--- annotations_creators: - no-annotation language_creators: - found languages: - af - ak - am - ar - as - ay - az - be - bg - bm - bn - br - bs - ca - ckb - cs - ceb - cy - de - dv - el - eo - es - fa - ff - fi - fo - fr - fy - ga - gl - gn - gu - he - hi - hr - hu - id - ig - is - it - iu - ja - ka - kg - kk - km - kn - ko - ku - ky - la - lg - li - ln - lo - lt - lv - mg - mi - mk - ml - mn - mr - ms - mt - my - my - ne - nl - 'no' - nso - ny - om - or - pa - pl - ps - pt - shn - kac - rm - ro - ru - rw - sc - sd - se - si - sk - sl - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - syc - szl - ta - te - tg - th - ti - tl - tn - tr - ts - tt - zgh - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vi - wo - war - xh - yi - yo - zh - zh - zu - zza licenses: - unknown multilinguality: - translation size_categories: - n<1K - 1K: a `string` feature containing the content in the `language_code` specified. For `sentences` type: - `LASER_similarity`: a `float32` feature representing the LASER similarity score. - `translation`: a `dictionary` feature with two keys : - `en_XX`: a `string` feature containing the content in English. - : a `string` feature containing the content in the `language_code` specified. ### Data Splits Split sizes of some small configurations: | name |train| |----------|----:| |documents-zz_TR|41| |sentences-zz_TR|34| |documents-tz_MA|4| |sentences-tz_MA|33| |documents-ak_GH|249| |sentences-ak_GH|478| ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale [Needs More Information] ### Source Data #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization [Needs More Information] #### Who are the source language producers? [Needs More Information] ### Annotations #### Annotation process [Needs More Information] #### Who are the annotators? [Needs More Information] ### Personal and Sensitive Information [Needs More Information] ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset [Needs More Information] ### Discussion of Biases [Needs More Information] ### Other Known Limitations [Needs More Information] ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators [Needs More Information] ### Licensing Information [Needs More Information] ### Citation Information ``` @inproceedings{elkishky_ccaligned_2020, author = {El-Kishky, Ahmed and Chaudhary, Vishrav and Guzm{\'a}n, Francisco and Koehn, Philipp}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020)}, month = {November}, title = {{CCAligned}: A Massive Collection of Cross-lingual Web-Document Pairs}, year = {2020} address = "Online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.emnlp-main.480", doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.480", pages = "5960--5969" } ``` ### Contributions Thanks to [@gchhablani](https://github.com/gchhablani) for adding this dataset.