diff --git "a/data/test/fr.jsonl" "b/data/test/fr.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/test/fr.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,2663 @@ +{"id": "3231363431333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois m'attendre \u00e0 combien de pluie plus tard ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME plus tard ] ]", "slot_string": "33:38:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,39:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363030353339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Configure une alarme appel\u00e9e \u00ablivraison\u00bb demain \u00e0 midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME livraison ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 midi ] ]", "slot_string": "32:41:SL:ALARM_NAME,44:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353536333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "c\u2019est quoi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 Rome", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Rome ] ]", "slot_string": "27:31:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231323836313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 John pour lui faire savoir que l\u2019horaire du film a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 \u00e0 19h30 ce soir et que je le verrai l\u00e0-bas.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT John ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT l\u2019horaire du film a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 \u00e0 19h30 ce soir et que je le verrai l\u00e0-bas ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:RECIPIENT,52:133:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323430303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de souhaiter un bon anniversaire \u00e0 Stella demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO souhaiter un bon anniversaire \u00e0 Stella ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:55:SL:TODO,56:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9gler un rappel pour regarder Big Brother", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO regarder Big Brother ] ]", "slot_string": "23:43:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323337373737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajouter un rappel pour le match jeudi \u00e0 14h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO match ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi \u00e0 14h ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:TODO,32:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323334313535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Acc\u00e8de \u00e0 tous mes rappels de rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Acc\u00e8de ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,11:15:SL:AMOUNT,16:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,31:59:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323331363935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "V\u00e9rifie les rappels pour la retraite des filles", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO la retraite des filles ] ]", "slot_string": "26:48:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323236383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu supprimer le rappel pour la f\u00eate d'anniversaire de Michelle de la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pour la f\u00eate d'anniversaire de Michelle ] [SL:DATE_TIME de la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "28:68:SL:TODO,69:92:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel de rendez-vous pour mon chien.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO rendez-vous pour mon chien ] ]", "slot_string": "22:48:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3139393836333739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des concerts demain \u00e0 Tampa ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:LOCATION Tampa ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,22:28:SL:DATE_TIME,32:37:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393834333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "qu'est-ce qu'il se passe \u00e0 seattle ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION seattle ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:LOCATION,36:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393934333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parle-moi de Luke", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Luke ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393834393239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Creative Consultants ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Creative Consultants ] ]", "slot_string": "19:39:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3136343035303733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Red\u00e9marre le minuteur \u00e0 z\u00e9ro", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3132353939343239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change la chaine", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chaine ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353436303338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un minuteur pour 40 secondes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 40 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353335313531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je devrais prendre un parapluie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] ]", "slot_string": "33:42:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343832343336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le pourcentage de pluie pour la nuit de mercredi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour la nuit de mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,33:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343533343835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi des recettes philippines", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE philippines ] ]", "slot_string": "24:35:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "3232333636303730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Adriel par Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Adriel ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,19:27:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313536383136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Michael sur Skype", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Michael ] [SL:NAME_APP Skype ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT,20:25:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373233363233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Gr\u00e9gory", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Gr\u00e9gory ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:36:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363333393439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez une alarme pour l'heure de sommeil", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME heure de sommeil ] ]", "slot_string": "26:42:SL:ALARM_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353538383832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois conna\u00eetre le temps qu'il fait \u00e0 Sydney dans une semaine aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Sydney ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans une semaine aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "42:48:SL:LOCATION,49:77:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions pour P\u00e2ques ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour P\u00e2ques ] ]", "slot_string": "29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353335303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "jouez Portugal. L'homme sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Portugal. L'homme ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "6:23:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,28:39:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231343630383137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affichez tous les anniversaires imminents des tantes de Tiny Feno", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION tantes ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Tiny Feno ] ]", "slot_string": "46:52:SL:TYPE_RELATION,56:65:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3231333530353338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "veuillez appeler Nick", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nick ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333530353136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Ben", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ben ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323930363534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Informez Don que j\u2019arriverai plus tard que pr\u00e9vu.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Don ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT j\u2019arriverai plus tard que pr\u00e9vu ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:RECIPIENT,17:51:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323338393531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour la pr\u00e9paration \u00e0 l\u2019interview \u00e0 15h demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pr\u00e9paration \u00e0 l\u2019interview ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 15h demain ] ]", "slot_string": "24:53:SL:TODO,54:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323330343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous me rappeler de soumettre mon travail \u00e0 17 heures ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO soumettre mon travail ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:48:SL:TODO,49:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont mes rappels pour la premi\u00e8re moiti\u00e9 du mois de septembre ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour la premi\u00e8re moiti\u00e9 du mois de septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234343339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "veuillez retirer les rappels d'ouverture de la porte pour la femme de m\u00e9nage", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO ouverture de la porte pour la femme de m\u00e9nage ] ]", "slot_string": "31:77:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323233303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je un pense-b\u00eate \u00e0 midi HE pour vendredi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 midi HE ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:31:SL:DATE_TIME,32:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393739353834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Spectacles comiques \u00e0 New York le weekend prochain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Spectacles comiques ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME le weekend prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "0:19:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,23:31:SL:LOCATION,32:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393739343139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les choses \u00e0 faire \u00e0 Buffalo, NY, la semaine prochaine", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Buffalo, NY ] [SL:DATE_TIME la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "23:34:SL:LOCATION,36:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393934393538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est Helen ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Helen ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393933363436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "A quelle date Angela a-t-elle commenc\u00e9 son travail actuel ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Angela ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393835353031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 travaille Sarah en Caroline du Sud ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Sarah ] [SL:LOCATION Caroline du Sud ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:CONTACT,23:38:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393831373734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que quelqu'un que je connais est all\u00e9 \u00e0 Yale ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:SCHOOL Yale ] ]", "slot_string": "25:27:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,49:53:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3136343035343639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le r\u00e9glage de la minuterie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3133343130343339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je ajouter du sel au beurre doux", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT sel ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH beurre doux ] ]", "slot_string": "19:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,26:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133323734393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment je peux pr\u00e9parer la mayonnaise ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH mayonnaise ] ]", "slot_string": "29:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132363039393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi de la musique d'ascenseur", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE ascenseur ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,27:36:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3132353937333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez une chanson country", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE country ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,18:25:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353832363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets mon chronom\u00e8tre pour mes exercices de Tabata", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] [SL:TIMER_NAME exercices de Tabata ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER,31:50:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353630363233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Sera-t-il ensoleill\u00e9 plus tard ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE ensoleill\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME plus tard ] ]", "slot_string": "10:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353630333832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance une minuterie de 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353539353133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis m\u2019en plus sur les gros titres", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE gros ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,29:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353134383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez les chansons les plus r\u00e9centes", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353134343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je avoir les titres des sports maintenant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY sports ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:35:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343733353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est le titre de cette chanson ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "27:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343539343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve moi une recette de boulettes de viandes italiennes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH boulettes de viandes ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE italiennes ] ]", "slot_string": "26:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH,47:57:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343538303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle recette peut \u00eatre cuisiner dans une cocotte", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD cocotte ] ]", "slot_string": "44:51:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} +{"id": "3232353832383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu envoyer un message au groupe des intellos du th\u00e9\u00e2tre", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP intellos du th\u00e9\u00e2tre ] ]", "slot_string": "41:62:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353735313134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie le message WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353138313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marre un appel audio avec l'organisateur de mariage, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP l'organisateur de mariage ] ]", "slot_string": "29:54:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232323831303837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu jouer Guns n Roses ?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Guns n Roses ] ]", "slot_string": "14:26:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232323232353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "obtiens d'autres activit\u00e9s accessibles aux chiens", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT accessibles aux chiens ] ]", "slot_string": "28:50:SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT"} +{"id": "3231373537393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Barbara num\u00e9ro quatre", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Barbara ] [SL:ORDINAL num\u00e9ro quatre ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT,16:30:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231363335373234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme pour demain \u00e0 5 heures du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 5 heures du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "17:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363332383539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme des alarmes \u00e0 13 heures le lundi et \u00e0 14 heures le vendredi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 13 heures le lundi et \u00e0 14 heures le vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "22:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353939323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le prochain d\u00e9lai de mon alarme ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231353534373835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9viens-moi demain \u00e0 15 heures.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 15 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "14:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353336363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet, je voudrais passer en mode d'appel vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231343435323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je voulais appeller Edward Weiss", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Edward Weiss ] ]", "slot_string": "20:32:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323335333837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "efface mes rappels", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231323334323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je un rappel pour mon cours de yoga de la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:TODO cours de yoga ] [SL:DATE_TIME semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:38:SL:TODO,45:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323333393238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'emmener le chien chez le toiletteur vendredi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO emmener le chien chez le toiletteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:50:SL:TODO,51:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "ai-je des rappels pour le d\u00e9jeuner", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:TODO d\u00e9jeuner ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:35:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323235323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de faire une vid\u00e9o de ma famille pour notre prochaine r\u00e9union familiale", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO faire une vid\u00e9o de ma famille pour notre prochaine r\u00e9union familiale ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:86:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313436333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu me rappeler de postuler \u00e0 l'universit\u00e9 lundi ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO postuler \u00e0 l'universit\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:48:SL:TODO,49:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393835373730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux me rendre \u00e0 un \u00e9v\u00e9nement \u00e0 Dallas", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Dallas ] ]", "slot_string": "39:45:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393736303832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des \u00e9v\u00e9nements sympas aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "33:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393834333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Barnes and Noble en Caroline du Nord", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Barnes and Noble ] [SL:LOCATION Caroline du Nord ] ]", "slot_string": "19:35:SL:EMPLOYER,39:55:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138383931393335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel lait est le meilleur pour faire des biscuits", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT lait ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH biscuits ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,41:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353731313937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu mettre une alarme pour demain ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain ] ]", "slot_string": "26:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353634373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parle-moi des gros titres les plus r\u00e9cents de TMZ", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:DATE_TIME les plus r\u00e9cents ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE TMZ ] ]", "slot_string": "14:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:43:SL:DATE_TIME,47:50:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39353434383238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "qu'y a-t-il au programme aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "25:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353339383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Malibu aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Malibu ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:LOCATION,29:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353234303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "le temps va \u00eatre nuageux toute la journ\u00e9e", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE nuageux ] [SL:DATE_TIME toute la journ\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353138343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu\u2019il va pleuvoir samedi vers midi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi vers midi ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353135333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il est pr\u00e9vu de la neige \u00e0 Aspen la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neige ] [SL:LOCATION Aspen ] [SL:DATE_TIME la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,39:44:SL:LOCATION,45:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343730333232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9initialise les alarmes", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39343632393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi ce que j'utilise pour faire de la sauce BBQ", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauce BBQ ] ]", "slot_string": "47:56:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232343533343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux peut-\u00eatre aller \u00e0 Pumpkins in the Park", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Pumpkins in the Park ] ]", "slot_string": "28:48:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} +{"id": "3232313332323736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Archer Garcia et Alyssa Brown.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Archer Garcia ] [SL:CONTACT Alyssa Brown ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:CONTACT,25:37:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232313136323332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle \u00e0 nouveau mon alarme pour 5 h", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 5 h ] ]", "slot_string": "29:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363335373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l'alarme pour demain \u00e0 5 heures du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 5 heures du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "16:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363333393337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour moi et nommez-le pommes de terre coup\u00e9es", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME pommes de terre coup\u00e9es ] ]", "slot_string": "40:64:SL:ALARM_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353532313534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux qu'un r\u00e9veil sonne le week-end \u00e0 8 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME week-end ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8 h ] ]", "slot_string": "31:39:SL:DATE_TIME,40:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343939333838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le comptable", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT comptable ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333637303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parcours mes messages s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333533333834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi qui je connais et qui est en ligne maintenant", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333532353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi quels amis j'ai en ligne", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323835333332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Samantha et fais-lui savoir que la classe va commencer dans une semaine", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Samantha ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT la classe va commencer dans une semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:RECIPIENT,53:92:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231313536333834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme un rappel pour boucler le projet de sondage appen d'ici le 8/1/2018", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO boucler le projet de sondage appen ] [SL:DATE_TIME d'ici le 8/1/2018 ] ]", "slot_string": "25:59:SL:TODO,60:77:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393831363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "tous les \u00e9v\u00e9nements ce mois-ci", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois-ci ] ]", "slot_string": "22:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393231323937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi le fr\u00e8re de Ricardo", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION fr\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTACT Ricardo ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,24:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393739383434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois conna\u00eetre mes amis qui vivent au Nevada", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION Nevada ] ]", "slot_string": "19:22:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,23:27:SL:TYPE_RELATION,42:48:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138383935313436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi des recettes vegan rapides", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE vegan ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE rapides ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,29:36:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3138383931343536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00e0 quelle temp\u00e9rature dois-je cuire un poulet", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00e9rature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,40:46:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3135323933323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle est la derni\u00e8re une du new york post", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME derni\u00e8re ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE une ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE new york post ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:44:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39353334343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il neige \u00e0 Las Vegas ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neige ] [SL:LOCATION Las Vegas ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:31:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353332373432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle temp\u00e9rature descend le thermom\u00e8tre \u00e0 Londres en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE descend ] [SL:LOCATION Londres ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,50:57:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353130303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle le r\u00e9veil chaque semaine pour se r\u00e9veiller \u00e0 6 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD chaque semaine ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6 h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:32:SL:PERIOD,52:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353039383233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour New York", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New York ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39343835373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets les chansons que j'aime", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343637333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme la minuterie pour les 15 prochaines minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour les 15 prochaines minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,23:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343636323537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "donne-moi des d\u00e9tails sur ce qui se passe dans le Kentucky", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE d\u00e9tails ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Kentucky ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,51:59:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39343635343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de secondes reste-t-il sur ma minuterie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "38:47:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3231363338393334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions pour vendredi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "29:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363137383935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "continue, appelle Josie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Josie ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363031393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je peux avoir une alarme \u00e0 8h00 ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8h00 ] ]", "slot_string": "36:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333439353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "y a-t-il quelqu'un de libre", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231313535303532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle la famille de se pr\u00e9parer pour la photo de famille.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED la famille ] [SL:TODO se pr\u00e9parer pour la photo de famille ] ]", "slot_string": "9:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:60:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313438333438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "N'oublie pas de me rappeler de nourrir le chien \u00e0 16 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO nourrir le chien ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 16 h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:18:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,31:47:SL:TODO,48:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313437333932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'acheter un maillot des A's avant lundi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter un maillot des A's ] [SL:DATE_TIME avant lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:41:SL:TODO,42:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393739353838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je connais quelqu'un qui habite en Caroline du Nord ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:LOCATION Caroline du Nord ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,46:62:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3134313539313234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "La temp\u00e9rature sera-t-elle inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 40\u00b0C aux alentours de Karachi demain matin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 40 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT \u00b0C ] [SL:LOCATION Karachi ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "28:42:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,43:45:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,45:48:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,66:73:SL:LOCATION,74:86:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132363036343831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Battre les cartes", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3132353734323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9ratures \u00e9lev\u00e9es et basses s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353737363237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quel degr\u00e9 fera-t-il froid aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE froid ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353235343730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me dire quelle quantit\u00e9 de pluie est pr\u00e9vue ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "36:41:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,54:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353235323834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin des pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o de la semaine prochaine", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME de la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "36:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353037393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter du Dr. Dre.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Dr. Dre ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343933323037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "parle-moi de l'actualit\u00e9", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343836333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que ce sera mouill\u00e9 aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE mouill\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,28:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343731363430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour 22 h tous les deux jeudis", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 22 h tous les deux jeudis ] ]", "slot_string": "18:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232353833333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9pondez par SMS \u00e0 la discussion sur la f\u00eate du futur mari\u00e9", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP f\u00eate du futur mari\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "42:63:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353833313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message vide au smoothie chat", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP smoothie ] ]", "slot_string": "26:34:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3231363331393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Avertis-moi de toutes les alarmes", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3231353836303632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe KRRL sur iheartradio.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID KRRL ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,15:26:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353436343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "S\u2019il te plait appelle Adam.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Adam ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323931333832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Brady pour lui demander de partager sa localisation actuelle avec moi.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Brady ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT partager sa localisation actuelle avec moi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPIENT,48:90:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323739383937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message qui dit 'est-ce que je peux t'emprunter tes notes de cours' \u00e0 diana", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT est-ce que je peux t'emprunter tes notes de cours ] [SL:RECIPIENT diana ] ]", "slot_string": "27:76:SL:CONTENT_EXACT,81:86:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231313436323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourrais-tu r\u00e9gler un rappel pour l\u2019entra\u00eenement de football de mes fils jeudi \u00e0 16h ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO l\u2019entra\u00eenement de football de mes fils ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi \u00e0 16h ] ]", "slot_string": "35:76:SL:TODO,77:89:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132353737373639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle \u00e9tait la quantit\u00e9 de neige hier", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neige ] [SL:DATE_TIME hier ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,36:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353633313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Reprends le minuteur maintenant", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353437363134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le taux d'humidit\u00e9 \u00e0 Yonkers en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE humidit\u00e9 ] [SL:LOCATION Yonkers ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:39:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39343731373539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marrez mon minuteur tout de suite", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3232353735313035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez-le \u00e0 Laura via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Laura ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:RECIPIENT,24:33:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353331323532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux tu appeler le 504-555-4870", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 504-555-4870 ] ]", "slot_string": "19:31:SL:PHONE_NUMBER"} +{"id": "3232353038323733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez les anciens \u00e9l\u00e8ves de la promotion 2016 s'il vous pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP anciens \u00e9l\u00e8ves de la promotion 2016 ] ]", "slot_string": "12:49:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232333635313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez Adriel Sampson en vid\u00e9o sur Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Adriel Sampson ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:CONTACT,37:45:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323739343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue Greatest Hits: My Prerogative par Lil Uzi Vert", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Greatest Hits: My Prerogative ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lil Uzi Vert ] ]", "slot_string": "5:34:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,39:51:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232323232333036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous obtenir d'autres \u00e9v\u00e9nements s'il vous pla\u00eet ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231373534343338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 Ankara, en Turquie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Ankara, en Turquie ] ]", "slot_string": "30:48:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363335373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux tu m\u2019envoyer une sonnerie \u00e0 8 heures demain matin ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8 heures demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "33:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363334313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets une nouvelle alarme appel\u00e9e rendez vous pour demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME rendez vous ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain ] ]", "slot_string": "34:45:SL:ALARM_NAME,46:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353938343236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne la m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour New Mexico", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New Mexico ] ]", "slot_string": "22:32:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353536393336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois conna\u00eetre le temps qu'il fera au matin lundi prochain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME au matin lundi prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "39:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353534393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets une alarme vendredi \u00e0 6h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi \u00e0 6h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343937323437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il un match de tennis en mars", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT match de tennis ] [SL:DATE_TIME en mars ] ]", "slot_string": "12:27:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333534353335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Brian s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Brian ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333432383835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dispositif permettant de dire qui est disponible", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333430363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Invitez Beth \u00e0 participer \u00e0 cet appel.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Beth ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333339353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "composez le num\u00e9ro de Michael et l\u2019ajouter \u00e0 l'appel en cours", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Michael ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231323737333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demandez \u00e0 Leo o\u00f9 il est et quelle est son heure d'arriv\u00e9e.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Leo ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT o\u00f9 il est et quelle est son heure d'arriv\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:RECIPIENT,16:61:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323432323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de v\u00e9rifier l'\u00e9tat de la voiture.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO v\u00e9rifier l'\u00e9tat de la voiture ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:47:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323332363337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez le rappel de ma r\u00e9union du club de lecture qui aura lieu vendredi soir.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED ma ] [SL:TODO r\u00e9union du club de lecture ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi soir ] ]", "slot_string": "23:25:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:53:SL:TODO,68:81:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est le rappel pour le d\u00eener du mercredi", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO le d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "24:33:SL:TODO,37:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313534333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de demander \u00e0 Todd la nouvelle date de la f\u00eate", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO demander \u00e0 Todd la nouvelle date de la f\u00eate ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:61:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313437373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'un rappel pour faire changer mon huile.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED J' ] [SL:TODO faire changer mon huile ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:52:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3139393837353937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Concert sur la 6\u00e8me rue demain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Concert ] [SL:LOCATION 6\u00e8me rue ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,15:24:SL:LOCATION,25:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393835343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Proposez un concert int\u00e9ressant \u00e0 Stamford ce soir.", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concert ] [SL:LOCATION Stamford ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,36:44:SL:LOCATION,45:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393839383839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "En quelles ann\u00e9es Sarah \u00e9tait-elle \u00e0 Florida State ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Sarah ] [SL:SCHOOL Florida State ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:CONTACT,40:53:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393835313834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dans quelle ville vit Daniel ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Daniel ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3136343035343631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marrer ma minuterie d'entra\u00eenement", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:TIMER_NAME entra\u00eenement ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,25:38:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3135323933393439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi les derni\u00e8res nouvelles financi\u00e8res", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME derni\u00e8res ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY financi\u00e8res ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:DATE_TIME,26:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE,36:48:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "3132363037353933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous sauter les deux pistes suivantes", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE pistes ] [SL:ORDINAL suivantes ] ]", "slot_string": "28:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,35:44:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3132353935333832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle heure se couche le soleil \u00e0 Philly ?", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:LOCATION Philly ] ]", "slot_string": "39:45:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3132353934333531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand est-ce qu'il risque de neiger \u00e0 Boston ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:LOCATION Boston ] ]", "slot_string": "29:35:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,39:45:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353638373634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "COMBIEN DE TEMPS CETTE PLUIE DURERA-T-ELLE ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE PLUIE ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353535373030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il une chance qu'il neige aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neige ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353336333438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il en Floride?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Floride ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353130303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Soustraire 3 minutes", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 3 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353038333530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "y a-t-il de nouveaux titres sur cnn ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE cnn ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:35:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39343934363330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les principaux sujets d'actualit\u00e9 pour Tokyo en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE principaux ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE sujets d'actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Tokyo ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,26:45:SL:NEWS_TYPE,51:56:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39343539313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a t il du soja ou du bl\u00e9 dans cette recette", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT soja ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT bl\u00e9 ] [SL:METHOD_RECIPES recette ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,23:27:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,39:46:SL:METHOD_RECIPES"} +{"id": "3232353735313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu envoyer le texto de Messenger \u00e0 Bethany", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] [SL:CONTACT Bethany ] ]", "slot_string": "28:37:SL:NAME_APP,41:48:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333635373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le portable de Morgan sur Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Morgan ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:CONTACT,34:42:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313933363339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu appeler Jake King sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jake King ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:CONTACT,30:38:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313731303131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu s'il te pla\u00eet enregistrer un message vid\u00e9o pour Bianca", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bianca ] ]", "slot_string": "46:52:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,58:64:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313136333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets une minuterie de 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363735303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "affiche la liste des appels manqu\u00e9s aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "37:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363733383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu appeler Blake ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Blake ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363334303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9finis une alarme pour 15 h d\u00e9nomm\u00e9e R\u00e9cup\u00e9rer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 15 h ] [SL:ALARM_NAME R\u00e9cup\u00e9rer ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:DATE_TIME,42:53:SL:ALARM_NAME"} +{"id": "3231323339363537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour aller chercher mes v\u00eatements au pressing apr\u00e8s le travail aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO aller chercher mes v\u00eatements au pressing apr\u00e8s le travail ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "21:80:SL:TODO,81:92:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234383234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "efface l'alarme pour aller chercher denise", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO aller chercher denise ] ]", "slot_string": "21:42:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3139393830373435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe \u00e0 Henderson ce week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Henderson ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "28:37:SL:LOCATION,38:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139373936323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets la station de radio 1470", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station de radio ] [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID 1470 ] ]", "slot_string": "8:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,25:29:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID"} +{"id": "3138393931393437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pour quelle entreprise Zach travaille-t-il ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Zach ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393835303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui travaille \u00e0 Newark ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Newark ] ]", "slot_string": "36:42:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393833353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille \u00e0 Jakarta ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Jakarta ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138383936383439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire un fish and chips \u00e0 la bi\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH fish and chips \u00e0 la bi\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "17:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353432373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est le fondateur du mouvement \u00ab alt right \u00bb ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC fondateur du mouvement \u00ab alt right \u00bb ] ]", "slot_string": "11:49:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353237383539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu'y a-t-il de nouveau dans les actualit\u00e9s musicales ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY musicales ] ]", "slot_string": "32:43:SL:NEWS_TYPE,44:53:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353039383533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets une alarme tous les mardis \u00e0 12 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME tous les mardis \u00e0 12 h. ] ]", "slot_string": "16:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343533353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi une recette facile pour des tacos de poisson", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE facile ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH tacos de poisson ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,39:55:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353832393232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu envoyer le SMS de Raul et Matthew", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Raul ] [SL:RECIPIENT Matthew ] ]", "slot_string": "26:30:SL:RECIPIENT,34:41:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313230383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "inclus Luciana Morales \u00e0 l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Luciana Morales ] ]", "slot_string": "7:22:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231373530313231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux que tu me conseilles des spectacles pour septembre \u00e0 Belleville", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT spectacles ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour septembre ] [SL:LOCATION Belleville ] ]", "slot_string": "33:43:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,44:58:SL:DATE_TIME,62:72:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231373233363631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Emma Chen", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Emma Chen ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,18:27:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373233323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Melody en vid\u00e9o.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT Melody ] [SL:RECIPIENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,18:24:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373131363534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Travis Michael Jacobson pour moi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Travis Michael Jacobson ] ]", "slot_string": "8:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363336343038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe-moi un coup de fil \u00e0 midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 midi ] ]", "slot_string": "25:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363037333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Steven N", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Steven N ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363031393336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme l'alarme pour le d\u00eener \u00e0 17 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 h ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:ALARM_NAME,34:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363031353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets une alarme pour 15 h 00 ce lundi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 15 h 00 ce lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "16:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353534333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu s'il te pla\u00eet programmer une alarme pour vendredi matin \u00e0 10h00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi matin \u00e0 10h00 ] ]", "slot_string": "45:73:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333531383735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "arr\u00eate de l'appel", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323834393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Flo et dis-lui que lundi fera l'affaire pour notre r\u00e9union de l'apr\u00e8s-midi.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Flo ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT lundi fera l'affaire pour notre r\u00e9union de l'apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:RECIPIENT,40:97:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323333343933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve les rappels concernant les courses.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Trouve ] [SL:TODO courses ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,34:41:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323331353933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime ce rappel", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231313535383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe \u00e0 jeudi mon rappel pour la f\u00eate de Steve", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 jeudi ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO f\u00eate de Steve ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:DATE_TIME,15:18:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,34:48:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231303134353136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9ponds \u00e0 l\u2019appel quand c\u2019est Kaleb", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kaleb ] ]", "slot_string": "36:41:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393931383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Jim travaille actuellement chez Ferguson Construction ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Jim ] [SL:EMPLOYER Ferguson Construction ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT,43:64:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393832343939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de mes amis sont all\u00e9s \u00e0 Harvard ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:SCHOOL Harvard ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,35:42:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3135323933393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les grands titres de l'actualit\u00e9 financi\u00e8re d'aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY grands ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY actualit\u00e9 financi\u00e8re ] [SL:DATE_TIME d'aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,22:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:56:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,57:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132353937313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien de temps me reste-t-il", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3132353836303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le temps qu'il fait au Texas en ce moment m\u00eame", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Texas ] ]", "slot_string": "32:37:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353830313430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter le nouvel album de Tamela Mann", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Tamela Mann ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,36:47:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353736363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il eu des tornades cette semaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE tornades ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353735393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est l'indice de chaleur dehors ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE indice de chaleur ] ]", "slot_string": "11:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353539353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin que mon r\u00e9veil soit r\u00e9gl\u00e9 sur 4 h du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME sur 4 h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "41:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353530303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il du vent ? Dois-je porter un chapeau ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE vent ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chapeau ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:44:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353439353435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle est la vitesse du vent", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE vent ] ]", "slot_string": "25:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353434393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-ce qu'il va geler aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE geler ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343834373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je apporter des shorts", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE shorts ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343832343832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les gros titres du jour de l'Huffington Post ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:DATE_TIME du jour ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Huffington Post ] ]", "slot_string": "15:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:34:SL:DATE_TIME,40:55:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39343536353931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pendant combien de temps fait-on cuire un \u0153uf dur", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE combien de temps ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH un \u0153uf dur ] ]", "slot_string": "8:24:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,39:50:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343536353031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne moi plus de recettes \u00e0 base de poulet", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "38:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343533383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients du quatre-quarts ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH quatre-quarts ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353832343831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux voir des messages vid\u00e9o de Madeleine", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:SENDER Madeleine ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,36:45:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3231373538373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle tout de suite Lillie Lawrence, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lillie Lawrence ] ]", "slot_string": "22:37:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363030363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets un r\u00e9veil pour chaque lundi \u00e0 6 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour chaque lundi \u00e0 6 h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333433383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "commute les appels afin de r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 l'appel entrant", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323239393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Efface mon rappel pour la soir\u00e9e d'anniversaire de Marc samedi soir.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO la soir\u00e9e d'anniversaire de Marc ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi soir ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:56:SL:TODO,57:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303137313533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Raccroche cet appel", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3136343338363638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi des d\u00e9tails concernant les sujets les plus discut\u00e9s", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE d\u00e9tails ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC sujets ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY les plus discut\u00e9s ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:44:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,45:63:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353538303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "DOIS-JE APPORTER UN PARAPLUIE AVEC MOI AUJOURD'HUI ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE PARAPLUIE ] [SL:DATE_TIME AUJOURD'HUI ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,39:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343937303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue la nouvelle chanson de Noah Cyrus", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Noah Cyrus ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,28:38:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343933363939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand va-t-il commencer \u00e0 neiger ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343836323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de chronom\u00e8tres fonctionnent ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tres ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3231373236353639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle le portable de Daniel", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Daniel ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373233323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Albert", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Albert ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363038373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "fais sonner l'alarme \u00e0 17 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "21:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343631343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Met le beau-p\u00e8re de Joe dans les anniversaires \u00e0 venir", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION beau-p\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Joe ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION,21:24:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3231333533323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi s\u2019il y a quelqu\u2019un en ligne", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333436363734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre qui est disponible maintenant", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333431343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute Kelly \u00e0 l\u2019appel, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Kelly ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3139393834333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu'est-ce que je peux faire ce soir qui n'implique pas de boire", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393932373235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Mary a travaill\u00e9 \u00e0 Starbucks auparavant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Mary ] [SL:EMPLOYER Starbucks ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT,32:41:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393738383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui habite actuellement \u00e0 Virginia Beach ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Virginia Beach ] ]", "slot_string": "27:41:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353233343532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quel point la temp\u00eate va-t-elle \u00eatre violente ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00eate ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343835373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez toutes les alarmes que j'ai programm\u00e9es", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "39343631393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "comment faire une ganache au chocolat", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH ganache au chocolat ] ]", "slot_string": "18:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343531373236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps cuire le risotto", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Combien de temps ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH risotto ] ]", "slot_string": "0:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,26:33:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 Leo, Nelson et Carrie pour leur dire que je vous parlerai plus tard", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Leo ] [SL:RECIPIENT Nelson ] [SL:RECIPIENT Carrie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je vous parlerai plus tard ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:RECIPIENT,27:33:SL:RECIPIENT,37:43:SL:RECIPIENT,63:89:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3232353331333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux appeler le 440-555-4980 sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 440-555-4980 ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "19:31:SL:PHONE_NUMBER,36:44:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323731343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "pour la musique utilisez Tidal", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Tidal ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313730393433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enregistrez maintenant le message vid\u00e9o pour Hertha Hien Skibisky.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Hertha Hien Skibisky ] ]", "slot_string": "34:40:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,46:66:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313432393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o de Skelton \u00e0 Cleveland", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Skelton \u00e0 Cleveland ] ]", "slot_string": "25:45:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3232313432333138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "activez l'alarme pour 22h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 22h ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231393233313038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez d\u00e9sactiver l\u2019alarme", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231373130383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux appeler Madelyn Gabrielle Hernandez", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Madelyn Gabrielle Hernandez ] ]", "slot_string": "16:43:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363736313138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "termine l\u2019appel maintenant", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363735333230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "v\u00e9rifie si nancy est en ligne maintenant", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT nancy ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363734383830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand Joel m'a-t-il appel\u00e9 aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME [SL:CONTACT Joel ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:CONTACT,28:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363335373236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets une nouvelle alarme pour vendredi \u00e0 8h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi \u00e0 8h ] ]", "slot_string": "25:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363032383537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever sur Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "6:54:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,59:66:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353531353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour le 5 mai et appelle-la \u00abAnniversaire\u00bb.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 5 mai ] [SL:ALARM_NAME Anniversaire ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:DATE_TIME,48:60:SL:ALARM_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353438353739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Faites participer Joseph \u00e0 cet appel pour moi.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Joseph ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231353436313937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "T\u00e9l\u00e9phone \u00e0 Eva", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Eva ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353232373732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez-moi un peu de Miley Cyrus sur Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Miley Cyrus ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,36:43:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231333534363238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ne r\u00e9pondez pas \u00e0 \u00e7a", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333531373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est disponible pour le chat ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323736383835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 mon m\u00e9decin pour lui demander de m'appeler d\u00e8s que possible", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mon m\u00e9decin ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT appeler d\u00e8s que possible ] ]", "slot_string": "22:34:SL:RECIPIENT,58:83:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323236363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont mes rappels pour la journ\u00e9e de demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour la journ\u00e9e de demain ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323232373731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "changez mon rappel d'arrosage des plantes \u00e0 mardi", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO arrosage des plantes ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:41:SL:TODO,42:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313535343534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de venir chercher mon neveu \u00e0 l'entra\u00eenement demain \u00e0 16 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO venir chercher mon neveu \u00e0 l'entra\u00eenement ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 16 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:59:SL:TODO,60:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313531383331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez me rappeler demain de changer mon rendez-vous chez le Dr Mu \u00e0 une autre date et heure qui n'interf\u00e8re pas avec mon horaire de travail.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:TODO changer mon rendez-vous chez le Dr Mu \u00e0 une autre date et heure qui n'interf\u00e8re pas avec mon horaire de travail ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:27:SL:DATE_TIME,31:144:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313531353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez un rappel sur mon calendrier concernant mes heures de repos au travail", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO mes heures de repos au travail ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,48:78:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313436323834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "programmez un rappel pour rencontrer Jody demain \u00e0 midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO rencontrer Jody ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 midi ] ]", "slot_string": "26:41:SL:TODO,42:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313435323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour le rendez-vous chez Jaguar \u00e0 16h45", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO rendez-vous chez Jaguar ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 16h45 ] ]", "slot_string": "24:47:SL:TODO,48:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393837383731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je voir un concert ce soir \u00e0 Tampa ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concert ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] [SL:LOCATION Tampa ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,24:31:SL:DATE_TIME,35:40:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393836393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Choses \u00e0 faire sur East Bay ce weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION East Bay ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:LOCATION,29:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393231333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pat Thiessen a-t-il un fils ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Pat Thiessen ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION fils ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:CONTACT,23:27:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} +{"id": "3138393931313939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 travaille Rhonda actuellement ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Rhonda ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393834343431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille pour le Starbucks local ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Starbucks ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393834333438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je connais quelqu\u2019un qui travaille \u00e0 l\u2019h\u00f4tel W ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:EMPLOYER l\u2019h\u00f4tel W ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,51:63:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833313538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui travaille chez Chipotle ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Chipotle ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393734343333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les amis de ma femme", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED ma femme ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:TYPE_RELATION,12:20:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138393734333532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "montrez mes amis", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:16:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} +{"id": "3136353035383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand va s\u2019arr\u00eater mon alarme", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3135323936363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les histoires marquantes de cette fin de semaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE histoires ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE marquantes ] [SL:DATE_TIME de cette fin de semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:37:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,38:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3133343139333138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment cuire un steak sur un grill", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT steak ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD grill ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,30:35:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} +{"id": "3132383135353438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions pour la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "29:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132363135343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 San Diego maintenant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION San Diego ] ]", "slot_string": "30:39:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353831313937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous me lire des informations sur la politique ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY politique ] ]", "slot_string": "24:36:SL:NEWS_TYPE,44:53:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353638353830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets un minuteur pour la nouvelle s\u00e9rie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:TIMER_NAME nouvelle s\u00e9rie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER,25:40:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353535383131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il actuellement \u00e0 Hampton Park ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hampton Park ] ]", "slot_string": "35:47:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353532323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Depuis combien de temps ce minuteur fonctionne-t-il ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "27:35:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353437333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est le taux d'humidit\u00e9 en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE humidit\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353433363332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez l'alarme pour le temps de cuisson \u00e0 19 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME alarme pour le temps de cuisson ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 19 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "10:41:SL:ALARM_NAME,42:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353430333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les temp\u00e9ratures vont-elles atteindre les 100 degr\u00e9s aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "55:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353332333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter Third Eye Blind", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Third Eye Blind ] ]", "slot_string": "17:32:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353133313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pleut-il \u00e0 Burlington, VT ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE Pleut ] [SL:LOCATION Burlington, VT ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,12:26:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353039333439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lisez-moi mes nouvelles locales.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locales ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:31:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353031383231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez \"Eat It\" de Weird Al.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Eat It ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Weird Al ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,18:26:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343936393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien de temps reste t il \u00e0 la minuterie", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "34:43:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343936333137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Londres?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Londres ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39343836373534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "La minuterie s'est-elle d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9clench\u00e9e ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "3:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343832333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux entendre de la musique rap.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rap ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,31:34:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343638343732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux tu rajouter 5 minutes \u00e0 la minuterie", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:DATE_TIME,33:42:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343631313734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment pr\u00e9pare-t-on la sauce aux canneberges ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauce aux canneberges ] ]", "slot_string": "25:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232333635353436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Kimberly et appelle Aaron en utilisant Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kimberly ] [SL:CONTACT Aaron ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT,28:33:SL:CONTACT,47:55:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373538303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Jerry num\u00e9ro quatre", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jerry ] [SL:ORDINAL num\u00e9ro quatre ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT,14:28:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231373131363333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Isaiah Prince Davenport pour moi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Isaiah Prince Davenport ] ]", "slot_string": "8:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353539333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "aurai-je besoin d'un parapluie aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353536323731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques pour Lisbonne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Lisbonne ] ]", "slot_string": "52:60:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353438383136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une nouvelle alarme pour le r\u00e9veil matinal", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME matinal ] ]", "slot_string": "38:45:SL:ALARM_NAME,46:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333339353339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance un appel avec Jeanna", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jeanna ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323433333038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Toutes les actualit\u00e9s du New York Times", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE New York Times ] ]", "slot_string": "26:40:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3231323334373637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre tous mes rappels d'anniversaire \u00e0 venir", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO anniversaire ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,7:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:15:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:38:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323235313939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "fais-moi penser \u00e0 passer la serpill\u00e8re avant le d\u00eener", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO passer la serpill\u00e8re avant le d\u00eener ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:56:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313532343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'aller chercher des coupons vendredi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO aller chercher des coupons ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:41:SL:TODO,42:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434343039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel pour mon rendez-vous.