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GraduaHy, 't\"he ClAL beco mes a selfsustaining small business."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"The CIAL as synthesis Ukc most sCécessfu; ideas in rural devdoprnem, the CIt\\L meÚwdology blends me t~j!!.4~~¡th new e!~!!~rsJf:?~U!~de the fáImers' envm.mment."},{"index":3,"size":112,"text":"------:Let' s be;;; wit'h rhe traditional and i:tdigenous, T~aditional farming wed to be perceived as a static system in wh;ch farmers unquestioningly Cid whac d\".elI' parents had ¿one. But during rhe 198üs sociaJ scienrt.m began te uncover a rich searrl of spomaneous aperimentadQo in sud: systeP.1s. Many farmers were .avid collectors of new GOp species Of varieües, which they tésted in small niches on weir farms. 0:he1s sought ::1ew ways of éontroUing pests. -ar..d diseases, or of maintaining so:, fe:tiliry and prC'~nr~ i:tg e~osion. This \"hi¿den research system\" CO:1st¡tuted a vast tesou:ce fOí tech.:lology developme!H and disseminadon that had beer:. more or less ig:lOted by the formal pubb.:~5ectOr researd: and ex~ension servlces."},{"index":4,"size":41,"text":"Ar sbout me same rime, development workers in non-govemrr.enr úrganizations (NGOs) and a rew scientisrs in rhe formal research system began crüiciung formal reseaxc. ... for ¡es lack of impacr on reso,.1tce~poor farming syStelru, The critici-sms were of NO malO lcint.s."},{"index":5,"size":43,"text":"Em, sdenrtsts were accused or adopting a \"tcp~down\" approaó ro technolúgy ¿es:ga in which farmers' needs and apininns were nO[ adequately taken ¡neo accounc Thc:: resdt was techno[ogH~s rhat were toO expensíve or too dt:ma;¡ding of labour tú be useE.d te small~!Kale farmers."},{"index":6,"size":38,"text":"In particular, the forma: systerr., wirh its Iimited resources, was unable to produce technQlogies tha[ were sl:fficientl~\" aópted ro che highly varid needs oE re.souf<:e-poor f:mcers H1 the díverse and risk~p:one en .... ironmer.ts typi<:al of rainfed agricuhure."},{"index":7,"size":83,"text":"The dearesr example {lf the jusrice of this kind o: <:rüicis:n is rhe blanke: fertHiur :ecommendation. Even rodar. sden::s~s and extensio:1 workers reguJarly recommenct :hat far;ners use expensive (aad oner: unavaila.ble) commerciai ferrih'lers in amúunts tr.at far exceed wha( r,hc::y <:an affo~¿ Tbe same recommendac:ons are made year arre! year ror large aceas cf t ... ir:.fed _ _ _ Investing in People agriculture, despite {he faer rh:u acruaJ. needs: vary so gready in time and space that sucn recornmendaüons are \\rirruaUy r:leaning!ess,"},{"index":8,"size":51,"text":"The criticism wa:, somew;;at les:> jUH when it was apphed to oew cap varieties, many of which tumed om te be bencr adapted tO the neds of reSOl.:.tce-poor farmers than the c:itics or:ginally thought, B'J[ ever: t~ese nften need more resring a( loca! leve! (han me formaJ resea;ch .sys:::-rr: can ddiver."},{"index":9,"size":70,"text":"The second majC\"r criticism \",,\"as tha: che link; ':xnvee::l :es wanted tO contJ('.ae doing me:r OWf'. research in smaU groups, shanng (he restiles wirh the w.de~ :ocal com.n:un~ry. But th~f needed che help of a technician te get therr. s:artoo, Thry i.so neeced funds w suppor:: their research, and il.5ked .\\shby tú hdp raise ther:l."},{"index":3,"size":169,"text":"The seed 5catcered by [ decline. Ac the highe: altitudes, thcse problems are (;ompo~mded by IQW temperatures, hall, Eros! and-s'JrprisingJy--drought, Reflecting this copography, society is highly polarized, From che times of the conquistadores onwards, rhe powcrful and rich !lave colonized me plai!lli, disp!;lLjng che ¿efencdess aud. the puof, who raú tefuge in :he hJlk The process of displacemen: ccnttcues roday, as che wealthier urban dasses bliy finca! in rhe lower hiU areas c:ose ro ciries, forcing cp prices :0 levds that che local:;: cannot afford, and as large farmers expmd their haciendas wirh iopunity, driving our sc:dcrs from land officially classified as \"unuscd\", .A\", cOr.lbination oE popuiation grOwt:t, dedlning crop yidds aud acure land scardey 15 forcing agriculrure to expa:ld inca higher and higher areas, at che expense of remaining areas of fores;::, These higher areas are the home of tbe region's original inhabítants, the In¿¡ans. who are today its poorest e!hn:c group. They are also the tefuge, in sorne coun:ó::s. of guerrilla movem('nts, ar:ned gangs and drug rraffickers."},{"index":4,"size":68,"text":"The stare: úf Cauca, on CLAT's doorm:p in sourhem Colorr:bia, is one of the coumry's poorest and mosr inequitajle, Ir:s sr.u.Hholders, who represenr more rnan 80% of ,he popdaüon, own only 22% of the land, oEren farming areas of less rhan 2 hecrtttes. Here d\".ey grow -a wu:le: array of foad a:id cash crops indudlflg rr.aize, bearu, coffee and suga; ;;:ane, U5ually at ve:y low levds of pmducüviry."},{"index":5,"size":97,"text":"This area, already the lacadan of the previous Fúr¿ and Kellogg projecrs, prúvided rhe ideal tesúng gWl,;.nd fo: the new CIAL concept. Irs higWy diverse, risk~prone farr:ling sysce:ns pres~nted formal re~ search and devdopment with a [ormidab;c challenge tO Whlch they ha¿ flot proved equaL The h:w improved rechnologics that han :,een devdoped had rea~hed f<ümets' flelds oruy in minute qu.u:t:.úes. At the samé t:me, me rural éommun~r¡es of Cauea were krlOwc for twc fearures thar wouid provide a firm foue.daríon for che C:AL methodology: their cOrnr:l.uniey s?írir ar,d the ca?a::i¡;y of tr.eir farrr.ers for spontaneous experimentation."},{"index":6,"size":410,"text":"In 1990 rhe CLAT-IPRt\\ ream launcned nve pilot CIAls in Cauea, The nve has: commu:liries were chosen :0 test r!11: concept i::: different msüruuonal scrrings. Three of therr.-El Diviso, So;ará ar.d San Bosco-already !tad mong fatmets' áSsociations, a fcaturc tha: sugge.sred a sucng sense of commt.:.niry. A rounn, a: Por,aéuelo, provided an op?O~tuni:y to invoive 8.:l NGO in establishing a!1d gw.idi::g :he Clf.L, wh:le a fifth, Cinco Dia.s, had no pre-exisIÍr:g i:1stin~rio:1S r..'-,at :Tlig;H suppor~ ~he proccss. As a farmer, QuintaniHo had plc!'!i:)' of expe-rie!lce in rhe rradi:ional pracrice-s used tú ratse crops and livestcck :n the poo; hiUside areas cf his home provin:::e ofSanta Barbara, Bu, he lacked access tO improve¿ techncl~ ogy. which sddor.1 reached this remúte conmunity suspended bigh above the plalns where me government ~eed and exteosion 5er.¡i~et are based. Like many of his friends, QuincániUo had núrked how che nadi.::onal variet'j of ma:ze h ... d become susceptible ro pests anci diseases ir: recenr years. Yielés had fallen sttadíly, and he seldom had a surplus for sale. Applying feniliur didn't soive the ptobkm, since lhe planes just gre'N r:all ilnd then fdl clown :n me wir.d, And wimom fertiiize: [he s01l was becoming exhausted, acx;cle:' the ClAL becomes 3,:1 insuun:ent in ~he srruggie:o improve me lo! of womer. in societÍes where r:ber are srill ro~rü:ely repressed."},{"index":6,"size":135,"text":"Somerimes the early stages of the CLAL process allow rhe eIAL members ar.d .he community to dew.:lop explicir, shared aspirations. At Palmichal, eIAL members speak (lf a \"drcam\" which., rhey say, emerged from cheir group bur i$ now increasingly shared by the cornrr:.anit)' through ti:eir n:.eerings on che many trips he makes to other comrr.unities rhat llave ye! to starr cheir QWr:. elAL"}]},{"head":"Growth. equity, sustainability","index":18,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":164,"text":"Jiu events ar: El Diviso derr:onsuare, che erAL process can stimulate rapid growth in the rural economy. Launcned in 1990, El Diviso is among the more advanced ClALs, bur rnany othe!s show a s¡m¡~ar evolution, with 3. prómise of similar impacr. (W'hat percentage of CIALs are evolving in this direedon? Do we have any real data on impact on family farm income?) W'irh ¡tS emphasis on I':':mpowctment, the CL.!...J, process a.:so has ~ighly positive e,:!uiry effects, Severa} cases demonsuato:: its impacr on very poor or margbaiíz.c:d groups normally leh: behind by devl!Iopmem, such as landless labóuro::rs, lndian;; aud womcn (see Chapeer ), Need data Qn Íncomes of poar people who bave benefitted. Any hard data 00 landless po::oplo:: at San B? Are any women's grQUps or ludian gmups panicularly profitable? Onea, che simplest innovation.