor), in the form of a herniated disc (by definition always from trauma) goes beyond the borders of the discvertebrate into the spinal canal, it can touch andor push the spinal cord. Updated 31012012 Thanks to MrJentis for some more ideas. Before you go ripping it open remember that you can reuse the whole computer and \u2026 A A Peppermill Rooms.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"When Korean coach Hong Myung-bo went to Netherlands to visit Park Ji-sung in March, he wasn't there to scout potential latter stage opposition but to persuade the PSV Eindhoven man to return from international retirement. \"This young team needs a veteran,\" said Hong. Park's knackered knees knocked that idea on the head but it was clear that Korea missed the experience and leadership of such a star. Japan also didn't have players who could take charge on the pitch and help the team react to changing situations.\nAlberto Zaccheroni had perfect preparation in the almost four years he was in charge of Japan yet the Italian didn't perform on the biggest of stages. Japan played passively against Ivory Coast and attacked predictably against Greece. Criticised for introducing the ageing Yasuhito Endo early against the Africans, sticking with the mistake-prone Yasuyuki Konno in defence and presiding over some meek and mild performances, Zaccheroni's tenure \u2014 which contained some real achievements \u2014 ended in ignominy. Korean boss Hong does not have such experience but failed to deal with his team's generous defence and did not please the media and many fans by sticking with goalshy striker Park Chu-young. Carlos Queiroz had a much better tournament but perhaps will regret not being a little more aggressive in the final must-win game with Bosnia.\nKeisuke Honda, Shinji Kagawa, Park Chu-young, Shinji Okazaki and Lee Chung-yong are some of the bigger name players that just did not perform. Some can perhaps cite club concerns as the cause for their woes, but not all. Honda at least started well with a fine goal against Ivory Coast but Kagawa didn't even manage that. Many in Korea were against the idea of Park playing for his country when he never played for his club and turns out they were right. When the best players are not at their best, then any team will have problems.\nThere's been plenty written about how an overwhelming desire to win helps to make a small nation like Uruguay a major football country. Parts of Asia could learn a thing or two about being ruthless and indomitable. Some teams and players will do anything to achieve victory. That can lead to unsavoury incidents that leave a bad taste in the mouth but for the likes of Japan and South Korea, it could be something to think about. Playing your own game is all well and good but sometimes, you just have to focus on getting the win, being a little more streetwise and nasty, if need be.\nSometimes it makes a difference. Iran should have had a penalty in the game against Argentina. That could have ended Asia's winless streak in the most dramatic way imaginable. There was more than a hint of offside about Russia's equaliser against South Korea and things could have been very different if the Taeguk Warriors had an early three points under their belt. A little luck and the collective continental pot would not be looking quite so empty.\nAsia started developing many decades after Europe and has made great strides. However, Korea were poor during qualification but qualified anyway. In a stronger confederation, the Taeguk Warriors would have had to shape up or ship out. Japan strolled through, barely breaking sweat and both failed. A stronger confederation helps everyone. When the only competitive games played against non-Asian opposition comes once every four years, it is imperative that the rest of the time the standard is high enough to ensure that Asian teams go to the World Cup as battle-hardened as possible.\nThere have been some fine goalkeepers to come out of Asia over the years but this summer, some let their moments in the global shop window slip through their fingers. Iran's Alireza Haghighi was the only number one who left Brazil with his standing enhanced after arriving in the country as Team Melli's third-choice. The same can't be said of the other three. Australia's Mat Ryan has a growing reputation but could have done better especially against Netherlands. Japan's Eiji Kawashima was inconsistent and was at fault for Ivory Coast's second. Jung Sung-ryeong of South Korea didn't impress against Russia and Algeria.\nIt is the age-old question. Do the continent's clubs pack their squads with foreign strikers because there are not enough local alternatives or are there not enough local alternatives because all the teams are packed with foreign strikers? Whatever the reason, the lack of goalscorers in the continent has been an issue for some time and it was an issue at the World Cup. None of Yuya Osako, Yoichiro Kakitani, Park Chu-young or Kim Shin-wook scored. Tim Cahill, a man who has spent his club career as a midfielder, was the best striker that the AFC had in Brazil.\nCertainly the case with Australia. The Socceroos could have tried to pick a tougher group but would have struggled. Despite the fact that the men in Green and Gold won many admirers with the way they went toe-to-toe with Chile and Netherlands, the team ended up with nothing \u2014 at least in terms of any points \u2014 to show for it. Perhaps Australia would have progressed through an easier group, although there is no guarantee they would have played in the same fashion. Whatever, it was always going to be tough to pick up points and when you only have four representatives, then one being placed in such a tough draw is a big deal. Korea and Japan's groups were perhaps tougher than many, including the teams themselves, thought.\nIran have the passion and the talent and if things had gone a little differently, could have defeated Argentina and perhaps gone to the second round. It is hard to say how much better Team Melli would be if the situation at home with the interference from the Iranian Football Federation and the government were not so constant and politics was a little more separate. But it is safe to say that they would be better. With ample friendlies, funds and support, it would all be a little easier for Iran to compete more consistently.\nPrevious story Best projector for home under 10000 Rs.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"THE OVAL VILLAGE IS SPRINGING TO LIFE.\nThe Oval Village is in the heart of Richmond, an international city that's nothing short of world class. In a tranquil, riverfront location, The Oval Village is a highly desirable destination that connects all of Richmond. It's moments from No. 3 Road, easily accessible from other major routes, and close to the Canada Line, giving people numerous, convenient options for getting to this central location.\nFor international visitors, the Vancouver International Airport is only a 25-minute ride on the Canada Line. Whether visitors come from an airport runway, or just a few blocks away, the Oval Village is within easy reach.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Abstract: This article evaluates the potential benefits of real-time traffic information for trucks delivering freight to destinations when an incident occurs en-route. The evaluation was carried out with a microscopic traffic simulation model in a network that consisted of a 26.5 km expressway and its parallel arterials. The diversion behaviors of trucks under the influence of the following sources of real-time traffic information were simulated: (1) variable message signs (VMS); (2) VMS and travel time displays (TTD); and (3) dynamic route guidance systems (DRGS). Other drivers also received and responded to limited real-time traffic information provided by VMS and TTD. A factorial experiment was designed to investigate the effect of five factors, which were the level of traffic information available to truck drivers, network traffic demand, incident locations, incident severity, and percentage of background traffic familiar with the network. It was found that, when an incident occurred during the period of high traffic demand, truck drivers benefited most from the real-time traffic information provided by DRGS, followed by the combination of VMS and TTD, and then only by the VMS with average travel time savings of 12%, 7%, and 5%, respectively, compared to average incident-free travel time. When an incident occurs during low and moderate levels of traffic demand, providing real-time traffic information helped to reduce average truck travel time, hut the average travel time was higher than that of incident-free situations. Results of analysis of variance also indicated that the five factors contributed significantly in affecting the average truck travel time. There were significant interactions between any two of the five factors with the exception of the level of traffic information and incident severity.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Brahmin craftes a relaxed and spacious tote in lightly-coated natural leather for a luxuriously supple hand feel and chic look. The lined interior offers generous organization for daily essentials and secures with a satisfying magnetic clasp.\nSophisticated croc-embossed leather covers a casual-cool silhouette on the must-see Brahmin Brayden Satchel.\nGleaming side clips create a compact or expanded silhouette on a texture-rich Brahmin satchel appointed with exquisite organization and a bonus crossbody strap.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"If I had to use one word to describe the overall sound of Gilmour's lead playing it would be \"epic\". He has played many great and original solos over the years, but in my opinion \"epic\" is what come to mind for most people. In this lesson I'll break down a solo in his style that incorporates many of the elements that make his soloing \"epic\".","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Conditioning your mind daily is not only an important part of training your brain, it's an important part of being happier and more productive in playing golf. The mental skills that help your golf game are also valuable human skills that will help you in all areas of your life. Daily exercises can improve your habits and can get closer to perfecting your game each day.\nIt's important to think of your goals daily to have a strong visual image in achieving a success in your game. You can start your day by reminding yourself of your long term goals. Visualize them as clearly as possible. Visualization is a great way to increase your belief in achieving your goals, by making them more real in your mind. By achieving them, you'll feel great with the accomplishment and fulfilment and you can build the confidence you need to achieve your bigger goals.\nYou need to be confident and have a great attitude in playing golf or any other game. Make everyday a great day. Just by doing it to yourself can immediately make you feel better, and you help bring a better day towards you. Confidence and great attitude can help shape your performances more than anything else. The best players might not always perform their best, but their confidence is always there. You need to be optimistic about the possibilities \u2013 the best players in the world always expect good things to happen to them.\nStart your day by thinking about what you're grateful for. Being grateful is a mindset shift. Many of us dwell on past mistakes and what we don't have. In reality, worse things can happen, so remind yourself of the things in your life that you are fortunate to have. You're going to feel more better.\nThink of past memories that made you happy. Have a stockpile of your most cherished memories, especially those moments where you have achieved something great. These memories need not be golf related \u2013 they're simple memories that are going to trigger positive emotions.\nFocus on the positive side. Make it a habit to review your day of the positive things that happened, you'll begin to train your brain to see the positives without reminding yourself to do so. Review your game and focus on the things you did well, highlight the successes and write down. Be objective of the things that you could have done better and set a new goal on improving them.\nYou need to eat the right food. There's plenty of advice on eating the right food which shows what you put in your body affects your mood, mental, physical stamina, and focus. Use nutritional products that are great for golf. You need to exercise also regularly. Exercise is one of the most powerful mood boosters. All kinds of exercise will help you feel better.\nSo, if you want to become happy and productive in playing golf, learn the above training tips for your brain so you can achieve a better game.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Our much-loved 100 Reasons to Panic\u00ae series has struck a chord with its candid yet comforting take on modern anxiety. With this journal spin-off, you can now embrace\u2014and exorcise\u2014your apprehension every day. Because if you're freaking out, you should get it out.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"\"Our new brand campaign is a very public and bold return to our roots - a social pact with our customers, both current and future, as well as our employees and shareholders alike. In a sometimes chaotic world driven by mass production and anonymity, we believe that people want to be seen for their everyday personal pursuits to better life for themselves and their families. But as with anything in life, two pairs of hands are always better than one,\" says Llewellyn Allen, Divisional Chief Marketing Officer for Metropolitan.\n\"Metropolitan is a brand that has been about the power of the collective for years \u2013 this is expressed through the pay off line 'Together we can'. Our new campaign is inspired by insights regarding how individuals and families have their unique needs; no two families are the same even within similar cultures. As a brand we believe that when clients communicate what matters to them, our ability to offer solutions that enhance their lives is strengthened,\" adds Allen.\nMore than just a marketing campaign, Metropolitan actualises its promise with personalised solutions that take care of clients from birth to death \u2013 from providing their children with a quality education and being able to have financial security if they become disabled, to having enough money to live on when they retire and being able to have their final farewell the way they want. \"All of the things that matter to our clients,\" says Allen.