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{ "issue": { "id": "1AH2Z6Gevo4", "title": "Jan.-Feb.", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tb", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Jan.-Feb.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1AH375DQaGY", "doi": "10.1109/TCBB.2021.3121736", "abstract": "The papers in this special section were presented at the 16th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2020), which was held virtually, on December 1-4, 2020. 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{ "issue": { "id": "1D34Iu3iR1e", "title": "June", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1D34QjpFGyQ", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3165393", "abstract": "This special section of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG) presents the five most highly rated papers from the 2022 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (IEEE PacificVis). This year, IEEE PacificVis was scheduled to be hosted by the University of Tsukuba and held in Tsukuba, Japan, from April 11 to 14, 2022. IEEE PacificVis, sponsored by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC), aims to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. 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{ "issue": { "id": "1DU9cqsoY3m", "title": "May-June", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "03", "idPrefix": "tb", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "May-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1DU9k5pRa4o", "doi": "10.1109/TCBB.2022.3155845", "abstract": "This special section of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) is a collection of papers presented at the 18th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2020), which was a virtual conference held in Seoul, Korea, from August 18 to 20 in 2020. ", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This special section of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) is a collection of papers presented at the 18th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2020), which was a virtual conference held in Seoul, Korea, from August 18 to 20 in 2020. 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T., Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "03", "pubDate": "2022-05-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1255-1256", "year": "2022", "issn": "1545-5963", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "trans/tb/2013/05/ttb2013051089", "title": "Guest Editorial for ACM BCB", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2013/05/ttb2013051089/13rRUEgs2Af", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2015/05/07293248", "title": "Guest Editorial for Special Section on ISB/TBC 2014", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2015/05/07293248/13rRUEgs2Kl", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2014/04/06873414", "title": "Guest editorial for the 12th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2014/04/06873414/13rRUwI5TW8", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2018/02/08329161", "title": "Guest Editorial for the 14th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2018/02/08329161/13rRUzp02mT", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2022/04/09851994", "title": "Guest Editorial for Selected Papers From ACM-BCB 2019", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2022/04/09851994/1FFGSuRWeY0", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2022/06/09976402", "title": "Guest Editorial for Selected Papers From BIOKDD 2021", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2022/06/09976402/1IWfs7SxBXG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2019/04/08790821", "title": "Guest Editorial for Special Section on the 7th National Conference on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology of China", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2019/04/08790821/1ciKs4FaImY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2019/05/08863043", "title": "Guest Editorial for the ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2019/05/08863043/1dXEvMZW0lG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2021/03/09446662", "title": "Guest Editorial for Selected Papers From BIOKDD 2019", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2021/03/09446662/1u8ljS1y1z2", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2021/06/09642425", "title": "Guest Editorial for the 17th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2021/06/09642425/1zarvjwZGqk", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": null, "next": { "fno": "09122463", "articleId": "1kRRs7QBNqU", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6QR", "title": "July", "year": "2020", "issueNum": "07", "idPrefix": "tp", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "42", "label": "July", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1koL3gQqTHa", "doi": "10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2993888", "abstract": "The nine papers in this special section focus on computational photography. The development of increasingly successful visual inference algorithms has driven progress in a number of different application domains—ranging from photography to autonomous vehicles to graphics and virtual reality systems. As we continue to extend the capabilities of these computational algorithms, a complementary research direction lies in asking what the right visual measurements are for these algorithms to operate on. In computational photography, we seek to investigate both components—computational and sensory—of intelligent visual systems in synergy, to build measurement schemes and inference algorithms that are jointly optimal for a desired task, and thus create functionalities that go beyond what is possible with traditional cameras and computational tools. The call for papers for this section was co-ordinated with the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) that was held from April 24-26, 2020.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The nine papers in this special section focus on computational photography. The development of increasingly successful visual inference algorithms has driven progress in a number of different application domains—ranging from photography to autonomous vehicles to graphics and virtual reality systems. As we continue to extend the capabilities of these computational algorithms, a complementary research direction lies in asking what the right visual measurements are for these algorithms to operate on. In computational photography, we seek to investigate both components—computational and sensory—of intelligent visual systems in synergy, to build measurement schemes and inference algorithms that are jointly optimal for a desired task, and thus create functionalities that go beyond what is possible with traditional cameras and computational tools. The call for papers for this section was co-ordinated with the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) that was held from April 24-26, 2020.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The nine papers in this special section focus on computational photography. The development of increasingly successful visual inference algorithms has driven progress in a number of different application domains—ranging from photography to autonomous vehicles to graphics and virtual reality systems. As we continue to extend the capabilities of these computational algorithms, a complementary research direction lies in asking what the right visual measurements are for these algorithms to operate on. In computational photography, we seek to investigate both components—computational and sensory—of intelligent visual systems in synergy, to build measurement schemes and inference algorithms that are jointly optimal for a desired task, and thus create functionalities that go beyond what is possible with traditional cameras and computational tools. The call for papers for this section was co-ordinated with the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) that was held from April 24-26, 2020.", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Photography", "normalizedTitle": "Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Photography", "fno": "09108341", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tp", "keywords": [ "Special Issues And Sections", "Meetings", "Photography", "Visualization", "Image Reconstruction" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Ayan", "surname": "Chakrabarti", "fullName": "Ayan Chakrabarti", "affiliation": "Department of CSE, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kalyan", "surname": "Sunkavalli", "fullName": "Kalyan Sunkavalli", "affiliation": "Adobe Research, San Jose, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David A.", "surname": "Forsyth", "fullName": "David A. Forsyth", "affiliation": "Department of CS, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "07", "pubDate": "2020-07-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1545-1546", "year": "2020", "issn": "0162-8828", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "trans/tg/2012/03/ttg2012030354", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on ACM VRST", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/03/ttg2012030354/13rRUILLkvn", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/08/07138667", "title": "Guest Editors’ Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2014", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/08/07138667/13rRUwI5Ugf", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/05/ttg2012050660", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/05/ttg2012050660/13rRUxBa5bV", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/07/ttg2013071076", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/07/ttg2013071076/13rRUxOdD2D", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/06/08703194", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2019", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/06/08703194/19Er7j5Ad7a", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2022/01/09702708", "title": "Guest Editors&#x2019; Introduction to the Special Section on Bioinformatics Research and Applications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2022/01/09702708/1AH375DQaGY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/06/09766260", "title": "Guest Editors&#x0027; Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2022", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/06/09766260/1D34QjpFGyQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/09082802", "title": "Guest Editors&#x2019; Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2020", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/09082802/1jrTVLo1tpC", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/06/09430173", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2021", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/06/09430173/1tzuiF6azcs", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2021/07/09448372", "title": "Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Photography", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2021/07/09448372/1ugE1l1qQyk", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "09108338", "articleId": "1koL0hIhiWk", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "09064948", "articleId": "1iZGx37mhJS", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "1txPs9C3tok", "title": "June", "year": "2021", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "27", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1tzuiF6azcs", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2021.3074335", "abstract": "This special section of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG) presents the five most highly rated papers from the 2021 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (IEEE PacificVis). This year, IEEE PacificVis was scheduled to be hosted by Tianjin University and held in Tianjin, China, from April 19 to 22, 2021. IEEE PacificVis, sponsored by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC), aims to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This forum has grown to be a truly international event, attracting submissions and attendees from many countries in the Asia-Pacific and Europe, America, and beyond. Thus, IEEE PacificVis is serving the additional purposes of sharing the latest advances in visualization with researchers and practitioners in the region and introducing research developments in the region to the broader international visualization research community.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This special section of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG) presents the five most highly rated papers from the 2021 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (IEEE PacificVis). This year, IEEE PacificVis was scheduled to be hosted by Tianjin University and held in Tianjin, China, from April 19 to 22, 2021. IEEE PacificVis, sponsored by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC), aims to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This forum has grown to be a truly international event, attracting submissions and attendees from many countries in the Asia-Pacific and Europe, America, and beyond. Thus, IEEE PacificVis is serving the additional purposes of sharing the latest advances in visualization with researchers and practitioners in the region and introducing research developments in the region to the broader international visualization research community.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This special section of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG) presents the five most highly rated papers from the 2021 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (IEEE PacificVis). This year, IEEE PacificVis was scheduled to be hosted by Tianjin University and held in Tianjin, China, from April 19 to 22, 2021. IEEE PacificVis, sponsored by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC), aims to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This forum has grown to be a truly international event, attracting submissions and attendees from many countries in the Asia-Pacific and Europe, America, and beyond. Thus, IEEE PacificVis is serving the additional purposes of sharing the latest advances in visualization with researchers and practitioners in the region and introducing research developments in the region to the broader international visualization research community.", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2021", "normalizedTitle": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2021", "fno": "09430173", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Special Issues And Sections", "Meetings", "Computer Graphics", "Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Nan", "surname": "Cao", "fullName": "Nan Cao", "affiliation": "College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghai, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Holger", "surname": "Theisel", "fullName": "Holger Theisel", "affiliation": "Department of Simulation and Graphics, University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chaoli", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Chaoli Wang", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2021-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2768-2769", "year": "2021", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "trans/tg/2013/06/ttg2013060898", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2012", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/06/ttg2013060898/13rRUNvgziD", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/08/07138667", "title": "Guest Editors’ Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2014", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/08/07138667/13rRUwI5Ugf", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/08/06847259", "title": "Guest Editors&#x0027; Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/08/06847259/13rRUxD9gXJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/06/08352605", "title": "Guest Editors’ Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2018", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/06/08352605/13rRUxlgxOp", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/06/08703194", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2019", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/06/08703194/19Er7j5Ad7a", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/06/09766260", "title": "Guest Editors&#x0027; Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2022", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/06/09766260/1D34QjpFGyQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/06/10115227", "title": "Editorial: Guest Editors&#x2019; Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2023", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/06/10115227/1MQvd7b9gmA", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/09082802", "title": "Guest Editors&#x2019; Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2020", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/09082802/1jrTVLo1tpC", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2020/07/09108341", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Photography", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2020/07/09108341/1koL3gQqTHa", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/11/09591492", "title": "Message from the ISMAR 2021 Science and Technology Journal Program Chairs and TVCG Guest Editors", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/11/09591492/1y2FvGMxBuM", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": null, "next": { "fno": "09411869", "articleId": "1t2ii7r7RcI", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNBOUxmQ", "title": "November/December", "year": "2008", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "14", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwbaqUM", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2008.152", "abstract": "In many information visualization techniques, labels are an essential part to communicate the visualized data. To preserve the expressiveness of the visual representation, a placed label should neither occlude other labels nor visual representatives (e.g., icons, lines) that communicate crucial information. Optimal, non-overlapping labeling is an NP-hard problem. Thus, only a few approaches achieve a fast non-overlapping labeling in highly interactive scenarios like information visualization. These approaches generally target the point-feature label placement (PFLP) problem, solving only label-label conflicts.\rThis paper presents a new, fast, solid and flexible 2D labeling approach for the PFLP problem that additionally respects other visual elements and the visual extent of labeled features. The results (number of placed labels, processing time) of our particle-based method compare favorably to those of existing techniques. Although the esthetic quality of non-real-time approaches may not be achieved with our method, it complies with practical demands and thus supports the interactive exploration of information spaces. In contrast to the known adjacent techniques, the flexibility of our technique enables labeling of dense point clouds by the use of nonoccluding\rdistant labels. Our approach is independent of the underlying visualization technique, which enables us to demonstrate the application of our labeling method within different information visualization scenarios.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In many information visualization techniques, labels are an essential part to communicate the visualized data. To preserve the expressiveness of the visual representation, a placed label should neither occlude other labels nor visual representatives (e.g., icons, lines) that communicate crucial information. Optimal, non-overlapping labeling is an NP-hard problem. Thus, only a few approaches achieve a fast non-overlapping labeling in highly interactive scenarios like information visualization. These approaches generally target the point-feature label placement (PFLP) problem, solving only label-label conflicts.\rThis paper presents a new, fast, solid and flexible 2D labeling approach for the PFLP problem that additionally respects other visual elements and the visual extent of labeled features. The results (number of placed labels, processing time) of our particle-based method compare favorably to those of existing techniques. Although the esthetic quality of non-real-time approaches may not be achieved with our method, it complies with practical demands and thus supports the interactive exploration of information spaces. In contrast to the known adjacent techniques, the flexibility of our technique enables labeling of dense point clouds by the use of nonoccluding\rdistant labels. Our approach is independent of the underlying visualization technique, which enables us to demonstrate the application of our labeling method within different information visualization scenarios.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In many information visualization techniques, labels are an essential part to communicate the visualized data. To preserve the expressiveness of the visual representation, a placed label should neither occlude other labels nor visual representatives (e.g., icons, lines) that communicate crucial information. Optimal, non-overlapping labeling is an NP-hard problem. Thus, only a few approaches achieve a fast non-overlapping labeling in highly interactive scenarios like information visualization. These approaches generally target the point-feature label placement (PFLP) problem, solving only label-label conflicts.\rThis paper presents a new, fast, solid and flexible 2D labeling approach for the PFLP problem that additionally respects other visual elements and the visual extent of labeled features. The results (number of placed labels, processing time) of our particle-based method compare favorably to those of existing techniques. Although the esthetic quality of non-real-time approaches may not be achieved with our method, it complies with practical demands and thus supports the interactive exploration of information spaces. In contrast to the known adjacent techniques, the flexibility of our technique enables labeling of dense point clouds by the use of nonoccluding\rdistant labels. Our approach is independent of the underlying visualization technique, which enables us to demonstrate the application of our labeling method within different information visualization scenarios.", "title": "Particle-based labeling: Fast point-feature labeling without obscuring other visual features", "normalizedTitle": "Particle-based labeling: Fast point-feature labeling without obscuring other visual features", "fno": "ttg2008061237", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Index Terms Interactive Labeling", "Dynamic Labeling", "Automatic Label Placement", "Occlusion Free", "Information Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Martin", "surname": "Luboschik", "fullName": "Martin Luboschik", "affiliation": "University of Rostock", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Heidrun", "surname": "Schumann", "fullName": "Heidrun Schumann", "affiliation": "University of Rostock", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hilko", "surname": "Cords", "fullName": "Hilko Cords", "affiliation": "University of Rostock", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2008-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1237-1244", "year": "2008", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/apvis/2007/0808/0/04126220", "title": "Many-to-one boundary labeling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/apvis/2007/04126220/12OmNBlFR2L", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/apvis/2007/0808/0", "title": "Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icds/2010/3953/0/3953a182", "title": "Confidentiality Labeling Using Structured Data Types", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icds/2010/3953a182/12OmNCd2rSF", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icds/2010/3953/0", "title": "International Conference on the Digital Society", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2011/0394/0/05995380", "title": "Learning structured prediction models for interactive image labeling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2011/05995380/12OmNvnOwvE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2011/0394/0", "title": "CVPR 2011", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cit/2009/3836/1/3836a318", "title": "A New Labeling Scheme without Re-labeling Using Circular Concepts for Dynamic XML Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cit/2009/3836a318/12OmNyqzLVV", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cit/2009/3836/1", "title": "2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. CIT 2009", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2010/6685/0/05429592", "title": "Crossing-free many-to-one boundary labeling with hyperleaders", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2010/05429592/12OmNyqzM3q", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2010/6685/0", "title": "2010 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440077", "title": "Labels on Levels: Labeling of Multi-Scale Multi-Instance and Crowded 3D Biological Environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440077/17D45XH89nI", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icme/2022/8563/0/09859748", "title": "SEPL-Net: A Semantics-Enhanced Pseudo Labeling Network for Semi-Supervised Image Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icme/2022/09859748/1G9DSeo4CZ2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icme/2022/8563/0", "title": "2022 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/clei/2018/0437/0/043700a251", "title": "Hybrid Method for Automatic Music Labeling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/clei/2018/043700a251/1cdP3FG2q7S", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/clei/2018/0437/0", "title": "2018 XLIV Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/01/09552249", "title": "Rapid Labels: Point-Feature Labeling on GPU", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/01/09552249/1xicaqbwmA0", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/03/09645242", "title": "Labeling Out-of-View Objects in Immersive Analytics to Support Situated Visual Searching", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/03/09645242/1zc6DjegSGY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2008061229", "articleId": "13rRUwcS1CQ", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2008061245", "articleId": "13rRUILLkDJ", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXnFrm", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "75.8 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNxvO04Q", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwjGoLK", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2016.2598898", "abstract": "Visual search can be time-consuming, especially if the scene contains a large number of possibly relevant objects. An instance of this problem is present when using geographic or schematic maps with many different elements representing cities, streets, sights, and the like. Unless the map is well-known to the reader, the full map or at least large parts of it must be scanned to find the elements of interest. In this paper, we present a controlled eye-tracking study (30 participants) to compare four variants of map annotation with labels: within-image annotations, grid reference annotation, directional annotation, and miniature annotation. Within-image annotation places labels directly within the map without any further search support. Grid reference annotation corresponds to the traditional approach known from atlases. Directional annotation utilizes a label in combination with an arrow pointing in the direction of the label within the map. Miniature annotation shows a miniature grid to guide the reader to the area of the map in which the label is located. The study results show that within-image annotation is outperformed by all other annotation approaches. Best task completion times are achieved with miniature annotation. The analysis of eye-movement data reveals that participants applied significantly different visual task solution strategies for the different visual annotations.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Visual search can be time-consuming, especially if the scene contains a large number of possibly relevant objects. An instance of this problem is present when using geographic or schematic maps with many different elements representing cities, streets, sights, and the like. Unless the map is well-known to the reader, the full map or at least large parts of it must be scanned to find the elements of interest. In this paper, we present a controlled eye-tracking study (30 participants) to compare four variants of map annotation with labels: within-image annotations, grid reference annotation, directional annotation, and miniature annotation. Within-image annotation places labels directly within the map without any further search support. Grid reference annotation corresponds to the traditional approach known from atlases. Directional annotation utilizes a label in combination with an arrow pointing in the direction of the label within the map. Miniature annotation shows a miniature grid to guide the reader to the area of the map in which the label is located. The study results show that within-image annotation is outperformed by all other annotation approaches. Best task completion times are achieved with miniature annotation. The analysis of eye-movement data reveals that participants applied significantly different visual task solution strategies for the different visual annotations.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Visual search can be time-consuming, especially if the scene contains a large number of possibly relevant objects. An instance of this problem is present when using geographic or schematic maps with many different elements representing cities, streets, sights, and the like. Unless the map is well-known to the reader, the full map or at least large parts of it must be scanned to find the elements of interest. In this paper, we present a controlled eye-tracking study (30 participants) to compare four variants of map annotation with labels: within-image annotations, grid reference annotation, directional annotation, and miniature annotation. Within-image annotation places labels directly within the map without any further search support. Grid reference annotation corresponds to the traditional approach known from atlases. Directional annotation utilizes a label in combination with an arrow pointing in the direction of the label within the map. Miniature annotation shows a miniature grid to guide the reader to the area of the map in which the label is located. The study results show that within-image annotation is outperformed by all other annotation approaches. Best task completion times are achieved with miniature annotation. The analysis of eye-movement data reveals that participants applied significantly different visual task solution strategies for the different visual annotations.", "title": "An Evaluation of Visual Search Support in Maps", "normalizedTitle": "An Evaluation of Visual Search Support in Maps", "fno": "07539393", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visualization", "Search Problems", "Two Dimensional Displays", "Indexes", "Urban Areas", "Gaze Tracking", "Data Visualization", "Map Visualization", "Visual Search", "Laboratory Study", "Eye Tracking" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Rudolf", "surname": "Netzel", "fullName": "Rudolf Netzel", "affiliation": "VISUS, University of Stuttgart", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Marcel", "surname": "Hlawatsch", "fullName": "Marcel Hlawatsch", "affiliation": "VISUS, University of Stuttgart", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michael", "surname": "Burch", "fullName": "Michael Burch", "affiliation": "VISUS, University of Stuttgart", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sanjeev", "surname": "Balakrishnan", "fullName": "Sanjeev Balakrishnan", "affiliation": "VISUS, University of Stuttgart", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hansjörg", "surname": "Schmauder", "fullName": "Hansjörg Schmauder", "affiliation": "VISUS, University of Stuttgart", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Weiskopf", "fullName": "Daniel Weiskopf", "affiliation": "VISUS, University of Stuttgart", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2017-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "421-430", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2008/1966/0/04475477", "title": "Map Warping for the Annotation of Metro Maps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2008/04475477/12OmNrHSD43", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2008/1966/0", "title": "IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2008", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2017/0831/0/0831a292", "title": "AA-Maps — Attenuation and Accumulation Maps for Spatio-temporal Event Visualisation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2017/0831a292/12OmNvwTGGv", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2017/0831/0", "title": "2017 21st International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2014/4103/0/4103a088", "title": "Heat Maps for Aggregating Bioacoustic Annotations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2014/4103a088/12OmNwErpOR", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2014/4103/0", "title": "2014 18th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icvrv/2014/6854/0/6854a260", "title": "Learning Label Set Relevance for Search Based Image Annotation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icvrv/2014/6854a260/12OmNyXMQes", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icvrv/2014/6854/0", "title": "2014 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/01/07539297", "title": "Visual Analytics for Mobile Eye Tracking", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/01/07539297/13rRUyv53Fx", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vast/2017/3163/0/08585638", "title": "E-Map: A Visual Analytics Approach for Exploring Significant Event Evolutions in Social Media", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2017/08585638/17D45WrVg7l", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2017/3163/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iiai-aai/2018/7447/0/744701a182", "title": "A Visual Interactive Reading System Based on Eye Tracking Technology to Improve Digital Reading Performance", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iiai-aai/2018/744701a182/19m3CYcZJVC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iiai-aai/2018/7447/0", "title": "2018 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv-2/2019/2850/0/285000a007", "title": "A Survey of the Visual Design of Cartographic and Other Elements of Illustrated Tourist Maps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv-2/2019/285000a007/1cMEQb68cgM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv-2/2019/2850/0", "title": "2019 23rd International Conference in Information Visualization – Part II", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2020/9134/0/913400a454", "title": "Augmented Reality with Maps for Off-Screen POI Awareness", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2020/913400a454/1rSR7Fgh4qc", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2020/9134/0", "title": "2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2020/9134/0/913400a378", "title": "RoseTrajVis: Visual Analytics of Trajectories with Rose Diagrams", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2020/913400a378/1rSRa9dXxDO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2020/9134/0", "title": "2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07539669", "articleId": "13rRUx0gepZ", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07539585", "articleId": "13rRUxcsYLW", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "1J9y2mtpt3a", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2023", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "29", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1H1gjlaBqVO", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3209457", "abstract": "The prevalence of inadequate SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) responses may indicate a lack of trust in forecasts and risk communication. However, no work has empirically tested how multiple forecast visualization choices impact trust and task-based performance. The three studies presented in this paper (<inline-formula><tex-math notation=\"LaTeX\">Z_$N=1299$_Z</tex-math></inline-formula>) examine how visualization choices impact trust in COVID-19 mortality forecasts and how they influence performance in a trend prediction task. These studies focus on line charts populated with real-time COVID-19 data that varied the number and color encoding of the forecasts and the presence of best/worst-case forecasts. The studies reveal that trust in COVID-19 forecast visualizations initially increases with the number of forecasts and then plateaus after 6&#x2013;9 forecasts. However, participants were most trusting of visualizations that showed less visual information, including a 95&#x0025; confidence interval, single forecast, and grayscale encoded forecasts. Participants maintained high trust in intervals labeled with 50&#x0025; and 25&#x0025; and did not proportionally scale their trust to the indicated interval size. Despite the high trust, the 95&#x0025; CI condition was the most likely to evoke predictions that did not correspond with the actual COVID-19 trend. Qualitative analysis of participants&#x0027; strategies confirmed that many participants trusted both the simplistic visualizations and those with numerous forecasts. This work provides practical guides for how COVID-19 forecast visualizations influence trust, including recommendations for identifying the range where forecasts balance trade-offs between trust and task-based performance.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The prevalence of inadequate SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) responses may indicate a lack of trust in forecasts and risk communication. However, no work has empirically tested how multiple forecast visualization choices impact trust and task-based performance. The three studies presented in this paper (<inline-formula><tex-math notation=\"LaTeX\">$N=1299$</tex-math><alternatives><graphic position=\"float\" orientation=\"portrait\" xlink:href=\"tvcg-padilla-3209457-eqinline-1-small.tif\"/></alternatives></inline-formula>) examine how visualization choices impact trust in COVID-19 mortality forecasts and how they influence performance in a trend prediction task. These studies focus on line charts populated with real-time COVID-19 data that varied the number and color encoding of the forecasts and the presence of best/worst-case forecasts. The studies reveal that trust in COVID-19 forecast visualizations initially increases with the number of forecasts and then plateaus after 6&#x2013;9 forecasts. However, participants were most trusting of visualizations that showed less visual information, including a 95&#x0025; confidence interval, single forecast, and grayscale encoded forecasts. Participants maintained high trust in intervals labeled with 50&#x0025; and 25&#x0025; and did not proportionally scale their trust to the indicated interval size. Despite the high trust, the 95&#x0025; CI condition was the most likely to evoke predictions that did not correspond with the actual COVID-19 trend. Qualitative analysis of participants&#x0027; strategies confirmed that many participants trusted both the simplistic visualizations and those with numerous forecasts. This work provides practical guides for how COVID-19 forecast visualizations influence trust, including recommendations for identifying the range where forecasts balance trade-offs between trust and task-based performance.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The prevalence of inadequate SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) responses may indicate a lack of trust in forecasts and risk communication. However, no work has empirically tested how multiple forecast visualization choices impact trust and task-based performance. The three studies presented in this paper (-) examine how visualization choices impact trust in COVID-19 mortality forecasts and how they influence performance in a trend prediction task. These studies focus on line charts populated with real-time COVID-19 data that varied the number and color encoding of the forecasts and the presence of best/worst-case forecasts. The studies reveal that trust in COVID-19 forecast visualizations initially increases with the number of forecasts and then plateaus after 6–9 forecasts. However, participants were most trusting of visualizations that showed less visual information, including a 95% confidence interval, single forecast, and grayscale encoded forecasts. Participants maintained high trust in intervals labeled with 50% and 25% and did not proportionally scale their trust to the indicated interval size. Despite the high trust, the 95% CI condition was the most likely to evoke predictions that did not correspond with the actual COVID-19 trend. Qualitative analysis of participants' strategies confirmed that many participants trusted both the simplistic visualizations and those with numerous forecasts. This work provides practical guides for how COVID-19 forecast visualizations influence trust, including recommendations for identifying the range where forecasts balance trade-offs between trust and task-based performance.", "title": "Multiple Forecast Visualizations (MFVs): Trade-offs in Trust and Performance in Multiple COVID-19 Forecast Visualizations", "normalizedTitle": "Multiple Forecast Visualizations (MFVs): Trade-offs in Trust and Performance in Multiple COVID-19 Forecast Visualizations", "fno": "09904455", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Forecasting Theory", "Image Coding", "Prediction Theory", "COVID 19 Forecast Visualizations", "COVID 19 Mortality Forecasts", "Grayscale Encoded Forecasts", "Inadequate SARS COV 2 Responses", "Multiple COVID 19 Forecast Visualizations", "Multiple Forecast Visualization", "Real Time COVID 19 Data", "Trend Prediction Task", "Visual Information", "COVID 19", "Uncertainty", "Data Visualization", "Predictive Models", "Pandemics", "Visualization", "Task Analysis", "COVID 19", "Multiple Forecast Visualizations", "Uncertainty Visualization", "Line Charts", "Time Series Data" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Lace", "surname": "Padilla", "fullName": "Lace Padilla", "affiliation": "University of California Merced, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Racquel", "surname": "Fygenson", "fullName": "Racquel Fygenson", "affiliation": "New York University, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Spencer C.", "surname": "Castro", "fullName": "Spencer C. 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{ "issue": { "id": "1J9y2mtpt3a", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2023", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "29", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1HrexIf2zZe", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3209480", "abstract": "Storyline visualizations are a powerful way to compactly visualize how the relationships between people evolve over time. Real-world relationships often also involve space, for example the cities that two political rivals visited together or alone over the years. By default, Storyline visualizations only show implicitly geospatial co-occurrence between people (drawn as lines), by bringing their lines together. Even the few designs that do explicitly show geographic locations only do so in abstract ways (<italic>e.g.</italic>, annotations) and do not communicate geospatial information, such as the direction or extent of their political campains. We introduce Geo-Storylines, a collection of visualisation designs that integrate geospatial context into Storyline visualizations, using different strategies for compositing time and space. Our contribution is twofold. First, we present the results of a sketching workshop with 11 participants, that we used to derive a design space for integrating maps into Storylines. Second, by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the potential designs of the design space in terms of legibility and ability to scale to multiple relationships, we extract the three most promising: Time Glyphs, Coordinated Views, and Map Glyphs. We compare these three techniques first in a controlled study with 18 participants, under five different geospatial tasks and two maps of different complexity. We additionally collected informal feedback about their usefulness from domain experts in data journalism. Our results indicate that, as expected, detailed performance depends on the task. Nevertheless, Coordinated Views remain a highly effective and preferred technique across the board.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Storyline visualizations are a powerful way to compactly visualize how the relationships between people evolve over time. Real-world relationships often also involve space, for example the cities that two political rivals visited together or alone over the years. By default, Storyline visualizations only show implicitly geospatial co-occurrence between people (drawn as lines), by bringing their lines together. Even the few designs that do explicitly show geographic locations only do so in abstract ways (<italic>e.g.</italic>, annotations) and do not communicate geospatial information, such as the direction or extent of their political campains. We introduce Geo-Storylines, a collection of visualisation designs that integrate geospatial context into Storyline visualizations, using different strategies for compositing time and space. Our contribution is twofold. First, we present the results of a sketching workshop with 11 participants, that we used to derive a design space for integrating maps into Storylines. Second, by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the potential designs of the design space in terms of legibility and ability to scale to multiple relationships, we extract the three most promising: Time Glyphs, Coordinated Views, and Map Glyphs. We compare these three techniques first in a controlled study with 18 participants, under five different geospatial tasks and two maps of different complexity. We additionally collected informal feedback about their usefulness from domain experts in data journalism. Our results indicate that, as expected, detailed performance depends on the task. Nevertheless, Coordinated Views remain a highly effective and preferred technique across the board.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Storyline visualizations are a powerful way to compactly visualize how the relationships between people evolve over time. Real-world relationships often also involve space, for example the cities that two political rivals visited together or alone over the years. By default, Storyline visualizations only show implicitly geospatial co-occurrence between people (drawn as lines), by bringing their lines together. Even the few designs that do explicitly show geographic locations only do so in abstract ways (e.g., annotations) and do not communicate geospatial information, such as the direction or extent of their political campains. We introduce Geo-Storylines, a collection of visualisation designs that integrate geospatial context into Storyline visualizations, using different strategies for compositing time and space. Our contribution is twofold. First, we present the results of a sketching workshop with 11 participants, that we used to derive a design space for integrating maps into Storylines. Second, by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the potential designs of the design space in terms of legibility and ability to scale to multiple relationships, we extract the three most promising: Time Glyphs, Coordinated Views, and Map Glyphs. We compare these three techniques first in a controlled study with 18 participants, under five different geospatial tasks and two maps of different complexity. We additionally collected informal feedback about their usefulness from domain experts in data journalism. Our results indicate that, as expected, detailed performance depends on the task. Nevertheless, Coordinated Views remain a highly effective and preferred technique across the board.", "title": "Geo-Storylines: Integrating Maps into Storyline Visualizations", "normalizedTitle": "Geo-Storylines: Integrating Maps into Storyline Visualizations", "fno": "09917516", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Cartography", "Data Visualisation", "Ergonomics", "Geographic Information Systems", "Coordinated Views", "Data Journalism", "Design Space", "Geo Storylines", "Geographic Locations", "Geospatial Tasks", "Informal Feedback", "Map Glyphs", "Map Integration", "Storyline Visualizations", "Time Glyphs", "Geospatial Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Urban Areas", "Conferences", "Layout", "Trajectory", "Task Analysis", "Storyline Visualization", "Geo Temporal Data", "Maps", "Hypergraphs" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Golina", "surname": "Hulstein", "fullName": "Golina Hulstein", "affiliation": "Université Paris-Saclay, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { 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We demonstrate the performance of NDCC on several datasets under a variety of label noise environments. Experimental results show the superiority of the proposed approach compared to the state&#x2013;of&#x2013;the&#x2013;art, especially in the presence of severe label noise.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Data quality is of paramount importance to the training of any machine learning model. Recently proposed approaches for noisy learning focus on detecting noisy labeled data instances by using a fixed loss value threshold and excluding detected noisy data instances in subsequent training steps. However, a predefined, fixed loss value threshold may not be optimal for detecting noisy labeled data, whereas excluding the detected noisy data instances can reduce the size of the training set to such an extend that accuracy can be negatively affected. In this article, we propose Noisy label Detection and Counterfactual Correction (NDCC), a new approach that automatically selects a loss value threshold to identify noisy labeled data instances, and uses counterfactual learning to correct the noisy labels. To the best of our knowledge, NDCC is the first work to explore the use of counterfactual learning in the noisy learning domain. We demonstrate the performance of NDCC on several datasets under a variety of label noise environments. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvsDHDY", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2020", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "26", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1cHEu5CRoFq", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2019.2934555", "abstract": "We present Scalable Insets, a technique for interactively exploring and navigating large numbers of annotated patterns in multiscale visualizations such as gigapixel images, matrices, or maps. Exploration of many but sparsely-distributed patterns in multiscale visualizations is challenging as visual representations change across zoom levels, context and navigational cues get lost upon zooming, and navigation is time consuming. Our technique visualizes annotated patterns too small to be identifiable at certain zoom levels using insets, i.e., magnified thumbnail views of the annotated patterns. Insets support users in searching, comparing, and contextualizing patterns while reducing the amount of navigation needed. They are dynamically placed either within the viewport or along the boundary of the viewport to offer a compromise between locality and context preservation. Annotated patterns are interactively clustered by location and type. They are visually represented as an aggregated inset to provide scalable exploration within a single viewport. In a controlled user study with 18 participants, we found that Scalable Insets can speed up visual search and improve the accuracy of pattern comparison at the cost of slower frequency estimation compared to a baseline technique. A second study with 6 experts in the field of genomics showed that Scalable Insets is easy to learn and provides first insights into how Scalable Insets can be applied in an open-ended data exploration scenario.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present Scalable Insets, a technique for interactively exploring and navigating large numbers of annotated patterns in multiscale visualizations such as gigapixel images, matrices, or maps. Exploration of many but sparsely-distributed patterns in multiscale visualizations is challenging as visual representations change across zoom levels, context and navigational cues get lost upon zooming, and navigation is time consuming. Our technique visualizes annotated patterns too small to be identifiable at certain zoom levels using insets, i.e., magnified thumbnail views of the annotated patterns. Insets support users in searching, comparing, and contextualizing patterns while reducing the amount of navigation needed. They are dynamically placed either within the viewport or along the boundary of the viewport to offer a compromise between locality and context preservation. Annotated patterns are interactively clustered by location and type. They are visually represented as an aggregated inset to provide scalable exploration within a single viewport. In a controlled user study with 18 participants, we found that Scalable Insets can speed up visual search and improve the accuracy of pattern comparison at the cost of slower frequency estimation compared to a baseline technique. A second study with 6 experts in the field of genomics showed that Scalable Insets is easy to learn and provides first insights into how Scalable Insets can be applied in an open-ended data exploration scenario.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present Scalable Insets, a technique for interactively exploring and navigating large numbers of annotated patterns in multiscale visualizations such as gigapixel images, matrices, or maps. Exploration of many but sparsely-distributed patterns in multiscale visualizations is challenging as visual representations change across zoom levels, context and navigational cues get lost upon zooming, and navigation is time consuming. Our technique visualizes annotated patterns too small to be identifiable at certain zoom levels using insets, i.e., magnified thumbnail views of the annotated patterns. Insets support users in searching, comparing, and contextualizing patterns while reducing the amount of navigation needed. They are dynamically placed either within the viewport or along the boundary of the viewport to offer a compromise between locality and context preservation. Annotated patterns are interactively clustered by location and type. They are visually represented as an aggregated inset to provide scalable exploration within a single viewport. In a controlled user study with 18 participants, we found that Scalable Insets can speed up visual search and improve the accuracy of pattern comparison at the cost of slower frequency estimation compared to a baseline technique. A second study with 6 experts in the field of genomics showed that Scalable Insets is easy to learn and provides first insights into how Scalable Insets can be applied in an open-ended data exploration scenario.", "title": "Pattern-Driven Navigation in 2D Multiscale Visualizations with Scalable Insets", "normalizedTitle": "Pattern-Driven Navigation in 2D Multiscale Visualizations with Scalable Insets", "fno": "08809750", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Pattern Driven Navigation", "Scalable Insets", "Visual Representations", "Zoom Levels", "Navigational Cues", "Visual Search", "2 D Multiscale Visualizations", "Visualization", "Navigation", "Genomics", "Bioinformatics", "Data Visualization", "Labeling", "Lenses", "Guided Navigation", "Pattern Exploration", "Multiscale Visualizations", "Gigapixel Images", "Geospatial Maps", "Genomics" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Fritz", "surname": "Lekschas", "fullName": "Fritz Lekschas", "affiliation": "School 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"/proceedings-article/bibm/2010/05706593/12OmNqFrGK4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2010/8306/0", "title": "2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/03/06919281", "title": "VectorLens: Angular Selection of Curves within 2D Dense Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/03/06919281/13rRUxAAT7G", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192691", "title": "Vials: Visualizing Alternative Splicing of Genes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192691/13rRUxBJhFz", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/01/07534774", "title": "PhenoStacks: Cross-Sectional Cohort Phenotype Comparison Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/01/07534774/13rRUy2YLYB", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/01/08017587", "title": "HiPiler: Visual Exploration of Large Genome Interaction Matrices with Interactive Small Multiples", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/01/08017587/13rRUy3xY2V", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2017/05/07797453", "title": "Exploring Consensus RNA Substructural Patterns Using Subgraph Mining", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": 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{ "issue": { "id": "1I6Nvxq2hxe", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tp", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "44", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1xH5E3Yjgek", "doi": "10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3120012", "abstract": "In partial label learning, a multi-class classifier is learned from the ambiguous supervision where each training example is associated with a set of candidate labels among which only one is valid. An intuitive way to deal with this problem is <italic>label disambiguation</italic>, i.e., differentiating the labeling confidences of different candidate labels so as to try to recover ground-truth labeling information. Recently, feature-aware label disambiguation has been proposed which utilizes the graph structure of feature space to generate labeling confidences over candidate labels. Nevertheless, the existence of noises and outliers in training data makes the graph structure derived from original feature space less reliable. In this paper, a novel partial label learning approach based on <italic>adaptive graph guided disambiguation</italic> is proposed, which is shown to be more effective in revealing the intrinsic manifold structure among training examples. Other than the sequential <italic>disambiguation-then-induction</italic> learning strategy, the proposed approach jointly performs adaptive graph construction, candidate label disambiguation and predictive model induction with alternating optimization. Furthermore, we consider the particular <italic>human-in-the-loop</italic> framework in which a learner is allowed to actively query some ambiguously labeled examples for manual disambiguation. Extensive experiments clearly validate the effectiveness of adaptive graph guided disambiguation for learning from partial label examples.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In partial label learning, a multi-class classifier is learned from the ambiguous supervision where each training example is associated with a set of candidate labels among which only one is valid. An intuitive way to deal with this problem is <italic>label disambiguation</italic>, i.e., differentiating the labeling confidences of different candidate labels so as to try to recover ground-truth labeling information. Recently, feature-aware label disambiguation has been proposed which utilizes the graph structure of feature space to generate labeling confidences over candidate labels. Nevertheless, the existence of noises and outliers in training data makes the graph structure derived from original feature space less reliable. In this paper, a novel partial label learning approach based on <italic>adaptive graph guided disambiguation</italic> is proposed, which is shown to be more effective in revealing the intrinsic manifold structure among training examples. Other than the sequential <italic>disambiguation-then-induction</italic> learning strategy, the proposed approach jointly performs adaptive graph construction, candidate label disambiguation and predictive model induction with alternating optimization. Furthermore, we consider the particular <italic>human-in-the-loop</italic> framework in which a learner is allowed to actively query some ambiguously labeled examples for manual disambiguation. Extensive experiments clearly validate the effectiveness of adaptive graph guided disambiguation for learning from partial label examples.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In partial label learning, a multi-class classifier is learned from the ambiguous supervision where each training example is associated with a set of candidate labels among which only one is valid. An intuitive way to deal with this problem is label disambiguation, i.e., differentiating the labeling confidences of different candidate labels so as to try to recover ground-truth labeling information. Recently, feature-aware label disambiguation has been proposed which utilizes the graph structure of feature space to generate labeling confidences over candidate labels. Nevertheless, the existence of noises and outliers in training data makes the graph structure derived from original feature space less reliable. In this paper, a novel partial label learning approach based on adaptive graph guided disambiguation is proposed, which is shown to be more effective in revealing the intrinsic manifold structure among training examples. Other than the sequential disambiguation-then-induction learning strategy, the proposed approach jointly performs adaptive graph construction, candidate label disambiguation and predictive model induction with alternating optimization. Furthermore, we consider the particular human-in-the-loop framework in which a learner is allowed to actively query some ambiguously labeled examples for manual disambiguation. Extensive experiments clearly validate the effectiveness of adaptive graph guided disambiguation for learning from partial label examples.", "title": "Adaptive Graph Guided Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning", "normalizedTitle": "Adaptive Graph Guided Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning", "fno": "09573413", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tp", "keywords": [ "Graph Theory", "Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Learning By Example", "Pattern Classification", "Adaptive Graph Construction", "Adaptive Graph Guided Disambiguation", "Ambiguously Labeled Examples", "Different Candidate Labels", "Feature Aware Label Disambiguation", "Graph Structure", "Ground Truth Labeling Information", "Labeling Confidences", "Manual Disambiguation", "Novel Partial Label Learning Approach", "Partial Label Examples", "Sequential Disambiguation Then Induction Learning Strategy", "Training Example", "Training", "Labeling", "Predictive Models", "Task Analysis", "Manifolds", "Faces", "Tagging", "Machine Learning", "Weakly Supervised Learning", "Partial Label Learning", "Label Disambiguation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Deng-Bao", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Deng-Bao Wang", "affiliation": "School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Min-Ling", "surname": "Zhang", "fullName": "Min-Ling Zhang", "affiliation": "School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Li", "surname": "Li", "fullName": "Li Li", "affiliation": "College of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University, Chongqing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2022-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "8796-8811", "year": "2022", "issn": "0162-8828", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/waina/2015/1775/0/1775a209", "title": "Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Feature Ranking Graph", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/waina/2015/1775a209/12OmNC1Gufg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/waina/2015/1775/0", "title": "2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/2017/10/07964762", "title": "Disambiguation-Free Partial Label Learning", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/2017/10/07964762/13rRUIJcWlN", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icmtma/2022/9978/0/997800a912", "title": "Entity disambiguation method based on Graph Attention Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icmtma/2022/997800a912/1Byerpx431C", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icmtma/2022/9978/0", "title": "2022 14th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/5555/01/09839555", "title": "BGNN-XML: Bilateral Graph Neural Networks for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/5555/01/09839555/1FisqjkI1sQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/5555/01/09999508", "title": "Multi-View Partial Multi-Label Learning via Graph-Fusion-Based Label Enhancement", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/5555/01/09999508/1JrMyxvllsY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/5555/01/10059210", "title": "Weakly Supervised Concept Map Generation through Task-Guided Graph Translation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/5555/01/10059210/1LiKKCc8KkM", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/2021/02/08792183", "title": "GM-PLL: Graph Matching Based Partial Label Learning", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/2021/02/08792183/1ckpmarL2RG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2022/05/09286557", "title": "Graphonomy: Universal Image Parsing via Graph Reasoning and Transfer", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2022/05/09286557/1poqXeO2yqs", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2022/07/09354590", "title": "Partial Multi-Label Learning With Noisy Label Identification", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2022/07/09354590/1reXib2cwWk", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/2023/02/09497732", "title": "Multi-Dimensional Classification via Decomposed Label Encoding", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/2023/02/09497732/1vzY5PBadc4", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCaLEju", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2018", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "24", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUx0gefo", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2745219", "abstract": "Data visualization systems have predominantly been developed for WIMP-based direct manipulation interfaces. Only recently have other forms of interaction begun to appear, such as natural language or touch-based interaction, though usually operating only independently. Prior evaluations of natural language interfaces for visualization have indicated potential value in combining direct manipulation and natural language as complementary interaction techniques. We hypothesize that truly multimodal interfaces for visualization, those providing users with freedom of expression via both natural language and touch-based direct manipulation input, may provide an effective and engaging user experience. Unfortunately, however, little work has been done in exploring such multimodal visualization interfaces. To address this gap, we have created an architecture and a prototype visualization system called Orko that facilitates both natural language and direct manipulation input. Specifically, Orko focuses on the domain of network visualization, one that has largely relied on WIMP-based interfaces and direct manipulation interaction, and has little or no prior research exploring natural language interaction. We report results from an initial evaluation study of Orko, and use our observations to discuss opportunities and challenges for future work in multimodal network visualization interfaces.