> cae bring impressive benehrs (O margir'.alized groups. At Sama Isabel, h;gh ín (he mountaim of Cauea, a \"This methodo/ogy is extremely useful. 1 'alk abo\", it wherever 1 go\"-..... Medardo."}]},{"head":"I I","index":19,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":93,"text":"lnvestirg in People _____________________ -.. 36 group of r-esource-poor India:\\ mmers began using stak.es and srr,ng te 5UppOrt meir snap bean crop arte! they had come ¡r:.to cont.lcr w:rh anothe! eIAL using me same tecnni on (he susuinabiliry of prod:¡crion devdopmg more mstamabie agricu~:ure, CIPAS:.A r.egotiares deals be;;ween communides and individuals in which sociaily and ecologicaliy ¿cs,:ahie pfójeCts such as the prore:::üon of water :esources are undenaken !n l\":xchar.ge foc sr.orHerrr:. benetl.ts such as ¿ccess to <:re:dü fOf spec¡uc lnvestments,"}]},{"head":"Assessing impact","index":20,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":30,"text":"In in ~hose without-700/0 cOffipared witb únly 48%-and thac mos! oi mese have adopted a~ ¡cast Qfie itr:?roved variery, The data on matze are expec,ed to show a similar rrend."},{"index":2,"size":27,"text":"Farmers in el), L comml!nities aiso g,ow more vegetables, have greacer aco::ss tú . In principie, the advamage of deciding on priomies ar a 1 ?ublic meet:ng is that ir :;;re3.ces an open, :ransparenr proct:ss ir. w:-:'¡c-n I anyo.:'ll! is free te par,tcrpa:e a:;..:! which aH can agree ro be f ... i:. In prlCtiCe, nowever, :: ma)' no! Gui{e work Out mar way ]acq;.,¡e!ir..e .A.shb;:, forr.~er"},{"index":5,"size":73,"text":"r coordinator of che CIAT-IPRA ream, cúmments: \"The rescaró agenda is ¡ set by rhe communiry-but the commur.ity i';sdf is herercgenOl,Js, (.ons¡st~ I ing of youog and old, male and female, wea1\".:hy an¿ poor, landed and í landless. No! aU tuese g:oups will be represemed at che meeting, so the resulcing priorh::es will be priorities onty for sorne,\" resulrs to the co:nmu:1ir.y will not be mpported wben it sows ícs neXI year's trial."},{"index":6,"size":78,"text":"The ,hree formal meetings are che mose imporrarH means of commu;ücat:on between [he ClAl and rhe communiry, buc chere are omers, Mar.y community cooms in CLAl villages have posten¡ disp:,ayi:lg :he remlts of resea.rch, lo sorne CLfu, the secretar)' procuces a writren re?orr: dcsc:ibing the trials and theu fi!ldings~úhough t1:is is nor usua11y made widely avaHable. Almosr all ClALs have ao extensionist, whose responsibi1iry is ro spread awareness ané proyide advice and help to orhers. ClAL me:nbers car."},{"index":7,"size":163,"text":"\"freo be co:;tacted iodívidually, in the comml:niey room 01 at rheir hO!\".1es. And during che cropping stason (here are pleu:y of opporru,Iicies ier Inves¡'ng in People infO.tma.l dialogue across che fence or meeí the plces :hemselvcs. A~ Palmichal, in Hondu;as, ane CIAl. :nem:;¡er uid.: \"?eople pass by my ::'dds and ask me what J am doing, so 1 have a ieaching pwces.~ undcr way•'. Nicaraglia provides a good example of communay involveme:u :lCt enly in priótlry setcing and evaluarían bu, aiso in trial imp!ernenr.:uion. The people úfNuevo PensamÍen;;o, and make ie work for them despít/!' a discouraging lack of suppot't fmm che men. He:e 15 the srory of orce such group."}]},{"head":"Revolt In the kitchen","index":27,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":24,"text":"\"When the men organized their CIA.L, che oniy role assigned ro liS women .vas to cook and wash up fer rhem ar rheix meetings.\""},{"index":2,"size":52,"text":"The speaker ís Ana Margot Campo, c::xrensionisr wirn d-.e Cinco Dias womeas' group at l~.1f(}nsa, Colombia. Campo was one of severa! women present at: rhe motivacional meeting thar had :aunche¿ Alfonsa's first CL!\\L, back in 1990. She and the orhers had lisrened :n sHeet n:semment ru; me men had lefr rhem out."},{"index":3,"size":58,"text":"A few weeks later, Campo was among ,he women roiling away in me comrr.unity hail's small kitchen during one of the mens meetings. fu usual, me 'Nomen were grumblmg abou~ me men, reliev!ng the :edium of rheir chores through mockery and laughter. Bur rhey grew serious when Qne of mem said, \"W'ny don'r we start our Qwn CLA,.12\""},{"index":4,"size":52,"text":"The 'llamen were e:1musiasúc about the idea, but dec¡¿ed (O keep ir under wra?s. They knew chat, if (hey announced ir ro me men, rhey wúulc only be l.aughed a:, Over the r-ex( few weeks, as rhe me:1 conti:lUed with rheir ov,rn meeúngs to diS':::U55 the b\"..LSiness of the communitv's offidal elAL."},{"index":5,"size":57,"text":", , a parallel unoffical plar:ning pro-cess (OO~ pll.ce behind che communiry hai;'s kitchen ¿oor, The kitchen p:oved the ideal place ro conduct che g:-oup's diagnosric work, the women discussing rhe pros and coos of e\"ach ing:ediem as rhe}' prepared i( and placed le in tne pOt, Beaes? The men are al:-eady tesearchíng 5 ' . , "}]},{"head":"Investng in Peopíe","index":28,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"52","index":29,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":39,"text":"rhat. Piamain? Tha.t's a man's erop. Coffee: No, not prof:table eno'Jgr .. In the ene che group set:ted on mara, a blackber:y r:rae ¡$ ideal for proce.,sing in the horne a:1d woC:d b:ing in some badly ncedcd e.Xlra cash."},{"index":2,"size":103,"text":"After simmering for several weeks the idea carr:e to tne boiL a:: \\•,..hi;:h púbr ir could r.o long.:; be concealed fIom the mer:. w\"her: the wome;-, roid them of dleir p!aru, (he reactio::l was predicrable: hatf plitronizi::g disbe~.ief, half an am:mpt tú musde in what sounded H.i<:e d possible rr:.one:-: earnn \"You women won'( be abie (O do the Sdd wc-rk\", che mee:. a;gued, \"so we ought tú help fau\". Tile women :eplied that Óej' wamed lO be ¡;, \"wot:'!en only\" group. JUSt as they rook care oE {he housework and chll¿re::. by then:~ sdves, se roo woul¿ they manage the fidd work."},{"index":3,"size":62,"text":"The women posred announceme:n:s :n the vii:age shop ' !:o recu:t more women to (he group. They then lal,lr.ched their research, cOIT.paring differer.t var¡eties oE mora b>lsh fo! frule prodt:ctiviry ar.d q\".laliry, Iniúaily de~ pe:ldam on the men's group fOI ft,;.nds, rhe new erAL sooe b:oke away ro start Jrs own bank account whe:n che money prornised by the men never mateúatized."},{"index":4,"size":36,"text":"The CIAL's research has r..ow reache¿ the productian pIo: Hage. In I:1aterial :erms tU; ¡mpac. is stiil :nadesL The mora bush researc!1e.rs, jusr like the Glen. There has bee:l a sh¡ft towards a more equirab!e sharing oE hO'..l5ehold tasks. with :nen who once refused to cook or tO :ook after chU¿ren now standing in for rr.elr wives 01: evenings when rhey go OUt to meetings\""},{"index":6,"size":58,"text":"The revolt that started in thc: kitchen h¿,s become a revclutÍon \\\\+J\\.lse effccts have sprc:a¿ throughour the home, l\\nd ltS impact should sooe be felt .:nateri¡¡Jly, as well as psychologkally, Dc:spite d:e;r eariy setback.s, tile wernen plan tú scalc: up ptoducrion and ro seU rneir produce, tt:H in the vl~:agc: snop J.:ld th.cn in a nearby markcr tDwn."},{"index":7,"size":43,"text":"The Communíty's Verdict _ _ _ a natior.al resea:cn imtirut!:, a non-government organizar;on (NGO~', a:-.d fa:mers' organiza6ons at comrnunjry leveL Tt-.e raüona!e fo: .he triangular rdadonship was chal ir would bri:1g rhe different strcngtb.s o: each o/pe of ic.s~.turion :mo the eIAl prog:amtr.e."},{"index":8,"size":142,"text":"Experlence jn the Cauea labora:ory had sr.own Chal the strongest C:..u.s formed in villages with a strong preweristing f;¡rmers' a.ssooado.r... lnvolvir.g the universities would be a way of drawing the:n ¡nto the mainst:eam of natiol1al development and bUilding rhe fun;.;e human capitai :avalláble tO naxional agrículturd R&D by iarroducng ¡he CIAL me:hodology ioto che teaching curriculum. The NGOs weré feh te be idea'. parmers in disse:ni.