\n\"With a return to who we are as a business combined with the promise we make to all the lives we touch, we simply had to take a deep breath and confidently say to all of South Africa: What matters to you, really matters to us because Together We Can!\" concludes Allen.\nTo view the campaign's television commercial, go to https:\/\/\/7eZQpru-oQ8 or for more information, visit","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"All Belcaro homes currently listed for sale in Denver as of 04\/21\/2019 are shown below. You can change the search criteria at any time by pressing the 'Change Search' button below.\n\"2018 Award Winning Dwell Development & Godden Sudik Architects, joined forces for this contemporary Belcaro custom home. Located on a 10,660 lot in heart of classic Stokes\/Belcaro neighborhood. Outdoor living thru a 12ft. Nano door that opens to a perfectly configured space w\/gas fireplace. Be WOWED when you enter..22ft. ceilings on main floor w\/stunning floating-thickened tread contemporary staircase. Chef s Kitchen w\/high-end Thermador app, Calcutta Gold Quartz counters & custom cabs. Main f\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"This year the spectacular wheelchair basketball world championship took place in the Wilhelmsburger Inselpark Arena in Hamburg. In 96 enthralling games of the 16 men's and 12 women's teams, the Netherlands (women) and Great Britain (men) could celebrate themselves as world champions in the end. The sporting highlight from the German point of view was the success of the women's team, which won the bronze medal in a thrilling little final!\nNot only the paralympic excellence of the athletes gave the spectators sufficient reason to celebrate: The successful event made a great contribution to the promotion of the acceptance of disabled sports and offered with the successful barrier-free implementation, as well as numerous inclusive program items off the court, an unforgettable experience for all parties.\nDuring the entire implementation, the 2018 wheelchair basketball gGmbH could rely on numerous volunteers and sponsors, who contributed to the great success of the event.\nWhat was needed was a system that made flexible and fast on-site issue of accreditation cards possible. In the area of \u200b\u200badmission control and ID card issuing, it was necessary to avoid long queues. At the same time, the printing system should be as intuitive as possible, as the issue of access cards should be carried out by volunteers without the possibility of pre-technical technical training. In order to allow the security officer at the entry points an easy visual verification, the visibility of the accreditation accreditation should be created in a clearly visible XL format. In addition, corresponding ID card accessories in the form of lanyards were required in order to be able to wear the IDs directly and comfortably on the body.\nIn the search for a suitable accreditation partner, the 2018 Wheelchair Basket Basketball gGmbH relied on the knowledge of a colleague who already had experience with accreditation systems at various sporting events. The fact that YouCard already presented itself as a solution provider for accreditations in the framework of the Paralympics in Rio and was a long time ticketing partner of the wheelchair basketball club RSV Lahn Dill, the decision was quickly found.\nAs a RSV partner, YouCard was particularly keen to sponsor the Wheelchair Basketball World Cup in their own country and thus contribute to a professional course of the event.\n\"We were very pleased that YouCard wanted to accompany the Wheelchair Basketball Championships 2018 as the biggest disablility-sports event.\nFor on-site personalization, it was decided to use 3 SCC-4000D large format card printers manufactured by SwiftColor. The accreditation printer impresses with incomparable printing speed in special badge format \u2013 so it was possible to respond quickly and flexibly to the need for ID cards. The inkjet technology of the printers provided high quality personalization results thanks to 1200 dpi print resolution. The CardPresso XXL with the possibility of database connection to an Access table was used as the card design software.\nThe basis for a smooth process of accreditation during the event was provided by targeted preparatory work. Fundamental was the creation of a structured Access table, which contained the personalization data of volunteers, press, players and other officials. YouCard sent all components of the printing system, such as card printers and consumables, to Hamburg prior to the event. Thus, about half of the accreditation cards could be personalized and completed stress-free. This saved valuable resources and contributed significantly to the quick issue of the badges. The access cards were personalized and issued by volunteers of the 2018 wheelchair basketball gGmbH. Here 4 people in 2 shifts were daily in use.\nThe accreditation phase ran to the full satisfaction of the 2018 World Cup wheelchair basketball gGmbH. The goal of achieving short waiting times at the dispensaries was achieved. The system was easy to handle and could be easily operated by the multitude of volunteers. Minor issues that occurred could be resolved directly by a YouCard technician who was on site throughout the World Cup. This included, for example, a cleaning of the card feeder. The all-round care, before and during the event, met with total satisfaction. During the preproduction YouCard accompanied the responsible persons by telephone and TeamViewer and supported the volunteers with all questions about the printer setup as well as the subsequent printing of the ID cards.\nYouCard proudly looks back on the sponsorship of the wheelchair basketball World Cup. The project was characterized by a pleasant, uncomplicated and professional cooperation and communication with the WM 2018 gGmbH.\nwe always felt well advised and cared for.\nThe accreditation solution, the manpower and know-how provided by YouCard were very well received by those responsible for the Wheelchair Basketball World Cup 2018 gGmbH.\nProduct, service and support met with general satisfaction.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"This chapter starts with a discussion of route redistribution between different routing protocols. Methods of controlling the routing information sent between these routing protocols include using distribute lists, using route maps, and changing the administrative distance; each of these methods are described. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and how to enable DHCP server functionality on a Cisco IOS device.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Nine years after that first Tampa sitdown with George Steinbrenner, a chat that almost derailed his signing with the Mets, Carlos Beltran got his pinstripe jersey Friday in the Bronx. But as happy as he was to fulfill a lifelong dream of joining the Yankees, Beltran also bared some lingering animosity for the other team in town, a vitriol that should make this year's Subway Series even more compelling.\nNine years after that first Tampa sitdown with George Steinbrenner, a chat that almost derailed his signing with the Mets, Carlos Beltran got his pinstripe jersey Friday in the Bronx. But as happy as he was to fulfill a lifelong dream of joining the Yankees, Beltran also bared some lingering animosity for the other team in town, a vitriol that should make this year\ufffds Subway Series even more compelling.\nAnd it has nothing to do with taking that third strike from Adam Wainwright.\n\ufffdThe organization tried to put me as a player that was a bad apple,\ufffd Beltran said. \ufffdThat I was this, I was that. I can deal with 0-for-4s, three strikeouts and talking to you guys. I can deal with that.\nBeltran was a perennial MVP candidate for the Mets until being slowed by nagging knee injuries toward the end of his stay in Flushing. But the frustration over his physical condition was exacerbated by what he believed were attacks by the team\ufffds ownership.\nSome were out in the open, such as Fred Wilpon\ufffds 2011 comments to The New Yorker, where he suggested the Mets goofed by signing Beltran to that seven-year, $119-million contract based on his dominant 2004 playoff series with the Astros. \ufffdHe\ufffds 65 to 70 percent of what he was,\ufffd Wilpon said at the time to the magazine. The principal owner also mimicked Beltran on the Wainwright pitch.\n\ufffdI wasn\ufffdt the only one in that statement,\ufffd Beltran said Friday of the magazine article.\nMore behind the scenes was Beltran being singled out \ufffd along with Oliver Perez and Luis Castillo \ufffd for missing a Mets trip to Walter Reed Hospital in D.C. during a series with the Nationals. Beltran later explained that he had a conference call for his baseball academy, but the ugly episode created bitter feelings that have yet to completely evaporate. He also clashed with Mets management over his decision to have knee surgery during the 2010 offseason.\nWhen asked if this return to New York represented a \ufffdsecond chance\ufffd after that sour experience with the Mets, he acted surprised by the question.\nBeltran, who turns 37 in April, was a Plan B signing for the Yankees, who moved quickly on a three-year, $45-million deal in the hours after Robinson Cano agreed to a 10-year, $240-million deal with the Mariners on Dec. 6. Even then, Yahoo! Sports reported that Beltran got that offer only after Shin-Soo Choo had turned down a seven-year, $140-million package from the Yankees that same day.\nTo Beltran, only the end result matters, which is why he believes the Mets\ufffd failures as a team overshadowed what he did on the field there. Beltran finished with an .869 OPS during those seven years with the Mets, averaging 21 homers and 80 RBIs. In 2006, he slugged 41 home runs with 116 RBIs to place fourth in MVP voting.\nAs for the \ufffd06 NLCS exit, Beltran knows he\ufffdll never be forgiven for that Wainwright curveball.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Every first Thursday evening of the month from 18h to 21h.\nDuring MoMu Late you can also visit the \"caroline&mauriceverbaetcollection\"\nEnd your evening with a dinner at restaurant Tapta. Book the MoMu menu.\nThe first part of the exhibition is on the ground floor. It is possible to take the lift to the eight floor to enjoy the panoramic view.\nThe second part of the exhibition is presented in the monumental staircase of the Maurice Verbaet Center in which visitors descend to view the installations. This part is not accessible for people using a wheelchair.\nIn \"Soft?\", MoMu will present work by this first generation for the first time in dialogue with contemporary artists such as Kati Heck, Nel Aerts, Anton Cotteleer, Sven 't Jolle, Klaas Rommelaere, Christoph Hefti, St\u00e9phanie Baechler, Ermias Kifleyesus, Gommaar Gilliams, Wiesi Will and Kirstin Arndt.\nIn October 2018, PLUS-ONE Gallery, Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, ABC Klubhuis and DMW Art Space will also join \"Soft?\", and five unexpected installations in window displays by young artists enter into dialogue with passers-by in the Lange Leemstraat.\nThere is a also a guided tour available for secondary school pupils and students in higher education.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"This easy to make potato salad recipe incorporates the flavors of deviled eggs to make it a must make recipe for your next BBQ or picnic.\nWith all of the grilling going on around here I have spent minimal time in my kitchen.\nI think the only time I have had my oven on in the last month was to make my Summer Berry Galette. But no man (or woman) can not live on meat alone. no matter what Kevin says.\nSo currently my main purpose in life seems to be coming up with some tasty side dishes that will go with anything that comes off the grill or out of the smoker.\nOur latest favorite was Lemony Broccoli Slaw. It tastes like summer in a bowl! I should have made a double batch because it went fast.\nBut the other day my son called and put in a request for my potato salad.\nHe loves my original potato salad.\nDon't get me wrong, he has enjoyed my Red Skin Potato Salad, Deviled Potato Salad, and Ultimate Potato Salad, but his all-time favorite is my regular old potato salad. I make it like my Mom did, and I guess he feels that if it ain't broke don't fix it!\nWelllll, asking me not to tweak a recipe is pretty much like asking me not to breath. I just can't help it.\nHowever, I did reign myself in on this day. My main goal was to \"clean it up\". I always put hard boiled eggs in my potato salad. But you know, if you do the same, that the yolks and the whites always end up separated.\nI use pretty much the same ingredients in my potato salad as in my deviled eggs.\nI hate it when the eggs fall apart (I have no idea why I am just weird like that).\nSooooo, why not fix that issue by combining the egg yolks with the sauce, Ala deviled eggs, and thus alleviating the irritation, with the bonus of making the sauce creamier and richer. Well, why the heck haven't I thought of this before now?\nI may be slow but I eventually get there.\nWhen my son came over for the BBQ I told him out of the gate that I changed up the recipe for his beloved potato salad, just a tad.\nI really hate that look!\nSo I nervously waited for him to give it a try.\nThe look on his face went from a doubting scowl to a huge smile.\n\"WOW Mom, that is really good\".\nAll I could think was \"DUH, how can you go wrong with deviled eggs and potato salad?\nOh, ye of little faith\".\nBut I just calmly smiled and said, \"I am so glad you like it\".\nHe has now informed me that this is his favorite potato salad.\nHhmmmm imagine that. Mom actually knew what she was doing.\nHow can you go wrong with all of the flavors of your favorite picnic food, deviled eggs, combined with potato salad? Think traditional potato salad, meets deviled eggs, and has a delicious baby!\nPlace eggs in a pot and cover with water. Bring the water to a boil. Cover the pot and remove from heat. Allow to stand for 15 minutes. Place boiled eggs in cold water. Once cool, peel the eggs and set aside.\nMeanwhile, place cubed potatoes in a pot and cover with water. Bring the water to a boil and boil until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain potatoes and spread out on a baking sheet to cool.