name: "CodeDebugCollab_Flow" |
description: |2- |
Given a problem description, alternate between a step in which code is generated, and a step in which the produced code is evaluated and useful feedback is provided. |
input_interface: |
- "problem_description" |
- "input_description" |
- "output_description" |
- "io_examples_and_explanation" |
- "public_tests_individual_io" |
output_interface: |
- "code" |
max_rounds: 4 |
subflows_config: |
CodeGenerator: |
_target_: .CF_Code.instantiate_from_default_config |
name: "CodeGenerator" |
backend: |
__target__: flows.backends.llm_lite.LiteLLMBackend |
api_infos: ${local.api_information} |
model_name: |
openai: "gpt-4" |
azure: "azure/gpt-4" |
human_message_prompt_template: |
_target_: flows.prompt_template.JinjaPrompt |
template: |2- |
{{testing_results_summary}} |
{{code_feedback}} |
Consider the problem statement, the last proposed solution, its issue and the provided feedback. Return a corrected version of the code that solves the original problem and resolves the issue, without any explanation, in the following format: |
```python |
{{code_placeholder}} |
``` |
input_variables: |
- code_feedback |
- testing_results_summary |
partial_variables: |
code_placeholder: "{{python_code}}" |
input_interface_initialized: |
- "code_feedback" |
- "testing_results_summary" |
CodeDebugCritic: |
_target_: .CF_CodeDebugCritic.instantiate_from_default_config |
topology: |
- goal: "Generate/refine a solution." |
input_interface: |
_target_: flows.interfaces.KeyInterface |
additional_transformations: |
- _target_: flows.data_transformations.KeyMatchInput |
flow: CodeGenerator |
output_interface: |
_target_: flows.interfaces.KeyInterface |
additional_transformations: |
- _target_: flows.data_transformations.RegexFirstOccurrenceExtractor |
regex: '(?<=```python)([\s\S]*?)(?=```)' |
regex_fallback: '(?<=```)([\s\S]*?)(?=```)' |
input_key: "api_output" |
output_key: "code" |
strip: True |
assert_unique: True |
keys_to_select: |
- "code" |
reset: false |
- goal: "Provide feedback for the candidate solution that is grounded in test results." |
input_interface: |
_target_: flows.interfaces.KeyInterface |
additional_transformations: |
- _target_: flows.data_transformations.KeyMatchInput |
flow: CodeDebugCritic |
reset: true |