~ narir.g the mcchodoíogy, giVé:l their 3trong li::lks Wlth rural com::nunlt.cs and their cornrr.:tment ro parcici?atory a?proaches te devdopmem Disseminating the methodology t In pracrice, ir proved difficult tu get a ~ode: triangular relarioruhíp up and l runr.ing. Eít,\\.oer all ó.~ rypes of institucicn we:e:ú operational::1 the same geogta?hical atea or, if mey were, O:1~ or other Ol rhe:n :umed out r.Ot te be fully commiued to th~ elAL process or Dor ab!:: (Q SúppCrt it efect~vdy."},{"index":9,"size":14,"text":"Like many big ideas, the triangular ~e!ationsh.¡p foundered '.vhen ;t hit me real world."},{"index":10,"size":17,"text":"FowJ.r:arely, mis did nor impede disserc:nacion cf me merhodolog, 1 I~~~~~_and.1h~ rather than a ?crfec: insrirutíor:al model."},{"index":11,"size":11,"text":"1 provee the key re50urce ir. building a successfu! CL'i.:\"\" progtarnmc."},{"index":12,"size":48,"text":"The CIATIPRA tearo estimare che toral m:.mber cf ClAI.s la;.:ncne¿ in partne, counaies during the projecr at a,ound ..... Numbcos aIone do nor (di the whole soory, of course, Stnce ,hey give no indicado;, of rhe q:liítv 0= (he ClAL process. However, acco:¿ing ro me team's c'bservat10ns, 5Lcces~ful"},{"index":13,"size":112,"text":"ClALs have been -established in all particip:1ting coumr;es. :nerhodology came abou: originaUy through che Proyecto Prorecráo Fitosanltária Sustentávd da Mar.dioca (FROFlS~iA.}, a coUaborative cassav¡), IPM project berwee.:l elAT and che Centro Naóonal de l)esquisia Mandioca y Frutietúura (CNPMF), a commodicy reStafen centre of me Empresa Brasiliera de: Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Local extenslon serv:ces played a key pan in ensuring scccessfi . . I1 impleme;¡raüon EMBRAPA hAs since taken up the mechodology entnusiastically and now wlshes :0 apply ir natÍonW:de:. Ir has submitted a project to rhe World Bank for funding to trair: a core: group of national stafF. The ir.sti~ute has aIso received :equests ro te:;t the CIAL concept in Ponuguese speaking'Africa."},{"index":14,"size":112,"text":"• CO/Mnbia, Tile eIAL prog:amme :n CIr.T's hosr country goes from srrengl:h ro sct1!ngrh. Cauca Depam:lcnr now has over 50 active CL.1J...s, many of chem at an advanced stage. The C . .mdinaP.larca region, near Bogora, has become a secona. centre of acriviry, with over 20 CtAl.s launched by che Corporadón Colombiana de Jnve~t¡gación Agropecuaria (CORPOlCA), t~e cou:my's na::onal agricultunu rescarch insritute\" A variant of the elAL has been devdoped for cassava producers and p:ocet\\,$Qrs 0:1 the country's I'.orrh ceas!, and a few CIALs have bee:1 devdoped in VaUe Department. Tne exrension services, together with a number ofNGOs, have become active paw:ers alongside CL!\\T~IPFA sud CORPOICA. CORPOiC/\\ plans to apply {he-methodology narionwide."},{"index":15,"size":71,"text":"• Ecuador. Th< Ir.ala proragonisl in Ecuador i;;: che Programa Nacional de Invest¡gación de la Papa (FORTIPAPA), a potato reseatch projec.r of rhe Instie..1to Naciona! de Investigacio:1cs Agropecuarias (INLA;F), which has iaunch::d an active ClALs prograrnme d:rough INIAP's extension a::m, :he Unidades de Validacion y Transferencia di Technólogi:a Ac:iviús (UV\\tTs:. From use soidy in connect\\on wirh patato, rhe CIAL approach is now spreading tO omer com:nodities, índuding mai2c, barley a;¡d !e-gumes."},{"index":16,"size":162,"text":"Training has been 11 key derr:ent in (he bLilding oE a core na~¡onal :eam, which i.s now tra¡ning otbers (,ice Chapter ... ). Activ:cies in Ecuador are: ccordi:uued by ,be bten:adonal Insúrute for Rura! Reconstn.,:crlor: mRR), an NGO with á presence in severa! Laün r..merícan countries. A J.r.ive:sity social SCÍence program:ne, the Fundación La,inoamericana de Ciencias SociaJes CrLACSQ), has made valuab!e training inputS. mai:;ly in che nonh of the count:y. Tr.e Es<:uda Agrico;a Panamer:Cd-'1a (EAP), basea ;¿c che Uníversida¿ de Zamorano, ir: the sou::a, has HS own separate CIAL program:ne, A national NGO, rhe Fomemo b'ag'úco pa:a el Progreso de Honduras (FEPROH), has also oeen ae: ac:ive partr:er. STatl from aH rnree jns~itution5 have received rra.liing from IPRA-CL -\\T and hase gone on tO traín others. Prog:ess has been rapid, wirh a total of ncady 50 CLA.ls now launched. IPCA hopes to evalve imo an NGO i:1 200C, when Gudph fundi:J.g .$tops. and ro b:oaden in activiües to oilier Cen(cal An.erican counnies."},{"index":17,"size":133,"text":"• NicaragU/l.. Here a Swis~Aunded NGO nct\\4fork rhe Preyecro de i\\gricul:ura Sos~en¡b;e para las Laderas Cemroamc:;canas (?A.501ACI, W'd.$ se~ected as :;. parener organilarion because of itS exte:nsive hl1ks wir!l. natior,ai instin:.ticns. PTD and fatmer-to•farme:-ap9roac:hes haw trad;cicn.a.liy hdd 5W::i.y in ;\":ica~agU<1, w;th (he resutt eha: (nere was sorne rcs¡s:ance tO che ir.::oduction of anocher mer:.~odo¡ogy. A course was he1d in 1996 :or 18 panicipants froro t\"*0 unlvenities an¿ ni:1! NGOs .. A_free che C0U~$e. around eignr or nine CIA.L.s were launched. buc cnly nve gOl as far a~ sO'wing cheir f:rst [úa':. 7he InsLlww de Promoc!on Humana {lNPHRuí, a rxal \"SGO, Many differem lcinds (lf peop:e have had a hand in disseminating che elAL merhodology-Farmers, techniciam and pa.raprofessionals, nadonal 5ciemisrs and resea:ch managers, university acadernlcs, NGO workers. What can we learn from rheir experiences?"}]},{"head":"Academics get their hands dirty","index":30,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"Agricultural univerl>tties in Latin Arnerica have long oeen urged tú confronr me practicat chaUenges of narional developmer.c The eIAL metr.odology 15 helping tl-,.em do so."},{"index":2,"size":123,"text":"No nne k.r:ows this better than Nelson Carnero, who works in :he Unir Project ar Honrt<.ll'as' inter:lationally renowned FAp, based at Zarr.orano L'niversity. The project is responsible for inrroducing ~hc CIAL concepr tO an aéadernic communiry whose wíde-rar.ging regional act:vities lL'1d bus)' teaching prúgramme have In the pas! kept i: some\\'i!har alooE fmm the farmers in its own backyard, the Yeguare regLan. The CIALs work is pan: of a broader eftort to st:rr.uhue rhe region's developmenL Accoreing ro Gamero, :he litde app!ied research aud exren:non wo:k carrie-d Out by the udversity u.sed ro foUow a linear process in which r-esea:ch was cO:Jductcd on sration before recommendatiom: were made tO fa:mers\" \"We caHed it participatory\", he sa;'s, \"bu< ir was participarory in name only.\""},{"index":3,"size":72,"text":"Since 1996. che project has sta:ted n:ne CL4...:...s, aU cf w!'tlch are ,on~ ducting rescarch on beans and maize. Fa:mers say ;:hey are delighred nor only with me:lew :echnology in~tO¿llced bu! also with the change (hey have nottced in che L:niversir;/s attimde towards them. They now coJoy increased contact with universiry staff, who visit meir cornmur.ities more ofte;¡ and invite d:em, in turn, te visir the llniversi;,y, whe:e :hey evaluate r.ew bear."},{"index":4,"size":5,"text":"varictics on the research statio:1."},{"index":5,"size":31,"text":"Gamero says thar experience with the CLtú.. methodology has so far had irs greatesc impact on che universi:y's bcan programme, which is núw plan~ ning irs own CLA,l. ac::vidcs L:1ciependendy ofUnir. "}]},{"head":"Driven by technology","index":31,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":85,"text":"Gonzales 15 normally a reÍaxed, unhurried driv<:r. Bt:.r not wd;;.y. Gonzales i5 cm his way to the regional research starion of the Direccíon de Ciencia y TecnologiaAglopecuaria. (DiCTA), Honduras' natio::tal research institure. This year, for the firsr ttme, che station's seed producuon u:1it has promised him enough ¡mproved maize s«d to meet the r:.eeds of [he ecnre CIA..L prograrnme. Goc1.a1es is making sure he's on time ro pick up rhe predo'J.S packets before che unir's manager changes his mina aad gives ther.1 to someone else."