\nCut the boiled eggs in half, remove yolks and rough chop the whites. Place yolks in a bowl, mash with a fork and mix with pickle relish, mustard, mayonnaise, salt, and pepper. Set aside.\nMix potatoes with egg whites, green onions, and celery. Add egg sauce. Top with sprinkled paprika.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Our work as a community foundation relies heavily on the work of our dedicated volunteer Board of Directors. We wish to welcome four new members to our Board this year. Each comes with valuable experience and expertise and a true passion for our community. We are honored to have them join us and thank them for their service and efforts to contribute to our work here at the foundation.\nClick here to see their bios and our full list of 2018-19 Board of Directors.\nWith each year that we welcome new board members, valued colleagues leave the Board (but not necessarily the Foundation). Our sincere thanks to outgoing members Melissa Seal, Jay Rayner and Rod White for their years of contributions.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"FOR AUTHORS: We've got the hottest author-sponsored giveaways in the land, and I'd love for you to join! Sign up, and join forces with other amazing authors to give readers great prizes, to promote your books, and to expand your rabid readership.\nDECEMBER 1 \u2013 DECEMBER 25: The \"25 Days of Box Sets\" Christmas Giveaway\u2026 our BIGGEST promo of the year, featuring up to 375 SFF\/H authors!!","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Tracument allows you to send chargeable documents and an invoice to any email address in the world. The documents are protected behind a paywall, meaning the recipient cannot access them until your invoice is paid. Tracument handles payment processing and will streamline your accounting. Simply upload the documents, send them, and forget them. Tracument handles the rest.\nTracument handles the payment processing on your behalf. All payments are collected, aggregated, and automatically deposited to your specified bank account with an easy-to-read statement for posting purposes. No more incorrect or duplicate cheques to deal with.\nTracument will send an email with a link to the documents to your recipient. The documents can only be downloaded once payment is processed, ensuring your prepayment. Once payment is complete, the recipient is given immediate access to the documents.\nSpecify your recipient (any email address), drag your documents (any file type) into our web-based program, and set out your invoice. Once you click send, Tracument will handle the rest of the transaction.\nThe instant you send documents, the action is added to your Activities page complete with all attached metadata. Imagine every outgoing document sent by your office organized automatically in one place, all searchable by various fields. See the status of all your invoices at-a-glance.\nTracument protects the security of your documents. Our servers are located in Canada, meaning your documents never leave this jurisdiction. We work to the high standards for security and privacy required by Canadian professionals, including doctors and lawyers.\nChart Transfers. Raw Data Reviews.\nYou might have a good reason to send documents to someone, but the invoice to someone else. Tracument makes it easy to split your recipient from the payer with our Third-party Payer feature. You can control this easily from the same invoice screen: simply include the name and email address of the person meant to pay your invoice. They will see the invoice, but will never gain access to the documents. Once they have paid the invoice, the recipient is notified automatically that documents are available without ever seeing an invoice.\nStart saving time and money by using Paywall to send your chargeable documents. Automatically track all provided documents and collect prepayment while keeping your patient's information secure. Drag and drop your documents into Tracument, select their destination and cost, and let us handle the rest.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"A couple of weekends ago I took my cat to the emergency animal center after she became extremely ill on a Sunday. History has shown that my entire family is wired to never take ill during banker's hours (M-F 9-5 with a narrow window on Sat.) and apparently, the cat is no different.\nThe late night technician examined my cat and asked whether or not I brushed the cat's teeth. Hello, animal doctor veterinarian lady?! We are talking about a cat here. Seriously, do I what? Brush her \u2026 teeth? I have a pretty strict policy about never cussing via paper, pen or printer but the expletive that fell out of my mouth was sandwiched between an, \"OH\" and a rather large \"NO\" that rattled the antibacterial dispenser near the door. Having spent the better part of the last decade battling to get my 13 year old autistic son to brush HIS teeth it never once occurred to me to add a small hairy cat to the fracas.\nAfter being told that kitty's tartar buildup may have contributed to her illness, I felt bad about never having brushed her teeth. But, only for a moment before I saw her gnash, thrash and slash as the vet poked around with a cotton swab to provide me with empirical evidence of said dental calculus. Even in her weakened condition, I could see that kitty would try to claw her way out of having those sharp teeth touched, much less brushed to hissy-fresh breath perfection.\nTwo and a half hours after we arrived, I was informed that Alice \"the cat\" Katz would be staying overnight so that they could administer fluids, antibiotics and run labs to determine what exactly was wrong with her. I was given strict instructions to pick her up the next morning before 7am, as the emergency center closed promptly at 7am and if I was late, kitty would then be forced to stay another night to the tune of luxury spa hotel prices. Picking her up on time wasn't going to be a problem, but what was is that no veterinarian's office in my entire valley (or the next two valleys surrounding us) opens before 8am, meaning I would have to entertain a cat with an intravenous fluid line in a small enclosed carrying case for an hour or so. This was second only to brushing her teeth on my top 10 list of things NOT to do with the cat.\nAs I left Alice for the evening, I noticed that her intravenous fluid line was wrapped in a bandaged clearly marked DO NOT BITE all over it. Clearly, if the vet thought she was smart enough to understand the importance of brushing her teeth, she must have thought she could read, too.\nFour days and fourteen hundred dollars later, Alice was released with stable laboratory results and an appetite, but no definitive results as to what was wrong with her. To add insult to time spent in a tiny steel prison cell (with the world's tiniest litter box, I might add) Alice came home with shaved front legs that made her look like she had custom Ugg boots made just for her and all the fur removed from her little kitty belly (so they could perform an expensive, inconclusive abdominal ultrasound). For a better picture of how wacky the poor darling looks, you should know she's a member of the Munchkin breed of cats, so those would be the short style of Uggs, not the tall.\nIn addition to the humiliating new look they provided Alice with, the vet also handed me a bottle of liquid antibiotic with the news that I would have to administer the frothy white concoction to the cat twice-a-day for thirty days. Not wanting to disappoint another animal doctor with my unwillingness to put anything in my cat's mouth, I asked if it was at least fish flavored or something. The doc looked down at me, chuckled and announced (as though it was the most normal thing) that it was actually bubblegum flavored. Oh, for the love of Pete's Dragon. 3 out of 4 dentists may have preferred a particular gum for their patients, but really \u2026 who was on the panel that decided that cat medicine should be bubblegum flavored?! Probably the same evil group that thinks they need their teeth brushed.\nApril can not come soon enough.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Recently my company stopped receiving email notification from fabric watch. This happened on all 6 of my 48000 directors at the same time. I am assuming that it was a change by the exchange guys to the SMTP server that I was using in the past, but I can't seem to figure out how fabric watch or the FOS determines the smtp server to send mail through. If I can figure out what it is trying to send through, and then how to change it, I think I can fix my problem. Anyone have any ideas? By the way, I am running 5.1.0d.\nHi chackosavil,For exact details, refer the Command Reference Manual.\nSavil,I think the problem is solved.\nI can login to the switch trough telnet and use the command \"dnsconfig\" to set the correct DNS and Domain.\nThe switch tries to get all the MX records from the DNS server for the zone that contains the domain and uses them to find an SMTP server.\nSMTP server functionality is included in the switch firmware and it sends mail directly with the domain name suffix appended.\nI tried asking our vendor (hp support) but they don't know how it works either. I think Brocade has made some undocumented assumption about how DNS is setup that our site isn't meeting (such as no DNS zone dump access restrictions or reverse address lookups are populated or that the switch domain name and email domain names are the same). If you really understand how switch mail actually works, please reply.\nHad the same issue, found a workaround.\nWhere whatever_host_fully_qualified_domain_name is the host that can be resolved and can send emails.\nThanks much for the information but can you explain how to access and modify the FOS file? I'm unaware of any FOS CLI comands to list, edit or replace FOS files and it is not included in the config file sent by a configUpload.\nIf you can not fto into toe box, you can ftp fom the box.\nThat worked. Thank you very much for the tip.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"We're back from our trip to La Roche En Ardennes, one of the most beautiful places in Belgium that I've been to thus far!\nWe've read a lot too, which is funny because Jeff doesn't really read for long periods of times. But he did this time!\nWe'll definitely have to do this again!\nIt was fun to be just the two of us without any internet or laptop!\nHow have y'all been this week?\nI'm longing to go on a camping trip. I enjoy being out doors!","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Christmas holidays: best seasonal break?\nWhen you're stuck in the nine to five your next holidays can't come quick enough. You'd think that for the majority of people the summer holidays would be the ones that count, but I think that Christmas holidays are actually the best. It's the only time of year that is totally about fun and family, and us Brits love a bit of festive good cheer. Which holidays do you look forward to the most?\nFamily holidays of any kind!\nWho made the best James Bond?\nWhat's the best way to get a PPI claim?\nIs the new Bentley SUV the best in the world?","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Sorting, search and filter would help a lot as well.\nI agree. It would be great if I could just leave most of my autoresponder rules loaded and check a box to enable or disable them a group of them at once, or switch between groups. It's possible right now to disable\/enable several rules at once by selecting them but it requires more cognitive processing to remember what's what. As a workaround I've resorted to using markers (ie fake rules) to make sections easier to identify rather than clear and then load (ie import) different groups. It's a little messy but it works.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Home Groups are smaller groups that meet twice a month for dinner, Bible Study, and prayer time in homes. This is a great opportunity to get to know people in the ministry and to really get into God's Word and discipleship!\nMeets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month.\nMeets 2nd and 4th Fridays each month.\nMeets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Westland Giftware Happy Birthday Dog in a box Bobble figurine From the Westland Giftware Happy Birthday collection. Westland Giftware Happy Birthday Dog in a box Bobble figurine. Says Happy Birthday Ears to You. Measures 4 Inches Tall.\nTreasured Home 14\" Serving Bowl by Deb Hrabik Warm tones and contemporary design are the perfect accent to the modern home. Goes well with other\u00a0Fresh folk art designs by Deb Hrabik in shades of chocolate, tangerine and sage make a stunning statement in any setting.\nGlass Fusion by Lori Siebert. Layers of colored glass coupled with iridized metallic finishes create bright and friendly shapes to make any day a festive occasion. This collection comprised of shaped platters, sun catchers, ornaments, and garden stakes, lets you capture a rainbow of color inside and outside your home.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Get a FREE RE book when you join NATRE!\nAre you struggling to develop creative classroom activities to enthuse your pupils\/students in every RE lesson?\nWould you like to receive tried and tested ready-to-use RE lesson ideas?\nJoin NATRE today and receive the latest book from one of our best-selling RE curriculum series, packed with classroom activities for your RE lessons!\n\u2022Exclusive online access to BJRE articles.\n\u2022And over 1,000 resources available online.\nThe Department for Education has offered support for SACREs facing financial and other challenges in meeting their statutory duties. This follows the minister; Nick Gibb's commitment to ensuring SACREs are properly funded in the latest settlement.\nThe full response can be read on the TheyWorkForYou website.\nWe are seeking a full-time specialist Religious Education Adviser to complement the work of our well-respected RE Team.\nThe successful applicant will have recent and relevant experience of teaching and\/or advising in RE in the primary or secondary phase with a willingness to contribute to both phases as necessary.\nThey will be expected to offer RE advice, training and consultancy services to SACREs, Local Authorities, academy groups, schools and others, contribute to our publications work and to grow our income by securing new clients, contracts and grants. The ability and willingness to drive and travel and 'out of normal office hours' working are integral to the post.