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO rendez-vous ] ]", "slot_string": "24:27:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:39:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3138393837393233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel \u00e2ge a Jim", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE [SL:CONTACT Jim ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393830353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que j'ai des amis \u00e0 Los Angeles", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED j' ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION Los Angeles ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,20:24:SL:TYPE_RELATION,28:39:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3132363135373038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance le nouvel album de Lana Del Rey", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lana Del Rey ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,25:37:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353332323533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets de la musique blues", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE blues ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:24:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353239393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle heure le soleil se couche demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "36:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232353332333936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Harvey Mandel", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Harvey Mandel ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232343532373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'aimerais peut-\u00eatre aller \u00e0 Dinosaur Jr.", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Dinosaur Jr. ] ]", "slot_string": "31:43:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} +{"id": "3232333636303637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Romeo avec Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Romeo ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT,19:27:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323830383039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue le succ\u00e8s actuel de Taylor Swift", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Taylor Swift ] ]", "slot_string": "26:38:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313933363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu t\u00e9l\u00e9phoner \u00e0 Beckett Wilson sur Messenger", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Beckett Wilson ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "24:38:SL:CONTACT,43:52:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373233353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9ponds \u00e0 Elisa avec une vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Elisa ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:RECIPIENT,27:33:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231363430303337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "La m\u00e9t\u00e9o de Brisbane \u00e0 10 h.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Brisbane ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 10 h ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:LOCATION,23:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353937303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "M\u00e9t\u00e9o attendue pour Londres (Angleterre)", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Londres (Angleterre) ] ]", "slot_string": "22:42:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353538313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles seront les conditions m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques \u00e0 midi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 midi ] ]", "slot_string": "48:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333431343237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux que Dean soit ajout\u00e9 \u00e0 cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Dean ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231323739353339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi les messages des 30 derniers jours.", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:DATE_TIME des 30 derniers jours ] ]", "slot_string": "24:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323332323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi d\u2019envoyer \u00e0 Sarah une cl\u00e9 pour le bureau", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer \u00e0 Sarah une cl\u00e9 pour le bureau ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:57:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323238333030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve le rappel pour la f\u00eate d'anniversaire de mon neveu.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Trouve ] [SL:TODO la f\u00eate d'anniversaire de mon neveu ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,22:58:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323236373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annule les rappels que je dois aller chercher le b\u00e9b\u00e9 chez la baby-sitter ce vendredi", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO aller chercher le b\u00e9b\u00e9 chez la baby-sitter ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "31:75:SL:TODO,76:87:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313435323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "arr\u00eate tous les rappels pour janvier puisque je serai en croisi\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour janvier ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:AMOUNT,25:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393834353334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'Ali habite au Caire ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Ali ] [SL:LOCATION au Caire ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:CONTACT,21:29:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3136333337373738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il plus de d\u00e9tails sur la r\u00e9union du conseil scolaire", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE d\u00e9tails ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC r\u00e9union du conseil scolaire ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:61:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3135323937353638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Alarme dans 15 minutes \u00e0 partir de maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 15 minutes \u00e0 partir de maintenant ] ]", "slot_string": "7:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353832343636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets une alarme pour 9h demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 9h demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "16:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353337303933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis-moi les gros titres locaux r\u00e9cents.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locaux ] [SL:DATE_TIME r\u00e9cents ] ]", "slot_string": "12:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:30:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,31:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353133383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je \u00e9couter la musique la plus r\u00e9cente d'Avril Lavigne ?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Avril Lavigne ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,47:60:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353032383235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Devrais-je prendre un \u00e9cran solaire ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE \u00e9cran solaire ] ]", "slot_string": "22:36:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343532363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi une recette v\u00e9g\u00e9talienne", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE v\u00e9g\u00e9talienne ] ]", "slot_string": "23:37:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "3231373330353730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Janette sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Janette ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT,20:28:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231363339303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu afficher les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques du 19 avril ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME du 19 avril ] ]", "slot_string": "51:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537313132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le temps sera-t-il ensoleill\u00e9 pour ce jour f\u00e9ri\u00e9 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE ensoleill\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour ce jour f\u00e9ri\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "19:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353535313331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eate-moi \u00e0 14h30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 14h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353334333735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue Nas sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Nas ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,13:24:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231333533373831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ne r\u00e9ponds pas s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3139393839383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des \u00e9v\u00e9nements musicaux ce week-end \u00e0 Poughkeepsie", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT musicaux ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] [SL:LOCATION Poughkeepsie ] ]", "slot_string": "26:34:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,35:46:SL:DATE_TIME,50:62:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393833323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Long John Silvers ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Long John Silvers ] ]", "slot_string": "19:36:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3133343439363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi une bonne recette de sandwich aux boulettes de viande", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING bonne ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH sandwich aux boulettes de viande ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:RECIPES_RATING,32:64:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353831383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme le r\u00e9veil \u00e0 3 h du matin demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 3 h du matin demain ] ]", "slot_string": "21:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343832313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme pour vendredi \u00e0 6h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi \u00e0 6h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343736373238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je des minuteries actives ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteries ] ]", "slot_string": "10:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343731393533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle la minuterie sur 45 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343534323532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "trouve-moi une recette de poulet au Marsala", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet au Marsala ] ]", "slot_string": "26:43:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353734353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je voudrais que tu, je voudrais envoyer un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Len sur Messagerie", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Len ] [SL:NAME_APP Messagerie ] ]", "slot_string": "51:57:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,61:64:SL:RECIPIENT,69:79:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373131353435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019aimerais appeler Christopher Jeremy Cruz", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Christopher Jeremy Cruz ] ]", "slot_string": "21:44:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353533323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e deux alarmes d'appels pour demain \u00e0 15 heures et 17 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT deux ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 15 heures et 17 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:AMOUNT,28:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353532323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pour les 2 prochaines semaines, cr\u00e9e une alarme pour 7h tous les matins", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME Pour les 2 prochaines semaines ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 7h tous les matins ] ]", "slot_string": "0:30:SL:DATE_TIME,49:72:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353036323534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appel la petite-fille de Vanessa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT la petite-fille de Vanessa ] ]", "slot_string": "6:32:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353035393130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez le fils de Kayleigh", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT le fils de Kayleigh ] ]", "slot_string": "8:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333130393530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Conversation vid\u00e9o avec mes cousins", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mes cousins ] ]", "slot_string": "25:36:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323830333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demande \u00e0 maman si elle conna\u00eet un bon restaurant pas loin avec des pizzas fa\u00e7on Chicago.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT maman ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT elle conna\u00eet un bon restaurant pas loin avec des pizzas fa\u00e7on Chicago ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:RECIPIENT,20:91:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323331383736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis-moi tous les rappels pour les diners que j\u2019ai cette semaine", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Lis ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:TODO les diners que j\u2019ai ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "0:3:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,4:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:12:SL:AMOUNT,30:51:SL:TODO,52:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313535363937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez mon rappel de payer la facture d'eau", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO de payer la facture d'eau ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:46:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313438383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 Eleanor \u00e0 propos de son id\u00e9e de projet \u00e0 10h demain matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 Eleanor \u00e0 propos de son id\u00e9e de projet ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 10h demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:69:SL:TODO,70:89:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393830333036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelque chose d\u2019int\u00e9ressant qui se passe vendredi", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "44:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393833373935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi qui travaille chez la pharmacie Publix", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER pharmacie Publix ] ]", "slot_string": "33:49:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3132353732323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "On pourra voir les \u00e9toiles ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE \u00e9toiles ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343937393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets du rock ind\u00e9", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rock ind\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343535313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment est-ce que je pr\u00e9pare un saut\u00e9 de luffa", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH saut\u00e9 de luffa ] ]", "slot_string": "34:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353832363830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "veuillez envoyer ce message \u00e0 mes grands-parents", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mes grands-parents ] ]", "slot_string": "31:49:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832343633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "prendre mes messages vid\u00e9o de ma femme Margot", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:SENDER femme Margot ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,34:46:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232353832333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affichez les textes de mon cousin", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mon cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "laissez-moi voir les messages de ma grand-m\u00e8re Marilyn", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER ma grand-m\u00e8re Marilyn ] ]", "slot_string": "33:55:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232353831393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montrez-moi les messages de tante Iris", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER tante Iris ] ]", "slot_string": "28:38:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232353735333330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je voudrais envoyer \u00e0 Izzy ce message Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Izzy ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:CONTACT,39:48:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353138353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez Katelyn Patton, Grace Hayden et Fabian Lara", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Katelyn Patton ] [SL:CONTACT Grace Hayden ] [SL:CONTACT Fabian Lara ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:CONTACT,24:36:SL:CONTACT,40:51:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232343230393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez l'\u00e9poux d'Elaine Mendez", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT l'\u00e9poux d'Elaine Mendez ] ]", "slot_string": "8:32:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730383132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Commence \u00e0 appeler la m\u00e8re de Myles", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT m\u00e8re de Myles ] ]", "slot_string": "23:37:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730373130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le grand p\u00e8re d\u2019Ana Simmons", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT le grand p\u00e8re d\u2019Ana Simmons ] ]", "slot_string": "8:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333636333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle ma s\u0153ur et ma grand-m\u00e8re par WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma s\u0153ur ] [SL:CONTACT ma grand-m\u00e8re ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT,20:34:SL:CONTACT,39:47:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323731363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "utilisez Google Play par d\u00e9faut", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Google Play ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313731333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Commence \u00e0 enregistrer un message vid\u00e9o pour Ressie Beek.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Ressie Beek ] ]", "slot_string": "35:41:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,47:58:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313731333436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enregistrez maintenant le message vid\u00e9o pour Fatima.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Fatima ] ]", "slot_string": "34:40:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,46:52:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373330313535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Amy \u00e0 la place", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amy ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363734353131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez ma m\u00e8re.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363037333038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez mon fr\u00e8re Emmanuel.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon fr\u00e8re Emmanuel ] ]", "slot_string": "8:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363031313631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Faites la sieste jusqu'\u00e0 plus tard", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353535303139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez une alarme pour moi \u00e0 15 heures, s'il vous pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 15 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "27:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353534373832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9ez une alarme pour lundi \u00e0 5h !", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour lundi \u00e0 5h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353436313931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez ma tante", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma tante ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534343138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle tante s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT tante ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333436313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui est libre", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333431323033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Invitez maman \u00e0 cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED maman ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333132383631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Maman est-elle en ligne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Maman ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323836313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Jennifer que je la verrai au match \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9cole ce soir", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jennifer ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je la verrai au match \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9cole ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:RECIPIENT,34:77:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323831363831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 maman pour acheter des \u0153ufs", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT maman ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT acheter des \u0153ufs ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:RECIPIENT,33:50:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323830363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dites \u00e0 maman que je serai l\u00e0 dans 30 minutes", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT maman ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je serai l\u00e0 dans 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:RECIPIENT,19:47:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323737383934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyer un message \u00e0 ma fille.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma fille ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231323737373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 maman que je serai en retard de 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT maman ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je serai en retard de 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPIENT,31:63:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323431303633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019appeler maman demain soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler maman ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:30:SL:TODO,31:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323338363834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour sortir la poubelle \u00e0 19h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO sortir la poubelle ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 19h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:39:SL:TODO,40:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237393638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez \u00e0 Brian de partir \u00e0 16 heures et lui envoyer une alerte 10 minutes avant.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Brian ] [SL:TODO partir \u00e0 16 heures ] [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes avant ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:40:SL:TODO,67:83:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez Lisa de venir dans une heure pour jouer des jeux de soci\u00e9t\u00e9s avec moi, Alex et Karly.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Lisa ] [SL:TODO venir dans une heure pour jouer des jeux de soci\u00e9t\u00e9s avec moi, Alex et Karly ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:95:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323235373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez le rappel pour l\u2019enregistrement du film Lifetime ce soir \u00e0 pm.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO enregistrement du film Lifetime ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir \u00e0 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "29:60:SL:TODO,61:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoutez \u00e0 mes rappels d'obtenir le billet pour Lollapalooza en juillet.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO obtenir le billet pour Lollapalooza en juillet ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:71:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313531353835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de faire la vaisselle pour passer chez maman pour d\u00eener dimanche.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO faire la vaisselle pour passer chez maman ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:57:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313531333632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de confirmer la date du d\u00eener de 18h avec Angel.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO de confirmer la date du d\u00eener de 18h avec Angel ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:61:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313530343731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez \u00e0 jour le rappel de r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer maman de 6h13 \u00e0 9h48", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer maman ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 6h13 ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 9h48 ] ]", "slot_string": "28:45:SL:TODO,46:53:SL:DATE_TIME,54:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313530343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019appeler ma m\u00e8re mardi matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler ma m\u00e8re ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi matin ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:33:SL:TODO,34:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313437373630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets un rappel demain pour Jodie d\u2019appeler Karen concernant le covoiturage \u00e0 la piscine samedi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Jodie ] [SL:TODO appeler Karen concernant le covoiturage \u00e0 la piscine samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:DATE_TIME,27:32:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,37:97:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313434393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois appeler mon fr\u00e8re. Pouvez-vous me rappeler ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler mon fr\u00e8re ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] ]", "slot_string": "8:26:SL:TODO,40:42:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231313434393337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019envoyer un e-mail sur le HOA \u00e0 propos de l\u2019entreprise de cl\u00f4ture qui vient faire une estimation mardi prochain \u00e0 10h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer un e-mail sur le HOA \u00e0 propos de l\u2019entreprise de cl\u00f4ture qui vient faire une estimation ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi prochain \u00e0 10h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:116:SL:TODO,117:138:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434363632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de regarder la pr\u00e9sentation sur la bande dessin\u00e9e samedi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO regarder la pr\u00e9sentation sur la bande dessin\u00e9e ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:64:SL:TODO,65:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303233333437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marre un appel vid\u00e9o avec ma s\u0153ur", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma s\u0153ur ] ]", "slot_string": "30:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231303134373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute Marie \u00e0 cet appel.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Marie ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3139393836343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parlez-moi des \u00e9v\u00e9nements qui auront lieu mercredi \u00e0 Long Island.", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME mercredi ] [SL:LOCATION Long Island ] ]", "slot_string": "44:52:SL:DATE_TIME,56:67:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393932353139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 se trouve le lieu de travail de Steven ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Steven ] ]", "slot_string": "36:42:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138383937383039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez mon r\u00e9veil pour qu\u2019il se lance dans 20 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "42:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353735363739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la force des vents aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE vents ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,30:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353638343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Soustrais 5 minutes \u00e0 la minuterie, s\u2019il te plait.", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:DATE_TIME,26:35:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353635323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue mes cha\u00eenes pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9es sur Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE cha\u00eenes ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,35:42:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353630353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouvez des articles sur l'actualit\u00e9 de la sant\u00e9 aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE articles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC actualit\u00e9 de la sant\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:50:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,51:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353537333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment est la sensation de chaleur ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chaleur ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353531373832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "fais moi \u00e9couter la derni\u00e8re chanson de Drake", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Drake ] ]", "slot_string": "31:38:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,42:47:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353331363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez-moi de la musique classique", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE classique ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,24:33:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353235383338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue le nouvel album de Paramore", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Paramore ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,24:32:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353033363734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des nouvelles sur Fox ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Fox ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:21:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39343838343036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "la m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 West Valley City", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION West Valley City ] ]", "slot_string": "14:30:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3232353833323439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie le message de mes grand-parents", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mes grand-parents ] ]", "slot_string": "21:38:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353431373532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "breitbart news en direct", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE breitbart news ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE en direct ] ]", "slot_string": "0:14:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,15:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "3232353139313531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu appeler Angie Novak sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Angie Novak ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "16:27:SL:CONTACT,32:40:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373439373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter The first snow sur spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE The first snow ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "17:31:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,36:43:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363038323034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme une alarme pour 10 h 00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 10 h 00 ] ]", "slot_string": "21:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353530323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pour quand mes alarmes sont-elles r\u00e9gl\u00e9es ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353435393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Andy", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Andy ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353334383930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue l'album Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade of Hits sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade of Hits ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,13:51:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,56:67:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353036333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle l\u2019ami(e) d\u2019Aubrie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ami(e) d\u2019Aubrie ] ]", "slot_string": "12:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353036323632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le papa de Gennie Goldstein", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT papa de Gennie Goldstein ] ]", "slot_string": "11:35:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333532303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets l'appel en attente et prends l'autre appel", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333130383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marre un appel avec mon petit ami", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT petit ami ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333039343333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle ma demi-s\u0153ur", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma demi-s\u0153ur ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323832343733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "indique par message \u00e0 ma s\u0153ur Connie qu'il y a une lecture de po\u00e9sie dans le parc sur la principale", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma s\u0153ur Connie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT il y a une lecture de po\u00e9sie dans le parc sur la principale ] ]", "slot_string": "23:38:SL:RECIPIENT,42:102:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323431383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'appeler ma m\u00e8re demain pour son anniversaire", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler ma m\u00e8re demain pour son anniversaire ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:60:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323431373433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annule le rappel Appeler maman", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Appeler maman ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323430343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux que l'on me rappelle de classer ces rapports de bogues", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Je ] [SL:TODO classer ces rapports de bogues ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,32:62:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323334303438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour l'activit\u00e9 professionnelle.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO activit\u00e9 professionnelle ] ]", "slot_string": "23:48:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313733353530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui f\u00eate son anniversaire en \u00e9t\u00e9 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e9t\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'envoyer des e-mails \u00e0 mes camarades de classe au sujet de notre prochaine r\u00e9union de classe ce week-end.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer des e-mails \u00e0 mes camarades de classe au sujet de notre prochaine r\u00e9union de classe ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:108:SL:TODO,109:120:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353638363034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il pleuvoir ce mercredi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232353832323331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les messages vid\u00e9o de mon fils", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT mon fils ] ]", "slot_string": "24:30:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,34:42:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832303834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi les messages de mon cousin", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mon cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "27:37:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832303535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9cup\u00e8re mes messages de tatie Zion", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER tatie Zion ] ]", "slot_string": "27:37:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232333730353136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "passe un appel au fils de Keira", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT fils de Keira ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232323930323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e-moi une minuterie appel\u00e9 Il est temps de partir", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:TIMER_NAME Il est temps de partir ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:METHOD_TIMER,32:54:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313731333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enregistre un message vid\u00e9o pour tata.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT tata ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,34:38:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363734363139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle maman.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT maman ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363734303139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annule cet appel.", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363333303338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets des alarmes \u00e0 10h du matin et \u00e0 14h, le vendredi, toutes les semaines", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 10h du matin et \u00e0 14h, le vendredi ] [SL:PERIOD toutes les semaines ] ]", "slot_string": "17:55:SL:DATE_TIME,57:76:SL:PERIOD"} +{"id": "3231353537393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que pr\u00e9voit la m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 15 h ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 15 h ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353436363134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux appeler ma s\u0153ur", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma s\u0153ur ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353435393534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe un coup de fil \u00e0 mon p\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "24:33:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353036303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le fr\u00e8re de Peyton", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT fr\u00e8re de Peyton ] ]", "slot_string": "11:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333533383035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez me mettre en activit\u00e9 d\u00e8s maintenant", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323839363634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Informe ma m\u00e8re par un message que j'appellerai \u00e0 mon prochain arr\u00eat", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT m\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT j'appellerai \u00e0 mon prochain arr\u00eat ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:RECIPIENT,36:71:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323833333735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Nanette pour dire que je lui enverrai le rapport final par e-mail aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Nanette ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je lui enverrai le rapport final par e-mail aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:RECIPIENT,43:98:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323431383039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'appeler le v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaire \u00e0 7 h 30 demain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler le v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaire ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 7 h 30 demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:39:SL:TODO,40:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323431373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'appeler Janice \u00e0 17 heures.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler Janice ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:29:SL:TODO,30:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323430383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute un rappel pour envoyer des fleurs \u00e0 grand-m\u00e8re la semaine prochaine pour son anniversaire", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO envoyer des fleurs \u00e0 grand-m\u00e8re la semaine prochaine pour son anniversaire ] ]", "slot_string": "22:98:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323236393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il y a des rappels \u00e0 venir concernant la rencontre avec Georges ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO rencontre avec Georges ] ]", "slot_string": "52:74:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323232343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Modifie le rappel pour appeler Steve de 13h \u00e0 15h.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO appeler Steve ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 13h ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 15h ] ]", "slot_string": "23:36:SL:TODO,37:43:SL:DATE_TIME,44:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fixe un rappel pour mon rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin le lundi \u00e0 15h00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO mon rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin ] [SL:DATE_TIME le lundi \u00e0 15h00 ] ]", "slot_string": "20:52:SL:TODO,53:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438313330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois envoyer un texto \u00e0 maman demain \u00e0 propos du jardin \u2013 cr\u00e9e un rappel pour 11 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO texto \u00e0 maman demain \u00e0 propos du jardin ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 11 h ] ]", "slot_string": "19:60:SL:TODO,81:90:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303139393138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle ma s\u0153ur s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma s\u0153ur ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3136353036313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Red\u00e9finis l'alarme pour 5 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 5 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323939383536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de calories contiennent 8 onces de jus d'orange", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Combien ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT onces ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH jus d'orange ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,11:19:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,34:39:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,43:55:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133343635313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "comment savoir quand la dinde est pr\u00eate", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH dinde ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE pr\u00eate ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH,34:40:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353438383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o sur sept jours ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME sur sept jours ] ]", "slot_string": "37:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353337373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue Madonna \u00ab Vogue \u00bb", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Madonna ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Vogue ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,16:21:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} +{"id": "39353136343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une nouvelle minuterie pour 30 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:METHOD_TIMER,30:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353034303931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les derni\u00e8res infos concernant le remplacement de l'Obamacare ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE derni\u00e8res ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE infos ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC remplacement de l'Obamacare ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,26:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE,46:73:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353030313338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "annule toutes mes alarmes existantes", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3232333730343030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "passe un appel au partenaire d\u2019Emerson", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT partenaire d\u2019Emerson ] ]", "slot_string": "18:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373233383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'aimerais que tu envoies un message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "37:43:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231363734323437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Commence un appel vid\u00e9o avec ma maman s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT maman ] ]", "slot_string": "33:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363339353232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o de Sydney \u00e0 17 h aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Sydney ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 h aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "24:30:SL:LOCATION,31:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353835313738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ouvre l'application t\u00e9l\u00e9phone et appelle Jim", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jim ] ]", "slot_string": "43:46:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets-moi en communication avec le patron", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT patron ] ]", "slot_string": "34:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333531343739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "S\u2019il te pla\u00eet appelle papa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "25:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333430343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'aimerais appeler papa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333039373539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajoute maintenant les ni\u00e8ces \u00e0 l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED ni\u00e8ces ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231323930343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis \u00e0 ma maman qu'apr\u00e8s avoir tourn\u00e9 \u00e0 droite au panneau stop elle doit tourner \u00e0 gauche au feu pour arriver au portail de ma maison.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma maman ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT apr\u00e8s avoir tourn\u00e9 \u00e0 droite au panneau stop elle doit tourner \u00e0 gauche au feu pour arriver au portail de ma maison ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:RECIPIENT,19:137:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323837393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 la Maison du rhum et demande-leur les horaires de leur happy hour", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT la Maison du rhum ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT les horaires de leur happy hour ] ]", "slot_string": "21:38:SL:RECIPIENT,55:86:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323830333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis \u00e0 Jerry que je serai \u00e0 la plage dans 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jerry ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je serai \u00e0 la plage dans 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:RECIPIENT,17:53:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323339393430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'un rappel demain \u00e0 midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED J' ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 midi ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337333338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets un rappel pour la di\u00e9t\u00e9ticienne mardi \u00e0 15 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO di\u00e9t\u00e9ticienne ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi \u00e0 15 h ] ]", "slot_string": "23:38:SL:TODO,39:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323333323237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime mon rappel pour le petit-d\u00e9jeuner dimanche avec Maralyse.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO petit-d\u00e9jeuner dimanche avec Maralyse ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:66:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313533383730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'acheter des billets pour le prochain match \u00e0 domicile des Hawks d'Atlanta", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter des billets pour le prochain match \u00e0 domicile des Hawks d'Atlanta ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:89:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313438393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'appeler Maman demain soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler Maman ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:28:SL:TODO,29:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393837383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "V\u00e9rifie les choses \u00e0 faire \u00e0 White Plains ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION White Plains ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "32:44:SL:LOCATION,45:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393736313037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi qui est amis avec Rob", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Rob ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:TYPE_RELATION,29:32:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3133343130353233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature n\u00e9cessaire pour faire des petits g\u00e2teaux", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00e9rature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH petits g\u00e2teaux ] ]", "slot_string": "14:26:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,54:69:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132363132393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue le dernier single de Shania Twain", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE single ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Shania Twain ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,26:38:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353538393236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une minuterie \u00e0 10", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 10 ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353534353135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu'est-ce qu'on pr\u00e9voit comme temp\u00e9rature entre 14 h et 19 h ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME entre 14 h et 19 h ] ]", "slot_string": "44:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353331313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la derni\u00e8re actualit\u00e9 sur CNN ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME derni\u00e8re ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE,39:42:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39343536373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "trouve-moi une recette facile de cookie", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE facile ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookie ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,33:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343532383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peut-on utiliser du lait \u00e0 1 % de mati\u00e8res grasses au lieu du lait entier ?", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT lait \u00e0 1 % de mati\u00e8res grasses ] [SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT lait ] ]", "slot_string": "20:52:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,64:68:SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3232333635343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle mon contact WhatsApp Julius Reed", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT Julius Reed ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:NAME_APP,29:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353438363933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "PROGRAMMEZ MON ALARME", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353436333232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je peux parler \u00e0 Smith", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Smith ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3136343338363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il y a des mises \u00e0 jour sur la condamnation de l'ancien gouverneur de Pennsylvanie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE mises \u00e0 jour ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC la condamnation de l'ancien gouverneur de Pennsylvanie ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:83:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3232353137393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle en vid\u00e9o le groupe des amis sur Wechat", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP le groupe des amis ] [SL:NAME_APP Wechat ] ]", "slot_string": "18:36:SL:GROUP,41:47:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231363337363635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "alarme silencieuse pendant 5 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pendant 5 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "19:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323831383630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 Brody et d\u00e9couvrez s'il a une adresse pour Brock.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Brody ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT il a une adresse pour Brock ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:RECIPIENT,44:71:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323337313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019acheter des \u0153ufs \u00e0 17h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter des \u0153ufs ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:34:SL:TODO,35:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323330323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi tous les rappels que j\u2019ai pour mes heures de classe", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Dis ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED j\u2019 ] [SL:TODO mes heures de classe ] ]", "slot_string": "0:3:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:12:SL:AMOUNT,29:33:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,41:61:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3139393738353337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "spectacles de Las Vegas", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT spectacles ] [SL:LOCATION Las Vegas ] ]", "slot_string": "0:10:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,14:23:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3132353838383138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand la neige commence-t-elle \u00e0 tomber ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neige ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,41:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353737303834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettre un chronom\u00e8tre d\u2019une minute", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] [SL:DATE_TIME d\u2019une minute ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,23:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343539333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels ingr\u00e9dients y a t il dans la confection des cookies", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "6:18:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,51:58:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833363439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message disant joyeux anniversaire \u00e0 Bill, Kirk et Terry", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT joyeux anniversaire ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bill ] [SL:RECIPIENT Kirk ] [SL:RECIPIENT Terry ] ]", "slot_string": "25:44:SL:CONTENT_EXACT,48:52:SL:RECIPIENT,54:58:SL:RECIPIENT,62:67:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231353539303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il fait bon en Floride en septembre ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE bon ] [SL:LOCATION Floride ] [SL:DATE_TIME en septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "18:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:32:SL:LOCATION,33:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333430343835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "passe un appel \u00e0 mary", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mary ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323330303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi d'acheter des billets pour le match des Yankees vendredi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter des billets pour le match des Yankees ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:60:SL:TODO,61:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313534383733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de rencontrer mes amis de l'organisation Parents-Enseignants de l'\u00e9cole pour d\u00e9jeuner demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO rencontrer mes amis de l'organisation Parents-Enseignants de l'\u00e9cole pour d\u00e9jeuner ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:100:SL:TODO,101:107:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313437383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de participer au sondage pour un cr\u00e9dit suppl\u00e9mentaire", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO participer au sondage pour un cr\u00e9dit suppl\u00e9mentaire ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:69:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3138393736353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui sont les amis de JB ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED JB ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION,21:23:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "39343736323732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une minuterie pour les \u0153ufs \u00e0 la coque", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:TIMER_NAME \u0153ufs \u00e0 la coque ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,30:47:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232353138313537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux appeler mon groupe \u00e9tudiants Master", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP \u00e9tudiants Master ] ]", "slot_string": "27:44:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3138393736353036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin de voir les amis de Juni...", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Juni ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:TYPE_RELATION,32:36:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3136343732313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9p\u00e8te l'alarme dans 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135333030303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle la minuterie sur 15 secondes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 15 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3133323735333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle est la meilleure fa\u00e7on de cuisiner une dinde pour Thanks Giving", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING meilleure ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH dinde ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:RECIPES_RATING,47:52:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353735333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Gros titres d'actualit\u00e9s", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE Gros titres d'actualit\u00e9s ] ]", "slot_string": "0:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343832383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajoute dix minutes \u00e0 la minuterie s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME dix minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:DATE_TIME,25:34:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3231363431363936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "lis al\u00e9atoirement Tonight", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} +{"id": "3138393735363633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi les amis de Brenda", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Brenda ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,23:29:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3232323630383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marre une alarme r\u00e9currente les mardis et mercredis", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME les mardis et mercredis ] ]", "slot_string": "32:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232313330353839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enlevez Abril Ellison de cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Abril Ellison ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231373232383138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message vid\u00e9o, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231363030383036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme pour treize semaines les vendredis \u00e0 10h du matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour treize semaines ] [SL:DATE_TIME les vendredis \u00e0 10h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "17:37:SL:DATE_TIME,38:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393737363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il quelque chose d\u2019int\u00e9ressant \u00e0 faire demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "49:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393933353634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 Kenneth Jr travaille-t-il ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Kenneth Jr ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "39353133323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue des chansons de Britney Spears.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Britney Spears ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,21:35:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343636333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez un peu de musique jazz", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE jazz ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,24:28:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343539343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi une recette de tourte aux fruits", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH tourte aux fruits ] ]", "slot_string": "26:43:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353832373335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Voudrais-tu envoyer un texto \u00e0 Tony et Mark ?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Tony ] [SL:RECIPIENT Mark ] ]", "slot_string": "32:36:SL:RECIPIENT,40:44:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232333635313532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Johnny en vid\u00e9o sur Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Johnny ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,29:37:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373538363930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Vanessa Summers tout de suite, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Vanessa Summers ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363735303931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle heure a eu lieu le dernier appel ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363734363435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Contactez Rae", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Rae ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363337303832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez le r\u00e9veil pour ce soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "18:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353232373232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets la derni\u00e8re chanson de Tory Lanez", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Tory Lanez ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,29:39:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231333534353835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9pondez \u00e0 un appel vid\u00e9o entrant.", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333339353437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux appeler Lisa s'il vous pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lisa ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323337303134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de jouer au football", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO jouer au football ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:33:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323237343035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez tous les rappels pour ce mercredi.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour ce mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:AMOUNT,27:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439333138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9voyez un rappel pour le chat Zoom \u00e0 9 heures.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO chat Zoom ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 9 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "28:37:SL:TODO,38:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434313131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de coller des \u00e9tiquettes de bagages sur les valises !", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO coller des \u00e9tiquettes de bagages sur les valises ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:65:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3230393939333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "s\u2019il te plait d\u00e9marre l\u2019application Pandora maintenant", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "41:48:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3138393735343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "liste de mes amis", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,13:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} +{"id": "3138383934383538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment pr\u00e9parer la mayonnaise", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH mayonnaise ] ]", "slot_string": "21:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353733353838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Meilleure chanson de Carlos Vives.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Carlos Vives ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,21:33:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353335353839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quel point ce sera chaud ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chaud ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353335323930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps reste-t-il avant que mon r\u00e9veil ne se d\u00e9clenche ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353233333539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je prendre un parapluie avec moi aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,38:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353230393033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le climat \u00e0 Hawa\u00ef ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hawa\u00ef ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353031343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y aura-t-il une temp\u00eate samedi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00eate ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343933303339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour demain \u00e0 21h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 21h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343539373536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle heure dois-je faire cuire le poulet ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "39:45:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3232353139313639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Kara Parker pour moi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kara Parker ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373530353532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu me montrer plus de concerts", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] ]", "slot_string": "27:35:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} +{"id": "3231353531313636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme de rappel pour appeler les coiffeurs pour demain \u00e0 16 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME appeler les coiffeurs ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 16 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "36:57:SL:ALARM_NAME,58:82:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323430363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime tous mes rappels.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:AMOUNT,14:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231323333363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu nous rappeler d'aller au d\u00e9jeuner samedi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED nous ] [SL:TODO aller au d\u00e9jeuner ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:42:SL:TODO,43:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303134383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ne r\u00e9ponds pas \u00e0 cet appel", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3138383932333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire un sandwich \u00e0 la salade de poulet", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sandwich \u00e0 la salade de poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "17:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3135323932383734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute 12 minutes au chronom\u00e8tre", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 12 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:DATE_TIME,21:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353539353736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les gros titres de CNN ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN ] ]", "slot_string": "15:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:33:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39353537383933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les d\u00e9tails de l'accident de voiture en Virginie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE d\u00e9tails ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC accident de voiture en Virginie ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:60:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353133313438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il fera froid dans l'Oregon en septembre ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE froid ] [SL:LOCATION Oregon ] [SL:DATE_TIME en septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:37:SL:LOCATION,38:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232353138303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Cuisine v\u00e9g\u00e9ratienne sur Hangouts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Cuisine v\u00e9g\u00e9ratienne ] [SL:NAME_APP Hangouts ] ]", "slot_string": "8:30:SL:GROUP,35:43:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231363733393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "En fin de compte, je ne veux pas appeler", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353438303431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Bascule en tchat vid\u00e9o.", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353436303831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Helen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Helen ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323838313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 courtney et demande-lui si elle peut faire des cupcakes pour la f\u00eate de ma fille", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT courtney ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT elle peut faire des cupcakes pour la f\u00eate de ma fille ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:RECIPIENT,48:102:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323333343533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Avec qui mon d\u00e9jeuner du samedi, objet du rappel, est-il pr\u00e9vu ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO d\u00e9jeuner ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:22:SL:TODO,26:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393831383030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les \u00e9v\u00e9nements \u00e0 Plano le mois prochain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Plano ] [SL:DATE_TIME le mois prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:LOCATION,26:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393832393438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez AT&T ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER AT&T ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393734343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montrer les amis de mon p\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mon p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:TYPE_RELATION,20:29:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3134313539323737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9rature int\u00e9rieure demain F", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION int\u00e9rieure ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT F ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:LOCATION,25:31:SL:DATE_TIME,32:33:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "39353533333336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ne joue que les hymnes", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE hymnes ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353331393731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je emporter mon parapluie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353233303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quel point va-t-il faire chaud \u00e0 Phoenix demain", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chaud ] [SL:LOCATION Phoenix ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:44:SL:LOCATION,45:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232353833363237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9ponds au fil de discussion sur les g\u00e2teaux par SMS", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP g\u00e2teaux ] ]", "slot_string": "38:46:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232313933373638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "essaye d'appeler Tucker Spence via Messenger", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tucker Spence ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:CONTACT,35:44:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231393233303934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "fais sonner mon r\u00e9veil dans une heure", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans une heure ] ]", "slot_string": "24:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363338363134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux voir la m\u00e9t\u00e9o en Australie", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Australie ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231333435363033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Indique-moi comme \u00e9tant disponible", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333435313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre que je suis libre", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231313532393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi de prendre le relais pour les dons de polices d'assurance vie cette semaine", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO prendre le relais pour les dons de polices d'assurance vie ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:74:SL:TODO,75:88:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393734373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les amis de Mira", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Mira ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:TYPE_RELATION,12:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3135333032343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Derni\u00e8re actualit\u00e9 sur MSNBC", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE MSNBC ] ]", "slot_string": "10:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:30:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3132363231393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis-moi les gros titres du journal de dimanche", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "12:23:SL:DATE_TIME,38:46:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "3132363230343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand c'est l'\u00e9clipse solaire", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC \u00e9clipse solaire ] ]", "slot_string": "14:30:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353739393735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Depuis combien de jours Trump est-il en vacances ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Depuis combien de jours Trump est-il en vacances ? ] ]", "slot_string": "0:50:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353339363238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le titre de la chanson qui passe en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353135353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme chaque minute pendant six minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD chaque minute ] [SL:DATE_TIME pendant six minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:PERIOD,31:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343939373232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous les articles concernant le r\u00e9chauffement climatique.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE articles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC r\u00e9chauffement climatique ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE,43:68:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353734323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels minuteurs fonctionnent", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteurs ] ]", "slot_string": "6:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343735393132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter le dernier album de Linkin Park", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Linkin Park ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,37:48:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232323739323034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets mon compte en banque s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE compte en banque ] ]", "slot_string": "9:25:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} +{"id": "3231363431313435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "La m\u00e9t\u00e9o cet apr\u00e8s-midi.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363338393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour le lundi de P\u00e2ques ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour le lundi de P\u00e2ques ] ]", "slot_string": "37:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363333333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9glez les alarmes du jeudi \u00e0 5h et 17h pendant 6 semaines", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME du jeudi \u00e0 5h et 17h ] [SL:DATE_TIME pendant 6 semaines ] ]", "slot_string": "20:41:SL:DATE_TIME,42:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363030303135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programmez un r\u00e9veil le lundi \u00e0 10h chaque semaine ce mois", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME le lundi \u00e0 10h chaque semaine ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois ] ]", "slot_string": "22:52:SL:DATE_TIME,53:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323835353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dites \u00e0 Sarah que nous ne serons pas l\u00e0", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sarah ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT nous ne serons pas l\u00e0 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:RECIPIENT,19:41:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3139383035353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Commence \u00e0 me jouer 98 rock sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID 98 rock ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,33:44:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3138393833393539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelqu\u2019un travaille-t-il au Mercy Hospital ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Mercy Hospital ] ]", "slot_string": "30:44:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3132353736333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez la station classique sur Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE classique ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,17:26:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,31:38:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353738373336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions \u00e0 trois jours ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 trois jours ] ]", "slot_string": "29:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353538333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lisez-moi quelques titres de CNN.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:32:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39353239343335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les grands titres politiques actuels ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE grands titres ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY politiques ] [SL:DATE_TIME actuels ] ]", "slot_string": "15:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:39:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,40:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343533313738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les meilleures pommes de terre pour", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT pommes de terre ] ]", "slot_string": "28:43:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3231353539303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel sera l'ensoleillement demain apr\u00e8s-midi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE ensoleillement ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "12:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333937383037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Matt et demande-lui quand est-ce qu'il d\u00e9colle", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Matt ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT quand est-ce qu'il d\u00e9colle ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:RECIPIENT,41:68:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323333303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel concernant la f\u00eate de Logan pour ce week-end", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO f\u00eate de Logan ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "33:47:SL:TODO,48:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3136343034313039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Remet la minuterie \u00e0 z\u00e9ro", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353036303435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "va \u00e0 ma station Enya s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE Enya ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,17:21:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE"} +{"id": "39343932303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue ma s\u00e9lection Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE s\u00e9lection ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:26:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363430393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi quel temps il va faire cette apr\u00e8s-midi \u00e0 14 h", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME cette apr\u00e8s-midi \u00e0 14 h ] ]", "slot_string": "31:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336313236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "tu peux me rappeler d'aller chercher du lait", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO aller chercher du lait ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:44:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323236313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change le rappel de l'heure de la r\u00e9union de 14 h \u00e0 16 h.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO heure de la r\u00e9union ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 14 h ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 16 h ] ]", "slot_string": "22:42:SL:TODO,43:50:SL:DATE_TIME,51:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393832303839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi des programmes int\u00e9ressants pour demain soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT programmes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,40:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393934353132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est Sally ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Sally ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "39353437363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fox News fait actuellement les gros titres", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Fox News ] [SL:DATE_TIME actuellement ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,14:26:SL:DATE_TIME,31:42:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343732313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont mes articles de presse locale", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE articles de presse ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locale ] ]", "slot_string": "15:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:40:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "3231363339343539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il \u00e0 Sydney durant la matin\u00e9e du 10 juin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Sydney ] [SL:DATE_TIME la matin\u00e9e du 10 juin ] ]", "slot_string": "24:30:SL:LOCATION,38:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363031333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veux-tu s'il te pla\u00eet mettre une alerte en place pour le 5 ao\u00fbt \u00e0 10h00 pour que j'aille au mariage de mon ami.