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Data visualization systems have predominantly been developed for WIMP-based direct manipulation interfaces. Only recently have other forms of interaction begun to appear, such as natural language or touch-based interaction, though usually operating only independently. Prior evaluations of natural language interfaces for visualization have indicated potential value in combining direct manipulation and natural language as complementary interaction techniques. We hypothesize that truly multimodal interfaces for visualization, those providing users with freedom of expression via both natural language and touch-based direct manipulation input, may provide an effective and engaging user experience. Unfortunately, however, little work has been done in exploring such multimodal visualization interfaces. To address this gap, we have created an architecture and a prototype visualization system called Orko that facilitates both natural language and direct manipulation input. Specifically, Orko focuses on the domain of network visualization, one that has largely relied on WIMP-based interfaces and direct manipulation interaction, and has little or no prior research exploring natural language interaction. We report results from an initial evaluation study of Orko, and use our observations to discuss opportunities and challenges for future work in multimodal network visualization interfaces.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Data visualization systems have predominantly been developed for WIMP-based direct manipulation interfaces. Only recently have other forms of interaction begun to appear, such as natural language or touch-based interaction, though usually operating only independently. Prior evaluations of natural language interfaces for visualization have indicated potential value in combining direct manipulation and natural language as complementary interaction techniques. We hypothesize that truly multimodal interfaces for visualization, those providing users with freedom of expression via both natural language and touch-based direct manipulation input, may provide an effective and engaging user experience. Unfortunately, however, little work has been done in exploring such multimodal visualization interfaces. To address this gap, we have created an architecture and a prototype visualization system called Orko that facilitates both natural language and direct manipulation input. Specifically, Orko focuses on the domain of network visualization, one that has largely relied on WIMP-based interfaces and direct manipulation interaction, and has little or no prior research exploring natural language interaction. We report results from an initial evaluation study of Orko, and use our observations to discuss opportunities and challenges for future work in multimodal network visualization interfaces.", "title": "Orko: Facilitating Multimodal Interaction for Visual Exploration and Analysis of Networks", "normalizedTitle": "Orko: Facilitating Multimodal Interaction for Visual Exploration and Analysis of Networks", "fno": "08019860", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Natural Languages", "Visualization", "Taxonomy", "Prototypes", "Mice", "Speech", "Multimodal Interaction", "Network Visualization", "Natural Language Input", "Direct Manipulation", "Multitouch Input" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Arjun", "surname": "Srinivasan", "fullName": "Arjun Srinivasan", "affiliation": "Georgia Institute of Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "John", "surname": "Stasko", "fullName": "John Stasko", "affiliation": "Georgia Institute of Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2018-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "511-521", "year": "2018", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/svr/2017/3588/0/3588a169", "title": "An Immersive Visualization Study on Molecules Manipulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/svr/2017/3588a169/12OmNApcubh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/svr/2017/3588/0", "title": "2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/mmcs/1997/7819/0/00609635", "title": "IFQ: a visual query interface and query generator for object-based media retrieval", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/mmcs/1997/00609635/12OmNCfAPGz", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/mmcs/1997/7819/0", "title": "Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icmcs/1997/7819/0/78190353", "title": "IFQ: a visual query interface and query generator for object-based media retrieval", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icmcs/1997/78190353/12OmNxIRxUf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icmcs/1997/7819/0", "title": "Multimedia Computing and Systems, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cw/2012/4814/0/4814a261", "title": "Interactive Exploration System: A User-Centered Interaction Approach in Semantics Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2012/4814a261/12OmNxwENIT", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2012/4814/0", "title": "2012 International Conference on Cyberworlds", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/th/2014/04/06809988", "title": "Analysis of Hand Contact Areas and Interaction Capabilities During Manipulation and Exploration", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/th/2014/04/06809988/13rRUytF41L", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/th", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Haptics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/06/09699035", "title": "Towards Natural Language Interfaces for Data Visualization: A Survey", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/06/09699035/1ADJfMYBSCs", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/01/09903602", "title": "Comparison Conundrum and the Chamber of Visualizations: An Exploration of How Language Influences Visual Design", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/01/09903602/1GZokBOfm2A", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/08977320", "title": "Touch? 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvqEvRo", "title": "PrePrints", "year": "5555", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": null, "label": "PrePrints", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1GIqtQDhf8I", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3207241", "abstract": "What happens if we put vision and touch into conflict? Which modality &#x201C;wins&#x201D;? Although several previous studies have addressed this topic, they have solely focused on integration of vision and touch for low-level object properties (such as curvature, slant, or depth). In the present study, we introduce a multimodal mixed-reality setup based on real-time hand-tracking, which was used to display real-world, haptic exploration of objects in a virtual environment through a head-mounted-display (HMD). With this setup we studied multimodal conflict situations of objects varying along higher-level, parametrically-controlled global shape properties. Participants explored these objects in both unimodal and multimodal settings with the latter including congruent and incongruent conditions and differing instructions for weighting the input modalities. Results demonstrated a surprisingly clear touch dominance throughout all experiments, which in addition was only marginally influenceable through instructions to bias their modality weighting. We also present an initial analysis of the hand-tracking patterns that illustrates the potential for our setup to investigate exploration behavior in more detail.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "What happens if we put vision and touch into conflict? Which modality &#x201C;wins&#x201D;? Although several previous studies have addressed this topic, they have solely focused on integration of vision and touch for low-level object properties (such as curvature, slant, or depth). In the present study, we introduce a multimodal mixed-reality setup based on real-time hand-tracking, which was used to display real-world, haptic exploration of objects in a virtual environment through a head-mounted-display (HMD). With this setup we studied multimodal conflict situations of objects varying along higher-level, parametrically-controlled global shape properties. Participants explored these objects in both unimodal and multimodal settings with the latter including congruent and incongruent conditions and differing instructions for weighting the input modalities. Results demonstrated a surprisingly clear touch dominance throughout all experiments, which in addition was only marginally influenceable through instructions to bias their modality weighting. We also present an initial analysis of the hand-tracking patterns that illustrates the potential for our setup to investigate exploration behavior in more detail.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "What happens if we put vision and touch into conflict? Which modality “wins”? Although several previous studies have addressed this topic, they have solely focused on integration of vision and touch for low-level object properties (such as curvature, slant, or depth). In the present study, we introduce a multimodal mixed-reality setup based on real-time hand-tracking, which was used to display real-world, haptic exploration of objects in a virtual environment through a head-mounted-display (HMD). With this setup we studied multimodal conflict situations of objects varying along higher-level, parametrically-controlled global shape properties. Participants explored these objects in both unimodal and multimodal settings with the latter including congruent and incongruent conditions and differing instructions for weighting the input modalities. Results demonstrated a surprisingly clear touch dominance throughout all experiments, which in addition was only marginally influenceable through instructions to bias their modality weighting. We also present an initial analysis of the hand-tracking patterns that illustrates the potential for our setup to investigate exploration behavior in more detail.", "title": "Putting Vision and Touch Into Conflict: Results from a Multimodal Mixed Reality Setup", "normalizedTitle": "Putting Vision and Touch Into Conflict: Results from a Multimodal Mixed Reality Setup", "fno": "09894081", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Shape", "Visualization", "Haptic Interfaces", "Resists", "Task Analysis", "Real Time Systems", "Mixed Reality", "Perception", "Vision", "Haptics", "Dominance", "Hand Tracking", "Multisensory Perception" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Hyeokmook", "surname": "Kang", "fullName": "Hyeokmook Kang", "affiliation": "Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Taeho", "surname": "Kang", "fullName": "Taeho Kang", "affiliation": "Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Christian", "surname": "Wallraven", "fullName": "Christian Wallraven", "affiliation": "Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering and Department of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2022-09-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1-12", "year": "5555", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/acii/2013/5048/0/5048a701", "title": "Affective Touch at a Distance", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/acii/2013/5048a701/12OmNAle6rO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/acii/2013/5048/0", "title": "2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/haptics/2002/1489/0/14890097", "title": "Integrating Multimodal Information about Surface Texture via a Probe: Relative Contributions of Haptic and Touch-Produced Sound Sources", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/haptics/2002/14890097/12OmNBBzohw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/haptics/2002/1489/0", "title": "Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, International Symposium on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2009/3943/0/04811019", "title": "Virtual Humans That Touch Back: Enhancing Nonverbal Communication with Virtual Humans through Bidirectional Touch", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2009/04811019/12OmNwMXnsz", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2009/3943/0", "title": "2009 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2009/3943/0/04811054", "title": "A Multimodal Interface for Artifact's Exploration", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2009/04811054/12OmNx4yvAp", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2009/3943/0", "title": "2009 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2009/3943/0/04811061", "title": "A VR Multimodal Interface for Small Artifacts in the Gold Museum", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2009/04811061/12OmNx76TSt", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2009/3943/0", "title": "2009 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2013/4795/0/06549376", "title": "Touch experience in augmented reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2013/06549376/12OmNy2agRt", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2013/4795/0", "title": "2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/th/2017/03/07811300", "title": "Social Touch Technology: A Survey of Haptic Technology for Social Touch", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/th/2017/03/07811300/13rRUxNW1TZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/th", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Haptics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/ta/2017/01/07360126", "title": "Physiological Responses to Affective Tele-Touch during Induced Emotional Stimuli", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/ta/2017/01/07360126/13rRUxYINdD", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/ta", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/ta/2018/04/07752812", "title": "Combining Facial Expression and Touch for Perceiving Emotional Valence", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/ta/2018/04/07752812/17D45XeKgr8", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/ta", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2022/5325/0/532500a102", "title": "Studying the Role of Self and External Touch in the Appropriation of Dysmorphic Hands", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismar/2022/532500a102/1JrRiazvJ1m", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2022/5325/0", "title": "2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "09894041", "articleId": "1GIqrCx8RCE", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "09895311", "articleId": "1GNprsVfaFi", 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{ "issue": { "id": "1uR9KQn3cNq", "title": "Aug.", "year": "2021", "issueNum": "08", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "27", "label": "Aug.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1hTHRTEQgRG", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2020.2978050", "abstract": "Multimodal interfaces that combine direct manipulation and natural language have shown great promise for data visualization. Such multimodal interfaces allow people to stay in the flow of their visual exploration by leveraging the strengths of one modality to complement the weaknesses of others. In this article, we introduce an approach that interweaves multimodal interaction combining direct manipulation and natural language with flexible unit visualizations. We employ the proposed approach in a proof-of-concept system, DataBreeze. Coupling pen, touch, and speech-based multimodal interaction with flexible unit visualizations, DataBreeze allows people to create and interact with both systematically bound (e.g., scatterplots, unit column charts) and manually customized views, enabling a novel visual data exploration experience. We describe our design process along with DataBreeze's interface and interactions, delineating specific aspects of the design that empower the synergistic use of multiple modalities. We also present a preliminary user study with DataBreeze, highlighting the data exploration patterns that participants employed. Finally, reflecting on our design process and preliminary user study, we discuss future research directions.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Multimodal interfaces that combine direct manipulation and natural language have shown great promise for data visualization. Such multimodal interfaces allow people to stay in the flow of their visual exploration by leveraging the strengths of one modality to complement the weaknesses of others. In this article, we introduce an approach that interweaves multimodal interaction combining direct manipulation and natural language with flexible unit visualizations. We employ the proposed approach in a proof-of-concept system, DataBreeze. Coupling pen, touch, and speech-based multimodal interaction with flexible unit visualizations, DataBreeze allows people to create and interact with both systematically bound (e.g., scatterplots, unit column charts) and manually customized views, enabling a novel visual data exploration experience. We describe our design process along with DataBreeze's interface and interactions, delineating specific aspects of the design that empower the synergistic use of multiple modalities. We also present a preliminary user study with DataBreeze, highlighting the data exploration patterns that participants employed. Finally, reflecting on our design process and preliminary user study, we discuss future research directions.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Multimodal interfaces that combine direct manipulation and natural language have shown great promise for data visualization. Such multimodal interfaces allow people to stay in the flow of their visual exploration by leveraging the strengths of one modality to complement the weaknesses of others. In this article, we introduce an approach that interweaves multimodal interaction combining direct manipulation and natural language with flexible unit visualizations. We employ the proposed approach in a proof-of-concept system, DataBreeze. Coupling pen, touch, and speech-based multimodal interaction with flexible unit visualizations, DataBreeze allows people to create and interact with both systematically bound (e.g., scatterplots, unit column charts) and manually customized views, enabling a novel visual data exploration experience. We describe our design process along with DataBreeze's interface and interactions, delineating specific aspects of the design that empower the synergistic use of multiple modalities. We also present a preliminary user study with DataBreeze, highlighting the data exploration patterns that participants employed. Finally, reflecting on our design process and preliminary user study, we discuss future research directions.", "title": "Interweaving Multimodal Interaction With Flexible Unit Visualizations for Data Exploration", "normalizedTitle": "Interweaving Multimodal Interaction With Flexible Unit Visualizations for Data Exploration", "fno": "09023002", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Analysis", "Data Visualisation", "Human Computer Interaction", "Interactive Systems", "Natural Language Processing", "Flexible Unit Visualizations", "Data Breeze", "Speech Based Multimodal Interaction", "Unit Column Charts", "Visual Data Exploration Experience", "Data Exploration Patterns", "Multimodal Interfaces", "Combine Direct Manipulation", "Natural Language", "Data Visualization", "Visual Exploration", "Data Visualization", "Visualization", "Natural Languages", "Couplings", "Cognitive Science", "Image Color Analysis", "Task Analysis", "Multimodal Interaction", "Natural Language Interfaces", "Speech Interaction", "Pen And Touch Interaction", "Unit Visualizations" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Arjun", "surname": "Srinivasan", "fullName": "Arjun Srinivasan", "affiliation": "Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Bongshin", "surname": "Lee", "fullName": "Bongshin Lee", "affiliation": "Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "John", "surname": "Stasko", "fullName": "John Stasko", "affiliation": "Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "08", "pubDate": "2021-08-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "3519-3533", "year": "2021", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/dsc/2018/4210/0/421001a685", "title": "Multimodal Object Classification Using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dsc/2018/421001a685/12OmNBTawgq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dsc/2018/4210/0", "title": "2018 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/12/06875985", "title": "DimpVis: Exploring Time-varying Information Visualizations by Direct Manipulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/12/06875985/13rRUwbs1Sw", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/01/08019860", "title": "Orko: Facilitating Multimodal Interaction for Visual Exploration and Analysis of Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/01/08019860/13rRUx0gefo", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/12/08233127", "title": "Atom: A Grammar for Unit Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/12/08233127/14H4WLzSYsE", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08454489", "title": "Patterns and Pace: Quantifying Diverse Exploration Behavior with Visualizations on the Web", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08454489/17D45W1Oa3s", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/02/08281629", "title": "Exploration Strategies for Discovery of Interactivity in Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/02/08281629/17D45WB0qaL", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vlhcc/2018/4235/0/08506578", "title": "Comparative Visualizations through Parameterization and Variability", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vlhcc/2018/08506578/17D45WaTki5", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vlhcc/2018/4235/0", "title": "2018 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/01/09903602", "title": "Comparison Conundrum and the Chamber of Visualizations: An Exploration of How Language Influences Visual Design", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/01/09903602/1GZokBOfm2A", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/08977320", "title": "Touch? 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNxvO04G", "title": "July/August", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "04", "idPrefix": "ts", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "36", "label": "July/August", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygT7gV", "doi": "10.1109/TSE.2009.70", "abstract": "In this paper, we explore the concept of code readability and investigate its relation to software quality. With data collected from 120 human annotators, we derive associations between a simple set of local code features and human notions of readability. Using those features, we construct an automated readability measure and show that it can be 80 percent effective and better than a human, on average, at predicting readability judgments. Furthermore, we show that this metric correlates strongly with three measures of software quality: code changes, automated defect reports, and defect log messages. We measure these correlations on over 2.2 million lines of code, as well as longitudinally, over many releases of selected projects. Finally, we discuss the implications of this study on programming language design and engineering practice. For example, our data suggest that comments, in and of themselves, are less important than simple blank lines to local judgments of readability.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In this paper, we explore the concept of code readability and investigate its relation to software quality. With data collected from 120 human annotators, we derive associations between a simple set of local code features and human notions of readability. Using those features, we construct an automated readability measure and show that it can be 80 percent effective and better than a human, on average, at predicting readability judgments. Furthermore, we show that this metric correlates strongly with three measures of software quality: code changes, automated defect reports, and defect log messages. We measure these correlations on over 2.2 million lines of code, as well as longitudinally, over many releases of selected projects. Finally, we discuss the implications of this study on programming language design and engineering practice. For example, our data suggest that comments, in and of themselves, are less important than simple blank lines to local judgments of readability.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In this paper, we explore the concept of code readability and investigate its relation to software quality. With data collected from 120 human annotators, we derive associations between a simple set of local code features and human notions of readability. Using those features, we construct an automated readability measure and show that it can be 80 percent effective and better than a human, on average, at predicting readability judgments. Furthermore, we show that this metric correlates strongly with three measures of software quality: code changes, automated defect reports, and defect log messages. We measure these correlations on over 2.2 million lines of code, as well as longitudinally, over many releases of selected projects. Finally, we discuss the implications of this study on programming language design and engineering practice. For example, our data suggest that comments, in and of themselves, are less important than simple blank lines to local judgments of readability.", "title": "Learning a Metric for Code Readability", "normalizedTitle": "Learning a Metric for Code Readability", "fno": "tts2010040546", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "ts", "keywords": [ "Software Readability", "Program Understanding", "Machine Learning", "Software Maintenance", "Code Metrics", "Find Bugs" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Raymond P.L.", "surname": "Buse", "fullName": "Raymond P.L. Buse", "affiliation": "University of Virginia, Charlottesville", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Westley R.", "surname": "Weimer", "fullName": "Westley R. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvGPE8n", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2016", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "22", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyuegpa", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2015.2467691", "abstract": "Node-link diagrams provide an intuitive way to explore networks and have inspired a large number of automated graph layout strategies that optimize aesthetic criteria. However, any particular drawing approach cannot fully satisfy all these criteria simultaneously, producing drawings with visual ambiguities that can impede the understanding of network structure. To bring attention to these potentially problematic areas present in the drawing, this paper presents a technique that highlights common types of visual ambiguities: ambiguous spatial relationships between nodes and edges, visual overlap between community structures, and ambiguity in edge bundling and metanodes. Metrics, including newly proposed metrics for abnormal edge lengths, visual overlap in community structures and node/edge aggregation, are proposed to quantify areas of ambiguity in the drawing. These metrics and others are then displayed using a heatmap-based visualization that provides visual feedback to developers of graph drawing and visualization approaches, allowing them to quickly identify misleading areas. The novel metrics and the heatmap-based visualization allow a user to explore ambiguities in graph layouts from multiple perspectives in order to make reasonable graph layout choices. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated through case studies and expert reviews.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Node-link diagrams provide an intuitive way to explore networks and have inspired a large number of automated graph layout strategies that optimize aesthetic criteria. However, any particular drawing approach cannot fully satisfy all these criteria simultaneously, producing drawings with visual ambiguities that can impede the understanding of network structure. To bring attention to these potentially problematic areas present in the drawing, this paper presents a technique that highlights common types of visual ambiguities: ambiguous spatial relationships between nodes and edges, visual overlap between community structures, and ambiguity in edge bundling and metanodes. Metrics, including newly proposed metrics for abnormal edge lengths, visual overlap in community structures and node/edge aggregation, are proposed to quantify areas of ambiguity in the drawing. These metrics and others are then displayed using a heatmap-based visualization that provides visual feedback to developers of graph drawing and visualization approaches, allowing them to quickly identify misleading areas. The novel metrics and the heatmap-based visualization allow a user to explore ambiguities in graph layouts from multiple perspectives in order to make reasonable graph layout choices. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated through case studies and expert reviews.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Node-link diagrams provide an intuitive way to explore networks and have inspired a large number of automated graph layout strategies that optimize aesthetic criteria. However, any particular drawing approach cannot fully satisfy all these criteria simultaneously, producing drawings with visual ambiguities that can impede the understanding of network structure. To bring attention to these potentially problematic areas present in the drawing, this paper presents a technique that highlights common types of visual ambiguities: ambiguous spatial relationships between nodes and edges, visual overlap between community structures, and ambiguity in edge bundling and metanodes. Metrics, including newly proposed metrics for abnormal edge lengths, visual overlap in community structures and node/edge aggregation, are proposed to quantify areas of ambiguity in the drawing. These metrics and others are then displayed using a heatmap-based visualization that provides visual feedback to developers of graph drawing and visualization approaches, allowing them to quickly identify misleading areas. The novel metrics and the heatmap-based visualization allow a user to explore ambiguities in graph layouts from multiple perspectives in order to make reasonable graph layout choices. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated through case studies and expert reviews.", "title": "AmbiguityVis: Visualization of Ambiguity in Graph Layouts", "normalizedTitle": "AmbiguityVis: Visualization of Ambiguity in Graph Layouts", "fno": "07192724", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visualization", "Measurement", "Layout", "Heating", "Image Edge Detection", "Entropy", "Readability Metrics", "Graph Visualization", "Visual Ambiguity", "Visualization", "Node Link Diagram", "Graph Layout", "Graph Visualization", "Visual Ambiguity", "Visualization", "Node Link Diagram", "Graph Layout" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yong", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Yong Wang", "affiliation": ", Hong Kong University of Science and Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Qiaomu", "surname": "Shen", "fullName": "Qiaomu Shen", "affiliation": ", Hong Kong University of Science and Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Archambault", "fullName": "Daniel Archambault", "affiliation": ", Swansea University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Zhiguang", "surname": "Zhou", "fullName": "Zhiguang Zhou", "affiliation": ", Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Min", "surname": "Zhu", "fullName": "Min Zhu", "affiliation": ", Sichuan University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sixiao", "surname": "Yang", "fullName": "Sixiao Yang", "affiliation": ", Huawei Co. Ltd.", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Huamin", "surname": "Qu", "fullName": "Huamin Qu", "affiliation": ", Hong Kong University of Science and Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2016-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "359-368", "year": "2016", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icsme/2014/6146/0/6146a541", "title": "Improving Low Quality Stack Overflow Post Detection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icsme/2014/6146a541/12OmNqzu6Wh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icsme/2014/6146/0", "title": "2014 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2003/1988/0/19880272", "title": "Layout Metrics for Euler Diagrams", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2003/19880272/12OmNvD8RBs", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2003/1988/0", "title": "Proceedings on Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization, 2003. IV 2003.", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061333", "title": "Perceptual Organization in User-Generated Graph Layouts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061333/13rRUyeCkac", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2022/2335/0/233500a051", "title": "dGG, dRNG, DSC: New Degree-based Shape-based Faithfulness Metrics for Large and Complex Graph Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2022/233500a051/1E2wj8PptTi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2022/2335/0", "title": "2022 IEEE 15th Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2019/04/08739137", "title": "Evaluating the Readability of Force Directed Graph Layouts: A Deep Learning Approach", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2019/04/08739137/1aXM6mNkouI", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08807379", "title": "Persistent Homology Guided Force-Directed Graph Layouts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08807379/1cG6h8OkgJq", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2019/2605/0/08944364", "title": "Force-Directed Graph Layouts by Edge Sampling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ldav/2019/08944364/1grOFicLl9S", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2019/2605/0", "title": "2019 IEEE 9th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/08977505", "title": "The Sprawlter Graph Readability Metric: Combining Sprawl and Area-Aware Clutter", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/08977505/1h2AIHeB46A", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2021/3931/0/393100a151", "title": "Louvain-based Multi-level Graph Drawing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2021/393100a151/1tTtsE2YW9G", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2021/3931/0", "title": "2021 IEEE 14th Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2021/3931/0/393100a006", "title": "A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Human Preference for Graph Layouts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2021/393100a006/1tTtsf8P4yI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2021/3931/0", "title": "2021 IEEE 14th Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07192690", "articleId": "13rRUy0qnLI", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07192708", "articleId": "13rRUxly8XH", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYet2w", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "5.25 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvAiSlQ", "title": "July-Aug.", "year": "2019", "issueNum": "04", "idPrefix": "cg", "pubType": "magazine", "volume": "39", "label": "July-Aug.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": true, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1aXM6mNkouI", "doi": "10.1109/MCG.2018.2881501", "abstract": "Existing graph layout algorithms are usually not able to optimize all the aesthetic properties desired in a graph layout. To evaluate how well the desired visual features are reflected in a graph layout, many readability metrics have been proposed in the past decades. However, the calculation of these readability metrics often requires access to the node and edge coordinates and is usually computationally inefficient, especially for dense graphs. Importantly, when the node and edge coordinates are not accessible, it becomes impossible to evaluate the graph layouts quantitatively. In this paper, we present a novel deep learning-based approach to evaluate the readability of graph layouts by directly using graph images. A convolutional neural network architecture is proposed and trained on a benchmark dataset of graph images, which is composed of synthetically generated graphs and graphs created by sampling from real large networks. Multiple representative readability metrics (including edge crossing, node spread, and group overlap) are considered in the proposed approach. We quantitatively compare our approach to traditional methods and qualitatively evaluate our approach by showing usage scenarios and visualizing convolutional layers. This paper is a first step towards using deep learning based methods to quantitatively evaluate images from the visualization field.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Existing graph layout algorithms are usually not able to optimize all the aesthetic properties desired in a graph layout. To evaluate how well the desired visual features are reflected in a graph layout, many readability metrics have been proposed in the past decades. However, the calculation of these readability metrics often requires access to the node and edge coordinates and is usually computationally inefficient, especially for dense graphs. Importantly, when the node and edge coordinates are not accessible, it becomes impossible to evaluate the graph layouts quantitatively. In this paper, we present a novel deep learning-based approach to evaluate the readability of graph layouts by directly using graph images. A convolutional neural network architecture is proposed and trained on a benchmark dataset of graph images, which is composed of synthetically generated graphs and graphs created by sampling from real large networks. Multiple representative readability metrics (including edge crossing, node spread, and group overlap) are considered in the proposed approach. We quantitatively compare our approach to traditional methods and qualitatively evaluate our approach by showing usage scenarios and visualizing convolutional layers. This paper is a first step towards using deep learning based methods to quantitatively evaluate images from the visualization field.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Existing graph layout algorithms are usually not able to optimize all the aesthetic properties desired in a graph layout. To evaluate how well the desired visual features are reflected in a graph layout, many readability metrics have been proposed in the past decades. However, the calculation of these readability metrics often requires access to the node and edge coordinates and is usually computationally inefficient, especially for dense graphs. Importantly, when the node and edge coordinates are not accessible, it becomes impossible to evaluate the graph layouts quantitatively. In this paper, we present a novel deep learning-based approach to evaluate the readability of graph layouts by directly using graph images. A convolutional neural network architecture is proposed and trained on a benchmark dataset of graph images, which is composed of synthetically generated graphs and graphs created by sampling from real large networks. Multiple representative readability metrics (including edge crossing, node spread, and group overlap) are considered in the proposed approach. We quantitatively compare our approach to traditional methods and qualitatively evaluate our approach by showing usage scenarios and visualizing convolutional layers. This paper is a first step towards using deep learning based methods to quantitatively evaluate images from the visualization field.", "title": "Evaluating the Readability of Force Directed Graph Layouts: A Deep Learning Approach", "normalizedTitle": "Evaluating the Readability of Force Directed Graph Layouts: A Deep Learning Approach", "fno": "08739137", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "cg", "keywords": [ "Convolutional Neural Nets", "Data Visualisation", "Directed Graphs", "Image Processing", "Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Force Directed Graph Layouts", "Deep Learning Approach", "Graph Layout Algorithms", "Edge Coordinates", "Dense Graphs", "Graph Images", "Synthetically Generated Graphs", "Multiple Representative Readability Metrics", "Node Coordinates", "Visual Features", "Convolutional Neural Network Architecture", "Visualizing Convolutional Layers", "Layout", "Readability Metrics", "Deep Learning", "Measurement", "Image Edge Detection", "Visualization", "Training Data" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Hammad", "surname": "Haleem", "fullName": "Hammad Haleem", "affiliation": "The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yong", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Yong Wang", "affiliation": "The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Abishek", "surname": "Puri", "fullName": "Abishek Puri", "affiliation": "The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sahil", "surname": "Wadhwa", "fullName": "Sahil Wadhwa", "affiliation": "Blackrock", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Huamin", "surname": "Qu", "fullName": "Huamin Qu", "affiliation": "The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "04", "pubDate": "2019-07-01 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(ICICSE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2017/0831/0/0831a288", "title": "Sketch-Based Interactions for Untangling of Force-Directed Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2017/0831a288/12OmNyO8tVY", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2017/0831/0", "title": "2017 21st International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vl/2000/0840/0/08400069", "title": "Improving Readability in a Visual Language with a VLSI-Like Approach", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vl/2000/08400069/12OmNzcPA2X", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vl/2000/0840/0", "title": "Visual Languages, IEEE Symposium on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192724", "title": "AmbiguityVis: Visualization of Ambiguity in 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCaLEju", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2018", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "24", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwhHcQX", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2744459", "abstract": "Although visualization design models exist in the literature in the form of higher-level methodological frameworks, these models do not present a clear methodological prescription for the domain characterization step. This work presents a framework and end-to-end model for requirements engineering in problem-driven visualization application design. The framework and model are based on the activity-centered design paradigm, which is an enhancement of human-centered design. The proposed activity-centered approach focuses on user tasks and activities, and allows an explicit link between the requirements engineering process with the abstraction stage—and its evaluation—of existing, higher-level visualization design models. In a departure from existing visualization design models, the resulting model: assigns value to a visualization based on user activities; ranks user tasks before the user data; partitions requirements in activity-related capabilities and nonfunctional characteristics and constraints; and explicitly incorporates the user workflows into the requirements process. A further merit of this model is its explicit integration of functional specifications, a concept this work adapts from the software engineering literature, into the visualization design nested model. A quantitative evaluation using two sets of interdisciplinary projects supports the merits of the activity-centered model. The result is a practical roadmap to the domain characterization step of visualization design for problem-driven data visualization. Following this domain characterization model can help remove a number of pitfalls that have been identified multiple times in the visualization design literature.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Although visualization design models exist in the literature in the form of higher-level methodological frameworks, these models do not present a clear methodological prescription for the domain characterization step. This work presents a framework and end-to-end model for requirements engineering in problem-driven visualization application design. The framework and model are based on the activity-centered design paradigm, which is an enhancement of human-centered design. The proposed activity-centered approach focuses on user tasks and activities, and allows an explicit link between the requirements engineering process with the abstraction stage—and its evaluation—of existing, higher-level visualization design models. In a departure from existing visualization design models, the resulting model: assigns value to a visualization based on user activities; ranks user tasks before the user data; partitions requirements in activity-related capabilities and nonfunctional characteristics and constraints; and explicitly incorporates the user workflows into the requirements process. A further merit of this model is its explicit integration of functional specifications, a concept this work adapts from the software engineering literature, into the visualization design nested model. A quantitative evaluation using two sets of interdisciplinary projects supports the merits of the activity-centered model. The result is a practical roadmap to the domain characterization step of visualization design for problem-driven data visualization. Following this domain characterization model can help remove a number of pitfalls that have been identified multiple times in the visualization design literature.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Although visualization design models exist in the literature in the form of higher-level methodological frameworks, these models do not present a clear methodological prescription for the domain characterization step. This work presents a framework and end-to-end model for requirements engineering in problem-driven visualization application design. The framework and model are based on the activity-centered design paradigm, which is an enhancement of human-centered design. The proposed activity-centered approach focuses on user tasks and activities, and allows an explicit link between the requirements engineering process with the abstraction stage—and its evaluation—of existing, higher-level visualization design models. In a departure from existing visualization design models, the resulting model: assigns value to a visualization based on user activities; ranks user tasks before the user data; partitions requirements in activity-related capabilities and nonfunctional characteristics and constraints; and explicitly incorporates the user workflows into the requirements process. A further merit of this model is its explicit integration of functional specifications, a concept this work adapts from the software engineering literature, into the visualization design nested model. A quantitative evaluation using two sets of interdisciplinary projects supports the merits of the activity-centered model. The result is a practical roadmap to the domain characterization step of visualization design for problem-driven data visualization. Following this domain characterization model can help remove a number of pitfalls that have been identified multiple times in the visualization design literature.", "title": "Activity-Centered Domain Characterization for Problem-Driven Scientific Visualization", "normalizedTitle": "Activity-Centered Domain Characterization for Problem-Driven Scientific Visualization", "fno": "08017610", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Computational Modeling", "Data Models", "Human Computer Interaction", "Tools", "Interviews", "Requirements Engineering", "Design Studies", "Tasks And Requirements Analysis", "Visualization Models", "Domain Characterization", "Activity Centered Design", "Functional Specifications" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "G. Elisabeta", "surname": "Marai", "fullName": "G. Elisabeta Marai", "affiliation": "Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois, Chicago", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2018-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "913-922", "year": "2018", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/enc/2008/3439/0/3439a104", "title": "Integrating the Personas Technique into the Requirements Analysis Activity", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/enc/2008/3439a104/12OmNqIQSk9", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/enc/2008/3439/0", "title": "2008 Mexican International Conference on Computer Science", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ichi/2016/6117/0/6117a297", "title": "Supporting Patient Healing through ICUsmartCARE: Technologies that Enable Family Collaboration, Presence, and Information Flow", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ichi/2016/6117a297/12OmNrJiCKG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ichi/2016/6117/0", "title": "2016 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2001/0981/5/09815031", "title": "Designing User Interfaces Using Activity Theory", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2001/09815031/12OmNwseEWl", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2001/0981/5", "title": "Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wapi/2017/2805/0/07965483", "title": "Human-Centered Methods for Improving API Usability", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wapi/2017/07965483/12OmNy5hRfK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wapi/2017/2805/0", "title": "2017 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on API Usage and Evolution (WAPI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/co/2016/07/mco2016070044", "title": "Programmers Are Users Too: Human-Centered Methods for Improving Programming Tools", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/co/2016/07/mco2016070044/13rRUxNmPMt", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/co", "title": "Computer", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/01/07536110", "title": "Annotation Graphs: A Graph-Based Visualization for Meta-Analysis of Data Based on User-Authored Annotations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/01/07536110/13rRUxZ0o1F", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/co/2014/12/mco2014120086", "title": "Human-Centered Design in Industry: Lessons from the Trenches", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/co/2014/12/mco2014120086/13rRUyYBlbY", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/co", "title": "Computer", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/03/ttg2014030377", "title": "Activity Detection in Scientific Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/03/ttg2014030377/13rRUzphDxY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/08977377", "title": "A User-Centered Design Study in Scientific Visualization Targeting Domain Experts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/08977377/1h2AJ4jdnFK", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "08017592", "articleId": "13rRUxBa5s4", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "08017653", "articleId": "13rRUNvgz9W", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXnFtb", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "302 kB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwDSdvM", "title": "January/February", "year": "2009", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "so", "pubType": "magazine", "volume": "26", "label": "January/February", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwvT9eM", "doi": "10.1109/MS.2009.27", "abstract": "Usability is a growing issue for developers of scientific software. Scientists seeking software to support scientific discovery and funding bodies seeking better return on investment increase the pressure to produce scientific software that has an impact beyond a limited set of users (that is, scientists in a single lab). However, developing software for even a limited set of users is challenging, and commercial design techniques are rarely available for scientific software development in academic settings. Lessons learned from a case study in which developers integrated usability and user-centered design (UCD) methods into an image-data-management software suite for cell biologists might be useful to others working in similar contexts.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Usability is a growing issue for developers of scientific software. Scientists seeking software to support scientific discovery and funding bodies seeking better return on investment increase the pressure to produce scientific software that has an impact beyond a limited set of users (that is, scientists in a single lab). However, developing software for even a limited set of users is challenging, and commercial design techniques are rarely available for scientific software development in academic settings. 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Lessons learned from a case study in which developers integrated usability and user-centered design (UCD) methods into an image-data-management software suite for cell biologists might be useful to others working in similar contexts.", "title": "Usability and User-Centered Design in Scientific Software Development", "normalizedTitle": "Usability and User-Centered Design in Scientific Software Development", "fno": "mso2009010096", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "so", "keywords": [ "Design Methodologies", "User Interfaces", "User Centered Design" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Catriona", "surname": "Macaulay", "fullName": "Catriona Macaulay", "affiliation": "University of Dundee", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David", "surname": "Sloan", "fullName": "David Sloan", "affiliation": "University of Dundee", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xinyi", "surname": "Jiang", "fullName": "Xinyi Jiang", "affiliation": "University of Dundee", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Paula", "surname": "Forbes", "fullName": "Paula Forbes", "affiliation": "University of Dundee", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Scott", "surname": "Loynton", "fullName": "Scott Loynton", "affiliation": "University of Dundee", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jason R.", "surname": "Swedlow", "fullName": "Jason R. Swedlow", "affiliation": "University of Dundee", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Peter", "surname": "Gregor", "fullName": "Peter Gregor", "affiliation": "University of Dundee", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2009-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "mags", "pages": "96-102", "year": "2009", "issn": "0740-7459", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/srii/2012/4770/0/4770a697", "title": "User Centered Design of Innovative E-Service Solutions - A Scientific Approach to User Fascination", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/srii/2012/4770a697/12OmNCvLY08", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/srii/2012/4770/0", "title": "Annual SRII Global Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2002/1435/8/14350245", "title": "Implementing User-Centered Design into a Software Development Organization???A Subcultural Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2002/14350245/12OmNs4S8LS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2002/1435/8", "title": "Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iciw/2008/3163/0/3163a656", "title": "Investigating the Applicability of Usability and Playability Heuristics for Evaluation of Pervasive Games", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iciw/2008/3163a656/12OmNvSbBrT", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iciw/2008/3163/0", "title": "Internet and Web Applications and Services, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/fie/2005/9077/0/01611963", "title": "Work in progress - 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCwUmt7", "title": "July-Sept.", "year": "2019", "issueNum": "03", "idPrefix": "cc", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "7", "label": "July-Sept.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwh80Jx", "doi": "10.1109/TCC.2017.2678473", "abstract": "High performance computing systems comprised of hundreds or thousands of computational nodes can generate a high volume of system log entries at a high data velocity. Analyzing these logs soon after they are generated is a significant challenge, due to the complexity of log messages, the speed at which they are produced, and the lack of a method to quickly map or categorize messages to meaningful sets. The impact of this problem is that it is not possible to comprehensively glean timely information from logs about the overall system or the health of individual nodes. In this paper, we address this problem through the development of a novel approach for system log analysis based on a markov random field (MRF) that can quickly categorize system log messages into multiple categories based on representative training examples provided by a user. We present a theoretical model of our approach, followed by an extensive evaluation of the accuracy and performance of the implementation of our model. We found that our MRF based approach can quickly categorize system log messages with a high degree of accuracy.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "High performance computing systems comprised of hundreds or thousands of computational nodes can generate a high volume of system log entries at a high data velocity. 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We found that our MRF based approach can quickly categorize system log messages with a high degree of accuracy.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "High performance computing systems comprised of hundreds or thousands of computational nodes can generate a high volume of system log entries at a high data velocity. Analyzing these logs soon after they are generated is a significant challenge, due to the complexity of log messages, the speed at which they are produced, and the lack of a method to quickly map or categorize messages to meaningful sets. The impact of this problem is that it is not possible to comprehensively glean timely information from logs about the overall system or the health of individual nodes. In this paper, we address this problem through the development of a novel approach for system log analysis based on a markov random field (MRF) that can quickly categorize system log messages into multiple categories based on representative training examples provided by a user. We present a theoretical model of our approach, followed by an extensive evaluation of the accuracy and performance of the implementation of our model. We found that our MRF based approach can quickly categorize system log messages with a high degree of accuracy.", "title": "A Markov Random Field Based Approach for Analyzing Supercomputer System Logs", "normalizedTitle": "A Markov Random Field Based Approach for Analyzing Supercomputer System Logs", "fno": "07872428", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "cc", "keywords": [ "Markov Processes", "Parallel Processing", "System Monitoring", "High Performance Computing Systems", "High Data Velocity", "Log Messages", "MRF Based Approach", "Markov Random Field", "Supercomputer System Logs", "High Performance Computing", "Parallel Processing", "Text Processing", "Markov Random Fields", "Operating Systems", "Operational Analysis" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Thomas", "surname": "Hacker", "fullName": "Thomas Hacker", "affiliation": "Department of Computer & Information Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Rui", "surname": "Pais", "fullName": "Rui Pais", "affiliation": "Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chunming", "surname": "Rong", "fullName": "Chunming Rong", "affiliation": "Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "03", "pubDate": "2019-07-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "611-624", "year": "2019", "issn": "2168-7161", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/1989/1952/0/00037888", "title": "A Markov random field model-based approach to image interpretation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/1989/00037888/12OmNA1DMkF", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/1989/1952/0", "title": "1989 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wvm/1991/2153/0/00212791", "title": "Parallel visual motion analysis using multiscale Markov random fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wvm/1991/00212791/12OmNAndijD", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wvm/1991/2153/0", "title": "Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Visual Motion", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/1992/2920/0/00201934", "title": "Unsupervised texture segmentation based on the modified Markov random field model", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/1992/00201934/12OmNB06l1s", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/1992/2920/0", "title": "11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. III. Conference C: Image, Speech and Signal Analysis,", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccvw/2013/3022/0/3022a738", "title": "Markov Random Field Structures for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccvw/2013/3022a738/12OmNvAiSFD", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccvw/2013/3022/0", "title": "2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dcc/2010/6425/0/05453482", "title": "Lossless Reduced Cutset Coding of Markov Random Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dcc/2010/05453482/12OmNxQOjx1", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dcc/2010/6425/0", "title": "2010 Data Compression Conference (DCC 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/1991/9999/1/00183923", "title": "An approach to line labeling using Markov random fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/1991/00183923/12OmNxTEiTr", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/1991/9999/1", "title": "Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdar/2007/2822/1/04378735", "title": "Text/Non-text Ink Stroke Classification in Japanese Handwriting Based on Markov Random Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdar/2007/04378735/12OmNxbEtLz", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdar/2007/2822/1", "title": "Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2007)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2010/08/ttp2010081392", "title": "Fusion Moves for Markov Random Field Optimization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2010/08/ttp2010081392/13rRUEgartS", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2018/08/08006236", "title": "Deep Learning Markov Random Field for Semantic Segmentation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2018/08/08006236/13rRUIM2VIk", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2004/03/i0408", "title": "Strong Markov Random Field Model", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2004/03/i0408/13rRUwhpBF0", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07896577", "articleId": "13rRUB6Sq2v", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07888939", "articleId": "13rRUx0xPKL", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNANTAxL", "title": "November", "year": "2006", "issueNum": "11", "idPrefix": "tp", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "November", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygT7tT", "doi": "10.1109/TPAMI.2006.224", "abstract": "We address the problem of robust normal reconstruction by dense photometric stereo, in the presence of complex geometry, shadows, highlight, transparencies, variable attenuation in light intensities, and inaccurate estimation in light directions. The input is a dense set of noisy photometric images, conveniently captured by using a very simple set-up consisting of a digital video camera, a reflective mirror sphere, and a handheld spotlight. We formulate the dense photometric stereo problem as a Markov network and investigate two important inference algorithms for Markov Random Fields (MRFs)—graph cuts and belief propagation—to optimize for the most likely setting for each node in the network. In the graph cut algorithm, the MRF formulation is translated into one of energy minimization. A discontinuity-preserving metric is introduced as the compatibility function, which allows \\alpha-expansion to efficiently perform the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation. Using the identical dense input and the same MRF formulation, our tensor belief propagation algorithm recovers faithful normal directions, preserves underlying discontinuities, improves the normal estimation from one of discrete to continuous, and drastically reduces the storage requirement and running time. Both algorithms produce comparable and very faithful normals for complex scenes. Although the discontinuity-preserving metric in graph cuts permits efficient inference of optimal discrete labels with a theoretical guarantee, our estimation algorithm using tensor belief propagation converges to comparable results, but runs faster because very compact messages are passed and combined. We present very encouraging results on normal reconstruction. A simple algorithm is proposed to reconstruct a surface from a normal map recovered by our method. With the reconstructed surface, an inverse process, known as relighting in computer graphics, is proposed to synthesize novel images of the given scene under user-specified light source and direction. The synthesis is made to run in real time by exploiting the state-of-the-art graphics processing unit (GPU). Our method offers many unique advantages over previous relighting methods and can handle a wide range of novel light sources and directions.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We address the problem of robust normal reconstruction by dense photometric stereo, in the presence of complex geometry, shadows, highlight, transparencies, variable attenuation in light intensities, and inaccurate estimation in light directions. The input is a dense set of noisy photometric images, conveniently captured by using a very simple set-up consisting of a digital video camera, a reflective mirror sphere, and a handheld spotlight. We formulate the dense photometric stereo problem as a Markov network and investigate two important inference algorithms for Markov Random Fields (MRFs)—graph cuts and belief propagation—to optimize for the most likely setting for each node in the network. In the graph cut algorithm, the MRF formulation is translated into one of energy minimization. A discontinuity-preserving metric is introduced as the compatibility function, which allows \\alpha-expansion to efficiently perform the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation. Using the identical dense input and the same MRF formulation, our tensor belief propagation algorithm recovers faithful normal directions, preserves underlying discontinuities, improves the normal estimation from one of discrete to continuous, and drastically reduces the storage requirement and running time. Both algorithms produce comparable and very faithful normals for complex scenes. Although the discontinuity-preserving metric in graph cuts permits efficient inference of optimal discrete labels with a theoretical guarantee, our estimation algorithm using tensor belief propagation converges to comparable results, but runs faster because very compact messages are passed and combined. We present very encouraging results on normal reconstruction. A simple algorithm is proposed to reconstruct a surface from a normal map recovered by our method. With the reconstructed surface, an inverse process, known as relighting in computer graphics, is proposed to synthesize novel images of the given scene under user-specified light source and direction. The synthesis is made to run in real time by exploiting the state-of-the-art graphics processing unit (GPU). Our method offers many unique advantages over previous relighting methods and can handle a wide range of novel light sources and directions.