\nCheck out our brand new primary resource!","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday suggested the Trump administration will step up enforcement of federal laws against recreational marijuana.\nObama Justice Department did in states that have legalized the use of recreational marijuana.\nSpicer telegraphed the administration won't take a get-tough approach against medical marijuana, saying Trump believes in its ability to \"comfort\" people suffering from debilitating diseases.\nBut he said he takes a different view of recreational marijuana, linking it to the abuse of opioid drugs in states across the U.S.\nThere is little evidence showing a link between abuse of the two drugs. Some researchers believe medical marijuana could help reduce demand for opioid-based painkillers.\nEight states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Twenty others have laws allowing medical marijuana.\nIf revival of the failed War on Drugs (at least against marijuana) was not enough, Trump's administration appears ready to enthusiastically embrace other 1980s era criminal justice failures. Trump has already signaled support for civil forfeiture, which has a well documented history of abuse. His administration also appears ready to end the Obama-era moratorium on the feds renewing contracts for the use of private prisons, another enormous policy failure. Is federal sentencing reform out the window as well? Could be as Attorney General Jeff Sessions worked to block sentencing reform while in the U.S. Senate, despite widespread bipartisan support.\nThe sad thing was that pre-Trump the GOP was moving in the right direction on all these issues. Reform though seems endangered by a \"law and order\" Republican President who seems oblivious to the failed history of the policies his administration supports.\nI hope this is true. It will make Trump a one term President.\nMike Pence should resign as VP if he wants to salvage any credibility. He is Trumps Enabler!\nI thought Republicans want to leave everything up to the states? That hypocrisy is why I don't vote for them.\nPeace at home, peace Abroad is a goal of VFP. Ending the war on drugs, especially by the Feds, is a key component to bring that peace.\nI totally agree that the issue of the legalization of pot should be left to the states and Republicans who want to nationalize the issue are being hypocrites. But don't get me started on Democrats hypocrisy. After all they are supposed to be the party of civil liberties, but they are nowhere to be found on the civil forfeiture issue.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Apartment for rent in Thao Dien Pearl district 2.\nApartment information: 2 bedrooms, 95 sqm, the rental is 900 usd\/month. Fully furnished, open kitchen, bancony, new and clean.\nFor more information or see apartment, please contact us + 84 919 257 336 \/ +84 948 840 336 or leave a message below.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Gabriel Hulse 1 month ago.\nDoing a soft launch with an amazing product. Took me 2 years to finally find the perfect one. Here's a link to the special. Email me at Gabriel@boomernaturalwellness for further discounts.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Syagen Technology Inc. conducted a trial deployment of its Guardian Explosives Trace Portal system, in collaboration with the John Wayne, Orange County Airport in California.\nThis month-long trial was conducted at an employee entrance of the Airport, where volunteer employees were screened to verify the system's detection capability, validate its reliability and confirm public acceptance in airport operation. The Guardian Portal performed successfully and without interruption, confirming its readiness for market introduction.\nThe Guardian Portal is the first commercially available explosives detection system to incorporate mass spectrometry detection technology.\nThe wrap-up of this trial was attended by John Wayne Airport Director, Alan Murphy, Orange County Supervisor, 3rd District, Bill Campbell and his staff, and Orange County Airport Commissioner Bruce Junor. Alan Murphy, who arranged for the trial, was lauded for the effort by Syagen Technology and other OC officials.\n\"We are pleased to have been able to support these validation tests, to help facilitate the use of improved security screening technology in U.S. airports\" Alan said. \"John Wayne Airport has had a long history of playing a constructive role in such efforts, acting as a test-bed for new system trials.\"\n\"We are grateful and enthused with the strong local support for our technology and the airport management's willingness to assist us in the test and deployment of this exciting product offering for suicide bomber detection and deterrence,\" said Dr. Jack A. Syage, CEO of Syagen.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Recently, Aurora Public School in Nebraska replaced its ageing IT hardware and software with a powerful purpose-designed system and achieved financial savings in the same movement. According to a case study published by Dell Inc, the school needed to upgrade over three hundred Windows XP legacy desktops. New applications became increasingly out of reach while maintenance costs and outages were rising. However, teachers and students needed a solid IT infrastructure for lessons and administration staff relied on networked calendars and grades databases.\nThe new infrastructure had to compete on price, yet meet quality benchmarks and support students' mobile devices to access applications and coursework.\nA key aim was to help school management to meet the requirements of future educational models with a system that would be agile, adaptable and scalable. Now in place, the innovative hybrid solution combines conventional classroom workstations with virtual desktops accessed \u2013 via Dell Wyse thin clients \u2013 to facilitate usage from shared access points, such as in science laboratories.\nFeaturing Dell Pro Support for PCs and workspace solutions, existing PCs gave way to OptiPlex small form factor desktops, versatile Chromebook 11 devices, managed switching and R720 servers powered by Zeon processors.\nMuch easier to support and manage, the new network is flexible and efficient. Changes are straightforward to implement while learning potential and long-term stability are enhanced, whereas the total cost of ownership is now less than before.\nEfficient client-based solutions equip and empower K-12 schools and students with the tools for digital learning in the twenty-first century. IT decision makers looking to build a flexible up-to-date environment in schools or other educational institutions may do well to consider this case study in collaboration with Dell.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"I actually think that the Louisville cheerleaders and band actual out-number their fans.\nWell, that and their Cardinal mascot probably counts as too people. He is pretty full of himself so he should be counted as two.\nIt's halftime and not much has changed except the score. Louisville is making too many smart shots and has taken BYU out of their game too much during the first 20 minutes.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Posted on June 16, 2018 | 2984 views | Topic : Awards 2017, Featured Dev, News & Articles, Property News, Special Focus.\nThe myriad flow of nature often reminds us of a calm place. A place that is becoming more elusive as the dreadful sound of civilisation threatens to drown everything else. For life is birthed from the abundance of rivers and oceans, so too births our desire as humans to be a part of it.\nA successful waterfront development is characterised by its ability to showcase the beauty of its watery setting while establishing itself as a vibrant and integrated development for residential or commercial purposes. Be it a river, lake or sea, a passionate seafarer or swimming enthusiast will be proud to call these places home.\nLocated in Iskandar Flagship A, Johor Baru, Country Garden Danga Bay is the first overseas project undertaken by the Country Garden Group, comprising an integrated, mixed commercial, residential and leisure waterfront development.\nThis development is spread over 57 acres, with the residential component comprising of elegant waterfront condominiums that offer spectacular 180-degree views of the sea and impressive architectural technology.\nThe prestigious high-end development is set amidst lush landscaped greenery and is equipped with a comprehensive range of leisure and recreational facilities, not considering the support from an excellent management services team.\nCountry Garden Danga Bay also offers a vibrant waterfront lifestyle for all to enjoy. Residents and visitors can indulge in a host of exciting leisure and entertainment options that include a world-class shoppers' paradise, the lively Foodie Street, a 70,000 sq ft international clubhouse and a modern marina. The development also boasts the specially built 400 metres man-made white sand beach in Johor Baru, known as the Phoenix Beach.\nA sprawling nine-acre lake provides the centrepiece for this serene waterfront development. Tranquil waters along the tree-lined lake amidst a green expanse offers respite from life's daily grind, while specially built jogging paths and cycling tracks encourage healthy lifestyles for all ages.\nSpend endless hours of fun with the family in parks that feature a garden maze, kinetic, fitness lawn, interactive and children's playgrounds. There is also a grand clubhouse equipped with a host of recreational and sporting facilities.\nResidential areas have been upgraded to include playgrounds, water features, pavilion, streetscape and parkland with every precinct enjoying its own lake and pavilion, giving a genuinely picturesque waterfront experience.\nMeridian East is a fast growing township with residents enjoying the convenience of having amenities like banks, schools, retail and public services amongst others located within the development. It is also close by to the Pasir Gudang Industrial Hub, Tanjung Langsat Industrial Park and the Pengarang Integrated Complex, not considering its accessibility via the Senai-Desaru Expressway.\nPuteri Harbour, also known as \"The jewel of Nusajaya\" is an integrated urban waterfront development with a 13.5 km coastline located along Puteri Narrows, the narrowest point at the Straits of Johor.\nThe proximity of Puteri Harbour to Tanjung Piai, Asia's southern-most point or \"Land's end\" enhances its location as a port of call for sailing enthusiasts, thus making it a popular destination for yachtsmen from all over the world. In addition, the three marinas in the development are equipped with an array of facilities such as a laundrette, changing and shower rooms as well as a chart room. The marinas can accommodate 76 yachts at a time and enjoy 24-hour security.\nDesigned to bring world-class waterfront living to Malaysia, this 688-acre development is composed of residential, commercial and leisure lifestyle precincts. Adjacent to the majestic Kota Iskandar, Puteri Harbour will offer the experience of exceptional waterfront living, dining, entertainment, and the arts and culture in a safe and picturesque natural setting.\nSebana Cove Resort is a 1,200-acre resort township, offering cohesively planned residential and commercial components alongside an exclusive private marina and an 18-hole golf course.\nThe residential parcel encompasses ten precincts, namely The Estuary, The Forest, The Golf Greens, The Botany, The Woodville, The Grove, The Golf Sanctuary, The Fairway Golf Villas, The Classic and The Waterfront.\nAt Sebana, residents can enjoy living by the waterfront, playing golf on pristine fairways and experience nature in all its glory while being in the safety of a gated and guarded community.\nAnother major feature of this development is the marina which is capable of berthing 100 vessels. It is provided with electricity and water supply as well as an immigration checkpoint area to ease clearance for foreign residents and visitors arriving by sea.\nIsola Villas is the second phase of the Senibong Cove development located on the edge of Sungai Lunchu. It's a larger and more prestigious precinct, following in the footsteps of the WaterEdge Residences.\nDeveloped on a 23-acre island, Isola is composed of stand-alone semi-detached villas. With a total of 144 units, prospective residents can choose from three types of 3-storey villas either from a waterfront or hinterland location. Each unit comes with four to five bedrooms with unique designs, layouts and features and is priced from RM1,600,000 onwards.\nResidents will have the opportunity to pursue a variety of activities on the water including sailing, fishing, motor boating, canoeing, paddle boarding, water skiing and jet skiing at the Senibong Cove Marina.\nThe development is also in proximity to JB Central, the Johor-Singapore Causeway and the new EDL expansion. Even so, It is located far enough away from the hustle and bustle, allowing residents to enjoy the contemporary feel and tranquil surrounding of Senibong Cove.\ Awards 2018: Jewels of Johor is back to reward real estate developers who have contributed to the expansion of Johor's real estate industry, breaking new grounds with creativity and innovation in housing design and practice.\nThe registration of this year's Jewels of Johor award is open until July 25.\nVisit http:\/\/\/JohorJewels2018 for more information or to register.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"This one is for classical musos, jazz cats and anyone who just likes a longer scale in life. Nice!\nDouble bass, to stand or not to stand, that is the question.\nLets build an abbreviated bass!\nclassic whats it worth? post.\nWho's gonna make us a preamp??","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"1. Facial Expressions - The emotions expressed on little Hannah's face really help the reader feel what she feels throughout the story.\n2. The Perfect Page Spread - The moment when Hannah changes in the story is simply brilliant.\n3. Circular Ending - There is simply no other way to end this story and it is absolutely satisfying.\n4. Bravery - I love the message this book conveys. Having a child who is fearful of dogs, I loved sharing this book with her to start a conversation about her feelings and how to begin to overcome them.\n5. The Wordless Spread- One of my favorite elements in a picture book is a wordless spread when it is executed perfectly and this book has done just that. So much is said on this one page without any words at all.