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 5 ao\u00fbt \u00e0 10h00 ] [SL:ALARM_NAME aille au mariage de mon ami ] ]", "slot_string": "50:74:SL:DATE_TIME,86:113:SL:ALARM_NAME"} +{"id": "3139393836323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que se passe-t-il \u00e0 Chicago ce week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Chicago ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:LOCATION,29:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232323935333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9branchez le t\u00e9l\u00e9phone", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3232313933393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Eden par Messagerie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Eden ] [SL:NAME_APP Messagerie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT,17:27:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231353939303430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019ai besoin de savoir toutes les alarmes r\u00e9gl\u00e9es sur cet appareil", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "24:30:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3231323832373838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Ashlee et demande-lui \u00e0 quelle heure d\u00e9bute le match de basket ce soir.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Ashlee ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT \u00e0 quelle heure d\u00e9bute le match de basket ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:RECIPIENT,43:93:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231313534323635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de remettre mon pr\u00e9avis de 2 semaines vendredi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO remettre mon pr\u00e9avis de 2 semaines ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:51:SL:TODO,52:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393835363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est l\u2019adresse professionnelle de Li ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Li ] ]", "slot_string": "42:44:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373232313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelons Carlos Booker via WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Carlos Booker ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "9:22:SL:CONTACT,27:35:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373131363334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux appeler Trinity Nannette Bonilla", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trinity Nannette Bonilla ] ]", "slot_string": "16:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353537343637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il du 1er au 7 juin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME du 1er au 7 juin ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353232363031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue des chansons des Play Red Hot Chili Peppers", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Red Hot Chili Peppers ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,27:48:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231323431363233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annulez mon rappel pour aller courir.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO aller courir ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:36:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "39353430323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l\u2019alarme toutes les 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD toutes les 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:39:SL:PERIOD"} +{"id": "39353233303636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez les informations politiques", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY politiques ] ]", "slot_string": "11:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:34:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343632393132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouvez-moi une recette saine \u00e0 base de haddock", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE saine ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT haddock ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,41:48:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3231323337393139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de regarder Insecure Sunday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO regarder Insecure ] [SL:DATE_TIME Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:33:SL:TODO,34:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393833303631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Tout ce qui se passe de bien ce lundi", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "29:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353339373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "S\u2019il te pla\u00eet, mets-moi une musique dansante.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE dansante ] ]", "slot_string": "31:38:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,39:47:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353337363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marre un nouvelle minuterie \u00e0 deux heures.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 deux heures ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER,31:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232343533323632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "fr", "input": "marque moi comme int\u00e9ress\u00e9 pour Katja Petrowskaja: A Family Story Between Memory and Forgetting", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Katja Petrowskaja: A Family Story Between Memory and Forgetting ] ]", "slot_string": "34:97:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} +{"id": "3231363039343838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un texto \u00e0 Evan pour lui dire Parfait je suis dehors je me gare o\u00f9", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Evan ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Parfait je suis dehors je me gare o\u00f9 ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:RECIPIENT,38:75:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231363037383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e une alarme pour 1h 30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 1h 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "17:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323737313534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Jim pour lui demander s'il a vu les chiffres des nouvelles pr\u00e9visions de vente", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jim ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT s'il a vu les chiffres des nouvelles pr\u00e9visions de vente ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:RECIPIENT,43:100:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231313532363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi de r\u00e9gler un rappel pour mon examen de sciences \u00e0 19h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO r\u00e9gler un rappel pour mon examen de sciences ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 19h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:61:SL:TODO,62:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313437353631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de pr\u00e9parer le sac de d\u00e9jeuner de mon mari pour le travail demain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO pr\u00e9parer le sac de d\u00e9jeuner de mon mari pour le travail ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:73:SL:TODO,74:80:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393231333730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "recherche la s\u0153ur de Kirk Daniel", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION s\u0153ur ] [SL:CONTACT Kirk Daniel ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:TYPE_RELATION,22:33:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "39353637343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-ce qu'il fera froid \u00e0 Londres ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE froid ] [SL:LOCATION Londres ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:34:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353136363838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme toutes les 5 minutes pendant 12 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD toutes les 5 minutes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pendant 12 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:38:SL:PERIOD,39:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343934363631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Minuterie d'environ 30 secondes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER Minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME environ 30 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343536343238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recette du poulet au marsala", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet au marsala ] ]", "slot_string": "11:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232343339393536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Hailey Estrada", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Hailey Estrada ] ]", "slot_string": "21:35:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353534343630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet r\u00e8gle une alarme pour le 21 mars", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 21 mars ] ]", "slot_string": "33:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333430343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle joey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT joey ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3139393833363333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a \u00e0 faire ce soir \u00e0 Newport Beach", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] [SL:LOCATION Newport Beach ] ]", "slot_string": "29:36:SL:DATE_TIME,40:53:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393833303535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je connais quelqu\u2019un qui a \u00e9tudi\u00e9 \u00e0 l'Universit\u00e9 de Duke?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:SCHOOL Universit\u00e9 de Duke ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,54:73:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393831303337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien parmi mes amis sont all\u00e9s \u00e0 l\u2019Universit\u00e9 d\u2019\u00c9tat de Bridgewater ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:SCHOOL Universit\u00e9 d\u2019\u00c9tat de Bridgewater ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,18:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,42:78:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "39343839343531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Article \u00e0 la une s'il-te-pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE Article ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE \u00e0 la une ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:NEWS_TYPE,8:17:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE"} +{"id": "3232353138303832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu faire un appel audio au groupe classe de biologie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP classe de biologie ] ]", "slot_string": "39:57:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3231323335313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme un rappel pour 17 heures pour r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer le d\u00eener", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour 17 heures ] [SL:TODO r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer le d\u00eener ] ]", "slot_string": "20:34:SL:DATE_TIME,40:61:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3132353739393539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 est la temp\u00eate tropicale ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00eate tropicale ] ]", "slot_string": "11:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343933323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand est-ce qu'il commencera \u00e0 pleuvoir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] ]", "slot_string": "33:41:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3232353833313034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recevez mes messages vid\u00e9o de Laura, Angelica et Steve", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Laura ] [SL:RECIPIENT Angelica ] [SL:RECIPIENT Steve ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,31:36:SL:RECIPIENT,38:46:SL:RECIPIENT,50:55:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313730393435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux que tu enregistres un message vid\u00e9o pour Nina puisqu\u2019elle n\u2019est pas disponible en ce moment", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Nina ] ]", "slot_string": "38:44:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,50:54:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373234313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Laissez un enregistrement vid\u00e9o pour Caliopi.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Caliopi ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,38:45:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363336373439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eate de faire du bruit", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363333343335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "j\u2019ai besoin de nouvelles alarmes \u00e0 6h00 et \u00e0 7h00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6h00 et \u00e0 7h00 ] ]", "slot_string": "35:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343937363436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les matchs de volleyball qui auront lieu en juin", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT matchs de volleyball ] [SL:DATE_TIME en juin ] ]", "slot_string": "15:35:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,52:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333532313431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lancez l'appel \u00e0 Kelly", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kelly ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323737303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dites \u00e0 Chris de me retrouver \u00e0 l'\u00e9glise \u00e0 20 heures", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Chris ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT me retrouver \u00e0 l'\u00e9glise \u00e0 20 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:RECIPIENT,18:56:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323339333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "me rappeler d'acheter des fruits", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO acheter des fruits ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,14:32:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323337353338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont tous les rappels pour la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:AMOUNT,28:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323332313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des rappels pour vendredi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393839343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c9v\u00e9nements amusants \u00e0 NJ ce weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION NJ ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "25:27:SL:LOCATION,28:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393838353738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "tous les concerts \u00e0 New York lundi", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,21:29:SL:LOCATION,30:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393831343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Spectacles comiques \u00e0 Atlanta ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Spectacles comiques ] [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "0:19:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,23:30:SL:LOCATION,31:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393834393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dites-moi qui travaille \u00e0 The Lawn Company.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER The Lawn Company ] ]", "slot_string": "27:43:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3136333337353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des nouvelles sur les travaux de construction ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC les travaux de construction ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:54:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3135323938393135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les gros titres de Bloomberg ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Bloomberg ] ]", "slot_string": "15:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:39:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3135323839303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me donner l\u2019actualit\u00e9 du spectacle pour le 25 septembre ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY spectacle ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 25 septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "22:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE,36:45:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,46:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353739393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9p\u00e9ter la chanson en cours", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353131333531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle chanson est-ce ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343733303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle une alarme \u00e0 9h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 9h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343639373738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez mon r\u00e9veil pour demain \u00e0 19 heures.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 19 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "20:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363039363638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "affiche mes messages", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353438303135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Retire Sally de la conversation", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Sally ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231323338313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Nouveau rappel.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3138393738363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui habite \u00e0 Phoenix ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Phoenix ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3135323839363930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Relance la minuterie dans 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232353331323632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux appeler le 9675550071", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 9675550071 ] ]", "slot_string": "19:29:SL:PHONE_NUMBER"} +{"id": "3232353138313132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "lance un appel vid\u00e9o avec les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es de la famille sur Messenger", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "31:48:SL:GROUP,67:76:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373232383131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Merci de faire un message vid\u00e9o pour Liz", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Liz ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,38:41:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363338363430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je voudrais conna\u00eetre la m\u00e9t\u00e9o en Australie", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Australie ] ]", "slot_string": "37:46:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353539363830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi quelle est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o d'aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME d'aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "30:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537363138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "M\u00e9t\u00e9o New-York", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New-York ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231323736353938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demande \u00e0 George \u00e0 quelle heure le livreur de pizza a dit qu'il arriverait.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT George ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT \u00e0 quelle heure le livreur de pizza a dit qu'il arriverait ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:RECIPIENT,18:76:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3132363035343133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me montrer les donn\u00e9es radar pour la r\u00e9gion sud-ouest", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION r\u00e9gion sud-ouest ] ]", "slot_string": "46:63:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353537303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fais sonner un r\u00e9veil dimanche \u00e0 7 heures.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche \u00e0 7 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "23:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232313933393231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Aleah sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Aleah ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT,18:26:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3133343634363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi une recette de p\u00e2tes alimentaires", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH p\u00e2tes alimentaires ] ]", "slot_string": "25:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353635343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue-moi de la musique des ann\u00e9es 80 s'il te pla\u00eet.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE ann\u00e9es 80 ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,27:37:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3232333730353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marrez un appel \u00e0 la mamie de St\u00e9phanie Doughery", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT la mamie de St\u00e9phanie Doughery ] ]", "slot_string": "22:53:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353336343635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enlever ma petite amie de l'appel vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED ma petite amie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231333132303430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajouter mon beau-fr\u00e8re \u00e0 l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED beau-fr\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "12:23:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231323334383338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enlevez mon rappel de renouveler ma licence RT en septembre.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO renouveler ma licence RT ] [SL:DATE_TIME en septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:46:SL:TODO,47:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313436373439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019envoyer un e-mail \u00e0 Andra \u00e0 propos des uniformes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer un e-mail \u00e0 Andra \u00e0 propos des uniformes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:67:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3232353138333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez en vid\u00e9o Katrina et Simon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Katrina ] [SL:CONTACT Simon ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:CONTACT,29:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232343339393837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un ping \u00e0 Ella Benjamin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ella Benjamin ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232313731303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je enregistrer un message vid\u00e9o pour un enfant", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT enfant ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,46:52:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313330363839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ma fille est-elle en ligne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Ma fille ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363339333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9visions pour le Colorado", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Colorado ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353539303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il \u00e0 l'heure du d\u00e9jeuner \u00e0 Milton Keynes ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 l'heure du d\u00e9jeuner ] [SL:LOCATION Milton Keynes ] ]", "slot_string": "21:44:SL:DATE_TIME,48:61:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353036373335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle la m\u00e8re de Kylie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT la m\u00e8re de Kylie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:25:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333130323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez les mamans", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mamans ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323839343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dites \u00e0 mon mari d'aller chercher ma nourriture pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9e dans cette direction...", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mon mari ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT aller chercher ma nourriture pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9e dans cette direction ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:RECIPIENT,20:81:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323837383339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 mes amis et leur demander s'ils se trouvent \u00e0 proximit\u00e9 de mon lieu de r\u00e9sidence ?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mes amis ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT ils se trouvent \u00e0 proximit\u00e9 de mon lieu de r\u00e9sidence ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:RECIPIENT,50:105:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323334363833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimer le rappel sur le changement d\u2019huile de lundi.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO changement d\u2019huile de lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "27:56:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313433353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me rappeler d\u2019envoyer les photos de famille \u00e0 tante Michele mercredi ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO envoyer les photos de famille \u00e0 tante Michele ] [SL:DATE_TIME mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:70:SL:TODO,71:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3133343634333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne les ingr\u00e9dients pour la sauce spaghetti", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauce spaghetti ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132353933343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue de la musique Trap", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Trap ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:23:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353737343538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montrez-moi les minuteries en marche", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteries ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353530343531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions \u00e0 20h ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 20h ] ]", "slot_string": "29:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353137303231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "ouvre Spotify et joue la radio Coldplay", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE radio ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Coldplay ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,25:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,31:39:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353034393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-il cens\u00e9 pleuvoir \u00e0 New York aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:34:SL:LOCATION,35:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343639333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux interrompre la minuterie", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "23:32:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3232353038313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Mon fr\u00e8re Nic et ma m\u00e8re Cathi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mon fr\u00e8re Nic ] [SL:CONTACT ma m\u00e8re Cathi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:CONTACT,26:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333635343838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle mon contact Whatsapp Jude McIntosh", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Jude McIntosh ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:NAME_APP,29:42:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353537363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Salut Bot, quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Manchester en Angleterre ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Manchester en Angleterre ] ]", "slot_string": "33:57:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231373131363431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Summer Amaya Atkinson maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Summer Amaya Atkinson ] ]", "slot_string": "8:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363037323830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle mon p\u00e8re Hendrix", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon p\u00e8re Hendrix ] ]", "slot_string": "8:25:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353036343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle l'oncle de Ying Sperandio", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT l'oncle de Ying Sperandio ] ]", "slot_string": "8:33:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333939393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois me pr\u00e9parer \u00e0 m'endormir \u00e0 8 h, rappelle-le-moi \u00e0 7 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pr\u00e9parer \u00e0 m'endormir \u00e0 8 h ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 7 h ] ]", "slot_string": "11:41:SL:TODO,55:58:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,59:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333131333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajoute mes fils \u00e0 l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED mes fils ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231323838313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 ma tante pour lui demander quel jour elle nous rendra visite", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma tante ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT quel jour elle nous rendra visite ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:RECIPIENT,48:81:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323837393237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 mes amis. Dis-leur que je me d\u00e9p\u00eache pour les rejoindre au bar", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mes amis ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je me d\u00e9p\u00eache pour les rejoindre au bar ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:RECIPIENT,44:85:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323736363439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demande \u00e0 mon mari ce qu'il veut manger ce soir.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mon mari ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT ce qu'il veut manger ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:RECIPIENT,20:48:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323333343539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je n\u2019ai plus besoin des rappels sur les anniversaires d\u2019Emerson au mois de mai.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Je ] [SL:TODO les anniversaires d\u2019Emerson au mois de mai ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,38:82:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323236373934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Tu dois me rappeler mardi d'envoyer des fleurs \u00e0 la fille de Joyce pour l'enterrement.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME mardi ] [SL:TODO envoyer des fleurs \u00e0 la fille de Joyce pour l'enterrement. ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:DATE_TIME,28:87:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231303932363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue de la musique fran\u00e7aise", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE fran\u00e7aise ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:29:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3136333337383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "L'actualit\u00e9 locale en t\u00eate d'affiche", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locale ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE en t\u00eate d'affiche ] ]", "slot_string": "2:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,13:19:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,20:38:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343836343634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l'alarme pour demain \u00e0 9 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 9 h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343532373630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ingr\u00e9dients pour une pur\u00e9e de pommes de terre", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pur\u00e9e de pommes de terre ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,22:47:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232323830363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue quelques chansons de Migos, s'il te pla\u00eet.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Migos ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363338333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi la temp\u00e9rature actuelle \u00e0 Londres.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Londres ] ]", "slot_string": "38:45:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231313532353830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de dire \u00e0 Gabbie que j'ai d\u00e9plac\u00e9 notre voyage \u00e0 mardi au lieu de jeudi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO dire \u00e0 Gabbie que j'ai d\u00e9plac\u00e9 notre voyage \u00e0 mardi au lieu de jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:88:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3139393930313638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi des concerts \u00e0 Melbourne demain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:LOCATION Melbourne ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,27:36:SL:LOCATION,37:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353735363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il du vent ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE vent ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353630353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "A quelle heure il fera chaud demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chaud ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353938313732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cherche la m\u00e9t\u00e9o du 9 au 14 mai s\u2019il te plait?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME du 9 au 14 mai ] ]", "slot_string": "19:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333534303836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Voyons si Grant est en ligne en ce moment.", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Grant ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393734383032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi les amis de Liam", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Liam ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,23:27:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138383934393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi une recette avec du poulet et du riz", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT poulet ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT riz ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,44:47:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3135333030333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les meilleures titres pour aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE meilleures ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,26:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353130353836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle sera la m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 Orlando la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Orlando ] [SL:DATE_TIME semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "26:33:SL:LOCATION,37:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313531353638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de finir le sondage Appen aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO finir le sondage Appen ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:38:SL:TODO,39:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343732303234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "activer le chronom\u00e8tre pour 25 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 25 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:23:SL:METHOD_TIMER,24:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232313938353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajouter 9 minutes de plus \u00e0 ma minuterie Floss", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 9 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:TIMER_NAME Floss ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:DATE_TIME,32:41:SL:METHOD_TIMER,42:47:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231333436363033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il y a quelqu'un de disponible ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323338303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'envoyer la carte de papa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer la carte de papa ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:39:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323332383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous me rappeler de faire sortir la pizza du cong\u00e9lateur \u00e0 17 heures ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO sortir la pizza du cong\u00e9lateur ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,33:64:SL:TODO,65:77:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353830363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoutez l'alarme mercredi 4h45", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME mercredi 4h45 ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353530373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle l\u2019alarme \u00e0 4h30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 4h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343632303631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Troupe une recette de pate \u00e0 pizza", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pate \u00e0 pizza ] ]", "slot_string": "22:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3231323236333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous les rappels programm\u00e9s pour samedi.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,11:15:SL:AMOUNT,40:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132353938303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Devrais-je rester \u00e0 l'int\u00e9rieur ou aller dehors", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363336333139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet r\u00e9veille-moi \u00e0 7 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 7 h ] ]", "slot_string": "29:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333533353239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelons Jane Austin Juthey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jane Austin Juthey ] ]", "slot_string": "9:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323330333434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change le rappel des pr\u00e9paratifs de la f\u00eate d'anniversaire pour le 12 septembre.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO pr\u00e9paratifs de la f\u00eate d'anniversaire ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 12 septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "21:60:SL:TODO,61:81:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393837333139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "que se passe-t-il", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3138393735333436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi ma liste d\u2019amis.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED ma ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,24:28:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} +{"id": "3133343635303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment pr\u00e9parer du filet de porc", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH filet de porc ] ]", "slot_string": "21:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353830323331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle sera l'intensit\u00e9 du froid ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE froid ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,34:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353737303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il va faire chaud \u00e0 quel point ce week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chaud ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323335343935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de payer l'assurance automobile avant le 15.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO payer l'assurance automobile ] [SL:DATE_TIME avant le 15 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:44:SL:TODO,45:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313437373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'aller chercher du chlore pour la piscine demain matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO chercher du chlore pour la piscine ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:55:SL:TODO,56:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323935323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un r\u00e9veil pour 5:30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 5:30 ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:ALARM_NAME,18:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343931313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets ma station Jacques", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE Jacques ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,16:23:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE"} +{"id": "3232353833303039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie cette vid\u00e9o au groupe de l\u2019\u00e9glise, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:GROUP \u00e9glise ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,37:44:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353138333833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019aimerais faire un appel vid\u00e9o avec Kennedy Gardner et Alejandro Potts sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kennedy Gardner ] [SL:CONTACT Alejandro Potts ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "40:55:SL:CONTACT,59:74:SL:CONTACT,79:87:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232343331303735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "prolonge ce minuteur de trois heures s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME de trois heures ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232313938353138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoutez douze minutes \u00e0 mon minuteur Inhaler", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME douze minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:TIMER_NAME Inhaler ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:DATE_TIME,29:37:SL:METHOD_TIMER,38:45:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363431363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez Midnight sur Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Midnight ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,19:26:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363339353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fais-moi savoir les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 Qu\u00e9bec, au Canada.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Qu\u00e9bec, au Canada ] ]", "slot_string": "43:61:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363137393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Raccroche Danielle", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT Danielle ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363030343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute une alarme pour se pr\u00e9parer \u00e0 18 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME se pr\u00e9parer ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 18 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "23:35:SL:ALARM_NAME,36:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353835303336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appel Dr. Stately tout de suite !", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dr. Stately ] ]", "slot_string": "6:17:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353537383735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parle-moi de la m\u00e9t\u00e9o en Am\u00e9rique du nord.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Am\u00e9rique du nord ] ]", "slot_string": "27:44:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353536353336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9os pour Hawa\u00ef ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hawa\u00ef ] ]", "slot_string": "43:49:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353536343439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9rature actuelle \u00e0 Paris s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Paris ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353535313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9veille-moi dans 2 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 2 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "14:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531393931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme pour tous les jeudis \u00e0 minuit", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour tous les jeudis \u00e0 minuit ] ]", "slot_string": "17:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343937333232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quel match de football puis-je aller lundi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT match de football ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:25:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,40:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343631353433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Laquelle des copines de Payant est n\u00e9e le 30?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION copines ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Payant ] [SL:DATE_TIME le 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,24:30:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,40:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333430363032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Compose le num\u00e9ro d\u2019Anna et aoute-la a cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Anna ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231323835303330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demande \u00e0 Laura quand devrions-nous arriver pour la conf\u00e9rence et o\u00f9 se rencontrer ?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Laura ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT quand devrions-nous arriver pour la conf\u00e9rence et o\u00f9 se rencontrer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:RECIPIENT,17:85:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323738333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demande \u00e0 Juan quand est-ce qu\u2019il commence son nouveau travail.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Juan ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT quand est-ce qu\u2019il commence son nouveau travail ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:RECIPIENT,16:65:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323737353730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un SMS \u00e0 Sam pour demander si elle est \u00e0 la maison", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sam ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT elle est \u00e0 la maison ] ]", "slot_string": "18:21:SL:RECIPIENT,39:60:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323338333838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme un rappel pour lundi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "20:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336373636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enlevez mon rappel de promener le chien", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO promener le chien ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:39:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323330333239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi mon rappel pour acheter du lait pour les enfants avant de rentrer.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter du lait pour les enfants avant de rentrer ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:76:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323235303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programmez un rappel pour que Jordan arr\u00eate l'arroseur automatique dans la cour de devant \u00e0 17 heures ce soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Jordan ] [SL:TODO arr\u00eate l'arroseur automatique dans la cour de devant ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 heures ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "30:36:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,37:90:SL:TODO,91:111:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313532303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi de parcourir ma boite courriel ce week-end", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO parcourir ma boite courriel ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:43:SL:TODO,44:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313435383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu r\u00e9gler un rappel d\u2019\u00e9teindre le r\u00e9veil de mon fils ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO \u00e9teindre le r\u00e9veil de mon fils ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "30:62:SL:TODO,63:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393838363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des performances de l'orchestre symphonique \u00e0 Memphis en f\u00e9vrier", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT orchestre symphonique ] [SL:LOCATION Memphis ] [SL:DATE_TIME en f\u00e9vrier ] ]", "slot_string": "22:43:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,47:54:SL:LOCATION,55:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393736363732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les concerts en cours ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} +{"id": "3138393837303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "L'adresse de Taylor ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Taylor ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393739313834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je connais qui \u00e0 Rice Lake ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Je ] [SL:LOCATION Rice Lake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,18:27:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3135323937303537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle un r\u00e9veil chaque minute pendant 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD chaque minute ] [SL:DATE_TIME pendant 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:PERIOD,32:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323936313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoutez 2 minutes au minuteur", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 2 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:DATE_TIME,21:29:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3135323935383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle un r\u00e9veil pour sonner dans 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "30:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323931313837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il y a des nouvelles concernant la science ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY science ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:42:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "3132363230333830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ecouter le nouvel album de Selena Gomez", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Selena Gomez ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,27:39:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353539393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle heure la pluie arrive-t-elle jeudi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,39:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353539373833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est le titre de cet album", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353430373431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi les nouvelles mondiales qui font le buzz", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY mondiales ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:33:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353032333730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un minuteur sur 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343735303933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue la radio Bruno Mars", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE radio ] [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE Bruno Mars ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:24:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE"} +{"id": "39343735303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marre le minuteur pour 10 secondes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 10 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343538323939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des cacahu\u00e8tes dans le pad thai", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT cacahu\u00e8tes ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pad thai ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,33:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353735333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoyez \u00e0 Isaac le message vid\u00e9o sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Isaac ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:RECIPIENT,28:34:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,39:47:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353431373331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez en direct sur la cha\u00eene 13", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE en direct ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE cha\u00eene 13 ] ]", "slot_string": "6:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:33:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3232353431363934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "jouez en direct sur le point", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE en direct ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE sur le point ] ]", "slot_string": "6:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,16:28:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3232353332313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Dora", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dora ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353138343530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez Baylee Wilkinson et Mohamed McKay", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Baylee Wilkinson ] [SL:CONTACT Mohamed McKay ] ]", "slot_string": "8:24:SL:CONTACT,28:41:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353138303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appel avec Quilting", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Quilting ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232333635383834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez sur vid\u00e9o WhatsApp Hudson", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT Hudson ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:NAME_APP,28:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232323831353034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter les plus grands succ\u00e8s de Michael Jackson.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Michael Jackson ] ]", "slot_string": "44:59:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232323731373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "iheartradio comme fournisseur de musique par d\u00e9faut", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313332343236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez Day et Holt", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Day ] [SL:CONTACT Holt ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT,15:19:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231393232373539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux que vous montriez les amis sur l'\u00e9cran.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] ]", "slot_string": "30:34:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} +{"id": "3231373538363830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Trent Yu tout de suite, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trent Yu ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373538353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "composez imm\u00e9diatement le num\u00e9ro de Gregory", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Gregory ] ]", "slot_string": "38:45:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373530303536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recommandations pour les matchs de rugby \u00e0 Oakland", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT matchs de rugby ] [SL:LOCATION Oakland ] ]", "slot_string": "25:40:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,44:51:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231373236373333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie \u00e7a \u00e0 Stephanie Conrad Escobar", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Stephanie Conrad Escobar ] ]", "slot_string": "14:38:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373236373236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoyez-le \u00e0 Sherell Grotzinger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sherell Grotzinger ] ]", "slot_string": "14:32:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373233343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie une vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Ruth Gilmore", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Ruth Gilmore ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,21:33:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363430303136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait il demain \u00e0 Noosa ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE temps ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:LOCATION Noosa ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:25:SL:DATE_TIME,29:34:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363339373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 la plage de Bondi ce dimanche ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION plage de Bondi ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "25:39:SL:LOCATION,40:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363338353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera t il au Canada ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Canada ] ]", "slot_string": "24:30:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363337333837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'une alarme pour me rappeler de faire une t\u00e2che cet apr\u00e8s-midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME faire une t\u00e2che ] [SL:DATE_TIME cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "45:61:SL:ALARM_NAME,62:77:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363333363734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme r\u00e9veil \u00e0 6h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6h ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:ALARM_NAME,25:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363332393238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019ai besoin d\u2019une alarme pour vendredi \u00e0 7h et 13h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi \u00e0 7h et 13h ] ]", "slot_string": "29:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363039363932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre le message", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363039303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez une alarme pour 1h35", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 1h35 ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363038303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9clenchez une alarme pour 23h30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 23h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363037343034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Aria T", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Aria T ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363032393130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "jouez \u00e0 Legend (\u00e9dition de luxe) sur iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Legend (\u00e9dition de luxe) ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "9:34:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,39:50:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363031373034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Alerte de rappel d'anniversaire samedi 20h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME anniversaire ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi 20h ] ]", "slot_string": "19:31:SL:ALARM_NAME,32:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353836303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "allez \u00e0 iheartradio et jouer \u00e0 WQXR", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID WQXR ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,33:37:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID"} +{"id": "3231353539373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "19:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538323834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "La m\u00e9t\u00e9o de ce matin s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME de ce matin ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353535303531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez programmer une nouvelle alarme pour 20h30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 20h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "40:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531393035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez une alarme pour les jeudis \u00e0 9h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour les jeudis \u00e0 9h ] ]", "slot_string": "19:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'un r\u00e9veil pour 6 heures demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 6 heures demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:ALARM_NAME,25:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353530313230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourriez-vous me montrer toutes mes alarmes ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "25:31:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3231353437383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime Harry de l\u2019appel en cours", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Harry ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231353437323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels \u00e9taient mes appels en absence hier?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME hier ] ]", "slot_string": "37:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353233333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez \"God is a woman\" de J. Cole", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE God is a woman ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME J. Cole ] ]", "slot_string": "7:21:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,26:33:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353232393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter Calvin Harris", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Calvin Harris ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231343030373339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi \u00e0 16h - j\u2019esp\u00e8re pouvoir \u00e9viter les bouchons \u00e0 cette heure-l\u00e0", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 16h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343030353832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de voir le nouveau film Avengers le premier jour.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO voir le nouveau film Avengers le premier jour ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:61:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231333534303438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui je connais et qui est en ligne maintenant?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333436383932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quittez l\u2019appel et basculer maintenant", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333431393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux tu inviter Susie \u00e0 se joindre \u00e0 l\u2019appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Susie ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333430323035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019ai besoin d\u2019appeler Jimmy", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jimmy ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333339353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Vicky", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Vicky ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323836333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un texto \u00e0 Jan et demande lui que nous rencontrer tous pour une marche sur l\u2019art dans quelques jours", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jan ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT nous rencontrer tous pour une marche sur l\u2019art dans quelques jours ] ]", "slot_string": "19:22:SL:RECIPIENT,42:110:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323834353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demandez \u00e0 Jordan de venir le jour de mon anniversaire", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jordan ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT venir le jour de mon anniversaire ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:RECIPIENT,22:55:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323736383030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 Sophie et dites-lui que je l'aime", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sophie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je l'aime ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:RECIPIENT,46:55:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323339333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de couper l'herbe le dimanche", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO couper l'herbe ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:30:SL:TODO,34:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323338313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle moi d\u2019aller promener le chien demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO aller promener le chien ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:40:SL:TODO,41:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annulez tous les rappels d'aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME d'aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:AMOUNT,25:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336373338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de rendre visite \u00e0 mon avocat lundi matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO rendre visite \u00e0 mon avocat ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi matin ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:43:SL:TODO,44:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323335313639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de prendre des collations", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO prendre des collations ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:38:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323331383833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Allie a un rendez-vous chez le v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaire les 3 prochains mois ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Allie ] [SL:TODO rendez-vous chez le v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaire ] [SL:DATE_TIME les 3 prochains mois ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:55:SL:TODO,56:76:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323238353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montrez les rappels de cette semaine.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montrez ] [SL:DATE_TIME de cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,20:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237393739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de fermer la porte", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO fermer la porte ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:31:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323236363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez le rappel pour le groupe de livres ce mois-ci", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO groupe de livres ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois-ci ] ]", "slot_string": "28:44:SL:TODO,45:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323235333134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Faites un rappel pour regarder Live PD.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO regarder Live PD ] ]", "slot_string": "22:38:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323233343136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour contacter John \u00e0 propos de sa r\u00e9union avec le conseiller mardi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO contacter John \u00e0 propos de sa r\u00e9union avec le conseiller ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:79:SL:TODO,80:85:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323231343330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9voyez un rappel suppl\u00e9mentaire 10 minutes avant la sortie de l'\u00e9cole.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes avant ] [SL:TODO sortie de l'\u00e9cole ] ]", "slot_string": "36:52:SL:DATE_TIME,56:74:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313534333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez le rappel d'annulation de mon direct t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO annulation de mon direct t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "22:58:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313531373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de regarder la s\u00e9rie Empire sur la cha\u00eene Fox TV ce soir", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO regarder la s\u00e9rie Empire sur la cha\u00eene Fox TV ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:63:SL:TODO,64:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi le 13 d\u2019envoyer sa carte d\u2019anniversaire \u00e0 Tracie.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME le 13 ] [SL:TODO envoyer sa carte d\u2019anniversaire \u00e0 Tracie ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:18:SL:DATE_TIME,23:66:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313435373336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de promener le chien du voisin jeudi \u00e0 6h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO promener le chien du voisin ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi \u00e0 6h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:43:SL:TODO,44:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434353336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois pr\u00e9voir un rendez-vous chez le dentiste ; rappelle-moi de le faire demain apr\u00e8s-midi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pr\u00e9voir un rendez-vous chez le dentiste ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:48:SL:TODO,60:63:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,76:94:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303135303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Regarde si Dolores va r\u00e9pondre maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dolores ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3139393839383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que se passe-t-il \u00e0 Birmingham ce weekend ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Birmingham ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "21:31:SL:LOCATION,32:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393836353534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Festivals de musique \u00e0 Las Vegas en 2018", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Festivals de musique ] [SL:LOCATION \u00e0 Las Vegas ] [SL:DATE_TIME en 2018 ] ]", "slot_string": "0:20:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,21:33:SL:LOCATION,34:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393835373733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les f\u00eates de ce soir \u00e0 Miami ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT f\u00eates ] [SL:DATE_TIME de ce soir ] [SL:LOCATION \u00e0 Miami ] ]", "slot_string": "17:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,24:34:SL:DATE_TIME,35:43:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393835343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand la foire du comt\u00e9 s'ouvre-t-elle dans le comt\u00e9 de Barren ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT foire du comt\u00e9 ] [SL:LOCATION comt\u00e9 de Barren ] ]", "slot_string": "9:24:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,48:64:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393736393839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi les dates des festivals de musique en 2018", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT festivals de musique ] [SL:DATE_TIME en 2018 ] ]", "slot_string": "25:45:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,46:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393736323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des \u00e9v\u00e8nements demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393231333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "recherche du mari de Cameron James", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION mari ] [SL:CONTACT Cameron James ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION,21:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393836393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Li vit-elle toujours \u00e0 Seattle ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Li ] [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:CONTACT,24:31:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393835323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est l'adresse du domicile de Shannon ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Shannon ] ]", "slot_string": "36:43:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393835303835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 habite Nate ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Nate ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393834333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Chuck E Cheese ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Chuck E Cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "19:33:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393834323636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi qui travaille \u00e0 Beaverton", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Beaverton ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393834323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a t-il quelqu'un qui travaille pour McDonalds ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER McDonalds ] ]", "slot_string": "38:47:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille pour l\u2019employeur cible ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER cible ] ]", "slot_string": "33:38:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393832393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Long John Silvers ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Long John Silvers ] ]", "slot_string": "19:36:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393832313235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je des contacts qui sont all\u00e9s \u00e0 l'universit\u00e9 de Stanford ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:SCHOOL universit\u00e9 de Stanford ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,40:63:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393831393036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est all\u00e9 \u00e0 l'universit\u00e9 de l'Illinois \u00e0 Chicago avec moi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL universit\u00e9 de l'Illinois \u00e0 Chicago ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED moi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:55:SL:SCHOOL,61:64:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138393831383138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je connais quelqu'un qui est all\u00e9 \u00e0 Devry ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:SCHOOL Devry ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,49:54:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393736353538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Retrouvez-moi tous les amis de Becky", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Becky ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:36:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138393735313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "C\u2019est qui un ami d'Ali ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION ami ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Ali ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:TYPE_RELATION,21:24:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138393734313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "les amis de Shawn", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Shawn ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:TYPE_RELATION,12:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3137353437303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est le contenu nutritif du lait entier", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE contenu nutritif ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT du lait entier ] ]", "slot_string": "12:28:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,29:43:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3136353036343337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "red\u00e9marre l\u2019alarme", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3136353035393332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien d'heures avant que mon alarme ne se d\u00e9clenche ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3136343034313138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps avant que le buzzer ne se d\u00e9clenche ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER buzzer ] ]", "slot_string": "30:36:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3135343936393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des informations sur l'actualit\u00e9 sportive", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY sportive ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:42:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "3135333032333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoutez 3 minutes au minuterie.", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 3 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:DATE_TIME,21:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3135323933343636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez me donner des d\u00e9tails sur la Cor\u00e9e du Nord dans les gros titres", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE d\u00e9tails ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Cor\u00e9e du Nord ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE,39:53:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,63:74:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "3135323931313639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis-moi les informations sur la couverture de l\u2019\u00e9lection", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC sur la couverture de l\u2019\u00e9lection ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:59:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3135323930363439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les derniers titres technologiques ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME derniers ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY technologiques ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:45:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "3134313538383737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 Houston demain en Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Houston ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:LOCATION,24:30:SL:DATE_TIME,34:41:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3133343139323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire un bon m\u00e9lange d\u2019assaisonnement pour le porc", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING bon ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH assaisonnement pour le porc ] ]", "slot_string": "17:20:SL:RECIPES_RATING,34:61:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133323738313032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ingr\u00e9dients pour la soupe de nouilles au poulet maison", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH soupe de nouilles au poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,21:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133323737393734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recettes des cookies au sucre", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookies au sucre ] ]", "slot_string": "13:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133303534343636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi comment cuire les oignons", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD cuire ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH oignons ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,29:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132383135363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la pression barom\u00e9trique actuelle ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pression barom\u00e9trique ] ]", "slot_string": "14:36:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3132363133383137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il vous pla\u00eet, jouez-moi de la musique country", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE country ] ]", "slot_string": "34:41:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,42:49:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3132363035393132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des alertes m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour le nord-ouest du Pacifique ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION nord-ouest du Pacifique ] ]", "slot_string": "37:60:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3132363034313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle heure se couche le soleil dans le Colorado ?", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:LOCATION Colorado ] ]", "slot_string": "44:52:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3132363030313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle a \u00e9t\u00e9 la plus basse temp\u00e9rature d'hier ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME hier ] ]", "slot_string": "44:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132353832373835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ouvre Spotify et joue ma liste de chansons country", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE liste ] [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE chansons country ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,25:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,34:50:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE"} +{"id": "3132353737303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le ciel est-il clair ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE clair ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353831343535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps de plus sur ma minuterie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "32:41:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353739363932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est l'humidit\u00e9 de l'air aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE humidit\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353739363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il neiger demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353736303039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand s\u2019arr\u00eate la minuterie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353732353037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annulez les alarmes", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353731393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez n'importe quelle chanson de Linkin Park.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Linkin Park ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,34:45:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353637383733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions pour le prochain weekend ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour le prochain weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "29:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353636333030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va t il neiger aujourd\u2019hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353437383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "change de genre et mets de la pop", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] ]", "slot_string": "30:33:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353433363833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Aurai-je besoin de gants pour vendredi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE gants ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353432303733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme \u00e0 20h15", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 20h15 ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353431353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "y aura t il du soleil toute la journ\u00e9e aujourd\u2019hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE soleil ] [SL:DATE_TIME toute la journ\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353339303138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Allumez la minuterie.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353337363539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je prendre un pull", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pull ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353334313736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle la minuterie sur 30 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353237363634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez mes chansons pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9es mais m\u00e9langez-les", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353230303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il neiger mardi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353136393931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez une alarme pour 20 minutes \u00e0 partir de maintenant.