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We address the problem of robust normal reconstruction by dense photometric stereo, in the presence of complex geometry, shadows, highlight, transparencies, variable attenuation in light intensities, and inaccurate estimation in light directions. The input is a dense set of noisy photometric images, conveniently captured by using a very simple set-up consisting of a digital video camera, a reflective mirror sphere, and a handheld spotlight. We formulate the dense photometric stereo problem as a Markov network and investigate two important inference algorithms for Markov Random Fields (MRFs)—graph cuts and belief propagation—to optimize for the most likely setting for each node in the network. In the graph cut algorithm, the MRF formulation is translated into one of energy minimization. A discontinuity-preserving metric is introduced as the compatibility function, which allows \\alpha-expansion to efficiently perform the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation. Using the identical dense input and the same MRF formulation, our tensor belief propagation algorithm recovers faithful normal directions, preserves underlying discontinuities, improves the normal estimation from one of discrete to continuous, and drastically reduces the storage requirement and running time. Both algorithms produce comparable and very faithful normals for complex scenes. Although the discontinuity-preserving metric in graph cuts permits efficient inference of optimal discrete labels with a theoretical guarantee, our estimation algorithm using tensor belief propagation converges to comparable results, but runs faster because very compact messages are passed and combined. We present very encouraging results on normal reconstruction. A simple algorithm is proposed to reconstruct a surface from a normal map recovered by our method. With the reconstructed surface, an inverse process, known as relighting in computer graphics, is proposed to synthesize novel images of the given scene under user-specified light source and direction. The synthesis is made to run in real time by exploiting the state-of-the-art graphics processing unit (GPU). Our method offers many unique advantages over previous relighting methods and can handle a wide range of novel light sources and directions.", "title": "Dense Photometric Stereo: A Markov Random Field Approach", "normalizedTitle": "Dense Photometric Stereo: A Markov Random Field Approach", "fno": "i1830", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tp", "keywords": [ "Photometry", "Markov Random Fields", "Inference Algorithms", "Image Reconstruction", "Belief Propagation", "Tensile Stress", "Layout", "Surface Reconstruction", "Computer Graphics", "Light Sources", "Real Time Relighting", "Photometric Stereo", "Markov Random Fields", "Belief Propagation", "Graph Cuts", "Normal And Surface Reconstruction", "Robust Inference" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Tai-Pang", "surname": "Wu", "fullName": "Tai-Pang Wu", "affiliation": "IEEE", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kam-Lun", "surname": "Tang", "fullName": "Kam-Lun Tang", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chi-Keung", "surname": "Tang", "fullName": "Chi-Keung Tang", "affiliation": "IEEE", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tien-Tsin", "surname": "Wong", "fullName": "Tien-Tsin Wong", "affiliation": "IEEE", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "11", "pubDate": "2006-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1830-1846", "year": "2006", "issn": "0162-8828", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cvprw/2010/7029/0/05543152", "title": "Dense photometric stereo reconstruction on many core GPUs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvprw/2010/05543152/12OmNAYGluD", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvprw/2010/7029/0", "title": "2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshops", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/robot/1992/2720/0/00220125", "title": "Photometric stereo using point light sources", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/robot/1992/00220125/12OmNAkEU4j", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/robot/1992/2720/0", "title": "Proceedings 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2009/4420/0/05459331", "title": "A hand-held photometric stereo camera for 3-D modeling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2009/05459331/12OmNBeRtMp", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2009/4420/0", "title": "2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2015/8391/0/8391d478", "title": "Photometric Stereo with Small Angular Variations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2015/8391d478/12OmNwE9OqB", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2015/8391/0", "title": "2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2008/08/ttp2008081460", "title": "Subpixel Photometric Stereo", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2008/08/ttp2008081460/13rRUEgs2N4", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2020/01/08478369", "title": "Semi-Calibrated Photometric Stereo", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2020/01/08478369/141AnpAbeCh", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2019/3131/0/313100a574", "title": "Mobile Photometric Stereo with Keypoint-Based SLAM for Dense 3D Reconstruction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dv/2019/313100a574/1ezREwjZfFe", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2019/3131/0", "title": "2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2005/2372/2/01467596", "title": "A Markov random field approach for dense photometric stereo", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2005/01467596/1htC5O3XIkw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2005/2372/2", "title": "2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "i1818", "articleId": "13rRUwbaqMC", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "i1847", "articleId": "13rRUwbs2bZ", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "1smCYMGo6gE", "title": "March-April", "year": "2021", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "cs", "pubType": "magazine", "volume": "23", "label": "March-April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": true, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1pYWIN9JCTe", "doi": "10.1109/MCSE.2020.3047979", "abstract": "Application scientists often employ feature tracking algorithms to capture the temporal evolution of various features in their simulation data. However, as the complexity of the scientific features is increasing with the advanced simulation modeling techniques, quantification of reliability of the feature tracking algorithms is becoming important. One of the desired requirements for any robust feature tracking algorithm is to estimate its confidence during each tracking step so that the results obtained can be interpreted without any ambiguity. To address this, we develop a confidence-guided feature tracking algorithm that allows reliable tracking of user-selected features and presents the tracking dynamics using a graph-based visualization along with the spatial visualization of the tracked feature. The efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it to two scientific datasets containing different types of time-varying features.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Application scientists often employ feature tracking algorithms to capture the temporal evolution of various features in their simulation data. However, as the complexity of the scientific features is increasing with the advanced simulation modeling techniques, quantification of reliability of the feature tracking algorithms is becoming important. One of the desired requirements for any robust feature tracking algorithm is to estimate its confidence during each tracking step so that the results obtained can be interpreted without any ambiguity. To address this, we develop a confidence-guided feature tracking algorithm that allows reliable tracking of user-selected features and presents the tracking dynamics using a graph-based visualization along with the spatial visualization of the tracked feature. The efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it to two scientific datasets containing different types of time-varying features.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Application scientists often employ feature tracking algorithms to capture the temporal evolution of various features in their simulation data. However, as the complexity of the scientific features is increasing with the advanced simulation modeling techniques, quantification of reliability of the feature tracking algorithms is becoming important. One of the desired requirements for any robust feature tracking algorithm is to estimate its confidence during each tracking step so that the results obtained can be interpreted without any ambiguity. To address this, we develop a confidence-guided feature tracking algorithm that allows reliable tracking of user-selected features and presents the tracking dynamics using a graph-based visualization along with the spatial visualization of the tracked feature. The efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it to two scientific datasets containing different types of time-varying features.", "title": "A Confidence-Guided Technique for Tracking Time-Varying Features", "normalizedTitle": "A Confidence-Guided Technique for Tracking Time-Varying Features", "fno": "09311214", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "cs", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Feature Extraction", "Graph Theory", "Tracking", "Confidence Guided Technique", "Time Varying Features", "Application Scientists", "Temporal Evolution", "Simulation Data", "Scientific Features", "Advanced Simulation Modeling Techniques", "Feature Tracking Algorithms", "Robust Feature Tracking Algorithm", "Tracking Step", "Confidence Guided Feature Tracking Algorithm", "Reliable Tracking", "User Selected Features", "Tracking Dynamics", "Tracked Feature", "Heuristic Algorithms", "Feature Extraction", "Target Tracking", "Fuzzy Systems", "Training Data", "Knowledge Based Systems", "Data Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Soumya", "surname": "Dutta", "fullName": "Soumya Dutta", "affiliation": "Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Terece L.", "surname": "Turton", "fullName": "Terece L. Turton", "affiliation": "Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "James P.", "surname": "Ahrens", "fullName": "James P. Ahrens", "affiliation": "Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2021-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "mags", "pages": "84-92", "year": "2021", "issn": "1521-9615", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icnc/2008/3304/4/3304d569", "title": "Target Tracking Using Wavelet Features and RVM Classifier", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icnc/2008/3304d569/12OmNAoDidY", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icnc/2008/3304/4", "title": "2008 Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/avss/2017/2939/0/08078506", "title": "Multi-Pedestrian detection and tracking using unified multi-channel features", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/avss/2017/08078506/12OmNC0y5F7", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/avss/2017/2939/0", "title": "2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/aipr/2016/3284/0/08010574", "title": "Boosted ringlet features for robust object tracking", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/aipr/2016/08010574/12OmNwFicUW", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/aipr/2016/3284/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cccrv/2004/2127/0/01301416", "title": "Object tracking: feature selection and confidence propagation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cccrv/2004/01301416/12OmNx3q6ZC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cccrv/2004/2127/0", "title": "First Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 2004. Proceedings.", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192664", "title": "Distribution Driven Extraction and Tracking of Features for Time-varying Data Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192664/13rRUNvgyWr", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2018/03/07893777", "title": "Confidence-Based Data Association and Discriminative Deep Appearance Learning for Robust Online Multi-Object Tracking", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2018/03/07893777/13rRUyogGBt", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvprw/2022/8739/0/873900d309", "title": "City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking based on Space-Time-Appearance Features", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvprw/2022/873900d309/1G565GIvLDa", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvprw/2022/8739/0", "title": "2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/avss/2022/6382/0/09959333", "title": "Statistical Analysis on Channel-wise Cross-correlation Features in Siamese Trackers", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/avss/2022/09959333/1Iz5gPSHs9W", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/avss/2022/6382/0", "title": "2022 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/nana/2020/8954/0/895400a321", "title": "An Adaptive Model Update Object Tracking Algorithm based on DenseNet Features", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/nana/2020/895400a321/1rlF9uVkt2w", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/nana/2020/8954/0", "title": "2020 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2021/8808/0/09412032", "title": "MFST: Multi-Features Siamese Tracker", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2021/09412032/1tmjF9GG7gk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2021/8808/0", "title": "2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "09353979", "articleId": "1r9YKNWCxDW", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "09387494", "articleId": "1smD2RIVLos", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "1smD36GySti", "name": "mcs202102-09311214s1-supp1-3047979.mp4", "location": "", "extension": "mp4", "size": "1.01 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNBpEeNK", "title": "Aug.", "year": "2016", "issueNum": "08", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "22", "label": "Aug.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUx0xPIN", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2015.2476795", "abstract": "Tracing the paths of collections of particles through a flow field is a key step for many flow visualization and analysis methods. When a flow field is interpolated from the nodes of an unstructured mesh, the process of advecting a particle must first find which cell in the unstructured mesh contains the particle. Since the paths of nearby particles often diverge, the parallelization of particle advection quickly leads to incoherent memory accesses of the unstructured mesh. We have developed a new block advection GPU approach that reorganizes particles into spatially coherent bundles as they follow their advection paths, which greatly improves memory coherence and thus shared-memory GPU performance. This approach works best for flows that meet the CFL criterion on unstructured meshes of uniformly sized elements, small enough to fit at least two timesteps in GPU memory.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Tracing the paths of collections of particles through a flow field is a key step for many flow visualization and analysis methods. When a flow field is interpolated from the nodes of an unstructured mesh, the process of advecting a particle must first find which cell in the unstructured mesh contains the particle. Since the paths of nearby particles often diverge, the parallelization of particle advection quickly leads to incoherent memory accesses of the unstructured mesh. We have developed a new block advection GPU approach that reorganizes particles into spatially coherent bundles as they follow their advection paths, which greatly improves memory coherence and thus shared-memory GPU performance. This approach works best for flows that meet the CFL criterion on unstructured meshes of uniformly sized elements, small enough to fit at least two timesteps in GPU memory.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Tracing the paths of collections of particles through a flow field is a key step for many flow visualization and analysis methods. When a flow field is interpolated from the nodes of an unstructured mesh, the process of advecting a particle must first find which cell in the unstructured mesh contains the particle. Since the paths of nearby particles often diverge, the parallelization of particle advection quickly leads to incoherent memory accesses of the unstructured mesh. We have developed a new block advection GPU approach that reorganizes particles into spatially coherent bundles as they follow their advection paths, which greatly improves memory coherence and thus shared-memory GPU performance. This approach works best for flows that meet the CFL criterion on unstructured meshes of uniformly sized elements, small enough to fit at least two timesteps in GPU memory.", "title": "Fast Coherent Particle Advection through Time-Varying Unstructured Flow Datasets", "normalizedTitle": "Fast Coherent Particle Advection through Time-Varying Unstructured Flow Datasets", "fno": "07243356", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Graphics Processing Units", "Instruction Sets", "Kernel", "Registers", "Interpolation", "Legged Locomotion", "Coherence", "Parallel Algorithms", "Unsteady Flow", "Unstructured Mesh", "GPU" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Mingcheng", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Mingcheng Chen", "affiliation": "Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Shawn C.", "surname": "Shadden", "fullName": "Shawn C. Shadden", "affiliation": "Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "John C.", "surname": "Hart", "fullName": "John C. Hart", "affiliation": "Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "08", "pubDate": "2016-08-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1959-1972", "year": "2016", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0/08031593", "title": "Using interactive particle-based rendering to visualize a large-scale time-varying unstructured volume with mixed cell types", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2017/08031593/12OmNBRKwBs", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sc/2012/0806/0/1000a102", "title": "Parallel particle advection and FTLE computation for time-varying flow fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sc/2012/1000a102/12OmNBp52zQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sc/2012/0806/0", "title": "SC Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2009/4420/0/05459301", "title": "Tracking in unstructured crowded scenes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2009/05459301/12OmNCbCrZ3", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2009/4420/0", "title": "2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/scivis/2015/9785/0/07429505", "title": "Real-time interactive time correction on the GPU", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/scivis/2015/07429505/12OmNrYlmLV", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/scivis/2015/9785/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference (SciVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2014/5215/0/07013209", "title": "Out-of-core visualization of time-varying hybrid-grid volume data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ldav/2014/07013209/12OmNyoiZc2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2014/5215/0", "title": "2014 IEEE 4th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/01532825", "title": "Marching diamonds for unstructured meshes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/01532825/12OmNzYeAMV", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2002/03/v0211", "title": "Lagrangian-Eulerian Advection of Noise and Dye Textures for Unsteady Flow Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2002/03/v0211/13rRUxD9h4X", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/06/v1535", "title": "High-Quality and Interactive Animations of 3D Time-Varying Vector Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/06/v1535/13rRUxNW1Zb", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2019/2605/0/08944355", "title": "A Lifeline-Based Approach for Work Requesting and Parallel Particle Advection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ldav/2019/08944355/1grOEWdpXq0", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2019/2605/0", "title": "2019 IEEE 9th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cluster/2020/6677/0/667700a381", "title": "Parallel Particle Advection Bake-Off for Scientific Visualization Workloads", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cluster/2020/667700a381/1oqKCTxaDBe", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cluster/2020/6677/0", "title": "2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07272134", "articleId": "13rRUxYrbUL", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07239614", "articleId": "13rRUwInvfd", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNxGAL8R", "title": "May/June", "year": "2005", "issueNum": "03", "idPrefix": "cs", "pubType": "magazine", "volume": "7", "label": "May/June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxbTMt3", "doi": "10.1109/MCSE.2005.44", "abstract": "Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is a simulation method at mesoscopic scales that bridges the gap between molecular dynamics and continuum hydrodynamics. It can simulate efficiently complex liquids and dense suspensions using only a few thousands of virtual particles and at speed-up factors of more than one hundred thousands compared to molecular dynamics. Here we demonstrate the potential and accuracy of the method by computing well known scaling laws for polymer flows from simulations on a laptop, using new time-staggered algorithms.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is a simulation method at mesoscopic scales that bridges the gap between molecular dynamics and continuum hydrodynamics. It can simulate efficiently complex liquids and dense suspensions using only a few thousands of virtual particles and at speed-up factors of more than one hundred thousands compared to molecular dynamics. 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Here we demonstrate the potential and accuracy of the method by computing well known scaling laws for polymer flows from simulations on a laptop, using new time-staggered algorithms.", "title": "A Seamless Approach to Multiscale Complex Fluid Simulation", "normalizedTitle": "A Seamless Approach to Multiscale Complex Fluid Simulation", "fno": "c3039", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "cs", "keywords": [ "Dissipative Particle Dynamics", "Molecular Dynamics", "Continuum Hydrodynamics", "Fluid Simulation", "Multiscale Simulation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Vasileios", "surname": "Symeonidis", "fullName": "Vasileios Symeonidis", "affiliation": "Brown University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "George Em", "surname": "Karniadakis", "fullName": "George Em Karniadakis", "affiliation": "Brown University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Bruce", "surname": "Caswell", "fullName": "Bruce Caswell", "affiliation": "Brown University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "03", "pubDate": "2005-05-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "mags", "pages": "39-46", "year": "2005", "issn": "1521-9615", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/sc/1996/2642/0/26420052", "title": "Molecular Simulation of Rheological Properties using Massively Parallel Supercomputers", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sc/1996/26420052/12OmNAqkSFx", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sc/1996/2642/0", "title": "SC Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/asap/2009/3732/0/3732a129", "title": "Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Molecular Dynamics Through Event-Based Decomposition", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/asap/2009/3732a129/12OmNCmGNR2", "parentPublication": 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"/proceedings-article/vr/2010/05444785/12OmNyr8YhK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2010/6237/0", "title": "2010 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cso/2009/3605/1/3605a018", "title": "Parallelization of Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cso/2009/3605a018/12OmNzFv4hC", "parentPublication": { "id": "cso/2009/3605/1", "title": "2009 International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ispdc/2008/3472/0/04724278", "title": "Particle Simulations of Two-Phase Flows on Cell Broadband Engine", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ispdc/2008/04724278/12OmNzVoBzQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ispdc/2008/3472/0", "title": "2008 International Symposium on Parallel and 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNrFBPWq", "title": "September-October", "year": "2006", "issueNum": "05", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "12", "label": "September-October", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygT7y1", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2006.139", "abstract": "We present empirical studies that consider the effects of stereopsis and simulated aerial perspective on depth perception in translucent volumes. We consider a purely absorptive lighting model, in which light is not scattered or reflected, but is simply absorbed as it passes through the volume. A purely absorptive lighting model is used, for example, when rendering digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs), which are synthetic X--ray images reconstructed from CT volumes. Surgeons make use of DRRs in planning and performing operations, so an improvement of depth perception in DRRs may help diagnosis and surgical planning.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present empirical studies that consider the effects of stereopsis and simulated aerial perspective on depth perception in translucent volumes. We consider a purely absorptive lighting model, in which light is not scattered or reflected, but is simply absorbed as it passes through the volume. A purely absorptive lighting model is used, for example, when rendering digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs), which are synthetic X--ray images reconstructed from CT volumes. Surgeons make use of DRRs in planning and performing operations, so an improvement of depth perception in DRRs may help diagnosis and surgical planning.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present empirical studies that consider the effects of stereopsis and simulated aerial perspective on depth perception in translucent volumes. We consider a purely absorptive lighting model, in which light is not scattered or reflected, but is simply absorbed as it passes through the volume. A purely absorptive lighting model is used, for example, when rendering digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs), which are synthetic X--ray images reconstructed from CT volumes. Surgeons make use of DRRs in planning and performing operations, so an improvement of depth perception in DRRs may help diagnosis and surgical planning.", "title": "Enhancing Depth Perception in Translucent Volumes", "normalizedTitle": "Enhancing Depth Perception in Translucent Volumes", "fno": "v1117", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Orthopedic Surgery", "Computed Tomography", "Biomedical Computing", "Image Reconstruction", "Diagnostic Radiography", "Light Scattering", "Shape", "Surface Reconstruction", "Humans", "Stereo", "Stereopsis", "X Ray", "Radiograph", "Volume Rendering" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Marta", "surname": "Kersten", "fullName": "Marta Kersten", "affiliation": "Medical Computing Lab, Queen’s University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "James", "surname": "Stewart", "fullName": "James Stewart", "affiliation": "Medical Computing Lab, Queen’s University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Niko", "surname": "Troje", "fullName": "Niko Troje", "affiliation": "Medical Computing Lab, Queen’s University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Randy", "surname": "Ellis", "fullName": "Randy Ellis", "affiliation": "Medical Computing Lab, Queen’s University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "05", "pubDate": "2006-09-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1117-1124", "year": "2006", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/01532809", "title": "Rendering tetrahedral meshes with higher-order attenuation functions for digital radiograph reconstruction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/01532809/12OmNAlNiKF", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2008/2174/0/04761692", "title": "Internal evaluation of registration results for radiographic images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2008/04761692/12OmNAoDi6F", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2008/2174/0", "title": "ICPR 2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/03/ttg2014030391", "title": "An Evaluation of Depth Enhancing Perceptual Cues for Vascular Volume Visualization in Neurosurgery", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/03/ttg2014030391/13rRUxjQybS", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/1996/01/mcg1996010046", "title": "Assessing Craniofacial Surgical Simulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/1996/01/mcg1996010046/13rRUy0ZzUT", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2007/06/v1344", "title": "Enhancing Depth-Perception with Flexible Volumetric Halos", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2007/06/v1344/13rRUygT7ss", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/08565948", "title": "Interaction Driven Enhancement of Depth Perception in Angiographic Volumes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/08565948/17D45Wda7ec", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2021/0126/0/09669823", "title": "CC-DenseUNet: Densely Connected U-Net with Criss-Cross Attention for Liver and Tumor Segmentation in CT Volumes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibm/2021/09669823/1A9WrYktM2I", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2021/0126/0", "title": "2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icitbe/2021/0099/0/009900a304", "title": "Design and 3D Printing of Liver Surgical Guide Template Based on Mimics Liver Model Reconstruction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icitbe/2021/009900a304/1AH7MiebmZq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icitbe/2021/0099/0", "title": "2021 International Conference on Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering (ICITBE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwD1pTc", "title": "Nov.", "year": "2012", "issueNum": "11", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "18", "label": "Nov.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwjGoFZ", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2012.73", "abstract": "Over the last two decades, much effort has been devoted to accurately measuring Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) of real-world materials and to use efficiently the resulting data for rendering. Because of their large size, it is difficult to use directly measured BRDFs for real-time applications, and fitting the most sophisticated analytical BRDF models is still a complex task. In this paper, we introduce Rational BRDF, a general-purpose and efficient representation for arbitrary BRDFs, based on Rational Functions (RFs). Using an adapted parametrization, we demonstrate how Rational BRDFs offer 1) a more compact and efficient representation using low-degree RFs, 2) an accurate fitting of measured materials with guaranteed control of the residual error, and 3) efficient importance sampling by applying the same fitting process to determine the inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) generated from the BRDF for use in Monte-Carlo rendering.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Over the last two decades, much effort has been devoted to accurately measuring Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) of real-world materials and to use efficiently the resulting data for rendering. Because of their large size, it is difficult to use directly measured BRDFs for real-time applications, and fitting the most sophisticated analytical BRDF models is still a complex task. In this paper, we introduce Rational BRDF, a general-purpose and efficient representation for arbitrary BRDFs, based on Rational Functions (RFs). Using an adapted parametrization, we demonstrate how Rational BRDFs offer 1) a more compact and efficient representation using low-degree RFs, 2) an accurate fitting of measured materials with guaranteed control of the residual error, and 3) efficient importance sampling by applying the same fitting process to determine the inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) generated from the BRDF for use in Monte-Carlo rendering.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Over the last two decades, much effort has been devoted to accurately measuring Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) of real-world materials and to use efficiently the resulting data for rendering. Because of their large size, it is difficult to use directly measured BRDFs for real-time applications, and fitting the most sophisticated analytical BRDF models is still a complex task. In this paper, we introduce Rational BRDF, a general-purpose and efficient representation for arbitrary BRDFs, based on Rational Functions (RFs). Using an adapted parametrization, we demonstrate how Rational BRDFs offer 1) a more compact and efficient representation using low-degree RFs, 2) an accurate fitting of measured materials with guaranteed control of the residual error, and 3) efficient importance sampling by applying the same fitting process to determine the inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) generated from the BRDF for use in Monte-Carlo rendering.", "title": "Rational BRDF", "normalizedTitle": "Rational BRDF", "fno": "ttg2012111824", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Sampling Methods", "Monte Carlo Methods", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Adapted Parametrization", "Rational BRDF", "Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions", "Rational Functions", "Monte Carlo Rendering", "CDF", "Cumulative Distribution Function", "Fitting Process", "Importance Sampling", "Residual Error", "Low Degree RF", "Monte Carlo Methods", "Materials", "Polynomials", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Quadratic Programming", "Mathematical Model", "Monte Carlo Rendering", "BRDF", "Fitting", "Importance Sampling" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "R.", "surname": "Pacanowski", "fullName": "R. Pacanowski", "affiliation": "Inst. d'Opt. Grad. Sch., Univ. de Bordeaux, Talence, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Oliver", "surname": "Salazar Celis", "fullName": "Oliver Salazar Celis", "affiliation": "Dept. of Math. & Comput. Sci., Univ. of Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "C.", "surname": "Schlick", "fullName": "C. Schlick", "affiliation": "Inst. d'Opt. Grad. Sch., Univ. de Bordeaux, Talence, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "X.", "surname": "Granier", "fullName": "X. Granier", "affiliation": "Inst. d'Opt. Grad. Sch., Univ. de Bordeaux, Talence, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "P.", "surname": "Poulin", "fullName": "P. Poulin", "affiliation": "Dept. I.R.O., Univ. de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "A.", "surname": "Cuyt", "fullName": "A. Cuyt", "affiliation": "Dept. of Math. & Comput. Sci., Univ. of Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "11", "pubDate": "2012-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1824-1835", "year": "2012", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2009/4420/0/05459255", "title": "Directional statistics BRDF model", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2009/05459255/12OmNAR1b26", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2009/4420/0", "title": "2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2009/3789/0/3789a011", "title": "BRDF Valid Sampling Based on Gradient Magnitude Synthetic Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgiv/2009/3789a011/12OmNBPc8yl", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2009/3789/0", "title": "2009 Sixth International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2007/1630/0/04408935", "title": "BRDF Acquisition with Basis Illumination", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2007/04408935/12OmNCd2rQs", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2007/1630/0", "title": "2007 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2005/2392/0/23920310", "title": "BRDF Recovering and Scene Re-Lighting Using an Environment Map", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgiv/2005/23920310/12OmNs5rl2u", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2005/2392/0", "title": "International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV'05)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2008/2242/0/04587766", "title": "An LED-only BRDF measurement device", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2008/04587766/12OmNvrMUhC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2008/2242/0", "title": "2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacific-graphics/2010/4205/0/4205a054", "title": "Thread-Based BRDF Rendering on GPU", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacific-graphics/2010/4205a054/12OmNweBUCO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacific-graphics/2010/4205/0", "title": "Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2000/04/v0306", "title": "A BRDF Postprocess to Integrate Porosity on Rendered Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2000/04/v0306/13rRUEgarnA", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2006/01/mcg2006010030", "title": "BRDF-Shop: Creating Physically Correct Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2006/01/mcg2006010030/13rRUyhaIj5", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/08576679", "title": "Perceptually Validated Cross-Renderer Analytical BRDF Parameter Remapping", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/08576679/17D45XreC6e", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/04/09203787", "title": "Learning-Based Inverse Bi-Scale Material Fitting From Tabular BRDFs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/04/09203787/1nkyY8W8j1m", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2012111811", "articleId": "13rRUxjQyvh", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2012111836", "articleId": "13rRUygT7ya", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXnFu6", "name": "ttg2012111824s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "5.08 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "1L8lPE0ODrG", "title": "April", "year": "2023", "issueNum": "04", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "29", "label": "April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1A4SuYWCI7K", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3141943", "abstract": "Augmented Reality (AR) applications aim to provide realistic blending between the real-world and virtual objects. One of the important factors for realistic AR is the correct lighting estimation. In this article, we present a method that estimates the real-world lighting condition from a single image in real time, using information from an optional support plane provided by advanced AR frameworks (e.g., ARCore, ARKit, etc.). By analyzing the visual appearance of the real scene, our algorithm can predict the lighting condition from the input RGB photo. In the first stage, we use a deep neural network to decompose the scene into several components: lighting, normal, and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). Then we introduce differentiable screen-space rendering, a novel approach to providing the supervisory signal for regressing lighting, normal, and BRDF jointly. We recover the most plausible real-world lighting condition using Spherical Harmonics and the main directional lighting. Through a variety of experimental results, we demonstrate that our method can provide improved results than prior works quantitatively and qualitatively, and it can enhance the real-time AR experiences.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Augmented Reality (AR) applications aim to provide realistic blending between the real-world and virtual objects. One of the important factors for realistic AR is the correct lighting estimation. In this article, we present a method that estimates the real-world lighting condition from a single image in real time, using information from an optional support plane provided by advanced AR frameworks (e.g., ARCore, ARKit, etc.). By analyzing the visual appearance of the real scene, our algorithm can predict the lighting condition from the input RGB photo. In the first stage, we use a deep neural network to decompose the scene into several components: lighting, normal, and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). Then we introduce differentiable screen-space rendering, a novel approach to providing the supervisory signal for regressing lighting, normal, and BRDF jointly. We recover the most plausible real-world lighting condition using Spherical Harmonics and the main directional lighting. Through a variety of experimental results, we demonstrate that our method can provide improved results than prior works quantitatively and qualitatively, and it can enhance the real-time AR experiences.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Augmented Reality (AR) applications aim to provide realistic blending between the real-world and virtual objects. One of the important factors for realistic AR is the correct lighting estimation. In this article, we present a method that estimates the real-world lighting condition from a single image in real time, using information from an optional support plane provided by advanced AR frameworks (e.g., ARCore, ARKit, etc.). By analyzing the visual appearance of the real scene, our algorithm can predict the lighting condition from the input RGB photo. In the first stage, we use a deep neural network to decompose the scene into several components: lighting, normal, and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). Then we introduce differentiable screen-space rendering, a novel approach to providing the supervisory signal for regressing lighting, normal, and BRDF jointly. We recover the most plausible real-world lighting condition using Spherical Harmonics and the main directional lighting. Through a variety of experimental results, we demonstrate that our method can provide improved results than prior works quantitatively and qualitatively, and it can enhance the real-time AR experiences.", "title": "Real-Time Lighting Estimation for Augmented Reality via Differentiable Screen-Space Rendering", "normalizedTitle": "Real-Time Lighting Estimation for Augmented Reality via Differentiable Screen-Space Rendering", "fno": "09678000", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Augmented Reality", "Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Image Colour Analysis", "Lighting", "Mobile Computing", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Augmented Reality Applications", "Correct Lighting Estimation", "Differentiable Screen Space Rendering", "Input RGB Photo", "Main Directional Lighting", "Optional Support Plane", "Real World Lighting Condition", "Realistic Blending", "Time Lighting Estimation", "Virtual Objects", "Lighting", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Real Time Systems", "Estimation", "Probes", "Image Reconstruction", "Geometry", "Mixed Augmented Reality", "Rendering", "Scene Understanding", "Light Estimation", "Real Time" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Celong", "surname": "Liu", "fullName": "Celong Liu", "affiliation": "Mountain View, Bytedance Inc., CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Lingyu", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Lingyu Wang", "affiliation": "OPPO US Research Center, Augmented Reality, Palo Alto, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Zhong", "surname": "Li", "fullName": "Zhong Li", "affiliation": "InnoPeak Technology Inc., OPPO US Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Shuxue", "surname": "Quan", "fullName": "Shuxue Quan", "affiliation": "InnoPeak Technology Inc., OPPO US Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yi", "surname": "Xu", "fullName": "Yi Xu", "affiliation": "InnoPeak Technology Inc., OPPO US Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "04", "pubDate": "2023-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2132-2145", "year": "2023", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iwar/1999/0359/0/03590115", "title": "Photometric Image-Based Rendering for Virtual Lighting Image Synthesis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iwar/1999/03590115/12OmNqNG3km", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iwar/1999/0359/0", "title": "Augmented Reality, International Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icat/2013/11/0/06728914", "title": "Parallel lighting and reflectance estimation based on inverse rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icat/2013/06728914/12OmNxwENCV", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icat/2013/11/0", "title": "2013 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2014/2871/0/06802044", "title": "Efficient and robust radiance transfer for probeless photorealistic augmented reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2014/06802044/12OmNz4SOCN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2014/2871/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122946", "title": "Lighting Design for Globally Illuminated Volume Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122946/13rRUwvBy8U", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2021/2812/0/281200m2518", "title": "Learning Indoor Inverse Rendering with 3D Spatially-Varying Lighting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2021/281200m2518/1BmI8MZrhYY", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2021/2812/0", "title": "2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2022/6946/0/694600m2703", "title": "PhyIR: Physics-based Inverse Rendering for Panoramic Indoor Images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2022/694600m2703/1H1l4vBZwac", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2022/6946/0", "title": "2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2020/6532/0/09090444", "title": "Lighting Estimation via Differentiable Screen-Space Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vrw/2020/09090444/1jIxr4u5rFK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2020/6532/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2020/7168/0/716800c472", "title": "Inverse Rendering for Complex Indoor Scenes: Shape, Spatially-Varying Lighting and SVBRDF From a Single Image", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2020/716800c472/1m3o03C864M", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2020/7168/0", "title": "2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sibgrapi/2020/9274/0/927400a046", "title": "Screen-space VPL propagation for real-time indirect lighting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sibgrapi/2020/927400a046/1p2VyEubYTS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sibgrapi/2020/9274/0", "title": "2020 33rd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2022/12/09623493", "title": "Invertible Neural BRDF for Object Inverse Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2022/12/09623493/1yJT7tLzbi0", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "09677901", "articleId": "1A4SvXrJO2k", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "09676472", "articleId": "1A3dpzEYNlC", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": 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{ "issue": { "id": "1BhzoX5mYSY", "title": "April", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "04", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1nkyY8W8j1m", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2020.3026021", "abstract": "Relating small-scale structures to large-scale appearance is a key element in material appearance design. Bi-scale material design requires finding small-scale structures &#x2013; meso-scale geometry and micro-scale BRDFs &#x2013; that produce a desired large-scale appearance expressed as a macro-scale BRDF. The adjustment of small-scale geometry and reflectances to achieve a desired appearance can become a tedious trial-and-error process. We present a learning-based solution to fit a target macro-scale BRDF with a combination of a meso-scale geometry and micro-scale BRDF. We confront challenges in representation at both scales. At the large scale we need macro-scale BRDFs that are both compact and expressive. At the small scale we need diverse combinations of geometric patterns and potentially spatially varying micro-BRDFs. For large-scale macro-BRDFs, we propose a novel 2D subset of a tabular BRDF representation that well preserves important appearance features for learning. For small-scale details, we represent geometries and BRDFs in different categories with different physical parameters to define multiple independent continuous search spaces. To build the mapping between large-scale macro-BRDFs and small-scale details, we propose an end-to-end model that takes the subset BRDF as input and performs classification and parameter estimation on small-scale details to find an accurate reconstruction. Compared with other fitting methods, our learning-based solution provides higher reconstruction accuracy and covers a wider gamut of appearance.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Relating small-scale structures to large-scale appearance is a key element in material appearance design. Bi-scale material design requires finding small-scale structures &#x2013; meso-scale geometry and micro-scale BRDFs &#x2013; that produce a desired large-scale appearance expressed as a macro-scale BRDF. The adjustment of small-scale geometry and reflectances to achieve a desired appearance can become a tedious trial-and-error process. We present a learning-based solution to fit a target macro-scale BRDF with a combination of a meso-scale geometry and micro-scale BRDF. We confront challenges in representation at both scales. At the large scale we need macro-scale BRDFs that are both compact and expressive. At the small scale we need diverse combinations of geometric patterns and potentially spatially varying micro-BRDFs. For large-scale macro-BRDFs, we propose a novel 2D subset of a tabular BRDF representation that well preserves important appearance features for learning. For small-scale details, we represent geometries and BRDFs in different categories with different physical parameters to define multiple independent continuous search spaces. To build the mapping between large-scale macro-BRDFs and small-scale details, we propose an end-to-end model that takes the subset BRDF as input and performs classification and parameter estimation on small-scale details to find an accurate reconstruction. Compared with other fitting methods, our learning-based solution provides higher reconstruction accuracy and covers a wider gamut of appearance.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Relating small-scale structures to large-scale appearance is a key element in material appearance design. Bi-scale material design requires finding small-scale structures – meso-scale geometry and micro-scale BRDFs – that produce a desired large-scale appearance expressed as a macro-scale BRDF. The adjustment of small-scale geometry and reflectances to achieve a desired appearance can become a tedious trial-and-error process. We present a learning-based solution to fit a target macro-scale BRDF with a combination of a meso-scale geometry and micro-scale BRDF. We confront challenges in representation at both scales. At the large scale we need macro-scale BRDFs that are both compact and expressive. At the small scale we need diverse combinations of geometric patterns and potentially spatially varying micro-BRDFs. For large-scale macro-BRDFs, we propose a novel 2D subset of a tabular BRDF representation that well preserves important appearance features for learning. For small-scale details, we represent geometries and BRDFs in different categories with different physical parameters to define multiple independent continuous search spaces. To build the mapping between large-scale macro-BRDFs and small-scale details, we propose an end-to-end model that takes the subset BRDF as input and performs classification and parameter estimation on small-scale details to find an accurate reconstruction. Compared with other fitting methods, our learning-based solution provides higher reconstruction accuracy and covers a wider gamut of appearance.", "title": "Learning-Based Inverse Bi-Scale Material Fitting From Tabular BRDFs", "normalizedTitle": "Learning-Based Inverse Bi-Scale Material Fitting From Tabular BRDFs", "fno": "09203787", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computational Geometry", "Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Materials Science Computing", "Parameter Estimation", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Search Problems", "Structural Engineering Computing", "Learning Based Solution", "Inverse Bi Scale Material Fitting", "Small Scale Structures", "Large Scale Appearance", "Material Appearance Design", "Bi Scale Material Design", "Meso Scale Geometry", "Small Scale Geometry", "Target Macro Scale BRDF", "Tabular BRDF Representation", "Appearance Features", "Large Scale Macro BRDF", "Micro BRDF", "Geometry", "Training", "Lighting", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Analytical Models", "Computational Modeling", "Two Dimensional Displays", "Reflectance", "Material Appearance", "Bi Scale Materials" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Weiqi", "surname": "Shi", "fullName": "Weiqi Shi", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Julie", "surname": "Dorsey", "fullName": "Julie Dorsey", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Holly", "surname": "Rushmeier", "fullName": "Holly Rushmeier", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "04", "pubDate": "2022-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1810-1823", "year": "2022", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, 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{ "issue": { "id": "1HMOit1lSk8", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1u51y8PQCMU", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2021.3085560", "abstract": "In this article we demonstrate robust estimation of the model parameters of a fully-linear data-driven BRDF model from a reflectance map under known natural lighting. To regularize the estimation of the model parameters, we leverage the reflectance similarities within a material class. We approximate the space of homogeneous BRDFs using a Gaussian mixture model, and assign a material class to each Gaussian in the mixture model. We formulate the estimation of the model parameters as a non-linear maximum a-posteriori optimization, and introduce a linear approximation that estimates a solution per material class from which the best solution is selected. We demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of our method using the MERL BRDF database under a variety of natural lighting conditions, and we provide a proof-of-concept real-world experiment.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In this article we demonstrate robust estimation of the model parameters of a fully-linear data-driven BRDF model from a reflectance map under known natural lighting. To regularize the estimation of the model parameters, we leverage the reflectance similarities within a material class. We approximate the space of homogeneous BRDFs using a Gaussian mixture model, and assign a material class to each Gaussian in the mixture model. We formulate the estimation of the model parameters as a non-linear maximum a-posteriori optimization, and introduce a linear approximation that estimates a solution per material class from which the best solution is selected. We demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of our method using the MERL BRDF database under a variety of natural lighting conditions, and we provide a proof-of-concept real-world experiment.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In this article we demonstrate robust estimation of the model parameters of a fully-linear data-driven BRDF model from a reflectance map under known natural lighting. To regularize the estimation of the model parameters, we leverage the reflectance similarities within a material class. We approximate the space of homogeneous BRDFs using a Gaussian mixture model, and assign a material class to each Gaussian in the mixture model. We formulate the estimation of the model parameters as a non-linear maximum a-posteriori optimization, and introduce a linear approximation that estimates a solution per material class from which the best solution is selected. We demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of our method using the MERL BRDF database under a variety of natural lighting conditions, and we provide a proof-of-concept real-world experiment.", "title": "Estimating Homogeneous Data-Driven BRDF Parameters From a Reflectance Map Under Known Natural Lighting", "normalizedTitle": "Estimating Homogeneous Data-Driven BRDF Parameters From a Reflectance Map Under Known Natural Lighting", "fno": "09444888", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Convex Programming", "Gaussian Processes", "Minimisation", "Reflectivity", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Tree Searching", "Fully Linear Data Driven BRDF Model", "Gaussian Mixture Model", "Homogeneous BRD Fs", "Homogeneous Data Driven BRDF Parameters", "Known Natural Lighting", "Linear Approximation", "Material Class", "MERL BRDF Database", "Model Parameters", "Natural Lighting Conditions", "Nonlinear Maximum A Posteriori Optimization", "Reflectance Map", "Reflectance Similarities", "Robust Estimation", "Lighting", "Estimation", "Data Models", "Analytical Models", "Optimization", "Encoding", "Maximum A Posteriori Estimation", "Homogeneous BRDF", "Data Driven", "Natural Lighting" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Victoria L.", "surname": "Cooper", "fullName": "Victoria L. 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Bieron", "affiliation": "College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pieter", "surname": "Peers", "fullName": "Pieter Peers", "affiliation": "College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2022-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "4289-4303", "year": "2022", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2005/2334/1/23340436", "title": "BRDF Invariant Stereo Using Light Transport Constancy", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2005/23340436/12OmNAWYKHh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2005/2334/2", "title": "Computer Vision, IEEE International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": 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{ "issue": { "id": "1I6Nvxq2hxe", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tp", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "44", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1yJT7tLzbi0", "doi": "10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3129537", "abstract": "We introduce a novel neural network-based BRDF model and a Bayesian framework for object inverse rendering, i.e., joint estimation of reflectance and natural illumination from a single image of an object of known geometry. The BRDF is expressed with an invertible neural network, namely, normalizing flow, which provides the expressive power of a high-dimensional representation, computational simplicity of a compact analytical model, and physical plausibility of a real-world BRDF. We extract the latent space of real-world reflectance by conditioning this model, which directly results in a strong reflectance prior. We refer to this model as the invertible neural BRDF model (iBRDF). We also devise a deep illumination prior by leveraging the structural bias of deep neural networks. By integrating this novel BRDF model and reflectance and illumination priors in a MAP estimation formulation, we show that this joint estimation can be computed efficiently with stochastic gradient descent. We experimentally validate the accuracy of the invertible neural BRDF model on a large number of measured data and demonstrate its use in object inverse rendering on a number of synthetic and real images. The results show new ways in which deep neural networks can help solve challenging radiometric inverse problems.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We introduce a novel neural network-based BRDF model and a Bayesian framework for object inverse rendering, i.e., joint estimation of reflectance and natural illumination from a single image of an object of known geometry. The BRDF is expressed with an invertible neural network, namely, normalizing flow, which provides the expressive power of a high-dimensional representation, computational simplicity of a compact analytical model, and physical plausibility of a real-world BRDF. We extract the latent space of real-world reflectance by conditioning this model, which directly results in a strong reflectance prior. We refer to this model as the invertible neural BRDF model (iBRDF). We also devise a deep illumination prior by leveraging the structural bias of deep neural networks. By integrating this novel BRDF model and reflectance and illumination priors in a MAP estimation formulation, we show that this joint estimation can be computed efficiently with stochastic gradient descent. We experimentally validate the accuracy of the invertible neural BRDF model on a large number of measured data and demonstrate its use in object inverse rendering on a number of synthetic and real images. The results show new ways in which deep neural networks can help solve challenging radiometric inverse problems.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We introduce a novel neural network-based BRDF model and a Bayesian framework for object inverse rendering, i.e., joint estimation of reflectance and natural illumination from a single image of an object of known geometry. The BRDF is expressed with an invertible neural network, namely, normalizing flow, which provides the expressive power of a high-dimensional representation, computational simplicity of a compact analytical model, and physical plausibility of a real-world BRDF. We extract the latent space of real-world reflectance by conditioning this model, which directly results in a strong reflectance prior. We refer to this model as the invertible neural BRDF model (iBRDF). We also devise a deep illumination prior by leveraging the structural bias of deep neural networks. By integrating this novel BRDF model and reflectance and illumination priors in a MAP estimation formulation, we show that this joint estimation can be computed efficiently with stochastic gradient descent. We experimentally validate the accuracy of the invertible neural BRDF model on a large number of measured data and demonstrate its use in object inverse rendering on a number of synthetic and real images. The results show new ways in which deep neural networks can help solve challenging radiometric inverse problems.", "title": "Invertible Neural BRDF for Object Inverse Rendering", "normalizedTitle": "Invertible Neural BRDF for Object Inverse Rendering", "fno": "09623493", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tp", "keywords": [ "Bayes Methods", "Computational Geometry", "Gradient Methods", "Inverse Problems", "Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Neural Nets", "Parameter Estimation", "Reflectivity", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Stochastic Processes", "Compact Analytical Model", "Deep Illumination", "Deep Neural Networks", "Expressive Power", "High Dimensional Representation", "Illumination Priors", "Invertible Neural BRDF Model", "Invertible Neural Network", "Joint Estimation", "MAP Estimation Formulation", "Natural Illumination", "Novel BRDF Model", "Novel Neural Network Based BRDF Model", "Object Inverse Rendering", "Real World BRDF", "Real World Reflectance", "Strong Reflectance", "Lighting", "Estimation", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Geometry", "Computational Modeling", "Analytical Models", "Neural Networks", "Reflectance", "BRDF", "Inverse Rendering", "Illumination Estimation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Zhe", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Zhe Chen", "affiliation": "Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Shohei", "surname": "Nobuhara", "fullName": "Shohei Nobuhara", "affiliation": "Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ko", "surname": "Nishino", "fullName": "Ko Nishino", "affiliation": "Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2022-12-01 00:00:00", 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"RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/11/ttg2012111824", "title": "Rational BRDF", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/11/ttg2012111824/13rRUwjGoFZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2018/6420/0/642000e625", "title": "InverseFaceNet: Deep Monocular Inverse Face Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2018/642000e625/17D45XdBRQT", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2018/6420/0", "title": "2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/04/09678000", "title": "Real-Time Lighting Estimation for Augmented Reality via Differentiable Screen-Space Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/04/09678000/1A4SuYWCI7K", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2022/6946/0/694600m2703", "title": "PhyIR: Physics-based Inverse Rendering for Panoramic Indoor Images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2022/694600m2703/1H1l4vBZwac", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2022/6946/0", "title": "2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2020/7168/0/716800c472", "title": "Inverse Rendering for Complex Indoor Scenes: Shape, Spatially-Varying Lighting and SVBRDF From a Single Image", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2020/716800c472/1m3o03C864M", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2020/7168/0", 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"__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2022/12/09606538", "title": "AvatarMe<sup>++</sup>: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photorealistic Rendering-Aware GANs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2022/12/09606538/1ymEN8wBXRC", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "09601281", "articleId": "1yfWwRgDCCc", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "09628054", "articleId": "1yXvHwVmRkQ", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvDqsVX", "title": "Sept.", "year": "2018", "issueNum": "09", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "24", "label": "Sept.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUB7a117", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2750689", "abstract": "Animated transitions can be effective in explaining and exploring a small number of visualizations where there are drastic changes in the scene over a short interval of time. This is especially true if data elements cannot be visually distinguished by other means. Current research in animated transitions has mainly focused on linear transitions (all elements follow straight line paths) or enhancing coordinated motion through bundling of linear trajectories. In this paper, we introduce animated transition design, a technique to build smooth, non-linear transitions for clustered data with either minimal or no user involvement. The technique is flexible and simple to implement, and has the additional advantage that it explicitly enhances coordinated motion and can avoid crowding, which are both important factors to support object tracking in a scene. We investigate its usability, provide preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of this technique through metric evaluations and user study and discuss limitations and future directions.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Animated transitions can be effective in explaining and exploring a small number of visualizations where there are drastic changes in the scene over a short interval of time. This is especially true if data elements cannot be visually distinguished by other means. Current research in animated transitions has mainly focused on linear transitions (all elements follow straight line paths) or enhancing coordinated motion through bundling of linear trajectories. In this paper, we introduce animated transition design, a technique to build smooth, non-linear transitions for clustered data with either minimal or no user involvement. The technique is flexible and simple to implement, and has the additional advantage that it explicitly enhances coordinated motion and can avoid crowding, which are both important factors to support object tracking in a scene. We investigate its usability, provide preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of this technique through metric evaluations and user study and discuss limitations and future directions.