\nParents: If you have a child who is afraid of dogs, this is the perfect book.\nTeachers: A great book for Morning Meeting to introduce a discussion on fears and how to overcome them.\nWriters: How to write a simple story and a main character to sympathize with.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Whitman Associates offers various temporary and Temp to Hire staffing options designed to fit your individual needs. Whether you are in the process of filling a permanent job, covering a vacation spot or just needing some extra help for a day or two, Whitman Associates is able to help. We have many excellent and eager employees ready to start working today.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Marriage Not Datings reluctant groom and eager bride \u00bb Dramabeans \u00bb Deconstructing. Watch Korean Dramas Online HD With Eng sub. Watch online and Download free Marriage Not Dating - Episode 11 English Subtitles - KissDrama Korea Dr Genre: Comedy, Romance, Family.\nWatch the latest episodes of Korean drama the fastest and in HD for free. Marriage Not Dating. 4.5 slow dating walrus. Korean Dramas \u2022 16 episodes marriage not dating ep 3 eng sub drama3s 2014.\nT want to get married marriage not dating ep 4 eng sub and a woman who has. Marriage Not Dating newasiantv, Marriage Not Dating drama3s. Report to us if you see wrong video, broken or subtitles out of sync!.\nEpisode 1 marriags 2,Episode 3,Episode 4,Episode 5 ,Episode 6,Episode 7,Episode 8 ,Episode 9,Episode 10,Episode 11,Episode 12,Episode 13. My Secret Romance newasiantv, My Secret Romance drama3s. Apr 2018 - 65 minThis is Marriage Not Dating Ep 1 (Eng Screener) by Silver Wolf International on Vimeo, the.\nIf marriage is not the ultimate goal for her dating clients free dating apps for nokia. Broadcast: KBS2 Language: Korean Subtitle: English. The following Marriage Not Dating Episode 16 English Sub has been released..\nExplore marriage not be more happy ending korean drama club:. Hapimari: Happy Marriage!? episode 3\/4 english sub is out.\nWatch fated to love you episode 10 eng sub online in high quaily v... Dec 2017. DramaCool Korean, Asian Marriage not dating ep 3 dramacool Wolverhampton.. Refusing to go along with his familys wishes to get married, Kong Ki Tae brings home a fake.\nMoro Morooka (ep3,4 inoue Yuina (ep3,4 okada Kohki (ep3,10 miyata Daizo (ep3. Episode 18 (Sub). When Shin Joon-Young (Kim Woo-Bin) and No Eul (Bae Suzy) were children, they..\nEp03 (3 Sub) Japanese Dramas... boxasian, myasiantv, dramabus, dramafever, dramafire, kshowonline, drama3s, ondemandkorea. Speed dating zug Dating sims iphone Eharmony dating website Hookup bar nyc. Watch Marriage Not Dating Korean Drama 2014 Engsub is a Wealthy plastic surgeon Gong Ki Tae is a successful and happy bachelor who does not want to find.\nWatch marriage without dating korean drama 2014 episode 3 eng sub \uc5f0\uc560 \ub9d0\uace0. Ep 40 Engsub The King in Love (2017) Tags: Watch Dating Agency:. EngSub, Watch drama3s Kdrama Asian Drama online, Watch drama3s TV Online at drama3s list for Free in High Quality and.\nMarriage Not Dating online ep 1, ep 2, ep 3, ep 4. Marriage not dating ep 10 myasiantv.. Marriage Not Dating ep english sub engsub eng sub review.. Marriage Not Dating Ep 3 EngSub 2014 Korean Drama AsianEn VIP Wealthy.\nJun 2018 - 1 minLink: http:\/\/\/?dt&keyword=marriage+not+dating+ep+3+. Image result for my secret romance ep 1 eng sub myasiantv. Watch marriag and Download free Marriage Not Dating - Episode 2 English Subtitles - FastDrama Korea Dr.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Discussion in 'Archived Threads 2001-2004' started by Doug R, Nov 6, 2001.\nSome items for sale; if interested please email [email protected] All items come with complete contents, including manuals and cases for PS2 games. Everything is in excellent condition. Shipping will be based on priority mail and # of items purchased.\nI am interested in the Star Wars LD boxset. Do you have picture's of the boxset you can send me?\nSet you mail re Star Wars, is it sold?","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Global Leaders in Equestrian Care.\nCarr & Day & Martin is the world's oldest company involved in the manufacture of horse care products.\nFounded in 1765 they have held a Royal Warrant since the reign of King George IV and still hold the Royal Warrant today for the supply of quality saddlery care products to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
4 |
{"text":"Software Downloads for \"Rose Character Images\"\nBeautiful panorama app with kids favorite shows with videos, show characters and image galleries.\n*Memory game using the character images of each show.\n*Show Characters and image galleries for each character.\n*Download new show infoormation and fix broken links automatically.\n*Parental control to hide both shows or videos, sync them across updates.\n*Keep track of your favorite Videos for instant access.\n*Pin shows to start screen as live tiles for faster access.\nNekoCame enables you to create your original composite pictures with characters, balloons and decoration items.\nThis app requires SD card and Internet access.\nPlease feel free to use your original composite pictures such as in e-mail, twitter, blog and so on.\nDoroCame enables you to create your original composite pictures with characters, balloons and decoration items.\ndescribed in the Creative Commons 3.\nIt is Fun for kids to learn Faster with Fun Character images so kids can pay more attention and become more interest to learn easily about Multiplication tables..\nLearning colors, numbers and math for children.\nIt is Fun for kids to learn Faster with Fun Character images so kids can pay more attention and become more interest to learn easily about colors ,Numbers and Maths.\nIf a screen is touched, the character of both sides will crash. Character images and background image can be changed into a favorite picture..\nMore than 10000 Xiao Zhuan character images scanned, and relationship Between characters are saved in a xml file, available for further analysis and correction. Used an experimental java application to show the topology graph of the chinese characters.\nBasically Xlsx is a file format which is used by Microsoft Office Word 2007 application. This document file can save your text character, images, hyper-links, animations, excel sheet formula etc. Xlsx file may corrupted during different situation of data loss. But you don't need to worry, you can easily get back using Xlsx Recover software. Xlsx repair application easily finds and repair unreadable data including text, images, table, formula, spreadsheets etc. from corrupted Xlsx files and can be restored at user specific locations.\nBasically PPTX is a file format of Microsoft Office Word 2007 application which saves your presentation including text character, images, hyper-links animations etc. PPTX may get corrupted during different causes of data loss problems. But don't worry you can get back PPTX files using PPTX Repair application. This is such a nice application which helps you lot in this situation. PPTX repairs your all inaccessible, word art, corrupted, deleted PPTX files from your storage media. PPTX repair easily finds and repair unreadable data from corrupted PPTX files and can be restored at user specific locations.\nComic Maker - Monster High ed.\nIf you love Monster High as much as we do then you'll love the Monster High Comic Maker!\nCreate your very own Monster High Stories featuring all your favorite characters, including Frankie Stein, Abby Bominable, C.A. Cupid, Catrine DeMew, Catty Noir, Clawd Wolf, Clawdia Wolf, Cleo De Nile, Deuce Gorgon, Draculara, Ghoulia Yelps, Gigi Grant, Jackson Jekyll and all the rest!\nYou can square or round CROP any images!\nInclude yourself in your comic!\nMany character images can have their heads replaced with yours and your friends heads!\nYou can even ANIMATE your comics by shaking your phone!\nWhen you've created your comic, share it with your friends and on your favorite social networks!\n1 to 20 comic panels.\nMillions of Monsters is an online role playing game in which players compete with each other to be the best monster hunters, the wealthiest or the most creative.\n-Join the growing user base of over 800 players!\n-Create your own unique monsters for other players to fight using special items called 'eggs'.\nAspose.OCR for Java is a character recognition component that allows developers to add OCR functionality in their Java web applications, web services and Windows applications. It provides a simple set of classes for controlling character recognition. The API is extensible, easy to use and compact. It provides common functionality so that developers have to write less code when performing common tasks. Aspose.OCR is aimed at developers who need to find text in image files from within their own applications.\nAn easy to use software package that allows the user to process a CD or entire file folder structure of Tiff images. The processing includes performing Optical Character Recognition on the image and stamping the image with an identifying number. It will create text searchable PDF's, text searchable tiffs and export all text. Utilizes the OCR engine in Microslft's Document Imaging (Scansoft's Engine).. The numbering system includes number in series and number in document. The numbering can be placed on a border not obscure the image.\nTribal Rose Tattoo; The rose has been a symbol for many things in many cultures all over the world for many centuries. One of the most popular ways to display the images of roses is through tattoos on the skin. What would be the meaning behind your rose tattoo designs?\nThe color of a rose is significant to its meaning. If you are going to include a rose into a tattoo, make sure that you choose the right color. That color will be determined by what the part the rose plays in the design. Lots of designs are out there that include roses or maybe you would like to come up with your own rose tattoo designs.\nGothic Rose Tattoo; The rose has been a symbol for many things in many cultures all over the world for many centuries. One of the most popular ways to display the images of roses is through tattoos on the skin. What would be the meaning behind your rose tattoo designs?\nThe rose themes of flippingbook bring a different kind of style to you. The package includes three different templates. You can find the roses in the first template are pink and romantic. You can see that another one in the second template is full of enthusiastic with a big red rose. The third one is the same color with the second one, but still a little difference because it have more roses and it is full of red all over the interface. After you convert your pdf files to flipping, you may eager to have different style with different ebooks.\nThe Agent Character Editor is the tool used to build Microsoft Agent 2.0 characters in either single file (.acs format) or individual animations (.acf\/.aca formats).\nDespite its name, it isn't really an editor - you can't edit an existing character without its constituent source bitmap images, sound files, etc. It may be more helpful to developers to think of it as a graphical make and compiler tool.\nGet Microsoft Agent Character Editor and give it a try to see what it can actually do for you!\nTile your favorite character of the game and your animations will appear on the main screen.\n*All images are in the application were taken from the Internet..","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":" 9 out of 10 based on 277 ratings. 1,348 user reviews.\nCustom Jacks. TRS Jack This operates the Acousti Phonic in Mono mode only with power switched by the Ring and Sleeve contacts of a standard, stereo, TRS jack.\n005 8251 000 (1) Genuine Fender Output Jack, Stereo, Closed Circuit SPST with mounting hardware. Keep your connections strong with a variety of quality replacement jacks for new and vintage Fender guitars. 1 4\" 3 conductor enclosed stereo output jack.\nEffects FAQs: Enclosure Finishing: I've received a lot of emails asking how I apply the finish to me pedals, so here's a brief \"lesson\" of my painting technique.\nClick Here For EMG PRICES . Killer tone and bulletproof reliability are at the core of everything we make, but installing and maintaining top performance is just as important.\nThe 81TW humbucker doubles down on tone, taking the EMG 81 and adding a separate single coil pickup in the same housing. This is not your traditional coil tap humbucker.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Does anyone know how to cancel Salesforce sync or reset a Salesforce account?\nWe were trying to integrate SFDC and Marketo lead database but for some reason, we had to stop it. now we want to cancel all the process.\nWe went though required steps according to following document.\nWhen we finished mapping fields, we noticed that we had too many leads in our SFDC database and it would exceed a limit number of leads which we can have in Marketo Lead Database. So we didn't start syncing and we are still remainning at \"STEP4\". Apprently we can't \"cancel\" whole process of SFDC sync. We actually want to reset our SFDC account which we set up at the first step.\nIs there any way to \"cancel\" SFDC sync completely?\nor, is there any way to reset our SFDC account setting?\nThere is no \"cancel\" option.The steps aren't numbered in the article you provided so I'm not quite sure how far you have gone.\nIf you have simply given your marketo sync user a profile that gives it visibility to more lead\/contact records than the number in your contract then you can let the 1st sync go through. Afterwords you can change your Marketo sync user\/user profile so that it is more restrictive, then create a Marketo campaign to delete the leads (NB from Marketo only).\nI understand there's no \"cancel\" option on Marketo. We finished Step 3(mapping fields) and now display shows us that we're at Step4.\n> If you have simply given your marketo sync user a profile that gives it visibility to more lead\/contact records than the number in your contract then you can let the 1st sync go through. Afterwords you can change your Marketo sync user\/user profile so that it is more restrictive, then create a Marketo campaign to delete the leads (NB from Marketo only).\nDoes \"your marketo sync user\" mean our SFDC account?