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 20 minutes \u00e0 partir de maintenant ] ]", "slot_string": "19:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353135393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je avoir les pr\u00e9visions pour cette semaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "30:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353132393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est ce que je dois emmener un parapluie aujourd\u2019hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "30:39:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,40:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353039303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez les chansons de Thelonious Monk", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Thelonious Monk ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,22:37:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343838313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une minuterie de 30 secondes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 30 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343835353430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je porter des manches courtes ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE manches courtes ] ]", "slot_string": "19:34:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343830303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelqu\u2019un a t il gagn\u00e9 au loto?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC gagn\u00e9 au loto ] ]", "slot_string": "19:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39343738353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets l\u2019album Thank You, Happy Birthday de Cage the Elephant.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Thank You, Happy Birthday ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Cage the Elephant ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,15:40:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,44:61:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343734313435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des nouvelles sur le projet de loi sur les soins de sant\u00e9 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC projet de loi sur les soins de sant\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:58:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39343733383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez l\u2019alarme pour 6h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 6h ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343730343732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9clenchez l'alarme maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39343730303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lire les titres des journaux nationaux.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY nationaux ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:38:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343639303735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9initialise la minuterie, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet.", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343637343034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi quelques infos sur les c\u00e9l\u00e9brit\u00e9s.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE infos ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY c\u00e9l\u00e9brit\u00e9s ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:44:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343536393737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "De quels ingr\u00e9dients ai-je besoin pour faire un cake au citron", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cake au citron ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,49:63:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343536373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux faire des biscuits aux p\u00e9pites de chocolat doux et moelleux", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH biscuits aux p\u00e9pites de chocolat ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE doux ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE moelleux ] ]", "slot_string": "18:51:SL:RECIPES_DISH,52:56:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,60:68:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343532333835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "comment vous faites des cr\u00eapes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cr\u00eapes ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie cette vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Tom, Vanessa et John", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Tom ] [SL:RECIPIENT Vanessa ] [SL:RECIPIENT John ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,23:26:SL:RECIPIENT,28:35:SL:RECIPIENT,39:43:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832353530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je voudrais envoyer un message \u00e0 la discussion des meilleurs amis Sally et John", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP meilleurs amis Sally et John ] ]", "slot_string": "52:80:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353832303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux voir les messages de Braelyn", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Braelyn ] ]", "slot_string": "30:37:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232353331343330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux appeler par t\u00e9l\u00e9phone le 555-3813", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 555-3813 ] ]", "slot_string": "35:43:SL:PHONE_NUMBER"} +{"id": "3232353138373736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux prendre des nouvelles de Jeffrey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jeffrey ] ]", "slot_string": "33:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232323930333137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e une minuterie de 10 secondes appel\u00e9e ramen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 10 secondes ] [SL:TIMER_NAME ramen ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:34:SL:DATE_TIME,44:49:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231373233383237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "pourrais-tu envoyer un message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231373233373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "message vid\u00e9o A Mathews", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT A Mathews ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,15:24:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373232313035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "lance une discussion avec Amy via WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amy ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "26:29:SL:CONTACT,34:42:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231363736303835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "passe un appel vid\u00e9o seulement", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363431373034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "ouvre iheartradio et joue Tonight", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "6:17:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,26:33:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} +{"id": "3231363335333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "PROGRAMME UNE ALARME POUR LE 1ER JUIN", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME POUR LE 1ER JUIN ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363334383738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme quotidienne \u00e0 19 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME quotidienne \u00e0 19 h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363334363439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme les lundis matins \u00e0 6h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME les lundis matins \u00e0 6h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien fait-il de degr\u00e9s Celsius ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "27:34:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3231353537383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il en \u00c9cosse ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION \u00c9cosse ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353537363630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment est le climat \u00e0 Paris ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Paris ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353535393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le temps est-il humide ou sec \u00e0 l'ext\u00e9rieur ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE humide ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sec ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3231353535343131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme \u00e0 9 h 30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 9 h 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353535323637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fait retentir mon alarme \u00e0 minuit", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 minuit ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353534383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "s\u2019il te pla\u00eet d\u00e9finis une alarme pour lundi \u00e0 17 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour lundi \u00e0 17 h ] ]", "slot_string": "37:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353534323535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme pour le 5 juin \u00e0 minuit", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 5 juin \u00e0 minuit ] ]", "slot_string": "21:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353437333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi les appels que j'ai manqu\u00e9s ce matin", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME ce matin ] ]", "slot_string": "37:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353334343832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue 6LACK sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME 6LACK ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,15:26:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353233323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets sur Pandora ma radio du bien-\u00eatre", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE radio ] [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE bien-\u00eatre ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,20:25:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,29:39:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE"} +{"id": "3231343937343733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des matchs de rugby sont-ils programm\u00e9s pour samedi", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT matchs de rugby ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "4:19:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,41:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333939373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime mes rappels pour aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333534353230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un appel \u00e0 Nick s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nick ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333435383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je suis disponible d\u00e8s maintenant", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323831303138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je re\u00e7u de nouveaux messages au cours de l'heure \u00e9coul\u00e9e ?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT je ] [SL:DATE_TIME au cours de l'heure \u00e9coul\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:RECIPIENT,33:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323431323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'inviter Sarah \u00e0 d\u00eener demain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO inviter Sarah \u00e0 d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:38:SL:TODO,39:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323430333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi dans 45 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323339383032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'annuler mon alarme par la suite", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO annuler mon alarme par la suite ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:46:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323335363034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'acheter des cartouches d'encre", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter des cartouches d'encre ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:45:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323331313631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "change mon rappel pour le fuseau horaire de l'est", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le fuseau horaire de l'est ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,18:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle \u00e0 Edd que je l'aime", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Edd ] [SL:TODO je l'aime ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:29:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323235303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Modifie le rappel pour ma session de streaming en direct pour qu'elle ait lieu le troisi\u00e8me jeudi du mois \u00e0 16h49.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED ma ] [SL:TODO session de streaming en direct ] [SL:DATE_TIME le troisi\u00e8me jeudi du mois \u00e0 16h49 ] ]", "slot_string": "23:25:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:56:SL:TODO,79:115:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323233353733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affiche tous les rappels pour le fuseau horaire de l'Est qui concernent le travail de John maintenant.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Affiche ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le fuseau horaire de l'Est ] [SL:TODO travail de John ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:12:SL:AMOUNT,25:56:SL:DATE_TIME,75:90:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313534363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de passer prendre le g\u00e2teau dimanche \u00e0 11 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO passer prendre le g\u00e2teau ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche \u00e0 11 h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:41:SL:TODO,42:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313532393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de consulter les ingr\u00e9dients n\u00e9cessaires pour pr\u00e9parer le repas sur ma liste de courses.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO consulter les ingr\u00e9dients n\u00e9cessaires pour pr\u00e9parer le repas sur ma liste de courses ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:103:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313530333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel pour la course de 5 km de samedi prochain.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO course de 5 km ] [SL:DATE_TIME de samedi prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "27:41:SL:TODO,42:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439313939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les rappels pour dimanche ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "23:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313435373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de me pr\u00e9parer pour la r\u00e9union de 15 heures aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO me pr\u00e9parer pour la r\u00e9union ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 15 heures aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:45:SL:TODO,46:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393830363438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des \u00e9v\u00e9nements ce week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "26:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393839313638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien d'ann\u00e9es Jessie a-t-elle fr\u00e9quent\u00e9 Barton ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Jessie ] [SL:SCHOOL Barton ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:CONTACT,46:52:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393834323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi des gens employ\u00e9s par Google", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Google ] ]", "slot_string": "34:40:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi qui travaille chez Starbucks.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Starbucks ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393830343836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois trouver un contact \u00e0 Hartford.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Hartford ] ]", "slot_string": "30:38:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393738383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que l'un de mes amis a une r\u00e9sidence permanente \u00e0 New York ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] ]", "slot_string": "19:22:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,23:27:SL:TYPE_RELATION,59:67:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393736303937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affiche les amis de Rob", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Rob ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:TYPE_RELATION,20:23:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3133303534323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "De quels ingr\u00e9dients ai-je besoin pour faire des ramens au miso", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH des ramens au miso ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,46:64:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132383135353731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un imper aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE imper ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,34:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132353736363839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est le pourcentage de chances de pluie pour aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "38:43:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,44:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353639363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je emmener un blouson \u00e0 Toronto demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE blouson ] [SL:LOCATION Toronto ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,30:37:SL:LOCATION,38:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353531373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle le chronom\u00e8tre sur 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,23:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353530333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les articles de presse \u00e0 la une aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE articles de presse ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE \u00e0 la une ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "15:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:43:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,44:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353436303535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet, donne-moi les d\u00e9tails du temps pour aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "48:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353339313735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps avant que mon alarme ne sonne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353334393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00c8GLE UNE ALARME \u00c0 SEPT HEURES SAMEDI.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00c0 SEPT HEURES SAMEDI ] ]", "slot_string": "18:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353233393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les nouvelles les plus importantes sur Fox ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE les plus importantes ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Fox ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:47:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,52:55:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39353232313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00e9teins les alarmes", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353135353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets le chronom\u00e8tre sur pause, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353033323838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi de la musique pop.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,25:28:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343939383434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis les actualit\u00e9s en politique s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY politique ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:32:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343935373130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelles sont les nouvelles nationales", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY nationales ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:37:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343836323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "En quelle ann\u00e9e cette chanson a-t-elle \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9e ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343734323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter \u00ab One More Light \u00bb de Linkin Park sur Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE \u00ab One More Light \u00bb ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Linkin Park ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "17:37:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,41:52:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,57:64:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39343733393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les gros titres du jour", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE gros ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:DATE_TIME du jour ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,20:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343730383336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez me donner les d\u00e9tails de la lib\u00e9ration conditionnelle d'OJ Simpson", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE d\u00e9tails ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC lib\u00e9ration conditionnelle d'OJ Simpson ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:77:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39343539363037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients des pancakes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pancakes ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,32:40:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343538323637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Utilise-t-on de l'amidon de ma\u00efs dans une tarte aux pommes", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT amidon de ma\u00efs ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH tarte aux pommes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:33:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,43:59:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343535303430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ingr\u00e9dients bananes flamb\u00e9es", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH bananes flamb\u00e9es ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,13:30:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833363033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie s'il te pla\u00eet un message au groupe de physique", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP physique ] ]", "slot_string": "46:54:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353832363533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message de r\u00e9ponse dans la conversation avec les membres de l'association", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP membres de l'association ] ]", "slot_string": "60:84:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353735333239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "message via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353734363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "lis mes messages Facebook", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353137393037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le groupe de Los Angeles sur Wechat", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Los Angeles ] [SL:NAME_APP Wechat ] ]", "slot_string": "21:32:SL:GROUP,37:43:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232343333323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marre une minuterie d'une minute", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME d'une minute ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,23:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232323731353535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'aimerais faire d'amazon mon fournisseur de musique par d\u00e9faut", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313933363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu appeler Jorge Lin sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jorge Lin ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:CONTACT,30:38:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313136323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets une alarme \u00e0 18 h 00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 18 h 00 ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231373538333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle la quatri\u00e8me Amanda", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:ORDINAL quatri\u00e8me ] [SL:CONTACT Amanda ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:ORDINAL,22:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373330313934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle plut\u00f4t Carlos Booker", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Carlos Booker ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373233303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Message vid\u00e9o pour Susan Smith", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Susan Smith ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,20:31:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363734373033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "T\u00e9l\u00e9phoner \u00e0 Dave", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dave ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363734323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Kevin maintenant.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kevin ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363431343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi la temp\u00e9rature ext\u00e9rieure en Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "41:48:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3231363339323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour la r\u00e9gion des Alpes victoriennes ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION r\u00e9gion des Alpes victoriennes ] ]", "slot_string": "45:75:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363333343635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle trois alarmes pour aujourd'hui, une pour 15h, une pour 17h et une pour 17h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT trois ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour aujourd'hui ] [SL:AMOUNT une ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 15h ] [SL:AMOUNT une ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 17h ] [SL:AMOUNT une ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 17h ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:AMOUNT,21:37:SL:DATE_TIME,39:42:SL:AMOUNT,43:51:SL:DATE_TIME,53:56:SL:AMOUNT,57:65:SL:DATE_TIME,69:72:SL:AMOUNT,73:81:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363332323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle mon alarme \u00e0 18 h", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 18 h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353439393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux voir toutes les alarmes que j'ai actuellement d\u00e9finies.", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3231353436363030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Sue.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sue ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353334353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue The Fray sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME The Fray ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,18:29:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231333937353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Janie et demande-lui quel th\u00e8me elle a choisi pour la c\u00e9l\u00e9bration de l'anniversaire le mois prochain", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Janie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT quel th\u00e8me elle a choisi pour la c\u00e9l\u00e9bration de l'anniversaire le mois prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPIENT,42:124:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231333535323637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Ruby Brandon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ruby Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534363535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "essaie d'appeler Marina Brandon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Marina Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "17:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323836363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Macelyn et demande-lui si le concert de l'\u00e9cole est \u00e0 Blue Springs", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Macelyn ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT si le concert de l'\u00e9cole est \u00e0 Blue Springs ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:RECIPIENT,44:89:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323834383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Jim et dis-lui que le tournoi de p\u00eache commencera \u00e0 17 h.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jim ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT le tournoi de p\u00eache commencera \u00e0 17 h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:RECIPIENT,40:79:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323738343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Allen lui demandant s'il peut venir me chercher demain", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Allen ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT il peut venir me chercher demain ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPIENT,43:75:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323430323931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fixe un rappel pour le rendez-vous chez l'ophtalmo le 25", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO ophtalmo ] [SL:DATE_TIME le 25 ] ]", "slot_string": "42:50:SL:TODO,51:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323338393438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi le rappel pour la visite de la maison", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO visite de la maison ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:48:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323338333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi d'aller au rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin jeudi la semaine prochaine", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO aller au rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:52:SL:TODO,53:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323334363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "V\u00e9rifie que j'ai cr\u00e9\u00e9 des rappels pour la r\u00e9p\u00e9tition de Chorale Dansante.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED j' ] [SL:TODO r\u00e9p\u00e9tition de Chorale Dansante ] ]", "slot_string": "13:15:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,45:77:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323332393737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e un rappel pour la r\u00e9union au bureau la semaine prochaine", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO la r\u00e9union au bureau ] [SL:DATE_TIME semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "21:42:SL:TODO,46:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323235393338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est mon rappel de d\u00eener vendredi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:29:SL:TODO,30:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313532333133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Configure un rappel pour envoyer \u00e0 Elsa une invitation \u00e0 ma f\u00eate demain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO envoyer \u00e0 Elsa une invitation \u00e0 ma f\u00eate ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "25:67:SL:TODO,68:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313437313637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets un rappel que l'entra\u00eenement de football recommence lundi \u00e0 15 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO l'entra\u00eenement de football recommence ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi \u00e0 15 h ] ]", "slot_string": "19:57:SL:TODO,58:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393835333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que faire d'amusant demain soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393834313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "tout ce qui est passionnant \u00e0 faire \u00e0 Sarasota ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Sarasota ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "40:48:SL:LOCATION,49:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393833393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Festivals de musique ce mois dans la baie de Tampa", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Festivals de musique ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois ] [SL:LOCATION la baie de Tampa ] ]", "slot_string": "0:20:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,21:28:SL:DATE_TIME,34:50:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393932383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pour qui travaille Brian ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Brian ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393932303636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Michelle a-t-elle toujours travaill\u00e9 chez Amazon ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Michelle ] [SL:EMPLOYER Amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:CONTACT,43:49:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393838383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui f\u00eate son anniversaire ce mois-ci ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois-ci ] ]", "slot_string": "27:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393833363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi les employ\u00e9s qui se trouvent \u00e0 la salle de bowling.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER salle de bowling ] ]", "slot_string": "47:63:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393738383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui habite maintenant dans la ville d'Oklahoma ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION ville d'Oklahoma ] ]", "slot_string": "30:46:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393738323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lesquels de mes amis vivent au Mexique ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION Mexique ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:38:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393735343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui sont les amis de Grant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Grant ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION,21:26:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138383937353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "s'il te pla\u00eet trouve-moi les meilleures recettes grecques avec des olives", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING meilleures ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE grecques ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT olives ] ]", "slot_string": "30:40:SL:RECIPES_RATING,50:58:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,68:74:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3138383931383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients contenus dans la tourte aux p\u00eaches", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH tourte aux p\u00eaches ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,45:63:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3136343338363430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "C'est quoi ce poulet gonflable g\u00e9ant \u00e0 la Maison Blanche ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC poulet gonflable g\u00e9ant \u00e0 la Maison Blanche ] ]", "slot_string": "14:58:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3135383731353139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel jour oj Simpson sera-t-il lib\u00e9r\u00e9 de prison", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC oj Simpson ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC lib\u00e9r\u00e9 de prison ] ]", "slot_string": "10:20:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,31:49:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3135323933373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le gros titre du New York Times", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE gros ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titre ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE New York Times ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:40:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3133323737393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien de calories y a-t-il dans les hamburgers", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH hamburgers ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,38:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133323737383133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'une recette de steak", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH steak ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353832323038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme \u00e0 8 h du matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8 h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "18:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353639383837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "actualit\u00e9s incendie", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY incendie ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,12:20:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353437393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des actualit\u00e9s importantes aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE importantes ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:36:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,37:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353431313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "ai-je besoin de prendre un parapluie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353331363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fixe une alarme pour 10 h du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 10 h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "16:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353238383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue de la musique country contemporaine", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE musique country contemporaine ] ]", "slot_string": "11:40:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353236363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "pr\u00e9visions sur cinq jours pour Orlando en Floride", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME sur cinq jours ] [SL:LOCATION pour Orlando en Floride ] ]", "slot_string": "12:26:SL:DATE_TIME,27:50:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353231343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "fait-il soleil", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE soleil ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353138353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est notre prochaine chance d'avoir de la pluie", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] ]", "slot_string": "48:53:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353038323231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux faire du jogging pendant 30 minutes et je veux que tu programmes le chronom\u00e8tre pour \u00e7a.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME pendant 30 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] ]", "slot_string": "25:43:SL:DATE_TIME,76:88:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343938343631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je peux entendre moins de chansons de Nine Inch Nails ?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE moins de ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Nine Inch Nails ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,26:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,38:53:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343833333938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment sera la m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 5 h du matin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 5 h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "24:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343730373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue un certain artiste de rap", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE artiste ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rap ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,27:30:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343539373735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps laisser les p\u00e2tes s\u00e9cher", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH p\u00e2tes ] ]", "slot_string": "29:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353735303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu envoyer le message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Judith sur Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Judith ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,37:43:SL:RECIPIENT,48:57:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353332373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Carole Gregory", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Carole Gregory ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353138363538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance un chat vid\u00e9o avec Tanner et Kathleen Miranda sur Skype", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tanner ] [SL:CONTACT Kathleen Miranda ] [SL:NAME_APP Skype ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:CONTACT,36:52:SL:CONTACT,57:62:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323731383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "lance Rolled Gold + sur google play", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Rolled Gold + ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME google play ] ]", "slot_string": "6:19:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,24:35:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313730393631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "j'aimerais que tu enregistres un message vid\u00e9o pour Mohamed", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Mohamed ] ]", "slot_string": "41:47:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,53:60:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373538323731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le premier Marques", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:ORDINAL premier ] [SL:CONTACT Marques ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:ORDINAL,19:26:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373530343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "As-tu des concerts de musique suppl\u00e9mentaires", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts de musique ] ]", "slot_string": "10:29:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} +{"id": "3231373233343938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9ponds \u00e0 Donovan par message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Donovan ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT message vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:RECIPIENT,24:38:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231373233303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je enregistrer un message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231363430333836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi quel temps il fait", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363039353733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Kaden et dis-lui oui.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Kaden ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT oui ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPIENT,38:41:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231353539333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me donner la m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour le premier week-end de septembre \u00e0 Prague ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour le premier week-end de septembre ] [SL:LOCATION Prague ] ]", "slot_string": "29:66:SL:DATE_TIME,70:76:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353536383738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi le bulletin m\u00e9t\u00e9o du 26 mai", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME du 26 mai ] ]", "slot_string": "30:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531313833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme pour le d\u00e9jeuner du 17 \u00e0 13 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME d\u00e9jeuner ] [SL:DATE_TIME du 17 \u00e0 13 h ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:ALARM_NAME,39:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333534353232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Susan", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Susan ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333531363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi qui est en ligne aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323430373937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi l\u2019heure de mon vol le mardi \u00e0 11 h 45", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO l\u2019heure de mon vol ] [SL:DATE_TIME le mardi \u00e0 11 h 45 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:33:SL:TODO,34:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323339373130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime mon rappel de me raser les jambes", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO me raser les jambes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:42:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323336393637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un m\u00e9mo pour Rappelle-moi que je dois acheter de la nourriture pour b\u00e9b\u00e9 demain matin \u00e0 midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:TODO acheter de la nourriture pour b\u00e9b\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin \u00e0 midi ] ]", "slot_string": "37:39:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,45:81:SL:TODO,82:102:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les rappels que j\u2019ai et qui portent sur ce week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED j\u2019 ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "27:31:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,49:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi tous les prochains rappels que j'ai de jeudi jusqu'\u00e0 fin 2018", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER montre ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED j' ] [SL:DATE_TIME de jeudi jusqu'\u00e0 fin 2018 ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,11:15:SL:AMOUNT,42:44:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,47:73:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323233303439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Tu peux me rappeler ce que j\u2019avais \u00e0 faire aujourd\u2019hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,46:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313530353231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'amener Anthony \u00e0 l'entra\u00eenement de football lundi \u00e0 18 h 00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO amener Anthony \u00e0 l'entra\u00eenement de football ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi \u00e0 18 h 00 ] ]", "slot_string": "15:60:SL:TODO,61:77:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303135373632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ne d\u00e9croche pas", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3139393231333836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui est le p\u00e8re de Chelsea Ann Kramer ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION p\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTACT Chelsea Ann Kramer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:TYPE_RELATION,20:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393931323733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps est-ce Jeff a travaill\u00e9 chez Amazon ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Jeff ] [SL:EMPLOYER Amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:CONTACT,47:53:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393836393136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 habite Carla ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Carla ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393834363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "L'adresse de Jessica, c'est bien 2022 Lauderdale ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Jessica ] [SL:LOCATION 2022 Lauderdale ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:CONTACT,33:48:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393831343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est dipl\u00f4m\u00e9 de l\u2019universit\u00e9 de Virginie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Virginie ] ]", "slot_string": "40:48:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138383931343937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle est la meilleure fa\u00e7on de cuisiner un cheesecake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cheesecake ] ]", "slot_string": "46:56:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3136333731343639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis-moi les d\u00e9tails du rapport de police sur le vol survenu dans le nord de Minneapolis", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE d\u00e9tails ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC rapport de police sur le vol survenu dans le nord de Minneapolis ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:88:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3135333031363536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour 10 h demain, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 10 h demain ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135333030303837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets cette alarme en veille pour 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "28:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323937393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute 20 minutes \u00e0 la minuterie actuelle s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 20 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:DATE_TIME,24:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3135323933333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des c\u00e9l\u00e9brit\u00e9s dans les m\u00e9dias actuellement", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY c\u00e9l\u00e9brit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE m\u00e9dias ] [SL:DATE_TIME actuellement ] ]", "slot_string": "13:26:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,36:43:SL:NEWS_TYPE,44:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323933303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelles sont les actualit\u00e9s de l'industrie musicale", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY industrie musicale ] ]", "slot_string": "17:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:52:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "3134313539383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il fera environ 35 degr\u00e9s Fahrenheit \u00e0 New York demain matin", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE environ ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 35 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:47:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,51:59:SL:LOCATION,60:72:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3133393633323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "C'est quand, le jour des \u00e9lections", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC jour des \u00e9lections ] ]", "slot_string": "16:35:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353739383935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-ce qu\u2019il fait froid dans les \u00eeles Gal\u00e1pagos", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE froid ] [SL:LOCATION \u00eeles Gal\u00e1pagos ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,35:51:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353736373434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je porter des v\u00eatements chauds ce lundi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE v\u00eatements chauds ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:36:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353736373232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l'alarme sur 21 heures ce soir uniquement", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME sur 21 heures ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "16:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353736343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain ] ]", "slot_string": "37:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353430373736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "lance la playlist de Kendrick Lamar avec Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE playlist ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Kendrick Lamar ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,21:35:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,41:48:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353335363532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme dans dix s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans dix ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353134373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter le dernier album de Maroon 5.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Maroon 5 ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,37:45:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353038373733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est l'actualit\u00e9 \u00e9conomique en Allemagne", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY \u00e9conomique ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Allemagne ] ]", "slot_string": "13:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:35:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,39:48:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353035363637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il va faire chaud ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chaud ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353032343732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter du snoop dogg sur Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME snoop dogg ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "20:30:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,35:42:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39343637303336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue la chanson la plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bre de selena gomez", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME selena gomez ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,37:49:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343632323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "la meilleure recette pour les \u0153ufs brouill\u00e9s", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING meilleure ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH \u0153ufs brouill\u00e9s ] ]", "slot_string": "3:12:SL:RECIPES_RATING,30:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343539303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve des recettes sans gluten", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE sans gluten ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343537373935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle temp\u00e9rature dois-je faire cuire le jambon", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00e9rature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH jambon ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,46:52:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343535333037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire du pain pita", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pain pita ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je voudrais envoyer un message \u00e0 Jane et Max par message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jane ] [SL:RECIPIENT Max ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "34:38:SL:RECIPIENT,42:45:SL:RECIPIENT,58:64:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3232353832303037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cherche mes SMS d\u2019Aleah", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Aleah ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232333635393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Faites un appel WhatsApp \u00e0 Josiah", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT Josiah ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:NAME_APP,28:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232323530323733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9\u00e9 un minuteur pour boire de l\u2019eau", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:TIMER_NAME boire de l\u2019eau ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,24:40:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313332343536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Baird et Roth", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Baird ] [SL:CONTACT Roth ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT,17:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373236353539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle sur le portable de Brianna Anderson", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Brianna Anderson ] ]", "slot_string": "27:43:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373233383639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux envoyer une vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231363335373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me minuter \u00e0 17h vendredi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17h vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363031313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9p\u00e8te l'alarme dans 30 minutes s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353539333231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il fait un temps pour mettre un tee-shirt cet apr\u00e8s-midi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE tee-shirt ] [SL:DATE_TIME cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "32:41:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,42:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538363736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel sera le temps \u00e0 Dubai samedi \u00e0 15 heures ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Dubai ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi \u00e0 15 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:LOCATION,28:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537303232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il samedi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343631323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il un membre de la belle-famille de Nussbaumer qui est n\u00e9 le 7 juillet 1986 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION belle-famille ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Nussbaumer ] [SL:DATE_TIME le 7 juillet 1986 ] ]", "slot_string": "25:38:SL:TYPE_RELATION,42:52:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,65:82:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333637353037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lire le message.", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333534303439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Termine l'appel maintenant", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323431383233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de mettre le d\u00eener au four \u00e0 17h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO mettre le d\u00eener au four ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:40:SL:TODO,41:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous les rappels pour les ajustements de la robe de mari\u00e9e ce mois-ci", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:TODO les ajustements de la robe de mari\u00e9e ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois-ci ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,11:15:SL:AMOUNT,33:70:SL:TODO,71:81:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393739383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Choses \u00e0 faire \u00e0 Atlanta le week-end prochain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME le week-end prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:LOCATION,27:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393933313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi qui est la petite amie de Chris", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION petite amie ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Chris ] ]", "slot_string": "19:30:SL:TYPE_RELATION,34:39:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138393833363632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Facebook ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Facebook ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393831363339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des amis qui sont all\u00e9s chez F&M", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:SCHOOL F&M ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:TYPE_RELATION,30:33:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393738393931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "un de mes amis habite en Virginie-Occidentale", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION Virginie-Occidentale ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,10:14:SL:TYPE_RELATION,25:45:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138383931383532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire du Ropa Vieja", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH 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"intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que dit le minuteur ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353332373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps il me reste avant que mon alarme sonne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353030323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme le minuteur pour qu'il se d\u00e9clenche dans 30 minutes s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER,47:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343936313936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un minuteur dans 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343839303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "La m\u00e9t\u00e9o risque d'\u00eatre comment \u00e0 Clearwater Beach demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Clearwater Beach ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "37:53:SL:LOCATION,54:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343739323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets Bone Thugs N Harmony sur Spotify.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Bone Thugs N Harmony ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "5:25:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,30:37:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39343636383631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programmez mon alarme pour 21h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 21h ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343630373034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recette du poulet frit", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet frit ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343539353534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi une recette de sushis", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sushis ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343535343534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire un hamburger v\u00e9g\u00e9tarien", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH hamburger v\u00e9g\u00e9tarien ] ]", "slot_string": "17:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "veuillez envoyer le groupe de femmes", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP femmes ] ]", "slot_string": "30:36:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353734383334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "j\u2019ai besoin que tu envoies ce message via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "44:53:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353734383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie ce message vid\u00e9o sur Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,29:38:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353734363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux tu envoyer ce message \u00e0 Abdul sur Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Abdul ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:RECIPIENT,40:49:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353332313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Loren", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Loren ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353138303235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Faisons un appel vid\u00e9o avec le groupe de course longue distance sur HangOuts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP course longue distance ] [SL:NAME_APP HangOuts ] ]", "slot_string": "42:64:SL:GROUP,69:77:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232343331313131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Merci de rallonger ce chronom\u00e8tre de 40 secondes", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 40 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "22:34:SL:METHOD_TIMER,35:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232333635363939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "lance un chat vid\u00e9o avec Clara Wilcox sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Clara Wilcox ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "26:38:SL:CONTACT,43:51:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333635353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez mon contact Whatsapp Alana Navarro", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Alana Navarro ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:NAME_APP,29:42:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333635323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Brady Kent via Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Brady Kent ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:CONTACT,23:31:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333537373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "veuillez ajouter une minuterie de quatre minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de quatre minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER,31:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232333239333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "On va appeler Yareli Montes maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Yareli Montes ] ]", "slot_string": "14:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232313934303036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "pouvez-vous utiliser WhatsApp pour appeler Chloe", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT Chloe ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:NAME_APP,43:48:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232313933393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Contacte Kinley par Messenger", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kinley ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT,20:29:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313536373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Jeffrey sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jeffrey ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT,20:28:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313432323838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "activez l'alarme pendant 10 minutes avant 9 heures du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pendant 10 minutes avant 9 heures du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "17:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231373439373537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue la chanson She's Thunderstorms", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE She's Thunderstorms ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,16:35:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} +{"id": "3231373330313436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez plut\u00f4t Nicole", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nicole ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373233363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9pondez \u00e0 Amelia au moyen d'une vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Amelia ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:RECIPIENT,35:41:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231373233323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Bryson", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bryson ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373131373036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux appeler Ruby Miranda Burgess", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ruby Miranda Burgess ] ]", "slot_string": "16:36:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373131353833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous appeler Jude Gavin Miles", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jude Gavin Miles ] ]", "slot_string": "20:36:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363734303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eatez de passer cet appel.", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363431353331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la quantit\u00e9 de neige probable aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neige ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,42:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363338373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il en Finlande ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Finlande ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363337373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez en pause mon r\u00e9veil pour 30 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "28:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363336393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez l'alarme pour cet apr\u00e8s-midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "16:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363336333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9ez une alarme pour 19h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 19h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363334313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme de r\u00e9veil \u00e0 8h aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8h aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:ALARM_NAME,32:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363332373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9finissez une alarme diff\u00e9rente", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363031383031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Nouvelle alarme \u00e0 7h requise", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 7h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353938333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parlez-moi du temps qu'il fait \u00e0 Rome, en Italie", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Rome, en Italie ] ]", "slot_string": "34:49:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353936393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o de lundi", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME de lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353835313132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Prends Lauren au t\u00e9l\u00e9phone", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lauren ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353538393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parlez-moi du temps qu'il fera \u00e0 Paris demain", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Paris ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "34:39:SL:LOCATION,40:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538323238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il cet apr\u00e8s-midi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il au p\u00f4le Nord ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION p\u00f4le Nord ] ]", "slot_string": "22:32:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353531303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme pour promener le chien \u00e0 4", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME promener le chien ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 4 ] ]", "slot_string": "22:39:SL:ALARM_NAME,40:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353438363534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il vous pla\u00eet, r\u00e9glez une nouvelle alarme.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353437323632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux tu faire un appel vid\u00e9o avec Sophie s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sophie ] ]", "slot_string": "35:41:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353336373632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux param\u00e9trer l\u2019appel sur appel vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353233323432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez l'album Baby On Baby de OneRepublic.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Baby On Baby ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME OneRepublic ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:26:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,30:41:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353232383432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez de la musique Rap alternative.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Rap alternative ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,20:35:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3231343937343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "matchs de football \u00e0 Dallas demain soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT matchs de football ] [SL:LOCATION Dallas ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "0:18:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,22:28:SL:LOCATION,29:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343631343836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien y a-t-il d'anniversaires \u00e0 Halloween ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 Halloween ] ]", "slot_string": "33:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333534373038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appel num\u00e9ro cinq", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333531383736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous les gens que je connais bien qui sont en ligne en ce moment", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333531313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est en ligne en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333439313331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajoute un ami \u00e0 l\u2019appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333437343630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux accepter l'appel entrant et me d\u00e9connecter de l'appel en cours", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333431373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez ajouter Bill \u00e0 l'appel.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Bill ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333430383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Logan", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Logan ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333430313236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lancez un appel avec Michelle", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Michelle ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333339393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Alex", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Alex ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323834323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 Kayla pour qu\u2019elle me retrouve \u00e0 Citifield \u00e0 7 heures.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Kayla ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT me retrouve \u00e0 Citifield \u00e0 7 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:RECIPIENT,43:79:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323431393938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de passer prendre Joanie sur le chemin du travail demain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO passer prendre Joanie sur le chemin du travail ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:62:SL:TODO,63:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323431323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Remplacez mon rappel par 9.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:DATE_TIME par 9 ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323430343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi mon rendez-vous de lundi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO mon rendez-vous ] [SL:DATE_TIME de lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:28:SL:TODO,29:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323338383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle d\u2019aller chercher les enfants apr\u00e8s le travail", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO aller chercher les enfants apr\u00e8s le travail ] ]", "slot_string": "13:57:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323337373130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi \u00e0 6 heures ce soir de payer ma facture d'eau", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6 heures ce soir ] [SL:TODO payer ma facture d'eau ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:32:SL:DATE_TIME,36:58:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323336313038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annulez les rappels pour ce dimanche", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour ce dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "20:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336303331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi le match des Cardinals ce weekend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO le match des Cardinals ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:35:SL:TODO,36:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323331393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de prendre les m\u00e9dicaments", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO prendre les m\u00e9dicaments ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:40:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323239353333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Remplacez le rappel de vacances par le samedi au lieu du dimanche", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO vacances ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:TODO,39:45:SL:DATE_TIME,57:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323239333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "faites une mise \u00e0 jour de l'alerte le mercredi de 8h \u00e0 12h", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:DATE_TIME le mercredi de 8h ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 12h ] ]", "slot_string": "36:53:SL:DATE_TIME,54:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323238383337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous me rappeler d'aller chercher le chien chez le toiletteur demain ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO aller chercher le chien chez le toiletteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:68:SL:TODO,69:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux tu me rappeler de sortir d\u00eener samedi soir", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO sortir d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi soir ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:36:SL:TODO,37:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323235343730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de dire \u00e0 Robbie qu\u2019elle change son huile jeudi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO dire \u00e0 Robbie qu\u2019elle change son huile ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:57:SL:TODO,58:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313534393033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de soumettre mes heures finales avant 8h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO soumettre mes heures finales ] [SL:DATE_TIME avant 8h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:44:SL:TODO,45:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313533333632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi la f\u00eate pr\u00e9natale de Grace le 1er octobre \u00e0 15 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO la f\u00eate pr\u00e9natale de Grace ] [SL:DATE_TIME le 1er octobre \u00e0 15 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:41:SL:TODO,42:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313533323231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour sortir la poubelle dimanche", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO sortir la poubelle ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "21:39:SL:TODO,40:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313531323833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont mes rappels pour mardi matin?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour mardi matin ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313435373939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019envoyer la liste des fournitures \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9quipe", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer la liste des fournitures \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9quipe ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:64:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313433363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi d\u2019acheter une carte d\u2019anniversaire \u00e0 papa et maman", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter une carte d\u2019anniversaire \u00e0 papa et maman ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:68:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231303232373137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute Sharon \u00e0 cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Sharon ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231303136363139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eatez l'appel vid\u00e9o maintenant.", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3139393833343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelque chose \u00e0 faire demain \u00e0 Birmingham", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:LOCATION Birmingham ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:DATE_TIME,33:43:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393832373636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "les \u00e9v\u00e8nements aujourd\u2019hui", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393832303134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu\u2019est ce qui se passe \u00e0 Havasu ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Havasu ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "28:34:SL:LOCATION,35:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393739353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ce qui se passe \u00e0 Atlanta vendredi", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:LOCATION,27:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139343333333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u2019o\u00f9 vient Lady Gaga ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Lady Gaga ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393935303739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parlez-moi de Michael.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Michael ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393933353731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin de tout savoir sur Sheldon", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Sheldon ] ]", "slot_string": "31:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393933313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parle-moi de Trevor", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Trevor ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393932373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 travaille Packy maintenant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Packy ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393932313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mark a-t-il travaill\u00e9 chez ACS auparavant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Mark ] [SL:EMPLOYER ACS ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:CONTACT,28:31:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393931383032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est l\u2019employ\u00e9 actuel de Kim ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Kim ] ]", "slot_string": "31:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393835303331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Google ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Google ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393834333033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "V\u00e9rifiez si l'un de mes amis travaille chez Google", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:EMPLOYER Google ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,25:29:SL:TYPE_RELATION,45:51:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833353331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux savoir qui travaille chez Microsoft", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Microsoft ] ]", "slot_string": "34:43:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393831333932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 dipl\u00f4m\u00e9 de Creighton", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Creighton ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393831313238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui connais-je avoir particip\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019ONU ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:SCHOOL ONU ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,39:42:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393830393439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je connais des dipl\u00f4m\u00e9s qui sont all\u00e9s \u00e0 NYU", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:SCHOOL NYU ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,56:59:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393735353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez montrer tous les amis d'Andy.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Andy ] ]", "slot_string": "26:30:SL:TYPE_RELATION,33:37:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138383936363934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue le nouvel album de Jay Z", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Jay Z ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,24:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3138383931353434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients d'une salade Cobb ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH salade Cobb ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,34:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3136343034383838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles nouvelles \u00e9missions commenceront sur ABC en automne ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC \u00e9missions commenceront ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE ABC ] [SL:DATE_TIME en automne ] ]", "slot_string": "18:41:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,46:49:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,50:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3136343034383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoutez 5 minutes \u00e0 la minuterie", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:DATE_TIME,24:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3136343034323036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des informations sur la nouvelle proposition en mati\u00e8re de soins de sant\u00e9 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC nouvelle proposition en mati\u00e8re de soins de sant\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:84:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3136333338353239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez me donner les informations sur l'accident de voiture survenu aujourd'hui sur l'autoroute 20.