},{"index":2,"size":143,"text":"In Honduras as in moS! ocher Latir. i\\ .. 'tl.erican cour::¡ies, se:ed (lf improved varieries is scarce and competido:! rOí ü hoc, Previously, rru: IPeA. Project r.asn': had prloíi;:y m rhe qu.eue for supplies, buc last year saw a breakrhroug.}¡; invired to the annJal ClALs meecing, senior DICTA Haff were so impressed \"\",irh whar ¡hey neard and saw thar they made a \\:or:1r:Urment tt:e:e ;¡nd rhen tO meet che prcgrar.lme's den:and fo: n:.aize and bean .leed ~ry yea;. CIA:.Ls sucU as El' Gonz .. !es' dash to che research ¡¡ratian i5 a rneas1.lre of ~he ¡mport.:.lr.ce he atuches to n~w technotogy in securing and reuinieg eh: interes: of f\\ith~ holding money fmm che ClA.ls. In one case, an NGO refused ro re:ease funds donated by CL<\\T tO i::s CIALs, which werc requesring rhem to :ntrt1 Colombia alcne has an es'.:.mared 80 000 NGOs, most operatir.g at iocx or regionallevel with no overarch~ng body {ha! coordir,a[cs rheir activi:;es. Th\" iarge imernarional NGOs-Sasaka'h\"a Globa: 2000, Wúdd Visten. S;¡ve rhe Ch:;dren-:nat have sl.:.<:h a high profile i:i Africa are cO:1spic;.¡ow; by ~!1eir absence in Latín Amertca. Many oE che smaller NGOs !.,.ck che funes tO tl.:.:! their ovcr-ambitious prograr:l.mes, which in errecI oh:er. NGOs mUe a great deal of rheir g:ass•roots ide:1tiry wien the farming co:runuruty and rheir parriciparory approach to devdopme:rr:, while afeen accusing researchers ofbeing alcof fmm the farmers' real worlc!. ana seeklng to ¡ropose solucioru fmm on high. The CLA.T-IPRA. experience suggesrs tha: the NGO cornmuniry wauld do ber::er to Pu.c:ts owr: house in order befare lec~uring orhers. Those who preach ti: participawrf approach mO,H leudIy seem, on current form, least able te practÍse ie."},{"index":5,"size":38,"text":"The farmers' answer (n 1990, a group offarmers in Co:omhia's Cauea Department suggested forming a second-order organizatiolí tú prorecr and promote the intercs:ts of the CLA.Ls. The !esuLt WJ.S CORFOCIAL, an umbreUa auo:::iadoa grouping the depanment's 55 CIAL~."},{"index":6,"size":46,"text":"Funded trom the imerest on che invested capiral. sum Id: over at the énd oE me second Kellogg Foundatiolí ptcjecc, CORFOCIAL has its own Board ofTruSlees and a starr oC chree paraprofessionals who operare from a :iny office in rhe horne of ltS leader, Alfonso Truque."},{"index":7,"size":57,"text":"Asked how CORFOCIAL benefits me CM .. l..i, Truque jmmediatdy ci.tes independ.ence froro other organizariol1S, He and his fellow scaffhave ¿irect experi~ ence ot hcw me OAL process can be subverced when chose professing to support ir rry to control ir instead, They ;ice théir oair: challenge as \"sur-veiibH,;ce of the baste principies rhac underpin the CIALs' "}]},{"head":"Basic principies","index":36,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"Experiences during me third Kellog projecr shcv! that the eIAL process ¡S indeec repUcabie. However, to replicare i: we~l ir is vital tO observe cerrair: basic principies."},{"index":2,"size":7,"text":"Farmcrs muse retaiu control of che process. "}]},{"head":"On Course for Impact","index":37,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"The CIAL procm is a karning experimee flr al! invowed. "}]},{"head":"Seeing Is believing","index":38,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":160,"text":"In 1996 Luis Humbe:rto Fierro was ane cf 10 sciencisrs and technicians from CORPOIC.A.., Colombia's narional agricultura! ;esearch institutc, who wem on a train:ng cou.,e Ín rhe ClAL merhodology orga:üzed by CLl\\:f-IPRA, Two years later, Fi.errQ retajns two vivid memoncs of thl! c.ourse, The firH was how, 00 the opening day, many of his colleagues expressed scepticisr:; and anxiety. What was rhe poim of asléng farmers [O do research wnen scientiscs could do ir beuer, they had asked, And if farmers codd do rescarch. didn'r mar mean me sdendsLS would be out of a job? ' Fitrro's second memory is of (he C'hange of attitude :hat occurred W!-téÚ the coursc participanu visíred the Cauca regio n and saw che CIALs at work. \"We were confronted with farmen who were smmgly rr.otivated, cQnfidem about what rhey w\\!re doing aud keen to t:y ocw r-edmology\", says FJI!fro, \"Even the most resistant people in om grodF we~e con verted by whac chey \""},{"index":2,"size":1,"text":"saw."}]},{"head":"An intensive course","index":39,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":146,"text":"Fiec;o's account resdfies ro me power of the uaíning provided by CIAT~ IPRA tO convince and inspire. Sur (he rrain:ng e.xperience should be more than ¡use a conversion ro the cause: it must alsc be a chorough grounding i:1 tbe principles a.r~d pracúces of [he CIAL meóhQdology tha: e:lables {hose rrnined te teach ir te o:hers. Tnc qualícy of tra.ining determines che inregriry of the methodology as it passes oue of CfA.T's hanes ¡cm che ptogram:nes of orher insti:utions, Thar means me \\;ourses must provide mo:e [han just J. superficial expo• sure, The dullenge ¡s hcw ro achieve 5u:ndent deprh in a perÍoc snon enough to appe-al to bus}' profe$éor.~s WhQ cannot afford ro take mu:h time out from rhe:ir regular Job!;, :'he IPR.A.-CLAT ~eam nave designed an interuive l-wcek ccurse d:ar combines a éeoretical intrcdu:::tíon ro ele C!AL merho¿ology wirh hanas-cn pracríce in implemennng iL"},{"index":2,"size":233,"text":"The caerse begins with a 2-day dassroorr.. session un che meaning of pa:ticipa¡;ion, According ro José Ignacio Roa, who cnen con¿',lcts :hese s:essions himsdf, participatior. is a sine qua non oE che CL¿,l proces~, so i:\"s importa:1t that pau¡,ipants gain a go::::d understanding of iL \"Part~cípJrion !i1ear.s aHowing eve-I)one in the group a cham:e [Q taik. a enance ro deci¿e\" he says. \"Ir n:carn presenti::1g farrners with a range cf oprions: from wních to choose.'\" Realiúng this can be painful, as rr.any sciemím and reénic:ac.s in the formalsysrem have ro L:.::deam their habir of dominac;ng discU!ísions J.l1d imposing SOlUtÍOM. Tbe I!srence of the CIAL process is rha: che f2I~C: controls ir, not r~e researcher, Next, while scil1 ir:. rhe dassroom, the ?ilHicipants are taken srep by step through ~he CL~ p:ocess-fron: :T1otivating the commuruty, L.1.rct:.gh che di-agr.osric and planning phases ro triaJ implerr.enurior:., ar.d finally :0 the evaluadon and feedback puases, Besides descibi:1g each For che secQnd week che PMeici-pan~5 tale tO {he fiel¿, I.\\'!tert: ene;, must pue che metnodology in:o pracrlce in tea.:. village ¡;omm:,l-naies. The handbooks use simple iangtlllge-bur arriving ae mar simplici;:y, fúr [he CfAT•~PRA team's speciaHzed professional agriculturalis:s, was no simple maner, To help rhem pre:senr ideas ín ways tt.at fa:mers Wúul¿ finé appealing and easy ro grasp, the ream wem back LO che seuree ma.:: had inspired me eIAL coneepr in che ElEsr place-rhe farmers of Caúca Department."},{"index":3,"size":40,"text":"Around 300 farr:1.en in the communn:JeS where me fin: nve CL\"\\Ls were launched v,,,=re invited to evaiuate the firsc ruafes. The farme:-s were div!dec ir:ro duce groups, cach nf which worked w¡rh a diffe:rc:lt CIAT~I??\\A ream inves:ing in People HOl1duras."}]},{"head":"80","index":40,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":54,"text":"The cxperience of Carlos .A...'T.aya, a rec:'no!ogy tramfer sped.alis: wirh a Hondu!nn ~GO, che Fundación Evangdica para e~ Progreso de :r-lon¿'Jras (FEPROH), is typicaL Amaya used to conciua ro::tvenr¡or:a1 or;.!(= 21 CLA . . Ls have been l;;.uncned. i\\nd the inst:mte has reo::nt!y anr.oun:.:ed ir.> 1m:::-,00n tú \"go naüonal\" wi:h :he rr.ethodology (see p\" )."},{"index":4,"size":53,"text":"7he case of Bolivia poweriully illusuares the ¿iffe:ence in th.e c,uali::y of the ClAL pro-cess made by trai:ling. Here:he firH generar:ort nr CL~ was se: up in 1994 by people who had no! oeen on rhe CLA.T-IPR>\\ co..:.rse . . MoS{ cE (hese e! ro ocher groups."