File size: 10,125 Bytes
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from exllamav2 import ExLlamaV2, ExLlamaV2Config, ExLlamaV2Tokenizer
import argparse, os, shutil
import sys
import json
from conversion.tokenize import tokenize
from conversion.quantize import embeddings, measure_quant, quant
from conversion.optimize import optimize
from conversion.compile import compile_model
from conversion.qparams import qparams_headoptions
# import tracemalloc
# tracemalloc.start()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Convert model to ExLlamaV2")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--in_dir", type = str, help = "Input directory", default = "")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--out_dir", type = str, help = "Output (working) directory")
parser.add_argument("-nr", "--no_resume", action = "store_true", help = "Do not resume an interrupted job (deletes all files in the output directory)")
parser.add_argument("-cf", "--compile_full", type = str, help = "Output folder for compiled model with all config/tokenizer files")
parser.add_argument("-om", "--output_measurement", type = str, help = "Only perform measurement pass, then save measurement to the specified file")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--cal_dataset", type = str, help = "Calibration dataset (.parquet file)", default = "")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--dataset_rows", type = int, default = 100, help = "Number of rows to apply from dataset")
parser.add_argument("-mr", "--measurement_rows", type = int, default = 16, help = "Number of rows to apply from dataset when measuring")
parser.add_argument("-gr", "--gpu_rows", type = int, default = 0, help = "Threshold for paging hidden state to CPU")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--length", type = int, default = 2048, help = "Max no. tokens per sample")
parser.add_argument("-ml", "--measurement_length", type = int, default = 2048, help = "Max no. tokens per sample when measuring")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--bits", type = float, default = 4.125, help = "Target bits per weight")
parser.add_argument("-hb", "--head_bits", type = int, default = 6, help = "Target bits per weight (head layer)")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--measurement", type = str, help = "Reuse previous measurement")
parser.add_argument("-ss", "--shard_size", type = float, help = "Max shard size in MB (default: 8192)", default = 8192)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check some args
if not args.in_dir:
print(" ## Please specify input model directory (-i, --in_dir)")
if not args.out_dir:
print(" ## Please specify output/working directory (-o, --out_dir)")
if not args.cal_dataset:
print(" ## Please specify dataset Parquet file (-c, --cal_dataset)")
if args.length > 2048 or args.measurement_length > 2048:
print(" !! Warning: calibration rows > 2048 tokens may result in excessive VRAM use")
if not args.head_bits in qparams_headoptions:
print(f" ## Error: {args.head_bits} is not a supported option for head layer bitrate")
if args.bits < 2 or args.bits > 8:
print(f" !! Warning: target bitrate {args.bits} will likely not be attainable")
if args.output_measurement is not None and args.compile_full is not None:
print(" ## Conflicting options: --output_measurement and --compile_full")
# Arguments
in_dir = None if args.in_dir == "" else os.path.abspath(args.in_dir)
out_dir = os.path.abspath(args.out_dir)
cal_dataset = None if args.cal_dataset == "" else os.path.abspath(args.cal_dataset)
dataset_rows = args.dataset_rows
measurement_rows = args.measurement_rows
gpu_rows = args.gpu_rows
length = args.length
measurement_length = args.measurement_length
bits = args.bits
head_bits = args.head_bits
reuse_measurement = args.measurement
shard_size = args.shard_size if args.shard_size > 0 else 1024 ** 3 # 1 PB = unlimited
no_resume = args.no_resume
output_measurement = args.output_measurement
if output_measurement is not None:
if os.path.isdir(output_measurement):
output_measurement = os.path.join(output_measurement, "measurement.json")
compile_full = args.compile_full
if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
print(f" ## Error: Directory not found: {out_dir}")
# Create config
config = ExLlamaV2Config()
config.model_dir = in_dir
config.qkv_embed = False
# Tokenizer
tokenizer = ExLlamaV2Tokenizer(config)
# Job file
job_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "job.json")