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Animated transitions can be effective in explaining and exploring a small number of visualizations where there are drastic changes in the scene over a short interval of time. This is especially true if data elements cannot be visually distinguished by other means. Current research in animated transitions has mainly focused on linear transitions (all elements follow straight line paths) or enhancing coordinated motion through bundling of linear trajectories. In this paper, we introduce animated transition design, a technique to build smooth, non-linear transitions for clustered data with either minimal or no user involvement. The technique is flexible and simple to implement, and has the additional advantage that it explicitly enhances coordinated motion and can avoid crowding, which are both important factors to support object tracking in a scene. We investigate its usability, provide preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of this technique through metric evaluations and user study and discuss limitations and future directions.", "title": "A Vector Field Design Approach to Animated Transitions", "normalizedTitle": "A Vector Field Design Approach to Animated Transitions", "fno": "08031015", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Animation", "Trajectory", "Data Visualization", "Object Tracking", "Target Tracking", "Usability", "Information Visualization", "Animated Transitions", "Vector Field Design" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yong", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Yong Wang", "affiliation": "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Archambault", "fullName": "Daniel Archambault", "affiliation": "Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Carlos E.", "surname": "Scheidegger", "fullName": "Carlos E. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyq0zFI", "title": "May", "year": "2020", "issueNum": "05", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "26", "label": "May", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1hrXhk9mu9W", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2020.2973051", "abstract": "Virtual reality systems typically allow users to physically walk and turn, but virtual environments (VEs) often exceed the available walking space. Teleporting has become a common user interface, whereby the user aims a laser pointer to indicate the desired location, and sometimes orientation, in the VE before being transported without self-motion cues. This study evaluated the influence of rotational self-motion cues on spatial updating performance when teleporting, and whether the importance of rotational cues varies across movement scale and environment scale. Participants performed a triangle completion task by teleporting along two outbound path legs before pointing to the unmarked path origin. Rotational self-motion reduced overall errors across all levels of movement scale and environment scale, though it also introduced a slight bias toward under-rotation. The importance of rotational self-motion was exaggerated when navigating large triangles and when the surrounding environment was large. Navigating a large triangle within a small VE brought participants closer to surrounding landmarks and boundaries, which led to greater reliance on piloting (landmark-based navigation) and therefore reduced-but did not eliminate-the impact of rotational self-motion cues. These results indicate that rotational self-motion cues are important when teleporting, and that navigation can be improved by enabling piloting.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Virtual reality systems typically allow users to physically walk and turn, but virtual environments (VEs) often exceed the available walking space. Teleporting has become a common user interface, whereby the user aims a laser pointer to indicate the desired location, and sometimes orientation, in the VE before being transported without self-motion cues. This study evaluated the influence of rotational self-motion cues on spatial updating performance when teleporting, and whether the importance of rotational cues varies across movement scale and environment scale. Participants performed a triangle completion task by teleporting along two outbound path legs before pointing to the unmarked path origin. Rotational self-motion reduced overall errors across all levels of movement scale and environment scale, though it also introduced a slight bias toward under-rotation. The importance of rotational self-motion was exaggerated when navigating large triangles and when the surrounding environment was large. Navigating a large triangle within a small VE brought participants closer to surrounding landmarks and boundaries, which led to greater reliance on piloting (landmark-based navigation) and therefore reduced-but did not eliminate-the impact of rotational self-motion cues. These results indicate that rotational self-motion cues are important when teleporting, and that navigation can be improved by enabling piloting.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Virtual reality systems typically allow users to physically walk and turn, but virtual environments (VEs) often exceed the available walking space. Teleporting has become a common user interface, whereby the user aims a laser pointer to indicate the desired location, and sometimes orientation, in the VE before being transported without self-motion cues. This study evaluated the influence of rotational self-motion cues on spatial updating performance when teleporting, and whether the importance of rotational cues varies across movement scale and environment scale. Participants performed a triangle completion task by teleporting along two outbound path legs before pointing to the unmarked path origin. Rotational self-motion reduced overall errors across all levels of movement scale and environment scale, though it also introduced a slight bias toward under-rotation. The importance of rotational self-motion was exaggerated when navigating large triangles and when the surrounding environment was large. Navigating a large triangle within a small VE brought participants closer to surrounding landmarks and boundaries, which led to greater reliance on piloting (landmark-based navigation) and therefore reduced-but did not eliminate-the impact of rotational self-motion cues. These results indicate that rotational self-motion cues are important when teleporting, and that navigation can be improved by enabling piloting.", "title": "Teleporting through virtual environments: Effects of path scale and environment scale on spatial updating", "normalizedTitle": "Teleporting through virtual environments: Effects of path scale and environment scale on spatial updating", "fno": "08998297", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "User Interfaces", "Virtual Reality", "Virtual Environments", "Path Scale", "Environment Scale", "Virtual Reality Systems", "Common User Interface", "Rotational Self Motion Cues", "Spatial Updating Performance", "Rotational Self Motion Reduced Overall Errors", "Rotational Cues", "Legged Locomotion", "Visualization", "Task Analysis", "Navigation", "Space Exploration", "Virtual Environments", "Cognition", "Navigation", "Spatial Cognition", "Virtual Reality", "Teleporting" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jonathan W.", "surname": "Kelly", "fullName": "Jonathan W. Kelly", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alec G.", "surname": "Ostrander", "fullName": "Alec G. Ostrander", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alex F.", "surname": "Lim", "fullName": "Alex F. Lim", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Lucia A.", "surname": "Cherep", "fullName": "Lucia A. Cherep", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stephen B.", "surname": "Gilbert", "fullName": "Stephen B. Gilbert", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "05", "pubDate": "2020-05-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1841-1850", "year": "2020", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/vr/2017/6647/0/07892303", "title": "Object location memory error in virtual and real environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2017/07892303/12OmNx7ouWn", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2017/6647/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2016/0836/0/07504752", "title": "Disguising rotational gain for redirected walking in virtual reality: Effect of visual density", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2016/07504752/12OmNyr8YkS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2016/0836/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2018/3365/0/08446383", "title": "Simulated Reference Frame: A Cost-Effective Solution to Improve Spatial Orientation in VR", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2018/08446383/13bd1fHrlRE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2018/3365/0", "title": "2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/07/07955099", "title": "Collision Avoidance Behavior between Walkers: Global and Local Motion Cues", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/07/07955099/13rRUxcbnHk", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/08554159", "title": "Scene Transitions and Teleportation in Virtual Reality and the Implications for Spatial Awareness and Sickness", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/08554159/17D45WB0qbp", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/05/09714054", "title": "Remote research on locomotion interfaces for virtual reality: Replication of a lab-based study on teleporting interfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/05/09714054/1B0XZAXWaIg", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0/08797756", "title": "Field of View and Forward Motion Discrimination in Virtual Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2019/08797756/1cJ0UegDTgY", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0/08798017", "title": "Simulated Reference Frame Effects on Steering, Jumping and Sliding", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2019/08798017/1cJ0YUTkHao", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0/08798070", "title": "User-Centered Extension of a Locomotion Typology: Movement-Related Sensory Feedback and Spatial Learning", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2019/08798070/1cJ18ja0QXC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ismar-adjunct/2021/1298/0/129800a201", "title": "Manipulating Rotational Perception in Virtual Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismar-adjunct/2021/129800a201/1yfxMXu7XhK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismar-adjunct/2021/1298/0", "title": "2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "09052629", "articleId": "1iFLK7FLSsE", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "08998337", "articleId": "1hrXgdu8Bkk", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "1Fp5V6TYCEE", "title": "Sept.", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "09", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "Sept.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1qzsRxXpW4o", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2021.3053287", "abstract": "This article presents an occlusion management approach that handles fine-grain occlusions, and that quantifies and localizes occlusions as a user explores a virtual environment (VE). Fine-grain occlusions are handled by finding the VE region where they occur, and by constructing a multiperspective visualization that lets the user explore the region from the current location, with intuitive head motions, without first having to walk to the region. VE geometry close to the user is rendered conventionally, from the user&#x2019;s viewpoint, to anchor the user, avoiding disorientation and simulator sickness. Given a viewpoint, residual occlusions are quantified and localized as VE voxels that cannot be seen from the given viewpoint but that can be seen from nearby viewpoints. This residual occlusion quantification and localization helps the user ascertain that a VE region has been explored exhaustively. The occlusion management approach was tested in three controlled studies, which confirmed the exploration efficiency benefit of the approach, and in perceptual experiments, which confirmed that exploration efficiency does not come at the cost of reducing spatial awareness and sense of presence, or of increasing simulator sickness.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This article presents an occlusion management approach that handles fine-grain occlusions, and that quantifies and localizes occlusions as a user explores a virtual environment (VE). Fine-grain occlusions are handled by finding the VE region where they occur, and by constructing a multiperspective visualization that lets the user explore the region from the current location, with intuitive head motions, without first having to walk to the region. VE geometry close to the user is rendered conventionally, from the user&#x2019;s viewpoint, to anchor the user, avoiding disorientation and simulator sickness. Given a viewpoint, residual occlusions are quantified and localized as VE voxels that cannot be seen from the given viewpoint but that can be seen from nearby viewpoints. This residual occlusion quantification and localization helps the user ascertain that a VE region has been explored exhaustively. The occlusion management approach was tested in three controlled studies, which confirmed the exploration efficiency benefit of the approach, and in perceptual experiments, which confirmed that exploration efficiency does not come at the cost of reducing spatial awareness and sense of presence, or of increasing simulator sickness.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This article presents an occlusion management approach that handles fine-grain occlusions, and that quantifies and localizes occlusions as a user explores a virtual environment (VE). Fine-grain occlusions are handled by finding the VE region where they occur, and by constructing a multiperspective visualization that lets the user explore the region from the current location, with intuitive head motions, without first having to walk to the region. VE geometry close to the user is rendered conventionally, from the user’s viewpoint, to anchor the user, avoiding disorientation and simulator sickness. Given a viewpoint, residual occlusions are quantified and localized as VE voxels that cannot be seen from the given viewpoint but that can be seen from nearby viewpoints. This residual occlusion quantification and localization helps the user ascertain that a VE region has been explored exhaustively. The occlusion management approach was tested in three controlled studies, which confirmed the exploration efficiency benefit of the approach, and in perceptual experiments, which confirmed that exploration efficiency does not come at the cost of reducing spatial awareness and sense of presence, or of increasing simulator sickness.", "title": "Quantifiable Fine-Grain Occlusion Removal Assistance for Efficient VR Exploration", "normalizedTitle": "Quantifiable Fine-Grain Occlusion Removal Assistance for Efficient VR Exploration", "fno": "09332290", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Virtual Reality", "Fine Grain Occlusion Removal Assistance", "Efficient VR Exploration", "Occlusion Management Approach", "Fine Grain Occlusions", "Quantifies", "Localizes Occlusions", "VE Region", "VE Geometry", "Residual Occlusions", "VE Voxels", "Given Viewpoint", "Residual Occlusion Quantification", "Localization", "User Ascertain", "Exploration Efficiency Benefit", "Visualization", "Legged Locomotion", "Geometry", "Teleportation", "Cameras", "Navigation", "Virtual Environments", "VR Exploration", "Fine Grain Disocclusion", "Multiperspective Visualization", "Graph Camera", "Occlusion Quantification" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jian", "surname": "Wu", "fullName": "Jian Wu", "affiliation": "State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Lili", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Lili Wang", "affiliation": "State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hui", "surname": "Zhang", "fullName": "Hui Zhang", "affiliation": "State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Voicu", "surname": "Popescu", "fullName": "Voicu Popescu", "affiliation": "Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "09", "pubDate": "2022-09-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "3154-3167", "year": "2022", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2014/3624/0/06798852", "title": "Reorientation in virtual environments using interactive portals", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dui/2014/06798852/12OmNqBbHVR", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2014/3624/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2017/6647/0/07892386", "title": "Travel in large-scale head-worn VR: Pre-oriented teleportation with WIMs and previews", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2017/07892386/12OmNzhELm6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2017/6647/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2011/03/ttp2011030647", "title": "Removal of Partial Occlusion from Single Images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2011/03/ttp2011030647/13rRUwIF6eT", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/12/08123949", "title": "Efficient VR and AR Navigation Through Multiperspective Occlusion Management", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/12/08123949/14H4WNoi7Yc", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/05/08642365", "title": "VR Exploration Assistance through Automatic Occlusion Removal", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/05/08642365/17PYEj2mz9Y", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/5555/01/09733261", "title": "One-step out-of-place resetting for redirected walking in VR", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/5555/01/09733261/1BENJyPkx5S", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0/08797960", "title": "A Study on the Sense of Burden and 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvEyR70", "title": "Oct.", "year": "2014", "issueNum": "10", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "20", "label": "Oct.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxYrbMj", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2014.2307873", "abstract": "Regular grids are attractive for numerical fluid simulations because they give rise to efficient computational kernels. However, for simulating high resolution effects in complicated domains they are only of limited suitability due to memory constraints. In this paper we present a method for liquid simulation on an adaptive octree grid using a hexahedral finite element discretization, which reduces memory requirements by coarsening the elements in the interior of the liquid body. To impose free surface boundary conditions with second order accuracy, we incorporate a particular class of Nitsche methods enforcing the Dirichlet boundary conditions for the pressure in a variational sense. We then show how to construct a multigrid hierarchy from the adaptive octree grid, so that a time efficient geometric multigrid solver can be used. To improve solver convergence, we propose a special treatment of liquid boundaries via composite finite elements at coarser scales. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for liquid simulations that would require hundreds of millions of simulation elements in a non-adaptive regime.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Regular grids are attractive for numerical fluid simulations because they give rise to efficient computational kernels. However, for simulating high resolution effects in complicated domains they are only of limited suitability due to memory constraints. In this paper we present a method for liquid simulation on an adaptive octree grid using a hexahedral finite element discretization, which reduces memory requirements by coarsening the elements in the interior of the liquid body. To impose free surface boundary conditions with second order accuracy, we incorporate a particular class of Nitsche methods enforcing the Dirichlet boundary conditions for the pressure in a variational sense. We then show how to construct a multigrid hierarchy from the adaptive octree grid, so that a time efficient geometric multigrid solver can be used. To improve solver convergence, we propose a special treatment of liquid boundaries via composite finite elements at coarser scales. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for liquid simulations that would require hundreds of millions of simulation elements in a non-adaptive regime.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Regular grids are attractive for numerical fluid simulations because they give rise to efficient computational kernels. However, for simulating high resolution effects in complicated domains they are only of limited suitability due to memory constraints. In this paper we present a method for liquid simulation on an adaptive octree grid using a hexahedral finite element discretization, which reduces memory requirements by coarsening the elements in the interior of the liquid body. To impose free surface boundary conditions with second order accuracy, we incorporate a particular class of Nitsche methods enforcing the Dirichlet boundary conditions for the pressure in a variational sense. We then show how to construct a multigrid hierarchy from the adaptive octree grid, so that a time efficient geometric multigrid solver can be used. To improve solver convergence, we propose a special treatment of liquid boundaries via composite finite elements at coarser scales. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for liquid simulations that would require hundreds of millions of simulation elements in a non-adaptive regime.", "title": "Large-Scale Liquid Simulation on Adaptive Hexahedral Grids", "normalizedTitle": "Large-Scale Liquid Simulation on Adaptive Hexahedral Grids", "fno": "06747389", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Liquids", "Octrees", "Adaptation Models", "Computational Modeling", "Solids", "Mathematical Model", "Boundary Conditions", "Multigrid", "Fluid Simulation", "Finite Elements", "Octree" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Florian", "surname": "Ferstl", "fullName": "Florian Ferstl", "affiliation": "Computer Graphics and Visualization Group, Technische Universität München, Germany,", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Rudiger", "surname": "Westermann", "fullName": "Rudiger Westermann", "affiliation": "Computer Graphics and Visualization Group, Technische Universität München, Germany,", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Christian", "surname": "Dick", "fullName": "Christian Dick", "affiliation": "Computer Graphics and Visualization Group, Technische Universität München, Germany,", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "10", "pubDate": "2014-10-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1405-1417", "year": "2014", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/sc/2016/8815/0/8815a514", "title": "A Parallel Arbitrary-Order Accurate AMR Algorithm for the Scalar Advection-Diffusion Equation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sc/2016/8815a514/12OmNx19k0T", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sc/2016/8815/0", "title": "SC16: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ectc/2017/6315/0/07999893", "title": "Ga Liquid Metal Embrittlement for Fine Pitch Interconnect Rework", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ectc/2017/07999893/12OmNy3AgwI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ectc/2017/6315/0", "title": "2017 IEEE 67th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sc/2012/0806/0/1000a045", "title": "Parallel geometric-algebraic multigrid on unstructured forests of octrees", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sc/2012/1000a045/12OmNy7Qfuf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sc/2012/0806/0", "title": "SC Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dsc/2016/1192/0/1192a489", "title": "A Hybrid Modeling Method for Dynamic Liquid Simulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dsc/2016/1192a489/12OmNzBOhHv", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dsc/2016/1192/0", "title": "2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/01/ttg2014010017", "title": "Mass-Conserving Eulerian Liquid Simulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/01/ttg2014010017/13rRUB7a1fQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/08/06171181", "title": "A Multigrid Fluid Pressure Solver Handling Separating Solid Boundary Conditions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/08/06171181/13rRUxlgxTi", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sc/2017/5114/0/09926118", "title": "Large-Scale Adaptive Mesh Simulations Through Non-Volatile Byte-Addressable Memory", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sc/2017/09926118/1HOxD3PcLHG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sc/2017/5114/0", "title": "SC17: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cw/2019/2297/0/229700a163", "title": "Simulation Controlling Method for Generating Desired Water Caustics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2019/229700a163/1fHkljLfIVG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2019/2297/0", "title": "2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icmcce/2019/4689/0/468900a138", "title": "Study on the Role of Solid Surface on Nanochannel Flow with Molecular Dynamics Simulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icmcce/2019/468900a138/1h0Fjt7kZna", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icmcce/2019/4689/0", "title": "2019 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering (ICMCCE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icaaci/2020/9753/0/975300a125", "title": "Consequence Simulation and Risk Assessment Model of Liquid Ammonia Leakage Accident Based on PHAST Software", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icaaci/2020/975300a125/1rlF1GldrBS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icaaci/2020/9753/0", "title": "2020 International Conference on Advance in Ambient Computing and Intelligence (ICAACI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "06767149", 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvGPE8n", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2016", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "22", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUB7a1fT", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2015.2467963", "abstract": "We present a novel method to compute anisotropic shading for direct volume rendering to improve the perception of the orientation and shape of surface-like structures. We determine the scale-aware anisotropy of a shading point by analyzing its ambient region. We sample adjacent points with similar scalar values to perform a principal component analysis by computing the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. In particular, we estimate the tangent directions, which serve as the tangent frame for anisotropic bidirectional reflectance distribution functions. Moreover, we exploit the ratio of the eigenvalues to measure the magnitude of the anisotropy at each shading point. Altogether, this allows us to model a data-driven, smooth transition from isotropic to strongly anisotropic volume shading. In this way, the shape of volumetric features can be enhanced significantly by aligning specular highlights along the principal direction of anisotropy. Our algorithm is independent of the transfer function, which allows us to compute all shading parameters once and store them with the data set. We integrated our method in a GPU-based volume renderer, which offers interactive control of the transfer function, light source positions, and viewpoint. Our results demonstrate the benefit of anisotropic shading for visualization to achieve data-driven local illumination for improved perception compared to isotropic shading.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a novel method to compute anisotropic shading for direct volume rendering to improve the perception of the orientation and shape of surface-like structures. We determine the scale-aware anisotropy of a shading point by analyzing its ambient region. We sample adjacent points with similar scalar values to perform a principal component analysis by computing the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. In particular, we estimate the tangent directions, which serve as the tangent frame for anisotropic bidirectional reflectance distribution functions. Moreover, we exploit the ratio of the eigenvalues to measure the magnitude of the anisotropy at each shading point. Altogether, this allows us to model a data-driven, smooth transition from isotropic to strongly anisotropic volume shading. In this way, the shape of volumetric features can be enhanced significantly by aligning specular highlights along the principal direction of anisotropy. Our algorithm is independent of the transfer function, which allows us to compute all shading parameters once and store them with the data set. We integrated our method in a GPU-based volume renderer, which offers interactive control of the transfer function, light source positions, and viewpoint. Our results demonstrate the benefit of anisotropic shading for visualization to achieve data-driven local illumination for improved perception compared to isotropic shading.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a novel method to compute anisotropic shading for direct volume rendering to improve the perception of the orientation and shape of surface-like structures. We determine the scale-aware anisotropy of a shading point by analyzing its ambient region. We sample adjacent points with similar scalar values to perform a principal component analysis by computing the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. In particular, we estimate the tangent directions, which serve as the tangent frame for anisotropic bidirectional reflectance distribution functions. Moreover, we exploit the ratio of the eigenvalues to measure the magnitude of the anisotropy at each shading point. Altogether, this allows us to model a data-driven, smooth transition from isotropic to strongly anisotropic volume shading. In this way, the shape of volumetric features can be enhanced significantly by aligning specular highlights along the principal direction of anisotropy. Our algorithm is independent of the transfer function, which allows us to compute all shading parameters once and store them with the data set. We integrated our method in a GPU-based volume renderer, which offers interactive control of the transfer function, light source positions, and viewpoint. Our results demonstrate the benefit of anisotropic shading for visualization to achieve data-driven local illumination for improved perception compared to isotropic shading.", "title": "Anisotropic Ambient Volume Shading", "normalizedTitle": "Anisotropic Ambient Volume Shading", "fno": "07194844", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Anisotropic Magnetoresistance", "Lighting", "Covariance Matrices", "Shape", "Estimation", "Scattering", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Anisotropic Shading", "Direct Volume Rendering", "Volume Illumination", "Anisotropic Shading", "Direct Volume Rendering", "Volume Illumination" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Marco", "surname": "Ament", "fullName": "Marco Ament", "affiliation": ", Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Carsten", "surname": "Dachsbacher", "fullName": "Carsten Dachsbacher", "affiliation": ", Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2016-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1015-1024", "year": "2016", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/uic-atc-scalcom/2015/7211/0/07518282", "title": "2DMT Contrast Research for Symmetrical Anisotropic and Isotropic Bodies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/uic-atc-scalcom/2015/07518282/12OmNAPjA8b", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/uic-atc-scalcom/2015/7211/0", "title": "2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2015 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (UIC-ATC-ScalCom)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdh/2014/4284/0/4284a111", "title": "Adaptive Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Denoising Based on Structure Tensor", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdh/2014/4284a111/12OmNAS9zBg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdh/2014/4284/0", "title": "2014 5th International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/reldis/1991/2260/0/00145403", "title": "A statistical clock synchronization algorithm for anisotropic networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/reldis/1991/00145403/12OmNBhHt9f", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/reldis/1991/2260/0", "title": "Proceedings Tenth Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2004/2158/1/01315086", "title": "Scale selection for anisotropic scale-space: application to volumetric tumor characterization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2004/01315086/12OmNyKJikE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2004/2158/1", "title": "Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004.", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/smi/2010/7259/0/05521462", "title": "Reversely Anisotropic Quad-dominant Remeshing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/smi/2010/05521462/12OmNywxlVm", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/smi/2010/7259/0", "title": "Shape Modeling International (SMI 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icme/2007/1016/0/04284694", "title": "Anisotropic Manifold Ranking for Video Annotation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icme/2007/04284694/12OmNzhELfS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icme/2007/1016/0", "title": "2007 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2009/4420/0/05459425", "title": "Image compression with anisotropic triangulations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2009/05459425/12OmNzlly5j", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2009/4420/0", "title": "2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/07/ttg2013071143", "title": "Generalized Anisotropic Stratified Surface Sampling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/07/ttg2013071143/13rRUILc8fc", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/10/07130660", "title": "Stable Anisotropic Materials", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/10/07130660/13rRUy3gn7z", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0/08933592", "title": "Visualization of Symmetries in Fourth-Order Stiffness Tensors", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2019/08933592/1fTgHrkjNWE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07194851", "articleId": "13rRUIJuxvk", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07192686", "articleId": "13rRUytWF9o", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgBX", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "52.7 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwoxSj4", "title": "March", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "03", "idPrefix": "tp", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "39", "label": "March", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxYIN5A", "doi": "10.1109/TPAMI.2016.2554121", "abstract": "Light-field cameras are quickly becoming commodity items, with consumer and industrial applications. They capture many nearby views simultaneously using a single image with a micro-lens array, thereby providing a wealth of cues for depth recovery: defocus, correspondence, and shading. In particular, apart from conventional image shading, one can refocus images after acquisition, and shift one's viewpoint within the sub-apertures of the main lens, effectively obtaining multiple views. We present a principled algorithm for dense depth estimation that combines defocus and correspondence metrics. We then extend our analysis to the additional cue of shading, using it to refine fine details in the shape. By exploiting an all-in-focus image, in which pixels are expected to exhibit angular coherence, we define an optimization framework that integrates photo consistency, depth consistency, and shading consistency. We show that combining all three sources of information: defocus, correspondence, and shading, outperforms state-of-the-art light-field depth estimation algorithms in multiple scenarios.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Light-field cameras are quickly becoming commodity items, with consumer and industrial applications. They capture many nearby views simultaneously using a single image with a micro-lens array, thereby providing a wealth of cues for depth recovery: defocus, correspondence, and shading. In particular, apart from conventional image shading, one can refocus images after acquisition, and shift one's viewpoint within the sub-apertures of the main lens, effectively obtaining multiple views. We present a principled algorithm for dense depth estimation that combines defocus and correspondence metrics. We then extend our analysis to the additional cue of shading, using it to refine fine details in the shape. By exploiting an all-in-focus image, in which pixels are expected to exhibit angular coherence, we define an optimization framework that integrates photo consistency, depth consistency, and shading consistency. We show that combining all three sources of information: defocus, correspondence, and shading, outperforms state-of-the-art light-field depth estimation algorithms in multiple scenarios.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Light-field cameras are quickly becoming commodity items, with consumer and industrial applications. They capture many nearby views simultaneously using a single image with a micro-lens array, thereby providing a wealth of cues for depth recovery: defocus, correspondence, and shading. In particular, apart from conventional image shading, one can refocus images after acquisition, and shift one's viewpoint within the sub-apertures of the main lens, effectively obtaining multiple views. We present a principled algorithm for dense depth estimation that combines defocus and correspondence metrics. We then extend our analysis to the additional cue of shading, using it to refine fine details in the shape. By exploiting an all-in-focus image, in which pixels are expected to exhibit angular coherence, we define an optimization framework that integrates photo consistency, depth consistency, and shading consistency. We show that combining all three sources of information: defocus, correspondence, and shading, outperforms state-of-the-art light-field depth estimation algorithms in multiple scenarios.", "title": "Shape Estimation from Shading, Defocus, and Correspondence Using Light-Field Angular Coherence", "normalizedTitle": "Shape Estimation from Shading, Defocus, and Correspondence Using Light-Field Angular Coherence", "fno": "07452621", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tp", "keywords": [ "Estimation", "Shape", "Coherence", "Cameras", "Lighting", "Geometry", "Lenses", "Shape From Shading", "Light Fields", "3 D Reconstruction", "Specular Free Image", "Reflection Components Separation", "Depth Cues" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Michael W.", "surname": "Tao", "fullName": "Michael W. Tao", "affiliation": "EECS Department at the University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pratul P.", "surname": "Srinivasan", "fullName": "Pratul P. Srinivasan", "affiliation": "EECS Department at the University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sunil", "surname": "Hadap", "fullName": "Sunil Hadap", "affiliation": "Adobe, San Jose, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Szymon", "surname": "Rusinkiewicz", "fullName": "Szymon Rusinkiewicz", "affiliation": "Computer Science Department at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jitendra", "surname": "Malik", "fullName": "Jitendra Malik", "affiliation": "EECS Department at the University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ravi", "surname": "Ramamoorthi", "fullName": "Ravi Ramamoorthi", "affiliation": "CSE Department at the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "03", "pubDate": "2017-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "546-560", "year": "2017", "issn": "0162-8828", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2008/2174/0/04761514", "title": "Depth recovery using defocus blur at infinity", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2008/04761514/12OmNBkxstu", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2008/2174/0", "title": "ICPR 2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2015/8332/0/8332a326", "title": "Optimal Camera Parameters for Depth from Defocus", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dv/2015/8332a326/12OmNC8MsHb", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2015/8332/0", "title": "2015 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/crv/2016/2491/0/2491a281", "title": "Blur Calibration for Depth from Defocus", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/crv/2016/2491a281/12OmNs59JP3", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/crv/2016/2491/0", "title": "2016 13th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sibgrapi/2005/2389/0/23890241", "title": "Single-Image Shape from Defocus", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sibgrapi/2005/23890241/12OmNvpNIom", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sibgrapi/2005/2389/0", "title": "XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI'05)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccp/2009/4534/0/05559009", "title": "Image destabilization: Programmable defocus using lens and sensor motion", "doi": null, 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzmclVD", "title": "Oct.", "year": "2016", "issueNum": "10", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "22", "label": "Oct.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyv53Fw", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2016.2586073", "abstract": "We present Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing (AGAA), a new technique for efficient anti-aliased deferred rendering of complex geometry using modern graphics hardware. In geometrically complex situations where many surfaces intersect a pixel, current rendering systems shade each contributing surface at least once per pixel. As the sample density and geometric complexity increase, the shading cost becomes prohibitive for real-time rendering. Under deferred shading, so does the required framebuffer memory. Our goal is to make high per-pixel sampling rates practical for real-time applications by substantially reducing shading costs and per-pixel storage compared to traditional deferred shading. AGAA uses the rasterization pipeline to generate a compact, pre-filtered geometric representation inside each pixel. We shade this representation at a fixed rate, independent of geometric complexity. By decoupling shading rate from geometric sampling rate, the algorithm reduces the storage and bandwidth costs of a geometry buffer, and allows scaling to high visibility sampling rates for anti-aliasing. AGAA with two aggregates per-pixel generates results comparable to 32Z_$\\times$_Z MSAA, but requires 54 percent less memory and is up to 2.6Z_$\\times$_Z faster ( Z_$-30$_Z percent memory and 1.7 Z_$\\times$_Z faster for 8 Z_$\\times$_Z MSAA).", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing (AGAA), a new technique for efficient anti-aliased deferred rendering of complex geometry using modern graphics hardware. In geometrically complex situations where many surfaces intersect a pixel, current rendering systems shade each contributing surface at least once per pixel. As the sample density and geometric complexity increase, the shading cost becomes prohibitive for real-time rendering. Under deferred shading, so does the required framebuffer memory. Our goal is to make high per-pixel sampling rates practical for real-time applications by substantially reducing shading costs and per-pixel storage compared to traditional deferred shading. AGAA uses the rasterization pipeline to generate a compact, pre-filtered geometric representation inside each pixel. We shade this representation at a fixed rate, independent of geometric complexity. By decoupling shading rate from geometric sampling rate, the algorithm reduces the storage and bandwidth costs of a geometry buffer, and allows scaling to high visibility sampling rates for anti-aliasing. AGAA with two aggregates per-pixel generates results comparable to 32$\\times$ MSAA, but requires 54 percent less memory and is up to 2.6$\\times$ faster ( $-30$ percent memory and 1.7 $\\times$ faster for 8 $\\times$ MSAA).", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing (AGAA), a new technique for efficient anti-aliased deferred rendering of complex geometry using modern graphics hardware. In geometrically complex situations where many surfaces intersect a pixel, current rendering systems shade each contributing surface at least once per pixel. As the sample density and geometric complexity increase, the shading cost becomes prohibitive for real-time rendering. Under deferred shading, so does the required framebuffer memory. Our goal is to make high per-pixel sampling rates practical for real-time applications by substantially reducing shading costs and per-pixel storage compared to traditional deferred shading. AGAA uses the rasterization pipeline to generate a compact, pre-filtered geometric representation inside each pixel. We shade this representation at a fixed rate, independent of geometric complexity. By decoupling shading rate from geometric sampling rate, the algorithm reduces the storage and bandwidth costs of a geometry buffer, and allows scaling to high visibility sampling rates for anti-aliasing. AGAA with two aggregates per-pixel generates results comparable to 32- MSAA, but requires 54 percent less memory and is up to 2.6- faster ( - percent memory and 1.7 - faster for 8 - MSAA).", "title": "Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing -Extended Version-", "normalizedTitle": "Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing -Extended Version-", "fno": "07501796", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Aggregates", "Geometry", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Real Time Systems", "Pipelines", "Memory Management", "Surface Treatment", "Shading", "Anti Aliasing", "Graphics Pipelines", "Pre Filtering" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Cyril", "surname": "Crassin", "fullName": "Cyril Crassin", "affiliation": "NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Morgan", "surname": "McGuire", "fullName": "Morgan McGuire", "affiliation": "NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kayvon", "surname": "Fatahalian", "fullName": "Kayvon Fatahalian", "affiliation": "Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Aaron", "surname": "Lefohn", "fullName": "Aaron Lefohn", "affiliation": "NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "10", "pubDate": "2016-10-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2215-2228", "year": "2016", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/hcs/2015/8885/0/07477462", "title": "The ARM® Mali-T880 Mobile GPU", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hcs/2015/07477462/12OmNAS9zPX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hcs/2015/8885/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Hot Chips 27 Symposium (HCS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1997/8262/0/82620197", "title": "An anti-aliasing technique for splatting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/1997/82620197/12OmNBUS74c", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1997/8262/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgi/1996/7518/0/75180038", "title": "Improved Specular Highlights With Adaptive Shading", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgi/1996/75180038/12OmNwBT1ig", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgi/1996/7518/0", "title": "Computer Graphics International Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2017/0457/0/0457a850", "title": "Shading Annotations in the Wild", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2017/0457a850/12OmNxuo0id", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2017/0457/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/searis/2014/9955/0/07152799", "title": "guacamole - An extensible scene graph and rendering framework based on deferred shading", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/searis/2014/07152799/12OmNzA6GLj", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/searis/2014/9955/0", "title": "2014 IEEE 7th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pbg/2005/20/0/01500313", "title": "High-quality surface splatting on today's GPUs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pbg/2005/01500313/12OmNzdoMWS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pbg/2005/20/0", "title": "Point-Based Graphics 2005", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2017/06/mcg2017060076", "title": "Deferred Warping", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2017/06/mcg2017060076/13rRUB6Sq4U", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/05/ttg2013050749", "title": "Interactive Rendering of Acquired Materials on Dynamic Geometry Using Frequency Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/05/ttg2013050749/13rRUyp7tWW", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/1988/03/mcg1988030029", "title": "Display of Surfaces from Volume Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/1988/03/mcg1988030029/13rRUyuNszl", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/08543848", "title": "Tile Pair-Based Adaptive Multi-Rate Stereo Shading", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/08543848/17D45VsBU70", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07557101", "articleId": "13rRUwbaqUQ", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07378994", "articleId": "13rRUwIF6l9", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYet4w", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "2.05 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvA1hs3", "title": "July", "year": "2018", "issueNum": "07", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "24", "label": "July", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUEgs2C2", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2714665", "abstract": "Navigating in virtual environments requires using some locomotion interfaces, especially when the dimensions of the environment exceed the ones of the Virtual Reality system. Locomotion interfaces induce some biases both in the perception of the self-motion or in the formation of virtual locomotion trajectories. These biases have been mostly evaluated in the context of static environments, and studies need to be revisited in the new context of populated environments where users interact with virtual characters. We focus on a situation of collision avoidance between a real participant and a virtual character, and compared it to previous studies on real walkers. Our results show that, as in reality, the risk of future collision is accurately anticipated by participants, however with delay. We also show that collision avoidance trajectories formed in VR have common properties with real ones, with some quantitative differences in avoidance distances. More generally, our evaluation demonstrates that reliable results can be obtained for qualitative analysis of small scale interactions in VR. We discuss these results in the perspective of a VR platform for large scale interaction applications, such as in a crowd, for which real data are difficult to gather.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Navigating in virtual environments requires using some locomotion interfaces, especially when the dimensions of the environment exceed the ones of the Virtual Reality system. Locomotion interfaces induce some biases both in the perception of the self-motion or in the formation of virtual locomotion trajectories. These biases have been mostly evaluated in the context of static environments, and studies need to be revisited in the new context of populated environments where users interact with virtual characters. We focus on a situation of collision avoidance between a real participant and a virtual character, and compared it to previous studies on real walkers. Our results show that, as in reality, the risk of future collision is accurately anticipated by participants, however with delay. We also show that collision avoidance trajectories formed in VR have common properties with real ones, with some quantitative differences in avoidance distances. More generally, our evaluation demonstrates that reliable results can be obtained for qualitative analysis of small scale interactions in VR. We discuss these results in the perspective of a VR platform for large scale interaction applications, such as in a crowd, for which real data are difficult to gather.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Navigating in virtual environments requires using some locomotion interfaces, especially when the dimensions of the environment exceed the ones of the Virtual Reality system. Locomotion interfaces induce some biases both in the perception of the self-motion or in the formation of virtual locomotion trajectories. These biases have been mostly evaluated in the context of static environments, and studies need to be revisited in the new context of populated environments where users interact with virtual characters. We focus on a situation of collision avoidance between a real participant and a virtual character, and compared it to previous studies on real walkers. Our results show that, as in reality, the risk of future collision is accurately anticipated by participants, however with delay. We also show that collision avoidance trajectories formed in VR have common properties with real ones, with some quantitative differences in avoidance distances. More generally, our evaluation demonstrates that reliable results can be obtained for qualitative analysis of small scale interactions in VR. We discuss these results in the perspective of a VR platform for large scale interaction applications, such as in a crowd, for which real data are difficult to gather.", "title": "Walking with Virtual People: Evaluation of Locomotion Interfaces in Dynamic Environments", "normalizedTitle": "Walking with Virtual People: Evaluation of Locomotion Interfaces in Dynamic Environments", "fno": "07946183", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Trajectory", "Legged Locomotion", "Collision Avoidance", "Context", "Measurement", "Virtual Environments", "Locomotion", "Interaction", "Evaluation", "Experiment", "Collision Avoidance", "Virtual Reality" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Anne-Hélène", "surname": "Olivier", "fullName": "Anne-Hélène Olivier", "affiliation": "INRIA Rennes, Rennes, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Julien", "surname": "Bruneau", "fullName": "Julien Bruneau", "affiliation": "INRIA Rennes, Rennes, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Richard", "surname": "Kulpa", "fullName": "Richard Kulpa", "affiliation": "INRIA Rennes, Rennes, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Julien", "surname": "Pettré", "fullName": "Julien Pettré", "affiliation": "INRIA Rennes, Rennes, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "07", "pubDate": "2018-07-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2251-2263", "year": "2018", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/vr/2017/6647/0/07892235", "title": "An evaluation of strategies for two-user redirected walking in shared physical spaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2017/07892235/12OmNy87Qwg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2017/6647/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2016/0842/0/07460045", "title": "Collision avoidance in the presence of a virtual agent in small-scale virtual environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dui/2016/07460045/12OmNzaQoPf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2016/0842/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2015/1727/0/07223327", "title": "Virtual proxemics: Locomotion in the presence of obstacles in large immersive projection environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2015/07223327/12OmNzcPAkQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2015/1727/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2018/3365/0/08446180", "title": "Effect of Virtual Human Gaze Behaviour During an Orthogonal Collision Avoidance Walking Task", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2018/08446180/13bd1sv5NyE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2018/3365/0", "title": "2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/07/07955099", "title": "Collision Avoidance Behavior between Walkers: Global and Local Motion Cues", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/07/07955099/13rRUxcbnHk", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/05/09714054", "title": "Remote research on locomotion interfaces for virtual reality: Replication of a lab-based study on teleporting interfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/05/09714054/1B0XZAXWaIg", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2022/8402/0/840200a696", "title": "Seamless-walk: Novel Natural Virtual Reality Locomotion Method with a High-Resolution Tactile Sensor", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vrw/2022/840200a696/1CJeXaYYtd6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2022/8402/0", "title": "2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2022/8402/0/840200a922", "title": "Robust Redirected Walking in the Wild", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vrw/2022/840200a922/1CJfaCP53nq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2022/8402/0", "title": "2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/05/10049692", "title": "FREE-RDW: A Multi-user Redirected Walking Method for Supporting Non-forward Steps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/05/10049692/1KYopXwY5Vu", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0/08798204", "title": "Studying Gaze Behaviour during Collision Avoidance with a Virtual Walker: Influence of the Virtual Reality Setup", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2019/08798204/1cJ11rHzFi8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07956272", "articleId": "13rRUB7a1g1", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "08365872", "articleId": "13rRUxC0SWf", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "1CpcG1DISYM", "title": "May", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "05", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "May", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1B0XZAXWaIg", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3150475", "abstract": "The wide availability of consumer-oriented virtual reality (VR) equipment has enabled researchers to recruit existing VR owners to participate remotely using their own equipment. Yet, there are many differences between lab environments and home environments, as well as differences between participant samples recruited for lab studies and remote studies. This paper replicates a lab-based experiment on VR locomotion interfaces using a remote sample. Participants completed a triangle-completion task (travel two path legs, then point to the path origin) using their own VR equipment in a remote, unsupervised setting. Locomotion was accomplished using two versions of the teleporting interface varying in availability of rotational self-motion cues. The size of the traveled path and the size of the surrounding virtual environment were also manipulated. Results from remote participants largely mirrored lab results, with overall better performance when rotational self-motion cues were available. Some differences also occurred, including a tendency for remote participants to rely less on nearby landmarks, perhaps due to increased competence with using the teleporting interface to update self-location. This replication study provides insight for VR researchers on aspects of lab studies that may or may not replicate remotely.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The wide availability of consumer-oriented virtual reality (VR) equipment has enabled researchers to recruit existing VR owners to participate remotely using their own equipment. Yet, there are many differences between lab environments and home environments, as well as differences between participant samples recruited for lab studies and remote studies. This paper replicates a lab-based experiment on VR locomotion interfaces using a remote sample. Participants completed a triangle-completion task (travel two path legs, then point to the path origin) using their own VR equipment in a remote, unsupervised setting. Locomotion was accomplished using two versions of the teleporting interface varying in availability of rotational self-motion cues. The size of the traveled path and the size of the surrounding virtual environment were also manipulated. Results from remote participants largely mirrored lab results, with overall better performance when rotational self-motion cues were available. Some differences also occurred, including a tendency for remote participants to rely less on nearby landmarks, perhaps due to increased competence with using the teleporting interface to update self-location. This replication study provides insight for VR researchers on aspects of lab studies that may or may not replicate remotely.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The wide availability of consumer-oriented virtual reality (VR) equipment has enabled researchers to recruit existing VR owners to participate remotely using their own equipment. Yet, there are many differences between lab environments and home environments, as well as differences between participant samples recruited for lab studies and remote studies. This paper replicates a lab-based experiment on VR locomotion interfaces using a remote sample. Participants completed a triangle-completion task (travel two path legs, then point to the path origin) using their own VR equipment in a remote, unsupervised setting. Locomotion was accomplished using two versions of the teleporting interface varying in availability of rotational self-motion cues. The size of the traveled path and the size of the surrounding virtual environment were also manipulated. Results from remote participants largely mirrored lab results, with overall better performance when rotational self-motion cues were available. Some differences also occurred, including a tendency for remote participants to rely less on nearby landmarks, perhaps due to increased competence with using the teleporting interface to update self-location. This replication study provides insight for VR researchers on aspects of lab studies that may or may not replicate remotely.", "title": "Remote research on locomotion interfaces for virtual reality: Replication of a lab-based study on teleporting interfaces", "normalizedTitle": "Remote research on locomotion interfaces for virtual reality: Replication of a lab-based study on teleporting interfaces", "fno": "09714054", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Task Analysis", "Navigation", "Games", "Virtual Environments", "Legged Locomotion", "Headphones", "Green Products", "Navigation", "Spatial Cognition", "Virtual Reality", "Teleporting", "Online Data Collection" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jonathan W.", "surname": "Kelly", "fullName": "Jonathan W. Kelly", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Melynda", "surname": "Hoover", "fullName": "Melynda Hoover", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Taylor A.", "surname": "Doty", "fullName": "Taylor A. Doty", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alex", "surname": "Renner", "fullName": "Alex Renner", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Moriah", "surname": "Zimmerman", "fullName": "Moriah Zimmerman", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kimberly", "surname": "Knuth", "fullName": "Kimberly Knuth", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Lucia A.", "surname": "Cherep", "fullName": "Lucia A. Cherep", "affiliation": "Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stephen B.", "surname": "Gilbert", "fullName": "Stephen B. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvqEvRo", "title": "PrePrints", "year": "5555", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": null, "label": "PrePrints", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1C8BFV420lq", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3161130", "abstract": "A seated user watching his avatar walking in Virtual Reality (VR) may have an impression of walking. In this paper, we show that such an impression can be extended to other postures and other locomotion exercises. We present two user studies in which participants wore a VR headset and observed a first-person avatar performing virtual exercises. In the first experiment, the avatar walked and the participants (n=36) tested the simulation in 3 different postures (standing, sitting and Fowler's posture). In the second experiment, other participants (n=18) were sitting and observed the avatar walking, jogging or stepping over virtual obstacles. We evaluated the impression of locomotion by measuring the impression of walking (respectively jogging or stepping) and embodiment in both experiments. The results show that participants had the impression of locomotion in either sitting, standing and Fowler's posture. However, Fowler's posture significantly decreased both the level of embodiment and the impression of locomotion. The sitting posture seems to decrease the sense of agency compared to standing posture. Results also show that the majority of the participants experienced an impression of locomotion during the virtual walking, jogging, and stepping exercises. The embodiment was not influenced by the type of virtual exercise. Overall, our results suggest that an impression of locomotion can be elicited in different users' postures and during different virtual locomotion exercises. They provide valuable insight for numerous VR applications in which the user observes a self-avatar moving, such as video games, gait rehabilitation, training, etc.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "A seated user watching his avatar walking in Virtual Reality (VR) may have an impression of walking. In this paper, we show that such an impression can be extended to other postures and other locomotion exercises. We present two user studies in which participants wore a VR headset and observed a first-person avatar performing virtual exercises. In the first experiment, the avatar walked and the participants (n=36) tested the simulation in 3 different postures (standing, sitting and Fowler's posture). In the second experiment, other participants (n=18) were sitting and observed the avatar walking, jogging or stepping over virtual obstacles. We evaluated the impression of locomotion by measuring the impression of walking (respectively jogging or stepping) and embodiment in both experiments. The results show that participants had the impression of locomotion in either sitting, standing and Fowler's posture. However, Fowler's posture significantly decreased both the level of embodiment and the impression of locomotion. The sitting posture seems to decrease the sense of agency compared to standing posture. Results also show that the majority of the participants experienced an impression of locomotion during the virtual walking, jogging, and stepping exercises. The embodiment was not influenced by the type of virtual exercise. Overall, our results suggest that an impression of locomotion can be elicited in different users' postures and during different virtual locomotion exercises. They provide valuable insight for numerous VR applications in which the user observes a self-avatar moving, such as video games, gait rehabilitation, training, etc.