\nActually we still don't know how to change its profile to restrict the number of leads that our account can see and sync. Could you tell us how to do that please?\nAnd another problem remains. We changed token on SFDC to make sure Marketo doesn't start sync without our operation. Now we really need to reset the SFDC accout setting because its token is no longer valid.\nCould you tell us how to reset it?","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"After its second album, Mr. Wonderful, a third guitarist, 18-year-old Danny Kirwan, was added to the lineup. At this point the band began shifting into a more melodic, introspective, and experimental\/progressive mode. Most performances were built around the twin leads of Green and Kirwan, and Kirwan's songwriting was featured in nearly equal proportion to Green's.\nAfter releasing two successful singles, the instrumental \"Albatross\" (which remains the band's only #1 hit in the UK), and the ballad \"Man of the World\" , it produced what is often considered the best album of the band's Peter Green era, Then Play On. Spencer was, for the most part, absent from these recording sessions. The epic 2-part \"Oh Well\" single followed , and was included in later pressings of the U.S. LP album (and in all CDs). The band was then rocked by Peter Green's decision to leave. Debate rages on the reasons for this, but it is agreed that Green wished to play a more experimental and improvisational style. Drugs, particularly LSD, also played a large part, as Green recorded sporadically before falling into a twenty-year period of mental illness. After a short gap, Christine McVie (a.k.a. under her maiden name Christine Perfect) joined the band on keyboards, and the band moved from the blues to a more melodic pop style.\nIn interviews given in November 2006 to support his solo album, Under The Skin, Buckingham stated that there were plans for the band to reunite once more for a 2008 tour but recording plans had been put on hold for the foreseeable future. In a September 2007 interview Stevie Nicks gave to the UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph, she noted that she is unwilling to carry on with the band unless Christine McVie returns. However in a recent interview, Mick Fleetwood said \"\u2026be very happy and hopeful that we will be working again. I can tell you everyone's going to be extremely excited about what's happening with Fleetwood Mac.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Of Ethiopian Jewish descent, Esti Mamo was born in 1983 in Chilga, in northwestern Ethiopia. She is a member of the Beta Israel community.\nAt the age of 9 she and her family immigrated from famine and poverty striken Ethiopia to Israel, where the family was moved to the poor district of a southern Israeli city. A younger brother committed suicide in 2004.\nShe was voted the 97th sexiest woman of 2005 in an online survey reported in the December edition of men's magazine Blazer.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Gold Plus Supplier. Sort By : Rotary Drum Screener Soybean Grain Screen Grading Machine Supply range: Turnkey project of flour mill, seed processing plant and grain storage Stainless steel electric vibrating screen soybean grading machine .. Blow Type Green Soybean Gravity Destoner Agricultural Machine.\nA wide variety of vibrating sizing screen equipment options are available to you, The supplier supports Trade Assurance A free service that protects your orders .. Tags: Lab Vibrating Screen Lab Vibrating Sieve Gravity Vibration Screen . Zeolite Powder Size Separating Mechanical Vibrating Screener Equipment.\nVibratory Sand Gold Washing Machine Vibrating Grizzly Screen , Find plete Details Washing Machine Vibrating Screen,Vibrating Screen from Mineral Separator Supplier or Gravity Separator vibratory screener manufacturer gold wash plants able to handle between 30 tons and 300 tons of material per hour.\nmachinery. A wide variety of vibration sorting machine options are available to you, such as linear, circular. linear vibrating screen sorting machine for beans manufacture. US $971 1119 \/ Unit .. Type: Gravity Separator. Condition: High capacity linear grain vibrating screen screener\/vibrating sorting sieve machine.\nmineral separator \/ powder concentrator \/ air classifier with cyclone machine. Add to pare high quality air classifier , separate kinds of High hardness materials High precision and capacity gravity air classifier and separator . Tags: Polymers Screener Equipment Air Classifiers Classifier . Vibrating Screen (18).\nGold Plus Supplier. Sort By : Type: Gravity Conveyor,Powered or unpowered Vibratory screening plants trommel screen vibratory feeder vertical vibration conveyor . The Rotary Drum Screen With The Conveyor,rotating trommel rotary screener machine . Washing plant trommel screen of gold washing machine.\ntrommel for sale trommel screener recycling trommel ball mill trommel More. Gold mining machine equipment trommel screen wash plant .. Type: Gravity Separator,STG series of Placer Gold Washing and Selecting Unit . Factory price silica sand washing machine, gold trommel screen, vibrating screen for sale.\nsand xxnx vibrating screen, sand sieve machine for Philippines. US $1000 5000 6 Photos. 6 YRS. Henan Province Yingda Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.\nAbout 74% of these are other farm machines, 5% are rice mill, and 4% are grain seed cleaner \/ seed cleaning machinery \/ grain gravity vibrating separator.\nMaize soybean sorghum wheat oat lentils palm seed cleaning machine. US $3500 23000 \/ 8 YRS. Hebei Ruixue Grain Selecting Machinery pany Limited.\nThe supplier supports Trade Assurance A free service that protects your orders from payment to delivery. Supplier Location. Min. Gravity Separator ; Sprial Separator Sand and gravel vibrating sieve screen machine\/vibro classifier equipment Trommel Screener widely use in soil, post, sand and gravel classifying.\ngold ores hammer crushed machine with vibrating screen and belt conveyor . 2018 China Huahong Gravity Centrifugal Gold Concentrator \/ Small Gold Refining Iron Ore Linear Vibrating Screen Machine Sieve,sand small vibrating screener Copper Ore sample analysis laboratory roll crusher manufacturer of China.\nType: post trommel screener. Condition: New . vibratory screening machine design,vibratory screen manufacturer in europe .. Good quality of polyurethane screen mesh for vibrating screen used in quarry . Gravity Separator (2).\nPowder Vibro Sifter from Vibrating Screen Supplier or Manufacturer Xinxiang This vibro sifter machine fits for sieving or sperating any kind of dry material with the under the resulting force of exciting force and the force of gravity, the material was . China vibro screener China vibro sifter for China vibro screen sifter.\nChinese supplier low price custom small gravity grain cleaner. US $135 165 \/ grain seed cleaner \/ seed cleaning machinery \/ grain gravity vibrating separator.\nThe supplier supports Trade Assurance A free service that protects your orders circular vibration sieve feeder machine for grape seed separating .. Rotary grape seed juice filter separator wine screener sieve machine . Do you want to show separation machine for grape seed or other products of your own pany?\nContact Supplier . Grain screener machine\/Wheat thrower machinery\/Hemp seed cleaning Hemp Lentil Seed Vibration Cleaning Separator Machine.\nChina Supplier Mineral Processing Small Scale Gold Mining Equipment \/ Mobile Gold Machine For . Type: Gravity Separator,Gold Processing Methods SINOLINKING Small Scale Screener Trommel Gold Mining Processing Equipment Gold Exploration Equipment Mobile Vibrating Gold Washing Trommel Screen Plant.\nContact Supplier Tags: Quarry Vibrating Separator Circular Vibrating Screener Efficiency Screening Equipment Tags: Double Deck Vibrating Screen Gold Sand Separator Machine Linear Powder Vibrating Screen .. A wide variety of quarry vibrating separator options are available to you, such as circular, linear.\nChinese supplier low price custom small gravity grain cleaner. US $135-165 \/ grain seed cleaner \/ seed cleaning machinery \/ grain gravity vibrating separator.\ntrammel screen gold washing machine for alluvial gold mining plant. US $5000-20000 \/ Set. 1 Set (Min. Order). Warranty: 12months. Type: Gravity Separator Type: post trommel screener . Haian Feichuan Vibration Machinery Co., Ltd. .. Do you want to show trammel screen or other products of your own pany?\nA wide variety of sand screening machine options are available to you, such as circular, linear. sand vibration machine, vibro sand screening machine for Philippines 8 YRS. Jiangxi Hengchang Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. . Gravity Equipment Sand Screening Machine Price For Ore Processing Plant.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Well, the 70 years rules out Wakefield (1964, I think) and Burrage (sometime in the early 1950s?).\nI've just purchased 4 of these. I intend to get all 51 at some stage (just don't tell the Wife).\nout of them i'd say that 'the loved dead' was my favourite.\npicked up 'tales of unease' - arthur conan doyle at the weekend and am really enjoying it.\n\"Return from The Dead\" arrived this morning.\nLooking forward to re-aquainting myself with the stories within.\nHaven't availed myself much of these recent Wordsworth lovelies but fully intend to put that right in the none too distant. Slouched into Waterstones the other day to get out of the rain and emerged with this. Nice collection, pulled mainly from the pages of Weird Tales but also from Harry Bates' Strange Tales and others. More than happy to part with a couple of quid to have all these great stories in one handy place.\n\"The Power Of Darkness. Tales of Terror\" Edith Nesbit.\nI intend to collect the entire series.\nHats off to Wordsworth publishing!\nSame here. I was only thinking today that I'd like to read Pigeons From Hell ( having heard it's a *winner*). This selection would be perfect! Thanks X man.\nThere's a liquidation\/remainders store in Felixstowe - that has at least 200 of these books - ad all in great nick. Next time I'm going in - which is next Monday, I'll write down what ones they have and if you want them but can't find them anywhere - they are being sold for \u00a32.99 each and if you can also pay postage costs around \u00a31.45, that'll be around \u00a34.44 - want more -we could sort that out.\nSteve Jones misses a trick in not bigging the Wordsworths up something major in his yearly round-ups so it's heartening to see Vault people enthusing about them so! As I understand it, the 'Mystery & The Supernatural' department is staffed by just three people, which makes their achievements all the more laudable. The 'author must be 70 years dead' proviso is proving a stumbling block as I'd dearly love to see the works of L. A. Lewis, H. R. Wakefield, A. M. Burrage ('Ex-Private 'X') and Marcus Dare available in modern, very generously priced editions, but i'm toying with suggesting a Bernard Capes selection and perhaps an anthology idea pulphack and i have been kicking around may eventually find a home with them. Our dear friend Bob Rothwell provided the covers for the Wheatley books shortly before his untimely death - it's very sad he didn't live to see the end results.\nTheir site is down at present but, when normal service is resumed, you can save the tireless Johnny yet more work by ordering direct from Wordsworth as most of the titles are \u00a32.99 to begin with. Wordsworth Book Of Horror Stories is \u00a35.99 but, lets face it, 1110 pages of the following at under six quid - you can hardly carp!\nI picked up quite a few of the Wordsworth collections at Borders in Preston a week or so back (and will be going for more this Friday on my way home from visiting my uncle in hospital - Borders stays open till a civilised 9 o'clock).\nThe Temple of Death by the two lesser known Bensons is a cracker. Some truly memorable stories in that collection. And an excellent, very informative introduction too with some telling details about the lives of the Bensons and their strange parents.\nMust get the Howard book. I have yet to read The Pigeons from Hell and have wanted to look at it for years.\nYes, Dem, it is a pity Steve Jones hasn't given the Wordsworth series more attention. They are about the best things being published at the moment - and amazingly good value too!\nThe REH lineup mirrors more or less the upcoming Del Rey Horror Stories of REH.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Our team enjoys serving the Brookshire community, which is a suburb of Houston. Located in Waller County, Brookshire allows you to experience the benefits of a small town while still remaining close to the big city amenities of Houston. You can find important information about the community on the city webpage including the many community events they have planned.\nDuring the fall, you can check out Dewberry Farm and find your way through a corn maze, pumpkin patch and more. If you enjoy trying craft beers, pay a visit to Baa Baa Brewhouse. You can find more information about things to do in and near the area at the West I-10 Chamber of Commerce.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Stop searching! We present to you a selection of 52 interesting and top Pictures Of Girls Playing Soccer collection. On our site with the button \"search\" you will find other great free clip arts.You can use Pictures Of Girls Playing Soccer images for your website, blog, or share them on social networks.\n2012 Soccer Tournament in Warner ? W.Y.S.A.\nPoster Glog by brielle19 | Publish with Glogster!\nSoccer Coloring Pages | ColoringMates.\nindoor soccer shoes Archives | Magic Futsal SHOES!","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"If you love your old cabinets but they are beginning to look worn from years and years of use, N-Hance cabinet refinishing is a great option to choose. With renewal, N-Hance completely revitalizes the look of the cabinets without the frustrations of typical wood refinishing, and it can be offered at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods \u2013 with most jobs complete in just one or two days. This process will extend the life and luster of your cabinets for years to come.\nThe Classic Cabinet Refinishing job requires no color shift or color change and has minimal wear on the wood surface. Grease and dirt are easily removed and touch-up is performed quickly. You will love the shine and luster this service brings to your tired cabinets.