}]},{"head":"Inspiration ••.","index":44,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":37,"text":"José 19nacio Roa remembers the fírs! encuentm at which rhe El Divi:;o CL~.t presenté¿ ir;; resultS, For the first time, a CLf\\l wa.<¡ abie ro display pa:::keu of seed it had begun selling ro :he cOnlf:1uniry's fanners."},{"index":2,"size":82,"text":"\"It was an inspiratíon for the orhers\", says Roa. \"New C:ALs, es?eciaHy, thar were unsute of the:nselves suddenly SJW wha: r:'c)' cO'J.ld do in rhe future,\" According ro Roa, each yea! sinee rhe::1 has seen an i:1crease ~n the number of CIALs rhat have become micro-en~er?ríses, Tile erte:::t 1.S g:~owing confidence among <1;: the department's CiALs, ever;. (hose rba( are Hruggling, and a hdghrcned compe:;riveness between the stro~ger Clfu, as mey seek to outdo each orher from one year ro the r.ext."},{"index":3,"size":168,"text":"The encuentro is a powerful ychide for che r;am6::r or rechoology a;¡d Th.:= encuemro also fu!ft!s oée!\", more deeply f.:=lt needs. The share¿ eKper.cnce of ClAL mcmbership hdps m fo!m dC's betwee:n d-.e separare and wmetimes mutually nQscile erhnic groups of Cau::a, repairing che W:fl fabric of rural socie~, When members oE the C1.A1. of Sama IsabeL an In¿ian commun:ry high in the mounrains, carne 1.'0 ,hei! firsr encuentro, ,ney hea:d a presemauon by the eIAL ofBerania, a tower-lyir..g mestizo comm:mi:y in che Cabuyal watershed. This ClAL J::.ad experimented with new varteties of snap beans, tle¿ to stakes with scrbg, The use -of stakes ar:d string v.-as a t'éyehüon for Santa Isabel, where the erop had always becn grown withour any suppen. The innontlon has sinee bee::x wi¿e!y adopte¿ by Sama Isabel's farmen:, who say their yiel,ll have lncreased gready. B>Jt this ÍEoL1Ced In¿ian corr..muniry\"learm more than J. ncw technique for growing be;¡ns: shy, mistfwtful people discovered (har rhey cou:d gaio rhrough their conr The discUlisions on t:ut ero? were particularl)' valuable, both For mem ar.d fo! us\", he says. CORPOlCA. has recendy suggem:d organizing an ir.:ernlitlor.al CIAL meeting rO! al! ~he Latin AmeriCAn counrrics w.irh an active CIf,L programme."},{"index":5,"size":46,"text":"And me :dea of the encuentrO shows every sign of spreading sdl! funher afield. Among the <:oumríes partidparing ia the third Ke;!ogg projec;:, Honduras was fitsr off the mark, organizing les firsr n:ce:ing a: Zamorar.o Uni,,'ersüy's EAP in 1997, Othe: count!'ies may soon foHow SUlt ."}]},{"head":"••• and fiesta","index":45,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":24,"text":"Aft~.t the formalities of cl:e meeting, i,';; time co unwind, No agriculr.lral falr is complete without ::hat archetyI'al expression of rural cJltute, fOik rnus¡c."},{"index":2,"size":6,"text":"Fun 01 tne Fair ___ _"}]}],"figures":[{"text":"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Opening Flower _ _ _ (communiey land is wo!ked in comm{}o and the harvest k snared), In many viUages, rhe erAL takes iu place among o!:her con;.mÍt'recs (har organtze coUect1ve áSpects or viUage Hfe, suclt as sport, heal:h an¿ adult education. "},{"text":" If the altitude doesn't take your bream away, rhe!': ::he bea¡;ry cf rhe secring wilL At over 3000 rnetrCS a rúined farmhouse in the traditional hacienda sryle seand:; at:1ldst greca pascGres an¿ croptand, wit:h á view túwards me snows of Chimbór2w, Ecuado,r's highes: mountain, Insidc the farrnhouse a group of Quecha~speaking bdian womcn wearing brigbtly coloured poncho,r Slt On benches atrangecl round the walls of rhe one room chat srili has boch a cci:ir:g and a flúor. Mose are :mdernourished, man)' have coughs an¿ colds:, sorne: are ex!-¡.austed [(Om wodung the land whHe fll and hungry.BUé de.spite their suF.erings. thes: women taciate opll~ mism and determinarion. The'{ ha'\\ by ac¡;:essing training, ir.pues a:1d se:viccs_ lt _ _ • Investing in People _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \"CORFOClAL gave tU a fondo We got the money cm time and could bUJ the inputf we needed for the cropping "},{"text":" This js organized by ro:ating ?arnci.par.u becween different com::1t.:niries ;lt c..ifferem: phases oE [be process. Tr.e moáv:¡c:onal and diagnos~¡c mee:;ng, cake place in one comrr.un.On Covse Tor IClpact _ _ _ "},{"text":" young researchers who we¡e open to rhe fficthodoiogy despice che.r ¡le!,Course lor Irnoact _ _ _ rraining.ln 1996, Roa ar.d C~rlos Arturo Quiros of che CIAT~IPRA team began providing training ar.d advio: ro imeresced scienti~ts and technici.ans ofPROINPA, Bolivia's t:ariúna! POtato research group. Since (hen, rhe group has successfuHy establisned six móré CIALs. Several experiences demonstratc the importancc of training ao insrüucion's senior staff ir the subsequent CIAl prograrnme is ro flourlsh, 1:1 northern Valle Department of Colombia, CIALs launche¿ by NO rechnicians now languish wimour suppan. Alrhough rne technidans had beer:.. trair.ed, the regionsl secrerariat of the Minisrry oE Agúcui;:ure was unfamiliar wirh che eIAL concept and did nor suppar! che wcrk Where senior sr-..úT are trained, as :tr INIAP in Ecuador, che insritútio:1 is much more likdy tú encourage che elAL effoH and ro back Ir w:,h addirior:.a: resocrces. "},{"text":" is ro condnue me project's -.:raining actÍvides. Despire sorne successes, [he t4sk of :,uilding a core team Ot prac-.:itioners in al! ...................................................... Fun orIne ~air ........ vaUcy near Popa)\"a::! who5e 250-year-old baroque church úf Sa..'1 ¡\\.nronia de Padua provide¿ an unusually bea,.1tiful set::i.ng. The 1997 meeting, 1::1 contrase, \\VaS hosted in the remote mountain commun:¡y cfToIoro by che cabildo indigfflo-----the local lndian coundl-whic. ... p'JX on a display oE traditional wooHen clothing and orher produc!s. "},{"text":" he fa:rr.ers ~eU on ferüle ground. Ashby lnd her colleagues retumed to the office ro Vid:: a second :inoject propasal (O Kellogg !:hat def1ned the CW .. concep: a:1d ouÓne¿ a plan ro reSt lL The Cauca laboratory The Cauca laboratory env.lronmer.r. Thc env.lronmer.r. Thc hiHsides. in an- hiHsides. in an- ttast, pre5erl.1:: ttast, pre5erl.1:: e:Hremely difficu!r e:Hremely difficu!r co:t¿idoru. roaa co:t¿idoru. roaa ftcm che ocid areá ftcm che ocid areá opero ot.::, Ea: Oí , . l.l opero ot.::, Ea: Oí , . l.l nU~:jents waS:1 nU~:jents waS:1 clown re :hc clown re :hc valley:L soil f.:ttiliry valley:L soil f.:ttiliry ;5 .:1 cor..sta.'l( ;5 .:1 cor..sta.'l( "},{"text":"• • _ The Openirig Flower The Opening Flower What sor: olpeo}!e brcome CIAL members? W.~llt do fon-nm ,mmt Out o[ thtir CIAD? And what, in the upening l/ages \"l/he procm, do Ih!!} (l(tuatly ger? Tbe earty xtages ef a CIAr are ofien accompanied by elarictl as forma: (Xp\"ience d new foelingafc()ntrol Qve!' tlidr Hves. Equatiy, dúU/urian can set in ~fthings ¡tayt to ga wrong. But flr mast communitie: a CW, reprn:'l1tJ netu hope flr a hetter foture, fru Jry.om poverty and !Junter. f have woken up as a farmer and'aS a researcher.\" Thus Ernes:.:o Quintanillo, Icacle: of the CLt..L at Palmichal, in Honduras, 5Ur:1S up what he has gained from thc CLA.L process. "},{"text":" them, the:y have musen one called Guyape thar.: has good reslslance: to pest;; ane diseases, doesn't [aH ove, and-ClOst importam-has gooa cocking qualities and ~¡ute when WiL.~ rhe suppon of an cx.:ernal (echniciar. they he ve learned how ro gec rhe best Out oE Guyape by sowir.g le more ¿é:1Se:y :L'1d _ _ _ Investing in People _ _ _ Investing in People \"[ have woken up as \"[ have woken up as a former and tU ti a former and tU ti researcher: J can researcher: J can contributé to contributé to deruían making in deruían making in OUT community and OUT community and fiel able to lead ,his fiel able to lead ,his and other and other community community organizatiom. 1 organizatiom. 1 have ideas and have ideas and opinions; f can opinions; f can observe ar¡d observe ar¡d evaluate, not on~'l evaluate, not on~'l our CL4.L trials but our CL4.L trials but also my I)um also my I)um forming and tbat of forming and tbat of others, f fiel f can others, f fiel f can t(aeh oth\"\" all ,hal t(aeh oth\"\" all ,hal 1 halle karnt. 