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "A seated user watching his avatar walking in Virtual Reality (VR) may have an impression of walking. In this paper, we show that such an impression can be extended to other postures and other locomotion exercises. We present two user studies in which participants wore a VR headset and observed a first-person avatar performing virtual exercises. In the first experiment, the avatar walked and the participants (n=36) tested the simulation in 3 different postures (standing, sitting and Fowler's posture). In the second experiment, other participants (n=18) were sitting and observed the avatar walking, jogging or stepping over virtual obstacles. We evaluated the impression of locomotion by measuring the impression of walking (respectively jogging or stepping) and embodiment in both experiments. The results show that participants had the impression of locomotion in either sitting, standing and Fowler's posture. However, Fowler's posture significantly decreased both the level of embodiment and the impression of locomotion. The sitting posture seems to decrease the sense of agency compared to standing posture. Results also show that the majority of the participants experienced an impression of locomotion during the virtual walking, jogging, and stepping exercises. The embodiment was not influenced by the type of virtual exercise. Overall, our results suggest that an impression of locomotion can be elicited in different users' postures and during different virtual locomotion exercises. They provide valuable insight for numerous VR applications in which the user observes a self-avatar moving, such as video games, gait rehabilitation, training, etc.", "title": "Influence of user posture and virtual exercise on impression of locomotion during VR observation", "normalizedTitle": "Influence of user posture and virtual exercise on impression of locomotion during VR observation", "fno": "09744001", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Legged Locomotion", "Avatars", "Cybersickness", "Rubber", "Headphones", "Games", "Visualization", "Action Observation", "Locomotion", "Posture", "Virtual Exercise", "Embodiment" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Justine", "surname": "Saint-Aubert", "fullName": "Justine Saint-Aubert", "affiliation": "Hybrid team, Inria Centre de Recherche Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, 84224 Rennes, Brittany, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Melanie", "surname": "Cogne", "fullName": "Melanie Cogne", "affiliation": "Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital Centre Rennes, 36684 Rennes, Bretagne, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Isabelle", "surname": "Bonan", "fullName": "Isabelle Bonan", "affiliation": "Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital Centre Rennes, 36684 Rennes, Bretagne, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yoann", "surname": "Launey", "fullName": "Yoann Launey", "affiliation": "Critical care unit, University Hospital Centre Rennes, 36684 Rennes, Bretagne, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Anatole", "surname": "Lecuyer", "fullName": "Anatole Lecuyer", "affiliation": "Hybrid team, Inria Centre de Recherche Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, 84224 Rennes, Brittany, France, 35042", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2022-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", 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Third-Person Avatar", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/5555/01/09911682/1HeiWQWKlTG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0/08798070", "title": "User-Centered Extension of a Locomotion Typology: Movement-Related Sensory Feedback and Spatial Learning", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2019/08798070/1cJ18ja0QXC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2020/5608/0/09089654", "title": "Effects of Locomotion Style and Body Visibility of a Telepresence Avatar", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2020/09089654/1jIxd00PzX2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2020/5608/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2020/6532/0/09090634", "title": "Rhythmic proprioceptive stimulation improves embodiment in a walking avatar when added to visual stimulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vrw/2020/09090634/1jIxkrgIlEY", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2020/6532/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2020/8508/0/850800a452", "title": "Studying the Inter-Relation Between Locomotion Techniques and Embodiment in Virtual Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismar/2020/850800a452/1pysvNRUnD2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2020/8508/0", "title": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvqEvRo", "title": "PrePrints", "year": "5555", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": null, "label": "PrePrints", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1CKMkLCKOSk", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3169222", "abstract": "Body-centric locomotion allows users to control both movement speed and direction with body parts (e.g., head tilt, arm swing or torso lean) to navigate in virtual reality (VR). However, there is little research to systematically investigate the effects of body parts for speed and direction control on virtual locomotion by taking in account different transfer functions(L: linear function, P: power function, and CL: piecewise function with constant and linear function). Therefore, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the combinational effects of the three factors (body parts for direction control, body parts for speed control, and transfer functions) on virtual locomotion. Results showed that (1) the head outperformed the torso for movement direction control in task completion time and environmental collisions; (2) Arm-based speed control led to shorter traveled distances than both head and knee. Head-based speed control had fewer environmental collisions than knee; (3) Body-centric locomotion with CL function was faster but less accurate than both L and P functions. Task time significantly decreased from P, L to CL functions, while traveled distance and overshoot significantly increased from P, L to CL functions. L function was rated with the highest score of USE-S, -pragmatic and -hedonic; (4) Transfer function had a significant main effect on motion sickness: the participants felt more headache and nausea when performing locomotion with CL function. Our results provide implications for body-centric locomotion design in VR applications.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Body-centric locomotion allows users to control both movement speed and direction with body parts (e.g., head tilt, arm swing or torso lean) to navigate in virtual reality (VR). However, there is little research to systematically investigate the effects of body parts for speed and direction control on virtual locomotion by taking in account different transfer functions(L: linear function, P: power function, and CL: piecewise function with constant and linear function). Therefore, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the combinational effects of the three factors (body parts for direction control, body parts for speed control, and transfer functions) on virtual locomotion. Results showed that (1) the head outperformed the torso for movement direction control in task completion time and environmental collisions; (2) Arm-based speed control led to shorter traveled distances than both head and knee. Head-based speed control had fewer environmental collisions than knee; (3) Body-centric locomotion with CL function was faster but less accurate than both L and P functions. Task time significantly decreased from P, L to CL functions, while traveled distance and overshoot significantly increased from P, L to CL functions. L function was rated with the highest score of USE-S, -pragmatic and -hedonic; (4) Transfer function had a significant main effect on motion sickness: the participants felt more headache and nausea when performing locomotion with CL function. Our results provide implications for body-centric locomotion design in VR applications.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Body-centric locomotion allows users to control both movement speed and direction with body parts (e.g., head tilt, arm swing or torso lean) to navigate in virtual reality (VR). However, there is little research to systematically investigate the effects of body parts for speed and direction control on virtual locomotion by taking in account different transfer functions(L: linear function, P: power function, and CL: piecewise function with constant and linear function). Therefore, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the combinational effects of the three factors (body parts for direction control, body parts for speed control, and transfer functions) on virtual locomotion. Results showed that (1) the head outperformed the torso for movement direction control in task completion time and environmental collisions; (2) Arm-based speed control led to shorter traveled distances than both head and knee. Head-based speed control had fewer environmental collisions than knee; (3) Body-centric locomotion with CL function was faster but less accurate than both L and P functions. Task time significantly decreased from P, L to CL functions, while traveled distance and overshoot significantly increased from P, L to CL functions. L function was rated with the highest score of USE-S, -pragmatic and -hedonic; (4) Transfer function had a significant main effect on motion sickness: the participants felt more headache and nausea when performing locomotion with CL function. Our results provide implications for body-centric locomotion design in VR applications.", "title": "Effects of Transfer Functions and Body Parts on Body-centric Locomotion in Virtual Reality", "normalizedTitle": "Effects of Transfer Functions and Body Parts on Body-centric Locomotion in Virtual Reality", "fno": "09761724", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Transfer Functions", "Torso", "Task Analysis", "Knee", "Velocity Control", "Navigation", "Legged Locomotion", "Human Centered Computing", "Human Computer Interaction HCI", "Interaction Paradigms", "Virtual Reality" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Boyu", "surname": "Gao", "fullName": "Boyu Gao", "affiliation": "College of Information Science and Technology/Cyber Security, Jinan University, 47885 Guangzhou, guangdong, China, 510632", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Zijun", "surname": "Mai", "fullName": "Zijun Mai", "affiliation": "College of Cyber Security, Jinan University, 47885 Guangzhou, Guangdong, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Huawei", "surname": "Tu", "fullName": "Huawei Tu", "affiliation": "Computer Science, La Trobe University, 2080 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Henry", "surname": "Duh", "fullName": "Henry Duh", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, La Trobe University, 2080 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2022-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1-1", "year": "5555", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/fg/2011/9140/0/05771353", "title": "Expression of emotional states during locomotion based on canonical parameters", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/fg/2011/05771353/12OmNAqU4VX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/fg/2011/9140/0", "title": "Face and Gesture 2011", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2015/6886/0/07131725", "title": "LazyNav: 3D ground navigation with non-critical body parts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dui/2015/07131725/12OmNBCqbId", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2015/6886/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgames/2013/0820/0/06632600", "title": "Measuring the steps: Generating action transitions between locomotion behaviours", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgames/2013/06632600/12OmNBNM8VZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgames/2013/0820/0", "title": "2013 18th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, 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"Spring Stepper: A Seated VR Locomotion Controller", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/svr/2020/923100a346/1oZBBswUSzK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/svr/2020/9231/0", "title": "2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2021/4057/0/405700a391", "title": "The Effectiveness of Locomotion Interfaces Depends on Self-Motion Cues, Environmental Cues, and the Individual", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vrw/2021/405700a391/1tnXFgLAfSw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2021/4057/0", "title": "2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2021/1838/0/255600a493", "title": "Evaluation of Body-centric Locomotion with Different Transfer Functions in Virtual Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2021/255600a493/1tuBnu6n9jq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2021/1838/0", "title": "2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "09760126", "articleId": "1CHsCMvyfuw", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "09761750", "articleId": "1CKMkYw5fa0", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNxGAKWw", "title": "September/October", "year": "2008", "issueNum": "05", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "14", "label": "September/October", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwI5UfY", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2008.53", "abstract": "This paper introduces a novel surface-modeling method to stochastically distribute features on arbitrary topological surfaces. The generated distribution of features follows the Poisson disk distribution, so we can have a minimum separation guarantee between features and avoid feature overlap. With the proposed method, we not only can interactively adjust and edit features with the help of the proposed Poisson disk map, but can also efficiently re-distribute features on object surfaces. The underlying mechanism is our dual tiling scheme, known as the Dual Poisson-Disk Tiling. First, we compute the dual of a given surface parameterization, and tile the dual surface by our specially-designed dual tiles; during the pre-processing, the Poisson disk distribution has been pre-generated on these tiles. By dual tiling, we can nicely avoid the problem of corner heterogeneity when tiling arbitrary parameterized surfaces, and can also reduce the tile set complexity. Furthermore, the dual tiling scheme is non-periodic, and we can also maintain a manageable tile set. To demonstrate the applicability of this technique, we explore a number of surface-modeling applications: pattern and shape distribution, bump-mapping, illustrative rendering, mold simulation, the modeling of separable features in texture and BTF, and the distribution of geometric textures in shell space.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper introduces a novel surface-modeling method to stochastically distribute features on arbitrary topological surfaces. The generated distribution of features follows the Poisson disk distribution, so we can have a minimum separation guarantee between features and avoid feature overlap. With the proposed method, we not only can interactively adjust and edit features with the help of the proposed Poisson disk map, but can also efficiently re-distribute features on object surfaces. The underlying mechanism is our dual tiling scheme, known as the Dual Poisson-Disk Tiling. First, we compute the dual of a given surface parameterization, and tile the dual surface by our specially-designed dual tiles; during the pre-processing, the Poisson disk distribution has been pre-generated on these tiles. By dual tiling, we can nicely avoid the problem of corner heterogeneity when tiling arbitrary parameterized surfaces, and can also reduce the tile set complexity. Furthermore, the dual tiling scheme is non-periodic, and we can also maintain a manageable tile set. To demonstrate the applicability of this technique, we explore a number of surface-modeling applications: pattern and shape distribution, bump-mapping, illustrative rendering, mold simulation, the modeling of separable features in texture and BTF, and the distribution of geometric textures in shell space.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This paper introduces a novel surface-modeling method to stochastically distribute features on arbitrary topological surfaces. The generated distribution of features follows the Poisson disk distribution, so we can have a minimum separation guarantee between features and avoid feature overlap. With the proposed method, we not only can interactively adjust and edit features with the help of the proposed Poisson disk map, but can also efficiently re-distribute features on object surfaces. The underlying mechanism is our dual tiling scheme, known as the Dual Poisson-Disk Tiling. First, we compute the dual of a given surface parameterization, and tile the dual surface by our specially-designed dual tiles; during the pre-processing, the Poisson disk distribution has been pre-generated on these tiles. By dual tiling, we can nicely avoid the problem of corner heterogeneity when tiling arbitrary parameterized surfaces, and can also reduce the tile set complexity. Furthermore, the dual tiling scheme is non-periodic, and we can also maintain a manageable tile set. To demonstrate the applicability of this technique, we explore a number of surface-modeling applications: pattern and shape distribution, bump-mapping, illustrative rendering, mold simulation, the modeling of separable features in texture and BTF, and the distribution of geometric textures in shell space.", "title": "Dual Poisson-Disk Tiling: An Efficient Method for Distributing Features on Arbitrary Surfaces", "normalizedTitle": "Dual Poisson-Disk Tiling: An Efficient Method for Distributing Features on Arbitrary Surfaces", "fno": "ttg2008050982", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Solid Modelling", "Poisson Distribution", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Geometric Texture", "Dual Poisson Disk Tiling", "Surface Modeling", "Arbitrary Topological Surface", "Poisson Disk Distribution", "Poisson Disk Map", "Object Surface", "Surface Parameterization", "Bump Mapping", "Illustrative Rendering", "Mold Simulation", "Separable Features Modeling", "Surface Texture", "Solid Modeling", "Geometry", "Application Software", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Topology", "Distributed Computing", "Computational Modeling", "Applications", "Three Dimensional Graphics And Realism", "Computational Geometry And Object Modeling", "Applications", "Three Dimensional Graphics And Realism", "Computational Geometry And Object Modeling" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Hongwei", "surname": "Li", "fullName": "Hongwei Li", "affiliation": "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kui-Yip", "surname": "Lo", "fullName": "Kui-Yip Lo", "affiliation": "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Man-Kang", "surname": "Leung", "fullName": "Man-Kang Leung", "affiliation": "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chi-Wing", "surname": "Fu", "fullName": "Chi-Wing Fu", "affiliation": "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "05", "pubDate": "2008-09-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "982-998", "year": "2008", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/hcs/2015/8885/0/07477462", "title": "The ARM® Mali-T880 Mobile GPU", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hcs/2015/07477462/12OmNAS9zPX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hcs/2015/8885/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Hot Chips 27 Symposium (HCS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icde/1999/0071/0/00710480", "title": "Storage of Multidimensional Arrays Based on Arbitrary Tiling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icde/1999/00710480/12OmNApu5EB", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icde/1999/0071/0", "title": "Proceedings 15th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No.99CB36337)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgo/2013/5524/0/06495008", "title": "Defensive loop tiling for shared cache", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgo/2013/06495008/12OmNBO3K1E", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgo/2013/5524/0", "title": "2013 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isccs/2011/4443/0/4443a287", "title": "Fast Texture Synthesis Using Feature Matching", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isccs/2011/4443a287/12OmNyO8tOn", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isccs/2011/4443/0", "title": "Computer Science and Society, International Symposium on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/focs/1992/2900/0/0267790", "title": "Tiling a polygon with rectangles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/focs/1992/0267790/12OmNz61cZH", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/focs/1992/2900/0", "title": "Proceedings., 33rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/rt/2007/1629/0/04342600", "title": "Poisson Disk Point Sets by Hierarchical Dart Throwing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/rt/2007/04342600/12OmNzFMFqN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/rt/2007/1629/0", "title": "IEEE/ EG Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2007", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/td/2003/09/l0944", "title": "Optimal Semi-Oblique Tiling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/td/2003/09/l0944/13rRUB7a10F", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/td", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2007/05/v0953", "title": "Tileable BTF", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2007/05/v0953/13rRUILtJqM", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091425", "title": "An Intrinsic Algorithm for Parallel Poisson Disk Sampling on Arbitrary Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091425/13rRUwgyOjk", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/02/08449116", "title": "Poisson Vector Graphics (PVG)", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/02/08449116/13rRUyeCkaq", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2008050965", "articleId": "13rRUwgyOjf", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2008050999", "articleId": "13rRUzpzeAZ", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNxI0KAU", "title": "June", "year": "2018", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "24", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxly9e2", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2704078", "abstract": "We introduce the Hierarchical Poisson Disk Sampling Multi-Triangulation (HPDS-MT) of surfaces, a novel structure that combines the power of multi-triangulation (MT) with the benefits of Hierarchical Poisson Disk Sampling (HPDS). MT is a general framework for representing surfaces through variable resolution triangle meshes, while HPDS is a well-spaced random distribution with blue noise characteristics. The distinguishing feature of the HPDS-MT is its ability to extract adaptive meshes whose triangles are guaranteed to have good shape quality. The key idea behind the HPDS-MT is a preprocessed hierarchy of points, which is used in the construction of a MT via incremental simplification. In addition to proving theoretical properties on the shape quality of the triangle meshes extracted by the HPDS-MT, we provide an implementation that computes the HPDS-MT with high accuracy. Our results confirm the theoretical guarantees and outperform similar methods. We also prove that the Hausdorff distance between the original surface and any (extracted) adaptive mesh is bounded by the sampling distribution of the radii of Poisson-disks over the surface. Finally, we illustrate the advantages of the HPDS-MT in some typical problems of geometry processing.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We introduce the Hierarchical Poisson Disk Sampling Multi-Triangulation (HPDS-MT) of surfaces, a novel structure that combines the power of multi-triangulation (MT) with the benefits of Hierarchical Poisson Disk Sampling (HPDS). MT is a general framework for representing surfaces through variable resolution triangle meshes, while HPDS is a well-spaced random distribution with blue noise characteristics. The distinguishing feature of the HPDS-MT is its ability to extract adaptive meshes whose triangles are guaranteed to have good shape quality. The key idea behind the HPDS-MT is a preprocessed hierarchy of points, which is used in the construction of a MT via incremental simplification. In addition to proving theoretical properties on the shape quality of the triangle meshes extracted by the HPDS-MT, we provide an implementation that computes the HPDS-MT with high accuracy. Our results confirm the theoretical guarantees and outperform similar methods. We also prove that the Hausdorff distance between the original surface and any (extracted) adaptive mesh is bounded by the sampling distribution of the radii of Poisson-disks over the surface. Finally, we illustrate the advantages of the HPDS-MT in some typical problems of geometry processing.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We introduce the Hierarchical Poisson Disk Sampling Multi-Triangulation (HPDS-MT) of surfaces, a novel structure that combines the power of multi-triangulation (MT) with the benefits of Hierarchical Poisson Disk Sampling (HPDS). MT is a general framework for representing surfaces through variable resolution triangle meshes, while HPDS is a well-spaced random distribution with blue noise characteristics. The distinguishing feature of the HPDS-MT is its ability to extract adaptive meshes whose triangles are guaranteed to have good shape quality. The key idea behind the HPDS-MT is a preprocessed hierarchy of points, which is used in the construction of a MT via incremental simplification. In addition to proving theoretical properties on the shape quality of the triangle meshes extracted by the HPDS-MT, we provide an implementation that computes the HPDS-MT with high accuracy. Our results confirm the theoretical guarantees and outperform similar methods. We also prove that the Hausdorff distance between the original surface and any (extracted) adaptive mesh is bounded by the sampling distribution of the radii of Poisson-disks over the surface. Finally, we illustrate the advantages of the HPDS-MT in some typical problems of geometry processing.", "title": "Good Random Multi-Triangulation of Surfaces", "normalizedTitle": "Good Random Multi-Triangulation of Surfaces", "fno": "07927461", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computational Geometry", "Computer Graphics", "Mesh Generation", "Optimisation", "Stochastic Processes", "Hierarchical Poisson Disk Sampling Multi Triangulation", "HPDS MT", "Geometry Processing", "Sampling Distribution", "Hausdorff Distance", "Random Multitriangulation", "Shape", "Surface Treatment", "Feature Extraction", "Face", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Adaptation Models", "Computational Modeling", "Multiresolution", "Poisson Disk Sampling", "Triangulation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Esdras", "surname": "Medeiros", "fullName": "Esdras Medeiros", "affiliation": "Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Marcelo", "surname": "Siqueira", "fullName": "Marcelo Siqueira", "affiliation": "DIMAP, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2018-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1983-1996", "year": "2018", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ccgrid/2014/2784/0/2784a828", "title": "A Robust and Fast Reconstruction Framework for Noisy and Large Point Cloud Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ccgrid/2014/2784a828/12OmNAo45FY", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ccgrid/2014/2784/0", "title": "2014 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1998/9176/0/91760043", "title": "Efficient Implementation of Multi-Triangulations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/1998/91760043/12OmNwpXRUW", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1998/9176/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2016/0811/0/0811a018", "title": "A Novel Approach for Semi-regular Mesh Based on Planar Proxies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgiv/2016/0811a018/12OmNwx3Q8F", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2016/0811/0", "title": "2016 13th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGiV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/27660027", "title": "Batched Multi Triangulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/27660027/12OmNxVV60y", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/01532797", "title": "Batched multi triangulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/01532797/12OmNxXUhOk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cit/2008/2357/0/04594642", "title": "Triangulation of Implicit Surfaces Based on Particle System", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cit/2008/04594642/12OmNyS6REh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cit/2008/2357/0", "title": "2008 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/fg/2013/5545/0/06553820", "title": "A stable and accurate multi-reference representation for surfaces of R3: Application to 3D faces description", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/fg/2013/06553820/12OmNyY4rnV", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/fg/2013/5545/0", "title": "2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/10/08428445", "title": "A Semi-Explicit Surface Tracking Mechanism for Multi-Phase Immiscible Liquids", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/10/08428445/13rRUB7a1g4", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/10/ttg2012101664", "title": "A Triangulation-Invariant Method for Anisotropic Geodesic Map Computation on Surface Meshes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/10/ttg2012101664/13rRUwdIOUJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/02/06905844", "title": "Smooth Rotation Enhanced As-Rigid-As-Possible Mesh Animation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/02/06905844/13rRUyeCkaj", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07922586", "articleId": "13rRUwbaqLA", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07911335", "articleId": "13rRUxly9e1", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzZ5oam", "title": "July/August", "year": "2008", "issueNum": "04", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "14", "label": "July/August", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygT7su", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2008.32", "abstract": "Computing smooth and optimal one-to-one maps between surfaces of same topology is a fundamental problem in computer graphics and such a method provides us a ubiquitous tool for geometric modeling and data visualization. Its vast variety of applications includes shape registration/matching, shape blending, material/data transfer, data fusion, information reuse, etc. The mapping quality is typically measured in terms of angular distortions among different shapes. This paper proposes and develops a novel quasi-conformal surface mapping framework to globally minimize the stretching energy inevitably introduced between two different shapes. The existing state-of-the-art inter-surface mapping techniques only afford local optimization either on surface patches via boundary cutting or on the simplified base domain, lacking rigorous mathematical foundation and analysis. We design and articulate an automatic variational algorithm that can reach the global distortion minimum for surface mapping between shapes of arbitrary topology, and our algorithm is sorely founded upon the intrinsic geometry structure of surfaces. To our best knowledge, this is the first attempt towards numerically computing globally optimal maps. Consequently, our mapping framework offers a powerful computational tool for graphics and visualization tasks such as data and texture transfer, shape morphing, and shape matching.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Computing smooth and optimal one-to-one maps between surfaces of same topology is a fundamental problem in computer graphics and such a method provides us a ubiquitous tool for geometric modeling and data visualization. Its vast variety of applications includes shape registration/matching, shape blending, material/data transfer, data fusion, information reuse, etc. The mapping quality is typically measured in terms of angular distortions among different shapes. This paper proposes and develops a novel quasi-conformal surface mapping framework to globally minimize the stretching energy inevitably introduced between two different shapes. The existing state-of-the-art inter-surface mapping techniques only afford local optimization either on surface patches via boundary cutting or on the simplified base domain, lacking rigorous mathematical foundation and analysis. We design and articulate an automatic variational algorithm that can reach the global distortion minimum for surface mapping between shapes of arbitrary topology, and our algorithm is sorely founded upon the intrinsic geometry structure of surfaces. To our best knowledge, this is the first attempt towards numerically computing globally optimal maps. Consequently, our mapping framework offers a powerful computational tool for graphics and visualization tasks such as data and texture transfer, shape morphing, and shape matching.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Computing smooth and optimal one-to-one maps between surfaces of same topology is a fundamental problem in computer graphics and such a method provides us a ubiquitous tool for geometric modeling and data visualization. Its vast variety of applications includes shape registration/matching, shape blending, material/data transfer, data fusion, information reuse, etc. The mapping quality is typically measured in terms of angular distortions among different shapes. This paper proposes and develops a novel quasi-conformal surface mapping framework to globally minimize the stretching energy inevitably introduced between two different shapes. The existing state-of-the-art inter-surface mapping techniques only afford local optimization either on surface patches via boundary cutting or on the simplified base domain, lacking rigorous mathematical foundation and analysis. We design and articulate an automatic variational algorithm that can reach the global distortion minimum for surface mapping between shapes of arbitrary topology, and our algorithm is sorely founded upon the intrinsic geometry structure of surfaces. To our best knowledge, this is the first attempt towards numerically computing globally optimal maps. Consequently, our mapping framework offers a powerful computational tool for graphics and visualization tasks such as data and texture transfer, shape morphing, and shape matching.", "title": "Globally Optimal Surface Mapping for Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology", "normalizedTitle": "Globally Optimal Surface Mapping for Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology", "fno": "ttg2008040805", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Geometric Algorithms", "Languages", "And Systems", "Curve", "Surface", "Solid", "And Object Representations" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Xin", "surname": "Li", "fullName": "Xin Li", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yunfan", "surname": "Bao", "fullName": "Yunfan Bao", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xiaohu", "surname": "Guo", "fullName": "Xiaohu Guo", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Miao", "surname": "Jin", "fullName": "Miao Jin", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xianfeng", "surname": "Gu", "fullName": "Xianfeng Gu", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hong", "surname": "Qin", "fullName": "Hong Qin", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "04", "pubDate": "2008-07-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "805-819", "year": "2008", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/27660069", "title": "Topology-driven Surface Mappings with Robust Feature Alignment", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/27660069/12OmNB9t6sE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/1999/0210/0/02100302", "title": "A Method for Deforming Polygonal Shapes into Smooth Spline Surface Models", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/1999/02100302/12OmNrkT7uX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/1999/0210/0", "title": "1999 IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization (Cat. No. PR00210)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2004/8788/0/87880267", "title": "Optimal Global Conformal Surface Parameterization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2004/87880267/12OmNsbGvEw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2004/8788/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/imccc/2011/4519/0/4519a293", "title": "An Intelligent Projection System Adapted to Arbitrary Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/imccc/2011/4519a293/12OmNwDj0Y6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/imccc/2011/4519/0", "title": "Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/27660064", "title": "Visualizing intersecting surfaces with nested-surface techniques", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/27660064/12OmNwJybOG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2012/2216/0/06460427", "title": "Shape reconstruction with globally-optimized surface point selection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2012/06460427/12OmNwtEEGb", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2012/2216/0", "title": "2012 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/03/v0301", "title": "Interpolation over Arbitrary Topology Meshes Using a Two-Phase Subdivision Scheme", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/03/v0301/13rRUILLkvh", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2009/03/ttg2009030504", "title": "Computing Teichmüller Shape Space", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2009/03/ttg2009030504/13rRUx0gezR", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2009/04/ttg2009040558", "title": "Surface Mapping Using Consistent Pants Decomposition", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2009/04/ttg2009040558/13rRUxZ0o1q", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/05/ttg2008051030", "title": "Discrete Surface Ricci Flow", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/05/ttg2008051030/13rRUyfbwqB", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2008040797", "articleId": "13rRUxE04tu", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2008040820", "articleId": "13rRUwghd94", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvsDHDY", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2020", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "26", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1cG6usdi8aQ", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2019.2934806", "abstract": "The density map is widely used for data sampling, time-varying detection, ensemble representation, etc. The visualization of dynamic evolution is a challenging task when exploring spatiotemporal data. Many approaches have been provided to explore the variation of data patterns over time, which commonly need multiple parameters and preprocessing works. Image generation is a well-known topic in deep learning, and a variety of generating models have been promoted in recent years. In this paper, we introduce a general pipeline called GenerativeMap to extract dynamics of density maps by generating interpolation information. First, a trained generative model comprises an important part of our approach, which can generate nonlinear and natural results by implementing a few parameters. Second, a visual presentation is proposed to show the density change, which is combined with the level of detail and blue noise sampling for a better visual effect. Third, for dynamic visualization of large-scale density maps, we extend this approach to show the evolution in regions of interest, which costs less to overcome the drawback of the learning-based generative model. We demonstrate our method on different types of cases, and we evaluate and compare the approach from multiple aspects. The results help identify the effectiveness of our approach and confirm its applicability in different scenarios.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The density map is widely used for data sampling, time-varying detection, ensemble representation, etc. The visualization of dynamic evolution is a challenging task when exploring spatiotemporal data. Many approaches have been provided to explore the variation of data patterns over time, which commonly need multiple parameters and preprocessing works. Image generation is a well-known topic in deep learning, and a variety of generating models have been promoted in recent years. In this paper, we introduce a general pipeline called GenerativeMap to extract dynamics of density maps by generating interpolation information. First, a trained generative model comprises an important part of our approach, which can generate nonlinear and natural results by implementing a few parameters. Second, a visual presentation is proposed to show the density change, which is combined with the level of detail and blue noise sampling for a better visual effect. Third, for dynamic visualization of large-scale density maps, we extend this approach to show the evolution in regions of interest, which costs less to overcome the drawback of the learning-based generative model. We demonstrate our method on different types of cases, and we evaluate and compare the approach from multiple aspects. The results help identify the effectiveness of our approach and confirm its applicability in different scenarios.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The density map is widely used for data sampling, time-varying detection, ensemble representation, etc. The visualization of dynamic evolution is a challenging task when exploring spatiotemporal data. Many approaches have been provided to explore the variation of data patterns over time, which commonly need multiple parameters and preprocessing works. Image generation is a well-known topic in deep learning, and a variety of generating models have been promoted in recent years. In this paper, we introduce a general pipeline called GenerativeMap to extract dynamics of density maps by generating interpolation information. First, a trained generative model comprises an important part of our approach, which can generate nonlinear and natural results by implementing a few parameters. Second, a visual presentation is proposed to show the density change, which is combined with the level of detail and blue noise sampling for a better visual effect. Third, for dynamic visualization of large-scale density maps, we extend this approach to show the evolution in regions of interest, which costs less to overcome the drawback of the learning-based generative model. We demonstrate our method on different types of cases, and we evaluate and compare the approach from multiple aspects. The results help identify the effectiveness of our approach and confirm its applicability in different scenarios.", "title": "GenerativeMap: Visualization and Exploration of Dynamic Density Maps via Generative Learning Model", "normalizedTitle": "GenerativeMap: Visualization and Exploration of Dynamic Density Maps via Generative Learning Model", "fno": "08807296", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Feature Extraction", "Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Neural Nets", "Pattern Clustering", "Generative Map", "Generative Learning Model", "Spatiotemporal Data", "Data Patterns", "Image Generation", "Deep Learning", "Trained Generative Model", "Visual Presentation", "Blue Noise Sampling", "Learning Based Generative Model", "Dynamic Density Map Visualization", "Regions Of Interest", "Data Cluster", "Data Visualization", "Gallium Nitride", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "Pipelines", "Task Analysis", "Interpolation", "Deep Learning", "Density Map", "Deep Learning", "Spatiotemporal Data", "Generative Model" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Chen", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Chen Chen", "affiliation": "School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Changbo", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Changbo Wang", "affiliation": "School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xue", "surname": "Bai", "fullName": "Xue Bai", "affiliation": "School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Peiying", "surname": "Zhang", "fullName": "Peiying Zhang", "affiliation": "School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chenhui", "surname": "Li", "fullName": "Chenhui Li", "affiliation": "School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2020-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "216-226", "year": "2020", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2011/935/0/05742384", "title": "Interactive visualization of multivariate trajectory data with density maps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2011/05742384/12OmNqAU6rq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2011/935/0", "title": "2011 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2017/0457/0/0457h006", "title": "Generative Attribute Controller with Conditional Filtered Generative Adversarial Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2017/0457h006/12OmNyrIatq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2017/0457/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ism/2017/2937/0/2937a516", "title": "Context-aware Image Generation by Using Generative Adversarial Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ism/2017/2937a516/12OmNz61dfA", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ism/2017/2937/0", "title": "2017 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2019/08/08411144", "title": "StackGAN++: Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2019/08/08411144/13rRUynZ5pp", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern 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"RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2019/3131/0/313100a018", "title": "Structured Coupled Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dv/2019/313100a018/1ezRC2U52Vi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2019/3131/0", "title": "2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wacv/2020/6553/0/09093564", "title": "Cloud Removal in Satellite Images Using Spatiotemporal Generative Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wacv/2020/09093564/1jPbnrgXMly", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wacv/2020/6553/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2022/01/09149832", "title": "Improving Generative Adversarial Networks 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{ "issue": { "id": "1zBamVZHyne", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1xic2jmfPOg", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2021.3114762", "abstract": "Visual query of spatiotemporal data is becoming an increasingly important function in visual analytics applications. Various works have been presented for querying large spatiotemporal data in real time. However, the real-time query of spatiotemporal data distribution is still an open challenge. As spatiotemporal data become larger, methods of aggregation, storage and querying become critical. We propose a new visual query system that creates a low-memory storage component and provides real-time visual interactions of spatiotemporal data. We first present a peak-based kernel density estimation method to produce the data distribution for the spatiotemporal data. Then a novel density dictionary learning approach is proposed to compress temporal density maps and accelerate the query calculation. Moreover, various intuitive query interactions are presented to interactively gain patterns. The experimental results obtained on three datasets demonstrate that the presented system offers an effective query for visual analytics of spatiotemporal data.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Visual query of spatiotemporal data is becoming an increasingly important function in visual analytics applications. Various works have been presented for querying large spatiotemporal data in real time. However, the real-time query of spatiotemporal data distribution is still an open challenge. As spatiotemporal data become larger, methods of aggregation, storage and querying become critical. We propose a new visual query system that creates a low-memory storage component and provides real-time visual interactions of spatiotemporal data. We first present a peak-based kernel density estimation method to produce the data distribution for the spatiotemporal data. Then a novel density dictionary learning approach is proposed to compress temporal density maps and accelerate the query calculation. Moreover, various intuitive query interactions are presented to interactively gain patterns. The experimental results obtained on three datasets demonstrate that the presented system offers an effective query for visual analytics of spatiotemporal data.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Visual query of spatiotemporal data is becoming an increasingly important function in visual analytics applications. Various works have been presented for querying large spatiotemporal data in real time. However, the real-time query of spatiotemporal data distribution is still an open challenge. As spatiotemporal data become larger, methods of aggregation, storage and querying become critical. We propose a new visual query system that creates a low-memory storage component and provides real-time visual interactions of spatiotemporal data. We first present a peak-based kernel density estimation method to produce the data distribution for the spatiotemporal data. Then a novel density dictionary learning approach is proposed to compress temporal density maps and accelerate the query calculation. Moreover, various intuitive query interactions are presented to interactively gain patterns. The experimental results obtained on three datasets demonstrate that the presented system offers an effective query for visual analytics of spatiotemporal data.", "title": "DDLVis: Real-time Visual Query of Spatiotemporal Data Distribution via Density Dictionary Learning", "normalizedTitle": "DDLVis: Real-time Visual Query of Spatiotemporal Data Distribution via Density Dictionary Learning", "fno": "09552191", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Analysis", "Data Visualisation", "Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Query Processing", "Real Time Visual Query", "Spatiotemporal Data Distribution", "Real Time Query", "Visual Query System", "Real Time Visual Interactions", "Intuitive Query Interactions", "Visualization", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "Data Visualization", "Real Time Systems", "Machine Learning", "Estimation", "Encoding", "Visual Query", "Information Visualization", "Spatiotemporal Data", "Data Compression", "Interaction", "Density Map" ], "authors": [ { 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Furthermore, we show that a separable B-spline filter can suppress the postaliasing effect much more isotropically than a nonseparable box-spline filter of the same approximation power. Although prefilters that make the B-splines interpolating on the BCC lattice do not exist, we demonstrate that quasi-interpolating prefiltered linear and cubic B-spline reconstructions can still provide similar or higher image quality than the interpolating linear box-spline and prefiltered quintic box-spline reconstructions, respectively.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In this paper, we demonstrate that quasi-interpolation of orders two and four can be efficiently implemented on the Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) lattice by using tensor-product B-splines combined with appropriate discrete prefilters. 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Although prefilters that make the B-splines interpolating on the BCC lattice do not exist, we demonstrate that quasi-interpolating prefiltered linear and cubic B-spline reconstructions can still provide similar or higher image quality than the interpolating linear box-spline and prefiltered quintic box-spline reconstructions, respectively.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In this paper, we demonstrate that quasi-interpolation of orders two and four can be efficiently implemented on the Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) lattice by using tensor-product B-splines combined with appropriate discrete prefilters. Unlike the nonseparable box-spline reconstruction previously proposed for the BCC lattice, the prefiltered B-spline reconstruction can utilize the fast trilinear texture-fetching capability of the recent graphics cards. Therefore, it can be applied for rendering BCC-sampled volumetric data interactively. Furthermore, we show that a separable B-spline filter can suppress the postaliasing effect much more isotropically than a nonseparable box-spline filter of the same approximation power. Although prefilters that make the B-splines interpolating on the BCC lattice do not exist, we demonstrate that quasi-interpolating prefiltered linear and cubic B-spline reconstructions can still provide similar or higher image quality than the interpolating linear box-spline and prefiltered quintic box-spline reconstructions, respectively.", "title": "An Evaluation of Prefiltered B-Spline Reconstruction for Quasi-Interpolation on the Body-Centered Cubic Lattice", "normalizedTitle": "An Evaluation of Prefiltered B-Spline Reconstruction for Quasi-Interpolation on the Body-Centered Cubic Lattice", "fno": "ttg2010030499", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Filtering", "Sampling", "Volume Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Balázs", "surname": "Csébfalvi", "fullName": "Balázs Csébfalvi", "affiliation": "Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, 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To visualize and analyze distributional aliasing characteristics, each spectrum is evaluated on the planes and lines with various orientations.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper presents an alternative box-spline filter for the body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice, the seven-direction quartic box-spline M7 that has the same approximation order as the eight-direction quintic box-spline M8 but a lower polynomial degree, smaller support, and is computationally more efficient. When applied to reconstruction with quasi-interpolation prefilters, M7 shows less aliasing, which is verified quantitatively by integral filter metrics and frequency error kernels. 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To visualize and analyze distributional aliasing characteristics, each spectrum is evaluated on the planes and lines with various orientations.", "title": "Quartic Box-Spline Reconstruction on the BCC Lattice", "normalizedTitle": "Quartic Box-Spline Reconstruction on the BCC Lattice", "fno": "ttg2013020319", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Splines Mathematics", "Data Visualisation", "Filtering Theory", "Polynomial Approximation", "Signal Reconstruction", "Distributional Aliasing Characteristics", "Quartic Box Spline Reconstruction", "BCC Lattice", "Alternative Box Spline Filter", "Body Centered Cubic Lattice", "Seven Direction Quartic Box Spline", "Approximation Order", "Eight Direction Quintic Box Spline", "Lower Polynomial Degree", "Quasiinterpolation Prefilter Reconstruction", "Integral Filter Metrics", "Frequency Error Kernels", "Lattices", "Spline", "Polynomials", "Approximation Methods", "Kernel", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "FCC", "Quasi Interpolation", "Volume Reconstruction", "BCC Lattice", "Box Spline" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": null, "surname": "Minho Kim", "fullName": "Minho Kim", "affiliation": "Sch. of Comput. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyxXloT", "title": "March/April", "year": "2008", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "14", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxZRbnW", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70429", "abstract": "We introduce a family of box splines for efficient, accurate, and smooth reconstruction of volumetric data sampled on the body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice, which is the favorable volumetric sampling pattern due to its optimal spectral sphere packing property. First, we construct a box spline based on the four principal directions of the BCC lattice that allows for a linear C<sup>0</sup> reconstruction. Then, the design is extended for higher degrees of continuity. We derive the explicit piecewise polynomial representations of the C<sup>0</sup> and C<sup>2</sup> box splines that are useful for practical reconstruction applications. We further demonstrate that approximation in the shift-invariant space - generated by BCC-lattice shifts of these box splines - is twice as efficient as using the tensor-product B-spline solutions on the Cartesian lattice (with comparable smoothness and approximation order and with the same sampling density). Practical evidence is provided demonstrating that the BCC lattice not only is generally a more accurate sampling pattern, but also allows for extremely efficient reconstructions that outperform tensor-product Cartesian reconstructions.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We introduce a family of box splines for efficient, accurate, and smooth reconstruction of volumetric data sampled on the body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice, which is the favorable volumetric sampling pattern due to its optimal spectral sphere packing property. First, we construct a box spline based on the four principal directions of the BCC lattice that allows for a linear C<sup>0</sup> reconstruction. Then, the design is extended for higher degrees of continuity. We derive the explicit piecewise polynomial representations of the C<sup>0</sup> and C<sup>2</sup> box splines that are useful for practical reconstruction applications. We further demonstrate that approximation in the shift-invariant space - generated by BCC-lattice shifts of these box splines - is twice as efficient as using the tensor-product B-spline solutions on the Cartesian lattice (with comparable smoothness and approximation order and with the same sampling density). Practical evidence is provided demonstrating that the BCC lattice not only is generally a more accurate sampling pattern, but also allows for extremely efficient reconstructions that outperform tensor-product Cartesian reconstructions.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We introduce a family of box splines for efficient, accurate, and smooth reconstruction of volumetric data sampled on the body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice, which is the favorable volumetric sampling pattern due to its optimal spectral sphere packing property. First, we construct a box spline based on the four principal directions of the BCC lattice that allows for a linear C0 reconstruction. Then, the design is extended for higher degrees of continuity. We derive the explicit piecewise polynomial representations of the C0 and C2 box splines that are useful for practical reconstruction applications. We further demonstrate that approximation in the shift-invariant space - generated by BCC-lattice shifts of these box splines - is twice as efficient as using the tensor-product B-spline solutions on the Cartesian lattice (with comparable smoothness and approximation order and with the same sampling density). Practical evidence is provided demonstrating that the BCC lattice not only is generally a more accurate sampling pattern, but also allows for extremely efficient reconstructions that outperform tensor-product Cartesian reconstructions.", "title": "Practical Box Splines for Reconstruction on the Body Centered Cubic Lattice", "normalizedTitle": "Practical Box Splines for Reconstruction on the Body Centered Cubic Lattice", "fno": "ttg2008020313", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computational Geometry", "Splines Mathematics", "Box Splines", "Body Centered Cubic Lattice Reconstruction", "Volumetric Data Reconstruction", "Volumetric Sampling Pattern", "Explicit Piecewise Polynomial Representations", "Cartesian Lattice", "Lattices", "Sampling Methods", "Image Reconstruction", "FCC", "Frequency Domain Analysis", "Signal Sampling", "Signal Processing", "Spline", "Kernel", "Signal Design", "Spline And Piecewise Polynomial Approximation", "Spline And Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation", "Splines", "Signal Processing", "Reconstruction", "Finite Volume Methods", "Spline And Piecewise Polynomial Approximation", "Spline And Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation", "Splines", "Signal Processing", "Reconstruction", "Finite Volume Methods" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Alireza", "surname": "Entezari", "fullName": "Alireza Entezari", "affiliation": "Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Dimitri", "surname": "Van De Ville", "fullName": "Dimitri Van De Ville", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Torsten", "surname": "Moller", "fullName": "Torsten Moller", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2008-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "313-328", "year": "2008", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNrFBPWq", "title": "September-October", "year": "2006", "issueNum": "05", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "12", "label": "September-October", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxjQybK", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2006.141", "abstract": "In this article we propose a box spline and its variants for reconstructing volumetric data sampled on the Cartesian lattice. In particular we present a tri-variate box spline reconstruction kernel that is superior to tensor product reconstruction schemes in terms of recovering the proper Cartesian spectrum of the underlying function. This box spline produces a Z_$C^2$_Z reconstruction that can be considered as a three dimensional extension of the well known Zwart-Powell element in 2D. While its smoothness and approximation power are equivalent to those of the tri-cubic B-spline, we illustrate the superiority of this reconstruction on functions sampled on the Cartesian lattice and contrast it to tensor product B-splines. Our construction is validated through a Fourier domain analysis of the reconstruction behavior of this box spline. Moreover, we present a stable method for evaluation of this box spline by means of a decomposition. Through a convolution, this decomposition reduces the problem to evaluation of a four directional box spline that we previously published in its explicit closed form [8].", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In this article we propose a box spline and its variants for reconstructing volumetric data sampled on the Cartesian lattice. In particular we present a tri-variate box spline reconstruction kernel that is superior to tensor product reconstruction schemes in terms of recovering the proper Cartesian spectrum of the underlying function. This box spline produces a $C^2$ reconstruction that can be considered as a three dimensional extension of the well known Zwart-Powell element in 2D. While its smoothness and approximation power are equivalent to those of the tri-cubic B-spline, we illustrate the superiority of this reconstruction on functions sampled on the Cartesian lattice and contrast it to tensor product B-splines. Our construction is validated through a Fourier domain analysis of the reconstruction behavior of this box spline. Moreover, we present a stable method for evaluation of this box spline by means of a decomposition. Through a convolution, this decomposition reduces the problem to evaluation of a four directional box spline that we previously published in its explicit closed form [8].", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In this article we propose a box spline and its variants for reconstructing volumetric data sampled on the Cartesian lattice. In particular we present a tri-variate box spline reconstruction kernel that is superior to tensor product reconstruction schemes in terms of recovering the proper Cartesian spectrum of the underlying function. This box spline produces a - reconstruction that can be considered as a three dimensional extension of the well known Zwart-Powell element in 2D. While its smoothness and approximation power are equivalent to those of the tri-cubic B-spline, we illustrate the superiority of this reconstruction on functions sampled on the Cartesian lattice and contrast it to tensor product B-splines. Our construction is validated through a Fourier domain analysis of the reconstruction behavior of this box spline. Moreover, we present a stable method for evaluation of this box spline by means of a decomposition. Through a convolution, this decomposition reduces the problem to evaluation of a four directional box spline that we previously published in its explicit closed form [8].", "title": "Extensions of the Zwart-Powell Box Spline for Volumetric Data Reconstruction on the Cartesian Lattice", "normalizedTitle": "Extensions of the Zwart-Powell Box Spline for Volumetric Data Reconstruction on the Cartesian Lattice", "fno": "v1337", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computational Geometry", "Fourier Analysis", "Interpolation", "Sampling Methods", "Splines Mathematics", "Zwart Powell Box Spline", "Volumetric Data Reconstruction", "Cartesian Lattice", "Tricubic B Spline", "Fourier Domain Analysis", "Spline", "Lattices", "Kernel", "Tensile Stress", "Sampling Methods", "Frequency", "Convolution", "Interpolation", "Design Methodology", "Reconstruction Algorithms", "Volumetric Data Interpolation", "Reconstruction", "Box Splines" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Alireza", "surname": "Entezari", "fullName": "Alireza Entezari", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Torsten", "surname": "Möller", "fullName": "Torsten Möller", "affiliation": "IEEE", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "05", "pubDate": "2006-09-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1337-1344", "year": "2006", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/27660040", "title": "Prefiltered Gaussian Reconstruction for High-Quality Rendering of Volumetric Data sampled on a Body-Centered Cubic Grid", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/27660040/12OmNAfy7Ky", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/fskd/2009/3735/5/3735e080", "title": "The Study of Interpolation Algorithm Based on Cubic Spline in Marching Cubes Method", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/fskd/2009/3735e080/12OmNBscCUk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/fskd/2009/3735/5", "title": "Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Fourth International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2004/8788/0/87880011", "title": "Linear and Cubic Box Splines for the Body Centered Cubic Lattice", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2004/87880011/12OmNvAiScO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2004/8788/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/01532810", "title": "Prefiltered Gaussian reconstruction 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNBOUxmQ", "title": "November/December", "year": "2008", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "14", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUy0qnLC", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2008.115", "abstract": "We introduce and analyze an efficient reconstruction algorithm for FCC-sampled data. The reconstruction is based on the 6-direction box spline that is naturally associated with the FCC lattice and shares the continuity and approximation order of the triquadratic B-spline. We observe less aliasing for generic level sets and derive special techniques to attain the higher evaluation efficiency promised by the lower degree and smaller stencil-size of the Z_$C^1$_Z 6-direction box spline over the triquadratic B-spline.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We introduce and analyze an efficient reconstruction algorithm for FCC-sampled data. The reconstruction is based on the 6-direction box spline that is naturally associated with the FCC lattice and shares the continuity and approximation order of the triquadratic B-spline. We observe less aliasing for generic level sets and derive special techniques to attain the higher evaluation efficiency promised by the lower degree and smaller stencil-size of the $C^1$ 6-direction box spline over the triquadratic B-spline.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We introduce and analyze an efficient reconstruction algorithm for FCC-sampled data. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNBp52xn", "title": "Oct.", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "10", "idPrefix": "si", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "18", "label": "Oct.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwkfAWO", "doi": "10.1109/TVLSI.2009.2025882", "abstract": "In this paper, a technique is presented for improving the compression achieved with any linear decompressor by adding a small nonlinear decoder that exploits bit-wise and pattern-wise correlations present in test vectors. The proposed nonlinear decoder has a regular and compact structure, and allows continuous-flow decompression. It has a very important feature, which is that its design does not depend on the test data. This simplifies the design flow and allows the decoder to be reused when testing multiple cores on a chip. Experimental results show that combining a linear decompressor with the small nonlinear decoder proposed here significantly improves the overall compression.