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC accident de voiture ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC sur l'autoroute 20 ] ]", "slot_string": "23:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE,42:61:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,70:81:SL:DATE_TIME,82:100:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3135323935303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9initialise la minuterie sur 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER,27:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323934393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e-moi une alarme toutes les deux minutes pendant une demi-heure", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD toutes les deux minutes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pendant une demi-heure ] ]", "slot_string": "21:44:SL:PERIOD,45:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3134313539333039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fera-t-il une temp\u00e9rature en dessous de 27 degr\u00e9s Celsius \u00e0 Shanghai ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE en dessous de ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 27 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] [SL:LOCATION Shanghai ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "27:40:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,41:43:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,52:59:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,63:71:SL:LOCATION,72:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3134313539313934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9rature pr\u00e8s de Menlo Park ce weekend en Fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Menlo Park ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "22:32:SL:LOCATION,33:43:SL:DATE_TIME,47:57:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3133343635323535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire un roux ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH roux ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132353938393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand attend-on la prochaine temp\u00eate ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00eate ] ]", "slot_string": "29:37:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3132353733393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui chante cette version ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3132353639353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019aimerais \u00e9couter de la country.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE country ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3132353637373039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez un m\u00e9lange de classique et de new rock", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE m\u00e9lange ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE classique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rock ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,21:30:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,41:45:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353737363132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des gros titres sur la Cor\u00e9e du Nord ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Cor\u00e9e du Nord ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353732333431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il pleuvoir quelque part sur le Metroplex aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:LOCATION Metroplex ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:46:SL:LOCATION,47:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353732323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Une information sur Donald Trump", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE information ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Donald Trump ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,20:32:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353731303031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature en ville ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION en ville ] ]", "slot_string": "27:35:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353633383132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il neiger aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353633363937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que j'ai une alarme r\u00e9gl\u00e9e ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353537353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi les titres du Daily Local News d'aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Daily Local News ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:41:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,44:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353537303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps reste-t-il sur ma minuterie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353531313837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le nom du morceau en cours de lecture ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE morceau ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353438373539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels \u00e9v\u00e8nements sont arriv\u00e9s dans les nouvelles cette semaine?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "42:51:SL:NEWS_TYPE,52:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353435353538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Changez de genre pour \"Hip Hop\".", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Hip Hop ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353434313733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle l\u2019alarme toutes les heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD toutes les heures ] ]", "slot_string": "18:35:SL:PERIOD"} +{"id": "39353339353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis les actualit\u00e9s locales", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locales ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,20:27:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353331393332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez le r\u00e9veil \u00e0 6h30 du matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6h30 du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353331333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Alarme \u00e0 2h, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 2h ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353239323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps ce front froid est il cens\u00e9 rester ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE front froid ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353238333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue des artistes comme Sam Hunt", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE artistes ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Sam Hunt ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,24:32:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353238303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "27:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353232303634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi les nouvelles dans ma cit\u00e9", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY ma cit\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "15:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:38:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353133393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle mon alarme pour 10h tous les mardis et jeudis.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 10h tous les mardis et jeudis ] ]", "slot_string": "18:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353132373333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour 7h tous les jours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 7h tous les jours ] ]", "slot_string": "18:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353131303035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue une chanson rock", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rock ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,17:21:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353130333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien de minutes avant que l'alarme ne se d\u00e9clenche", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353130313731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Nouveau minuteur pour 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER,17:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353034373833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lisez-moi l\u2019actualit\u00e9 locale", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locale ] ]", "slot_string": "14:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:31:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343939353232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouvez des reprises classiques de chansons pop.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE reprises classiques ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] ]", "slot_string": "12:31:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,35:43:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,44:47:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343934313531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une nouvelle alarme \u00e0 6h du soir le 21", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6h du soir le 21 ] ]", "slot_string": "26:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343933303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marrez la minuterie sur 5 minutes maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 5 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,23:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343931303033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez le r\u00e9veil pour 14h30 du lundi au vendredi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 14h30 du lundi au vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:ALARM_NAME,19:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343737383632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance la minuterie \u00e0 8h05", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8h05 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343736383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les principales actualit\u00e9s aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE principales ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "17:28:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,29:40:SL:NEWS_TYPE,41:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343733333734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez la minuterie \u00e0 20 secondes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 20 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343730313438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Merci de mettre une alarme pour partir dans 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER alarme ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER,39:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343639333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez le r\u00e9veil \u00e0 22 heures ce soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 22 heures ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "18:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343635373831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Vous pouvez me lire toutes les derni\u00e8res informations ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE derni\u00e8res ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] ]", "slot_string": "31:41:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,42:54:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343630363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps fais-je frire le poulet pour", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Combien de temps ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD frire ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "0:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,25:30:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,34:40:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "39343538373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le beurre est-il n\u00e9cessaire pour faire des cookies ?", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT beurre ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "3:9:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,44:51:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343536383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temps de cuisson des lasagnes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Temps ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagnes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,21:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343536363536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire de la glace v\u00e9g\u00e9talienne", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH glace ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE v\u00e9g\u00e9talienne ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:RECIPES_DISH,26:40:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343532393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire cuisiner du riz frit", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH riz frit ] ]", "slot_string": "26:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343532343239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la bonne recette du porc dans la mijoteuse", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING bonne ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH porc ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD mijoteuse ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:RECIPES_RATING,31:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH,44:53:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} +{"id": "39343530383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c9num\u00e9rez tout ce qu'il faut pour faire un r\u00f4ti", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH r\u00f4ti ] ]", "slot_string": "44:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353331333434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux t\u00e9l\u00e9phoner au 555-2833 sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 555-2833 ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "24:32:SL:PHONE_NUMBER,37:45:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333634343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "M\u00e9t\u00e9o de dimanche", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME de dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232333239333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "nous allons appeler Vincent Roberts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Vincent Roberts ] ]", "slot_string": "20:35:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232323739313634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue du Frank Ocean.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Frank Ocean ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231373538363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "compose imm\u00e9diatement le num\u00e9ro de Linda", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Linda ] ]", "slot_string": "37:42:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373530343838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Connais-tu d'autres spectacles automobiles ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT spectacles automobiles ] ]", "slot_string": "20:42:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} +{"id": "3231363431363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue Day 'N' Nite sur iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Day 'N' Nite ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,22:33:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363431323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me dire quel temps il fera \u00e0 8 h ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8 h ] ]", "slot_string": "35:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363430373334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle sera la m\u00e9t\u00e9o pendant ce long weekend ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pendant ce long weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "23:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363338323433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi comment est le temps \u00e0 Alice Springs", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Alice Springs ] ]", "slot_string": "32:45:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363336353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu cr\u00e9er une alarme dans 2 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 2 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "26:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537373335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je conna\u00eetre la m\u00e9t\u00e9o dans le Cheshire ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Cheshire ] ]", "slot_string": "38:46:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353533393630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets l'alarme sur pause pendant 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pendant 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "24:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353532323036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme tous les jeudis \u00e0 cinq heures jusqu'au 1er juillet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME tous les jeudis \u00e0 cinq heures ] [SL:DATE_TIME jusqu'au 1er juillet ] ]", "slot_string": "18:48:SL:DATE_TIME,49:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353438393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eate mon alarme.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353334393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue Cashmere Cat sur iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Cashmere Cat ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,22:33:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231333937333437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demande \u00e0 Chris \u00e0 quelle heure commence le spectacle", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Chris ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT \u00e0 quelle heure commence le spectacle ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:RECIPIENT,17:54:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323430303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme un rappel pour la soir\u00e9e des acteurs", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO la soir\u00e9e des acteurs ] ]", "slot_string": "25:47:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323339363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme un rappel pour rincer ma couleur", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO rincer ma couleur ] ]", "slot_string": "25:42:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323337333936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute un rappel pour le mois prochain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour le mois prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "17:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de pr\u00e9parer des brownies demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO pr\u00e9parer des brownies ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:38:SL:TODO,39:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323335323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "annule tous mes rappels.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:15:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231323330343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eate les rappels pour le pique-nique du 4 juillet le 5 juillet", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO le pique-nique du 4 juillet ] [SL:DATE_TIME le 5 juillet ] ]", "slot_string": "25:52:SL:TODO,53:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236393430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affiche les rappels de la soir\u00e9e cin\u00e9ma.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER 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"input": "Rappelle-moi de nettoyer le garage pour la vente mardi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO nettoyer le garage pour la vente ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:48:SL:TODO,49:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313530383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de sortir les ordures du voisin ce soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO sortir les ordures du voisin ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:44:SL:TODO,45:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de r\u00e9gler mon r\u00e9veil dimanche soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO r\u00e9gler mon r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche soir ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:35:SL:TODO,36:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438383336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Efface le rappel pour que George nourrisse les poules demain \u00e0 5 h du matin.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED George ] [SL:TODO nourrisse les poules ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 5 h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,33:53:SL:TODO,54:76:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'acheter du papier toilette vendredi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO d'acheter du papier toilette ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:41:SL:TODO,42:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313437393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles alertes sont configur\u00e9es pour le reste de la semaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour le reste de la semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "34:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313435333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels rappels ai-je fix\u00e9s pour le 15 ao\u00fbt ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 15 ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "17:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393835303634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "qu'est-ce qu'il y a de pr\u00e9vu \u00e0 milwaukee demain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION milwaukee ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "33:42:SL:LOCATION,43:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393935333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "D'o\u00f9 est-ce que je connais Augie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Augie ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393836383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Tu peux me donner l'adresse de Brian ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Brian ] ]", "slot_string": "31:36:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393834343830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi qui travaille chez Walgreens ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Walgreens ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393734373038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Amis de Catherine", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Catherine ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:TYPE_RELATION,8:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138383932333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle temp\u00e9rature faut-il pour cuire un pain de viande", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00e9rature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pain de viande ] ]", "slot_string": "7:19:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,42:56:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3136353035393232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets une alarme \u00e0 6h du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "16:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135393637333438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Nouvelles de la police locale", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE Nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC police ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locale ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:NEWS_TYPE,16:22:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,23:29:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "3132353931333631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Branche-toi sur la station musique de danse", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE danse ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,27:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,38:43:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353736323938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "puis-je avoir une mise \u00e0 jour des infos", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE infos ] ]", "slot_string": "35:40:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353733353133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Saint Louis aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Saint Louis ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "22:33:SL:LOCATION,34:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353733353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "j\u2019ai besoin d\u2019une deuxi\u00e8me minuterie pour 3 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:ORDINAL deuxi\u00e8me ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 3 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:ORDINAL,32:41:SL:METHOD_TIMER,42:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353733303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me dire si les pr\u00e9visions annoncent de la pluie cette semaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "51:56:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,57:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353638323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis les d\u00e9tails sur la lib\u00e9ration conditionnelle d'OJ s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE d\u00e9tails ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC lib\u00e9ration conditionnelle d'OJ ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:55:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353635353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "PLEUVRA-T-IL \u00c0 17 H DEMAIN ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE PLEUVRA ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00c0 17 H DEMAIN ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353538393735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marre ma minuterie de course", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:TIMER_NAME course ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER,25:31:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353536393630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel \u00e9tait le gros titre hier", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titre ] [SL:DATE_TIME hier ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353438343836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l'alarme pour ce soir \u00e0 22 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour ce soir \u00e0 22 h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353435373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui chante cette chanson ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353434393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je besoin d'une veste \u00e0 Lake Shasta aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE veste ] [SL:LOCATION Lake Shasta ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,28:39:SL:LOCATION,40:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353233333431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "va-t-il neiger en octobre \u00e0 New York", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:DATE_TIME en octobre ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:25:SL:DATE_TIME,29:37:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353230323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l'alarme pour 17 h aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 17 h aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "16:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353230323032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu jouer le dernier single de Nicki Minaj", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE single ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Nicki Minaj ] ]", "slot_string": "25:31:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,35:46:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353037303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me donner les pr\u00e9visions pour la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "34:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343937393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je \u00e9couter encore cette chanson ?", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "30:37:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343933373331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets un r\u00e9veil maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39343632343133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien de temps dois-je faire cuire une cocotte", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE combien de temps ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cocotte ] ]", "slot_string": "0:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,41:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343630383739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire de la cr\u00e8me glac\u00e9e maison", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cr\u00e8me glac\u00e9e ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD maison ] ]", "slot_string": "20:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH,35:41:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} +{"id": "3232353735303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourrais-tu envoyer un message \u00e0 Liyi sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Liyi ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "34:38:SL:RECIPIENT,43:51:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353332363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Lance Carpenter", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lance Carpenter ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353332313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Arnold", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Arnold ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353139313635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Alana Ortega Smith", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Alana Ortega Smith ] ]", "slot_string": "8:26:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353138313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mon groupe de m\u00e9ditation sur Line", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP m\u00e9ditation ] [SL:NAME_APP Line ] ]", "slot_string": "22:33:SL:GROUP,38:42:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333635353734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Trinity Wallace appelle Hudson Garza avec WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trinity Wallace ] [SL:CONTACT Hudson Garza ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:CONTACT,32:44:SL:CONTACT,50:58:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373236383737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu appeler Amy", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amy ] ]", "slot_string": "16:19:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373234303030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Catalina", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Catalina ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:36:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373233353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "pourrais-je envoyer un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 S May", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT S May ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,41:46:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373232393734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fais un message vid\u00e9o pour Lily s'il te pla\u00eet.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Lily ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:32:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373232383734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Blake", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Blake ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,18:23:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363335383739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle le r\u00e9veil pour demain midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain midi ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363032353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue The Studio Albums 1990-2011 par Aerosmith", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The Studio Albums 1990-2011 ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Aerosmith ] ]", "slot_string": "5:32:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,37:46:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363031303931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi une minute de plus", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME une minute de plus ] ]", "slot_string": "10:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363030393139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un r\u00e9veil qui se r\u00e9p\u00e8te tous les jours \u00e0 7 h du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME tous les jours \u00e0 7 h ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:ALARM_NAME,34:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour Melbourne lorsque je vais atterrir samedi matin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Melbourne ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi matin ] ]", "slot_string": "42:51:SL:LOCATION,77:89:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il d'ici \u00e0 10 h 00 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME d'ici \u00e0 10 h 00 ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353534323537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu d\u00e9finir une alarme pour le mardi 14 mai", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour le mardi 14 mai ] ]", "slot_string": "28:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353437393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute John \u00e0 cette conversation", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED John ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333535303733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "essaie d'appeler sal Crockett", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT sal Crockett ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333437393530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "y a-t-il quelqu'un de disponible", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333437343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "nouvel appel maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323835343230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Informe Chris que je vais au concert de Lindsey Sterling au DTE dans quelques semaines", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Chris ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je vais au concert de Lindsey Sterling au DTE dans quelques semaines ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:RECIPIENT,18:86:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323832333333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Mark et rappelle-lui qu'il doit venir nous chercher au plus tard \u00e0 six heures pour que l'on arrive t\u00f4t au concert", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mark ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT il doit venir nous chercher au plus tard \u00e0 six heures pour que l'on arrive t\u00f4t au concert ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:RECIPIENT,45:136:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323430343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour prendre les livres de la biblioth\u00e8que avant de partir aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO prendre les livres de la biblioth\u00e8que avant de partir ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "21:75:SL:TODO,76:87:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337323636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi d'acheter les tickets de concert demain \u00e0 10 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter les tickets de concert ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 10 h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:45:SL:TODO,46:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337303232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "efface tous les rappels pour aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:AMOUNT,24:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336383536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "S\u2019il te pla\u00eet rappelle-moi d\u2019acheter du lait ce soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter du lait ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "26:29:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,34:49:SL:TODO,50:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323335393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de laver ma voiture jeudi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO laver ma voiture ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:32:SL:TODO,33:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323334353630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affiche tous les rappels relatifs au r\u00e9cent accident de Betty Ann.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Affiche ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:TODO r\u00e9cent accident de Betty Ann ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:12:SL:AMOUNT,37:66:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313534373736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de me pr\u00e9parer pour la r\u00e9union du 5 ao\u00fbt \u00e0 10 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO pr\u00e9parer pour la r\u00e9union ] [SL:DATE_TIME du 5 ao\u00fbt \u00e0 10 h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:45:SL:TODO,46:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313532313231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change le rappel du d\u00eener du jeudi \u00e0 18h au vendredi \u00e0 18h", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME du jeudi \u00e0 18h ] [SL:DATE_TIME au vendredi \u00e0 18h ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:TODO,27:42:SL:DATE_TIME,43:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313431393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de publier l'offre d'emploi pour le poste de technicien avant 16 heures aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO publier l'offre d'emploi pour le poste de technicien ] [SL:DATE_TIME avant 16 heures aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:68:SL:TODO,69:96:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393930303231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Choses sympas \u00e0 faire \u00e0 San Jose ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION San Jose ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "26:34:SL:LOCATION,35:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393837303838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Liste les nouveaux \u00e9v\u00e9nement dans le Michigan cette ann\u00e9e", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Michigan ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette ann\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "39:47:SL:LOCATION,48:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393834383234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "CHOSES \u00c0 FAIRE \u00c0 LAS VEGAS CE WEEK-END", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION LAS VEGAS ] [SL:DATE_TIME CE WEEK-END ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:LOCATION,29:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393833363832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 puis-je trouver un spectacle", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT spectacle ] ]", "slot_string": "23:32:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} +{"id": "3138393933363532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'Amy travaille maintenant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Amy ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393931363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "quand Ian a-t-il commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 UCLA", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Ian ] [SL:SCHOOL UCLA ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:CONTACT,30:34:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393836393531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "L'adresse de Levi.", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Levi ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393835303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je connais quelqu'un qui travaille chez Fox ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:EMPLOYER Fox ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,51:54:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393831383830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est dipl\u00f4m\u00e9 du PUC ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL PUC ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3136343034363733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que dit notre Minist\u00e8re de l'Int\u00e9rieur au sujet des risques de voyage en Espagne", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC risques de voyage en Espagne ] ]", "slot_string": "54:82:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3136343034343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "des nouvelles infos sur Trump aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE infos ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Trump ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,14:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:29:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,30:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323937353537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme l'alarme pour 1 h 30 tous les jours du lundi au vendredi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 1 h 30 tous les jours du lundi au vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3134313539373836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il fera environ 20 degr\u00e9s Celsius \u00e0 Palo Alto demain matin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE environ ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 20 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] [SL:LOCATION Palo Alto ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:44:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,48:57:SL:LOCATION,58:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3133343139303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de glucides y a-t-il dans un bol de soupe aux nouilles et au poulet", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Combien ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION glucides ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH soupe aux nouilles et au poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,11:19:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,44:75:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133323737323731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Soupe la plus facile \u00e0 faire", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH Soupe ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE la plus facile ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:RECIPES_DISH,6:20:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3132363038383932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue de la musique de m\u00e9ditation", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE m\u00e9ditation ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,22:33:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3132353835373335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "efface tous mes m\u00e9mos pour aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3132353635323534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me trouver la version de James Taylor de cette chanson actuelle", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME James Taylor ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "33:45:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,55:62:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353434323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi combien de temps il reste sur le prochain r\u00e9veil", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "41:49:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "39353336313031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle la minuterie sur une demi-heure.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur une demi-heure ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353332333131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme \u00e0 6h00 tous les jours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6h00 tous les jours ] ]", "slot_string": "18:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353330383532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il pleuvoir jeudi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353135363635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Sarasota aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Sarasota ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:LOCATION,31:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353131383937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui \u00e9tait le suspect dans le dernier attentat \u00e0 la voiture pi\u00e9g\u00e9e ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC suspect dans le dernier attentat \u00e0 la voiture pi\u00e9g\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "14:69:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353038323337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je emmener un parapluie demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343935313332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change la chanson.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343835393630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi combien de temps il reste sur ma minuterie maintenant", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "41:50:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343730393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter Ride de Twenty One Pilots", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Ride ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Twenty One Pilots ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,25:42:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343730383630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme pour 5 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 5 h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343637313737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu programmer une alarme qui fonctionnera 97 secondes ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER alarme ] [SL:DATE_TIME 97 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:METHOD_TIMER,47:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343636363237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue une de mes playlists Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME playlists ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,26:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343630353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi une recette de gaufres", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH gaufres ] ]", "slot_string": "26:33:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353735333035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin que tu envoies un message \u00e0 Zachary Fletcher sur Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Zachary Fletcher ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "41:57:SL:RECIPIENT,62:71:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353735313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie-le \u00e0 Franco via WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Franco ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:RECIPIENT,24:32:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353735313239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie-le \u00e0 Jose par WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jose ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:RECIPIENT,22:30:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333238363535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets une alarme de 12 minutes \u00e0 partir de maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME de 12 minutes \u00e0 partir de maintenant ] ]", "slot_string": "16:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232313734353631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux laisser un enregistrement vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Sarah", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Sarah ] ]", "slot_string": "34:40:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,44:49:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313731323537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux enregistrer un message vid\u00e9o pour Freya avec cette recette", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Freya ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,43:48:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313432393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour Barrow-in-Furness", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Barrow-in-Furness ] ]", "slot_string": "25:42:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231393232373238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux voir mon ami sur l'\u00e9cran", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mon ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION ami ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,17:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} +{"id": "3231363337323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux cr\u00e9er une alarme.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363334363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme tous les soirs \u00e0 18 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME tous les soirs \u00e0 18 h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353539363233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Indique-moi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353539343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il faut que je mette un manteau aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE manteau ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "34:41:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,42:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353539323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il \u00e0 Lisbonne ce week-end ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Lisbonne ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "24:32:SL:LOCATION,33:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353539323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les chances qu\u2019il pleuve \u00e0 Dublin ce vendredi", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuve ] [SL:LOCATION Dublin ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "33:39:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,43:49:SL:LOCATION,50:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353536323537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu me dire s'il fera chaud \u00e0 Newcastle ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chaud ] [SL:LOCATION Newcastle ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,35:44:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353530323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi toutes les alarmes que j\u2019ai d\u00e9finies", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3231353438383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "18:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353438373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e une alarme", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333535323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9ponds \u00e0 l'appel de Jordan", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jordan ] ]", "slot_string": "24:30:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534303832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de mes amis sont en ligne en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333533303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que j'ai des amis en ligne en ce moment", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333530363537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai fini de parler", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333438303030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "affiche les personnes disponibles", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333436353734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi les personnes libres", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323339383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime tous mes rappels de la semaine prochaine", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME de la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:AMOUNT,14:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323330393836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "supprime mon rappel pour mon rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin mardi", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "29:57:SL:TODO,58:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323235363336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des rappels sur le karat\u00e9 ce mois", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO karat\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:TODO,36:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313535383034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle \u00e0 Heather que nous avons des projets pour d\u00eener jeudi \u00e0 18 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Heather ] [SL:TODO projets pour d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi \u00e0 18 h ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,39:58:SL:TODO,59:72:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313531303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de commencer mon nettoyage \u00e0 7 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO commencer mon nettoyage ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 7 h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:39:SL:TODO,40:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je des rappels programm\u00e9s pour le vendredi 13 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le vendredi 13 ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,30:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de d\u00e9congeler la viande le dimanche", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO d\u00e9congeler la viande ] [SL:DATE_TIME le dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:37:SL:TODO,38:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439333233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de gagner \u00e0 Fortnite", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO gagner \u00e0 Fortnite ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:34:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313434343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de rendre mon devoir avant minuit.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO rendre mon devoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME avant minuit ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:33:SL:TODO,34:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303135333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle Bridget au sujet de la r\u00e9union", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Bridget ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3139363030393138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment programmer une minuterie pour 52 minutes ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 52 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "23:32:SL:METHOD_TIMER,33:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393836313934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Louise vit \u00e0 Charleston", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Louise ] [SL:LOCATION Charleston ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:CONTACT,25:35:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393830373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Certains de mes amis sont-ils all\u00e9s \u00e0 Harvard ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:SCHOOL Harvard ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,40:47:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3136343338363336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "y a-t-il de grandes actualit\u00e9s", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE grandes ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,20:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "3135323839333334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle la minuterie sur six minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur six minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132353837333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le nom de l\u2019ouragan sur l\u2019Atlantique en ce moment", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE ouragan ] [SL:LOCATION Atlantique ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,39:49:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353736383435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe \u00e0 la piste 8.", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE piste ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353732313838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets en pause la minuterie", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353438353138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour vendredi", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "37:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353337343737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des actualit\u00e9s de ma r\u00e9gion", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC ma r\u00e9gion ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:29:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353334313339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle temps fait-il \u00e0 vegas la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION vegas ] [SL:DATE_TIME la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:LOCATION,30:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353134393839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle est la temp\u00e9rature ext\u00e9rieure en ce moment", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39343734343831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle le r\u00e9veil pour que je me l\u00e8ve dans deux heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans deux heures ] ]", "slot_string": "39:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343730313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis les derniers articles du New York Times", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME derniers ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE articles ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE New York Times ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:43:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39343631383632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire des galettes au sucre", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH galettes au sucre ] ]", "slot_string": "18:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343531343834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi des recettes de sauces spaghetti sans oignons", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauces spaghetti ] [SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT oignons ] ]", "slot_string": "27:43:SL:RECIPES_DISH,49:56:SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3232353734353830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il faut que tu envoies le texte sur Facebook", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] ]", "slot_string": "36:44:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353138373837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'aimerai reprendre contact avec Jane", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jane ] ]", "slot_string": "33:37:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363735383235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute patron a l\u2019appel en cours", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED patron ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231363038393237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "fais sonner l'alarme \u00e0 02h25 du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 02h25 du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "21:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363032333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Continuez avec le minuteur", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3231333939303131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il me faut un rappel pour demain matin \u00e0 6h du matin s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain matin \u00e0 6h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "21:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333932363638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le rappel de nourrir le chat doit se d\u00e9clencher \u00e0 18h ce soir", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO nourrir le chat ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 18h ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:TODO,49:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333535323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Essaye d\u2019appeler Sherman Angelica.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sherman Angelica ] ]", "slot_string": "19:35:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333533303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il quelqu\u2019un que je connais en ligne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333531343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eatez la conversation", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333435323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux voir la disponibilit\u00e9 des contacts", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333430333831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance un appel avec Jack", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jack ] ]", "slot_string": "20:24:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323832323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demandez \u00e0 Josh \u00e0 quelle heure il va arriver chez moi.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Josh ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT \u00e0 quelle heure il va arriver chez moi ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:RECIPIENT,17:55:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323432303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'envoyer une carte de remerciement \u00e0 maman", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer une carte de remerciement \u00e0 maman ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:57:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3139393837323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ev\u00e8nements \u00e0 Omaha ce week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Omaha ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:LOCATION,21:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393834373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00e9v\u00e8nements th\u00e9\u00e2tres \u00e0 Mesa cette semaine", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT th\u00e9\u00e2tres ] [SL:LOCATION Mesa ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "13:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,27:31:SL:LOCATION,32:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393739343038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que se passe-t-il \u00e0 16h demain soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 16h demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "18:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393835393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Kristen habite Dallas ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Kristen ] [SL:LOCATION Dallas ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:CONTACT,26:32:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393832373037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Macy's ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Macy ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393830353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui a un dipl\u00f4me de l'Universit\u00e9 de South Carolina", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Universit\u00e9 de South Carolina ] ]", "slot_string": "23:52:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393735313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Retrouvez la liste de mes amis", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,26:30:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} +{"id": "3138383935383236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me trouver une recette pour le poulet \u00e0 l\u2019Alfredo ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet \u00e0 l\u2019Alfredo ] ]", "slot_string": "39:60:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3136343732343034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu programmer une alarme \u00e0 r\u00e9p\u00e9tition pour 8 heures du matin les jours de semaine", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 8 heures du matin les jours de semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "46:89:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323934373230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Efface le minuteur en cours", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3133343439353732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve moi une recette pour le salami", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH salami ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132353736393933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle distance se trouve la temp\u00eate que j\u2019entends dehors ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00eate ] ]", "slot_string": "32:40:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353632323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi les derni\u00e8res nouvelles locales ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locales ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:42:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353538303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il reste combien de minutes sur mon alarme en cours ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353430323539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue-moi quelque chose de joyeux", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE joyeux ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353132373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle sera la temp\u00e9rature ce soir vers 21h ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir vers 21h ] ]", "slot_string": "28:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353035313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez-moi une chanson de Eminem", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Eminem ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,25:31:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343732393737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue les plus grand succ\u00e8s des ann\u00e9es 80", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE les plus grand succ\u00e8s des ann\u00e9es 80 ] ]", "slot_string": "5:42:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE"} +{"id": "39343538343431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients dans les BBQ Power Bowls", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH BBQ Power Bowls ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,37:52:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833343733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez enregistrer un message vid\u00e9o pour John et Jack", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT John ] [SL:RECIPIENT Jack ] ]", "slot_string": "32:38:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,44:48:SL:RECIPIENT,52:56:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353833343230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous envoyer un message \u00e0 Ted et Stacy", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Ted ] [SL:RECIPIENT Stacy ] ]", "slot_string": "34:37:SL:RECIPIENT,41:46:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353833323035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourrais-tu envoyer un texto \u00e0 Jordan et Steven", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jordan ] [SL:RECIPIENT Steven ] ]", "slot_string": "32:38:SL:RECIPIENT,42:48:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832393738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "pouvez-vous envoyer le groupe de sororit\u00e9", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP sororit\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "33:42:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353735303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message par Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353332343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Enrique Iglesias", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Enrique Iglesias ] ]", "slot_string": "8:24:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353138323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'aimerais t\u00e9l\u00e9phoner \u00e0 Chandler et Sofia", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Chandler ] [SL:CONTACT Sofia ] ]", "slot_string": "27:35:SL:CONTACT,39:44:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232343330373535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez mes minuteurs \u00e0 l'\u00e9cran", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteurs ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3232333635383832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez en vid\u00e9o Mariana sur Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mariana ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:CONTACT,30:38:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323739333539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez The Middle, Juice WRLD, s'il vous pla\u00eet.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE The Middle ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Juice WRLD ] ]", "slot_string": "6:16:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,18:28:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232323232353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux voir les \u00e9v\u00e8nements populaires", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT populaires ] ]", "slot_string": "30:40:SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT"} +{"id": "3232313432393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Ross on Wye ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Ross on Wye ] ]", "slot_string": "22:33:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3232313332343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez Brooks et Buckley", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Brooks ] [SL:CONTACT Buckley ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,18:25:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373538313037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Amanda num\u00e9ro deux", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amanda ] [SL:ORDINAL deux ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,23:27:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231373538303934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Catalina trois", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Catalina ] [SL:ORDINAL trois ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT,17:22:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231373233393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9pondez \u00e0 Marshall par un message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Marshall ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:RECIPIENT,37:43:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231373232393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous m'aider \u00e0 r\u00e9aliser un message vid\u00e9o pour Barry ?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Barry ] ]", "slot_string": "44:50:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,56:61:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373130393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez appeler Silas Everett Castillo", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Silas Everett Castillo ] ]", "slot_string": "17:39:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373034333735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "fr", "input": "quand est pr\u00e9vu le coucher du soleil", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231373033393836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "y a t il des anniversaires mercredi", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "27:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363736303936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fais passer cet appel vocal sur appel vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363339383533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il \u00e0 Melbourne dans les prochains jours ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Melbourne ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans les prochains jours ] ]", "slot_string": "24:33:SL:LOCATION,34:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363339313231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi quel temps il fera samedi", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363334363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme pour tous les jeudis \u00e0 14h15.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME tous les jeudis \u00e0 14h15 ] ]", "slot_string": "22:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363333393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourriez-vous me mettre un r\u00e9veil pour le coucher pour 22 heures ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME me ] [SL:ALARM_NAME coucher ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 22 heures ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:ALARM_NAME,43:50:SL:ALARM_NAME,51:73:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363333333632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez r\u00e9gler une nouvelle alarme pour mardi \u00e0 7h et 21h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour mardi \u00e0 7h et 21h ] ]", "slot_string": "37:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363039373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "V\u00e9rifie le message", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363039313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9ez une alarme pour 22h35", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 22h35 ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363039303330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez une alerte pour 10h45", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 10h45 ] ]", "slot_string": "19:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363038343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez une alarme pour 16h45", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 16h45 ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363038333833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9ez l'alarme pour 1935", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 1935 ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363031353739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez l\u2019alarme pour vendredi prochain \u00e0 17h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi prochain \u00e0 17h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363031323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9veillez-moi \u00e0 8 heures du matin le 4 mai.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8 heures du matin le 4 mai ] ]", "slot_string": "15:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353539303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est ce qu\u2019il va pleuvoir quand nous serons \u00e0 Glasgow aujourd\u2019hui \u00e0 3h ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:LOCATION Glasgow ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui \u00e0 3h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,48:55:SL:LOCATION,56:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537383937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o ce matin?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME ce matin ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o au Royaume-Uni.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Royaume-Uni ] ]", "slot_string": "25:36:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353537323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il pendant ce prochain weekend de 5 jours ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pendant ce prochain weekend de 5 jours ] ]", "slot_string": "21:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537303837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques pour dimanche.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "45:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353534333732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez mettre en place une alarme pour le 4 ao\u00fbt", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 4 ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "36:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9ez une alarme pour les vendredis \u00e0 midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour les vendredis \u00e0 midi ] ]", "slot_string": "18:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353439313533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Efface toutes mes alarmes, s\u2019il te plait.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3231353335303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue A Milli sur iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE A Milli ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,17:28:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231343937343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les matchs de hockeys sur glace en ao\u00fbt", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT matchs de hockeys sur glace ] [SL:DATE_TIME en ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "15:42:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,43:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343937343239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels matchs de baseball se jouent jeudi \u00e0 San Jose", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT matchs de baseball ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi ] [SL:LOCATION San Jose ] ]", "slot_string": "6:24:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,35:40:SL:DATE_TIME,44:52:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231343435303435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux envoyer un message \u00e0 Jamie", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jamie ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231333534343534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe un appel vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Jackson Brandon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jackson Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "25:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333531393335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui connais-je qui est en ligne maintenant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333431323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute Jay \u00e0 cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Jay ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333430383332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez Anna", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Anna ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333339363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Invite Tom \u00e0 se joindre \u00e0 l\u2019appel en cours", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Tom ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231323839333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoyez un message \u00e0 Greg et demandez-lui comment se rendre chez lui en Floride", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Greg ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT comment se rendre chez lui en Floride ] ]", "slot_string": "22:26:SL:RECIPIENT,43:80:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323837343031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un texto \u00e0 Zach et dis-lui que la voiture est en route pour passer le chercher lui et sa petite amie chez Ben.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Zach ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT la voiture est en route pour passer le chercher lui et sa petite amie chez Ben ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:RECIPIENT,39:117:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323833373535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9viens Mary que le concert de Madonna sera \u00e0 El Paso en septembre", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mary ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT le concert de Madonna sera \u00e0 El Paso en septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:RECIPIENT,19:69:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323833313730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis \u00e0 Steven que l\u2019heure du concert a chang\u00e9 de 6 heures \u00e0 9 heures.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Steven ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT l\u2019heure du concert a chang\u00e9 de 6 heures \u00e0 9 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:RECIPIENT,18:72:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323831303735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Jennifer et demande lui si elle a rencontr\u00e9 ma m\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jennifer ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT elle a rencontr\u00e9 ma m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:RECIPIENT,48:74:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323739303730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Ted et dis-lui que Riley n\u2019a d\u00e9croch\u00e9 que des A sur son carnet de notes.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Ted ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Riley n\u2019a d\u00e9croch\u00e9 que des A sur son carnet de notes ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:RECIPIENT,40:96:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323735373734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Poste \u00e0 Sabrina : f\u00e9licitations pour le b\u00e9b\u00e9", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sabrina ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT f\u00e9licitations pour le b\u00e9b\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:RECIPIENT,19:48:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323433333137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des nouvelles de Wired ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Wired ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3231323431303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi d\u2019assister \u00e0 la messe \u00e0 la t\u00e9l\u00e9 dimanche \u00e0 7h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO assister \u00e0 la messe \u00e0 la t\u00e9l\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche \u00e0 7h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:50:SL:TODO,51:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323339363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi d'acheter du lait demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter du lait ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:30:SL:TODO,31:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323338393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi d\u2019annuler mon rendez-vous", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO annuler mon rendez-vous ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:40:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323334393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous mes rappels, y compris pour le travail", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO travail ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,11:15:SL:AMOUNT,16:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,47:54:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323239333436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "trouve mes rappels de rappels", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO rappels de rappels ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,11:29:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323238333734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous me rappeler de me pr\u00e9parer pour le rendez-vous ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pr\u00e9parer pour le rendez-vous ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,30:59:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323238323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change mon rappel d\u2019alerte pour 16h.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 16h ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237363038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lisez-moi mes rappels pour demain apr\u00e8s-midi.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Lisez ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,10:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237353334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9ez un rappel sur l'arrosage du potager \u00e0 partir d'aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO arrosage du potager ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 partir d'aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "23:42:SL:TODO,43:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323235383633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montrez-moi mes notes de cours pour cette semaine", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montrez ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO cours ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,12:15:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:30:SL:TODO,31:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323233353433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez changer mon rappel pour le chant \u00e0 l'\u00e9glise Grace's Family de 19h \u00e0 20h le samedi soir", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO chant \u00e0 l'\u00e9glise Grace's Family ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 19h ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 20h le samedi soir ] ]", "slot_string": "17:20:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,36:69:SL:TODO,70:76:SL:DATE_TIME,77:98:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323231343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Retrouvez tous les rappels de l'ann\u00e9e derni\u00e8re sur Pat", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Retrouvez ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME de l'ann\u00e9e derni\u00e8re ] [SL:TODO Pat ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,10:14:SL:AMOUNT,27:48:SL:DATE_TIME,53:56:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313532353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi mon rendez-vous chez le coiffeur mardi \u00e0 15 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO mon rendez-vous chez le coiffeur ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi \u00e0 15 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:45:SL:TODO,46:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313531373631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu\u2019ai-je comme rappels mardi matin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi matin ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313530363631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019aller au violon mardi apr\u00e8s midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO aller au violon ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi apr\u00e8s midi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:32:SL:TODO,33:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439393033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je des rappels de travail pour jeudi matin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:TODO travail ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour jeudi matin ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:28:SL:TODO,29:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439373932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u00e9but de semaine prochaine que c\u2019est la date de fin de mon livre lou\u00e9 \u00e0 la biblioth\u00e8que", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME d\u00e9but de semaine prochaine ] [SL:TODO c\u2019est la date de fin de mon livre lou\u00e9 \u00e0 la biblioth\u00e8que ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:40:SL:DATE_TIME,45:106:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313439373033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de payer les factures le vendredi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO payer les factures ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:34:SL:TODO,38:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438393134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annulez le rappel concernant le trajet du 5.