1 have 1 halle karnt. 1 have grown up a ¡ol'- grown up a ¡ol'- Ernesto Quintanillo, Ernesto Quintanillo, CL'L leader, CL'L leader, Palmichai, Palmichai, Honduras. Honduras. "},{"text":" ZuIy is content te go on :~leaining br',doing\". chrough her participanon ín me ClAL W'hac hat sIié: learrit from'her research1' , t:rhat: y~u\"h~ to perse':'Cre ro ov~rcome dífficu1cies. mar: you' ha~'to _ be páii~nt'•. And ZUIy smiles again. : , ,: Qn pqtatoes, : ,,:Qn pqtatoes, 'ofant:W: malle ~et:y. 'ofant:W: malle ~et:y. \"'He nowMS_l1'house'in thé'-village' ind . Planéilin iQd co~. In réalgrudon elected éh:.úmwt of tite Junta \"'He nowMS_l1'house'in thé'-village' ind . Planéilin iQd co~. In réalgrudon elected éh:.úmwt of tite Junta \" 'otten being \"'otten being ' _ ' , . \"1 ;.m.adiffe~.e~t'PersQn\". ~say$ . hecomes a rea1ity,. ' _' ,. \"1 ;.m.adiffe~.e~t'PersQn\". ~say$ . hecomes a rea1ity,. "},{"text":" fj:; 4fL j'k\"/)4. 4./ 0'(> -\",,¡L Pc\"hé'/1<:,4,~ ~~ ¿~/.t Ir remains ro be seen whether chis dream can Se reallzed, but shared aspirarions of rhis kínd bode weU far rhe futLre suppor;: of rhe CLAl.. CLAts objecrives each expre.sscd theJr own a...T.b¡~;úns. '\" '\" Investing in People Investing in People addressed once the tmmediate need [o. increa.sed foed secud':}' has bec:.1 met addressed once the tmmediate need [o. increa.sed foed secud':}' has bec:.1 met (see below). by rhe commur:¡ry. (see below). by rhe commur:¡ry. In olher cases, rhe connec~ion bet'Neen ¡he objectives of membcs a::d In olher cases, rhe connec~ion bet'Neen ¡he objectives of membcs a::d those o: [he com:nuniry is less exp!idc In one newly formed CIAL, mem~ those o: [he com:nuniry is less exp!idc In one newly formed CIAL, mem~ bers asked abolit me bers asked abolit me and giving up burning ro dear lar_d-!onger~tenT. o:,jecrives that can De and giving up burning ro dear lar_d-!onger~tenT. o:,jecrives that can De 22 22 "},{"text":" Opering ¡::!Qwer _ _ _ previous World Neighbours projee! thax had also used smalI experimental plots to introduce innovatiom. That projccr had kft ies parriópams w:d\", few !asting change..~ foc (he better in cheir lives, so rney wero::n'[ suo:uing up for a repea~ performance. The eIAL leader ar Pasea, i:l Cur.dir.amarca, told of a viUage meeting caBed by a company tO introduce a new range oE biologkal pest contr()~ product5 tO F-oúmers. DespÍte the ofEer oE free food and beer, few peorIe anend.ed. \"They':e disiUusior..ed <;.1[h research\", he said. , Cú\\T~IPRA encountered an acute ca5e uf pa:ticipation fatigue when its I rescarchers told cOHut:un:ties in ú~ca's Cah:yal watershe¿ about the erAl ¡ proces:;, The watcrshed had for several years bec:1 the me of previous CIAT ) research, rome oE whích had introduced useM innovadoru tú farmers. \"No: ~ CIAT again\", said víllagers. \"'We've already gor al: we r:eed 01.:: oE yO'J lot\" "},{"text":" Agency arr{'!r prou;1cted n~gotíations w1th r..~e p;eviou5 owner .u:d a lO-yea! ,e to mise ( .e necessary money, 1n w •• J-cacn mem er o rne co::n:nu~ nity comribured wbat Etde they could, whenever d,ey cm:.:d. The women have: rer:il..m~d the community 19 de Seniembre-the day rhe dce6 ::o rhe property beca.,'ne cheirs.Ofie of the hm chings r.l,e '.'lomen did as a neY{ cúmmaniry was te , ' h ' ,'eh' b f' ,' h' ,'eh'bf' arra\"-ge a visi: to che 11 arra\"-ge a visi: to che 11 ele Noviembre group. ele Noviembre group. where rhey met Ma.na where rhey met Ma.na GUHierez aoe her <:0:- GUHierez aoe her <:0:- leagues. Ir.splred by whar leagues. Ir.splred by whar rhcy sa.w lhe)' declded tú rhcy sa.w lhe)' declded tú form thcÍf úwn CL~, form thcÍf úwn CL~, There is lirde educa- There is lirde educa- don hert!. But thi! ir don hert!. But thi! ir a way to karn, a a way to karn, a way ta move for~ way ta move for~ lV4rd»-Oiga A,i, lV4rd»-Oiga A,i, leader, Flor leader, Flor Naciente CIAL, Naciente CIAL, Ecuador. Ecuador. "},{"text":" In fhú charrerWI! viJit El DivJ5o, a ccmmuniry 01150 fomUies in fhe Si)uth el Cofombia's eauca Department, to examine the impact o[ a CfAL thar is naw Úí ir¡ éghth year. "},{"text":" As a recogniza6le organ¡za~:on of al tease s:x peop:e vilch a proven rra~k re;ord:n implcmenting a dearly dehned pro;eG, ~he CL~L fulfiUe¿ rhe ageri'-7's condiuons for an aliocation and gained an exrra 40 hccrares of :ar.,i Csed for seed producüon, the land is :he very basis of che CIALs growing the CIAL, the CIAL, more and more more and more institutiom are institutiom are coming here olforing coming here olforing credit and credit and training\"- training\"- \"1 used to sce \"1 used to sce i,:vestock and mgar i,:vestock and mgar cam: as our múin cam: as our múin prioritieJ. Now, prioritieJ. Now, witb this new maizt witb this new maizt so much in demanci, so much in demanci, we are making that we are making that a priority a priority , tmtea , -d\" , tmtea , -d\" extemion agmr, extemion agmr, UMATARosa, UMATARosa, Colombia. Colombia. "},{"text":" Neverthdess, many CLAL are testing technology rhat. jr widdy adopted, wiH prorect [he natural resource base, In several cQ'Jnuies (7 the introduction of new varieties of maize and beans thar respond to \\ fe:rilizer is leading to áñ increase in rhe use of chicker. manure:, wirh b~nefits ro sea fertilitr and structure on 5teep slopes. The CLAl. ar El Paraiso, in Honduras, is cescing the use uf live barrlers i:; a large sloping field cultiva red ro maize and beans. The CLJú. me:nbers deared me fidd without bu.rning-hard wQrk, but won:h ir for [he saving in nuuients, they sayo In such cases ir is sorr.etímes undear wherher me decision ro rest resource-cor:setv:ng redlnologies gem;,indy reflecrs prioriries in ú1.e communiry or is more influenccd by the exté:nal technicinn supponing rhe CLA.L process. Cabayu! waocrshe¿ are participa.dng in the Consorcio Imerinstiturional para Agricultura Sostenible en Laderos (CIPASLA) as a way forwar¿ ir: "},{"text":" 1998 CIAT launched a 5tudy to assess rhe impact oE che CLA..L pro~ g::amme, The srudy compares fou!\" cornmuniues chat have no CL\"\\l W~dl "},{"text":" Doug Pachico, who lS responsibie for rhe sru¿r \"Our s~cdy sc.gg-~m chJt, on the contrary, the more you introduce che cor.cepr cflea:ning re ... corr.-mU>1iry, ~he bener ir gers ar ie The barrier berween indigenous ar.d xoden:CIAT's assessme;;¡t of impact f:orr: ~he ClALs' work is far from complete. Watch rO;$ space fol.\" furthcr details~ I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I twO bler.d ir:.ro one anoó::r,'\" I twO bler.d ir:.ro one anoó::r,'\"I I I I I I I "},{"text":"The Community's Verdict Wh~tJ .¡t!1' (Jr nor tht rrtt ol.he community iUpports iti work ú the !irmus test $f í an cffictivE CIAL In th~ eari] Jtilges support dqwufs cririml{¡ on the degree to 1 which a CL1L keeps the community informed abaut #$ progl'm dnd rm.!ts, [ti che langcr term. it is vital thar the bmptJ af research experienced by ClAL membm are shared by others in the community. inc!udingp(tterttialf'l margt1l41ized groups. margt1l41ized groups. "},{"text":" Thosc least likely tO arrc:ld are the one5 who fed research cannor be¡:efi{ rhem-precísdy tr.Qse who are probably marginalízed already. Despilé chis disadvanrage. few com:nun:~¡es givc the irr.pressio:¡ of having had a dosed dlagnostk process wit.' a roregone condusion, Ar 11 de NO'vicrr:bre, as ar cuny ClALs, che number ofvm::es for each of che cooffiodiries short~listed during Lite meedng is úpenly dlsplayed. on a poseer in the commaniry room-signs of a healthy debate at rhe meeting irsdf :l:1d of a ClA.L keeo tú communicate with rhose who Weterú a~ rhe r::lee:::ng. The feedback meeting !s tbe communi:y's chief means of emuring that 'Che eIAL remains accocntable to :t. In communiües wirh a .mong ClAL rhis meering 15 held each year, at lea.n urail che production stage i5 reached. Wea.. oE El Diviso or San Sosco. In such ClSes the erAL beclg over-aen:anding in terms of l~S reportÍng requíremem:s ane of piacing roo much e:nphasis en acco'.!nrability.Lastl)', one NGO providcd a ::ex:-book example of how tú alienare farmers. Having put inexperienced studenrs in charge of the CIAl. process, i~ offered credir tú farmers vemurir:g imo che eúmmerdal producriol: of beans fo: a :ocals:.tpermarkct chain. The narvest wa:;; plenciful, b.'