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In this paper, a technique is presented for improving the compression achieved with any linear decompressor by adding a small nonlinear decoder that exploits bit-wise and pattern-wise correlations present in test vectors. The proposed nonlinear decoder has a regular and compact structure, and allows continuous-flow decompression. It has a very important feature, which is that its design does not depend on the test data. This simplifies the design flow and allows the decoder to be reused when testing multiple cores on a chip. Experimental results show that combining a linear decompressor with the small nonlinear decoder proposed here significantly improves the overall compression.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In this paper, a technique is presented for improving the compression achieved with any linear decompressor by adding a small nonlinear decoder that exploits bit-wise and pattern-wise correlations present in test vectors. The proposed nonlinear decoder has a regular and compact structure, and allows continuous-flow decompression. It has a very important feature, which is that its design does not depend on the test data. This simplifies the design flow and allows the decoder to be reused when testing multiple cores on a chip. Experimental results show that combining a linear decompressor with the small nonlinear decoder proposed here significantly improves the overall compression.", "title": "Correlation-Based Rectangular Encoding", "normalizedTitle": "Correlation-Based Rectangular Encoding", "fno": "05256142", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "si", "keywords": [ "Data Compression", "Decoding", "Integrated Circuit Design", "Integrated Circuit Testing", "Linear Codes", "Nonlinear Codes", "System On Chip", "Correlation Based Rectangular Encoding", "Linear Decompressor", "Nonlinear Decoder", "Pattern Wise Correlations", "Bit Wise Correlations", "Continuous Flow Decompression", "Design Flow", "Multiple Core Testing", "System On A Chip", "Encoding", "Vectors", "Circuit Testing", "Decoding", "Bandwidth", "System On A Chip", "System Testing", "Automatic Testing", "Equations", "Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits", "Linear Decompression", "Nonlinear Decompression", "Rectangular Encoding", "Test Vector Compression" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jinkyu", "surname": "Lee", "fullName": "Jinkyu Lee", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Nur A.", "surname": "Touba", "fullName": "Nur A. Touba", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "10", "pubDate": "2010-10-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1483-1492", "year": "2010", "issn": "1063-8210", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ddecs/2012/1188/0/06219078", "title": "On test time reduction using pattern overlapping, broadcasting and on-chip decompression", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ddecs/2012/06219078/12OmNC943I5", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ddecs/2012/1188/0", "title": "2012 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/itc/2004/2741/0/01387358", "title": "Improving encoding efficiency for linear decompressors using scan inversion", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/itc/2004/01387358/12OmNqyUUtT", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/itc/2004/2741/0", "title": "2004 International Conferce on Test", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vts/2006/2514/0/25140252", "title": "Combining Linear and Non-Linear Test Vector Compression Using Correlation-Based Rectangular Encoding", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vts/2006/25140252/12OmNx0RIYh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vts/2006/2514/0", "title": "24th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hsc/2001/364/0/00924647", "title": "HW/SW partitioning of an embedded instruction memory decompressor", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hsc/2001/00924647/12OmNy3AgCX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hsc/2001/364/0", "title": "Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Workshop on Hardware Software C-Design/CASHE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dft/2005/2464/0/24640042", "title": "Using Statistical Transformations to Improve Compression for Linear Decompressors", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dft/2005/24640042/12OmNz2kqlh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dft/2005/2464/0", "title": "20th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "letters/ca/2014/01/06313585", "title": "A Case for a Value-Aware Cache", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/ca/2014/01/06313585/13rRUB6SpRs", "parentPublication": { "id": "letters/ca", "title": "IEEE Computer Architecture Letters", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/si/2006/11/04019454", "title": "Improving linear test data compression", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/si/2006/11/04019454/13rRUwI5U5D", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/si", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tc/2007/04/t0545", "title": "Data-Independent Pattern Run-Length Compression for Testing Embedded Cores in SoCs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tc/2007/04/t0545/13rRUxAAT0a", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tc", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/codes/2001/2360/0/00924647", "title": "HW/SW partitioning of an embedded instruction memory decompressor", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/codes/2001/00924647/1MEXnrOX03u", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/codes/2001/2360/0", "title": "Hardware/Software Co-Design, International Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dcc/1997/7761/0/00582099", "title": "Progressive Ziv-Lempel encoding of synthetic images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dcc/1997/00582099/1dUnceR7tQs", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dcc/1997/7761/0", "title": "Data Compression Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "05339094", "articleId": "13rRUzphDvo", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "05229120", "articleId": "13rRUxC0StG", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNxvO04X", "title": "PrePrints", "year": "5555", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tp", "pubType": "journal", "volume": null, "label": "PrePrints", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1IKD7VXXRhm", "doi": "10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3225816", "abstract": "This study develops a unified Point Cloud Geometry (PCG) compression method through the processing of multiscale sparse tensor-based voxelized PCG. We call this compression method SparsePCGC. The proposed SparsePCGC is a low complexity solution because it only performs the convolutions on sparsely-distributed Most-Probable Positively-Occupied Voxels (MP-POV). The multiscale representation also allows us to compress scale-wise MP-POVs by exploiting cross-scale and same-scale correlations extensively and flexibly. The overall compression efficiency highly depends on the accuracy of estimated occupancy probability for each MP-POV. Thus, we first design the Sparse Convolution-based Neural Network (SparseCNN) which stacks sparse convolutions and voxel sampling to best characterize and embed spatial correlations. We then develop the SparseCNN-based Occupancy Probability Approximation (SOPA) model to estimate the occupancy probability either in a single-stage manner only using the cross-scale correlation, or in a multi-stage manner by exploiting stage-wise correlation among same-scale neighbors. Besides, we also suggest the SparseCNN based Local Neighborhood Embedding (SLNE) to aggregate local variations as spatial priors in feature attribute to improve the SOPA. Our unified approach not only shows state-of-the-art performance in both lossless and lossy compression modes across a variety of datasets including the dense object PCGs (8iVFB, Owlii, MUVB) and sparse LiDAR PCGs (KITTI, Ford) when compared with standardized MPEG G-PCC and other prevalent learning-based schemes, but also has low complexity which is attractive to practical applications.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This study develops a unified Point Cloud Geometry (PCG) compression method through the processing of multiscale sparse tensor-based voxelized PCG. We call this compression method SparsePCGC. The proposed SparsePCGC is a low complexity solution because it only performs the convolutions on sparsely-distributed Most-Probable Positively-Occupied Voxels (MP-POV). The multiscale representation also allows us to compress scale-wise MP-POVs by exploiting cross-scale and same-scale correlations extensively and flexibly. The overall compression efficiency highly depends on the accuracy of estimated occupancy probability for each MP-POV. Thus, we first design the Sparse Convolution-based Neural Network (SparseCNN) which stacks sparse convolutions and voxel sampling to best characterize and embed spatial correlations. We then develop the SparseCNN-based Occupancy Probability Approximation (SOPA) model to estimate the occupancy probability either in a single-stage manner only using the cross-scale correlation, or in a multi-stage manner by exploiting stage-wise correlation among same-scale neighbors. Besides, we also suggest the SparseCNN based Local Neighborhood Embedding (SLNE) to aggregate local variations as spatial priors in feature attribute to improve the SOPA. Our unified approach not only shows state-of-the-art performance in both lossless and lossy compression modes across a variety of datasets including the dense object PCGs (8iVFB, Owlii, MUVB) and sparse LiDAR PCGs (KITTI, Ford) when compared with standardized MPEG G-PCC and other prevalent learning-based schemes, but also has low complexity which is attractive to practical applications.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This study develops a unified Point Cloud Geometry (PCG) compression method through the processing of multiscale sparse tensor-based voxelized PCG. We call this compression method SparsePCGC. The proposed SparsePCGC is a low complexity solution because it only performs the convolutions on sparsely-distributed Most-Probable Positively-Occupied Voxels (MP-POV). The multiscale representation also allows us to compress scale-wise MP-POVs by exploiting cross-scale and same-scale correlations extensively and flexibly. The overall compression efficiency highly depends on the accuracy of estimated occupancy probability for each MP-POV. Thus, we first design the Sparse Convolution-based Neural Network (SparseCNN) which stacks sparse convolutions and voxel sampling to best characterize and embed spatial correlations. We then develop the SparseCNN-based Occupancy Probability Approximation (SOPA) model to estimate the occupancy probability either in a single-stage manner only using the cross-scale correlation, or in a multi-stage manner by exploiting stage-wise correlation among same-scale neighbors. Besides, we also suggest the SparseCNN based Local Neighborhood Embedding (SLNE) to aggregate local variations as spatial priors in feature attribute to improve the SOPA. Our unified approach not only shows state-of-the-art performance in both lossless and lossy compression modes across a variety of datasets including the dense object PCGs (8iVFB, Owlii, MUVB) and sparse LiDAR PCGs (KITTI, Ford) when compared with standardized MPEG G-PCC and other prevalent learning-based schemes, but also has low complexity which is attractive to practical applications.", "title": "Sparse Tensor-Based Multiscale Representation for Point Cloud Geometry Compression", "normalizedTitle": "Sparse Tensor-Based Multiscale Representation for Point Cloud Geometry Compression", "fno": "09968173", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tp", "keywords": [ "Point Cloud Compression", "Tensors", "Decoding", "Context Modeling", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Geometry", "Encoding", "Multiscale Representation", "Neighborhood Embedding", "Occupancy Probability Approximation", "Point Cloud Geometry Compression", "Sparse Tensor", "Sparse Convolution" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jianqiang", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Jianqiang Wang", "affiliation": "School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Dandan", "surname": "Ding", "fullName": "Dandan Ding", "affiliation": "HangZhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Zhu", "surname": "Li", "fullName": "Zhu Li", "affiliation": "University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xiaoxing", "surname": "Feng", "fullName": "Xiaoxing Feng", "affiliation": "Jiangsu Longyuan Zhenhua Marine Engineering Co., LTD., Nantong, Jiangsu, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chuntong", "surname": "Cao", "fullName": "Chuntong Cao", "affiliation": "Jiangsu Longyuan Zhenhua Marine Engineering Co., LTD., Nantong, Jiangsu, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Zhan", "surname": "Ma", "fullName": "Zhan Ma", "affiliation": "School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2022-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1-18", "year": "5555", "issn": "0162-8828", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/viz/2009/3734/0/3734a229", "title": "Progressive Geometry-Driven Compression for Triangle Mesh Based on Binary Tree", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/viz/2009/3734a229/12OmNzuIjsc", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/viz/2009/3734/0", "title": "Visualisation, International Conference in", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hpcc-dss-smartcity-dependsys/2021/9457/0/945700b389", "title": "Simplification and Compression Method Based on Classified Sparse Sampling for LiDAR Point Cloud", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hpcc-dss-smartcity-dependsys/2021/945700b389/1DNDA3nwh0I", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hpcc-dss-smartcity-dependsys/2021/9457/0", "title": "2021 IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNqESuij", "title": "May", "year": "2012", "issueNum": "05", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "18", "label": "May", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwI5Ug5", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2011.110", "abstract": "This paper presents a 2D flow visualization user study that we conducted using new methodologies to increase the objectiveness. We evaluated grid-based variable-size arrows, evenly spaced streamlines, and line integral convolution (LIC) variants (basic, oriented, and enhanced versions) coupled with a colorwheel and/or rainbow color map, which are representative of many geometry-based and texture-based techniques. To reduce data-related bias, template-based explicit flow synthesis was used to create a wide variety of symmetric flows with similar topological complexity. To suppress task-related bias, pattern-based implicit task design was employed, addressing critical point recognition, critical point classification, and symmetric pattern categorization. In addition, variable-duration and fixed-duration measurement schemes were utilized for lightweight precision-critical and heavyweight judgment-intensive flow analysis tasks, respectively, to record visualization effectiveness. We eliminated outliers and used the Ryan REGWQ post-hoc homogeneous subset tests in statistical analysis to obtain reliable findings. Our study shows that a texture-based dense representation with accentuated flow streaks, such as enhanced LIC, enables intuitive perception of the flow, while a geometry-based integral representation with uniform density control, such as evenly spaced streamlines, may exploit visual interpolation to facilitate mental reconstruction of the flow. It is also shown that inappropriate color mapping (e.g., colorwheel) may add distractions to a flow representation.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper presents a 2D flow visualization user study that we conducted using new methodologies to increase the objectiveness. We evaluated grid-based variable-size arrows, evenly spaced streamlines, and line integral convolution (LIC) variants (basic, oriented, and enhanced versions) coupled with a colorwheel and/or rainbow color map, which are representative of many geometry-based and texture-based techniques. To reduce data-related bias, template-based explicit flow synthesis was used to create a wide variety of symmetric flows with similar topological complexity. To suppress task-related bias, pattern-based implicit task design was employed, addressing critical point recognition, critical point classification, and symmetric pattern categorization. In addition, variable-duration and fixed-duration measurement schemes were utilized for lightweight precision-critical and heavyweight judgment-intensive flow analysis tasks, respectively, to record visualization effectiveness. We eliminated outliers and used the Ryan REGWQ post-hoc homogeneous subset tests in statistical analysis to obtain reliable findings. Our study shows that a texture-based dense representation with accentuated flow streaks, such as enhanced LIC, enables intuitive perception of the flow, while a geometry-based integral representation with uniform density control, such as evenly spaced streamlines, may exploit visual interpolation to facilitate mental reconstruction of the flow. It is also shown that inappropriate color mapping (e.g., colorwheel) may add distractions to a flow representation.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This paper presents a 2D flow visualization user study that we conducted using new methodologies to increase the objectiveness. We evaluated grid-based variable-size arrows, evenly spaced streamlines, and line integral convolution (LIC) variants (basic, oriented, and enhanced versions) coupled with a colorwheel and/or rainbow color map, which are representative of many geometry-based and texture-based techniques. To reduce data-related bias, template-based explicit flow synthesis was used to create a wide variety of symmetric flows with similar topological complexity. To suppress task-related bias, pattern-based implicit task design was employed, addressing critical point recognition, critical point classification, and symmetric pattern categorization. In addition, variable-duration and fixed-duration measurement schemes were utilized for lightweight precision-critical and heavyweight judgment-intensive flow analysis tasks, respectively, to record visualization effectiveness. We eliminated outliers and used the Ryan REGWQ post-hoc homogeneous subset tests in statistical analysis to obtain reliable findings. Our study shows that a texture-based dense representation with accentuated flow streaks, such as enhanced LIC, enables intuitive perception of the flow, while a geometry-based integral representation with uniform density control, such as evenly spaced streamlines, may exploit visual interpolation to facilitate mental reconstruction of the flow. It is also shown that inappropriate color mapping (e.g., colorwheel) may add distractions to a flow representation.", "title": "A 2D Flow Visualization User Study Using Explicit Flow Synthesis and Implicit Task Design", "normalizedTitle": "A 2D Flow Visualization User Study Using Explicit Flow Synthesis and Implicit Task Design", "fno": "ttg2012050783", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Interpolation", "Pattern Classification", "Statistical Analysis", "User Interfaces", "2 D Flow Visualization User Study", "Explicit Flow Synthesis", "Grid Based Variable Size Arrow", "Streamlines Variant", "Line Integral Convolution Variant", "Colorwheel Map", "Rainbow Color Map", "Geometry Based Techniques", "Texture Based Techniques", "Data Related Bias Reduction", "Topological Complexity", "Pattern Based Implicit Task Design", "Critical Point Recognition", "Critical Point Classification", "Symmetric Pattern Categorization", "Variable Duration Measurement Scheme", "Fixed Duration Measurement Scheme", "Lightweight Precision Critical Flow Analysis Task", "Heavyweight Judgment Intensive Flow Analysis Task", "Visualization Effectiveness", "Outliers", "Ryan REGWQ Post Hoc Homogeneous Subset Test", "Statistical Analysis", "Texture Based Dense Representation", "Geometry Based Integral Representation", "Visual Interpolation", "Flow Mental Reconstruction", "Flow Representation", "Visualization", "Image Color Analysis", "Color", "Force", "Streaming Media", "Synthesizers", "Electronic Mail", "Index Terms Amp X 2014 Flow Visualization", "User Study", "Visualization Effectiveness", "Flow Synthesis", "Task Design", "Test Strategy", "LIC", "Evenly Spaced Streamlines" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Zhanping", "surname": "Liu", "fullName": "Zhanping Liu", "affiliation": "Kentucky State University, Frankfort", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Shangshu", "surname": "Cai", "fullName": "Shangshu Cai", "affiliation": "University of California at Santa Barbara, Goleta", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "J.", "surname": "Edward Swan", "fullName": "J. Edward Swan", "affiliation": "Mississippi State University, Mississippi State", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Robert J.", "surname": "Moorhead", "fullName": "Robert J. Moorhead", "affiliation": "Mississippi State University, Mississippi State", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Joel P.", "surname": "Martin", "fullName": "Joel P. Martin", "affiliation": "Lockheed Martin/U.S. Army Research, Aberdeen Proving Ground", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "T.J.", "surname": "Jankun-Kelly", "fullName": "T.J. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzZ5oam", "title": "July/August", "year": "2008", "issueNum": "04", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "14", "label": "July/August", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwghd94", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2008.25", "abstract": "We propose an output-sensitive visualization method for 3D line integral convolution (LIC) whose rendering speed is largely independent of the data set size and mostly governed by the complexity of the output on the image plane. Our approach of view-dependent visualization tightly links the LIC generation with the volume rendering of the LIC result in order to avoid the computation of unnecessary LIC points: early-ray termination and empty-space leaping techniques are used to skip the computation of the LIC integral in a lazy-evaluation approach. Different noise models are discussed, covering dense representations based on filtered white noise all the way to sparse representations similar to oriented LIC. A range of illumination models is applied to the LIC streamlines: different codimension-2 lighting models as well as a novel gradient-based illumination model that relies on precomputed gradients and does not require any direct calculation of gradients after the LIC integral is evaluated. Finally, we demonstrate that our visualization approach lends itself to a fast GPU implementation that supports both steady and unsteady flow. Applications to flow visualization in combination with feature extraction and focus-and-context visualization are described, a comparison to previous methods is provided, and a detailed performance analysis is included.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We propose an output-sensitive visualization method for 3D line integral convolution (LIC) whose rendering speed is largely independent of the data set size and mostly governed by the complexity of the output on the image plane. Our approach of view-dependent visualization tightly links the LIC generation with the volume rendering of the LIC result in order to avoid the computation of unnecessary LIC points: early-ray termination and empty-space leaping techniques are used to skip the computation of the LIC integral in a lazy-evaluation approach. Different noise models are discussed, covering dense representations based on filtered white noise all the way to sparse representations similar to oriented LIC. A range of illumination models is applied to the LIC streamlines: different codimension-2 lighting models as well as a novel gradient-based illumination model that relies on precomputed gradients and does not require any direct calculation of gradients after the LIC integral is evaluated. Finally, we demonstrate that our visualization approach lends itself to a fast GPU implementation that supports both steady and unsteady flow. Applications to flow visualization in combination with feature extraction and focus-and-context visualization are described, a comparison to previous methods is provided, and a detailed performance analysis is included.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We propose an output-sensitive visualization method for 3D line integral convolution (LIC) whose rendering speed is largely independent of the data set size and mostly governed by the complexity of the output on the image plane. 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Applications to flow visualization in combination with feature extraction and focus-and-context visualization are described, a comparison to previous methods is provided, and a detailed performance analysis is included.", "title": "Output-Sensitive 3D Line Integral Convolution", "normalizedTitle": "Output-Sensitive 3D Line Integral Convolution", "fno": "ttg2008040820", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Three Dimensional Graphics And Realism", "Picture Image Generation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Martin", "surname": "Falk", "fullName": "Martin Falk", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Weiskopf", "fullName": "Daniel Weiskopf", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "04", "pubDate": "2008-07-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "820-834", "year": "2008", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iv/2000/0743/0/07430303", "title": "Automatic Generation of Hair Texture with Line Integral Convolution", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2000/07430303/12OmNAYoKl4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2000/0743/0", "title": "2000 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvSbBJO", "title": "March", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "03", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "March", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxCitJb", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2012.66", "abstract": "The appearance of woven fabrics is intrinsically determined by the geometric details of their meso/micro scale structure. In this paper, we propose a multiscale representation and tessellation approach for woven fabrics. We extend the Displaced Subdivision Surface (DSS) to a representation named Interlaced/Intertwisted Displacement Subdivision Surface (IDSS). IDSS maps the geometric detail, scale by scale, onto a ternary interpolatory subdivision surface that is approximated by Bezier patches. This approach is designed for woven fabric rendering on DX11 GPUs. We introduce the Woven Patch, a structure based on DirectX's new primitive, patch, to describe an area of a woven fabric so that it can be easily implemented in the graphics pipeline using a hull shader, a tessellator and a domain shader. We can render a woven piece of fabric at 25 frames per second on a low-performance NVIDIA 8400 MG mobile GPU. This allows for large-scale representations of woven fabrics that maintain the geometric variances of real yarn and fiber.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The appearance of woven fabrics is intrinsically determined by the geometric details of their meso/micro scale structure. In this paper, we propose a multiscale representation and tessellation approach for woven fabrics. We extend the Displaced Subdivision Surface (DSS) to a representation named Interlaced/Intertwisted Displacement Subdivision Surface (IDSS). IDSS maps the geometric detail, scale by scale, onto a ternary interpolatory subdivision surface that is approximated by Bezier patches. This approach is designed for woven fabric rendering on DX11 GPUs. We introduce the Woven Patch, a structure based on DirectX's new primitive, patch, to describe an area of a woven fabric so that it can be easily implemented in the graphics pipeline using a hull shader, a tessellator and a domain shader. We can render a woven piece of fabric at 25 frames per second on a low-performance NVIDIA 8400 MG mobile GPU. This allows for large-scale representations of woven fabrics that maintain the geometric variances of real yarn and fiber.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The appearance of woven fabrics is intrinsically determined by the geometric details of their meso/micro scale structure. In this paper, we propose a multiscale representation and tessellation approach for woven fabrics. We extend the Displaced Subdivision Surface (DSS) to a representation named Interlaced/Intertwisted Displacement Subdivision Surface (IDSS). IDSS maps the geometric detail, scale by scale, onto a ternary interpolatory subdivision surface that is approximated by Bezier patches. This approach is designed for woven fabric rendering on DX11 GPUs. We introduce the Woven Patch, a structure based on DirectX's new primitive, patch, to describe an area of a woven fabric so that it can be easily implemented in the graphics pipeline using a hull shader, a tessellator and a domain shader. We can render a woven piece of fabric at 25 frames per second on a low-performance NVIDIA 8400 MG mobile GPU. This allows for large-scale representations of woven fabrics that maintain the geometric variances of real yarn and fiber.", "title": "IDSS: A Novel Representation for Woven Fabrics", "normalizedTitle": "IDSS: A Novel Representation for Woven Fabrics", "fno": "ttg2013030420", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Weaving", "Fabrics", "Yarn", "Equations", "Approximation Methods", "Mathematical Model", "Geometry", "GPU", "Woven Fabric", "Subdivision Surface", "Interlaced Displacement", "Intertwisted Displacement", "Tessellation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": null, "surname": "Jiahua Zhang", "fullName": "Jiahua Zhang", "affiliation": "Dept. Comput., Hong Kong Polytech. Univ., Kowloon, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "G.", "surname": "Baciu", "fullName": "G. Baciu", "affiliation": "Dept. Comput., Hong Kong Polytech. Univ., Kowloon, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Dejun Zheng", "fullName": "Dejun Zheng", "affiliation": "Dept. Comput., Hong Kong Polytech. Univ., Kowloon, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Cheng Liang", "fullName": "Cheng Liang", "affiliation": "Dept. Comput., Hong Kong Polytech. Univ., Kowloon, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Guiqing Li", "fullName": "Guiqing Li", "affiliation": "Guangzhou Higher Educ. Mega Center, South China Univ. of Technol., Guangzhou, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Jinlian Hu", "fullName": "Jinlian Hu", "affiliation": "Inst. of Textiles & Clothing, Hong Kong Polytech. Univ., Kowloon, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "03", "pubDate": "2013-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "420-432", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iccvw/2009/4442/0/05457598", "title": "Weave pattern modeling of silk-like fabrics from multi-illuminated HDR image analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccvw/2009/05457598/12OmNBZpHb5", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccvw/2009/4442/0", "title": "2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icme/2011/348/0/06011960", "title": "A novel see-through screen based on weave fabrics", "doi": null, 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"/proceedings-article/icnc/2008/04667970/12OmNxYbT2t", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icnc/2008/3304/7", "title": "2008 Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iswc/2011/0774/0/05959581", "title": "Fabrics Capable of Capacitive Energy Storage", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iswc/2011/05959581/12OmNxdDFLj", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iswc/2011/0774/0", "title": "2011 15th Annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/02/07516643", "title": "Yarn-Level Cloth Simulation with Sliding Persistent Contacts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/02/07516643/13rRUxlgy3N", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dasc-picom-cbdcom-cyberscitech/2022/6297/0/09927913", "title": "A Roberts cross operator combined with mathematical morphology algorithm for fabric defect detection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dasc-picom-cbdcom-cyberscitech/2022/09927913/1J4CxlgMD9m", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dasc-picom-cbdcom-cyberscitech/2022/6297/0", "title": "2022 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cisce/2019/3681/0/368100a465", "title": "Automatic Defect Segmentation for Plain Woven Fabric Images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cisce/2019/368100a465/1cI5UgnuEdW", "parentPublication": { "id": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzw8iTa", "title": "Jan.-Feb.", "year": "2020", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tb", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "17", "label": "Jan.-Feb.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwjGoKb", "doi": "10.1109/TCBB.2018.2843339", "abstract": "Modeling and simulation techniques have demonstrated success in studying biological systems. As the drive to better capture biological complexity leads to more sophisticated simulators, it becomes challenging to perform statistical analyses that help translate predictions into increased understanding. These analyses may require repeated executions and extensive sampling of high-dimensional parameter spaces: analyses that may become intractable due to time and resource limitations. Significant reduction in these requirements can be obtained using surrogate models, or emulators, that can rapidly and accurately predict the output of an existing simulator. We apply emulation to evaluate and enrich understanding of a previously published agent-based simulator of lymphoid tissue organogenesis, showing an ensemble of machine learning techniques can reproduce results obtained using a suite of statistical analyses within seconds. This performance improvement permits incorporation of previously intractable analyses, including multi-objective optimization to obtain parameter sets that yield a desired response, and Approximate Bayesian Computation to assess parametric uncertainty. To facilitate exploitation of emulation in simulation-focused studies, we extend our open source statistical package, spartan, to provide a suite of tools for emulator development, validation, and application. Overcoming resource limitations permits enriched evaluation and refinement, easing translation of simulator insights into increased biological understanding.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Modeling and simulation techniques have demonstrated success in studying biological systems. As the drive to better capture biological complexity leads to more sophisticated simulators, it becomes challenging to perform statistical analyses that help translate predictions into increased understanding. These analyses may require repeated executions and extensive sampling of high-dimensional parameter spaces: analyses that may become intractable due to time and resource limitations. Significant reduction in these requirements can be obtained using surrogate models, or emulators, that can rapidly and accurately predict the output of an existing simulator. We apply emulation to evaluate and enrich understanding of a previously published agent-based simulator of lymphoid tissue organogenesis, showing an ensemble of machine learning techniques can reproduce results obtained using a suite of statistical analyses within seconds. This performance improvement permits incorporation of previously intractable analyses, including multi-objective optimization to obtain parameter sets that yield a desired response, and Approximate Bayesian Computation to assess parametric uncertainty. To facilitate exploitation of emulation in simulation-focused studies, we extend our open source statistical package, spartan, to provide a suite of tools for emulator development, validation, and application. Overcoming resource limitations permits enriched evaluation and refinement, easing translation of simulator insights into increased biological understanding.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Modeling and simulation techniques have demonstrated success in studying biological systems. As the drive to better capture biological complexity leads to more sophisticated simulators, it becomes challenging to perform statistical analyses that help translate predictions into increased understanding. These analyses may require repeated executions and extensive sampling of high-dimensional parameter spaces: analyses that may become intractable due to time and resource limitations. Significant reduction in these requirements can be obtained using surrogate models, or emulators, that can rapidly and accurately predict the output of an existing simulator. We apply emulation to evaluate and enrich understanding of a previously published agent-based simulator of lymphoid tissue organogenesis, showing an ensemble of machine learning techniques can reproduce results obtained using a suite of statistical analyses within seconds. This performance improvement permits incorporation of previously intractable analyses, including multi-objective optimization to obtain parameter sets that yield a desired response, and Approximate Bayesian Computation to assess parametric uncertainty. To facilitate exploitation of emulation in simulation-focused studies, we extend our open source statistical package, spartan, to provide a suite of tools for emulator development, validation, and application. Overcoming resource limitations permits enriched evaluation and refinement, easing translation of simulator insights into increased biological understanding.", "title": "Using Emulation to Engineer and Understand Simulations of Biological Systems", "normalizedTitle": "Using Emulation to Engineer and Understand Simulations of Biological Systems", "fno": "08374844", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tb", "keywords": [ "Bayes Methods", "Biology Computing", "Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Multi Agent Systems", "Optimisation", "Statistical Distributions", "Parameter Sets", "Open Source Statistical Package", "Emulator Development", "Resource Limitations", "Simulator Insights", "Increased Biological Understanding", "Biological Systems", "Simulation Techniques", "Capture Biological Complexity", "Statistical Analyses", "Repeated Executions", "Extensive Sampling", "High Dimensional Parameter Spaces", "Surrogate Models", "Emulators", "Agent Based Simulator", "Lymphoid Tissue Organogenesis", "Machine Learning Techniques", "Performance Improvement", "Intractable Analyses", "Biological System Modeling", "Computational Modeling", "Analytical Models", "Biological Systems", "Uncertainty", "Emulation", "Machine Learning", "Emulation", "Ensemble", "Mechanistic Modeling", "Sensitivity Analysis", "Multi Objective Optimization", "Approximate Bayesian Computation", "Machine Learning" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Kieran", "surname": "Alden", "fullName": "Kieran Alden", "affiliation": "Department of Electronic Engineering and York Computational Immunology Lab, University of York, Heslington, York, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jason", "surname": "Cosgrove", "fullName": "Jason Cosgrove", "affiliation": "Department of Electronic Engineering and York Computational Immunology Lab, University of York, Heslington, York, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Mark", "surname": "Coles", "fullName": "Mark Coles", "affiliation": "Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jon", "surname": "Timmis", "fullName": "Jon Timmis", "affiliation": "Department of Electronic Engineering and York Computational Immunology Lab, University of York, Heslington, York, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2020-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "302-315", "year": "2020", "issn": "1545-5963", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/anss/2005/2322/0/23220119", "title": "Improving Scalability of Network Emulation through Parallelism and Abstraction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/anss/2005/23220119/12OmNAWH9BX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/anss/2005/2322/0", "title": "Proceedings. 38th Annual Simulation Symposium", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/waina/2015/1775/0/1775a593", "title": "DOCKEMU -- A Network Emulation Tool", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/waina/2015/1775a593/12OmNBQkx55", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/waina/2015/1775/0", "title": "2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pads/2008/3159/0/3159a015", "title": "Adaptive Model Update Algorithms for Remote Network Emulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pads/2008/3159a015/12OmNBgz4C2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pads/2008/3159/0", "title": "2008 22nd Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" 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"doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pads/2012/4714a201/12OmNz6iOiU", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pads/2012/4714/0", "title": "2012 ACM/IEEE/SCS 26th Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2012/02/ttb2012020592", "title": "SimBioNeT: A Simulator of Biological Network Topology", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2012/02/ttb2012020592/13rRUxC0SCx", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/percom-workshops/2019/9151/0/08730791", "title": "A System Design of Tight Physical Integration for Large-Scale Vehicular Network Emulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/percom-workshops/2019/08730791/1aDSASIfqgM", "parentPublication": { "id": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwpGgK8", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2014", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "20", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUytF41C", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2014.2346321", "abstract": "Various case studies in different application domains have shown the great potential of visual parameter space analysis to support validating and using simulation models. In order to guide and systematize research endeavors in this area, we provide a conceptual framework for visual parameter space analysis problems. The framework is based on our own experience and a structured analysis of the visualization literature. It contains three major components: (1) a data flow model that helps to abstractly describe visual parameter space analysis problems independent of their application domain; (2) a set of four navigation strategies of how parameter space analysis can be supported by visualization tools; and (3) a characterization of six analysis tasks. Based on our framework, we analyze and classify the current body of literature, and identify three open research gaps in visual parameter space analysis. The framework and its discussion are meant to support visualization designers and researchers in characterizing parameter space analysis problems and to guide their design and evaluation processes.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Various case studies in different application domains have shown the great potential of visual parameter space analysis to support validating and using simulation models. 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The framework and its discussion are meant to support visualization designers and researchers in characterizing parameter space analysis problems and to guide their design and evaluation processes.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Various case studies in different application domains have shown the great potential of visual parameter space analysis to support validating and using simulation models. In order to guide and systematize research endeavors in this area, we provide a conceptual framework for visual parameter space analysis problems. The framework is based on our own experience and a structured analysis of the visualization literature. It contains three major components: (1) a data flow model that helps to abstractly describe visual parameter space analysis problems independent of their application domain; (2) a set of four navigation strategies of how parameter space analysis can be supported by visualization tools; and (3) a characterization of six analysis tasks. Based on our framework, we analyze and classify the current body of literature, and identify three open research gaps in visual parameter space analysis. The framework and its discussion are meant to support visualization designers and researchers in characterizing parameter space analysis problems and to guide their design and evaluation processes.", "title": "Visual Parameter Space Analysis: A Conceptual Framework", "normalizedTitle": "Visual Parameter Space Analysis: A Conceptual Framework", "fno": "06876043", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computational Modeling", "Analytical Models", "Predictive Models", "Data Models", "Image Segmentation", "Biological System Modeling", "Literature Analysis", "Parameter Space Analysis", "Input Output Model", "Simulation", "Task Characterization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Michael", "surname": "Sedlmair", "fullName": "Michael Sedlmair", "affiliation": ", University of Vienna", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Christoph", "surname": "Heinzl", "fullName": "Christoph Heinzl", "affiliation": ", University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stefan", "surname": "Bruckner", "fullName": "Stefan Bruckner", "affiliation": ", University of Bergen", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Harald", "surname": "Piringer", "fullName": "Harald Piringer", "affiliation": ", VRVis", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Torsten", "surname": "Moller", "fullName": "Torsten Moller", "affiliation": ", University of Vienna", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2014-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2161-2170", "year": "2014", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/biovis/2012/4729/0/06378598", "title": "Uncertainty-aware visual analysis of biochemical reaction networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/biovis/2012/06378598/12OmNscfI0I", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/biovis/2012/4729/0", "title": "2012 IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icvrv/2014/6854/0/6854a392", "title": "Visual Models of Time-Varying Topology of Space-Based Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icvrv/2014/6854a392/12OmNzh5z6L", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icvrv/2014/6854/0", "title": "2014 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122402", "title": "Visualization of Parameter Space for Image Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122402/13rRUwd9CLJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091499", "title": "ParaGlide: Interactive Parameter Space Partitioning for Computer Simulations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091499/13rRUyfKIHN", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2022/02/09726809", "title": "Visual Parameter Space Analysis for Optimizing the Quality of Industrial Nonwovens", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2022/02/09726809/1Brwx58lg1a", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2022/03/09763014", "title": "DLA-VPS: Deep-Learning-Assisted Visual Parameter Space Analysis of Cosmological Simulations", "doi": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwFid7w", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2019", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "25", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "17D45Wt3Exw", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2018.2865051", "abstract": "We present a direct manipulation technique that allows material scientists to interactively highlight relevant parameterized simulation instances located in dimensionally reduced spaces, enabling a user-defined understanding of a continuous parameter space. Our goals are two-fold: first, to build a user-directed intuition of dimensionally reduced data, and second, to provide a mechanism for creatively exploring parameter relationships in parameterized simulation sets, called ensembles. We start by visualizing ensemble data instances in dimensionally reduced scatter plots. To understand these abstract views, we employ user-defined virtual data instances that, through direct manipulation, search an ensemble for similar instances. Users can create multiple of these direct manipulation queries to visually annotate the spaces with sets of highlighted ensemble data instances. User-defined goals are therefore translated into custom illustrations that are projected onto the dimensionally reduced spaces. Combined forward and inverse searches of the parameter space follow naturally allowing for continuous parameter space prediction and visual query comparison in the context of an ensemble. The potential for this visualization technique is confirmed via expert user feedback for a shock physics application and synthetic model analysis.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a direct manipulation technique that allows material scientists to interactively highlight relevant parameterized simulation instances located in dimensionally reduced spaces, enabling a user-defined understanding of a continuous parameter space. Our goals are two-fold: first, to build a user-directed intuition of dimensionally reduced data, and second, to provide a mechanism for creatively exploring parameter relationships in parameterized simulation sets, called ensembles. We start by visualizing ensemble data instances in dimensionally reduced scatter plots. To understand these abstract views, we employ user-defined virtual data instances that, through direct manipulation, search an ensemble for similar instances. Users can create multiple of these direct manipulation queries to visually annotate the spaces with sets of highlighted ensemble data instances. User-defined goals are therefore translated into custom illustrations that are projected onto the dimensionally reduced spaces. Combined forward and inverse searches of the parameter space follow naturally allowing for continuous parameter space prediction and visual query comparison in the context of an ensemble. The potential for this visualization technique is confirmed via expert user feedback for a shock physics application and synthetic model analysis.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a direct manipulation technique that allows material scientists to interactively highlight relevant parameterized simulation instances located in dimensionally reduced spaces, enabling a user-defined understanding of a continuous parameter space. 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The potential for this visualization technique is confirmed via expert user feedback for a shock physics application and synthetic model analysis.", "title": "Drag and Track: A Direct Manipulation Interface for Contextualizing Data Instances within a Continuous Parameter Space", "normalizedTitle": "Drag and Track: A Direct Manipulation Interface for Contextualizing Data Instances within a Continuous Parameter Space", "fno": "08440838", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Human Computer Interaction", "Query Processing", "User Defined Virtual Data Instances", "Highlighted Ensemble Data Instances", "User Defined Goals", "Dimensionally Reduced Spaces", "Continuous Parameter Space Prediction", "Visual Query Comparison", "Visualization Technique", "Expert User Feedback", "Direct Manipulation Interface", "Direct Manipulation Technique", "Material Scientists", "Interactively Highlight Relevant Parameterized Simulation Instances", "User Defined Understanding", "User Directed Intuition", "Dimensionally Reduced Data", "Creatively Exploring Parameter Relationships", "Parameterized Simulation Sets", "Dimensionally Reduced Scatter Plots", "Data Visualization", "Visualization", "Electric Shock", "Physics", "Navigation", "Data Models", "Uncertainty", "Visual Parameter Space Analysis", "Ensemble Visualization", "Semantic Interaction", "Direct Manipulation", "Shock Physics" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Orban", "fullName": "Daniel Orban", "affiliation": "University of Minnesota, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel F.", "surname": "Keefe", "fullName": "Daniel F. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwFid7w", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2019", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "25", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "17D45Xtvpee", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2018.2865043", "abstract": "We present RegressionExplorer, a Visual Analytics tool for the interactive exploration of logistic regression models. Our application domain is Clinical Biostatistics, where models are derived from patient data with the aim to obtain clinically meaningful insights and consequences. Development and interpretation of a proper model requires domain expertise and insight into model characteristics. Because of time constraints, often a limited number of candidate models is evaluated. RegressionExplorer enables experts to quickly generate, evaluate, and compare many different models, taking the workflow for model development as starting point. Global patterns in parameter values of candidate models can be explored effectively. In addition, experts are enabled to compare candidate models across multiple subpopulations. The insights obtained can be used to formulate new hypotheses or to steer model development. The effectiveness of the tool is demonstrated for two uses cases: prediction of a cardiac conduction disorder in patients after receiving a heart valve implant and prediction of hypernatremia in critically ill patients.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present RegressionExplorer, a Visual Analytics tool for the interactive exploration of logistic regression models. Our application domain is Clinical Biostatistics, where models are derived from patient data with the aim to obtain clinically meaningful insights and consequences. 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Global patterns in parameter values of candidate models can be explored effectively. In addition, experts are enabled to compare candidate models across multiple subpopulations. The insights obtained can be used to formulate new hypotheses or to steer model development. The effectiveness of the tool is demonstrated for two uses cases: prediction of a cardiac conduction disorder in patients after receiving a heart valve implant and prediction of hypernatremia in critically ill patients.", "title": "RegressionExplorer: Interactive Exploration of Logistic Regression Models with Subgroup Analysis", "normalizedTitle": "RegressionExplorer: Interactive Exploration of Logistic Regression Models with Subgroup Analysis", "fno": "08464305", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Cardiology", "Data Analysis", "Data Visualisation", "Diseases", "Medical Computing", "Medical Disorders", "Prosthetics", "Regression Analysis", "Regression Explorer", "Interactive Exploration", "Logistic Regression Models", "Hypernatremia Prediction", "Heart Valve Implant", "Cardiac Conduction Disorder", "Clinical Biostatistics", "Subgroup Analysis", "Visual Analytics Tool", "Analytical Models", "Logistics", "Visual Analytics", "Biological System Modeling", "Mathematical Model", "Data Models", "Visual Analytics", "Predictive Visual Analytics", "Exploratory Data Analysis", "Multivariate Statistics", "Regression Analysis", "Variable Selection", "Subgroup Analysis" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Dennis", "surname": "Dingen", "fullName": "Dennis Dingen", "affiliation": "Eindhoven University of Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Marcel", "surname": "van't Veer", "fullName": "Marcel van't Veer", "affiliation": "Catharina Hospital Eindhoven", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Patrick", "surname": "Houthuizen", "fullName": "Patrick Houthuizen", "affiliation": "Catharina Hospital Eindhoven", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Eveline H. J.", "surname": "Mestrom", "fullName": "Eveline H. J. Mestrom", "affiliation": "Catharina Hospital Eindhoven", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Erik H.H.M.", "surname": "Korsten", "fullName": "Erik H.H.M. Korsten", "affiliation": "Catharina Hospital Eindhoven", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Arthur R.A.", "surname": "Bouwman", "fullName": "Arthur R.A. 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(BIBE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2017/3050/0/08217684", "title": "Temporal reflected logistic regression for probabilistic heart failure survival score prediction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibm/2017/08217684/12OmNBUS75H", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2017/3050/0", "title": "2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vast/2017/3163/0/08585720", "title": "A Workflow for Visual Diagnostics of Binary Classifiers using Instance-Level Explanations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2017/08585720/17D45W2WyxO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2017/3163/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440842", "title": "RetainVis: Visual Analytics with Interpretable and Interactive Recurrent Neural Networks on Electronic Medical Records", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440842/17D45XDIXWa", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440116", "title": "An Interactive Method to Improve Crowdsourced Annotations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440116/17D45Xbl4OK", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2022/8812/0/881200a050", "title": "RMExplorer: A Visual Analytics Approach to Explore the Performance and the Fairness of Disease Risk Models on 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{ "issue": { "id": "1E0Ndbo3sw8", "title": "May-June", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "03", "idPrefix": "cg", "pubType": "magazine", "volume": "42", "label": "May-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": true, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1CT51kfyJhe", "doi": "10.1109/MCG.2022.3169554", "abstract": "Cosmologists often build a mathematics simulation model to study the observed universe. However, running a high-fidelity simulation is time consuming and thus can inconvenience the analysis. This is especially so when the analysis involves trying out a large number of simulation input parameter configurations. Therefore, selecting an input parameter configuration that can meet the needs of an analysis task has become an important part of the analysis process. In this work, we propose an interactive visual system that efficiently helps users understand the parameter space related to their cosmological data. Our system utilizes a GAN-based surrogate model to reconstruct the simulation outputs without running the expensive simulation. We also extract information learned by the deep neural-network-based surrogate models to facilitate the parameter space exploration. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system via multiple case studies. These case study results demonstrate valuable simulation input parameter configuration and subregion analyses.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Cosmologists often build a mathematics simulation model to study the observed universe. However, running a high-fidelity simulation is time consuming and thus can inconvenience the analysis. This is especially so when the analysis involves trying out a large number of simulation input parameter configurations. Therefore, selecting an input parameter configuration that can meet the needs of an analysis task has become an important part of the analysis process. In this work, we propose an interactive visual system that efficiently helps users understand the parameter space related to their cosmological data. Our system utilizes a GAN-based surrogate model to reconstruct the simulation outputs without running the expensive simulation. We also extract information learned by the deep neural-network-based surrogate models to facilitate the parameter space exploration. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system via multiple case studies. These case study results demonstrate valuable simulation input parameter configuration and subregion analyses.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Cosmologists often build a mathematics simulation model to study the observed universe. However, running a high-fidelity simulation is time consuming and thus can inconvenience the analysis. This is especially so when the analysis involves trying out a large number of simulation input parameter configurations. Therefore, selecting an input parameter configuration that can meet the needs of an analysis task has become an important part of the analysis process. In this work, we propose an interactive visual system that efficiently helps users understand the parameter space related to their cosmological data. Our system utilizes a GAN-based surrogate model to reconstruct the simulation outputs without running the expensive simulation. We also extract information learned by the deep neural-network-based surrogate models to facilitate the parameter space exploration. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system via multiple case studies. These case study results demonstrate valuable simulation input parameter configuration and subregion analyses.", "title": "DLA-VPS: Deep-Learning-Assisted Visual Parameter Space Analysis of Cosmological Simulations", "normalizedTitle": "DLA-VPS: Deep-Learning-Assisted Visual Parameter Space Analysis of Cosmological Simulations", "fno": "09763014", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "cg", "keywords": [ "Analytical Models", "Computational Modeling", "Solid Modeling", "Data Models", "Predictive Models", "Deep Learning", "Generators" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Cheng", "surname": "Sun", "fullName": "Cheng Sun", "affiliation": "National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ko-Chih", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Ko-Chih Wang", "affiliation": "National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, 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Specifically, GNN-Surrogate predicts the output field with given simulation parameters so scientists can explore the simulation parameter space with visualizations from user-specified visual mappings. Moreover, our graph-based techniques are designed for unstructured meshes, making the exploration of simulation outputs on irregular grids efficient. For efficient training, we generate hierarchical graphs and use adaptive resolutions. We give quantitative and qualitative evaluations on the MPAS-Ocean simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of GNN-Surrogate. Source code is publicly available at <uri></uri>.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We propose GNN-Surrogate, a graph neural network-based surrogate model to explore the parameter space of ocean climate simulations. Parameter space exploration is important for domain scientists to understand the influence of input parameters (e.g., wind stress) on the simulation output (e.g., temperature). The exploration requires scientists to exhaust the complicated parameter space by running a batch of computationally expensive simulations. Our approach improves the efficiency of parameter space exploration with a surrogate model that predicts the simulation outputs accurately and efficiently. Specifically, GNN-Surrogate predicts the output field with given simulation parameters so scientists can explore the simulation parameter space with visualizations from user-specified visual mappings. Moreover, our graph-based techniques are designed for unstructured meshes, making the exploration of simulation outputs on irregular grids efficient. For efficient training, we generate hierarchical graphs and use adaptive resolutions. We give quantitative and qualitative evaluations on the MPAS-Ocean simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of GNN-Surrogate. 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Moreover, our graph-based techniques are designed for unstructured meshes, making the exploration of simulation outputs on irregular grids efficient. For efficient training, we generate hierarchical graphs and use adaptive resolutions. We give quantitative and qualitative evaluations on the MPAS-Ocean simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of GNN-Surrogate. Source code is publicly available at", "title": "GNN-Surrogate: A Hierarchical and Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Parameter Space Exploration of Unstructured-Mesh Ocean Simulations", "normalizedTitle": "GNN-Surrogate: A Hierarchical and Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Parameter Space Exploration of Unstructured-Mesh Ocean Simulations", "fno": "09751203", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computer Simulation", "Data Visualisation", "Geophysics Computing", "Graph Theory", "Neural Nets", "Unstructured Mesh Ocean Simulations", "MPAS Ocean Simulation", "Simulation Parameter Space", "Computationally Expensive Simulations", "Complicated Parameter Space", "Ocean Climate Simulations", "Graph Neural Network Based Surrogate Model", "Parameter Space Exploration", "Adaptive Graph Neural Network", "Hierarchical Graph Neural Network", "Computational Modeling", "Adaptation Models", "Predictive Models", "Data Models", "Space Exploration", "Analytical Models", "Data Visualization", "Parameter Space Exploration", "Ensemble Visualization", "Unstructured Mesh", "Surrogate Modeling", "Graph Neural Network", "Adaptive Resolution" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Neng", "surname": "Shi", "fullName": "Neng Shi", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jiayi", "surname": "Xu", "fullName": "Jiayi Xu", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Skylar W.", "surname": "Wurster", "fullName": "Skylar W. 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{ "issue": { "id": "1J9y2mtpt3a", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2023", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "29", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1H1gjOQxk40", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2022.3209413", "abstract": "We propose VDL-Surrogate, a view-dependent neural-network-latent-based surrogate model for parameter space exploration of ensemble simulations that allows high-resolution visualizations and user-specified visual mappings. Surrogate-enabled parameter space exploration allows domain scientists to preview simulation results without having to run a large number of computationally costly simulations. Limited by computational resources, however, existing surrogate models may not produce previews with sufficient resolution for visualization and analysis. To improve the efficient use of computational resources and support high-resolution exploration, we perform ray casting from different viewpoints to collect samples and produce compact latent representations. This latent encoding process reduces the cost of surrogate model training while maintaining the output quality. In the model training stage, we select viewpoints to cover the whole viewing sphere and train corresponding VDL-Surrogate models for the selected viewpoints. In the model inference stage, we predict the latent representations at previously selected viewpoints and decode the latent representations to data space. For any given viewpoint, we make interpolations over decoded data at selected viewpoints and generate visualizations with user-specified visual mappings. We show the effectiveness and efficiency of VDL-Surrogate in cosmological and ocean simulations with quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Source code is publicly available at <uri></uri>.