\nThere is no dust, mess or odor and in many cases the job can be completed in just one day. Our N-Hance craftsman removes the grease and dirt build up that can make wood look flat and lifeless over time. The N-Hance refinishing process thoroughly cleans the surface, removes old coatings, repairs damaged areas with less mess and applies an elegant finish. You will love the brilliant results.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"A workshop on Hazardous Effects of Electronic Waste conducted at Arya Vidyapeeth College, Guwahati at 8th June, 2017. The IQAC Cell took active part to conduct the workshop. All total 109 participants were present in the workshop.\nAMTRON Guwahati: A workshop on Environmental and Health Hazards of Electronic Waste (E-waste) was held in AMTRON on 22.06.2017. The workshop was chaired by Sjt Keshab Mahanta Honourable Minister of Information Technology to the Govt. of Assam, also the Chairman of AMTRON. And co-chaired by Sjt Ritu Baran Sarmah, Vice-chairman, AMTRON. All total of 94 participants were present at the workshop.\nIIE Guwahati: A workshop on Hazardous Effects of E-Waste was conducted at Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati on 14th June, 2017. All total of 73 participants were present in the workshop from various organizations like Brahmaputra Board, IIE Guwahati and IIT Guwahati.\nA workshop on, Hazardous Effects of E-waste was conducted at The Lily Hotel on 23rd July, 2017 at Guwahati. The programme was organized by Environ and sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology under the Digital India Initiative Project. All total of 56 participants were present in the workshop.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"A gull-wing exterior door with slide-out ramp is incorporated into the trailer's tail, and a pass-through door in the bulkhead with porthole window offers easy access to the living quarters. Choose to equip your garage bay with any combination of storage lockers, cabinets, tabletop work areas and tie downs. And of course, electrical outlets and speakers linked to the trailer's crystal-clear sound system come standard.\nlove airstream, but the trouble with their new ones compared with their old ones is weight. our '73 is so light, even loaded with our stuff, it can be pulled with an ordinary pickup truck. no heavy-duty tow vehicle necessary.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Chelsea has been crowned England champions with a win at Westbrom.\nblues in Conte's first season in Charge.\nWestbrom manager hailed Chelsea as worthy champions after the game.\ncredit and could do the double this season,\" Pulis told Sky Sports.\n0 Response to \"Chelsea Officially Wins The English Premier League 2016\/2017 Season\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"JAMMU, Feb 10: Semifinals position has been cleared in the J&K State Boxing Championship, which is being played at Indoor Complex, MA Stadium, here.\nThe Championship is being organised by J&K Amateur Boxing Association and is being sponsored by Jammu and Kashmir State Sports Council, under the supervision of Rajan Sharma, International Technical Official and General Secretary of J&K Amateur Boxing Association.\nThe winners in Senior Division in the age categories of 49, 52, 56, 60, 64, 69, 75 and 81 kgs included Ankush, Akash, Rahul Kumar, Zakir Hussain, Rinku, Vinay Partap, Ishtiyak Malik and Sanjay Sharma respectively, while the winners in different weight categories of Junior Division were Man Singh, Gautam, Sidharth, Vinay Bhasker, Abhay Raina, Mohd Imran, Mayashu Sharma, Farida Banu, Sanjana and Dechan Dolkar.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Despite endorsing several other statewide Republican candidates, Gov. Sandoval refused to endorse Wes Duncan, the Republican candidate for Attorney General. Sandoval previously served as Nevada attorney general before being elected governor. He endorsed Adam Laxalt in his 2014 campaign for attorney general. Sandoval and Aaron Ford have a strong working relationship stemming from Ford's time in the state senate, where he worked with the governor to pass key pieces of bipartisan legislation.\nBut, there's at least one other major statewide race that the popular governor is staying out: attorney general, where Republican and former Assemblyman Wes Duncan and state Senate Democratic leader Aaron Ford are facing off.\n\"I'm not taking a position in that race,\" Sandoval told the Review-Journal Tuesday.\n\"I worked with Sen. Ford, and my experience with him has been very positive,\" Sandoval said.\nSandoval, a Republican, did make an endorsement in the 2014 attorney general's race when he backed Adam Laxalt for the seat.\nSandoval has endorsed two candidates \u2014 both Republicans \u2014 running statewide campaigns: U.S. Sen. Dean Heller in his re-election bid against Rep. Jacky Rosen, and state Senate Minority Leader Michael Roberson, who is running for lieutenant governor against former state treasurer Kate Marshall.\nGet InvolvedLend a helping hand.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"The perfect coffee cups for Cappuccinos. The De'Longhi products are hand made from borosilicate glass and have a double wall thermo to retain heat. Cups can be washed in the dishwasher and have a volume of 190 ml. Thanks to using materials of the highest quality, your new coffee cup will maintain the temperature of your beverage (either hot or cold) for a long time. The cups are comfortable to hold and help you enjoy delicious De'Longhi Coffee. Package contains two cups.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"We have outgrown our current shop digs and have been searching around the city\/area for something suitable in the way of shop and office space. Something old and funky like the Kellys Gingernut Pub discovered on a recent trip to Cape Charles, Virginia would be fitting.\nOriginally a 1907 bank building, it's nice to see old structures live on to other uses. Modern structures lack the style and wonderful craftsmanship that this Federal style building struts. I was instantly drawn to the ornamentation of the brickwork, the pleasing proportions and the simple but refined shape and scale.\nAlas, it seems Stratford is lacking in fun old industrial space (factories, shops, creameries and blacksmiths shops) perhaps I will need to build my own. If you have any leads on such a space I would love to know about them. Perhaps a list of Stratford's favourite old buildings is in the works.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Zac Fukuda is a graphic designer\/web developer. This website Mokuji is a collection of notes which are come out of my works. Primary viewer of this site is me. That said, everything on this site is designed for myself. Hence, excuse me if you have some difficulties to read it.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Letter from James D. Pouncey of The Jackson County Bar Association to Senator Harry S. Truman. Pouncey attaches a resolution that the bar endorses Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Walter White in not accepting Truman's invitation to appear before the Truman Committee. Pouncey then provides four reasons for White's decision.\nLetter from Senator Harry S. Truman to James D. Pouncey of The Jackson County Bar Association. Truman criticizes the bar for endorsing Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Walter White in not accepting Truman's invitation to appear before the Truman Committee. Truman states, \"We had no funds available to bring a trainload of Negroes here to testify, and that is what White wanted us to do.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Tony Tuckson trained in London and at East Sydney Technical School. He did not show his work commercially because for many years, as a Deputy Director of the Art Galley of New South Wales, he was uncomfortable about promoting his own work. It was only after his death in 1973 that the depth and quality of his art was fully recognized. Interested in the underlying spirit in Aboriginal and Melanesian imagery, Tuckson turned to pure abstract work in the late 1950s.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"The college sailing season ended officially yesterday with the announcement that Bill Hardesty of San Diego was named the Ronstan college sailor of the year. The annual award is conferred by the Inter-Collegiate Yacht Racing Association of North America. Hardesty is a senior at the United States Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point, N.Y.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"They chose to go to the moon because it is hard, and Scott Millican is one of the engineers who helped them get there. He trained Apollo astronauts for their flight to the Moon and was present in Mission Control, guiding the astronauts through their moonwalks as well as the entire mission.\nJoin us for a conversation of Dutch ESA Astronaut Andr\u00e9 Kuipers with Scott Millican, the man who helped create many of the procedures, training exercises and plain tricks Astronauts still use to this day. They will compare notes from their vast experience of the ins and outs of space travel, spanning decades from the beginnings of human space flight to the state of things today.\nBe inspired by their stories of the nuts and bolts of human space flight that help realise our dreams and visions for humanities future in space.\nLearn more about Scott and Andr\u00e9 in the speaker section and follow the session via the livestream.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"About Us - Santa Clarita CA\/Castaic CA - Carlos Villalobos Insurance Agency Inc.\nAt Carlos Villalobos Insurance, we work diligently on behalf of our customers to obtain the lowest rates with the best coverage possible. We're based out of Santa Clarita, California, and serve the surrounding communities in Los Angeles and beyond. Give us a call and see how much money you can save.\nWe've been around for over 30 years and we've won several awards for the best insurance firm. But, our most important win is making you a happy, life-long customer.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"The Texas attorney general has announced that it has filed enforcement actions against two web sites that appeal to children. This is the first reported action by a state to enforce the federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act which prohibits the collection of personal information from children under 13 without parental consent and requires web sites to provide notice of their information collection practices.\ allows users to create and play with animated dolls on the web site. The site also offers chat rooms and a \"friends\" feature that lets users contact friends that like the same dolls. To register for the site, a user must provide his or her name, age, gender, email address, city, and zip code. To register for the \"friends\" feature, a user must also complete a profile that asks for personal information such as height, weight, eye color, and whether the user accesses the Internet on his or her own computer or uses a public computer. If a child under 13 registers, the web site asks \"Is a parent with you right now?\" If the child answers \"Yes,\" he or she is directed to a \"permission\" page that requires him or her to click \"OK\" to complete the registration. If a child answers \"No,\" the child must provide an email address for a parent, and is then allowed to complete the registration. The email address can be the same address the child entered as his or her own address. The Attorney General claimed that the site violates COPPA because its parental consent mechanism is not adequate to provide verifiable consent and because the site does not disclose its information collection practices or provide parents with an opportunity to review or revoke their consent.\nWhile the Federal Trade Commission has brought numerous enforcement actions for COPPA violations, these two enforcement actions are a reminder that state Attorneys General can and do also enforce COPPA. Thus, web site operators that operate web sites directed to, or likely to attract, children under 13 should ensure that their sites are COPPA compliant. For information regarding COPPA, see http:\/\/\/bcp\/conline\/pubs\/buspubs\/coppa.shtm. In addition, web site operators should review the guidelines promulgated by the Children's Advertising Review Unit (\"CARU\") of the Better Business Bureau at http:\/\/\/guidelines\/index.asp as CARU actively monitors children's web sites to ensure COPPA compliance.\nPlease click here to download a PDF of the Alert.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Get the maximum benefit from your investment in the Tebis software \u2013 we have many years of experience in structuring manufacturing processes for Tebis customers. Working together with your team, we examine procedures, define standards, and derive templates and patterns. The focus is on maximum utilization of programming, machine capacity and the manufacturing technologies used. Tebis specialists help your organization reach its goals by increasing your entrepreneurial flexibility. No task is overlooked and you get everything from a single source \u2013 Tebis.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"The law for worship is that nothing is admissible in the worship of God without definite scriptural appointment.\nWe sing from the Book of Psalms, the only divinely authorised manual of praise. This is led by a Precentor and is without the use of musical instruments.\nIn the course of our worship we read consecutively through both Old and New Testaments. The Authorised Version of the Bible is used at all our services and meetings. We believe it is still the best English translation of the Word of God.\nThe congregation stands for public prayer.\nWe believe in the centrality and importance of the faithful preaching of God's Word. The evening sermon is usually evangelistic in nature.\nThis follows the evening service, except for the 2nd Lord's Day of each month when it follows the morning service.\nNo collection is taken during the services, but if visiting believers would like to join us in giving to the Lord's work, there are offertory boxes located in the vestibule.\nPsalm Singing. Biblical arguments for unaccompanied exclusive Psalmody. By Malcolm H. Watts.\nThe Centrality of Preaching. This article explains from historical and Biblical perspectives the necessity for the centrality of preaching. By Malcolm H. Watts.