# Create new job
def save_job():
global job_file, job
with open(job_file, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(job, indent = 4))
if no_resume or not os.path.exists(job_file):
print(f" -- Beginning new job")
if len(os.listdir(out_dir)) != 0:
print(f" !! Warning: Output directory is not empty: {out_dir}")
if no_resume:
print(f" !! Cleaning output directory: {out_dir}")
for filename in os.listdir(out_dir):
file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
elif os.path.isdir(file_path):
if in_dir is None:
print(f" ## Error: No input directory specified")
if cal_dataset is None:
print(f" ## Error: No calibration dataset specified")
job = { "in_dir": in_dir,
"out_dir": out_dir,
"cal_dataset": cal_dataset,
"dataset_rows": dataset_rows,
"measurement_rows": measurement_rows,
"gpu_rows": gpu_rows,
"length": length,
"measurement_length": measurement_length,
"bits": bits,
"head_bits": head_bits,
"progress": "begin",
"shard_size": shard_size,
"output_measurement": output_measurement,
"compile_full": compile_full
if reuse_measurement is not None:
with open(reuse_measurement, "r") as f:
imp_measurement = json.load(f)
job["measurement"] = imp_measurement["measurement"]
job["last_module_idx"] = imp_measurement["last_module_idx"]
job["base_perplexity"] = imp_measurement["base_perplexity"]
job["reuse_measurement"] = reuse_measurement
# Resume existing job
print(f" -- Resuming job")
print(f" !! Note: Overriding options with settings from existing job")
with open(job_file, "r") as f:
job = json.load(f)
if "invalid" in job:
print(" ** Error: Corrupted job")
if "shard_size" not in job: job["shard_size"] = shard_size
if "output_measurement" not in job: job["output_measurement"] = output_measurement
if "compile_full" not in job: job["compile_full"] = compile_full
job["out_dir"] = out_dir
# Feedback
print(f" -- Input: {job['in_dir']}")
print(f" -- Output: {out_dir}")
print(f" -- Calibration dataset: {job['cal_dataset']}, {job['dataset_rows']} / {job['measurement_rows']} ({job['gpu_rows']}) rows, {job['length']} tokens per sample")
if job["output_measurement"] is None:
print(f" -- Target bits per weight: {job['bits']} (decoder), {job['head_bits']} (head)")
print(f" -- Max shard size: {job['shard_size']} MB")
print(f" -- Measurement will be saved to {job['output_measurement']}")
print(f" !! Conversion script will end after measurement pass")
# Make sure subfolders exist
if job["compile_full"] is not None:
print(f" -- Full model will be compiled to: {job['compile_full']}")
if os.path.exists(job["compile_full"]):
if not os.path.isdir(job["compile_full"]):
print(f" ## Error: Output path {job['compile_full']} exists but is not a directory")
if len(os.listdir(job["compile_full"])) > 0:
print(f" !! Warning: Output path {job['compile_full']} exists but is not empty")
out_tensor_dir = os.path.join(job["out_dir"], "out_tensor")
if not os.path.exists(out_tensor_dir):
# Allocate space for hidden state
max_l = max(job["measurement_length"], job["length"])
config.max_input_len = max_l
config.max_attention_size = max_l ** 2
# Create model without loading weights
model = ExLlamaV2(config)
model.load(lazy = True)
# Do the things
while True:
progress = job["progress"]
if progress == "begin":
if "reuse_measurement" in job:
print(f" -- Reusing measurement: {job['reuse_measurement']}")
job["progress"] = "optimize"
print(f" -- Tokenizing samples (measurement)...")
tokenize(job, save_job, tokenizer, measure = True)
job["progress"] = "initial_embeddings"
if progress == "initial_embeddings":
print(f" -- Token embeddings (measurement)...")
embeddings(job, save_job, model)
job["progress"] = "measure_quant"
if progress == "measure_quant":
print(f" -- Measuring quantization impact...")
measure_quant(job, save_job, model)
if job["output_measurement"] is None:
job["progress"] = "optimize"
job["progress"] = "finished"
if progress == "optimize":
print(f" -- Optimizing...")
optimize(job, save_job)
job["progress"] = "tokens_cal"
if progress == "tokens_cal":
print(f" -- Tokenizing samples...")
tokenize(job, save_job, tokenizer)
job["progress"] = "embeddings"
if progress == "embeddings":
print(f" -- Token embeddings again...")
embeddings(job, save_job, model)
job["progress"] = "quant"
if progress == "quant":
print(f" -- Quantizing...")
quant(job, save_job, model)
job["progress"] = "compile"
if progress == "compile":
print(f" -- Compiling output file...")
compile_model(job, save_job, model)
job["progress"] = "finished"
if progress == "finished": break
print(f" -- Finished") |