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO le trajet ] [SL:DATE_TIME du 5 ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:TODO,39:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313437393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de d\u00e9jeuner dans deux jours.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO d\u00e9jeuner ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans deux jours ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:25:SL:TODO,26:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313436393834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "N'oubliez pas de pr\u00e9voir la livraison du d\u00eener \u00e0 19 heures ce soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pr\u00e9voir la livraison du d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 19 heures ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "17:48:SL:TODO,49:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313435313932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de regarder Orange Is The New Black \u00e0 20h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO regarder Orange Is The New Black ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 20h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:48:SL:TODO,49:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303137333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cet appel est maintenant termin\u00e9", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3230393939353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle une alarme pour 1215", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 1215 ] ]", "slot_string": "18:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393837313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu\u2019est ce qui se passe ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "25:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393837303634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Choses \u00e0 faire dans Mission Viejo ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Mission Viejo ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "21:34:SL:LOCATION,35:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393836323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que puis-je faire \u00e0 New York ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:LOCATION,30:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393835363133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Choses \u00e0 faire \u00e0 Denver le weekend prochain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Denver ] [SL:DATE_TIME le weekend prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:LOCATION,26:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393834353234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ce qu'il y a \u00e0 faire aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "22:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393834323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les choses \u00e0 faire \u00e0 Medford, Oregon", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Medford, Oregon ] ]", "slot_string": "23:38:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393831353234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c9v\u00e9nements th\u00e9\u00e2traux \u00e0 Toronto cette semaine", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT th\u00e9\u00e2traux ] [SL:LOCATION Toronto ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,28:35:SL:LOCATION,36:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393831343036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin de choses amusantes pendant mon s\u00e9jour \u00e0 Chicago pour le travail la semaine prochaine", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Chicago ] [SL:DATE_TIME la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "55:62:SL:LOCATION,79:99:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393830353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels \u00e9v\u00e8nements y a-t-il ce mois-ci \u00e0 Katy ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois-ci ] [SL:LOCATION Katy ] ]", "slot_string": "28:38:SL:DATE_TIME,42:46:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393738303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelque chose \u00e0 faire ce weekend ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393736323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il se passe quelque chose ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3139393736323039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les choses \u00e0 faire cette semaine", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393932333336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand Bob a-t-il cess\u00e9 de travailler chez Petsmart ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Bob ] [SL:EMPLOYER Petsmart ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:CONTACT,43:51:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393932313732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pour qui travaille Brittany ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Brittany ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393931373836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Tara travaille-t-elle pour Solix ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Tara ] [SL:EMPLOYER Solix ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:CONTACT,27:32:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393836333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi l\u2019adresse professionnelle de Bobby", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Bobby ] ]", "slot_string": "41:46:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393835363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est ce que les riches vivent \u00e0 Ocean city ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT riches ] [SL:LOCATION Ocean city ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:CONTACT,32:42:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393834343734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille pour NBC ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER NBC ] ]", "slot_string": "19:22:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Target ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Target ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille au minist\u00e8re des finances ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER minist\u00e8re des finances ] ]", "slot_string": "17:40:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833353237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "dites-moi qui travaille chez el Pollo Loco", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER el Pollo Loco ] ]", "slot_string": "29:42:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393832333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels amis sont des dipl\u00f4m\u00e9s de Columbia ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LIFE_EVENT dipl\u00f4m\u00e9s ] [SL:SCHOOL Columbia ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:TYPE_RELATION,20:30:SL:LIFE_EVENT,34:42:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393830383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lequel de mes amis est all\u00e9 \u00e0 Duke ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION Duke ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:18:SL:TYPE_RELATION,32:36:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393739393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui habite \u00e0 Lahaina ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Lahaina ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393739373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je de la famille en Californie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION famille ] [SL:LOCATION Californie ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,23:33:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393734383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui sont les amis d\u2019Alysha ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Alysha ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION,22:28:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3136343035333938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand l'\u00e9cole commencera-t-elle \u00e0 Miami FL ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Quand l'\u00e9cole commencera-t-elle \u00e0 Miami FL ? ] ]", "slot_string": "0:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3136343034333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pour qui Lester Holt fait-il l'ancre", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Lester Holt ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3136333731343637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lisez les titres de la nuit derni\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:DATE_TIME de la nuit derni\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE,17:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135363331343037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel sera le temps \u00e0 New York la semaine prochaine", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:LOCATION,34:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135333031363234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de calories y a-t-il dans une part de fromage cheddar ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Combien ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT fromage cheddar ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,11:19:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,46:61:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3135323937373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme r\u00e9currente cette semaine \u00e0 9h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine \u00e0 9h ] ]", "slot_string": "29:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323936363031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez r\u00e9gler une minuterie sur 60 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 60 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER,31:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3133383233363733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Depuis combien de minutes se trouvent ces biscuits dans le four ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE combien ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH biscuits ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD four ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,42:50:SL:RECIPES_DISH,59:63:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} +{"id": "3133343132343238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que puis-je faire si j'ai trop mang\u00e9 ma soupe ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH soupe ] ]", "slot_string": "41:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133343130363339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouvez des recettes pour les sauces vinaigrettes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauces vinaigrettes ] ]", "slot_string": "30:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133323738313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de calories contient un filet de poulet ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Combien ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT filet de poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,11:19:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,32:47:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3132363333343438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la meilleure temp\u00e9rature pour cuire le homard ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00e9rature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH homard ] ]", "slot_string": "24:36:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,51:57:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132363135303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change de cha\u00eene", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE cha\u00eene ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "3132353939343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de minutes reste-t-il ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353831353036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il neiger ce weekend ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353830383131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "DOIS-JE PORTER DES BOTTES DE PLUIE ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE BOTTES DE PLUIE ] ]", "slot_string": "19:34:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353739323331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature pour vendredi \u00e0 Portland ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi ] [SL:LOCATION Portland ] ]", "slot_string": "27:40:SL:DATE_TIME,44:52:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353734373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les gros titres sur Fox en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Fox ] [SL:DATE_TIME en ce moment ] ]", "slot_string": "15:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:34:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,35:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353734333033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les histoires \u00e0 la une dans ma ville", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE histoires ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE \u00e0 la une ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE,14:23:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE"} +{"id": "39353734313531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle sera la temp\u00e9rature demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "28:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353733383334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quoi de neuf dans les nouvelles locales ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locales ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:39:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39353732363238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o de Seattle pour mardi", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:LOCATION,31:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353731393433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "TIENS-MOI AU COURANT DE L\u2019INCENDIE LOCAL QUI \u00c9TAIT AUX INFOS", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC INCENDIE LOCAL ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE INFOS ] ]", "slot_string": "28:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,58:63:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353731363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il arr\u00eater de pleuvoir \u00e0 17 heures ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353639383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programmez une alarme toutes les 6 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD toutes les 6 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "22:42:SL:PERIOD"} +{"id": "39353638333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel sera le temps demain matin?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "19:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353637333039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel \u00e9tait le dernier d\u00e9cret que Donald Trump a sign\u00e9 ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Donald Trump ] ]", "slot_string": "35:47:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353634303234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis moi les titres sportifs des nouvelles du jour", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY sportifs ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE nouvelles du jour ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:27:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,32:49:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39353632353039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "il fait beau aujourd\u2019hui?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE beau ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353632333434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez le r\u00e9veil pour 6 heures demain matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 6 heures demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "19:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353538383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle une minuterie sur 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353536343634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il lundi \u00e0 Honolulu ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME lundi ] [SL:LOCATION Honolulu ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:DATE_TIME,30:38:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353435373137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je besoin d'un manteau dans le Colorado ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE manteau ] [SL:LOCATION Colorado ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,34:42:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353435323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute 5 minutes \u00e0 la minuterie actuelle", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:DATE_TIME,23:32:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353434353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 Londres ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Londres ] ]", "slot_string": "30:37:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353335303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montrez les derni\u00e8res nouvelles", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE derni\u00e8res ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,23:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353235353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions pour 18 heures aujourd'hui \u00e0 Doral ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour 18 heures aujourd'hui ] [SL:LOCATION Doral ] ]", "slot_string": "29:55:SL:DATE_TIME,59:64:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353233333830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle sera la temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 lubbock dans 2 heures", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION lubbock ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 2 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "31:38:SL:LOCATION,39:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353232313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Baltimore aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Baltimore ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:LOCATION,32:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353138383136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que s\u2019est-il pass\u00e9 dans l\u2019actualit\u00e9 aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "31:41:SL:NEWS_TYPE,42:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353135363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des nouvelles de derni\u00e8re minute aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:DATE_TIME de derni\u00e8re minute ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:42:SL:DATE_TIME,43:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353135313936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Activez un r\u00e9veil \u00e0 4 heures du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 4 heures du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "19:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353035393836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "rejouez la piste 8", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE piste ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343935313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une minuterie sur 17 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 17 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343837343139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "nomme cette chanson s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343836393739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez le r\u00e9veil pour 4 heures du matin jeudi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 4 heures du matin jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343835353233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 Hoboken demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hoboken ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "30:37:SL:LOCATION,38:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343831373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter de la musique Hip Hop", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Hip Hop ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,31:38:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343830313837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le nom de cette chanson ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "25:32:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343739333430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez moi un mix de David Bowie", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE mix ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME David Bowie ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,20:31:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343735363333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourrais-tu me dire le statut de la minuterie, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "36:45:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343735303932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les derniers titres", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME derniers ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343733383932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue la nouvelle chanson de Justin Timberlake", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Justin Timberlake ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,28:45:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343639373534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les informations du monde en ce moment", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY monde ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:38:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343632383532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi une recette v\u00e9g\u00e9talienne s\u2019il vous plait.", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE v\u00e9g\u00e9talienne ] ]", "slot_string": "23:37:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343631353637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recherchez les ingr\u00e9dients pour un smoothie \u00e0 la mangue", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH smoothie \u00e0 la mangue ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,36:57:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343534313339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire les lasagnes \u00e0 la courgette", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagnes \u00e0 la courgette ] ]", "slot_string": "18:42:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343533303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment pr\u00e9parer la sauce mole", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauce mole ] ]", "slot_string": "21:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu envoyer un message \u00e0 Jose et Bill", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jose ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bill ] ]", "slot_string": "30:34:SL:RECIPIENT,38:42:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353734373834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je voudrais l'envoyer \u00e0 Kylie via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Kylie ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:RECIPIENT,35:44:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353038323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet, d\u00e9marre un appel vid\u00e9o avec mes demoiselles d'honneur sur Skype", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP demoiselles d'honneur ] [SL:NAME_APP Skype ] ]", "slot_string": "50:71:SL:GROUP,76:81:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353038323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marre un appel vid\u00e9o avec le groupe DMV", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP DMV ] ]", "slot_string": "40:43:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232333635313237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Natalia en vid\u00e9o avec Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Natalia ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT,31:39:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373537393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Gregory num\u00e9ro un", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Gregory ] [SL:ORDINAL num\u00e9ro un ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT,16:26:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231373236353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Mia sur son portable", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mia ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373233393334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231363736313736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Retire Blake de l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Blake ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231363735303233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-ce que quelqu'un a t\u00e9l\u00e9phon\u00e9 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363337323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme une alarme", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363336383339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet, emp\u00eache mon alarme de retentir", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363137393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "raccroche au nez de Savannah Stachura", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT Savannah Stachura ] ]", "slot_string": "20:37:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353939373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourrais-je avoir une alarme \u00e0 7 h puis 7 h 30 ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 7 h puis 7 h 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "29:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353835393939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "va sur iheartradio et mets AMP Radio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID AMP Radio ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,27:36:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID"} +{"id": "3231353535333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme une alarme qui sonnera \u00e0 minuit", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 minuit ] ]", "slot_string": "33:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353535313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il-te-pla\u00eet, r\u00e8gle l'alarme \u00e0 4 h aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 4 h aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "32:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353533323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fait retenrir une alarme demain \u00e0 21 h et 22 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 21 h et 22 h ] ]", "slot_string": "25:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353532373034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9p\u00e8te l'alarme \u00e0 8h et 9h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8h et 9h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353532323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme un nouveau r\u00e9veil pour lundi \u00e0 12 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour lundi \u00e0 12 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "29:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343631353836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle maman de Verbit voit ses anniversaires approcher ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION maman ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Verbit ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:TYPE_RELATION,16:22:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3231343631343337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affiche toutes les dates d'anniversaire \u00e0 venir des petits amis de Sharilyn U Neeley", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION petits amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Sharilyn U Neeley ] ]", "slot_string": "53:64:SL:TYPE_RELATION,68:85:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3231333431383632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "John est-il disponible ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT John ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333339393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance un nouvel appel avec Sammi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sammi ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323431393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "annule mon rappel pour emmener le chien chez le v\u00e9to", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO emmener le chien chez le v\u00e9to ] ]", "slot_string": "23:53:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323430333432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un rappel pour v\u00e9rifier le four dans 1 heure", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO v\u00e9rifier le four ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 1 heure ] ]", "slot_string": "22:39:SL:TODO,40:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323339393630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime mon rappel pour mon rendez-vous chez le coiffeur", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO mon rendez-vous chez le coiffeur ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:57:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323338333139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappele-moi d'acheter des billets pour Pirates des Cara\u00efbes 15", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter des billets pour Pirates des Cara\u00efbes 15 ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,14:63:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323338313436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets un rappel pour demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain ] ]", "slot_string": "15:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fixe un rappel pour l'anniversaire de John le mois prochain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO anniversaire de John ] [SL:DATE_TIME mois prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "22:42:SL:TODO,46:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'acheter des \u0153ufs ce week-end.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter des \u0153ufs ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:32:SL:TODO,33:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323334323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime tous les rappels concernant les activit\u00e9s extrascolaires de Rebecca.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:TODO les activit\u00e9s extrascolaires de Rebecca ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:AMOUNT,37:77:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323331373935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "supprime tous les rappels concernant le cours de spin pour septembre", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:TODO cours de spin ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:AMOUNT,40:53:SL:TODO,54:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323238353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels rappels ai-je pour le week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "17:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323233373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels rappels sont r\u00e9gl\u00e9s pour mon groupe d'amis de concert ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED amis de concert ] ]", "slot_string": "46:61:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231313639303231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me montrer tous ceux dont l'anniversaire approche dans le mois \u00e0 venir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME dans le mois \u00e0 venir ] ]", "slot_string": "58:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313534373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'acheter des tickets pour la f\u00eate du 5 ao\u00fbt.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter des tickets pour la f\u00eate ] [SL:DATE_TIME 5 ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:48:SL:TODO,52:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313532363133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que tu peux me rappeler de souhaiter joyeux anniversaire \u00e0 mon fr\u00e8re quand je me r\u00e9veille \u00e0 huit heures du matin ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO souhaiter joyeux anniversaire \u00e0 mon fr\u00e8re quand je me r\u00e9veille ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 huit heures du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "19:21:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,34:99:SL:TODO,100:123:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439383031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e un rappel pour le match de baseball de Joe ce soir \u00e0 19 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO match de baseball de Joe ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir \u00e0 19 h ] ]", "slot_string": "24:48:SL:TODO,49:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303231313033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "merci d'appeler Jessica", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jessica ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3139393838353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels \u00e9v\u00e9nements sportifs ont lieu \u00e0 Newport aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT sportifs ] [SL:LOCATION Newport ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,40:47:SL:LOCATION,48:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393837333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des concerts ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,22:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393932373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Marcus travaille toujours pour Adobe?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Marcus ] [SL:EMPLOYER Adobe ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:CONTACT,42:47:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393837303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "o\u00f9 vit Mark dans le New Jersey", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Mark ] [SL:LOCATION New Jersey ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT,21:31:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393836323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "o\u00f9 se trouve la maison de ken ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT ken ] ]", "slot_string": "27:30:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393830343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que mon cousin vit encore \u00e0 Boulder ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mon ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION cousin ] [SL:LOCATION Boulder ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION,36:43:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393739353131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de mes amis vivent \u00e0 San Francisco ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION San Francisco ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,30:43:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3137363338373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien de calories y a-t-il dans une tranche de dinde", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE combien ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT tranche de dinde ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,11:19:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,38:54:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3135393637333332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "qu'est-ce qu'il y a au bulletin agricole aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE bulletin ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC agricole ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,41:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323936313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Actualit\u00e9 politique", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE Actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY politique ] ]", "slot_string": "0:10:SL:NEWS_TYPE,11:20:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "3135323934353835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle la minuterie sur 3 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 3 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132363137343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des orages de pr\u00e9vus", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE orages ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3132353738323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour la semaine", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour la semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "37:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353635363832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o actuelle \u00e0 Myrtle Beach", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Myrtle Beach ] ]", "slot_string": "34:46:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353535383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "infos de derni\u00e8re minute aux Etats-Unis", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE infos ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE derni\u00e8re minute ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Etats-Unis ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:NEWS_TYPE,9:25:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,30:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353431383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il pleut beaucoup dehors ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleut ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353331303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il faire un temps sec ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sec ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "23:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353237363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il y a une alerte tornade en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE tornade ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353236393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les commentaires de Ted Cruz sur les soins de sant\u00e9 ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC les commentaires de Ted Cruz sur les soins de sant\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "11:63:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353035373338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme une minuterie de 20 minutes pour ma course", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 20 minutes ] [SL:TIMER_NAME course ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:METHOD_TIMER,24:37:SL:DATE_TIME,46:52:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "39343734363034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute six minutes \u00e0 la minuterie actuelle", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME six minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:DATE_TIME,25:34:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343631373138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients du poulet au marsala", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet au marsala ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343539323833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire un roux", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH roux ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343536313034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients d'une salade grecque", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH salade grecque ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,34:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343533383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps dois-je faire cuire un r\u00f4ti", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Combien de temps ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH r\u00f4ti ] ]", "slot_string": "0:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,40:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353139323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Marissa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Marissa ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353137373934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Brunch", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Brunch ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3231363431313333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le bulletin m\u00e9t\u00e9o du matin, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME matin ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353539323932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y aura-t-il du soleil demain matin lorsque je serai \u00e0 Bruges ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE soleil ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] [SL:LOCATION Bruges ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:34:SL:DATE_TIME,55:61:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353538343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien de centim\u00e8tres de neige sont tomb\u00e9s hier ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neige ] [SL:DATE_TIME hier ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,46:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353534363836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme pour demain \u00e0 10 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 10 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "17:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle mon r\u00e9veil pour la sieste \u00e0 15 h aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME sieste ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 15 h aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:ALARM_NAME,34:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353233343731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue de la musique BTS", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME BTS ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:22:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231343631313235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels p\u00e8res Teskey f\u00eatent prochainement leurs anniversaires ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION p\u00e8res ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Teskey ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:TYPE_RELATION,13:19:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3231333534393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Baird Brandon maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Baird Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333438303336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre la liste des personnes disponibles", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333433353334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appel termin\u00e9", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333431313431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marre un appel avec James", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT James ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323430393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'ajouter des chaussures \u00e0 la commande Amazon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO ajouter des chaussures \u00e0 la commande Amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:59:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323430323737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annule mon rappel pour aller chercher les d\u00e9corations d\u2019Halloween.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO aller chercher les d\u00e9corations d\u2019Halloween ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:68:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323339323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous les rappels pr\u00e9vus pour aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,11:15:SL:AMOUNT,36:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323239393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change le rappel pour le contr\u00f4le de ma voiture \u00e0 lundi prochain \u00e0 9 h30.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO contr\u00f4le ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED ma ] [SL:TODO voiture ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 lundi prochain \u00e0 9 h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:TODO,38:40:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,41:48:SL:TODO,49:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313534393738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel pour r\u00e9server un Uber dimanche prochain.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO r\u00e9server un Uber ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "24:41:SL:TODO,42:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313436343531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime mon rappel pour le d\u00e9jeuner", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO d\u00e9jeuner ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:37:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313436333131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel pour le karat\u00e9 vendredi.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO karat\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "27:34:SL:TODO,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393837373832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il y a des \u00e9v\u00e9nements qui valent la peine de se d\u00e9placer \u00e0 Seattle", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] ]", "slot_string": "73:80:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393835313338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ce qui se passe vendredi", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393739343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que se passe-t-il \u00e0 Roswell demain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Roswell ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:LOCATION,29:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393737303431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels \u00e9v\u00e9nements se d\u00e9rouleront demain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "35:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393834393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les personnes que je connais et qui travaillent au bureau des admissions \u00e0 l'U de M", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:EMPLOYER U de M ] ]", "slot_string": "31:33:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,91:97:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393832363833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "employ\u00e9s du FBI", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER FBI ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393832363137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve des amis qui travaillent au Hilton.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:EMPLOYER Hilton ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:TYPE_RELATION,35:41:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393831343834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui a \u00e9tudi\u00e9 \u00e0 Yale ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Yale ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393831333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il une personne que je connais qui est all\u00e9e \u00e0 Full Sail ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:SCHOOL Full Sail ] ]", "slot_string": "26:28:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,55:64:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393831323435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "L\u2019un de mes amis a fait une \u00c9cole technique ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:SCHOOL \u00c9cole technique ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:18:SL:TYPE_RELATION,30:46:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393831313931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de mes amis sont all\u00e9s \u00e0 l'Universit\u00e9 du Kansas ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:SCHOOL Universit\u00e9 du Kansas ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,37:58:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393739333230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ma liste d'amis \u00e0 Santa Cruz ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Ma ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION Santa Cruz ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,11:15:SL:TYPE_RELATION,19:29:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393739323532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je connais quelqu'un qui vit \u00e0 Honolulu ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:LOCATION Honolulu ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,43:51:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3133343138393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment cuisiner un cau cau p\u00e9ruvien", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cau cau ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE p\u00e9ruvien ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH,28:37:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "3133343130313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "donne-moi les ingr\u00e9dients pour un nacho supr\u00eame", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH nacho supr\u00eame ] ]", "slot_string": "14:26:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,35:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132363038393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue une chanson calme", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE calme ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,17:22:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3132353835323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu mettre une station de m\u00e9tal sur Spotify pour moi", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE m\u00e9tal ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,30:36:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,41:48:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3132353733393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe-moi du jazz tranquille, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE jazz tranquille ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353738373936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis-moi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "19:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353538383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combine d\u2019accidents de voiture aujourd\u2019hui jusqu\u2019\u00e0 pr\u00e9sent ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC accidents de voiture ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "12:32:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,33:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353530393233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter de la pop cor\u00e9enne", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop cor\u00e9enne ] ]", "slot_string": "23:36:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353430353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "lis les informations sur le licenciement de Jeff Lords", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC licenciement de Jeff Lords ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:54:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353333383537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il reste combien de minutes \u00e0 la minuterie", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "34:43:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353333343331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il va neiger dimanche ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,23:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353332333532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue Wizkid", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Wizkid ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353239363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 la plage ce week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION plage ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "39:44:SL:LOCATION,45:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353237343937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu jouer Break My Heart de Hey Violet sur Pandora ?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Break My Heart ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Hey Violet ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "14:28:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,32:42:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,47:54:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353133393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature au p\u00f4le Nord ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION p\u00f4le Nord ] ]", "slot_string": "30:40:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353133373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle la minuterie sur 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353131363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand la pluie commencera-t-elle \u00e0 tomber aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,43:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353030343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime l'alarme", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39343931343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue quelques chansons pop", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,23:26:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343737363538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance la minuterie pour le compte \u00e0 rebours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343632373033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve une recette de g\u00e2teau au fromage", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH g\u00e2teau au fromage ] ]", "slot_string": "22:40:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343631333330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients de la p\u00e2te \u00e0 tarte", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH p\u00e2te \u00e0 tarte ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,34:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343534383633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle temp\u00e9rature dois-je cuisiner \u00e7a", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00e9rature ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3232333635313537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Fiona en vid\u00e9o sur Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Fiona ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT,28:36:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323731323037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "fais de spotify mon application par d\u00e9faut", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363734313839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Steven", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Steven ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363338363633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o en Nouvelle-Z\u00e9lande", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Nouvelle-Z\u00e9lande ] ]", "slot_string": "24:41:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363337353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9p\u00e8te l'alarme.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363335343336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme pour le 18 juillet \u00e0 5 h 30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 18 juillet \u00e0 5 h 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "17:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363032383632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue The King Of Soul sur Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The King Of Soul ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,26:33:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363031303037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets le r\u00e9veil en mode r\u00e9p\u00e9tition jusqu'\u00e0 7 h 15.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME jusqu'\u00e0 7 h 15 ] ]", "slot_string": "37:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353939303238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affiche les notifications d'alerte \u00e0 venir", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353937323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi les pr\u00e9visions pour 7 heures le matin de No\u00ebl", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour 7 heures le matin de No\u00ebl ] ]", "slot_string": "26:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537323433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour les 15 prochains jours", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour les 15 prochains jours ] ]", "slot_string": "20:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353535333338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Sonne \u00e0 minuit", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 minuit ] ]", "slot_string": "6:15:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531373138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9p\u00e8te mon alarme tous les lundis \u00e0 10 h 30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME tous les lundis \u00e0 10 h 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "20:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme de session \u00e0 10 h demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME session ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 10 h demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:ALARM_NAME,28:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353438343331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "raccroche l'appel t\u00e9l\u00e9phonique", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353334383733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets les Foo Fighters sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Foo Fighters ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,26:37:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231343030383435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet envoie \u00e0 Andrea un message disant \u00ab Tu y vas ce soir ? \u00bb", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Andrea ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Tu y vas ce soir ? ] ]", "slot_string": "25:31:SL:RECIPIENT,53:71:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231333532393236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi qui est en ligne en ce moment.", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323832313938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9viens le travail que je serai en retard", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT travail ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je serai en retard ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:RECIPIENT,25:43:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323335373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi de faire changer l'huile le lundi de la semaine prochaine", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO faire changer l'huile ] [SL:DATE_TIME le lundi de la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:37:SL:TODO,38:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323331353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi tous mes rappels des samedis de cette ann\u00e9e", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME des samedis de cette ann\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:AMOUNT,15:18:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323239303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il y a une r\u00e9servation pour d\u00eener enregistr\u00e9e dans les rappels du 23 ao\u00fbt ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO r\u00e9servation pour d\u00eener ] [SL:DATE_TIME du 23 ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "11:35:SL:TODO,66:77:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323233383534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous les rappels pour mes classes de yoga.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO classes de yoga ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,11:15:SL:AMOUNT,33:36:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,37:52:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313437333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont mes rappels pour dimanche prochain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour dimanche prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393839313732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il se passe quelque chose d'int\u00e9ressant \u00e0 Brooklyn demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Brooklyn ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "54:62:SL:LOCATION,63:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393835303036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu\u2019y a-t-il d\u2019amusant \u00e0 faire cette semaine", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "35:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393833383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "qu'est-ce qui se passe ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393835333938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Rita travaille \u00e0 Londres ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Rita ] [SL:LOCATION Londres ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT,29:36:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393738333530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelqu'un venant de Russie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Russie ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393738323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui vit en Chine parmi mes connaissances ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Chine ] [SL:LOCATION mes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,23:26:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3135323936363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "retire 5 minutes de la minuterie", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:DATE_TIME,23:32:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3134313539313634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9rature dans les environs de Tokyo demain matin en Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Tokyo ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "34:39:SL:LOCATION,40:52:SL:DATE_TIME,56:63:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3132363031323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le temps sera-t-il glacial ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE glacial ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353739383332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve des chansons de Richard Cheese uniquement.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Richard Cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,23:37:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353738343935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "S\u2019il de pla\u00eet mets de la musique d\u2019entra\u00eenement", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE entra\u00eenement ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,40:53:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353730393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mixer ma musique.", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353535393234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour dans 7 minutes \u00e0 partir de maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour dans 7 minutes \u00e0 partir de maintenant ] ]", "slot_string": "18:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353535373537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il pleut \u00e0 Orlando aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleut ] [SL:LOCATION Orlando ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:29:SL:LOCATION,30:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353532323035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que ma minuterie est bient\u00f4t \u00e9coul\u00e9e ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353438323338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme mon alarme pour dans une heure \u00e0 partir de maintenant s'il te pla\u00eet.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans une heure \u00e0 partir de maintenant ] ]", "slot_string": "26:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353333353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "S\u2019il te pla\u00eet r\u00e8gle un r\u00e9veil pour neuf heures du soir", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour neuf heures du soir ] ]", "slot_string": "35:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353132353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance le dernier album de Justin Bieber", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Justin Bieber ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,26:39:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353039363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Principales nouvelles aux \u00c9tats-Unis", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE Principales ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC \u00c9tats-Unis ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,12:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353038323930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Puis-je \u00e9couter le nouveau single d'Ariel Pink sur Spotify ?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE single ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Ariel Pink ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "28:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,37:47:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,52:59:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39343933313333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle la minuterie sur 45 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343932303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelles sont les attaques de Trump contre les supr\u00e9macistes en Am\u00e9rique ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC attaques de Trump contre les supr\u00e9macistes en Am\u00e9rique ] ]", "slot_string": "17:73:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39343839393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue de la musique pop des ann\u00e9es 80 sur Pandora.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE ann\u00e9es 80 ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:22:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,27:37:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,42:49:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39343832373630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "pr\u00e9voit-on de la pluie \u00e0 la m\u00e9t\u00e9o ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343639323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux \u00e9couter du justin bieber", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME justin bieber ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343631363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi comment faire des gnocchis", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH gnocchis ] ]", "slot_string": "26:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343539363632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cherche une bonne recette de salade de crevettes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH salade de crevettes ] ]", "slot_string": "29:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Merci d\u2019envoyer la ligne de travail", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP travail ] ]", "slot_string": "30:37:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232343333313238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez mettre l'appel en plein \u00e9cran", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3232323639363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programmez une alarme pour dans 8 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour dans 8 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "22:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232313332333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Kaleb et Beau", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kaleb ] [SL:CONTACT Beau ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT,17:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373530343439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi d\u2019autres pi\u00e8ces", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT pi\u00e8ces ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} +{"id": "3231373233363932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu envoyer un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 George", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT George ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,37:43:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363736313035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute ma s\u0153ur a cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED ma s\u0153ur ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231363733383437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet, appelle mon fils", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon fils ] ]", "slot_string": "24:32:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363030383037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programmez une alarme quotidienne \u00e0 16h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 16h ] ]", "slot_string": "34:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353036343631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le copain de Lorelei Weyer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT le copain de Lorelei Weyer ] ]", "slot_string": "8:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333439373039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe au prochain appel", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333430303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux appeler mon groupe de famille", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon ] [SL:CONTACT famille ] ]", "slot_string": "16:19:SL:CONTACT,30:37:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333131383635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Invite belle-maman \u00e0 ajouter \u00e0 cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED belle-maman ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333039323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux parler \u00e0 ma mamie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma mamie ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323839363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 mon mari que la r\u00e9union a termin\u00e9 t\u00f4t donc je rentrerai plus t\u00f4t que pr\u00e9vu.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mon mari ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT la r\u00e9union a termin\u00e9 t\u00f4t donc je rentrerai plus t\u00f4t que pr\u00e9vu ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:RECIPIENT,35:101:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323839303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie \u00e0 papa un message disant que je serai en retard", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT papa ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je serai en retard ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:RECIPIENT,37:55:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323738353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un texto \u00e0 ma fille et dis-lui de laver la vaisselle", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma fille ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT laver la vaisselle ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:RECIPIENT,42:60:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323430383034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de promener mon chien \u00e0 8h du matin demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO promener mon chien ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8h du matin demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:34:SL:TODO,35:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336313931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi de me procurer des ordonnances demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO me procurer des ordonnances ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:43:SL:TODO,44:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234313332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous les rappels de rendez-vous avec Zach cette semaine.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:TODO rendez-vous avec Zach cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,11:15:SL:AMOUNT,31:66:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313534333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Alerte-moi 15 min avant que je doive partir pour mon rendez-vous chez le coiffeur aujourd\u2019hui.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME 15 min avant ] [SL:TODO partir pour mon rendez-vous chez le coiffeur aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,11:23:SL:DATE_TIME,37:95:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313438373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme un rappel pour Ashley pour qu'elle appelle sa maman demain soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Ashley ] [SL:TODO appelle sa maman ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "25:31:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,45:61:SL:TODO,62:73:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annuler le rappel de t\u00e9l\u00e9phoner au v\u00e9to.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO t\u00e9l\u00e9phoner au v\u00e9to ] ]", "slot_string": "21:42:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313435393937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour appeler Green Home Pest Control pour les informer que nous avons des scorpions pr\u00e8s de la benne \u00e0 ordures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler Green Home Pest Control pour les informer que nous avons des scorpions pr\u00e8s de la benne \u00e0 ordures ] ]", "slot_string": "21:128:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231303139393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "j'ai fini de parler maintenant", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3139393836393239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "quoi de neuf \u00e0 Bayside", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Bayside ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393932393938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pour qui travaille Kus ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Kus ] ]", "slot_string": "19:22:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393830333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui habite encore \u00e0 Banning ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Banning ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3136343034353236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "C'est bient\u00f4t fini", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353739363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o de la semaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME de la semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "22:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353538333337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de minutes reste-il sur mon minuteur", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "36:44:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353232383530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me montrer les gros titres de NPR ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE NPR ] ]", "slot_string": "23:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:41:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "39353135383036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme l'alarme pour entrainement demain \u00e0 21 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME entrainement ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 21 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "24:36:SL:ALARM_NAME,37:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343839313039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "c\u2019est quoi le minuteur maintenant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343730363738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi les derni\u00e8res actualit\u00e9s locales", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE derni\u00e8res actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY locales ] ]", "slot_string": "14:36:SL:NEWS_TYPE,37:44:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} +{"id": "39343532323530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recettes faciles de macaroni au fromage pour enfants", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE faciles ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH macaroni au fromage ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE enfants ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH,45:52:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343531363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Meilleure recette de poulet", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING Meilleure ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:RECIPES_RATING,21:27:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} +{"id": "3232353833393531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je voudrais envoyer un message \u00e0 mes fr\u00e8res et s\u0153urs", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mes fr\u00e8res et s\u0153urs ] ]", "slot_string": "34:55:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832383035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourriez-vous envoyez un message \u00e0 Helen et au Dr Brown", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Helen ] [SL:RECIPIENT Dr Brown ] ]", "slot_string": "36:41:SL:RECIPIENT,48:56:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affichez les messages de Michaela.", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Michaela ] ]", "slot_string": "25:33:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232353832323034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affichez les messages vid\u00e9o de mon \u00e9pouse Peyton", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:SENDER mon \u00e9pouse Peyton ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,32:50:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232353832303235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Voyons les messages vid\u00e9o de ma moiti\u00e9 Blakely", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:SENDER moiti\u00e9 Blakely ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,33:48:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232353831393133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "montrez-moi les messages vid\u00e9o de mon fr\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT mon fr\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "25:31:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,35:45:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353138373231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019aimerais appeler mes cousins Justine, Jakob, Alejandro et Johnathan sur Hangouts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mes cousins Justine, Jakob, Alejandro et Johnathan ] [SL:NAME_APP Hangouts ] ]", "slot_string": "21:71:SL:CONTACT,76:84:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353138373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'aimerais appeler mes cousins Terry, Edwin, Paige et Erik \u00e0 Hangouts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mes cousins Terry, Edwin, Paige et Erik ] [SL:NAME_APP Hangouts ] ]", "slot_string": "19:58:SL:CONTACT,62:70:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353138343133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez ma compagne de vie Meagan Strickland et mon grand-p\u00e8re Alan Velasquez", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma compagne de vie Meagan Strickland ] [SL:CONTACT mon grand-p\u00e8re Alan Velasquez ] ]", "slot_string": "8:44:SL:CONTACT,48:78:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353137373835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passez un appel vid\u00e9o avec mon groupe de funko", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP funko ] ]", "slot_string": "42:47:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232343230393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance un appel \u00e0 mon partenaire de vie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT partenaire de vie ] ]", "slot_string": "22:39:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730373635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle le p\u00e8re de Tessa Nielsen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT p\u00e8re de Tessa Nielsen ] ]", "slot_string": "11:33:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "t\u00e9l\u00e9phonez au partenaire de Sadie Bean", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT partenaire de Sadie Bean ] ]", "slot_string": "16:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730353532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle la femme de James Petersen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT femme de James Petersen ] ]", "slot_string": "11:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333636333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez mon cousin par vid\u00e9o WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT cousin ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:CONTACT,30:38:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333635363130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez Trinity Madden sur Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trinity Madden ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:CONTACT,27:35:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333635353732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Xavier Norman et Ava Hester sur Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Xavier Norman ] [SL:CONTACT Ava Hester ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:CONTACT,25:35:SL:CONTACT,40:48:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333635353537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Piper et Amina par Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Piper ] [SL:CONTACT Amina ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT,17:22:SL:CONTACT,27:35:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333635323833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Rylie Shannon sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Rylie Shannon ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:CONTACT,26:34:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313938353234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourriez-vous ajouter 21 minutes \u00e0 ma minuterie Pull the teabag", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 21 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:TIMER_NAME Pull the teabag ] ]", "slot_string": "22:32:SL:DATE_TIME,39:48:SL:METHOD_TIMER,49:64:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313731323237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enregistrez un message vid\u00e9o pour mon fils", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT mon fils ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,35:43:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313730393638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "puis je enregistrer un message vid\u00e9o pour mon \u00e9pouse", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT \u00e9pouse ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,47:54:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313730393539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux que tu enregistres un message vid\u00e9o pour mon ami Rodney Harill", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT mon ami Rodney Harill ] ]", "slot_string": "38:44:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,50:71:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373233313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin qu'un message vid\u00e9o soit envoy\u00e9 \u00e0 ma grand-m\u00e8re pour lui souhaiter une bonne f\u00eate des grands-parents.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT ma grand-m\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT bonne f\u00eate des grands-parents ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,49:63:SL:RECIPIENT,87:117:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231373233303136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 papa.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,29:33:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373232313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez ma femme Joseph sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma femme Joseph ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:CONTACT,28:36:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231373131353939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez appeler Tessa Freddie Ray", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tessa Freddie Ray ] ]", "slot_string": "17:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373131343839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez appeler James Glover Wilkinson", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT James Glover Wilkinson ] ]", "slot_string": "17:39:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363338343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-nous les pr\u00e9visions pour le Canada", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Canada ] ]", "slot_string": "35:41:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363338313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "donne moi le temps \u00e0 Hong Kong", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hong Kong ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363333363831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9ez une alarme pour la gym demain \u00e0 5h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME gym ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 5h ] ]", "slot_string": "26:29:SL:ALARM_NAME,30:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363137393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Allez-y, appelez Francisco Mineau", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Francisco Mineau ] ]", "slot_string": "17:33:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363039383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pourriez-vous ajouter Nikia Bihler ?", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Nikia Bihler ] ]", "slot_string": "22:34:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231353936383834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le temps sera-t-il \u00e0 plus de 15 degr\u00e9s Celsius ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE plus de 15 degr\u00e9s ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "22:40:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,41:48:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3231353835303234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez ma s\u0153ur Jenna.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma s\u0153ur Jenna ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353530393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme appel\u00e9e \u00e9cole pour 15h demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME \u00e9cole ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 15h demain ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:ALARM_NAME,33:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353530323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles alarmes ai-je cr\u00e9\u00e9es ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353437393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute papa \u00e0 cet appel.