\nPractical Reasons for Retaining the KJV. Thirteen practical reasons for retaining the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. By Dr. Joel R. Beeke.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"A workshop dedicated to Dynamic New Athletics (DNA) was held as part of the build-up to the format's debut at the Minsk 2019 European Games.\nDNA will bring a new type of track and field to the second edition of the continental event in the Belarus capital.\nHeld over two hours, it sees teams of men and women vie for supremacy in 10 events, which organisers say embraces \"the basic athletics building-blocks of running, jumping and throwing\".\nThere was said to be \"standing room only\" for the workshop which took place at the European Athletics Convention in Switzerland's Olympic capital Lausanne.\nThe event at the Hotel Royal Savoy allowed coaches to hear about the format as the countdown to Minsk 2019, which opens on June 21, continues.\nOfficials including European Olympic Committees President Janez Kocijan\u010di\u010d and European Athletics President Svein Arne Hansen have already given their backing to DNA.\nIts introduction comes after a low-key athletics competition at the inaugural European Games in Baku in 2015, which lacked star names and was seen as being devoid of quality.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Boro fans have a week left to take advantage of the latest Boro Player offer which gives you the chance to get closer to the club for FREE.\nFor a limited time only you can enjoy 14 days free access to the service which provides subscribers with live audio commentary of every single game, extended match highlights, the full pre-match and post-match interviews with the manager and players \u2013 PLUS MUCH MORE.\nThis offer ends at midnight on Wednesday 19th March.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"This is a Mid-Level stress analyst position in the Aerostructures Engineering Organization. Work under general direction of the senior level stress analysts, the successful candidate will serve as a member of the Stress Group supporting preliminary and detail stress analysis of primary and secondary airframe structure, systems, and equipment resulting from applied and induced loads. Primary product lines for design activities will be unmanned aerial vehicles, modification of existing aircraft structures, and design-to-build activities for commercial and military aircraft for both composite and metallic constructions.\nRequires a solid understanding of metallic and composite materials (e.g., lamination theory, fabrication and assembly processes, etc.) and able to apply the principles of Structural Mechanic and Statics with minimal direction.\nAble to resolve complex aircraft structural challenges by applying various aerospace industry standard classical analysis techniques for both metallic and composite structures.\nMust be able to effectively present technical data in written and oral form to the reporting senior analyst and program management.\nDemonstrate proficiency in finite element modeling idealization and good modeling practices using NASTRAN, ANSYS, ABACUS or other FEA packages.\nDemonstrate familiarity with one of 14 CFR Part 23 and Part 25 Airworthiness Standards (e.g., Loads, Factor of Safety, Strength and Deformation, Proof of Structure, etc.), MIL-HDBK-516C, or NASA Procedural Requirements as they relate to certification of airframe structures.\nExperience with CATIA V5 or Unigraphics and good computer skills including working knowledge of Microsoft Office.\nPlay an integral role in the work flow release process by reviewing all structural designs and completed stress notes written by junior analysts or peers for accuracy, clarity, and completeness.\nPrepare stress analysis as the design mature and signoff models\/drawings for \"Stress\" to demonstrate their compliance with program requirements for structural integrity.\nResponsible for major structural layout processes, sizing, and structural integrity evaluations.\nMentor, coach and train junior analysts in analysis methods and procedures.\nAssist the senior analysts in developing standardized analysis methods and preparing for technical interchange meetings and program reviews.\nParticipate in material review board (MRB) and provide stress support for design changes, repairs and rework involving structure.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Prime commercial location in front of the new Towne Place Suites Marriott. This is Tract 1, .77 acres, and it is located on the east side of Willow St and is along the south side of 13th St.\nPlease send me more information on the following listing: 1300 WILLOW ST, Vincennes, IN, 47591MLS# 949958I found the listing at the following website: http:\/\/\/properties\/land\/949958.html Looking forward to hearing from you soon!","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
4 |
{"text":"The following Official Record for Miriam Mendoza is being redistributed by LCN and is protected by constitutional, publishing, and other legal rights. This Official Record was reported on 2019-02-11 15:36:09. The person named in this listing has only been arrested on suspicion of the crime indicated and is presumed innocent.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Conversion rate optimisation goes by many names, CRO, Landing page optimisation, website optimisation. It makes sure that you are getting the most from your web traffic. Visitors must know who you are, why they should care and what their next step is within the first three seconds of landing on your site, otherwise they're as good as gone.\nThe user is either willing to convert based on what they have experienced or their time on-site has built a better picture of who you are, in order to drive them back to your website when they are ready to take the next step.\nIn all aspects of conversion rate optimisation, our goal is to be true to your audience and your business objectives. This ensures you're not just getting clicks for the sake of it, but that every click is meaningful.\nUnderstanding business objectives and KPIs is central to asessing what areas of optimisation should be focused on.\nWe investigate external factors which inform optimisation \u2013 audience biases, competitors, trends informing user experience.\nWe delve into web analytics to understand user experience, preferences and points of friction. We apply AI technology to gauge user perception.\nBeing able to tap into audience mindset is key to lifting conversion rates. Understanding audience drivers informs creative direction.\nOur design suggestions are implicit with building a positive user-experience. Taking into account user behaviour and psychology, quality tested by our AI technology.\nCompelling copy wins hearts and minds of your consumer. It speaks to their inner-motivations, providing a clear reason why they should choose you.\nTo ensure best-in-class optimisation, we use AI technology to understand what people see in the first 3 seconds on-page. The software has been built through a rigorous process of data collection, statistical analysis and machine learning across the globe.\nUsing these learnings they have created algorithms which can emulate the movements the eye makes across a webpage with over 85% predictive accuracy compared to empirical studies.\nAs a Melbourne based agency, Showtime Digital started by building landing pages as a means of helping businesses convert more of their online traffic. With over 5 years' experience in landing page optimisation, this now expands to optimising websites, building user journeys which are optimised for conversions. We pride ourselves on our being able to lift conversion rates beyond industry averages. In some categories, we have been able to double the conversion rates, which has led to more efficient ad spend and greater outcomes. We are passionate about making sure users stay on page long enough to know who you are, why they should care and what their next step is, leading to more conversions, more often.\nShould I engage an agency who also works for my competitor?","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"You know that great song you wrote a few years ago but tossed aside because you got too busy being successful doing other things? Early in 2013, Australian indie artist Vince Gelonese discovered one of those gems in his own stash, got it to the right people in the U.S. and is now living \"Every Dream\"\u2014making an explosive smash Stateside with his infectious and romantic debut single.\nTruly living up to its title, \"Every Dream\" was an immediate sensation this past summer, ultimately reaching #4 on Billboard's Hot Singles Sales chart. It has remained on the chart for more than 20 weeks and is still in the Top Ten several months later.\nGelonese's track is building similar momentum on Adult Contemporary radio, and the 400 spins a week it has been receiving have propelled it into the Top 50 on the FMQB AC40 Chart. The Italian-born singer-songwriter, who started out as a rocker in high school and later took private classical and opera training, just wrapped shooting his first music video for the song.\nAs the only Australian adult contemporary artist currently on the U.S. charts, Gelonese is primed to follow in the footsteps of other musical greats who emerged from that country, like The Bee Gees, Kylie Minogue and Air Supply. Interestingly, while Gelonese is quickly becoming known as an artist in the U.S., he is still relatively under the radar back home.\nWhile Gelonese's radio and sales accolades have been an unexpected surprise for the experienced live performer, the singer already has a batch of follow-up singles in the works. His marketing consultant, Steve Pina of Los Angeles based Omni Entertainment, quickly hooked him up to collaborate in the studio with veteran songwriter\/producer Ronnie King, who has worked with everyone from 2Pac, Snoop Dogg and Mariah Carey to The Offspring, Kottonmouth Kings and the Hawaiian rock band Pepper.\nThe inspirational story behind Gelonese's breakthrough with \"Every Dream\" is as poignant and emotionally compelling as his songs. Long established as a stage performer in his adopted homeland, Gelonese had performed the lead in musicals like \"Grease\" but found his niche by starring in large stage productions centered around different musical themes\u2014from Latin Rock, Country Rock, pop and various revues centered around the music of the '70s, '80s and '90s.\nThe shows featured large band ensembles, female dancers and choreographed scenes. Gelonese's wife Melissa co-produced and choreographed the shows. They have been performed throughout New South Wales at concert halls, casino showrooms and auditoriums everywhere from the singer's hometown Canberra (the country's capital city) to Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. Drawing on his dynamic Italian family background, Gelonese also became a popular attraction singing in Italian at various festivals throughout the region.\nGelonese and his performing and production crew jaunted to Las Vegas several years ago to launch a production of one of the revue shows called \"Walking in Memphis.\" While visa extension problems left them short of establishing the show at a hotel or resort, it got a good deal of traction on the corporate event circuit.\n\"I finished writing 'Every Dream' during this time and recorded a demo of it that I gave to a music industry contact in the U.S. I was working with, who loved it and introduced it to some people she knew at Columbia Records,\" he says. \"She told me these executives thought it could be a number one hit, and I just laughed. I didn't take it seriously, because I was so focused on doing the ensemble shows. When you grow up playing music in Australia, the opportunities for becoming a successful artist are limited so I just wasn't thinking in those terms.\nAlthough Gelonese had given up pursuing music professionally for a number of years because of the need to support his family, he says he never stopped writing songs or performing on weekends in the years leading up to establishing himself as a live show performer.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"The holidays season is around the corner and you don't know what to offer your loved ones? Learn how to choose a good rum and you will have the solution to your dilemma!\n\u2013 Agricultural rum: produced mainly in regions of French influence, this rum is made from sugar cane juice.\n\u2013 Traditional rum: produced mainly in regions of English or Spanish influence, it is composed of thick sugar syrup called \"molasses\".\n\u2013 White rum: this is a young rum to drink dry or in cocktails.\n\u2013 Amber rum: it is a rum aged in oak barrels for a year to a year and a half, hence its color.\n\u2013 Old rum: aged for at least three years, this rum is ideal for tasting.\nAlso, you should ask yourself if this person appreciates beautiful brands, if they like discovering new flavors, or if they like rare products. Based on these elements, you can easily determine which product will please your family and friends.\nDo not drink and drive. Enjoy responsibly.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
3 |
{"text":"TattooBOMB\u2122 Makes your Tattoos Shine line New. This is an Exclusive Blend of Premium grade Shea Butter infused with Essential Oil. 100% Natural product. You will love how your Ink looks on Your body. Wonderful Lemon smell.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
4 |
{"text":"Public Art Galleries, Libraries and Museums.\nWe also provide advice in relation to Fringe Benefits Tax treatment for not-for-profit organisations and duty exemptions.\nfixed trusts and discretionary investment trusts.\nWe assist boards of management and members of not for profit organisations with governance reviews and to address internal disputes.\nWe assist not for profit organisation boards and their executive officers when difficulties arise in their relationships with government regulators and funding agencies.\nDF Mortimer and Associates, Proudly powered by WordPress.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}
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{"text":"Big Bottle Co. Cinnamon Cream - Cream with cinnamon sugar.\nBig Bottle Co. Cinnamon Cream is fluffy cream swirled with cinnamon sugar. The perfect treat to satisfy your nagging sweet tooth.\nCheck out the reviews of Big Bottle Co. Cinnamon Cream.\nI am very pleased with the flavor. Will definitely order it again.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaC4"}}