import argparse | |
import torch | |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download | |
from diffusers.models.transformers.auraflow_transformer_2d import AuraFlowTransformer2DModel | |
def load_original_state_dict(args): | |
model_pt = hf_hub_download(repo_id=args.original_state_dict_repo_id, filename="aura_diffusion_pytorch_model.bin") | |
state_dict = torch.load(model_pt, map_location="cpu") | |
return state_dict | |
def calculate_layers(state_dict_keys, key_prefix): | |
dit_layers = set() | |
for k in state_dict_keys: | |
if key_prefix in k: | |
dit_layers.add(int(k.split(".")[2])) | |
print(f"{key_prefix}: {len(dit_layers)}") | |
return len(dit_layers) | |
# similar to SD3 but only for the last norm layer | |
def swap_scale_shift(weight, dim): | |
shift, scale = weight.chunk(2, dim=0) | |
new_weight =[scale, shift], dim=0) | |
return new_weight | |
def convert_transformer(state_dict): | |
converted_state_dict = {} | |
state_dict_keys = list(state_dict.keys()) | |
converted_state_dict["register_tokens"] = state_dict.pop("model.register_tokens") | |
converted_state_dict["pos_embed.pos_embed"] = state_dict.pop("model.positional_encoding") | |
converted_state_dict["pos_embed.proj.weight"] = state_dict.pop("model.init_x_linear.weight") | |
converted_state_dict["pos_embed.proj.bias"] = state_dict.pop("model.init_x_linear.bias") | |
converted_state_dict["time_step_proj.linear_1.weight"] = state_dict.pop("model.t_embedder.mlp.0.weight") | |
converted_state_dict["time_step_proj.linear_1.bias"] = state_dict.pop("model.t_embedder.mlp.0.bias") | |
converted_state_dict["time_step_proj.linear_2.weight"] = state_dict.pop("model.t_embedder.mlp.2.weight") | |
converted_state_dict["time_step_proj.linear_2.bias"] = state_dict.pop("model.t_embedder.mlp.2.bias") | |
converted_state_dict["context_embedder.weight"] = state_dict.pop("model.cond_seq_linear.weight") | |
mmdit_layers = calculate_layers(state_dict_keys, key_prefix="double_layers") | |
single_dit_layers = calculate_layers(state_dict_keys, key_prefix="single_layers") | |
# MMDiT blocks 🎸. | |
for i in range(mmdit_layers): | |
# feed-forward | |
path_mapping = {"mlpX": "ff", "mlpC": "ff_context"} | |
weight_mapping = {"c_fc1": "linear_1", "c_fc2": "linear_2", "c_proj": "out_projection"} | |
for orig_k, diffuser_k in path_mapping.items(): | |
for k, v in weight_mapping.items(): | |
converted_state_dict[f"joint_transformer_blocks.{i}.{diffuser_k}.{v}.weight"] = state_dict.pop( | |
f"model.double_layers.{i}.{orig_k}.{k}.weight" | |
) | |
# norms | |
path_mapping = {"modX": "norm1", "modC": "norm1_context"} | |
for orig_k, diffuser_k in path_mapping.items(): | |
converted_state_dict[f"joint_transformer_blocks.{i}.{diffuser_k}.linear.weight"] = state_dict.pop( | |
f"model.double_layers.{i}.{orig_k}.1.weight" | |
) | |
# attns | |
x_attn_mapping = {"w2q": "to_q", "w2k": "to_k", "w2v": "to_v", "w2o": "to_out.0"} | |
context_attn_mapping = {"w1q": "add_q_proj", "w1k": "add_k_proj", "w1v": "add_v_proj", "w1o": "to_add_out"} | |
for attn_mapping in [x_attn_mapping, context_attn_mapping]: | |
for k, v in attn_mapping.items(): | |
converted_state_dict[f"joint_transformer_blocks.{i}.attn.{v}.weight"] = state_dict.pop( | |
f"model.double_layers.{i}.attn.{k}.weight" | |
) | |
# Single-DiT blocks. | |
for i in range(single_dit_layers): | |
# feed-forward | |
mapping = {"c_fc1": "linear_1", "c_fc2": "linear_2", "c_proj": "out_projection"} | |
for k, v in mapping.items(): | |
converted_state_dict[f"single_transformer_blocks.{i}.ff.{v}.weight"] = state_dict.pop( | |
f"model.single_layers.{i}.mlp.{k}.weight" | |
) | |
# norms | |
converted_state_dict[f"single_transformer_blocks.{i}.norm1.linear.weight"] = state_dict.pop( | |
f"model.single_layers.{i}.modCX.1.weight" | |
) | |
# attns | |
x_attn_mapping = {"w1q": "to_q", "w1k": "to_k", "w1v": "to_v", "w1o": "to_out.0"} | |
for k, v in x_attn_mapping.items(): | |
converted_state_dict[f"single_transformer_blocks.{i}.attn.{v}.weight"] = state_dict.pop( | |
f"model.single_layers.{i}.attn.{k}.weight" | |
) | |
# Final blocks. | |
converted_state_dict["proj_out.weight"] = state_dict.pop("model.final_linear.weight") | |
converted_state_dict["norm_out.linear.weight"] = swap_scale_shift(state_dict.pop("model.modF.1.weight"), dim=None) | |
return converted_state_dict | |
def populate_state_dict(args): | |
original_state_dict = load_original_state_dict(args) | |
state_dict_keys = list(original_state_dict.keys()) | |
mmdit_layers = calculate_layers(state_dict_keys, key_prefix="double_layers") | |
single_dit_layers = calculate_layers(state_dict_keys, key_prefix="single_layers") | |
converted_state_dict = convert_transformer(original_state_dict) | |
model_diffusers = AuraFlowTransformer2DModel( | |
num_mmdit_layers=mmdit_layers, num_single_dit_layers=single_dit_layers | |
) | |
model_diffusers.load_state_dict(converted_state_dict, strict=True) | |
return model_diffusers | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument("--original_state_dict_repo_id", default="AuraDiffusion/auradiffusion-v0.1a0", type=str) | |
parser.add_argument("--dump_path", default="aura-flow", type=str) | |
parser.add_argument("--hub_id", default=None, type=str) | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
model_diffusers = populate_state_dict(args) | |
model_diffusers.save_pretrained(args.dump_path) | |
if args.hub_id is not None: | |
model_diffusers.push_to_hub(args.hub_id) | |