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED papa ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231353435393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez appeler Peter", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Peter ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353336343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Retirez grand-m\u00e8re Jane de l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED grand-m\u00e8re Jane ] ]", "slot_string": "8:24:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231353334363831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez Muse sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Muse ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,15:26:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353233353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous jouer n'importe quelle chanson de Dan + Shay ?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Dan + Shay ] ]", "slot_string": "35:42:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,46:56:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353036373137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez la cousine de Katie.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT cousine de Katie ] ]", "slot_string": "11:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353036353938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle le partenaire de Sophia", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT partenaire de Sophia ] ]", "slot_string": "11:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353036343030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle la tante de Josephine", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT tante de Josephine ] ]", "slot_string": "11:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353036323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez le fils de Candy Boykin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT le fils de Candy Boykin ] ]", "slot_string": "8:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353036313735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez l'oncle de Presley", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT oncle de Presley ] ]", "slot_string": "10:26:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353035393532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le petit ami de Debby Gabourel", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT le petit ami de Debby Gabourel ] ]", "slot_string": "8:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353035383033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez le p\u00e8re de Veronica", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT le p\u00e8re de Veronica ] ]", "slot_string": "8:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231343631303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les anniversaires \u00e0 venir mardi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "38:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333637313431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lisez-moi mes nouveaux messages s'il vous pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333534373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "essayez d'appeler dane Brandon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT dane Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "18:30:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534323635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marre la conversation avec mon p\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "34:39:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333532383137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ma m\u00e8re est-elle en ligne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Ma m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333530363431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marre un appel de groupe avec la famille", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT famille ] ]", "slot_string": "36:43:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333437303035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance un appel de groupe", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333430383833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajoutez ma m\u00e8re \u00e0 l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED ma m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333430353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il faut que j\u2019appelle papa tout de suite", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333339373339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute Kelly \u00e0 l\u2019appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Kelly ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333133303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez le beau-p\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT beau-p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333131373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mon cousin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323931323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 mon fr\u00e8re que mon avion arrivera \u00e0 18h dimanche 5", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mon fr\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT mon avion arrivera \u00e0 18h dimanche 5 ] ]", "slot_string": "21:31:SL:RECIPIENT,36:72:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323834373439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demande au cousin Tony o\u00f9 et quand son \u00e9v\u00e8nement micro ouvert aura lieu", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT cousin Tony ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT o\u00f9 et quand son \u00e9v\u00e8nement micro ouvert aura lieu ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:RECIPIENT,23:74:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323834363632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dites \u00e0 ma m\u00e8re que nous sommes arriv\u00e9s \u00e0 Gatlinburg.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma m\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT nous sommes arriv\u00e9s \u00e0 Gatlinburg ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:RECIPIENT,22:56:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323834303739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Zack qu\u2019il vienne au travail \u00e0 demain \u00e0 10h au lieu de 2h", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Zack ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT il vienne au travail \u00e0 demain \u00e0 10h au lieu de 2h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:RECIPIENT,31:82:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323832333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 Austin pour voir s\u2019il veut aider \u00e0 planifier une f\u00eate d\u2019anniversaire pour Steve le mois prochain.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Austin ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT il veut aider \u00e0 planifier une f\u00eate d\u2019anniversaire pour Steve le mois prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:RECIPIENT,43:124:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323737363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des message non lus durant les 5 derni\u00e8res heures ?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:DATE_TIME durant les 5 derni\u00e8res heures ] ]", "slot_string": "29:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323736323031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 ma m\u00e8re pour lui dire que je t'aime.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma m\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je t'aime ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:RECIPIENT,49:58:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323432303537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annulez mon rappel concernant l'appel du comptable.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO appel du comptable ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,32:50:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323431363139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelez-moi d'appeler Lucy \u00e0 18 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler Lucy ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 18 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:27:SL:TODO,28:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323430373337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montrez-moi tous mes rappels s'il vous pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montrez ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,12:16:SL:AMOUNT,17:20:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231323336353434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez changer le rappel pour l'heure de la f\u00eate de Deidra de 14h \u00e0 13h.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO f\u00eate de Deidra ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 14h ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 13h ] ]", "slot_string": "46:61:SL:TODO,62:68:SL:DATE_TIME,69:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour mes devoirs \u00e0 la maison", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO devoirs \u00e0 la maison ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:45:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323334353236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me montrer mes rappels pour les deux prochaines semaines ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER montrer ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour les deux prochaines semaines ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,19:22:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,31:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323334303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me montrer tous mes rappels avec Greg", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER montrer ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO avec Greg ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,19:23:SL:AMOUNT,24:27:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,36:45:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323332303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez l'alerte sur mon rappel pour prendre les billets ce weekend.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO prendre les billets ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "23:26:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,39:58:SL:TODO,59:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323331333133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime tous les rappels cr\u00e9\u00e9s en f\u00e9vrier", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:DATE_TIME en f\u00e9vrier ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:AMOUNT,34:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323239383731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montrez-moi les dossiers sur les projets de regroupement familial", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montrez ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO les projets de regroupement familial ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:65:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323238383130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez un rappel pour un appel vid\u00e9o avec ma s\u0153ur.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appel vid\u00e9o avec ma s\u0153ur ] ]", "slot_string": "26:52:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323237383234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de ne pas contacter mon fr\u00e8re Roger pour son anniversaire.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO ne pas contacter mon fr\u00e8re Roger pour son anniversaire ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:71:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323237343231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous rappeler \u00e0 mes fils de souhaiter un bon anniversaire \u00e0 leur grand-p\u00e8re le 10 septembre ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes fils ] [SL:TODO souhaiter un bon anniversaire \u00e0 leur grand-p\u00e8re ] [SL:DATE_TIME le 10 septembre ] ]", "slot_string": "24:32:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,36:85:SL:TODO,86:101:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappel pour le dernier match de samedi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO dernier match ] [SL:DATE_TIME de samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "15:28:SL:TODO,29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236373933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez mon rappel pour le voyage en camping de ce weekend.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO le voyage en camping ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:46:SL:TODO,50:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236353039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez supprimer tous les rappels pour les d\u00e9jeuners du vendredi \u00e0 13 heures ce mois-ci.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:TODO d\u00e9jeuners du vendredi \u00e0 13 heures ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois-ci ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:AMOUNT,45:80:SL:TODO,81:91:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des rappels \u00e0 venir avec papa ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO avec papa ] ]", "slot_string": "30:39:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323235303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez un rappel pour que j'appelle l'EAO afin de reprogrammer mon entretien.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appelle l'EAO afin de reprogrammer mon entretien ] ]", "slot_string": "29:77:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323233323039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Affichez tous mes rappels des mercredis pour mes exercices physiques", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Affichez ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:DATE_TIME des mercredis ] [SL:TODO exercices physiques ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,9:13:SL:AMOUNT,14:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:39:SL:DATE_TIME,49:68:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313536323138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle moi les fun\u00e9railles de Jerry vendredi prochain \u00e0 Dallas", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO fun\u00e9railles de Jerry vendredi prochain \u00e0 Dallas ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:66:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313535363936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019appeler maman \u00e0 7h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler maman ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 7h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:30:SL:TODO,31:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313534303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de retrouver Chris pour le d\u00e9jeuner mardi \u00e0 11h30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO retrouver Chris pour le d\u00e9jeuner ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi \u00e0 11h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:49:SL:TODO,50:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439323034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annulez le rappel pour la lessive de ce soir", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO lessive ] [SL:DATE_TIME de ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "26:33:SL:TODO,34:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je ne peux pas manquer mon vol \u00e0 14 heures ; j'ai besoin d'un rappel.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO mon vol \u00e0 14 heures ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED j' ] ]", "slot_string": "23:43:SL:TODO,46:48:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231313438363339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fixez un rappel pour appeler Brian \u00e0 19h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler Brian ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 19h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:34:SL:TODO,35:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez le rappel sur l\u2019achat des crayons de couleur", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO achat des crayons de couleur ] ]", "slot_string": "28:56:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313436383631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi que la critique du livre est pr\u00e9vue pour le 15 ao\u00fbt.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO la critique du livre est pr\u00e9vue ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 15 ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:49:SL:TODO,50:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434373737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Me rappeler de contacter Autumn par Facetime vendredi matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Me ] [SL:TODO contacter Autumn par Facetime ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi matin ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:44:SL:TODO,45:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434373734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi d'apporter le g\u00e2teau chez Ronnie \u00e0 17 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO apporter le g\u00e2teau chez Ronnie ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:46:SL:TODO,47:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434313333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprimez mon rappel sur l'appel de Liberty University.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO appel de Liberty University ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:54:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313432383639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel d\u2019appeler demain pour les r\u00e9servations", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:TODO pour les r\u00e9servations ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:TODO,31:37:SL:DATE_TIME,38:60:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231303232303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle \u00e0 nouveau papa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231303230343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe un nouvel appel \u00e0 maman et papa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT maman ] [SL:CONTACT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:CONTACT,34:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3139393838353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Choses \u00e0 faire \u00e0 San Jose", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION San Jose ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393838353231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les \u00e9v\u00e8nements \u00e0 Allentown aujourd\u2019hui", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Allentown ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:LOCATION,30:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393836393134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Bient\u00f4t des concerts anim\u00e9s ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts anim\u00e9s ] ]", "slot_string": "13:29:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} +{"id": "3139393834373933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les \u00e9v\u00e9nements passionnants qui auront lieu demain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "57:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393833383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels concerts se d\u00e9roulent ce weekend \u00e0 Phoenix ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] [SL:LOCATION Phoenix ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,29:39:SL:DATE_TIME,43:50:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139393832363137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des spectacles artistiques ce mois-ci ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT spectacles artistiques ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois-ci ] ]", "slot_string": "4:26:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,27:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393831383236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelque chose \u00e0 faire ce soir \u00e0 Orlando", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] [SL:LOCATION Orlando ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:DATE_TIME,34:41:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3139373936323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Captez 100.3 sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID 100.3 ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,17:28:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3139363030393135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment r\u00e9gler une minuterie de dix-huit minutes ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de dix-huit minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:METHOD_TIMER,30:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139343332383733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de grammy awards a d\u00e9croch\u00e9 Elvis ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Elvis ] ]", "slot_string": "38:43:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393835393931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 travaille Madison ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Madison ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393739353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels amis r\u00e9sident \u00e0 Chicago ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION Chicago ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:TYPE_RELATION,24:31:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393738383835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je connais quelqu\u2019un en direct \u00e0 Londres ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:LOCATION Londres ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,47:54:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138383937353037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je apporter mon parapluie au match de baseball ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,52:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138383936343438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions pour Juno, Alaska, pour la semaine prochaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Juno, Alaska ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour la semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "34:46:SL:LOCATION,48:73:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135333032363032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une nouvelle minuterie pour trente secondes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour trente secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:METHOD_TIMER,29:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323935313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez le r\u00e9veil pour 4 heures demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 4 heures demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "19:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323934373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme sur 1 heure \u00e0 partir de maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME sur 1 heure \u00e0 partir de maintenant ] ]", "slot_string": "18:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323839323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu\u2019a dit Donald Trump \u00e0 sa conf\u00e9rence de presse ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Donald Trump ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC conf\u00e9rence de presse ] ]", "slot_string": "11:23:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,30:51:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3132383135343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il \u00e0 Louisville vendredi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Louisville ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "24:34:SL:LOCATION,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132353939343136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le point de ros\u00e9e maintenant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE point de ros\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "12:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3132353837323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y aura-t-il du vent cet apr\u00e8s midi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE du vent ] [SL:DATE_TIME cet apr\u00e8s midi ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132353534373439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelques id\u00e9es de d\u00e9jeuners pour les enfants ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_MEAL d\u00e9jeuners ] ]", "slot_string": "19:29:SL:RECIPES_MEAL"} +{"id": "39353734393239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il pleuvoir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353637393631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime la minuterie qui affiche le moins de temps.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353637343538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de pluie est il pr\u00e9vu demain?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353636383532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je apporter un parapluie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE parapluie ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353539353738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Liste mes alarmes", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353538343836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a t il des changements de temps pr\u00e9vus aujourd\u2019hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui ] ]", "slot_string": "42:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353530343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelles heures les alarmes sont-elles r\u00e9gl\u00e9es ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353333353532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez le r\u00e9veil pour demain \u00e0 15h30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 15h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "18:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353133303531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dupliquez cette alarme", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353132323032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Des nouvelles de Justin Bieber aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Justin Bieber ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE,17:30:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,31:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353036363634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez le r\u00e9veil \u00e0 5h30 ce soir", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 5h30 ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "19:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353034333739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Diffusez toutes les chansons romantiques de Spotify s'il vous pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chansons ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE romantiques ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,29:40:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,44:51:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353033303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passez la chanson.", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343937383437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques pour Cleveland ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Cleveland ] ]", "slot_string": "52:61:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39343937333131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Tiens-moi \u00e0 jour sur la pluie", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343935373930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marre le chronom\u00e8tre (entre la mesure expire dans 5 minutes)", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER chronom\u00e8tre ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343930303031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Consultez les derni\u00e8res nouvelles.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE derni\u00e8res ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] ]", "slot_string": "14:24:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,25:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343837333430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "compte \u00e0 rebours de 5 minutes s'il vous pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER compte \u00e0 rebours ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 5 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER,18:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343738353139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux d\u00e9marrer la minuterie maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343732383738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "passe \u00e0 la chanson suivante", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:ORDINAL suivante ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,20:28:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "39343637333334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Faites taire cette alarme.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39343632323531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cherche des plats pr\u00eats en 10 min", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:DATE_TIME en 10 min ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343532303533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "ce qu'il y a dans le poulet caprese", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet caprese ] ]", "slot_string": "21:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833313334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je voudrais envoyer un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 mes grands-parents", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT mes grands-parents ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,41:59:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353332313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Horace", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Horace ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232343436343835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Marcelene Davaz m'a-t-elle envoy\u00e9 quelque chose ?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Marcelene Davaz ] [SL:RECIPIENT m' ] ]", "slot_string": "0:15:SL:CONTACT,16:18:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232333730373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "lance un appel avec le fils de Raelynn", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT fils de Raelynn ] ]", "slot_string": "23:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333636333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle papa sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT papa ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT,17:25:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323530323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e une minuterie pour la lessive", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:TIMER_NAME lessive ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,28:35:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313330353630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Christopher a-t-il quitt\u00e9 l'appel de groupe", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Christopher ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231393232393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "devrais-je apporter un pantalon ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pantalon ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231373233333439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "pourrais-tu envoyer un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Jonathan Brock Li", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Jonathan Brock Li ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,41:58:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363736303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute la s\u0153ur d'Amy \u00e0 cet appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED s\u0153ur d'Amy ] ]", "slot_string": "10:21:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231363735353333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Papa est-il en ligne", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Papa ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363337353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Refais sonner mon alarme dans 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "25:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363037323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle mon cousin Nevaeh", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon cousin Nevaeh ] ]", "slot_string": "8:25:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363032353939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue The Essential Mariah Carey sur la radio iHeart", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The Essential Mariah Carey ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME radio iHeart ] ]", "slot_string": "5:31:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,39:51:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231353938333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu consulter la m\u00e9t\u00e9o en Inde ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Inde ] ]", "slot_string": "32:36:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353538333030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il \u00e0 18 h ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 18 h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353536313330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Oxfordshire au Royaume-Uni", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Oxfordshire au Royaume-Uni ] ]", "slot_string": "22:48:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353036343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle la petite-fille de Reese", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT petite-fille de Reese ] ]", "slot_string": "11:32:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231343937333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les matchs de tennis en cours", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT matchs de tennis ] ]", "slot_string": "15:31:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} +{"id": "3231333938333430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "S\u2019il te pla\u00eet, appelle ma grand-m\u00e8re par vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma grand-m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "26:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "en cours d'appel avec Ng Brandon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ng Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "22:32:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle ma demi-s\u0153ur \u00e0 l'\u00e9cole", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT demi-s\u0153ur ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333532343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui est en ligne en ce moment", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333339373036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "En cours d'appel \u00e0 la famille", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT famille ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333133303539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "s'il te pla\u00eet interromps l'appel avec mon conjoint", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT conjoint ] ]", "slot_string": "43:51:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323838313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 maman et dis-lui qu'elle doit \u00eatre \u00e0 la f\u00eate de Sarah \u00e0 six heures", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT maman ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT elle doit \u00eatre \u00e0 la f\u00eate de Sarah \u00e0 six heures ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPIENT,41:91:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323735373231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Joseph pour lui demander ce dont il a besoin et qui peut \u00eatre facilement envoy\u00e9 par la poste.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Joseph ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT ce dont il a besoin et qui peut \u00eatre facilement envoy\u00e9 par la poste ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:RECIPIENT,46:115:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323432303238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi d'appeler mon assurance demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler mon assurance ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:36:SL:TODO,37:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323431333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi d'appeler Stacy plus tard", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler Stacy ] [SL:DATE_TIME plus tard ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:28:SL:TODO,29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323430373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime les rappels du vendredi 11 ao\u00fbt", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME du vendredi 11 ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "21:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323333373638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ignore toutes les alertes concernant la r\u00e9union du Club de d\u00e9bat de mercredi.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] [SL:TODO la r\u00e9union du Club de d\u00e9bat ] [SL:DATE_TIME de mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:AMOUNT,37:66:SL:TODO,67:78:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323332383237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que j'ai des rappels r\u00e9p\u00e9t\u00e9s pr\u00e9vus pour le cours de danse de ma fille ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED j' ] [SL:TODO cours de danse de ma fille ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,55:81:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323330303331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il-te-pla\u00eet Bot, supprime le rappel d'appeler Emma lundi, puisqu'elle vient demain.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler Emma lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "41:59:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323236393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle \u00e0 Kal le festival de jazz samedi dans l'Illinois", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Kal ] [SL:TODO festival de jazz samedi dans l'Illinois ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:58:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323234383031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "supprime le rappel pour aller chercher des beignets pour la r\u00e9union", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO aller chercher des beignets pour la r\u00e9union ] ]", "slot_string": "24:68:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313536303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour l\u2019anniversaire de maman le 13 ao\u00fbt.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO anniversaire de maman ] [SL:DATE_TIME le 13 ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "25:46:SL:TODO,47:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313535313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fais-moi penser \u00e0 appeler le cur\u00e9 de ma paroisse samedi \u00e0 10 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler le cur\u00e9 de ma paroisse ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi \u00e0 10 h ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:50:SL:TODO,51:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313534303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappele-moi d'appeler mon fils \u00e0 13 heures vendredi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler mon fils ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 13 heures vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "14:30:SL:TODO,31:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313530363038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de changer la liti\u00e8re du chat \u00e0 15 h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO changer la liti\u00e8re du chat ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 15 h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:43:SL:TODO,44:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439313836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi de r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 l'e-mail de Jeffrey \u00e0 17 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 l'e-mail de Jeffrey ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:48:SL:TODO,49:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438333136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme un rappel pour ma randonn\u00e9e avec Rocco vendredi \u00e0 20 h 45.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO ma randonn\u00e9e avec Rocco ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi \u00e0 20 h 45 ] ]", "slot_string": "25:49:SL:TODO,50:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393839343739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les concerts pr\u00e9vus \u00e0 Las Vegas jeudi", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:LOCATION Las Vegas ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,35:44:SL:LOCATION,45:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393834313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels \u00e9v\u00e9nements cool ont lieu \u00e0 Miami, FL, cette semaine", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Miami, FL ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "36:45:SL:LOCATION,47:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393833363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que se passe-t-il \u00e0 Brooklyn ce week-end ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Brooklyn ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:LOCATION,30:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393835393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est l'adresse du bureau de Sofia ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Sofia ] ]", "slot_string": "34:39:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393735333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi les amis de Jolene", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Jolene ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,23:29:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3136323733333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand Donald Trump quittera-t-il ses fonctions", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3135333032303934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle le compte \u00e0 rebours sur 25 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER compte \u00e0 rebours ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 25 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER,28:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353638383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "il reste combien de temps sur ma minuterie s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "33:42:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353638373638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle heure annoncent-ils la pluie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] ]", "slot_string": "33:38:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353536373637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les gros titres du jour", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE gros ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titres ] [SL:DATE_TIME du jour ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,20:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353230333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l'alarme de travail sur 8 heures demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME alarme de travail ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur 8 heures demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "9:26:SL:ALARM_NAME,27:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353138383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l'alarme \u00e0 5h15", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 5h15 ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343630383830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quel est le contenu nutritionnel du poulet frit", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet frit ] ]", "slot_string": "36:47:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353834303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu envoyer un SMS \u00e0 mes fr\u00e8res", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mes fr\u00e8res ] ]", "slot_string": "26:37:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353834303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je voudrais en voyer un message \u00e0 mes fr\u00e8res et soeurs", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mes fr\u00e8res et soeurs ] ]", "slot_string": "35:56:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353833383334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu envoyer le message \u00e0 ma famille ?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma famille ] ]", "slot_string": "30:40:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi les messages vid\u00e9o de ma grand-m\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT ma grand-m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "24:30:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,34:48:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353832343135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux voir mes messages de la part de ma fille", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma fille ] ]", "slot_string": "40:48:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232353734393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9ponds avec le message via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353734343131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu dire \u00e0 Adnan sur Messenger que je lui parlerai plus tard", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Adnan ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT parlerai plus tard ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:RECIPIENT,26:35:SL:NAME_APP,47:65:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3232353139323533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle ma m\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353139313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Annabelle sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Annabelle ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:CONTACT,22:30:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232343330383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi ce que j'ai comme alarmes", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3232333730383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu appeler Bryson, le fils d'Emery", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Bryson, le fils d'Emery ] ]", "slot_string": "16:39:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730373036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle la grand-m\u00e8re de Summer Montoya", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT la grand-m\u00e8re de Summer Montoya ] ]", "slot_string": "8:40:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Noelle, le mari d'Alexandria Velazquez", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Noelle, le mari d'Alexandria Velazquez ] ]", "slot_string": "8:46:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730353135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "passe un appel \u00e0 la grand-m\u00e8re de Luis, Teagan Durham", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT la grand-m\u00e8re de Luis, Teagan Durham ] ]", "slot_string": "18:55:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333636323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle mon compagnon appelle mon petit ami avec Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT compagnon ] [SL:CONTACT petit ami ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:CONTACT,34:43:SL:CONTACT,49:57:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333635383833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Marcus sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Marcus ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,19:27:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333239323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "nous allons appeler Matthew maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Matthew ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232323530323039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "lance une minuterie de 24 minutes pour le four", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 24 minutes ] [SL:TIMER_NAME four ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:33:SL:DATE_TIME,42:46:SL:TIMER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231373330353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appel WhatsApp \u00e0 Kallie Davis", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT Kallie Davis ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:NAME_APP,18:30:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373232393932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Bianca", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bianca ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363734373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mon p\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363734363037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mon cousin tout de suite.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363733383030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle en vid\u00e9o ma s\u0153ur sur Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma s\u0153ur ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:CONTACT,31:39:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231363331353933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle heure est r\u00e9gl\u00e9e ma prochaine alarme ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "32:41:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231363331303539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime toutes mes alarmes.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3231363031313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Retarde-la maintenant", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353530393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Merci de changer mon r\u00e9veil \u00e0 8 h du matin jeudi", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8 h du matin jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:ALARM_NAME,29:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353436343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mon patron en visio", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon patron ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353436313134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle maman s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT maman ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353336343937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "retire papi Phil de la conversation", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED papi Phil ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231333932393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 mon cousin Tran", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mon cousin Tran ] ]", "slot_string": "21:36:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231333533363534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajoute Patrick \u00e0 l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Patrick ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333531373334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui de mes cousins est en ligne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT mes cousins ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333530343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "invite maman \u00e0 appeler", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED maman ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333439313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets en attente et change d'appel", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333432323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu raccrocher l'appel, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333432313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux appeler ma m\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333431393738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute maman \u00e0 l'appel en cours", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED maman ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333431393435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Invite papa", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED papa ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333430383338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marre un appel avec papa, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333131313038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajoute les beaux-enfants", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED beaux-enfants ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333039383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mes s\u0153urs s'il te plait", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323831393933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis-moi les messages que Stephanie m'a envoy\u00e9s aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Stephanie ] [SL:RECIPIENT m' ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:SENDER,35:37:SL:RECIPIENT,48:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323431373838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets un rappel d'appeler un ami demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler un ami ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "17:31:SL:TODO,32:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323431343633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'appeler le bureau \u00e0 11 h 30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler le bureau ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 11 h 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:32:SL:TODO,33:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute un rappel pour r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer mon ordonnance sur le chemin du retour", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer mon ordonnance sur le chemin du retour ] ]", "slot_string": "22:72:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323336303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi d'acheter du lait dans une heure", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter du lait ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans une heure ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:30:SL:TODO,31:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323332393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e un rappel pour les t\u00e2ches m\u00e9nag\u00e8res", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO t\u00e2ches m\u00e9nag\u00e8res ] ]", "slot_string": "25:44:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323332343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je pr\u00e9vu un rappel pour le rendez-vous du 6 octobre chez le m\u00e9decin", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:TODO le rendez-vous du 6 octobre chez le m\u00e9decin ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:72:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323331393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de faire des barres pour le pique-nique de dimanche.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO faire des barres pour le pique-nique ] [SL:DATE_TIME de dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:52:SL:TODO,53:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323331353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je cr\u00e9\u00e9 un rappel pour appeler Delores ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:TODO appeler Delores ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:43:SL:TODO,44:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237323833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de mon d\u00eener avec mon fr\u00e8re demain avec mon fr\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO mon d\u00eener avec mon fr\u00e8re ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:42:SL:TODO,43:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237303838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle \u00e0 M\u00e9lanie d'appeler sa tante jeudi prochain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED M\u00e9lanie ] [SL:TODO d'appeler sa tante ] [SL:DATE_TIME jeudi prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:39:SL:TODO,40:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323234333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je ne veux pas rater le bus de 16h ; peux-tu me pr\u00e9venir 10 minutes avant ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO le bus de 16h ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes avant ] ]", "slot_string": "21:34:SL:TODO,45:47:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,58:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323233323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Merci de me fournir tous mes rappels.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER fournir ] [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,20:24:SL:AMOUNT,25:28:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231313534303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'appeler mon avocat \u00e0 14 h demain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO appeler mon avocat ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 14 h demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:33:SL:TODO,34:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313533323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime l'alerte sur mon rappel \u00e0 propos de la r\u00e9union.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO la r\u00e9union ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,46:57:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313439313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e un rappel pour appeler le cabinet m\u00e9dical demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler le cabinet m\u00e9dical ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "21:48:SL:TODO,49:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313435333338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime mon m\u00e9mo appeler John.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO appeler John ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:31:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231303138313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois parler \u00e0 mon p\u00e8re, appelle-le tout de suite s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "18:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3230393939343532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 Half Moon Bay demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Half Moon Bay ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:LOCATION,25:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393834323433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les choses se d\u00e9roulant ce week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "25:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393231333832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est le fr\u00e8re de Breanna Carlson ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION fr\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTACT Breanna Carlson ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION,21:36:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393931313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-ce que Sebastian travaille chez Amazon ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Sebastian ] [SL:EMPLOYER Amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:CONTACT,36:42:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-ce que tu peux me dire qui travaille \u00e0 The Family Service Thrift Shop ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER The Family Service Thrift Shop ] ]", "slot_string": "44:74:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393832343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui est-ce que je connais qui est all\u00e9 \u00e0 la SCSU ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:SCHOOL SCSU ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,46:50:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3136343035323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il reste combien de temps pour cette s\u00e9ance", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3135323930333033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour vendredi matin \u00e0 9 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi matin \u00e0 9 h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353730333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-il nuageux", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE nuageux ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353635353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il va pleuvoir demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353532383932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle la minuterie sur dix minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur dix minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353432343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois r\u00e9initialiser la minuterie.", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "26:35:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353239333134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fait-il moins de z\u00e9ro ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE moins de z\u00e9ro ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,23:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353135393631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelles sont les actualit\u00e9s locales mises \u00e0 jour", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY actualit\u00e9s ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE locales ] ]", "slot_string": "17:28:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,29:36:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353130353437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dois-je prendre un K-way ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE K-way ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343636343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets la minuterie en pause pendant que j'attache ma chaussure.", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3232353832373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je voudrais envoyer un message sur le fil de discussion des amis du travail", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP amis du travail ] ]", "slot_string": "60:75:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353832343435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux voir les messages de la tante Ariel", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER tante Ariel ] ]", "slot_string": "32:43:SL:SENDER"} +{"id": "3232353138363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Ryan Sweeney et Antonio", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ryan Sweeney ] [SL:CONTACT Antonio ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:CONTACT,24:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353138333632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "d\u00e9marre-moi un chat vid\u00e9o avec Ella et Jon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ella ] [SL:CONTACT Jon ] ]", "slot_string": "33:37:SL:CONTACT,41:44:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333730333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle la grand-m\u00e8re d'Amanda Lynn", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT grand-m\u00e8re d'Amanda Lynn ] ]", "slot_string": "11:36:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232333635373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Trevor Peck en tchat vid\u00e9o sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trevor Peck ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:CONTACT,40:48:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313731323331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enregistre un message vid\u00e9o pour ma femme.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT femme ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,37:42:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313731303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux que tu enregistres un message vid\u00e9o pour mon mari jess", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT mon mari jess ] ]", "slot_string": "38:44:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,50:63:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313731303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enregistre un message vid\u00e9o pour papa.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,34:38:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313332323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Sharon et Christine", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sharon ] [SL:CONTACT Christine ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,18:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373538363337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "s'il te pla\u00eet compose imm\u00e9diatement le num\u00e9ro de Freddy Bush", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Freddy Bush ] ]", "slot_string": "52:63:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373233303336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "S'il te pla\u00eet, enregistre ce message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "38:44:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231363734363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mon p\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363339353438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o pr\u00e9vue en matin\u00e9e cette semaine ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME en matin\u00e9e ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "30:41:SL:DATE_TIME,42:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363032393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "ouvre iHeartRadio et joue The Very Best Of The Eagles (Remastered)", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The Very Best Of The Eagles (Remastered) ] ]", "slot_string": "6:17:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,26:66:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} +{"id": "3231353938393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles alarmes r\u00e9currentes ai-je ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353536303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi un aper\u00e7u du temps aujourd'hui \u00e0 Miami", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] [SL:LOCATION Miami ] ]", "slot_string": "30:41:SL:DATE_TIME,45:50:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353535343338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eate de faire ce bruit.", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353436323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle maman.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT maman ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353436323036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu appeler ma m\u00e8re, s'il te pla\u00eet ?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ma m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353036303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle la maman de Raegan", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT maman de Raegan ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333938333233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il faut que j'appelle mon cousin Chuck", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon cousin Chuck ] ]", "slot_string": "22:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333435333538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Invite", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333133323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mon beau-p\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT beau-p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333133313535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "ajoute mes s\u0153urs en t\u00e9l\u00e9conf\u00e9rence", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED mes s\u0153urs ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231333131323432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mes fils", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mes fils ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333130383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "lancer appel avec les s\u0153urs", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT s\u0153urs ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333130383437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute l'enfant \u00e0 l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED enfant ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} +{"id": "3231323837393731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 papa et dis-lui d\u2019utiliser son GPS.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT papa ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT utiliser son GPS ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:RECIPIENT,41:57:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323834323636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 ma grand-m\u00e8re et dis-lui que je la prendrai \u00e0 14h00 aujourd'hui pour la collecte de fonds", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT ma grand-m\u00e8re ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je la prendrai \u00e0 14h00 aujourd'hui pour la collecte de fonds ] ]", "slot_string": "21:35:SL:RECIPIENT,51:112:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323738383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Donnie et demande-lui si j'ai laiss\u00e9 mes lunettes de soleil l\u00e0-bas", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Donnie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT j'ai laiss\u00e9 mes lunettes de soleil l\u00e0-bas ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:RECIPIENT,46:89:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323738383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 maman et dis-lui que je comprends pourquoi elle a d\u00fb partir et que je l'aime.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT maman ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je comprends pourquoi elle a d\u00fb partir et que je l'aime ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPIENT,42:98:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323430313039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi que j\u2019ai un rendez-vous le jeudi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO un rendez-vous ] [SL:DATE_TIME le jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:38:SL:TODO,39:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323339373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de reprogrammer rendez-vous avec Sarah lundi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO reprogrammer rendez-vous avec Sarah ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:51:SL:TODO,52:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi mon rappel pour demain", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER montre ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323236303936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime tous les rappels pour mes rendez-vous manucure le mois prochain.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO rendez-vous manucure ] [SL:DATE_TIME mois prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:AMOUNT,31:34:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,35:55:SL:TODO,59:72:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323233393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle \u00e0 Mike et Jan la f\u00eate du mardi 5 minutes avant le r\u00e9veil de 6h30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Mike ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Jan ] [SL:TODO la f\u00eate du mardi ] [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes avant le r\u00e9veil de 6h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:23:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:41:SL:TODO,42:76:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323232323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "supprime le rappel pour le rendez-vous de demain avec le docteur", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pour le rendez-vous de demain avec le docteur ] ]", "slot_string": "19:64:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313535353234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de faire don de v\u00eatements \u00e0 un ami pour une vente-d\u00e9barras", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO faire don de v\u00eatements \u00e0 un ami pour une vente-d\u00e9barras ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:74:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313532343733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Fixe un rappel une heure avant mon rendez-vous chez l'ophtalmo de 10 h 30 demain.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME une heure avant ] [SL:TODO mon rendez-vous chez l'ophtalmo de 10 h 30 demain ] ]", "slot_string": "15:30:SL:DATE_TIME,31:80:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313530343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9e un rappel pour appeler Suzanne demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO appeler Suzanne ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "21:36:SL:TODO,37:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313436323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de demander \u00e0 venir en retard lors du premier jour d\u2019\u00e9cole de Hunter.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO demander \u00e0 venir en retard lors du premier jour d\u2019\u00e9cole de Hunter ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:85:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313434353633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme un rappel pour le d\u00eener avec Jessica le samedi soir \u00e0 21 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO d\u00eener avec Jessica ] [SL:DATE_TIME le samedi soir \u00e0 21 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "28:47:SL:TODO,48:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434343132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi 30 mn avant qu'il y aura une r\u00e9union de travail \u00e0 18 h ce soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:DATE_TIME 30 mn avant ] [SL:TODO il y aura une r\u00e9union de travail \u00e0 18 h ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:DATE_TIME,28:77:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313433383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute une alerte 15 minutes avant ma r\u00e9union de jeudi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME 15 minutes avant ] [SL:TODO ma r\u00e9union de jeudi ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:DATE_TIME,35:55:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231303932343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis \u00e0 Spotify de passer The Story Of Tonight", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE The Story Of Tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,25:45:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} +{"id": "3231303233313532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Organise une conf\u00e9rence t\u00e9l\u00e9phonique avec maman, Jim et Dennis.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT maman ] [SL:CONTACT Jim ] [SL:CONTACT Dennis ] ]", "slot_string": "45:50:SL:CONTACT,52:55:SL:CONTACT,59:65:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231303137303539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle mon p\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mon p\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3139393835313635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "concerts sympas ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,16:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393739393536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c9v\u00e9nements \u00e0 Cocoa Village ce mois-ci", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Cocoa Village ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce mois-ci ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:LOCATION,30:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393739313438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "est-ce qu\u2019on conna\u00eet quelqu\u2019un \u00e0 new york", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED on ] [SL:LOCATION new york ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,39:47:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393738303833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'un membre de ma famille vit \u00e0 Chicago ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED ma ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION famille ] [SL:LOCATION Chicago ] ]", "slot_string": "23:25:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,26:33:SL:TYPE_RELATION,41:48:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138383931323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu\u2019y a-t-il dans un rouleau californien", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH rouleau californien ] ]", "slot_string": "22:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133343634313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00e0 combien descend le thermom\u00e8tre aujourd'hui en degr\u00e9s fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE descend le thermom\u00e8tre ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "11:34:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,35:46:SL:DATE_TIME,58:68:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3132363035393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis Dirty Laundry de the Eagles", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Dirty Laundry ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Eagles ] ]", "slot_string": "4:17:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,25:31:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353830333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il pleuvoir apr\u00e8s 17 h aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME apr\u00e8s 17 h aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353735333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "y a-t-il un ouragan en floride ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE ouragan ] [SL:LOCATION floride ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,23:30:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353636323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "statut de la minuterie", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353531323832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que je peux \u00e9couter le nouvel album de Genesis ?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Genesis ] ]", "slot_string": "38:43:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,47:54:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353433383336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "lance une minuterie pour 30 minutes pour moi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353239323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les infos technologie importantes aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE infos ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY technologie ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE importantes ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:32:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,33:44:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,45:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353137383232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o de demain ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME de demain ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353037323233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve-moi des morceaux hard-core", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE morceaux ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE hard-core ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,24:33:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343639333231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe \u00ab Cherry \u00bb de Lana Del Rey", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Cherry ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lana Del Rey ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,22:34:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39343636323531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e8gle une alarme pour 16 h aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 16 h aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "18:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343631333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle temp\u00e9rature faut-il cuire les lasagnes ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00e9rature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagnes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,41:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343535323637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients du poulet Masala ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet Masala ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343533313039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me dire ce qu\u2019il faut utiliser pour faire une sauce barbecue", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauce barbecue ] ]", "slot_string": "56:70:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353138303536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle avec Sustainability", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Sustainability ] ]", "slot_string": "13:27:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3231353532313032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9veille-moi \u00e0 6h du matin tous les samedis pour 4 semaines", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6h du matin tous les samedis ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour 4 semaines ] ]", "slot_string": "14:45:SL:DATE_TIME,46:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353436363735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Annule l\u2019appel s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333436353839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi les utilisateurs non masqu\u00e9s", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323831303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Demandez \u00e0 Terry si elle a retrouv\u00e9 mon t\u00e9l\u00e9phone", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Terry ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT elle a retrouv\u00e9 mon t\u00e9l\u00e9phone ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:RECIPIENT,21:53:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323735383633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyer un message \u00e0 Denice pour lui demander quand elle part", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Denice ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT quand elle part ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:RECIPIENT,47:62:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231303335323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi des articles \u00e0 propos des musulmans", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE articles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC musulmans ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:47:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3138393933323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il a quel \u00e2ge ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3138393735373238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parlez-moi des amis de Ted", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Ted ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,23:26:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3132363031393530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Long Island city ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Long Island city ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "22:38:SL:LOCATION,39:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353130323539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un r\u00e9veil pour sonner dans quatre heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans quatre heures ] ]", "slot_string": "30:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343933373931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme qui s'activera toutes les 2 heures cet apr\u00e8s-midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME toutes les 2 heures cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "36:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343739393635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un r\u00e9veil pour 8h vendredi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 8h vendredi ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343739323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour 18h ce soir", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 18h ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343632303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peut-on congeler des macaronis au gratin ?", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH macaronis au gratin ] ]", "slot_string": "21:40:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353833363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie le message de conversation du groupe de travail, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP groupe de travail ] ]", "slot_string": "37:54:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232353734343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux tu l\u2019envoyer \u00e0 Judith sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Judith ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:RECIPIENT,34:42:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353137373931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passez un appel avec l'\u00e9quipe d'exbox", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP \u00e9quipe d'exbox ] ]", "slot_string": "23:38:SL:GROUP"} +{"id": "3232313731303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Commencez l'enregistrement pour un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Teofila Worden", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Teofila Worden ] ]", "slot_string": "43:49:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,53:67:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373538313336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelez Sarah num\u00e9ro trois", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sarah ] [SL:ORDINAL trois ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT,22:27:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231373233323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous envoyer cette vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Jamie ?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Jamie ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,36:41:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373131303339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Eric Gonzalez Clark, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Eric Gonzalez Clark ] ]", "slot_string": "8:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363430383734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment sera la m\u00e9t\u00e9o dans les 3 prochains jours ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME dans les 3 prochains jours ] ]", "slot_string": "24:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363339313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o dans le Midwest de l'Australie occidentale ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Midwest de l'Australie occidentale ] ]", "slot_string": "28:62:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363335313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9ez une alerte pour le 9 mai \u00e0 12h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour le 9 mai \u00e0 12h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363038323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez une alerte pour 05h60", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 05h60 ] ]", "slot_string": "19:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353539303635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez indiquer les pr\u00e9visions pour le dimanche de P\u00e2ques \u00e0 14 heures.