.\"lt was n.:med away by the superrnarke: because :t did no, mee: ,he requ:red qua;irr srandards. It tumed om thar no one, least of all ±e srudeors, had exp_ained the qual¡ty criteria (co~ot:rJ sáe ami shape ofbean) ro the CiAL The re-.!ected bc3.ns were returnec ro rhe farmers, who had ro seU ::hem J:( a :ower p:¡cc through their normaJ oudets, Despice its m¡stake, rhe NGO it.s;sced tha:r me: [armen; repay che credl:. Thosc who did so mace a severo! 10ss\"What ate che reasúns for rhis lack~lust:e p!\"rfotm;¡nce~ Is it jt;.St mismanagement ?ure and simple? Or are ~hd{ deepe: underlying causes?Fírsc, NGOs in Laún .A...meüca tene ro be more ~adka1 ütan In .-\\si.a or ~-'\\frica. Deeply misrrus:ful of goverr.menr aud aH HS works, ma!ly of -nem seem to have gO( stuck ¡n confromaüonai !:'lúde, dinging tO their crarutl.o:1.al role oE chaHenging forma! research rathet rhan risking collaboranon \\Virh it, S,:co:1dly, the mov-ernem i .. mo:e fragmented than in ocher ;:::gions. "},{"text":" funding proposals, facilitares visirs :0 rescaró insútuces or ro othe: CIALs and hdps the ClALs exchauge seeds and orher proaucrs. Lase but nor leas\" ir organizes an annlla! meeting oC rhe CLA.Ls ir; Ca:..:a in which che associariún has organized training indude sc:ed selec w !ion in tornato, plar.~ain and onions, soil conservatlún and integrateci pes, man::..gement. Wben the women's g:oup ar San Isidro can into dlmc:ulües in pracessing ¡es soy bean harvest, CORFOCIAl s:d..iCf tracked clown exte:nal experdse (O help rhem salve (he p:o:'lem. They rher. arranged fer rhe San Isidro CIAL to train anocher group tha! was a:so ímeresred in soy b~an. Now they are hdping che g:,oup ob:ain funding fo! a mecha::1ica: hullo::::. CORFOC:ALs bir¿'s-eye ViCN cf eb.e CLAls in Cauc .. Depar:me:;r g¡ve~ ir a special role in linking them, enabling them ro Cúoplemem each crher's work. One eIAl faced a crisis because ir was unóle ro mee: rhe heavy demand ror seed fro:n its ccmmuniry arrer bac wearher had des:roye¿ eh:o: harvest. Boliva! Muñoz, a CORFOCIAL paraprofemonaJ, was ablt\" ro come 1:0 rhe:r reseue by borrowing seed frorn ar:mher CLAL thar had na¿ a good harvest but was now busy with ies coffee erop ar.d did no\", wish :0 rnak:e a secood sowing.The firs: crr~L .. o: only met demar:d by di.mibunng me borrowed seed buc also sowe¿ another erop of irs Qwn, enabling it:o tepa}' the loan in rime for the St;1ft of rhe second CIAl:s next crcpp:.:1g season. CORFOCiAi..:s rep:ltarlon anong me CIALs ~[Suppo.:-:s 1:; l:igb. Several orher CLALs have rejecred cite \"suppon'\" offered by other organizaüons \",od applied to COF.lC under che CORFOCIAL umbreJla. ¡nste&d. Increasir:giy, rrus is placing a strain on che assodatíon's resources, To me tnre:esr from che sum invested from ¡he Kellogg proj~cL CORFOCIAL has been able te add od:er Income, rajsed mainiy fron\"\"', govemnent training programmcs. \"But the annual budger i.s s:ill far :m:n enough to mee: al! the demands placee on us\", says Tr;,¡que. Anocher probletr. facing CORFOClAL i.s mar its ?araprofessíonah do not have me same span úf experience as professional agror.om¡sc,. One CIAL working 0:1 mora says ir was neg!ected. 6y a pacaprofe.ssio:\"tl 6ecause he had no ex.peúence cf the erap. Paraprofe.5sio:lals may als-o lack :he oread range of comact$ i:l che for~l research and cxtension system e:lio;'ed b~' professional agronomísu. As a resah che'j l1'.ay experience oore difr1culry in accessing k.\"1owledge aud inp: . . m . . Ar presento CORFOCLA,Ls paraprofessionals do che rouncis of che CIAls on moror bikes, The:r jQb as messengers 15 time-consu;ning and somcwhat hit~andwrr:iss, bU( an appointment with a CLJ\\L, once [!lade, is kept e;ven if plans have te be cha.\"1ged and che orlgir.al purpose of (he meeting can'r be fulfiUed, Like CL-\\T-IPRA, r~ey have a policy of neve! being a \"no~show\", kr.owing ¡he im.por-n\\llce ofkeeping thei! word if dtc ClALs are tO remaln confidenr of cheir support organ¡ution Oue day the bikes coul¿ be replaced by decrror.ic bui:etin boards, says Ann Braun, CIAT-IPRA wordinaccr, The use of e~mail has enorrnous parentia! in :ural arcas and wuld tran,¡¡rorm rhe efficiency of the CIAL process by rnciHtati.:tg exchanges ámong the ClALs ana casing their access to externa.! informarioIL Bur rhar a\",y is still a long way off: at present only a ciny ftacrion ofhouseholds in Cauca Departmen~ have a telephone--and mosr of d:ose are in LOwns. Even [CNer own a personal cotr.purcr. Even so, Braun ar.a CIAT ¡nformatio:: staH are hatc:hing a pro]ec~ ro conncer CORFOClAl ana se!ecre:d ClALs to d:e Inrernet on a tria.! basis, The CORFOCIAL experíence suggem strongty tha~ rae ans.wet tú ,he problems of external support Hes with tbe CUÜ.s thcmse:ves. Provided irs resources are not overstretched, the second-crder organization <\"ae provide ffiOIe effccr:ve suPPOrt than orher o/pes DE organization, government o: r.on- J J I I also helps formulare Departmer.r. I I also helps formulare Departmer.r.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I govemmenr, I govemmenr,I I I season,-Carlos Afftmso Ruiz, secretar;, San Isidro I season,-Carlos Afftmso Ruiz, secretar;, San IsidroI mensCL4L Colombia, I mensCL4L Colombia,I I I I I 72 I 72I I I I I "},{"text":" When oursiders sr¿ft ro dooinate, ownership passe:s ro :hem and [armers lose mte:est in rhe tesuhs of the :esearch. A:: che san:e ::me, however, ir is imponant ro introduce ncw cechnology to farmers, stn<:e ,his may weli be crt;.c.aJ tO lifrir.g theG'l om of poven)'. Balancing these t\".ro needs may reqtúre considerable 5~~1 on the: par: cf [he outsider. \"What is the , ' . , , mstttutwnal tJome \"What is the , ' . , , mstttutwnal tJome fby this type 01 fby this type 01 process? If iá process? If iá iupported kit an iupported kit an institution that ha! institution that ha! a conflicting agenda, a conflicting agenda, )'DU pull out one el )'DU pull out one el ,he building block,_ ,he building block,_ That's u,h} fonne1' That's u,h} fonne1' parapnJfomond.1s are parapnJfomond.1s are so ánvortanr: they , - so ánvortanr: they , - kmnv whar che kmnv whar che form,erfoel! /ikc. \" - form,erfoel! /ikc. \" - The CLt...L fUnd is :m e-5sential ir.gred¡er.r, rwr an opdonal extra. In almost ~ery case where supponir.g orgar:izatior:s have at:e:np:ed ({) [aunch Jacque/i;u ilihi)~ CV:J: The CLt...L fUnd is :m e-5sential ir.gred¡er.r, rwr an opdonal extra. In almost ~ery case where supponir.g orgar:izatior:s have at:e:np:ed ({) [aunchJacque/i;u ilihi)~ CV:J: "},{"text":" ; fund. che result has been raih.ae, le is L\"e f .lf'.d that guarancees farmer conrroL eIALs can become sdf-sustaining, but in me early 5rJ.geS :i\\r le2.51: ,hey neec external suppott. The second-order organizatior:, staffed by I I I I \"It's replicable, hut iú delicate\"-Ann Bra\"\", ¡PRA-CL4T coordina:or. CIALs wírhout providing ;Daraorofes.sionals drawn fro:n the farmi;¡g cornmJniry, see;ns bes: ¿¡He 1:0 . , provide that supporr, I I I \"It's replicable, hut iú delicate\"-Ann Bra\"\", ¡PRA-CL4T coordina:or.CIALs wírhout providing ;Daraorofes.sionals drawn fro:n the farmi;¡g cornmJniry, see;ns bes: ¿¡He 1:0 . , provide that supporr,I I I ~;~¡~~~¡~~~~~<~~<~[$Oj}~~~t. ' . . I I ~;~¡~~~¡~~~~~<~~<~[$Oj}~~~t. ' ..I I I I I I I I '~_drganizdtiáni_ I '~_drganizdtiáni_I I I I I I I I I I I 74 I 74I I I "},{"text":" Hep, rhese sessions cieal with me bask siciHs needed by úle oatsider, sud: as how to mOCerJre a meering sirr.ply and deariy, how (O ger quieter group :nembe:s tO comribuu:, how ro ask cpen quesrions comribuu:, how ro ask cpen quesrions ralher than quesuor.$ rh4t 5teer ralher than quesuor.