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We propose VDL-Surrogate, a view-dependent neural-network-latent-based surrogate model for parameter space exploration of ensemble simulations that allows high-resolution visualizations and user-specified visual mappings. Surrogate-enabled parameter space exploration allows domain scientists to preview simulation results without having to run a large number of computationally costly simulations. Limited by computational resources, however, existing surrogate models may not produce previews with sufficient resolution for visualization and analysis. To improve the efficient use of computational resources and support high-resolution exploration, we perform ray casting from different viewpoints to collect samples and produce compact latent representations. This latent encoding process reduces the cost of surrogate model training while maintaining the output quality. In the model training stage, we select viewpoints to cover the whole viewing sphere and train corresponding VDL-Surrogate models for the selected viewpoints. In the model inference stage, we predict the latent representations at previously selected viewpoints and decode the latent representations to data space. For any given viewpoint, we make interpolations over decoded data at selected viewpoints and generate visualizations with user-specified visual mappings. We show the effectiveness and efficiency of VDL-Surrogate in cosmological and ocean simulations with quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Source code is publicly available at <uri></uri>.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We propose VDL-Surrogate, a view-dependent neural-network-latent-based surrogate model for parameter space exploration of ensemble simulations that allows high-resolution visualizations and user-specified visual mappings. 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For any given viewpoint, we make interpolations over decoded data at selected viewpoints and generate visualizations with user-specified visual mappings. We show the effectiveness and efficiency of VDL-Surrogate in cosmological and ocean simulations with quantitative and qualitative evaluations. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvsDHDY", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2020", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "26", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1cG4qBnK6Fq", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2019.2934312", "abstract": "We propose InSituNet, a deep learning based surrogate model to support parameter space exploration for ensemble simulations that are visualized in situ. In situ visualization, generating visualizations at simulation time, is becoming prevalent in handling large-scale simulations because of the I/O and storage constraints. However, in situ visualization approaches limit the flexibility of post-hoc exploration because the raw simulation data are no longer available. Although multiple image-based approaches have been proposed to mitigate this limitation, those approaches lack the ability to explore the simulation parameters. Our approach allows flexible exploration of parameter space for large-scale ensemble simulations by taking advantage of the recent advances in deep learning. Specifically, we design InSituNet as a convolutional regression model to learn the mapping from the simulation and visualization parameters to the visualization results. With the trained model, users can generate new images for different simulation parameters under various visualization settings, which enables in-depth analysis of the underlying ensemble simulations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of InSituNet in combustion, cosmology, and ocean simulations through quantitative and qualitative evaluations.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We propose InSituNet, a deep learning based surrogate model to support parameter space exploration for ensemble simulations that are visualized in situ. 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With the trained model, users can generate new images for different simulation parameters under various visualization settings, which enables in-depth analysis of the underlying ensemble simulations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of InSituNet in combustion, cosmology, and ocean simulations through quantitative and qualitative evaluations.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We propose InSituNet, a deep learning based surrogate model to support parameter space exploration for ensemble simulations that are visualized in situ. In situ visualization, generating visualizations at simulation time, is becoming prevalent in handling large-scale simulations because of the I/O and storage constraints. However, in situ visualization approaches limit the flexibility of post-hoc exploration because the raw simulation data are no longer available. Although multiple image-based approaches have been proposed to mitigate this limitation, those approaches lack the ability to explore the simulation parameters. Our approach allows flexible exploration of parameter space for large-scale ensemble simulations by taking advantage of the recent advances in deep learning. Specifically, we design InSituNet as a convolutional regression model to learn the mapping from the simulation and visualization parameters to the visualization results. With the trained model, users can generate new images for different simulation parameters under various visualization settings, which enables in-depth analysis of the underlying ensemble simulations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of InSituNet in combustion, cosmology, and ocean simulations through quantitative and qualitative evaluations.", "title": "InSituNet: Deep Image Synthesis for Parameter Space Exploration of Ensemble Simulations", "normalizedTitle": "InSituNet: Deep Image Synthesis for Parameter Space Exploration of Ensemble Simulations", "fno": "08805426", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Image Processing", "Input Output Programs", "Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Regression Analysis", "Storage Management", "Visualization Settings", "Ocean Simulations", "Deep Image Synthesis", "Parameter Space Exploration", "Deep Learning", "Surrogate Model", "Post Hoc Exploration", "Raw Simulation Data", "Multiple Image Based Approaches", "Large Scale Ensemble Simulations", "Convolutional Regression Model", "Visualization Parameters", "In Situ Net", "I O Constraint", "Storage Constraint", "Data Visualization", "Data Models", "Visualization", "Analytical Models", "Space Exploration", "Deep Learning", "Image Synthesis", "In Situ Visualization", "Ensemble Visualization", "Parameter Space Exploration", "Deep Learning", "Image Synthesis" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Wenbin", "surname": "He", "fullName": "Wenbin He", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Ohio State University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Junpeng", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Junpeng Wang", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Ohio State University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hanqi", "surname": "Guo", "fullName": "Hanqi Guo", "affiliation": "Mathematics and Computer Science DivisionArgonne National Laboratory", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ko-Chih", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Ko-Chih Wang", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Ohio State University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Han-Wei", "surname": "Shen", "fullName": "Han-Wei Shen", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Ohio State University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Mukund", "surname": "Raj", "fullName": "Mukund Raj", "affiliation": "Mathematics and Computer Science DivisionArgonne National Laboratory", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Youssef S. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNBl6EKg", "title": "Aug.", "year": "2016", "issueNum": "08", "idPrefix": "td", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "27", "label": "Aug.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUB6Sq0j", "doi": "10.1109/TPDS.2015.2492563", "abstract": "Work-stealing, as a common user-level task scheduler for managing and scheduling tasks of multithreaded applications, suffers from inefficiency in virtualized environments, because the steal attempts of thief threads may waste CPU cycles that could be otherwise used by busy threads. This paper contributes a novel scheduling framework named Robinhood. The basic idea of Robinhood is to use the time slices of thieves to accelerate busy threads with no available tasks (referred to as poor workers) at both the guest Operating System (OS) level and Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) level. In this way, Robinhood can reduce the cost of steal attempts and accelerate the threads doing useful work, so as to put the CPU cycles to better use. We implement Robinhood based on BWS, Linux and Xen. Our evaluation with various benchmarks demonstrates that Robinhood paves a way to efficiently run work-stealing applications in virtualized environments. Compared to Cilk++ and BWS, Robinhood can reduce up to 90 and 72 percent execution time of work-stealing applications, respectively.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Work-stealing, as a common user-level task scheduler for managing and scheduling tasks of multithreaded applications, suffers from inefficiency in virtualized environments, because the steal attempts of thief threads may waste CPU cycles that could be otherwise used by busy threads. This paper contributes a novel scheduling framework named Robinhood. The basic idea of Robinhood is to use the time slices of thieves to accelerate busy threads with no available tasks (referred to as poor workers) at both the guest Operating System (OS) level and Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) level. In this way, Robinhood can reduce the cost of steal attempts and accelerate the threads doing useful work, so as to put the CPU cycles to better use. We implement Robinhood based on BWS, Linux and Xen. Our evaluation with various benchmarks demonstrates that Robinhood paves a way to efficiently run work-stealing applications in virtualized environments. Compared to Cilk++ and BWS, Robinhood can reduce up to 90 and 72 percent execution time of work-stealing applications, respectively.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Work-stealing, as a common user-level task scheduler for managing and scheduling tasks of multithreaded applications, suffers from inefficiency in virtualized environments, because the steal attempts of thief threads may waste CPU cycles that could be otherwise used by busy threads. This paper contributes a novel scheduling framework named Robinhood. The basic idea of Robinhood is to use the time slices of thieves to accelerate busy threads with no available tasks (referred to as poor workers) at both the guest Operating System (OS) level and Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) level. In this way, Robinhood can reduce the cost of steal attempts and accelerate the threads doing useful work, so as to put the CPU cycles to better use. We implement Robinhood based on BWS, Linux and Xen. Our evaluation with various benchmarks demonstrates that Robinhood paves a way to efficiently run work-stealing applications in virtualized environments. Compared to Cilk++ and BWS, Robinhood can reduce up to 90 and 72 percent execution time of work-stealing applications, respectively.", "title": "Robinhood: Towards Efficient Work-Stealing in Virtualized Environments", "normalizedTitle": "Robinhood: Towards Efficient Work-Stealing in Virtualized Environments", "fno": "07300465", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "td", "keywords": [ "Acceleration", "Message Systems", "Instruction Sets", "Multicore Processing", "Virtual Machine Monitors", "Linux", "Face", "Parallel Program Optimization", "Virtualization", "Work Stealing", "Multicore" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yaqiong", "surname": "Peng", "fullName": "Yaqiong Peng", "affiliation": "Services Computing Technology and System Lab, Cluster and Grid Computing Lab, School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Song", "surname": "Wu", "fullName": "Song Wu", "affiliation": "Services 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"abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isai/2016/1585a247/12OmNBO3K0j", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isai/2016/1585/0", "title": "2016 International Conference on Information System and Artificial Intelligence (ISAI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ia3/2016/3867/0/3867a074", "title": "Optimized Distributed Work-Stealing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ia3/2016/3867a074/12OmNBTawli", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ia3/2016/3867/0", "title": "2016 6th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architecture and Algorithms (IA3)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sc/2014/5500/0/5500a857", "title": "Optimizing Data Locality for Fork/Join Programs Using Constrained Work Stealing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sc/2014/5500a857/12OmNwCJON8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sc/2014/5500/0", 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNC17hVl", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "td", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "24", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwbs2g9", "doi": "10.1109/TPDS.2012.322", "abstract": "Modern multicore computers often adopt a multisocket multicore architecture with shared caches in each socket. However, traditional work-stealing schedulers tend to pollute the shared cache and incur more cache misses due to their random stealing. To relieve this problem, this paper proposes an Adaptive Cache-Aware Bi-tier work-stealing (A-CAB) scheduler. A-CAB improves the performance of memory-bound applications by reducing memory footprint and cache misses of tasks running inside the same CPU socket. A-CAB adaptively uses a DAG partitioner to divide an execution Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) into the intersocket tier and the intrasocket tier. Tasks in the intersocket tier are scheduled across sockets while tasks in the intrasocket tier are scheduled within the same socket. Experimental results tell us that A-CAB can improve the performance of memory-bound applications up to 74.4 percent compared with the traditional work-stealing.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Modern multicore computers often adopt a multisocket multicore architecture with shared caches in each socket. However, traditional work-stealing schedulers tend to pollute the shared cache and incur more cache misses due to their random stealing. To relieve this problem, this paper proposes an Adaptive Cache-Aware Bi-tier work-stealing (A-CAB) scheduler. A-CAB improves the performance of memory-bound applications by reducing memory footprint and cache misses of tasks running inside the same CPU socket. A-CAB adaptively uses a DAG partitioner to divide an execution Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) into the intersocket tier and the intrasocket tier. Tasks in the intersocket tier are scheduled across sockets while tasks in the intrasocket tier are scheduled within the same socket. Experimental results tell us that A-CAB can improve the performance of memory-bound applications up to 74.4 percent compared with the traditional work-stealing.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Modern multicore computers often adopt a multisocket multicore architecture with shared caches in each socket. However, traditional work-stealing schedulers tend to pollute the shared cache and incur more cache misses due to their random stealing. To relieve this problem, this paper proposes an Adaptive Cache-Aware Bi-tier work-stealing (A-CAB) scheduler. A-CAB improves the performance of memory-bound applications by reducing memory footprint and cache misses of tasks running inside the same CPU socket. A-CAB adaptively uses a DAG partitioner to divide an execution Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) into the intersocket tier and the intrasocket tier. Tasks in the intersocket tier are scheduled across sockets while tasks in the intrasocket tier are scheduled within the same socket. Experimental results tell us that A-CAB can improve the performance of memory-bound applications up to 74.4 percent compared with the traditional work-stealing.", "title": "Adaptive Cache Aware Bitier Work-Stealing in Multisocket Multicore Architectures", "normalizedTitle": "Adaptive Cache Aware Bitier Work-Stealing in Multisocket Multicore Architectures", "fno": "ttd2013122334", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "td", "keywords": [ "Cache Memory", "Multicore Processing", "Iterative Methods", "Instruction Sets", "Optimal Scheduling", "Divide And Conquer Programs", "Cache Aware", "Work Stealing", "Multisocket Multicore Architectures" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Quan", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Quan Chen", "affiliation": "Shanghai Jiao Tong University quan chen, Shanghai", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Minyi", "surname": "Guo", "fullName": "Minyi Guo", "affiliation": "Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Zhiyi", "surname": "Huang", "fullName": "Zhiyi Huang", "affiliation": "University of Otago, Dunedin", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2334-2343", "year": "2013", "issn": "1045-9219", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icpp/2011/4510/0/4510a722", "title": "CAB: Cache Aware Bi-tier Task-Stealing in Multi-socket Multi-core Architecture", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpp/2011/4510a722/12OmNBOCWh5", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpp/2011/4510/0", "title": "2011 International Conference on Parallel Processing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icppw/2017/1044/0/1044a309", "title": "SWAS: Stealing Work Using Approximate 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"trans/tc/2018/06/08214252", "title": "Contention and Locality-Aware Work-Stealing for Iterative Applications in Multi-Socket Computers", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tc/2018/06/08214252/13rRUwjGoFn", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tc", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hipc/2020/2292/0/229200a251", "title": "PufferFish: NUMA-Aware Work-stealing Library using Elastic Tasks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hipc/2020/229200a251/1taEY9PMe9a", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hipc/2020/2292/0", "title": "2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttd2013122324", "articleId": "13rRUx0xPTu", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttd2013122344", 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNrYlmPS", "title": "Nov.", "year": "2018", "issueNum": "11", "idPrefix": "tk", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "30", "label": "Nov.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "147pbJSQD4d", "doi": "10.1109/TKDE.2018.2822283", "abstract": "Network embedding, aiming to embed a network into a low dimensional vector space while preserving the inherent structural properties of the network, has attracted considerable attention. However, most existing embedding methods focus on the static network while neglecting the evolving characteristic of real-world networks. Meanwhile, most of previous methods cannot well preserve the high-order proximity, which is a critical structural property of networks. These problems motivate us to seek an effective and efficient way to preserve the high-order proximity in embedding vectors when the networks evolve over time. In this paper, we propose a novel method of Dynamic High-order Proximity preserved Embedding (DHPE). Specifically, we adopt the generalized SVD (GSVD) to preserve the high-order proximity. Then, by transforming the GSVD problem to a generalized eigenvalue problem, we propose a generalized eigen perturbation to incrementally update the results of GSVD to incorporate the changes of dynamic networks. Further, we propose an accelerated solution to the DHPE model so that it achieves a linear time complexity with respect to the number of nodes and number of changed edges in the network. Our empirical experiments on one synthetic network and several real-world networks demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Network embedding, aiming to embed a network into a low dimensional vector space while preserving the inherent structural properties of the network, has attracted considerable attention. However, most existing embedding methods focus on the static network while neglecting the evolving characteristic of real-world networks. Meanwhile, most of previous methods cannot well preserve the high-order proximity, which is a critical structural property of networks. These problems motivate us to seek an effective and efficient way to preserve the high-order proximity in embedding vectors when the networks evolve over time. In this paper, we propose a novel method of Dynamic High-order Proximity preserved Embedding (DHPE). Specifically, we adopt the generalized SVD (GSVD) to preserve the high-order proximity. Then, by transforming the GSVD problem to a generalized eigenvalue problem, we propose a generalized eigen perturbation to incrementally update the results of GSVD to incorporate the changes of dynamic networks. Further, we propose an accelerated solution to the DHPE model so that it achieves a linear time complexity with respect to the number of nodes and number of changed edges in the network. Our empirical experiments on one synthetic network and several real-world networks demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Network embedding, aiming to embed a network into a low dimensional vector space while preserving the inherent structural properties of the network, has attracted considerable attention. However, most existing embedding methods focus on the static network while neglecting the evolving characteristic of real-world networks. Meanwhile, most of previous methods cannot well preserve the high-order proximity, which is a critical structural property of networks. These problems motivate us to seek an effective and efficient way to preserve the high-order proximity in embedding vectors when the networks evolve over time. In this paper, we propose a novel method of Dynamic High-order Proximity preserved Embedding (DHPE). Specifically, we adopt the generalized SVD (GSVD) to preserve the high-order proximity. Then, by transforming the GSVD problem to a generalized eigenvalue problem, we propose a generalized eigen perturbation to incrementally update the results of GSVD to incorporate the changes of dynamic networks. Further, we propose an accelerated solution to the DHPE model so that it achieves a linear time complexity with respect to the number of nodes and number of changed edges in the network. Our empirical experiments on one synthetic network and several real-world networks demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.", "title": "High-Order Proximity Preserved Embedding for Dynamic Networks", "normalizedTitle": "High-Order Proximity Preserved Embedding for Dynamic Networks", "fno": "08329541", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tk", "keywords": [ "Mathematical Model", "Acceleration", "Perturbation Methods", "Complexity Theory", "Heuristic Algorithms", "Matrix Decomposition", "Linear Programming", "Dynamic Network", "High Order Proximity", "Network Embedding" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Dingyuan", "surname": "Zhu", "fullName": "Dingyuan Zhu", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Peng", "surname": "Cui", "fullName": "Peng Cui", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ziwei", "surname": "Zhang", "fullName": "Ziwei Zhang", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jian", "surname": "Pei", "fullName": "Jian Pei", "affiliation": "School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Wenwu", "surname": "Zhu", "fullName": "Wenwu Zhu", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "11", "pubDate": "2018-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2134-2144", "year": "2018", "issn": "1041-4347", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/sera/2018/5886/0/08477202", "title": "Semi-Supervised Classification with Adaptive High-Order Graph Embedding", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sera/2018/08477202/144U9bsvaKj", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sera/2018/5886/0", "title": "2018 IEEE 16th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wi/2018/7325/0/732500a635", "title": "The Applications of Stochastic Models in Network Embedding: A Survey", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wi/2018/732500a635/17D45VsBU6m", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wi/2018/7325/0", "title": "2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2018/3788/0/08545577", "title": "Enhanced Network Embedding with Text 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"trans/bd/2022/04/09629352", "title": "A Survey on Role-Oriented Network Embedding", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/bd/2022/04/09629352/1yXvESlZNJK", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/bd", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Big Data", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2023/01/09667283", "title": "Similarity Fusion via Exploiting High Order Proximity for Cancer Subtyping", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2023/01/09667283/1zMCfKfg1va", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ispa-bdcloud-socialcom-sustaincom/2021/3574/0/357400a143", "title": "EPINE: Enhanced Proximity Information Network Embedding", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ispa-bdcloud-socialcom-sustaincom/2021/357400a143/1zxKUOw0SL6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ispa-bdcloud-socialcom-sustaincom/2021/3574/0", "title": "2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "08323198", "articleId": "147pbKR1ADS", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "08317000", "articleId": "147pbKXgLvj", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvGPE8n", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2016", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "22", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwkxc5q", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2015.2467872", "abstract": "Parallel Coordinate Plots (PCPs) is one of the most powerful techniques for the visualization of multivariate data. However, for large datasets, the representation suffers from clutter due to overplotting. In this case, discerning the underlying data information and selecting specific interesting patterns can become difficult. We propose a new and simple technique to improve the display of PCPs by emphasizing the underlying data structure. Our Orientation-enhanced Parallel Coordinate Plots (OPCPs) improve pattern and outlier discernibility by visually enhancing parts of each PCP polyline with respect to its slope. This enhancement also allows us to introduce a novel and efficient selection method, the Orientation-enhanced Brushing (O-Brushing). Our solution is particularly useful when multiple patterns are present or when the view on certain patterns is obstructed by noise. We present the results of our approach with several synthetic and real-world datasets. Finally, we conducted a user evaluation, which verifies the advantages of the OPCPs in terms of discernibility of information in complex data. It also confirms that O-Brushing eases the selection of data patterns in PCPs and reduces the amount of necessary user interactions compared to state-of-the-art brushing techniques.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Parallel Coordinate Plots (PCPs) is one of the most powerful techniques for the visualization of multivariate data. However, for large datasets, the representation suffers from clutter due to overplotting. In this case, discerning the underlying data information and selecting specific interesting patterns can become difficult. We propose a new and simple technique to improve the display of PCPs by emphasizing the underlying data structure. Our Orientation-enhanced Parallel Coordinate Plots (OPCPs) improve pattern and outlier discernibility by visually enhancing parts of each PCP polyline with respect to its slope. This enhancement also allows us to introduce a novel and efficient selection method, the Orientation-enhanced Brushing (O-Brushing). Our solution is particularly useful when multiple patterns are present or when the view on certain patterns is obstructed by noise. We present the results of our approach with several synthetic and real-world datasets. Finally, we conducted a user evaluation, which verifies the advantages of the OPCPs in terms of discernibility of information in complex data. It also confirms that O-Brushing eases the selection of data patterns in PCPs and reduces the amount of necessary user interactions compared to state-of-the-art brushing techniques.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Parallel Coordinate Plots (PCPs) is one of the most powerful techniques for the visualization of multivariate data. However, for large datasets, the representation suffers from clutter due to overplotting. In this case, discerning the underlying data information and selecting specific interesting patterns can become difficult. We propose a new and simple technique to improve the display of PCPs by emphasizing the underlying data structure. Our Orientation-enhanced Parallel Coordinate Plots (OPCPs) improve pattern and outlier discernibility by visually enhancing parts of each PCP polyline with respect to its slope. This enhancement also allows us to introduce a novel and efficient selection method, the Orientation-enhanced Brushing (O-Brushing). Our solution is particularly useful when multiple patterns are present or when the view on certain patterns is obstructed by noise. We present the results of our approach with several synthetic and real-world datasets. Finally, we conducted a user evaluation, which verifies the advantages of the OPCPs in terms of discernibility of information in complex data. It also confirms that O-Brushing eases the selection of data patterns in PCPs and reduces the amount of necessary user interactions compared to state-of-the-art brushing techniques.", "title": "Orientation-Enhanced Parallel Coordinate Plots", "normalizedTitle": "Orientation-Enhanced Parallel Coordinate Plots", "fno": "07192696", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Brushes", "Visualization", "Data Visualization", "Clutter", "Histograms", "Data Structures", "Kernel", "Data Selection", "Parallel Coordinates", "Orientation Enhanced Parallel Coordinates", "Brushing", "Orientation Enhanced Brushing", "Data Readability", "Data Selection", "Parallel Coordinates", "Orientation Enhanced Parallel Coordinates", "Brushing", "Orientation Enhanced Brushing", "Data Readability" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Renata Georgia", "surname": "Raidou", "fullName": "Renata Georgia Raidou", "affiliation": ", Eindhoven University of Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Martin", "surname": "Eisemann", "fullName": "Martin Eisemann", "affiliation": ", Delft University of Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Marcel", "surname": "Breeuwer", "fullName": "Marcel Breeuwer", "affiliation": ", Eindhoven University of Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Elmar", "surname": "Eisemann", "fullName": "Elmar Eisemann", "affiliation": ", Delft University of Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Anna", "surname": "Vilanova", "fullName": "Anna Vilanova", "affiliation": ", Delft University of Technology", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2016-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "589-598", "year": "2016", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0/08031609", "title": "Making many-to-many parallel coordinate plots scalable by asymmetric biclustering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2017/08031609/12OmNrHjqNa", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/01/08017644", "title": "Nonlinear Dot Plots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/01/08017644/13rRUNvgz4o", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091526", "title": "Splatterplots: Overcoming Overdraw in Scatter Plots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091526/13rRUxC0SEh", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/03/07836349", "title": "DSPCP: A Data Scalable Approach for Identifying Relationships in Parallel Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/03/07836349/13rRUxZzAhK", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061436", "title": "Extensions of Parallel Coordinates for Interactive Exploration of Large Multi-Timepoint Data Sets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061436/13rRUxjQyp8", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/05/v0717", "title": "Enabling Automatic Clutter Reduction in Parallel Coordinate Plots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/05/v0717/13rRUxly8SO", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/03/08302598", "title": "Smart Brushing for Parallel Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/03/08302598/17D45WaTkk4", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/06/08667672", "title": "Relaxing Dense Scatter Plots with Pixel-Based Mappings", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/06/08667672/18q6mW4N2ZW", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/01/09904437", "title": "PC-Expo: A Metrics-Based Interactive Axes Reordering Method for Parallel Coordinate Displays", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/01/09904437/1H1gnemxdqE", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2020/9134/0/913400a248", "title": "Time-Aligned Edge Plots for Dynamic Graph Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2020/913400a248/1rSR9vG2u4w", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2020/9134/0", "title": "2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07192677", "articleId": "13rRUygT7ff", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzFdtc6", "title": "November/December", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxZRbnY", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2010.176", "abstract": "Conveying data uncertainty in visualizations is crucial for preventing viewers from drawing conclusions based on untrustworthy data points. This paper proposes a methodology for efficiently generating density plots of uncertain multivariate data sets that draws viewers to preattentively identify values of high certainty while not calling attention to uncertain values. We demonstrate how to augment scatter plots and parallel coordinates plots to incorporate statistically modeled uncertainty and show how to integrate them with existing multivariate analysis techniques, including outlier detection and interactive brushing. Computing high quality density plots can be expensive for large data sets, so we also describe a probabilistic plotting technique that summarizes the data without requiring explicit density plot computation. These techniques have been useful for identifying brain tumors in multivariate magnetic resonance spectroscopy data and we describe how to extend them to visualize ensemble data sets.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Conveying data uncertainty in visualizations is crucial for preventing viewers from drawing conclusions based on untrustworthy data points. This paper proposes a methodology for efficiently generating density plots of uncertain multivariate data sets that draws viewers to preattentively identify values of high certainty while not calling attention to uncertain values. We demonstrate how to augment scatter plots and parallel coordinates plots to incorporate statistically modeled uncertainty and show how to integrate them with existing multivariate analysis techniques, including outlier detection and interactive brushing. Computing high quality density plots can be expensive for large data sets, so we also describe a probabilistic plotting technique that summarizes the data without requiring explicit density plot computation. These techniques have been useful for identifying brain tumors in multivariate magnetic resonance spectroscopy data and we describe how to extend them to visualize ensemble data sets.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Conveying data uncertainty in visualizations is crucial for preventing viewers from drawing conclusions based on untrustworthy data points. This paper proposes a methodology for efficiently generating density plots of uncertain multivariate data sets that draws viewers to preattentively identify values of high certainty while not calling attention to uncertain values. We demonstrate how to augment scatter plots and parallel coordinates plots to incorporate statistically modeled uncertainty and show how to integrate them with existing multivariate analysis techniques, including outlier detection and interactive brushing. Computing high quality density plots can be expensive for large data sets, so we also describe a probabilistic plotting technique that summarizes the data without requiring explicit density plot computation. These techniques have been useful for identifying brain tumors in multivariate magnetic resonance spectroscopy data and we describe how to extend them to visualize ensemble data sets.", "title": "Matching Visual Saliency to Confidence in Plots of Uncertain Data", "normalizedTitle": "Matching Visual Saliency to Confidence in Plots of Uncertain Data", "fno": "ttg2010060980", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Uncertainty Visualization", "Brushing", "Scatter Plots", "Parallel Coordinates", "Multivariate Data" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "David", "surname": "Feng", "fullName": "David Feng", "affiliation": "UNC Chapel Hill", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Lester", "surname": "Kwock", "fullName": "Lester Kwock", "affiliation": "UNC Chapel Hill", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yueh", "surname": "Lee", "fullName": "Yueh Lee", "affiliation": "UNC Chapel Hill", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Russell", "surname": "Taylor", "fullName": "Russell Taylor", "affiliation": "UNC Chapel Hill", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2010-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "980-989", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1995/7187/0/71870271", "title": "High Dimensional Brushing for Interactive Exploration of Multivariate Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/1995/71870271/12OmNBdJ5iK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1995/7187/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1997/8262/0/82620111", "title": "Multivariate visualization using metric scaling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/1997/82620111/12OmNqOwQJt", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1997/8262/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/csse/2008/3336/1/3336a949", "title": "Study on Feature Extraction Method Based on Parallel Coordinate Plots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/csse/2008/3336a949/12OmNwErpsP", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/csse/2008/3336/1", "title": "Computer Science and Software Engineering, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1999/5897/0/58970004", "title": "Hierarchical Parallel Coordinates for Exploration of Large Datasets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/1999/58970004/12OmNyo1nOw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1999/5897/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/09/06171180", "title": "Scalable Multivariate Volume Visualization and Analysis Based on Dimension Projection and Parallel Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/09/06171180/13rRUwwJWFL", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192673", "title": "Temporal MDS Plots for Analysis of Multivariate Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192673/13rRUx0gefm", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122310", "title": "Flexible Linked Axes for Multivariate Data Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122310/13rRUxD9h54", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061459", "title": "Brushing of Attribute Clouds for the Visualization of Multivariate Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061459/13rRUxly8Xz", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/1989/02/00019052", "title": "Faster plots by fan data compression", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/1989/02/00019052/13rRUyogGCo", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/06/08667672", "title": "Relaxing Dense Scatter Plots with Pixel-Based Mappings", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/06/08667672/18q6mW4N2ZW", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010060973", "articleId": "13rRUxBa5bP", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010060990", "articleId": "13rRUx0gezT", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgR2", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "mov", "size": "37.1 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwpGgK8", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2014", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "20", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygT7ye", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2014.2346594", "abstract": "Scatterplots are widely used to visualize scatter dataset for exploring outliers, clusters, local trends, and correlations. Depicting multi-class scattered points within a single scatterplot view, however, may suffer from heavy overdraw, making it inefficient for data analysis. This paper presents a new visual abstraction scheme that employs a hierarchical multi-class sampling technique to show a feature-preserving simplification. To enhance the density contrast, the colors of multiple classes are optimized by taking the multi-class point distributions into account. We design a visual exploration system that supports visual inspection and quantitative analysis from different perspectives. We have applied our system to several challenging datasets, and the results demonstrate the efficiency of our approach.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Scatterplots are widely used to visualize scatter dataset for exploring outliers, clusters, local trends, and correlations. Depicting multi-class scattered points within a single scatterplot view, however, may suffer from heavy overdraw, making it inefficient for data analysis. This paper presents a new visual abstraction scheme that employs a hierarchical multi-class sampling technique to show a feature-preserving simplification. To enhance the density contrast, the colors of multiple classes are optimized by taking the multi-class point distributions into account. We design a visual exploration system that supports visual inspection and quantitative analysis from different perspectives. We have applied our system to several challenging datasets, and the results demonstrate the efficiency of our approach.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Scatterplots are widely used to visualize scatter dataset for exploring outliers, clusters, local trends, and correlations. Depicting multi-class scattered points within a single scatterplot view, however, may suffer from heavy overdraw, making it inefficient for data analysis. This paper presents a new visual abstraction scheme that employs a hierarchical multi-class sampling technique to show a feature-preserving simplification. To enhance the density contrast, the colors of multiple classes are optimized by taking the multi-class point distributions into account. We design a visual exploration system that supports visual inspection and quantitative analysis from different perspectives. We have applied our system to several challenging datasets, and the results demonstrate the efficiency of our approach.", "title": "Visual Abstraction and Exploration of Multi-class Scatterplots", "normalizedTitle": "Visual Abstraction and Exploration of Multi-class Scatterplots", "fno": "06875982", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Analysis", "Data Visualisation", "Sampling Methods", "Visual Abstraction", "Multiclass Scatterplot", "Scatter Dataset Visualization", "Outliers", "Clusters", "Local Trends", "Correlations", "Scatterplot View", "Data Analysis", "Hierarchical Multiclass Sampling Technique", "Visual Abstraction Scheme", "Feature Preserving Simplification", "Density Contrast", "Multiclass Point Distribution", "Image Color Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Visualization", "Noise", "Estimation", "Market Research", "Statistical Analysis", "Scatterplot", "Overdraw Reduction", "Sampling", "Visual Abstraction" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Haidong", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Haidong Chen", "affiliation": "State Key Lab of CAD&CG", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Wei", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Wei Chen", "affiliation": "State Key Lab of CAD&CG", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Honghui", "surname": "Mei", "fullName": "Honghui Mei", "affiliation": "State Key Lab of CAD&CG", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Zhiqi", "surname": "Liu", "fullName": "Zhiqi Liu", "affiliation": "State Key Lab of CAD&CG", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kun", "surname": "Zhou", "fullName": "Kun Zhou", "affiliation": "State Key Lab of CAD&CG", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Weifeng", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Weifeng Chen", "affiliation": "Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Wentao", "surname": "Gu", "fullName": "Wentao Gu", "affiliation": "Zhejiang GongShang University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kwan-Liu", "surname": "Ma", "fullName": "Kwan-Liu Ma", "affiliation": "University of California at Davis", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2014-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1683-1692", "year": "2014", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "trans/tg/2018/09/08047300", "title": "Cluster-Based Visual Abstraction for Multivariate Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/09/08047300/13rRUILLkvy", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/06/07864468", "title": "Towards Perceptual Optimization of the Visual Design of Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/06/07864468/13rRUILtJzC", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/03/08490694", "title": "ScatterNet: A Deep Subjective Similarity Model for Visual Analysis of Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/03/08490694/14jQfPkRijD", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08807244", "title": "Data Sampling in Multi-view and Multi-class Scatterplots via Set Cover Optimization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08807244/1cG6natfOKY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08809844", "title": "A Recursive Subdivision Technique for Sampling Multi-class Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08809844/1cHEfHRrSOQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2019/2838/0/283800a062", "title": "A Technique for Selection and Drawing of Scatterplots for Multi-Dimensional Data Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2019/283800a062/1cMF8TTAeAw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2019/2838/0", "title": "2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08794768", "title": "Evaluating Perceptual Bias During Geometric Scaling of Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08794768/1cr2ZlCC2xG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0/08933670", "title": "Disentangled Representation of Data Distributions in Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2019/08933670/1fTgGJvQB9e", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09226404", "title": "Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09226404/1nYqk0TjyeY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2021/05/09495208", "title": "Visual Clustering Factors in Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2021/05/09495208/1vyjCkbMBvW", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "06876009", "articleId": "13rRUxASu0L", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "06875958", "articleId": "13rRUxZ0o1C", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAHW0Jc", "title": "June", "year": "2019", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "25", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "18q6mW4N2ZW", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2019.2903956", "abstract": "Scatter plots are the most commonly employed technique for the visualization of bivariate data. Despite their versatility and expressiveness in showing data aspects, such as clusters, correlations, and outliers, scatter plots face a main problem. For large and dense data, the representation suffers from clutter due to overplotting. This is often partially solved with the use of density plots. Yet, data overlap may occur in certain regions of a scatter or density plot, while other regions may be partially, or even completely empty. Adequate pixel-based techniques can be employed for effectively filling the plotting space, giving an additional notion of the numerosity of data motifs or clusters. We propose the Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots, a new and simple variant, to improve the display of dense scatter plots, using pixel-based, space-filling mappings. Our Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots make better use of the plotting canvas, while avoiding data overplotting, and optimizing space coverage and insight in the presence and size of data motifs. We have employed different methods to map scatter plot points to pixels and to visually present this mapping. We demonstrate our approach on several synthetic and realistic datasets, and we discuss the suitability of our technique for different tasks. Our conducted user evaluation shows that our Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots can be a useful enhancement to traditional scatter plots.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Scatter plots are the most commonly employed technique for the visualization of bivariate data. Despite their versatility and expressiveness in showing data aspects, such as clusters, correlations, and outliers, scatter plots face a main problem. For large and dense data, the representation suffers from clutter due to overplotting. This is often partially solved with the use of density plots. Yet, data overlap may occur in certain regions of a scatter or density plot, while other regions may be partially, or even completely empty. Adequate pixel-based techniques can be employed for effectively filling the plotting space, giving an additional notion of the numerosity of data motifs or clusters. We propose the Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots, a new and simple variant, to improve the display of dense scatter plots, using pixel-based, space-filling mappings. Our Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots make better use of the plotting canvas, while avoiding data overplotting, and optimizing space coverage and insight in the presence and size of data motifs. We have employed different methods to map scatter plot points to pixels and to visually present this mapping. We demonstrate our approach on several synthetic and realistic datasets, and we discuss the suitability of our technique for different tasks. Our conducted user evaluation shows that our Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots can be a useful enhancement to traditional scatter plots.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Scatter plots are the most commonly employed technique for the visualization of bivariate data. Despite their versatility and expressiveness in showing data aspects, such as clusters, correlations, and outliers, scatter plots face a main problem. For large and dense data, the representation suffers from clutter due to overplotting. This is often partially solved with the use of density plots. Yet, data overlap may occur in certain regions of a scatter or density plot, while other regions may be partially, or even completely empty. Adequate pixel-based techniques can be employed for effectively filling the plotting space, giving an additional notion of the numerosity of data motifs or clusters. We propose the Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots, a new and simple variant, to improve the display of dense scatter plots, using pixel-based, space-filling mappings. Our Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots make better use of the plotting canvas, while avoiding data overplotting, and optimizing space coverage and insight in the presence and size of data motifs. We have employed different methods to map scatter plot points to pixels and to visually present this mapping. We demonstrate our approach on several synthetic and realistic datasets, and we discuss the suitability of our technique for different tasks. Our conducted user evaluation shows that our Pixel-Relaxed Scatter Plots can be a useful enhancement to traditional scatter plots.", "title": "Relaxing Dense Scatter Plots with Pixel-Based Mappings", "normalizedTitle": "Relaxing Dense Scatter Plots with Pixel-Based Mappings", "fno": "08667672", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Distortion", "Clutter", "Task Analysis", "Visualization", "Estimation", "Correlation", "Scatter Plots", "Overplotting", "Pixel Based Technique", "Space Filling Technique" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Renata G.", "surname": "Raidou", "fullName": "Renata G. Raidou", "affiliation": "TU Wien, Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "M. 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Eduard Gröller", "affiliation": "TU Wien, Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Martin", "surname": "Eisemann", "fullName": "Martin Eisemann", "affiliation": "TH Köln, Köln, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2019-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2205-2216", "year": "2019", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0/08031609", "title": "Making many-to-many parallel coordinate plots scalable by asymmetric biclustering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2017/08031609/12OmNrHjqNa", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bdva/2015/7343/0/07314294", "title": "Guiding the Exploration of Scatter Plot Data Using Motif-Based Interest Measures", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bdva/2015/07314294/12OmNwHz03z", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bdva/2015/7343/0", "title": "2015 Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2013/4892/0/4892b522", "title": "Enhancing Scatter Plots Using Ellipsoid Pixel Placement and Shading", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2013/4892b522/12OmNzwpUnq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2013/4892/0", "title": "2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192696", "title": "Orientation-Enhanced Parallel Coordinate Plots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192696/13rRUwkxc5q", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091526", "title": "Splatterplots: Overcoming Overdraw in Scatter Plots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091526/13rRUxC0SEh", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2010/06/ttg2010060980", "title": "Matching Visual Saliency to Confidence in Plots of Uncertain Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2010/06/ttg2010060980/13rRUxZRbnY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/02/07817898", "title": "Line Graph or Scatter Plot? Automatic Selection of Methods for Visualizing Trends in Time Series", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/02/07817898/13rRUzphDy2", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ai4i/2018/9209/0/08665695", "title": "Multi-Layer Nested Scatter Plot a Data Wrangling Method for Correlated Multi-Channel Time Series Signals", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ai4i/2018/08665695/18qc20o6UKI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ai4i/2018/9209/0", "title": "2018 First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (AI4I)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/01/09904443", "title": "Relaxed Dot Plots: Faithful Visualization of Samples and Their Distribution", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/01/09904443/1H1gjXXGG2s", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2020/9134/0/913400a080", "title": "Enhancing Scatter-plots with Start-plots for Visualising Multi-dimensional Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2020/913400a080/1rSR9e3cPi8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2020/9134/0", "title": "2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "08667696", "articleId": "18q6oNdp5cs", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "08353147", "articleId": "13rRUxNEqQ3", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvsDHDY", "title": "Jan.", "year": "2020", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "26", "label": "Jan.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1cHEfHRrSOQ", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2019.2934541", "abstract": "We present a non-uniform recursive sampling technique for multi-class scatterplots, with the specific goal of faithfully presenting relative data and class densities, while preserving major outliers in the plots. Our technique is based on a customized binary kd-tree, in which leaf nodes are created by recursively subdividing the underlying multi-class density map. By backtracking, we merge leaf nodes until they encompass points of all classes for our subsequently applied outlier-aware multi-class sampling strategy. A quantitative evaluation shows that our approach can better preserve outliers and at the same time relative densities in multi-class scatterplots compared to the previous approaches, several case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in exploring complex and real world data.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a non-uniform recursive sampling technique for multi-class scatterplots, with the specific goal of faithfully presenting relative data and class densities, while preserving major outliers in the plots. Our technique is based on a customized binary kd-tree, in which leaf nodes are created by recursively subdividing the underlying multi-class density map. By backtracking, we merge leaf nodes until they encompass points of all classes for our subsequently applied outlier-aware multi-class sampling strategy. A quantitative evaluation shows that our approach can better preserve outliers and at the same time relative densities in multi-class scatterplots compared to the previous approaches, several case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in exploring complex and real world data.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a non-uniform recursive sampling technique for multi-class scatterplots, with the specific goal of faithfully presenting relative data and class densities, while preserving major outliers in the plots. Our technique is based on a customized binary kd-tree, in which leaf nodes are created by recursively subdividing the underlying multi-class density map. By backtracking, we merge leaf nodes until they encompass points of all classes for our subsequently applied outlier-aware multi-class sampling strategy. A quantitative evaluation shows that our approach can better preserve outliers and at the same time relative densities in multi-class scatterplots compared to the previous approaches, several case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in exploring complex and real world data.", "title": "A Recursive Subdivision Technique for Sampling Multi-class Scatterplots", "normalizedTitle": "A Recursive Subdivision Technique for Sampling Multi-class Scatterplots", "fno": "08809844", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Analysis", "Pattern Classification", "Pattern Clustering", "Recursive Estimation", "Sampling Methods", "Trees Mathematics", "Recursive Subdivision Technique", "Nonuniform Recursive Sampling Technique", "Leaf Nodes", "Multiclass Sampling Strategy", "Multiclass Scatterplots Sampling", "Binary Kd Tree", "Multiclass Density Map", "Visualization", "Data Visualization", "Measurement", "Sampling Methods", "Estimation", "Clutter", "Image Color Analysis", "Scatterplot", "Multi Class Sampling", "Kd Tree", "Outlier", "Relative Density" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Xin", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Xin Chen", "affiliation": "Shandong University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tong", "surname": "Ge", "fullName": "Tong Ge", "affiliation": "Shandong University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jian", "surname": "Zhang", "fullName": "Jian Zhang", "affiliation": "CNIC, CAS", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Baoquan", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Baoquan Chen", "affiliation": "Peking University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chi-Wing", "surname": "Fu", "fullName": "Chi-Wing Fu", "affiliation": "Chinese University of Hong Kong, Guangdong Prov. Key Lab. of CV and VR Tech., SIAT", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Oliver", "surname": "Deussen", "fullName": "Oliver Deussen", "affiliation": "Konstanz University, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yunhai", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Yunhai Wang", "affiliation": "Shandong University", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2020-01-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "729-738", "year": "2020", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "trans/tg/2018/09/08047300", "title": "Cluster-Based Visual Abstraction for Multivariate Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/09/08047300/13rRUILLkvy", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/12/06875982", "title": "Visual Abstraction and Exploration of Multi-class Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/12/06875982/13rRUygT7ye", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440853", "title": "Optimizing Color Assignment for Perception of Class Separability in Multiclass Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440853/17D45VTRoxJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08807244", "title": "Data Sampling in Multi-view and Multi-class Scatterplots via Set Cover Optimization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08807244/1cG6natfOKY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2019/2838/0/283800a062", "title": "A Technique for Selection and Drawing of Scatterplots for Multi-Dimensional Data Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2019/283800a062/1cMF8TTAeAw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2019/2838/0", "title": "2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08794768", "title": "Evaluating Perceptual Bias During Geometric Scaling of Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08794768/1cr2ZlCC2xG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09224191", "title": "Context-aware Sampling of Large Networks via Graph Representation Learning", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09224191/1nV59fPyCPe", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09226404", "title": "Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Scatterplots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09226404/1nYqk0TjyeY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vast/2020/8009/0/800900a060", "title": "Visual Abstraction of Geographical Point Data with Spatial Autocorrelations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2020/800900a060/1q7jw7xKEh2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2020/8009/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/01/09552916", "title": "Pyramid-based Scatterplots Sampling for Progressive and Streaming Data Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/01/09552916/1xic8Hlfu4o", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "08807369", "articleId": "1cG6oJ0zDtm", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "08807244", "articleId": "1cG6natfOKY", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAnuTsb", "title": "July", "year": "2016", "issueNum": "07", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "22", "label": "July", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUEgarsK", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2015.2473835", "abstract": "In this paper, we introduce a volumetric partitioning strategy based on a generalized sweeping framework to seamlessly partition the volume of an input triangle mesh into a collection of deformed cuboids. This is achieved by a user-designed volumetric harmonic function that guides the decomposition of the input volume into a sequence of two-manifold level sets. A skeletal structure whose corners correspond to corner vertices of a 2D parameterization is extracted for each level set. Corners are placed so that the skeletal structure aligns with features of the input object. Then, a skeletal surface is constructed by matching the skeletal structures of adjacent level sets. The surface sheets of this skeletal surface partition the input volume into the deformed cuboids. The collection of cuboids does not exhibit T-junctions, significantly simplifying the hexahedral mesh generation process, and in particular, it simplifies fitting trivariate B-splines to the deformed cuboids. Intersections of the surface sheets of the skeletal surface correspond to the singular edges of the generated hex-meshes. We apply our technique to a variety of 3D objects and demonstrate the benefit of the structure decomposition in data fitting.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In this paper, we introduce a volumetric partitioning strategy based on a generalized sweeping framework to seamlessly partition the volume of an input triangle mesh into a collection of deformed cuboids. This is achieved by a user-designed volumetric harmonic function that guides the decomposition of the input volume into a sequence of two-manifold level sets. A skeletal structure whose corners correspond to corner vertices of a 2D parameterization is extracted for each level set. Corners are placed so that the skeletal structure aligns with features of the input object. Then, a skeletal surface is constructed by matching the skeletal structures of adjacent level sets. The surface sheets of this skeletal surface partition the input volume into the deformed cuboids. The collection of cuboids does not exhibit T-junctions, significantly simplifying the hexahedral mesh generation process, and in particular, it simplifies fitting trivariate B-splines to the deformed cuboids. Intersections of the surface sheets of the skeletal surface correspond to the singular edges of the generated hex-meshes. We apply our technique to a variety of 3D objects and demonstrate the benefit of the structure decomposition in data fitting.