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour le dimanche de P\u00e2ques \u00e0 14 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "34:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537373732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donnez-moi les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques pour l'Europe.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Europe ] ]", "slot_string": "52:58:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353536383033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez me montrer le temps qu'il fera demain soir", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "40:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343939333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez un journaliste", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT journaliste ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231343031343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Commencez un nouveau message pour Phil", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Phil ] ]", "slot_string": "34:38:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231333933333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 Stefanie et voyez si elle est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en route pour le film.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Stefanie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT elle est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en route pour le film ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:RECIPIENT,43:80:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231333533303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "V\u00e9rifiez le statut de Susan.", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Susan ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333532373930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "est ce que jake est en ligne?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT jake ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333532343439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Al ou Amy sont-ils/elles en ligne", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Al ] [SL:CONTACT Amy ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:CONTACT,6:9:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323932303431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "s\u2019il te plait envoie un message \u00e0 Justin et dis lui que je serai chez lui vers 4h", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Justin ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je serai chez lui vers 4h ] ]", "slot_string": "37:43:SL:RECIPIENT,59:84:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323431303431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de supprimer les aper\u00e7us sur Facebook cet apr\u00e8s-midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO supprimer les aper\u00e7us sur Facebook ] [SL:DATE_TIME cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:51:SL:TODO,52:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323338363537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "s\u2019il te plait efface tous mes rappels", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT tous ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:AMOUNT,28:31:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231323338333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi d'acheter de l'eau demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter de l'eau ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:31:SL:TODO,32:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour passer chercher mamie mardi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO passer chercher mamie ] [SL:DATE_TIME mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:42:SL:TODO,43:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323337373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi mon rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin plus tard dans la semaine.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO rendez-vous chez le m\u00e9decin ] [SL:DATE_TIME plus tard dans la semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:45:SL:TODO,46:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323331343431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappels des devoirs \u00e0 la maison", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO devoirs \u00e0 la maison ] ]", "slot_string": "12:32:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323330373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de payer la facture d\u2019eau et d\u2019\u00e9lectricit\u00e9 vendredi avant 2h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO payer la facture d\u2019eau et d\u2019\u00e9lectricit\u00e9 ] [SL:DATE_TIME vendredi avant 2h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:61:SL:TODO,62:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313533333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019envoyer des documents \u00e0 la banque pour la fermeture de la maison", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer des documents \u00e0 la banque pour la fermeture de la maison ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:82:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313435323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enlevez le rappel concernant la nutrition du chat de mon voisin", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO nutrition du chat de mon voisin ] ]", "slot_string": "32:63:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3138393934353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dites-m'en plus sur Jeremy.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Jeremy ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393836393233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous trouver l'adresse de mes amis ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] ]", "slot_string": "33:36:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,37:41:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} +{"id": "3138393833323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dites-moi qui travaille chez Pizza Hut.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Pizza Hut ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393832373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Yusuf travaille-t-il toujours pour Toyota ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Yusuf ] [SL:EMPLOYER Toyota ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:CONTACT,35:41:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393739323830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelqu'un vit-il actuellement \u00e0 Buffalo ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Buffalo ] ]", "slot_string": "33:40:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3136343034323736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "La Chine aide-t-elle les \u00c9tats-Unis en Cor\u00e9e du Nord ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC La Chine aide-t-elle les \u00c9tats-Unis en Cor\u00e9e du Nord ] ]", "slot_string": "0:54:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3136333731353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment se d\u00e9roulent les \u00e9lections au Nicaragua ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC \u00e9lections au Nicaragua ] ]", "slot_string": "26:49:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3132363132303034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les pr\u00e9visions de pluie pour dimanche ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "32:37:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,38:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353736363239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps reste-t-il \u00e0 ma minuterie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "34:43:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353731313233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez une alarme pour 16 heures.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 16 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "19:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353435333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue Riff Off de la bande originale de Pitch Perfect", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE bande originale ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Pitch Perfect ] ]", "slot_string": "20:35:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,39:52:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} +{"id": "39353435323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y aura-t-il de la gr\u00eale ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE gr\u00eale ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353433393938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une minuterie sur une minute.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME sur une minute ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353239333531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien de pouces de pluie a-t-il plu aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,38:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353232363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quand s\u2019arr\u00eatera cette temp\u00eate de neige ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00eate de neige ] ]", "slot_string": "26:43:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343833363130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "mettez le r\u00e9veil pour lundi \u00e0 10h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour lundi \u00e0 10h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343831363832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle sera la temp\u00e9rature ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343733323539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9p\u00e8te cette chanson, s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "3232353832393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "je voudrais envoyer cette vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Harvey, Raul et Jerry Ward", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Harvey ] [SL:RECIPIENT Raul ] [SL:RECIPIENT Jerry Ward ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,36:42:SL:RECIPIENT,44:48:SL:RECIPIENT,52:62:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373530333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin que tu affiches d'autres \u00e9v\u00e9nements", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363333333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme pour 19 h et 20 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 19 h et 20 h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531383435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle le r\u00e9veil pour les deux prochaines semaines \u00e0 8 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour les deux prochaines semaines ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8 h ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:ALARM_NAME,18:51:SL:DATE_TIME,52:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353437353436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il quelqu'un en ligne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231343631353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien y a-t-il d'anniversaires le 23 mai ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME le 23 mai ] ]", "slot_string": "33:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333430303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Bob", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Bob ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323332303536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime les rappels pour la f\u00eate du Travail", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour la f\u00eate du Travail ] ]", "slot_string": "21:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323233363033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi le rappel de la pratique des percussions pour le reste du mois d'Ao\u00fbt", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Montre ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO pratique des percussions ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour le reste du mois d'Ao\u00fbt ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:51:SL:TODO,52:81:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313733313033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que certains de mes amis f\u00eatent leur anniversaire en d\u00e9cembre ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:DATE_TIME d\u00e9cembre ] ]", "slot_string": "23:26:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,27:31:SL:TYPE_RELATION,61:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313535323139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change mon rappel pour le cours de Zumba ce soir de 18h30 \u00e0 17h30.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mon ] [SL:TODO cours de Zumba ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir de 18h30 ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:40:SL:TODO,41:57:SL:DATE_TIME,58:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313434323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel d'\u00e9tudier.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO \u00e9tudier ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3139393830353931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que puis-je faire aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "18:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393738323631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui vit \u00e0 new jersey", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION new jersey ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393734323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Amis de Nate", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Nate ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:TYPE_RELATION,8:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3138383937363937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelle est la recette du g\u00e2teau aux carottes ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH g\u00e2teau aux carottes ] ]", "slot_string": "25:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3135323933303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que disent les r\u00e9seaux du Brexit", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE r\u00e9seaux ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Brexit ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3135323839323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis le gros titre sur CNN.com", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE gros ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE titre ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN.com ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,12:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:29:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3133343139313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "de quels ingr\u00e9dients j'ai besoin pour faire une sauce de spaghetti ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauce de spaghetti ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,49:67:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132353935333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme le d\u00e9clenchement de l'alarme dans 24 heures \u00e0 partir de maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 24 heures \u00e0 partir de maintenant ] ]", "slot_string": "40:78:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353633313136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l\u2019alarme \u00e0 6 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "18:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353137383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "comment est la m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 la plage", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION plage ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39343836383238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "quelles sont les nouvelles de l'\u00e9lection locale", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC \u00e9lection locale ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:48:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39343733393731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue-moi de la musique rap de Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rap ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,23:26:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,30:37:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39343530353637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi une recette de bulgogi", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH bulgogi ] ]", "slot_string": "26:33:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353734393336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie le SMS par Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "18:27:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232353734353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie \u00e0 Anne Taylor ce message vid\u00e9o sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Anne Taylor ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "10:21:SL:RECIPIENT,33:39:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,44:52:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232333635353638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Cade appeler Clark en utilisant Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Cade ] [SL:CONTACT Clark ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT,21:26:SL:CONTACT,40:48:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232313432393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "affiche la m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 Shipston sur Stour", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Shipston sur Stour ] ]", "slot_string": "22:40:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231373131303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle William Mclean Ochoa, s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT William Mclean Ochoa ] ]", "slot_string": "8:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363735303834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi si Jans est disponible en ligne", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Jans ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363430343435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Renseigne-moi sur les conditions m\u00e9t\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231363336323134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'une alarme \u00e0 6 h s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6 h ] ]", "slot_string": "25:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353937343737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que doit-on attendre comme m\u00e9t\u00e9o ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "35:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353937313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps il fait \u00e0 Montr\u00e9al, au Qu\u00e9bec ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Montr\u00e9al, au Qu\u00e9bec ] ]", "slot_string": "22:43:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353533343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e des alarmes le mardi \u00e0 15h00 et 17h00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME le mardi \u00e0 15h00 et 17h00 ] ]", "slot_string": "18:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353437363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu me dire si Luci est en ligne maintenant ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Luci ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "connecte-moi \u00e0 Madison Dane", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Madison Dane ] ]", "slot_string": "16:28:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333534373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "essaie d'appeler Nancy Austin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nancy Austin ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333533353734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux ajouter \u00e0 l'appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323336303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime mes rappels", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} +{"id": "3231323335383730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappele-moi de prendre rendez-vous pour une vidange d'huile.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO prendre rendez-vous pour une vidange d'huile ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:59:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313532383835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019acheter une carte de v\u0153ux pour la f\u00eate d\u2019anniversaire de Chris samedi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter une carte de v\u0153ux pour la f\u00eate d\u2019anniversaire de Chris ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:83:SL:TODO,84:90:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439313233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Enregistre un m\u00e9mo faire la lessive dans 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO faire la lessive ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "20:36:SL:TODO,37:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393831363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c9v\u00e9nements musicaux \u00e0 Minneapolis", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT musicaux ] [SL:LOCATION Minneapolis ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,25:36:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393932303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "o\u00f9 est-ce que Terrance travaille actuellement", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Terrance ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393833323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi qui travaille au Sunset Athletic Club", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Sunset Athletic Club ] ]", "slot_string": "25:45:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393831393130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui a termin\u00e9 l'\u00e9cole au PU", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL PU ] ]", "slot_string": "27:29:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3135393637333136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "EST-CE QUE LA COR\u00c9E DU NORD A MENAC\u00c9 LES \u00c9TATS-UNIS", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC COR\u00c9E DU NORD A MENAC\u00c9 LES \u00c9TATS-UNIS ] ]", "slot_string": "14:54:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3132363332333931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le saut\u00e9 le plus facile \u00e0 faire ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH saut\u00e9 ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE plus facile ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:RECIPES_DISH,22:33:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353831373634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "D\u00e9marre une nouvelle minuterie maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353831373432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353533393537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi quelle va \u00eatre la m\u00e9t\u00e9o aujourd'hui", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "35:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353436393537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue la chanson \u00ab Despacito \u00bb.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Despacito ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:28:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} +{"id": "39353139353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il \u00e0 Disney World aujourd'hui ??", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Disney World ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "24:36:SL:LOCATION,37:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343933363031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle sera la temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 Hawa\u00ef cet apr\u00e8s-midi", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hawa\u00ef ] [SL:DATE_TIME cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:LOCATION,38:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343836363336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets un r\u00e9veil pour la r\u00e9union de scouts de mes fils tous les lundis", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME la r\u00e9union de scouts de mes fils ] [SL:PERIOD tous les lundis ] ]", "slot_string": "21:54:SL:ALARM_NAME,55:70:SL:PERIOD"} +{"id": "39343832313639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux jouer un morceau", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE morceau ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343734363932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Passe de la musique country", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE country ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,20:27:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343538313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quelle temp\u00e9rature dois-je faire cuire la pizza", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp\u00e9rature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pizza ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,46:51:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3231363431363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "mets midnight de Dr. Dre", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE midnight ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Dr. Dre ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,17:24:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363339323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les pr\u00e9visions pour la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud merci", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Nouvelle-Galles du Sud ] ]", "slot_string": "24:46:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363333313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e des alarmes pour jeudi et vendredi \u00e0 17h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour jeudi et vendredi \u00e0 17h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363038303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "fais sonner l'alarme \u00e0 835 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 835 h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353939333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Change mon alarme \u00e0 23 h.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 23 h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343937333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des matchs de crosse organis\u00e9s en janvier", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT matchs de crosse ] [SL:DATE_TIME en janvier ] ]", "slot_string": "13:29:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,41:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333533353735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "puis-je ajouter \u00e0 cet appel, s'il te pla\u00eet ?", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323338373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi de mettre mon ordinateur \u00e0 jour", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO mettre mon ordinateur \u00e0 jour ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:45:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323237333032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime les rappels d'aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "23:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303135323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute Terri \u00e0 l'appel avec Dave.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Terri ] [SL:CONTACT Dave ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED,29:33:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3139393737353630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "tous les \u00e9v\u00e9nements ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139373936333737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "passe la radio 98.9 sur iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE radio ] [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID 98.9 ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,15:19:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,24:35:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3138393738323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parmi les gens que je connais, qui vit pr\u00e8s de Londres ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:LOCATION Londres ] ]", "slot_string": "19:21:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,48:55:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3136333338353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la situation \u00e0 Guam", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Guam ] ]", "slot_string": "27:31:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3134313538393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c0 quel point fait-il chaud la semaine prochaine \u00e0 Sao Paulo en degr\u00e9s Fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE chaud ] [SL:DATE_TIME semaine prochaine ] [SL:LOCATION Sao Paulo ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:48:SL:DATE_TIME,52:61:SL:LOCATION,73:83:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3133343634333636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9cup\u00e8re la recette du beurre de cacahu\u00e8te", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH beurre de cacahu\u00e8te ] ]", "slot_string": "25:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353731343838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets-moi une chanson", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE chanson ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353635333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "quand est-ce qu\u2019il est cens\u00e9 pleuvoir de nouveau", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] ]", "slot_string": "32:40:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353339353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce qu'il me faut une capuche pour aller dehors ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE capuche ] ]", "slot_string": "25:32:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39343936323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "il va y avoir du gr\u00e9sil aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE gr\u00e9sil ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343631393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans les \u0153ufs B\u00e9n\u00e9dicte", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH \u0153ufs B\u00e9n\u00e9dicte ] ]", "slot_string": "29:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343536323730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi des recettes de chili v\u00e9g\u00e9tarien", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chili ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE v\u00e9g\u00e9tarien ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH,33:45:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "3232323831363337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue Run The Jewels", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Run The Jewels ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3231373530303532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recommande-moi des \u00e9v\u00e8nements ayant lieu \u00e0 Grand Rapids en f\u00e9vrier", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Grand Rapids ] [SL:DATE_TIME en f\u00e9vrier ] ]", "slot_string": "46:58:SL:LOCATION,59:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231373131363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019aimerais appeler Mason Malik Morrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mason Malik Morrow ] ]", "slot_string": "21:39:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231363338303235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il va pleuvoir samedi apr\u00e8s-midi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME samedi apr\u00e8s-midi ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363335383533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "cr\u00e9ez une alarme pour demain \u00e0 8h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain \u00e0 8h ] ]", "slot_string": "18:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363039303932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programmer une alarme pour 1105", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 1105 ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353536373730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Partagez les pr\u00e9visions m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour mercredi", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "33:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353532313730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme une alarme \u00e0 r\u00e9p\u00e9tition pour 7 heures du matin tous les jours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 7 heures du matin tous les jours ] ]", "slot_string": "37:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353437373137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Maya est toujours d\u00e9connect\u00e9e?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Maya ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231353334323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue Thotiana sur iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Thotiana ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,18:29:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231323834363934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message \u00e0 Amy pour lui dire que je serai au rendez-vous de 8h30 samedi le 30 juin", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Amy ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je serai au rendez-vous de 8h30 samedi le 30 juin ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:RECIPIENT,44:93:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323735343337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 dave pour aller chercher mes m\u00e9dicaments", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT dave ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT aller chercher mes m\u00e9dicaments ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:RECIPIENT,31:62:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323337323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "programme une alarme pour samedi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323336373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "annule toutes mes alarmes et mes rappels", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT toutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:AMOUNT"} +{"id": "3231313534393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d\u2019envoyer mes devoirs \u00e0 mon professeur avant 17h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO envoyer mes devoirs \u00e0 mon professeur ] [SL:DATE_TIME avant 17h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:54:SL:TODO,55:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313438333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de charger la batterie de la perceuse lundi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO charger la batterie de la perceuse ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:50:SL:TODO,51:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135333030333334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute deux minutes au minuteur", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME deux minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "7:19:SL:DATE_TIME,23:31:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3133343130383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "recettes de poulet pour la mijoteuse", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT poulet ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD mijoteuse ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,27:36:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} +{"id": "3133323738313833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "donne-moi des recettes asiatiques de canard", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE asiatiques ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH canard ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,37:43:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353736383231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets de la musique rock", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rock ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:23:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353535313738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment va \u00eatre la m\u00e9t\u00e9o dans ma r\u00e9gion aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION ma ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "33:35:SL:LOCATION,44:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353531323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "fait-il trop froid pour des shorts", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE froid ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE shorts ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,28:34:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "39353436323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi le minuteur", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteur ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353235323338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps reste-t-il \u00e0 l\u2019alarme ?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39343630303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients de la soupe de nouilles au poulet", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH soupe de nouilles au poulet ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,34:61:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3232353138373538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019aimerais prendre contact avec Gregory", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Gregory ] ]", "slot_string": "34:41:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353138363733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoyez un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Destinee et Ayanna de ma part", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Destinee ] [SL:CONTACT Ayanna ] ]", "slot_string": "29:37:SL:CONTACT,41:47:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3232353137393830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appel vocal avec CrossFit sur HangOuts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP CrossFit ] [SL:NAME_APP HangOuts ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:GROUP,30:38:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232323831363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez un peu de Kenny Chesney", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Kenny Chesney ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232323830393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez-moi un peu de Chopin.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Chopin ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232323739323332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue Jhene Aiko.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Jhene Aiko ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "3232323731333231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "merci d\u2019utiliser Iheartradio pour ma musique", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "19:30:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3232313330363330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Faites retirer Kim de l'appel de groupe", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Kim ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3231373538303138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Joseph deux", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Joseph ] [SL:ORDINAL deux ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,15:19:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231373236393739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Samuel pour moi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Samuel ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231373236373331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie-le \u00e0 Dexter Gurney", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Dexter Gurney ] ]", "slot_string": "13:26:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373236373138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie-le \u00e0 Sabina Boster", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sabina Boster ] ]", "slot_string": "13:26:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373233353730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9ponds \u00e0 Camilla avec une vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Camilla ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:RECIPIENT,29:35:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231373033393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi tous les anniversaires de mes amis qui tombent ce samedi", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "37:40:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,41:45:SL:TYPE_RELATION,58:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363339313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Faites-moi la mise \u00e0 jour de la pr\u00e9vision m\u00e9t\u00e9orologique de Victoria", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Victoria ] ]", "slot_string": "64:72:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363338313539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "dis moi la m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e0 Rome", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Rome ] ]", "slot_string": "22:26:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231363337353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Arr\u00eate l'alarme dans 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME dans 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "17:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363038393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi une nouvelle alarme pour 4h00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 4h00 ] ]", "slot_string": "30:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363032303337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "je veux que tu me mettes une alarme \u00e0 8h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 8h ] ]", "slot_string": "36:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363030323136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme appel\u00e9e heure de dormir pour demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME heure de dormir ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain ] ]", "slot_string": "26:41:SL:ALARM_NAME,42:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353539373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Parlez-moi du temps qu'il fait aujourd'hui.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "31:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature la plus \u00e9lev\u00e9e aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "44:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538313336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 10 heures du matin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 10 heures du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "19:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Stourbridge West Midlands ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Stourbridge West Midlands ] ]", "slot_string": "22:47:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231353536393939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "m\u00e9t\u00e9o pour dimanche s\u2019il te plait", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME pour dimanche ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353535333436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "veuillez me r\u00e9veiller \u00e0 6 heures du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6 heures du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "23:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353438373934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez-moi une alarme.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333534353036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Jackson Miranda maintenant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jackson Miranda ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333531333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez Tom", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tom ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333436303233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle le groupe", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333432373735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "dressez la liste des personnes disponibles", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231333430373435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelez le num\u00e9ro de portable de Camille", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Camille ] ]", "slot_string": "34:41:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333430333835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle Lucas", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lucas ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323834303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 tim que le concert de rock est dans une semaine", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT tim ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT le concert de rock est dans une semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:RECIPIENT,29:68:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323833313230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle la toiletteuse pour savoir quand elle est disponible pour le soin des griffes du chien", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT la toiletteuse ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT quand elle est disponible pour le soin des griffes du chien ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:RECIPIENT,35:94:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323832323038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message \u00e0 Amanda que je suis en route", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Amanda ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je suis en route ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:RECIPIENT,32:48:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323736343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "demande \u00e0 Julie si elle peut m\u2019emmener \u00e0 l\u2019a\u00e9roport les 30 juin \u00e0 11h", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Julie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT elle peut m\u2019emmener \u00e0 l\u2019a\u00e9roport les 30 juin \u00e0 11h ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:RECIPIENT,20:77:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323337343030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9voyez un rappel pour 8 heures demain matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME pour 8 heures demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "20:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323335323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "J\u2019ai besoin d\u2019un rappel pour travailler \u00e0 10h samedi prochain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED J\u2019 ] [SL:TODO travailler ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 10h samedi prochain ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,33:43:SL:TODO,44:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323334343037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Veuillez reprogrammer mes rappels kombucha du matin au soir", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mes ] [SL:TODO kombucha ] [SL:DATE_TIME du matin ] [SL:DATE_TIME au soir ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,34:42:SL:TODO,43:51:SL:DATE_TIME,52:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323239333032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel rappel ai-je aujourd\u2019hui apr\u00e8s 5h", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED je ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd\u2019hui apr\u00e8s 5h ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,18:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323239313230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de payer ma commande de fleurs demain matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO payer ma commande de fleurs ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:43:SL:TODO,44:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323237323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets un rappel pour Plush Horse dimanche \u00e0 6h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Plush Horse ] [SL:DATE_TIME dimanche \u00e0 6h ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:TODO,32:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313535383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelez-moi de prendre mes m\u00e9dicaments ce soir.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO prendre mes m\u00e9dicaments ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:40:SL:TODO,41:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313534363435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de faire le point avec Stacie \u00e0 propos de sa dur\u00e9e de formation \u00e0 17h.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO faire le point avec Stacie \u00e0 propos de sa dur\u00e9e de formation ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:78:SL:TODO,79:85:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313439363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pouvez-vous programmer un rappel pour commander un plateau de l\u00e9gumes chez Wegman's le mercredi \u00e0 11h00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO commander un plateau de l\u00e9gumes chez Wegman's ] [SL:DATE_TIME mercredi \u00e0 11h00 ] ]", "slot_string": "38:84:SL:TODO,88:105:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313436303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il me faut un rappel pour convertir mes heures de travail que je note selon le fuseau Central Time en Pacific Time", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO convertir mes heures de travail que je note selon le fuseau Central Time en Pacific Time ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:114:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231303231353236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime Chira de l\u2019appel", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Chira ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} +{"id": "3139393930313836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ce qui se passe \u00e0 Atlanta ce weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:LOCATION,27:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393838353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Tout ce qui se passe de cool \u00e0 Tampa ce soir", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Tampa ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "32:37:SL:LOCATION,38:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393834363739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il des \u00e9v\u00e8nement \u00e0 Melbourne demain", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Melbourne ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "28:37:SL:LOCATION,38:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139393833313235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Que se passe-t-il \u00e0 Wadsworth demain soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Wadsworth ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain soir ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:LOCATION,31:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393930343139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien d\u2019ann\u00e9es a-t-il fallu \u00e0 Corey pour avoir son dipl\u00f4me d\u2019Armstrong?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Corey ] [SL:SCHOOL Armstrong ] ]", "slot_string": "36:41:SL:CONTACT,70:79:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393836323635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dis-moi l\u2019adresse de Crys", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Crys ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393836313936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "Miguel vit-il toujours en Arkansas ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Miguel ] [SL:LOCATION Arkansas ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:CONTACT,26:34:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393832303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouvez les noms des personnes qui ont obtenu leur dipl\u00f4me du Georgia College en 1977.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Georgia College ] [SL:DATE_TIME en 1977 ] ]", "slot_string": "63:78:SL:SCHOOL,79:86:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3138393739353135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouvez mon ami qui habite rue Taraval", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mon ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION ami ] [SL:LOCATION rue Taraval ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:15:SL:TYPE_RELATION,27:38:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393738333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je des amis dans le Mississippi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED je ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:LOCATION Mississippi ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,10:14:SL:TYPE_RELATION,23:34:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138383931353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment puis-je faire ma propre glace ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH glace ] ]", "slot_string": "32:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3136343034383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le compte \u00e0 rebours de la minuterie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER compte \u00e0 rebours ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "12:29:SL:METHOD_TIMER,36:45:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3134323833353538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "l'actualit\u00e9 br\u00fblante des Lakers", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE actualit\u00e9 ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE br\u00fblante ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Lakers ] ]", "slot_string": "2:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,13:22:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,27:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "3133343139333136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire des chips dans une friteuse \u00e0 air", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chips ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD friteuse \u00e0 air ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH,33:48:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} +{"id": "3133323738353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui a-t-il dans une falafel ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH falafel ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132383135363638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "La pluie est-elle pr\u00e9vue aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pluie ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "3:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132363235373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire du punch ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH punch ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353831373730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'aime bien entendre de la musique Trap", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Trap ] ]", "slot_string": "27:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,35:39:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353831363535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mettez en pause la minuterie en cours", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353736343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c9coute Maroon 5 sur Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Maroon 5 ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,21:28:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "39353635383534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez l'alarme au travail", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME travail ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:ALARM_NAME"} +{"id": "39353539373433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de personnes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 bless\u00e9es pendant la manifestation de Charlottesville ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC personnes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 bless\u00e9es pendant la manifestation de Charlottesville ] ]", "slot_string": "11:84:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353536383337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Jouez de la musique sur le haut-parleur", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353536303238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment vont les parents de Charlie Gard ?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC parents de Charlie Gard ] ]", "slot_string": "17:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353335313532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lis les gros titres des Etats Unis", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC des Etats Unis ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,20:34:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353331383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Les gros titres de l'actualit\u00e9 \u00e0 Houston.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE gros titres ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Houston ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39353235353839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature ext\u00e9rieure ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353232383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel est le degr\u00e9 de chaleur de la journ\u00e9e ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE degr\u00e9 de chaleur ] [SL:DATE_TIME de la journ\u00e9e ] ]", "slot_string": "12:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,30:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353230353039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle une alarme pour 18h ce soir", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 18h ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353138313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "est ce qu\u2019il pleuvra quand j\u2019arriverai \u00e0 6h", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvra ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6h ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,43:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353036323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "les informations de Raleigh cette semaine?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE informations ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Raleigh ] [SL:DATE_TIME cette semaine ] ]", "slot_string": "4:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE,20:27:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,28:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343936343239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9glez le r\u00e9veil pour 6h du matin demain", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 6h du matin demain ] ]", "slot_string": "19:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343732373837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 Jacksonville ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Jacksonville ] ]", "slot_string": "22:34:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39343637323835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets une alarme \u00e0 3h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER alarme ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 3h ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER,16:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343632383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment je copie cette recette", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:METHOD_RECIPES recette ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:METHOD_RECIPES"} +{"id": "39343632313932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Liste des ingr\u00e9dients de la sauce spaghetti", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauce spaghetti ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,29:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343539343138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire la sauce marinara", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sauce marinara ] ]", "slot_string": "17:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343537333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Trouve une recette sur des rouleaux aux choux", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH rouleaux aux choux ] ]", "slot_string": "27:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343536353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire une omelette parfaite", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH omelette ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343535333134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelles sont les recettes italiennes ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE italiennes ] ]", "slot_string": "26:36:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} +{"id": "39343534333031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients du poulet \u00e0 la cacciatore ?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet \u00e0 la cacciatore ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:54:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39343531393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recettes de pizza maison", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pizza ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD maison ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:RECIPES_DISH,18:24:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} +{"id": "3232353734373535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi les messages de Beth envoy\u00e9s via Messenger", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Beth ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "27:31:SL:RECIPIENT,45:54:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3232343436343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Gael m'a envoy\u00e9 un message aujourd'hui ?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Gael ] [SL:RECIPIENT m' ] [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT,16:18:SL:RECIPIENT,39:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3232313730393237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu s'il te pla\u00eet enregistrer un message vid\u00e9o pour Brunilda Funderburg", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Brunilda Funderburg ] ]", "slot_string": "46:52:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,58:77:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232313136333731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "enl\u00e8ve 30 secondes \u00e0 ma minuterie", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 30 secondes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:DATE_TIME,26:35:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3231373537393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "appelle le second", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:ORDINAL second ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:ORDINAL"} +{"id": "3231373233363834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "puis-je envoyer un message vid\u00e9o", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} +{"id": "3231363431363038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "joue Tonight sur pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Tonight ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,17:24:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} +{"id": "3231363339353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Pr\u00e9visions \u00e0 Brisbane demain.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Brisbane ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:LOCATION,24:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363333343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9veille-moi entre 8 h et 8 h 30 demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME entre 8 h et 8 h 30 demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "14:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353939393637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e9veille-moi chaque lundi et mardi \u00e0 5 h du matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME chaque lundi et mardi \u00e0 5 h du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "14:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538353231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de millim\u00e8tres va-t-il pleuvoir demain", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] ]", "slot_string": "32:40:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,41:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353533343036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Programme des alarmes r\u00e9currentes pour vendredi \u00e0 10 h et 10 h 30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour vendredi \u00e0 10 h et 10 h 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "35:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353438393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux r\u00e9gler une alarme pour demain matin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "27:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353436393734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Elle a lieu \u00e0 quelle heure exactement la t\u00e9l\u00e9conf\u00e9rence ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231353233343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je veux \u00e9couter de la musique de karaok\u00e9 s'il te pla\u00eet.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE karaok\u00e9 ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,34:42:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "3231343937333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Y a-t-il un match de volley-ball pendant le week-end", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT volley-ball ] [SL:DATE_TIME pendant le week-end ] ]", "slot_string": "21:32:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,33:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231343434303839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Appelle Antigua Cafe sur Taraval Street \u00e0 San Francisco", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Antigua Cafe sur Taraval Street \u00e0 San Francisco ] ]", "slot_string": "8:56:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333431363138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu appeler Cade", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Cade ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333339353239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Commence un appel avec Kayleigh", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kayleigh ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323337343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'un rappel pour cet apr\u00e8s-midi afin d'acheter des cartes d'anniversaire", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED J' ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour cet apr\u00e8s-midi ] [SL:TODO acheter des cartes d'anniversaire ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:44:SL:DATE_TIME,52:85:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323336363834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi d'acheter des fleurs pour ma m\u00e8re", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO acheter des fleurs pour ma m\u00e8re ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:47:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323336313538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e un rappel pour acheter de la nourriture \u00e0 partager mercredi.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO acheter de la nourriture \u00e0 partager ] [SL:DATE_TIME mercredi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:57:SL:TODO,58:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323331343832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Supprime le rappel pour la f\u00eate de fin d'ann\u00e9e \u00e0 17 h 30.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO la f\u00eate de fin d'ann\u00e9e ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 17 h 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "24:48:SL:TODO,49:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231323239333439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rappelle-moi d'aller chercher les m\u00e9dicaments de ma m\u00e8re lundi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO aller chercher les m\u00e9dicaments de ma m\u00e8re ] [SL:DATE_TIME lundi ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:58:SL:TODO,59:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231303135353437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lance un appel vid\u00e9o avec Phil.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Phil ] ]", "slot_string": "27:31:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3139393831303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels \u00e9v\u00e8nements musicaux ont lieu demain \u00e0 Syracuse", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT musicaux ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain ] [SL:LOCATION Syracuse ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,37:43:SL:DATE_TIME,47:55:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393934343035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "D'o\u00f9 vient John ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT John ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393836323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "fr", "input": "O\u00f9 se situe le travail de Randy ?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Randy ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393834313134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Liste des employ\u00e9s de Key Bank s'il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Key Bank ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3138393833303534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qui travaille chez Wegmans", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Wegmans ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:EMPLOYER"} +{"id": "3136363730323534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Dix minutes pour faire sonner l'alarme", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME Dix minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3135323932383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Montre-moi une mise \u00e0 jour r\u00e9cente des nouvelles sur CBS", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE mise \u00e0 jour ] [SL:DATE_TIME r\u00e9cente ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE nouvelles sur CBS ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:36:SL:DATE_TIME,41:58:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} +{"id": "3134313539363834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 Dublin en Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Dublin ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:LOCATION,26:33:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3133343138363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quels ingr\u00e9dients il y a dans le poulet \u00e0 l'Alfredo", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH poulet \u00e0 l'Alfredo ] ]", "slot_string": "6:18:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,34:53:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3133323734383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "quels sont les ingr\u00e9dients du porc \u00e0 l'adobo philippin", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingr\u00e9dients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH porc \u00e0 l'adobo philippin ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:56:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "39353739383034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il neiger avant 8 heures du matin ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE neiger ] [SL:DATE_TIME avant 8 heures du matin ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353736343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "merci de me dire combien de temps il me reste sur ma minuterie", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "53:62:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39353433313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il sur le Kilimandjaro en ce moment ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Kilimandjaro ] ]", "slot_string": "26:38:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "39353431343933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Obtenez-moi des nouvelles", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE nouvelles ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} +{"id": "39353332333631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "r\u00e9p\u00e8te le 5e morceau", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE morceau ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} +{"id": "3232353832363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Le groupe de sororit\u00e9 m'a envoy\u00e9 quelque chose", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP sororit\u00e9 ] [SL:RECIPIENT m' ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:GROUP,23:25:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3232343331303739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "rallonge la minuterie de 1628 secondes", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] [SL:DATE_TIME de 1628 secondes ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER,22:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231373530323035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Recommande-moi des \u00e9v\u00e9nements musicaux qui se passent \u00e0 P\u00e2ques \u00e0 l'\u00eele de Rota", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT musicaux ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 P\u00e2ques ] [SL:LOCATION \u00eele de Rota ] ]", "slot_string": "32:40:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,56:66:SL:DATE_TIME,72:84:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231373232323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "parle \u00e0 Ezra sur WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ezra ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:CONTACT,18:26:SL:NAME_APP"} +{"id": "3231363734393033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ai-je manqu\u00e9 des appels au cours des heures pr\u00e9c\u00e9dentes ?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME au cours des heures pr\u00e9c\u00e9dentes ] ]", "slot_string": "25:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231363430353730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Il fait bon dehors", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE bon ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} +{"id": "3231363031393032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'une alarme \u00e0 6 h mardi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 6 h mardi ] ]", "slot_string": "25:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353538313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fera-t-il \u00e0 16h ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 16h ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353537303839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment va \u00e9voluer le temps ce samedi ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME ce samedi ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353232303334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "fr", "input": "\u00c9v\u00e8nements sportifs programm\u00e9s pour demain \u00e0 Austin", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT sportifs ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour demain ] [SL:LOCATION \u00e0 Austin ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,34:45:SL:DATE_TIME,46:55:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3231343538353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je voudrais parler \u00e0 Deanne Pabey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Deanne Pabey ] ]", "slot_string": "22:34:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333936323735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "vois si pauline veut venir \u00e0 mes retrouvailles de thanksgiving", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT pauline ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT veut venir \u00e0 mes retrouvailles de thanksgiving ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:RECIPIENT,16:63:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231333534353135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Je dois appeler Dave", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dave ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333530343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle Mitch", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mitch ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231323839303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un message \u00e0 Tyson et demande-lui comment on va \u00e0 son bureau \u00e0 Colleyville", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Tyson ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT comment on va \u00e0 son bureau \u00e0 Colleyville ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPIENT,42:84:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323738343333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "peux-tu \u00e9crire bonjour \u00e0 Mike sans cesse jusqu'\u00e0 ce qu'il r\u00e9ponde", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT bonjour ] [SL:RECIPIENT Mike ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:CONTENT_EXACT,27:31:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231323335363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappel pour les vacances", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO vacances ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231323335353737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "annule le rappel sur ma s\u00e9ance d\u2019entra\u00eenement", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED ma ] [SL:TODO s\u00e9ance d\u2019entra\u00eenement ] ]", "slot_string": "21:23:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:49:SL:TODO"} +{"id": "3231313436303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de dire aux enfants de pr\u00e9parer leurs maillots de bain pour le voyage de la semaine prochaine.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO dire aux enfants de pr\u00e9parer leurs maillots de bain pour le voyage ] [SL:DATE_TIME semaine prochaine ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:83:SL:TODO,90:107:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231313433343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de d\u00e9placer ma voiture de l'autre c\u00f4t\u00e9 de la rue demain matin.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO d\u00e9placer ma voiture de l'autre c\u00f4t\u00e9 de la rue ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain matin ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:64:SL:TODO,65:77:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3139373634383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quel temps fait-il \u00e0 El Dorado Hills ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION El Dorado Hills ] ]", "slot_string": "22:37:SL:LOCATION"} +{"id": "3138393932343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "fr", "input": "qui \u00e9tait l'ancien employeur de Regan ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Regan ] ]", "slot_string": "33:38:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3138393930383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "fr", "input": "Lu est all\u00e9e \u00e0 UofA il y a combien de temps ?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Lu ] [SL:SCHOOL UofA ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:CONTACT,17:21:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393831333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'essaie de savoir si l'un de mes amis est dipl\u00f4m\u00e9 de la SFSU", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED mes ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:SCHOOL SFSU ] ]", "slot_string": "30:33:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,34:38:SL:TYPE_RELATION,59:63:SL:SCHOOL"} +{"id": "3138393734373536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "fr", "input": "Donne-moi le nom des amis de Katie.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION amis ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Katie ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:TYPE_RELATION,29:34:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} +{"id": "3136343035363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Ajoute une nouvelle minuterie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "3135323839323233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Peux-tu r\u00e9gler le r\u00e9veil pour qu\u2019il se d\u00e9clenche dans 24 heures", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER r\u00e9veil ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 24 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER,54:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3134313539323835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9rature aujourd'hui \u00e0 Shanghai Fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME aujourd'hui ] [SL:LOCATION Shanghai ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:DATE_TIME,28:36:SL:LOCATION,37:47:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3133343138383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de calories dans une c\u00f4telette de porc", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Combien ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH c\u00f4telette de porc ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,11:19:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,29:47:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132353830323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Quelle est la temp\u00e9rature", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "39353635353430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Joue I heard they suck live de NOFX", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE I heard they suck live ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME NOFX ] ]", "slot_string": "5:27:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,31:35:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} +{"id": "39353136353736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a aux infos sur les incendies de Californie ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE infos ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC incendies de Californie ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:61:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} +{"id": "39343935353031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "musique des ann\u00e9es 60", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE ann\u00e9es 60 ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,12:22:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39343735373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "combien j'ai r\u00e9gl\u00e9 de minuteries pour l'instant", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuteries ] ]", "slot_string": "24:34:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343534353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "J'ai besoin d'une recette de b\u00e9b\u00e9 hollandais \u00e0 la myrtille", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH b\u00e9b\u00e9 hollandais \u00e0 la myrtille ] ]", "slot_string": "29:61:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3231373233373830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie un message vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Kendra", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Kendra ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231373233333539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "envoie une vid\u00e9o \u00e0 Charlie", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT vid\u00e9o ] [SL:RECIPIENT Charlie ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,21:28:SL:RECIPIENT"} +{"id": "3231363431323832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Va-t-il pleuvoir \u00e0 16 heures", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE pleuvoir ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 16 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231353531353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Cr\u00e9e une alarme d'exercice demain \u00e0 midi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME exercice ] [SL:DATE_TIME demain \u00e0 midi ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:ALARM_NAME,28:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3231333532393638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que Kim est en ligne ?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Kim ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT"} +{"id": "3231333435323538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "fr", "input": "montre-moi qui peut parler", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323932353131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "fr", "input": "Envoie un texto \u00e0 Joe pour lui dire que je serai l\u00e0 dans une heure", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Joe ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT je serai l\u00e0 dans une heure ] ]", "slot_string": "19:22:SL:RECIPIENT,41:68:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} +{"id": "3231323338343536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle un rappel", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER ]", "slot_string": ""} +{"id": "3231323331383732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Rappelle-moi de sortir la lessive dans 45 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED moi ] [SL:TODO sortir la lessive ] [SL:DATE_TIME dans 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:33:SL:TODO,34:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3134313539303632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Temp\u00e9rature \u00e0 Seattle ce soir en Fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] [SL:DATE_TIME ce soir ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:LOCATION,24:31:SL:DATE_TIME,35:45:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} +{"id": "3133343634323535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Qu'est-ce qu'un Bulletproof Coffee", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH Bulletproof Coffee ] ]", "slot_string": "16:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} +{"id": "3132363232333735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "radar pour el paso \u00e0 15 heures", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION el paso ] [SL:DATE_TIME \u00e0 15 heures ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:LOCATION,19:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "3132363038363633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets de la musique dance.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE musique ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE dance ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:24:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} +{"id": "39353336383631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'une veste pour ce soir ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE veste ] [SL:DATE_TIME pour ce soir ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,35:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39353332343634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "Mets une alarme mercredi \u00e0 10 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME mercredi \u00e0 10 h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343932303338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "fr", "input": "R\u00e8gle l'alarme pour 8 h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME pour 8 h ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} +{"id": "39343836383239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "Combien de temps reste-t-il sur ce minuterie", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "35:44:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343836323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "fr", "input": "10 minutes sur la minuterie s\u2019il te pla\u00eet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER minuterie ] ]", "slot_string": "0:10:SL:DATE_TIME,18:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} +{"id": "39343536363832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "fr", "input": "Comment faire un sandwich au fromage ?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sandwich au fromage ] ]", "slot_string": "17:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} \ No newline at end of file