$ rh4t 5teer iaformar.ts towa:-ds specinc answers, iaformar.ts towa:-ds specinc answers, and so on. They ruso dcai wiili the and so on. They ruso dcai wiili the issues tha: ccnmonly arí5e at eacl: issues tha: ccnmonly arí5e at eacl: h ' d ' \" h'd ' \" "},{"text":" whicn the parridpams move on ro a feedbacK rr:ee::ng takit.g place in a seoond commur.ity-and so on, lf possible courses are he!d during the cropping sea$on, 50 that panicipants can visit CIAL experil11ents in farmers' add,.\"This pan ofrbe CQurse is chaUenging,\" says Roa. \"Bur enaH parrk:pants come chrough me aperienc!! well. Tb.e presence of live far~rs with tea] needs acts as a tremendous ronie, búnging OUt me beS( in everyone, And there's norhing like cxposure to a motivated CIlü. group ro convixll:::e sceptics of thé' value of the methodology.\" Tho:: end of me eourse is nor me end of che learning experience. Cou;:se a!umni are rc:commended. ro spend a leas:: ayear trying the r:1erhcdo~ogy ou~ for I:hemsdves berore attempring ro teach ir to orhers. Dt.:.rir.g rh:s year, le which caeh io$ apected to launch a ClAL fmm his DI her name :nsriturton, me former trainée5 recelve foU{)w~uP vÍ-sits frorr: CLAT-IPRA sraEf tú check on their progress and hdp the:n salve proble~s. Thus begins me firsr jn a series ofhandbooks pL.:.bHshed by CIAT ro guide the CIALs, Each newly forme¿ ClAL reCelves a complete set of the handbooks, whicn now rt:.l.n1oer 13. As wdl as taking che rcader through each srep o; me erAL process me handbooks cover sucn copics áS 1expeámental desígn. factors arrecdng analysis of me resalt.\", and how (O \" maintain che cúmmunity's trust and suppon, The ou!:s:der rea¿s the hand~ book thar corresponds Wlth the acnviey under way with me mcmbcrs of the CIAL, who are abo er.couraged tu read ilnd use rhe handbooks on lheir Training materials Training materials "},{"text":" home. Afeer discussion with his ::olleagues, he rried ou~ che CLAl medlOdology in a village where FEPROH was alteady workíng, in {he Valie ¿e CilIos area ncar Tegucigalpa. At me end of me fim yeac's research, [he CL!(l presen:e¿ lts resuits not cnly ro óe viaage community out to repre5C:1tatlves of: 3 neighbouring commucides The resulcs were sO impre;mve IT_ar al! 13 expresse¿ [h~ wish ro start tr.eir own eIAL. The ex.perience was eflough te- . pers,uade FEPROH ro adopt thc el>\\!. m-erhodology thro'.lghou( irs , . pers,uade FEPROH ro adopt thc el>\\!. m-erhodology thro'.lghou( irs, prograrnmes. prograrnmes. The resporue of CORPOICA, in Colombia, was :nitia11y ;nore hesitanL The resporue of CORPOICA, in Colombia, was :nitia11y ;nore hesitanL "},{"text":"Farmers notice the difference Whethe the overstretched rechnical scrviccs af governme;u organízations. Secondly, parapraressionaJs can sometimes provide more effecuve suppan chan proressionals. ihey are more easily held account;:;.ble by the farming comm..lr.iry and ate rr.erefore more likely to be consdeno:::ous. b additicn, farmers are more likdy tú trust a fellow farmer chan aa outsider. The corollary, however, i5 rhat pa:: ... professionals mar be iess fatniliar w::h the input5 a..\"ld servlct':s available from t:te tormal research sy51:t':m than are professionals. This rnearu mat the key tO achiev~ ing ímpact rhrough paraprofessionals is : support fo! me ClALs comes fmm a profess;onal Oí a paraprofessional, me subde difference ir: :mitude engenciered by tra:ní.ng J.;:¡ partic:'patory techniques is nor losr on fiumers. Ac Tomolo, in Hendurz.s, the CIAL ic::ader says that external rechnkiar.s cralne¿ in tne CIAl. :nerhodology ptopose thar \"we do someth::::g wge-:her, ;ean:ing fmm each ethe!\", raéler man st.\"eklng ro Ír.1pose technology a.'i chey did berore. \"IX\"e cake rhis a ma:: o respec: , ne says. The L<1.s-: wo:d should go te Henor Andrade, of IKL'\\P in E;;:-cJ.ocr, whc dairr.s thar (arme:s have be<:or.1e more fec9rive ro him since ,he CL~.T\" IPR.A. course raughr him nor tú dOIT1J.natl': in group meerings. HlS \\\\'ords CIAT-IPRA has so far jocussed on building the CIAL process and provid w ing trailling 10 support irs dissemino.rio!1. Whar issues should receive [he team's attention inJunlre? And what are the irnplications 01 a more widely adopred erAL process? dominare, ¡ find that former¡ ll/IVe haVf leanud not ro amUJe?;, NoU! ¡har 1 to listen more to the and, abové alL, how ask oJen questions techniques-how ti! participarory e¡sential \"On the training course I learned the Where Do We Go from Here? disseminating technology rhan the erAL process and is rherefore crucial to impacto empoweImeot and. ownership of Effecrive training ensu:es farmer jmpose meir own soluüons. determine che research agenda an¿ approaches in whid: sÓ.enrim pre~ epüomize ilie faeto¡,s chat make a participarory approach so muc:h more effec:tYe ín de\\'C:loping amI I I I 1 dominare, ¡ find that former¡ ll/IVe haVf leanud not ro amUJe?;, NoU! ¡har 1 to listen more to the and, abové alL, how ask oJen questions techniques-how ti! participarory e¡sential \"On the training course I learned the Where Do We Go from Here? disseminating technology rhan the erAL process and is rherefore crucial to impacto empoweImeot and. ownership of Effecrive training ensu:es farmer jmpose meir own soluüons. determine che research agenda an¿ approaches in whid: sÓ.enrim pre~ epüomize ilie faeto¡,s chat make a participarory approach so muc:h more effec:tYe ín de\\'C:loping amII I I 1 became more receptiv! ro me':- I became more receptiv! ro me':-I Hector Andrade, plam breeder with ,he FORTIPAPA I Hector Andrade, plam breeder with ,he FORTIPAPAI pmject, INfAR EcuadOl: I pmject, INfAR EcuadOl:I I I I I I I I I kt ~ \"1. I kt ~\"1.I I I "},{"text":" .\"ld exchange their research resulrs, jus: as formal~sector scienris,s do ar their meetings, NI the C1.A.Ls 2.G:cnding the meeting are expected ro bring a se: of posters desc:rihíng ~heir wo:k, toge:hcr with sampies o~ meÍI ptoducts and servtces. Every year, six or so are invi:ed (O present :heir work in detalL Turn by turn, a cu:ruber of each-usuaUy irs chaim:a!l or exrensionist-rakes co ~he rosrrum ro explain how their research. tepic was chascn, why i;: h imporrant to the local communiry; whar results :ney hase achieved and how t~ey are being d.isscminated, Each presentat:on is foUo'Wed by que~rio05.This trial by a widef jury titan ~hei: local corr.:nuaíties 15 au lf:1pOrra:u test for che ClAls. \"We get lO see what t!-ley are doir:g, how wdl they have grasped che rnemodology anO where me \\veak pcim:s tic\"; says CORFOCI.A.L's coordinatOt Alfonso Truque. \"That enables us ~o encourage che CLlli tha: liay important time liay important time flr us, as we are flr us, as we are evaiuated by ,he evaiuated by ,he CM!..;. We collect CM!..;. We collect ideas from them cm ideas from them cm how we can improvi! how we can improvi! ott.r performance, Ir! ott.r performance, Ir! also a time to offir also a time to offir ftíendship. 'o e:xtend ftíendship. 'o e:xtend a he/ping hand ro a he/ping hand ro ,hoJ( CL1Ls ,ha' ,hoJ( CL1Ls ,ha' need it, \"-ALfomo need it, \"-ALfomo Truque. Truque. "},{"text":" ideas [rom CL-li tú CLAL Many CLA..Ls now ::,ri:'lg seed aud se] il ,ir che meeting: some alsc display rheir denl,;,~iin.g n:achines; aU are free ro s'.\\'llp note., 00 me suppor: available from differenr ¡nsmudons. or ro ar:ar.ge vÍsits ro each Dther. le was at the encuentro tnat Addrno Caiambaz, !eader of ':he San Bosco eIAL, nrsr met the Ei Diviso group (nar had succes~fu!;~• J.ppUed fo! additionalland from a governmenr [ane réorm agency. They ínspire¿ him ro prepare n:s Qwn applicarion a.'1d rold h1m :ne proced~re sav:ng him considerable time and CffOt'L Similarly; Maria Gutrie:ez, sec:et\",rv o:' :hc 11 de Nov;embrc ClAL in Ecuador, fim saw a mecharucat hulle: ;i( WQ:.rl: \\\\-nen she was invi:e¿ ro attel1¿ the enmentro. Tne experience helped he:-pers;.ude her fellow CIAL members ro acquire one too. "}],"sieverID":"a7b368ca-0ed3-4a2c-a8cb-5bf28e4179db","abstract":"lt me start, we feLt ridiculous sowing su.ch smal! pitJtS, Later, whm we satAl that sorne varieties didn't tW well, we SflU/ hoU/ imporrant ir was to sow small. \"-Leonia'es Gualpuiema. ieader, CIAL 11 lVoviembre, Ecuad