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In this paper, we introduce a volumetric partitioning strategy based on a generalized sweeping framework to seamlessly partition the volume of an input triangle mesh into a collection of deformed cuboids. This is achieved by a user-designed volumetric harmonic function that guides the decomposition of the input volume into a sequence of two-manifold level sets. A skeletal structure whose corners correspond to corner vertices of a 2D parameterization is extracted for each level set. Corners are placed so that the skeletal structure aligns with features of the input object. Then, a skeletal surface is constructed by matching the skeletal structures of adjacent level sets. The surface sheets of this skeletal surface partition the input volume into the deformed cuboids. The collection of cuboids does not exhibit T-junctions, significantly simplifying the hexahedral mesh generation process, and in particular, it simplifies fitting trivariate B-splines to the deformed cuboids. Intersections of the surface sheets of the skeletal surface correspond to the singular edges of the generated hex-meshes. We apply our technique to a variety of 3D objects and demonstrate the benefit of the structure decomposition in data fitting.", "title": "Structured Volume Decomposition via Generalized Sweeping", "normalizedTitle": "Structured Volume Decomposition via Generalized Sweeping", "fno": "07226867", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Level Set", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Harmonic Analysis", "Surface Treatment", "Finite Element Analysis", "Splines Mathematics", "Computational Modeling", "Sweeping", "Volume Decomposition", "Hexahedral Structure", "Sweeping", "Volume Decomposition", "Hexahedral Structure" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Xifeng", "surname": "Gao", "fullName": "Xifeng Gao", "affiliation": ", Department of Computer Science, Houston, TX", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tobias", "surname": "Martin", "fullName": "Tobias Martin", "affiliation": ", Department of Computer Science, Zürich, Switzerland", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sai", "surname": "Deng", "fullName": "Sai Deng", "affiliation": ", School of Computing, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Elaine", "surname": "Cohen", "fullName": "Elaine Cohen", "affiliation": ", School of Computing, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Zhigang", "surname": "Deng", "fullName": "Zhigang Deng", "affiliation": ", Department of Computer Science, Houston, TX", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Guoning", "surname": "Chen", "fullName": "Guoning Chen", "affiliation": ", Department of Computer Science, Houston, TX", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "07", "pubDate": "2016-07-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1899-1911", "year": "2016", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icdh/2016/4400/0/4400a054", "title": "Image Representation of Rational Surface Based on Tensor Product Form", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdh/2016/4400a054/12OmNApu5Dv", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdh/2016/4400/0", "title": "2016 6th International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdh/2016/4400/0/4400a272", "title": "A Balanced Surface Parameterization Method and Its Application to Spline Fitting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdh/2016/4400a272/12OmNBC8Awf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdh/2016/4400/0", "title": "2016 6th International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/aiccsa/2017/3581/0/3581a327", "title": "Approach for CAD model 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"/proceedings-article/case/2012/06386488/12OmNzBOhMH", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/case/2012/0430/0", "title": "2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2012)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sibgrapi/2013/5099/0/5099a039", "title": "Applications of Conformal Geometric Algebra in Mesh Deformation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sibgrapi/2013/5099a039/12OmNzsJ7DK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sibgrapi/2013/5099/0", "title": "2013 XXVI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/5555/01/10113186", "title": "Patching Non-Uniform Extraordinary Points", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/5555/01/10113186/1MNbNVYb4sw", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv-2/2019/2850/0/285000a147", "title": "Volume Completion for Trimmed B-Reps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv-2/2019/285000a147/1cMEQrpMzQI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv-2/2019/2850/0", "title": "2019 23rd International Conference in Information Visualization – Part II", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cscc/2020/6503/0/650300a121", "title": "Wavelet Decomposition for Generalized Haar Spaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cscc/2020/650300a121/1t2mRH9jNGU", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cscc/2020/6503/0", "title": "2020 24th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icedme/2021/3596/0/359600a268", "title": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNqESuij", "title": "May", "year": "2012", "issueNum": "05", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "18", "label": "May", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUIM2VH1", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2011.102", "abstract": "This paper presents a volumetric modeling framework to construct a novel spline scheme called restricted trivariate polycube splines (RTP-splines). The RTP-spline aims to generalize both trivariate T-splines and tensor-product B-splines; it uses solid polycube structure as underlying parametric domains and strictly bounds blending functions within such domains. We construct volumetric RTP-splines in a top-down fashion in four steps: 1) Extending the polycube domain to its bounding volume via space filling; 2) building the B-spline volume over the extended domain with restricted boundaries; 3) inserting duplicate knots by adding anchor points and performing local refinement; and 4) removing exterior cells and anchors. Besides local refinement inherited from general T-splines, the RTP-splines have a few attractive properties as follows: 1) They naturally model solid objects with complicated topologies/bifurcations using a one-piece continuous representation without domain trimming/patching/merging. 2) They have guaranteed semistandardness so that the functions and derivatives evaluation is very efficient. 3) Their restricted support regions of blending functions prevent control points from influencing other nearby domain regions that stay opposite to the immediate boundaries. These features are highly desirable for certain applications such as isogeometric analysis. We conduct extensive experiments on converting complicated solid models into RTP-splines, and demonstrate the proposed spline to be a powerful and promising tool for volumetric modeling and other scientific/engineering applications where data sets with multiattributes are prevalent.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper presents a volumetric modeling framework to construct a novel spline scheme called restricted trivariate polycube splines (RTP-splines). The RTP-spline aims to generalize both trivariate T-splines and tensor-product B-splines; it uses solid polycube structure as underlying parametric domains and strictly bounds blending functions within such domains. We construct volumetric RTP-splines in a top-down fashion in four steps: 1) Extending the polycube domain to its bounding volume via space filling; 2) building the B-spline volume over the extended domain with restricted boundaries; 3) inserting duplicate knots by adding anchor points and performing local refinement; and 4) removing exterior cells and anchors. Besides local refinement inherited from general T-splines, the RTP-splines have a few attractive properties as follows: 1) They naturally model solid objects with complicated topologies/bifurcations using a one-piece continuous representation without domain trimming/patching/merging. 2) They have guaranteed semistandardness so that the functions and derivatives evaluation is very efficient. 3) Their restricted support regions of blending functions prevent control points from influencing other nearby domain regions that stay opposite to the immediate boundaries. These features are highly desirable for certain applications such as isogeometric analysis. We conduct extensive experiments on converting complicated solid models into RTP-splines, and demonstrate the proposed spline to be a powerful and promising tool for volumetric modeling and other scientific/engineering applications where data sets with multiattributes are prevalent.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This paper presents a volumetric modeling framework to construct a novel spline scheme called restricted trivariate polycube splines (RTP-splines). The RTP-spline aims to generalize both trivariate T-splines and tensor-product B-splines; it uses solid polycube structure as underlying parametric domains and strictly bounds blending functions within such domains. We construct volumetric RTP-splines in a top-down fashion in four steps: 1) Extending the polycube domain to its bounding volume via space filling; 2) building the B-spline volume over the extended domain with restricted boundaries; 3) inserting duplicate knots by adding anchor points and performing local refinement; and 4) removing exterior cells and anchors. Besides local refinement inherited from general T-splines, the RTP-splines have a few attractive properties as follows: 1) They naturally model solid objects with complicated topologies/bifurcations using a one-piece continuous representation without domain trimming/patching/merging. 2) They have guaranteed semistandardness so that the functions and derivatives evaluation is very efficient. 3) Their restricted support regions of blending functions prevent control points from influencing other nearby domain regions that stay opposite to the immediate boundaries. These features are highly desirable for certain applications such as isogeometric analysis. We conduct extensive experiments on converting complicated solid models into RTP-splines, and demonstrate the proposed spline to be a powerful and promising tool for volumetric modeling and other scientific/engineering applications where data sets with multiattributes are prevalent.", "title": "Restricted Trivariate Polycube Splines for Volumetric Data Modeling", "normalizedTitle": "Restricted Trivariate Polycube Splines for Volumetric Data Modeling", "fno": "ttg2012050703", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Splines Mathematics", "Solid Modelling", "Isogeometric Analysis", "Volumetric Data Modeling", "RTP Splines Scheme", "Restricted Trivariate Polycube Splines Scheme", "Trivariate T Splines", "Tensor Product B Splines", "Polycube Structure", "Parametric Domain", "Strictly Bounds Blending Function", "Space Filling", "Bounding Volume", "Anchor Points", "Local Refinement", "Exterior Cell Removal", "Anchors Removal", "One Piece Continuous Representation", "Domain Trimming", "Domain Patching", "Domain Merging", "Blending Function", "Splines Mathematics", "Solid Modeling", "Solids", "Surface Reconstruction", "Surface Topography", "Computational Modeling", "Polycube Mapping", "Trivariate Splines", "Polycube Splines" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": null, "surname": "Kexiang Wang", "fullName": "Kexiang Wang", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stony Brook Univ., Stony Brook, NY, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Xin Li", "fullName": "Xin Li", "affiliation": "Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Bo Li", "fullName": "Bo Li", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stony Brook Univ., Stony Brook, NY, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Huanhuan Xu", "fullName": "Huanhuan Xu", "affiliation": "Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Hong Qin", "fullName": "Hong Qin", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stony Brook Univ., Stony Brook, NY, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "05", "pubDate": "2012-05-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "703-716", "year": "2012", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2003/2030/0/20300052", "title": "Visualization of Volume Data with Quadratic Super Splines", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2003/20300052/12OmNCctfhz", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2003/2030/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/1997/8076/0/80760082", "title": "Designing of curves and surfaces using cubic splines with geometric characterization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/1997/80760082/12OmNvDZETM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/1997/8076/0", "title": "Proceedings. 1997 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (Cat. No.97TB100165)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/smi/2010/7259/0/05521474", "title": "Generalized PolyCube Trivariate Splines", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/smi/2010/05521474/12OmNwsNR9b", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/smi/2010/7259/0", "title": "Shape Modeling International (SMI 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/smi/2010/7259/0/05521459", "title": "Ridge Extraction from Isosurfaces of Volumetric Data Using Implicit B-Splines", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/smi/2010/05521459/12OmNxE2n2x", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/smi/2010/7259/0", "title": "Shape Modeling International (SMI 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pg/2001/1227/0/12270254", "title": "Haptic Sculpting of Volumetric Implicit Functions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pg/2001/12270254/12OmNzV70HP", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pg/2001/1227/0", "title": "Computer Graphics and Applications, Pacific Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091539", "title": "Surface Mesh to Volumetric Spline Conversion with Generalized Polycubes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091539/13rRUEgarsH", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2004/04/v0397", "title": "Reconstruction of Volume Data with Quadratic Super Splines", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2004/04/v0397/13rRUxBa5bH", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/02/ttg2008020313", "title": "Practical Box Splines for Reconstruction on the Body Centered Cubic Lattice", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/02/ttg2008020313/13rRUxZRbnW", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/1997/03/v0228", "title": "Scattered Data Interpolation with Multilevel B-Splines", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/1997/03/v0228/13rRUxly9dH", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cscc/2020/6503/0/650300a135", "title": "On Construction of Singular Splines", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cscc/2020/650300a135/1t2mWTao4uI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cscc/2020/6503/0", "title": "2020 24th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2012050689", "articleId": "13rRUwkxc5p", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2012050717", "articleId": "13rRUwInvf5", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYet53", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "23 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNy5R3uY", "title": "Feb.", "year": "2019", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "25", "label": "Feb.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "17D45WrVgaB", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2762304", "abstract": "Two-dimensional height fields are the most common data structure used for storing and rendering of terrain in offline rendering and especially real-time computer graphics. By its very nature, a height field cannot store terrain structures with multiple vertical layers such as overhanging cliffs, caves, or arches. This restriction does not apply to volumetric data structures. However, the workflow of manual modelling and editing of volumetric terrain usually is tedious and very time-consuming. Therefore, we propose to use three-dimensional curve-based primitives to efficiently model prominent, large-scale terrain features. We present a technique for volumetric generation of a complete terrain surface from the sparse input data by means of diffusion-based algorithms. By combining an efficient, feature-based toolset with a volumetric terrain representation, the modelling workflow is accelerated and simplified while retaining the full artistic freedom of volumetric terrains. Feature Curves also contain material information that can be complemented with local details by using per-face texture mapping. All stages of our method are GPU-accelerated using compute shaders to ensure interactive editing of terrain. Please note that this paper is an extended version of our previously published work [1] .", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Two-dimensional height fields are the most common data structure used for storing and rendering of terrain in offline rendering and especially real-time computer graphics. By its very nature, a height field cannot store terrain structures with multiple vertical layers such as overhanging cliffs, caves, or arches. This restriction does not apply to volumetric data structures. However, the workflow of manual modelling and editing of volumetric terrain usually is tedious and very time-consuming. Therefore, we propose to use three-dimensional curve-based primitives to efficiently model prominent, large-scale terrain features. We present a technique for volumetric generation of a complete terrain surface from the sparse input data by means of diffusion-based algorithms. By combining an efficient, feature-based toolset with a volumetric terrain representation, the modelling workflow is accelerated and simplified while retaining the full artistic freedom of volumetric terrains. Feature Curves also contain material information that can be complemented with local details by using per-face texture mapping. All stages of our method are GPU-accelerated using compute shaders to ensure interactive editing of terrain. Please note that this paper is an extended version of our previously published work [1] .", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Two-dimensional height fields are the most common data structure used for storing and rendering of terrain in offline rendering and especially real-time computer graphics. By its very nature, a height field cannot store terrain structures with multiple vertical layers such as overhanging cliffs, caves, or arches. This restriction does not apply to volumetric data structures. However, the workflow of manual modelling and editing of volumetric terrain usually is tedious and very time-consuming. Therefore, we propose to use three-dimensional curve-based primitives to efficiently model prominent, large-scale terrain features. We present a technique for volumetric generation of a complete terrain surface from the sparse input data by means of diffusion-based algorithms. By combining an efficient, feature-based toolset with a volumetric terrain representation, the modelling workflow is accelerated and simplified while retaining the full artistic freedom of volumetric terrains. Feature Curves also contain material information that can be complemented with local details by using per-face texture mapping. All stages of our method are GPU-accelerated using compute shaders to ensure interactive editing of terrain. Please note that this paper is an extended version of our previously published work [1] .", "title": "Feature-Based Volumetric Terrain Generation and Decoration", "normalizedTitle": "Feature-Based Volumetric Terrain Generation and Decoration", "fno": "08066313", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computational Modeling", "Tools", "Splines Mathematics", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Terrain", "Interactive Modeling", "Volumetric Representations", "Spline Curves", "Diffusion", "GPU", "Surface Texture", "Ptex" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Michael", "surname": "Becher", "fullName": "Michael Becher", "affiliation": "Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS), Stuttgart, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michael", "surname": "Krone", "fullName": "Michael Krone", "affiliation": "Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS), Stuttgart, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Guido", "surname": "Reina", "fullName": "Guido Reina", "affiliation": "Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS), Stuttgart, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Thomas", "surname": "Ertl", "fullName": "Thomas Ertl", "affiliation": "Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS), Stuttgart, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2019-02-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1283-1296", "year": "2019", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icvrv/2014/6854/0/6854a424", "title": "The Study of the Terrain Rendering Method Based on Ray Casting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icvrv/2014/6854a424/12OmNAoUTx7", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icvrv/2014/6854/0", "title": "2014 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icitcs/2014/6541/0/07021710", "title": "A Height-Map Based Terrain Rendering with Tessellation Hardware", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icitcs/2014/07021710/12OmNBE7Ms6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icitcs/2014/6541/0", "title": "2014 International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2000/0478/0/04780197", "title": "Interactive Stereoscopic Rendering of Voxel-Based Terrain", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2000/04780197/12OmNBPc8wv", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2000/0478/0", "title": "Virtual Reality Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" 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"abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cse/2014/7981b827/12OmNqyUUzM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cse/2014/7981/0", "title": "2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cw/2013/2246/0/2246a020", "title": "Volumetric Virtual Worlds with Layered Terrain Generation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2013/2246a020/12OmNwcUjRJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2013/2246/0", "title": "2013 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cw/2017/2089/0/2089a111", "title": "Automatic Generation of a 3D Terrain Model from Key Contours", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2017/2089a111/12OmNzA6GHk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2017/2089/0", "title": "2017 International 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNvqEvRo", "title": "PrePrints", "year": "5555", "issueNum": "01", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": null, "label": "PrePrints", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1MNbNVYb4sw", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2023.3271669", "abstract": "Smooth surfaces from an arbitrary topological control grid have been widely studied, which are mostly generalized from splines with uniform knot intervals. These methods fail to work well on extraordinary points (EPs) whose edges have varying knot intervals. This paper presents a patching solution for arbitrary topological 2-manifold control grid with non-uniform knots that defines one bi-cubic B&#x00E9;zier patch per control grid face except those faces with EPs. Experimental results demonstrate that the new solution can improve the surface quality for non-uniform parameterization. Applications in surface reconstruction, arbitrary sharp features on the complex surface and tool path planning for the new surface representation are also provided in the paper.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Smooth surfaces from an arbitrary topological control grid have been widely studied, which are mostly generalized from splines with uniform knot intervals. These methods fail to work well on extraordinary points (EPs) whose edges have varying knot intervals. This paper presents a patching solution for arbitrary topological 2-manifold control grid with non-uniform knots that defines one bi-cubic B&#x00E9;zier patch per control grid face except those faces with EPs. Experimental results demonstrate that the new solution can improve the surface quality for non-uniform parameterization. Applications in surface reconstruction, arbitrary sharp features on the complex surface and tool path planning for the new surface representation are also provided in the paper.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Smooth surfaces from an arbitrary topological control grid have been widely studied, which are mostly generalized from splines with uniform knot intervals. These methods fail to work well on extraordinary points (EPs) whose edges have varying knot intervals. This paper presents a patching solution for arbitrary topological 2-manifold control grid with non-uniform knots that defines one bi-cubic Bézier patch per control grid face except those faces with EPs. Experimental results demonstrate that the new solution can improve the surface quality for non-uniform parameterization. Applications in surface reconstruction, arbitrary sharp features on the complex surface and tool path planning for the new surface representation are also provided in the paper.", "title": "Patching Non-Uniform Extraordinary Points", "normalizedTitle": "Patching Non-Uniform Extraordinary Points", "fno": "10113186", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Splines Mathematics", "Surface Reconstruction", "Faces", "Surface Topography", "Topology", "Surface Treatment", "Solid Modeling", "Capping", "Extraordinary Points", "NURBS", "T Splines" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yi-Fei", "surname": "Feng", "fullName": "Yi-Fei Feng", "affiliation": "UCAS, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Li-Yong", "surname": "Shen", "fullName": "Li-Yong Shen", "affiliation": "UCAS, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xin", "surname": "Li", "fullName": "Xin Li", "affiliation": "University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chun-Ming", "surname": "Yuan", "fullName": "Chun-Ming Yuan", "affiliation": "AMSS, CAS, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xing", "surname": "Jiang", "fullName": "Xing Jiang", "affiliation": "Beihang University, Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "01", "pubDate": "2023-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1-11", "year": "5555", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icdh/2016/4400/0/4400a272", "title": "A Balanced Surface Parameterization Method and Its Application to Spline Fitting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdh/2016/4400a272/12OmNBC8Awf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdh/2016/4400/0", "title": "2016 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"RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cad-graphics/2015/8020/0/07450396", "title": "Parameter Estimation of Point Projection on NURBS Curves and Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cad-graphics/2015/07450396/12OmNwwd2UN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cad-graphics/2015/8020/0", "title": "2015 14th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pg/1999/0293/0/02930179", "title": "Eigenanalysis and Continuity of Non-Uniform Doo-Sabin Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pg/1999/02930179/12OmNy1SFCx", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pg/1999/0293/0", "title": "Computer Graphics and Applications, Pacific Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cad-graphics/2013/2576/0/06814976", "title": "TV-L1 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNx8fieR", "title": "March", "year": "2012", "issueNum": "03", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "18", "label": "March", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxAATgu", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2011.35", "abstract": "We present an algorithm that enables real-time dynamic shading in direct volume rendering using general lighting, including directional lights, point lights, and environment maps. Real-time performance is achieved by encoding local and global volumetric visibility using spherical harmonic (SH) basis functions stored in an efficient multiresolution grid over the extent of the volume. Our method enables high-frequency shadows in the spatial domain, but is limited to a low-frequency approximation of visibility and illumination in the angular domain. In a first pass, level of detail (LOD) selection in the grid is based on the current transfer function setting. This enables rapid online computation and SH projection of the local spherical distribution of visibility information. Using a piecewise integration of the SH coefficients over the local regions, the global visibility within the volume is then computed. By representing the light sources using their SH projections, the integral over lighting, visibility, and isotropic phase functions can be efficiently computed during rendering. The utility of our method is demonstrated in several examples showing the generality and interactive performance of the approach.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present an algorithm that enables real-time dynamic shading in direct volume rendering using general lighting, including directional lights, point lights, and environment maps. Real-time performance is achieved by encoding local and global volumetric visibility using spherical harmonic (SH) basis functions stored in an efficient multiresolution grid over the extent of the volume. Our method enables high-frequency shadows in the spatial domain, but is limited to a low-frequency approximation of visibility and illumination in the angular domain. In a first pass, level of detail (LOD) selection in the grid is based on the current transfer function setting. This enables rapid online computation and SH projection of the local spherical distribution of visibility information. Using a piecewise integration of the SH coefficients over the local regions, the global visibility within the volume is then computed. By representing the light sources using their SH projections, the integral over lighting, visibility, and isotropic phase functions can be efficiently computed during rendering. The utility of our method is demonstrated in several examples showing the generality and interactive performance of the approach.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present an algorithm that enables real-time dynamic shading in direct volume rendering using general lighting, including directional lights, point lights, and environment maps. Real-time performance is achieved by encoding local and global volumetric visibility using spherical harmonic (SH) basis functions stored in an efficient multiresolution grid over the extent of the volume. Our method enables high-frequency shadows in the spatial domain, but is limited to a low-frequency approximation of visibility and illumination in the angular domain. In a first pass, level of detail (LOD) selection in the grid is based on the current transfer function setting. This enables rapid online computation and SH projection of the local spherical distribution of visibility information. Using a piecewise integration of the SH coefficients over the local regions, the global visibility within the volume is then computed. By representing the light sources using their SH projections, the integral over lighting, visibility, and isotropic phase functions can be efficiently computed during rendering. The utility of our method is demonstrated in several examples showing the generality and interactive performance of the approach.", "title": "Efficient Visibility Encoding for Dynamic Illumination in Direct Volume Rendering", "normalizedTitle": "Efficient Visibility Encoding for Dynamic Illumination in Direct Volume Rendering", "fno": "ttg2012030447", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Volumetric Illumination", "Precomputed Radiance Transfer", "Volume Rendering" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Joel", "surname": "Kronander", "fullName": "Joel Kronander", "affiliation": "Linköping University, Norrköping", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Jönsson", "fullName": "Daniel Jönsson", "affiliation": "Linköping University, Norrköping", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Joakim", "surname": "Löw", "fullName": "Joakim Löw", "affiliation": "Linköping University, Norrköping", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Patric", "surname": "Ljung", "fullName": "Patric Ljung", "affiliation": "Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Anders", "surname": "Ynnerman", "fullName": "Anders Ynnerman", "affiliation": "Linköping University, Norrköping", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jonas", "surname": "Unger", "fullName": "Jonas Unger", "affiliation": "Linköping University, Norrköping", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "03", "pubDate": "2012-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "447-462", "year": "2012", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/vs-games/2011/4419/0/4419a055", "title": "Approximate Visibility Grids for Interactive Indirect Illumination", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vs-games/2011/4419a055/12OmNqBKTM9", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vs-games/2011/4419/0", "title": "Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, Conference in", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2002/7498/0/7498bergner", "title": "Interactive Spectral Volume Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2002/7498bergner/12OmNqEjhXN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2002/7498/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacific-graphics/2010/4205/0/4205a024", "title": "Fast Height-Field Rendering under Image-Based Lighting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacific-graphics/2010/4205a024/12OmNs0C9Uf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacific-graphics/2010/4205/0", "title": "Pacific Conference on Computer 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"title": "Noise-Resistant Fitting for Spherical Harmonics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/02/v0254/13rRUwhHcQL", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/02/v0186", "title": "Interactive Display of Isosurfaces with Global Illumination", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/02/v0186/13rRUxC0SvL", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2010/04/ttg2010040548", "title": "Local Ambient Occlusion in Direct Volume Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2010/04/ttg2010040548/13rRUy0HYRk", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122364", "title": "Historygrams: Enabling Interactive Global Illumination in Direct Volume Rendering using Photon Mapping", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122364/13rRUyYjK5h", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/08/ttg2013081317", "title": "Real-Time Volume Rendering in Dynamic Lighting Environments Using Precomputed Photon Mapping", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/08/ttg2013081317/13rRUynHuja", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2012030434", "articleId": "13rRUwI5TQV", "__typename": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNx8fif0", "title": "Sept.", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "09", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "Sept.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxly8T2", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2016.2606498", "abstract": "Stochastically solving the rendering integral (particularly visibility) is the de-facto standard for physically-based light transport but it is computationally expensive, especially when displaying heterogeneous volumetric data. In this work, we present efficient techniques to speed-up the rendering process via a novel visibility-estimation method in concert with an unbiased importance sampling (involving environmental lighting and visibility inside the volume), filtering, and update techniques for both static and animated scenes. Our major contributions include a progressive estimate of partial occlusions based on a fast sweeping-plane algorithm. These occlusions are stored in an octahedral representation, which can be conveniently transformed into a quadtree-based hierarchy suited for a joint importance sampling. Further, we propose sweep-space filtering, which suppresses the occurrence of fireflies and investigate different update schemes for animated scenes. Our technique is unbiased, requires little precomputation, is highly parallelizable, and is applicable to a various volume data sets, dynamic transfer functions, animated volumes and changing environmental lighting.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Stochastically solving the rendering integral (particularly visibility) is the de-facto standard for physically-based light transport but it is computationally expensive, especially when displaying heterogeneous volumetric data. In this work, we present efficient techniques to speed-up the rendering process via a novel visibility-estimation method in concert with an unbiased importance sampling (involving environmental lighting and visibility inside the volume), filtering, and update techniques for both static and animated scenes. Our major contributions include a progressive estimate of partial occlusions based on a fast sweeping-plane algorithm. These occlusions are stored in an octahedral representation, which can be conveniently transformed into a quadtree-based hierarchy suited for a joint importance sampling. Further, we propose sweep-space filtering, which suppresses the occurrence of fireflies and investigate different update schemes for animated scenes. Our technique is unbiased, requires little precomputation, is highly parallelizable, and is applicable to a various volume data sets, dynamic transfer functions, animated volumes and changing environmental lighting.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Stochastically solving the rendering integral (particularly visibility) is the de-facto standard for physically-based light transport but it is computationally expensive, especially when displaying heterogeneous volumetric data. In this work, we present efficient techniques to speed-up the rendering process via a novel visibility-estimation method in concert with an unbiased importance sampling (involving environmental lighting and visibility inside the volume), filtering, and update techniques for both static and animated scenes. Our major contributions include a progressive estimate of partial occlusions based on a fast sweeping-plane algorithm. These occlusions are stored in an octahedral representation, which can be conveniently transformed into a quadtree-based hierarchy suited for a joint importance sampling. Further, we propose sweep-space filtering, which suppresses the occurrence of fireflies and investigate different update schemes for animated scenes. Our technique is unbiased, requires little precomputation, is highly parallelizable, and is applicable to a various volume data sets, dynamic transfer functions, animated volumes and changing environmental lighting.", "title": "Efficient Stochastic Rendering of Static and Animated Volumes Using Visibility Sweeps", "normalizedTitle": "Efficient Stochastic Rendering of Static and Animated Volumes Using Visibility Sweeps", "fno": "07562447", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Lighting", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Monte Carlo Methods", "Transfer Functions", "Scattering", "Light Sources", "Visibility", "Raytracing", "Volume Rendering", "Stochastic Rendering", "Importance Sampling" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Philipp", "surname": "von Radziewsky", "fullName": "Philipp von Radziewsky", "affiliation": "Delft University of Technology, CD Delft, Netherlands", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Thomas", "surname": "Kroes", "fullName": "Thomas Kroes", "affiliation": "Delft University of Technology, CD Delft, Netherlands", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Martin", "surname": "Eisemann", "fullName": "Martin Eisemann", "affiliation": "TH Köln, Köln, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Elmar", "surname": "Eisemann", "fullName": "Elmar Eisemann", "affiliation": "Delft University of Technology, CD Delft, Netherlands", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "09", "pubDate": "2017-09-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2069-2081", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/aqtr/2016/8692/0/07501323", "title": "System for visibility distance estimation in fog conditions based on light sources and visual acuity", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/aqtr/2016/07501323/12OmNAYGlBo", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/aqtr/2016/8692/0", "title": "2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgi/2001/1007/0/10070201", "title": "A Monte Carlo Method for Accelerating the Computation of Animated Radiosity Sequences", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgi/2001/10070201/12OmNrYlmvM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgi/2001/1007/0", "title": "Proceedings. Computer Graphics International 2001", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cw/2017/2089/0/2089a056", "title": "Voxel-Based Interactive Rendering of Translucent Materials under Area Lights Using Sparse Samples", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2017/2089a056/12OmNvDqsQf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2017/2089/0", "title": "2017 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/1993/3870/0/00378226", "title": "Diffuse shading, visibility fields, and the geometry of ambient light", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/1993/00378226/12OmNzw8iWV", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/1993/3870/0", "title": "1993 (4th) International Conference on Computer Vision", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091566", "title": "VisibilityCluster: Average Directional Visibility for Many-Light Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091566/13rRUwInvsP", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/03/ttg2012030447", "title": "Efficient Visibility Encoding for Dynamic Illumination in Direct Volume Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/03/ttg2012030447/13rRUxAATgu", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/02/06905831", "title": "Position-Dependent Importance Sampling of Light Field Luminaires", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/02/06905831/13rRUxASu0M", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2003/03/mcg2003030028", "title": "Efficient Light Transport Using Precomputed Visibility", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2003/03/mcg2003030028/13rRUzpzeHH", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2018/6420/0/642000c374", "title": "Document Enhancement Using Visibility Detection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2018/642000c374/17D45X0yjSK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2018/6420/0", "title": "2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/10/09113332", "title": "Stochastic Lightcuts for Sampling Many Lights", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/10/09113332/1kxX2rlqpDa", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07567502", "articleId": "13rRUIIVlkn", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07558244", "articleId": "13rRUxly95G", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXWRX5", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "26.9 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "1wznUTxaKsw", "title": "Oct.", "year": "2021", "issueNum": "10", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "27", "label": "Oct.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1kxX2rlqpDa", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2020.3001271", "abstract": "We introduce stochastic lightcuts by combining the lighting approximation of lightcuts with stochastic sampling for efficiently rendering scenes with a large number of light sources. Our stochastic lightcuts method entirely eliminates the sampling correlation of lightcuts and replaces it with noise. To minimize this noise, we present a robust hierarchical sampling strategy, combining the benefits of importance sampling, adaptive sampling, and stratified sampling. Our approach also provides temporally stable results and lifts any restrictions on the light types that can be approximated with lightcuts. We present examples of using stochastic lightcuts with path tracing and indirect illumination with virtual lights, achieving more than an order of magnitude faster render times than lightcuts by effectively approximating direct illumination using a small number of light samples, in addition to providing temporal stability. Our comparisons to other stochastic sampling techniques demonstrate that we provide superior sampling quality that matches and improves the excellent convergence rates of the lightcuts approach.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We introduce stochastic lightcuts by combining the lighting approximation of lightcuts with stochastic sampling for efficiently rendering scenes with a large number of light sources. Our stochastic lightcuts method entirely eliminates the sampling correlation of lightcuts and replaces it with noise. To minimize this noise, we present a robust hierarchical sampling strategy, combining the benefits of importance sampling, adaptive sampling, and stratified sampling. Our approach also provides temporally stable results and lifts any restrictions on the light types that can be approximated with lightcuts. We present examples of using stochastic lightcuts with path tracing and indirect illumination with virtual lights, achieving more than an order of magnitude faster render times than lightcuts by effectively approximating direct illumination using a small number of light samples, in addition to providing temporal stability. Our comparisons to other stochastic sampling techniques demonstrate that we provide superior sampling quality that matches and improves the excellent convergence rates of the lightcuts approach.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We introduce stochastic lightcuts by combining the lighting approximation of lightcuts with stochastic sampling for efficiently rendering scenes with a large number of light sources. Our stochastic lightcuts method entirely eliminates the sampling correlation of lightcuts and replaces it with noise. To minimize this noise, we present a robust hierarchical sampling strategy, combining the benefits of importance sampling, adaptive sampling, and stratified sampling. Our approach also provides temporally stable results and lifts any restrictions on the light types that can be approximated with lightcuts. We present examples of using stochastic lightcuts with path tracing and indirect illumination with virtual lights, achieving more than an order of magnitude faster render times than lightcuts by effectively approximating direct illumination using a small number of light samples, in addition to providing temporal stability. Our comparisons to other stochastic sampling techniques demonstrate that we provide superior sampling quality that matches and improves the excellent convergence rates of the lightcuts approach.", "title": "Stochastic Lightcuts for Sampling Many Lights", "normalizedTitle": "Stochastic Lightcuts for Sampling Many Lights", "fno": "09113332", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Approximation Theory", "Importance Sampling", "Lighting", "Ray Tracing", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Stochastic Processes", "Superior Sampling Quality", "Lighting Approximation", "Light Sources", "Stochastic Lightcuts Method", "Sampling Correlation", "Robust Hierarchical Sampling Strategy", "Importance Sampling", "Adaptive Sampling", "Stratified Sampling", "Virtual Lights", "Stochastic Sampling Techniques", "Rendering Scenes", "Lighting", "Light Sources", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Correlation", "Estimation", "Monte Carlo Methods", "Many Lights", "Light Sampling", "Stochastic Sampling", 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{ "issue": { "id": "1GjwQktLcB2", "title": "Oct.", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "10", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "Oct.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1s2GgiOWWt2", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2021.3066640", "abstract": "Rendering a translucent material involves integrating the product of the transmittance-weighted irradiance and the BSSRDF over the surface of it. In previous methods, this spatial integral was computed by creating a dense distribution of discrete points over the surface or by importance-sampling based on the BSSRDF. Both of these approaches necessitate specifying the number of samples, which affects both the quality and the computation time for rendering. An insufficient number of samples leads to noise and artifacts in the rendered image and an excessive number results in a prohibitively long rendering time. In this article, we propose an error estimation method for translucent materials in a many-light rendering framework. Our adaptive sampling can automatically determine the number of samples so that the estimated relative error of each pixel intensity is less than a user-specified threshold. We also propose an efficient method to generate the sampling points that make large contributions to the pixel intensity taking into account the BSSRDF. This enables us to use a simple uniform sampling, instead of costly importance sampling based on the BSSRDF. The experimental results show that our method can accurately estimate the error. In addition, in comparison with the previous methods, our sampling method achieves better estimation accuracy in equal-time.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Rendering a translucent material involves integrating the product of the transmittance-weighted irradiance and the BSSRDF over the surface of it. 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This enables us to use a simple uniform sampling, instead of costly importance sampling based on the BSSRDF. The experimental results show that our method can accurately estimate the error. In addition, in comparison with the previous methods, our sampling method achieves better estimation accuracy in equal-time.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Rendering a translucent material involves integrating the product of the transmittance-weighted irradiance and the BSSRDF over the surface of it. In previous methods, this spatial integral was computed by creating a dense distribution of discrete points over the surface or by importance-sampling based on the BSSRDF. Both of these approaches necessitate specifying the number of samples, which affects both the quality and the computation time for rendering. An insufficient number of samples leads to noise and artifacts in the rendered image and an excessive number results in a prohibitively long rendering time. In this article, we propose an error estimation method for translucent materials in a many-light rendering framework. Our adaptive sampling can automatically determine the number of samples so that the estimated relative error of each pixel intensity is less than a user-specified threshold. We also propose an efficient method to generate the sampling points that make large contributions to the pixel intensity taking into account the BSSRDF. This enables us to use a simple uniform sampling, instead of costly importance sampling based on the BSSRDF. The experimental results show that our method can accurately estimate the error. In addition, in comparison with the previous methods, our sampling method achieves better estimation accuracy in equal-time.", "title": "Adaptive Irradiance Sampling for Many-Light Rendering of Subsurface Scattering", "normalizedTitle": "Adaptive Irradiance Sampling for Many-Light Rendering of Subsurface Scattering", "fno": "09380921", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Scattering", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Monte Carlo Methods", "Sampling Methods", "Error Analysis", "Tuning", "Subsurface Scattering", "BSSRDF", "Adaptive Sampling", "Many Lights" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Kosuke", "surname": "Nabata", "fullName": "Kosuke Nabata", "affiliation": "Department of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kei", "surname": "Iwasaki", "fullName": "Kei Iwasaki", "affiliation": "Department of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "10", "pubDate": "2022-10-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "3324-3335", "year": "2022", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pg/2003/2028/0/20280051", "title": "Efficient Rendering of Local Subsurface Scattering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pg/2003/20280051/12OmNxGSm2n", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pg/2003/2028/0", "title": "Computer Graphics and Applications, Pacific Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2008/2174/0/04761892", "title": "Analysis of subsurface scattering under generic illumination", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2008/04761892/12OmNzd7bV9", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2008/2174/0", "title": "ICPR 2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/09/07590146", "title": "Rendering Thin Transparent Layers with Extended Normal Distribution Functions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/09/07590146/13rRUwInvJl", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091566", "title": "VisibilityCluster: Average Directional Visibility for Many-Light Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/09/ttg2013091566/13rRUwInvsP", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/10/ttg2013101619", "title": "A Spherical Gaussian Framework for Bayesian Monte Carlo Rendering of Glossy Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/10/ttg2013101619/13rRUwbs20W", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/03/06994841", "title": "Dual-Matrix Sampling for Scalable Translucent Material Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/03/06994841/13rRUwgQpDw", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2009/01/mcg2009010066", "title": "Image-Space Subsurface Scattering for Interactive Rendering of Deformable Translucent Objects", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2009/01/mcg2009010066/13rRUwjoNzF", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/09/07562447", "title": "Efficient Stochastic Rendering of Static and Animated Volumes Using Visibility Sweeps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/09/07562447/13rRUxly8T2", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/5555/01/09715049", "title": "Collimated Whole Volume Light Scattering in Homogeneous Finite Media", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/5555/01/09715049/1B2DbhImWwE", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08805455", "title": "Accelerated 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This approach enables the goal-oriented creation of cloth animations and directability that, to the best of our knowledge, has yet to be explored.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In this article, we introduce a feature vector that is used as a motion-shape signature to capture the spatiotemporal shape characteristics of cloth and can be used as a similarity measure for physics based cloth animations. In our approach, the feature vector not only contains the underlying geometry of the cloth as a mesh, but also measured quantities from the simulation that describe the deformation state and, therefore, its shape. The motion-shape signature can be used to retrieve a cloth simulation from a collection of simulations that matches a given input animation. 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This approach enables the goal-oriented creation of cloth animations and directability that, to the best of our knowledge, has yet to be explored.", "title": "Cloth Animation Retrieval Using a Motion-Shape Signature", "normalizedTitle": "Cloth Animation Retrieval Using a Motion-Shape Signature", "fno": "mcg2017060052", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "cg", "keywords": [ "Clothing", "Computer Animation", "Image Motion Analysis", "Image Retrieval", "Deformation State", "Physics Based Cloth Animations", "Spatiotemporal Shape Characteristics", "Feature Vector", "Motion Shape Signature", "Cloth Animation Retrieval", "Shape Analysis", "Animation", "Computational Modeling", "Deformable Models", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "Data Models", "Computer Graphics", "Physically Based Animation", "Cloth Animation", "Animation Retrieval" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Markus", "surname": "Huber", "fullName": "Markus Huber", "affiliation": "University of Stuttgart", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { 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"ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2007/0905/0/04161028", "title": "Rapid Animation of Laser-scanned Humans", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2007/04161028/12OmNCgrCZT", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2007/0905/0", "title": "2007 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icvrv/2014/6854/0/6854a327", "title": "Simulation of Cloth with Low Stretch", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icvrv/2014/6854a327/12OmNrY3Lx1", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icvrv/2014/6854/0", "title": "2014 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2015/8332/0/8332a478", "title": "Video Based Animation Synthesis with the Essential Graph", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": 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"trans/tg/2018/12/08245822", "title": "Stain Formation on Deforming Inelastic Cloth", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/12/08245822/14H4WM7WQ4o", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/it/2022/06/10017425", "title": "VCFN: Virtual Cloth Fitting Try-On Network", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/it/2022/06/10017425/1JYZAiOXfpK", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/it", "title": "IT Professional", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2019/3293/0/329300f499", "title": "SimulCap : Single-View Human Performance Capture With Cloth Simulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2019/329300f499/1gyrcfyAKI0", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2019/3293/0", "title": "2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and 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{ "issue": { "id": "1DGRZtSiOdy", "title": "July", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "07", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "July", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1oZxGnBQoZa", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2020.3039613", "abstract": "The emerging 4D printing techniques open new horizons for fabricating self-actuated deformable objects by combing strength of 3D printing and stimuli-responsive shape memory materials. This article focuses on designing <italic>self-actuated deformable solids</italic> for 4D printing such that a solid can be programmed into a temporary shape and later recovers to its original shape after heating. To avoid a high material cost, we choose a dual-material strategy that mixes an expensive thermo-responsive shape memory polymer (SMP) material with a common elastic material, which however leads to undesired deformation at the shape programming stage. We model this shape programming process as two elastic models with different parameters linked by a median shape based on customizing a constitutive model of thermo-responsive SMPs. Taking this material modeling as a foundation, we formulate our design problem as a nonconvex optimization to find the distribution of SMP materials over the whole object as well as the median shape, and develop an efficient and parallelizable method to solve it. We show that our proposed approach is able to design self-actuated deformable objects that cannot be achieved by state of the art approaches, and demonstrate their usefulness with three example applications.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The emerging 4D printing techniques open new horizons for fabricating self-actuated deformable objects by combing strength of 3D printing and stimuli-responsive shape memory materials. This article focuses on designing <italic>self-actuated deformable solids</italic> for 4D printing such that a solid can be programmed into a temporary shape and later recovers to its original shape after heating. To avoid a high material cost, we choose a dual-material strategy that mixes an expensive thermo-responsive shape memory polymer (SMP) material with a common elastic material, which however leads to undesired deformation at the shape programming stage. We model this shape programming process as two elastic models with different parameters linked by a median shape based on customizing a constitutive model of thermo-responsive SMPs. Taking this material modeling as a foundation, we formulate our design problem as a nonconvex optimization to find the distribution of SMP materials over the whole object as well as the median shape, and develop an efficient and parallelizable method to solve it. We show that our proposed approach is able to design self-actuated deformable objects that cannot be achieved by state of the art approaches, and demonstrate their usefulness with three example applications.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The emerging 4D printing techniques open new horizons for fabricating self-actuated deformable objects by combing strength of 3D printing and stimuli-responsive shape memory materials. This article focuses on designing self-actuated deformable solids for 4D printing such that a solid can be programmed into a temporary shape and later recovers to its original shape after heating. To avoid a high material cost, we choose a dual-material strategy that mixes an expensive thermo-responsive shape memory polymer (SMP) material with a common elastic material, which however leads to undesired deformation at the shape programming stage. We model this shape programming process as two elastic models with different parameters linked by a median shape based on customizing a constitutive model of thermo-responsive SMPs. Taking this material modeling as a foundation, we formulate our design problem as a nonconvex optimization to find the distribution of SMP materials over the whole object as well as the median shape, and develop an efficient and parallelizable method to solve it. We show that our proposed approach is able to design self-actuated deformable objects that cannot be achieved by state of the art approaches, and demonstrate their usefulness with three example applications.", "title": "Computational Design of Self-Actuated Deformable Solids via Shape Memory Material", "normalizedTitle": "Computational Design of Self-Actuated Deformable Solids via Shape Memory Material", "fno": "09266101", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Elastic Deformation", "Elasticity", "Optimisation", "Polymers", "Shape Memory Effects", "Three Dimensional Printing", "4 D Printing", "3 D Printing", "Self Actuated Deformable Solids", "Thermo Responsive Shape Memory Polymer", "Shape Programming Stage", "Median Shape", "Constitutive Model", "Computational Design", "Elastic Deformation", "Parallelizable Method", "Nonconvex Optimization", "Shape", "Switched Mode Power Supplies", "Strain", "Solids", "Deformable Models", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Solid Modeling", 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{ "issue": { "id": "1Ax5KStiZmU", "title": "March", "year": "2022", "issueNum": "03", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "28", "label": "March", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "1mP2JjLRhDy", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2020.3021510", "abstract": "Recent methods based on deep learning have shown promise in converting grayscale images to colored ones. However, most of them only allow limited user inputs (no inputs, only global inputs, or only local inputs), to control the output colorful images. The possible difficulty lies in how to differentiate the influences of different inputs. To solve this problem, we propose a two-stage deep colorization method allowing users to control the results by flexibly setting global inputs and local inputs. The key steps include enabling color themes as global inputs by extracting <inline-formula><tex-math notation=\"LaTeX\">Z_$K$_Z</tex-math></inline-formula> mean colors and generating <inline-formula><tex-math notation=\"LaTeX\">Z_$K$_Z</tex-math></inline-formula>-color maps to define a global theme loss, and designing a loss function to differentiate the influences of different inputs without causing artifacts. We also propose a color theme recommendation method to help users choose color themes. Based on the colorization model, we further propose an image compression scheme, which supports variable compression ratios in a single network. Experiments on colorization show that our method can flexibly control the colorized results with only a few inputs and generate state-of-the-art results. Experiments on compression show that our method achieves much higher image quality at the same compression ratio when compared to the state-of-the-art methods.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Recent methods based on deep learning have shown promise in converting grayscale images to colored ones. However, most of them only allow limited user inputs (no inputs, only global inputs, or only local inputs), to control the output colorful images. The possible difficulty lies in how to differentiate the influences of different inputs. To solve this problem, we propose a two-stage deep colorization method allowing users to control the results by flexibly setting global inputs and local inputs. The key steps include enabling color themes as global inputs by extracting <inline-formula><tex-math notation=\"LaTeX\">$K$</tex-math><alternatives><mml:math><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:math><inline-graphic xlink:href=\"xiao-ieq1-3021510.gif\"/></alternatives></inline-formula> mean colors and generating <inline-formula><tex-math notation=\"LaTeX\">$K$</tex-math><alternatives><mml:math><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:math><inline-graphic xlink:href=\"xiao-ieq2-3021510.gif\"/></alternatives></inline-formula>-color maps to define a global theme loss, and designing a loss function to differentiate the influences of different inputs without causing artifacts. We also propose a color theme recommendation method to help users choose color themes. Based on the colorization model, we further propose an image compression scheme, which supports variable compression ratios in a single network. Experiments on colorization show that our method can flexibly control the colorized results with only a few inputs and generate state-of-the-art results. Experiments on compression show that our method achieves much higher image quality at the same compression ratio when compared to the state-of-the-art methods.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Recent methods based on deep learning have shown promise in converting grayscale images to colored ones. However, most of them only allow limited user inputs (no inputs, only global inputs, or only local inputs), to control the output colorful images. The possible difficulty lies in how to differentiate the influences of different inputs. To solve this problem, we propose a two-stage deep colorization method allowing users to control the results by flexibly setting global inputs and local inputs. The key steps include enabling color themes as global inputs by extracting - mean colors and generating --color maps to define a global theme loss, and designing a loss function to differentiate the influences of different inputs without causing artifacts. We also propose a color theme recommendation method to help users choose color themes. Based on the colorization model, we further propose an image compression scheme, which supports variable compression ratios in a single network. Experiments on colorization show that our method can flexibly control the colorized results with only a few inputs and generate state-of-the-art results. Experiments on compression show that our method achieves much higher image quality at the same compression ratio when compared to the state-of-the-art methods.", "title": "Interactive Deep Colorization and its Application for Image Compression", "normalizedTitle": "Interactive Deep Colorization and its Application for Image Compression", "fno": "09186041", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Compression", "Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence", "Image Coding", "Image Colour Analysis", "Colorization Model", "Image Compression Scheme", "Image Quality", "Interactive Deep Colorization", "Deep Learning", "Grayscale Images", "User Inputs", "Global Inputs", "Local Inputs", "Output Colorful Images", "Deep Colorization Method", "Color Themes", "KK Mean Colors", "Global Theme Loss", "Color Theme Recommendation Method", "Compression Ratio", "Image Color Analysis", "Image Coding", "Gray Scale", "Color", "Histograms", "Loss Measurement", "Image Quality", "Deep Convolutional Neural Network", "Interactive", "Residual Learning", "Image Colorization", "Image Compression" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yi", "surname": "Xiao", "fullName": "Yi Xiao", "affiliation": "Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jin", "surname": "Wu", "fullName": "Jin Wu", "affiliation": "Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jie", "surname": "Zhang", "fullName": "Jie Zhang", "affiliation": "Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Peiyao", "surname": "Zhou", "fullName": "Peiyao Zhou", "affiliation": "Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yan", "surname": "Zheng", "fullName": "Yan Zheng", "affiliation": "Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chi-Sing", "surname": "Leung", "fullName": "Chi-Sing Leung", 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